Scarlet Grey vs. Max Kane
Scarlet Grey vs. Max Kane

1 RP Limit;
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Tuesday, November 26, 2019
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Our shot fades in to a sight we actually haven't seen in quite some time. Those who may remember the early days of the Red Empire might be familiar with the surroundings that almost look like a crimson cyberpunk take on a medieval throne room, complete with the red carpet leading all the way up to the elegant black and red throne. Laying upon said throne, dressed in her wrestling attire along with her cape and metal gauntlets, sits Scarlet Grey. One of her elbows is resting on the side of her throne as she's leaning over, her palm resting against her cheek as she sports a somewhat amused look on her face that feels enticing to the viewer to want to get to know the reason behind it. Her hypnotic gaze lingers on the camera as it slowly pans closer to her, and once it's in close enough she begins to speak.

Grey: I suppose I should give Sasha credit for, at long last, proving she's got enough guts to respond when called out. After MONTHS of trying to have a simple conversation revolving around my place here, she finally decides she's got enough time to address the matter. But... I can tell how uncomfortable she was having to be in the presence of a real woman. After all, I laid out my points clearly and gave very valid reasons as to why I shouldn't be ignored. I've gotten my fair share of wins and not been considered for the same opportunities as everyone else who have gotten those exact same victories, I took out someone that gave even Regan Street nightmares for months, and yet all Sasha can muster up for a rebuttal is the things she can't do to reward me. I can't be considered for the tag titles because Ruby is living a new life now and, unlike our boss, I respect her for her decisions on what she wishes to do, ignoring the fact that, just like Kandis did, I can easily find another partner and get right back to work. She told me the TV title was off limits purely because she didn't want me anywhere near the then-champion... ignoring the joke that is Aaron's hilarious loss to a literal Mexican jumping bean last week, surely she has to realize there is no way she can keep him and I from crossing paths in the ring again if fate so demands it, right? If he refuses to accept what I can offer and wants to tie himself down to someone who's barely graduated from being a little girl, then I have no further feelings for him, and SCW has no right to try to tell me what I can and can't do just because one of Sasha's golden children might suddenly realize he made a mistake and come crawling back to me when it's already far too late.

Scarlet just shakes her head. The look on her face briefly imples that she may not be as over Aaron Blackbourne as she claims, but there's just as much there to imply that any other man or woman on the SCW roster could easily fill that void if she so desires.

Grey: But, she at least did one thing partially right out of that whole conversation: she gave me something close enough to what I wanted. I would've preferred a straight shot at the US title like I deserved in the tournament, but since I still need to “prove myself” in her eyes I've gotten a chance to become number one contender for the title instead. Close enough I suppose... I also suppose I could address that particular match, but it's not for a few days still and the woman opposing me can be left to stew for a little longer while I focus more on “proving” to sasha why I should've just been given the title match outright, among many other things I should be owed as this year begins to wind down.

Grey: That leads me to Breakdown, and I guess I shouldn't feel too surprised, all things considered. This big “comeback tour” of Rachel Tatum Lee kind of started with a win over Max Kane, so it makes all the sense in the world to throw him at me too, to try and prove some kind of point that I can't do what she's done I guess. It doesn't surprise me anymore that Sasha is that petty and pathetic that she thinks I can't handle the leftover scraps of the woman who I'm going to cut down to size come Sunday. Seriously, what has Max Kane really even done lately, other than losing to people I've picked apart with little effort and otherwise trying to get himself killed with the way he keeps throwing himself almost literally into brick walls. Maybe there was a point in time where his reckless style was considered threatening to anybody, but now it's just sad that I even have to waste my time with a man who's going to beat himself for me. If I just stand still and look pretty, give him about five minutes and he'll have knocked himself out somehow for me to claim victory, I guarantee it.

Scarlet chuckles to herself as she shifts to be sitting straight up now, her eyes slowly narrowing into a glare.

Grey: I want you to listen closely Max: come Breakdown, you are nothing more than an obstacle in my way that's meant to be some kind of message for my match on Sunday. You are nothing more than Sasha's tool to try and prove a pointless point about why I can't beat Rachel and go on to become US champion. That's all you were ever really good at was being a tool, even back to the days when you took orders in the Network. That was when standing in the ring with you might've been a problem... you might've actually posed a threat, even had some friends to fall back on if things got ugly so you could rake in a pay day making sure I don't make it to my match with Rachel. I really wouldn't have put it past her to do such a thing to make it easier on herself to stop me. But these days? I have no reason to be afraid of you, though I appreciate the poor attempt at trying to create this scenario where I may not be 100% going into Clarity so good ol' Rachel doesn't have to try as hard to find her way to a title match that should have been mine last ppv. Maybe, just for that, I'll give you a little parting gift you'll appreciate after I've knocked you out, so you have something to remember me by for down the road. I don't intend to linger on you for too long though... after all, there's gold in my future, and if I have to spill a little red to get there?

Grey: Who's going to stop me from doing so?

Scarlet makes a cutthroat motion with her thumb before the camera slowly starts panning away, eventually fading out as her smirk lingers in our minds.

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