Konrad Raab vs. Katie Steward
For singles: 2 RP Limit

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, March 15, 2020
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "A Prayer and a Plague."

{The episode starts outside of the arena where SCW is having their Retribution show. The scene opens as the camera pans through an empty parking lot. No one has shown up yet for the show and not even a sign of an early riser. The camera turns to the front of the arena where we see Katie Steward’s Porsche park. The hood is popped up and a few boxes are packed inside. Katie and Katelyn walk back and forth between the car and a table they have set outside. They stack a few boxes up on the table. Katie stops and stands next to the boxes. She is dressed in her white and pink religious ring robe. She takes out a small ceremonial sword with pretty gems decorated on the hilt. She uses the blade to cut the tape and open the box. She reaches inside and puts out a few of her prayer beads that she made.}

{Katie holds the beads in her hand and she smiles looking at them. So happy with herself that she made something that she could give back to the fans.}

Katelyn Buehler: Already Kate, so what’s the plan?

Katie Steward: Ok, so we don’t have a whole lot of these to hand out. So we need to play this smart. We need to find people with seats on the hard camera side of the arena and give them the prayer beads. Then they can hold them up so the world can see. It’ll be like my own special section. Everyone will know who the favorite still is.

Katelyn Buehler: Great plan, Kate. It’s sure going to work too. These beads are really cool. They’re going to love them.

Katie Steward: Thanks Katelyn. This is the most excited I’ve been for anything in a long time. Let’s get ready, the fans should start showing up any minute.

{Katie runs around the table and takes a seat in the steel folding chair and Katelyn joins her. The two brats sit at the table and they wait for the fans so Katie can hand out her prayer beads to her devoted fans.}

{The scene flashes forward about ten minutes and Katie and Katelyn are still waiting for the first fans to show up. Katie begins to grow a little impatience waiting around.}

Katie Steward: Where in Goddess Heaven is everyone? This is where Retribution is happening, isn’t it? Isn’t it, SCW didn’t send me to the wrong place. They’ve done it before.

Katelyn Buehler: No. We’re definitely at the right arena for the show. It’s like we’re in a zombie apocalypse movie. We should’ve at least gotten the creepy guy that shows up for shows by now.

{Katie and Katelyn get there first customer, Ace Marshall walks up to the table.}

Ace Marshall: Ladies, what are the two of you selling today?

Katelyn Buehler: Kate is handing out prayer beads to the fans that she made. Aren’t they pretty cool? Do you want one?

Katie Steward: Katelyn, don’t give him one. I don’t need to hear his sick thoughts.

Katelyn Buehler: Why? Are we mad at him? Sorry Ace, we can’t give you one. We’re upset with you.

Ace Marshall: Is this about Trios? I’m sorry my team won. I’m sorry, but my team was just better. Although I did very much appreciate the promotional photos you posted to Instagram.

Katelyn Buehler: That’s what I told her! Those were some hot shots of her.

Ace Marshall: Honestly her team didn’t appreciate her enough. 

{Katie sits back as she listens to Ace and Katelyn talk about her recent Instagram posts. Katie is still a bit embarrassed about them since she didn’t mean to post the second photo.}

Katie Steward: Katelyn, I think maybe you should go with Ace. I got it from here.

Katelyn Buehler: Why? I thought we were handing out prayer beads together.

Katie Steward: I know, but we’re not really that busy and I think I can handle it for now.

Katelyn Buehler: Oh ok, well if you need any help just message me and I’ll come right back.

Katie Steward: I will do that. Thanks for helping me set things up.

{Katelyn gives Katie a hug good bye and then joins Ace as the two head into the arena. Katie sits back in her seat and relaxes a bit now that Ace is gone and she it at peace. Now she can hand out the prayer beads to her fans without any problems. She looks around and still no sign of any fans yet. It’s there is a pandemic or something happening. Katie rolls her eyes in boredom and lays her head down on the table as scene just speeds up.}

{About 30 minutes go by and nothing, no one shows up to the arena yet. Katie then hears the sounds of foot steps approaching nearby. She lifts her head and sees Sasha D. walking over to her table. Katie jumps up from her chair and runs around the table.}

Katie Steward: Sasha, Hi. 

Sasha D.: Katie, what is all of this? Are you selling something to our fans? It’s not going to get us un trouble, is it?

Katie Steward: No. It’s just part of my brilliant plan to you, SCW and the world that Katie Steward is the biggest and most popular star out there.

Sasha D: Cool. Good luck with that.

Katie Steward: (laughs) Luck. I don’t need luck, I am a Goddess. See I made prayer beads for my devoted fans that I’m going to hand out to them.

Sasha D.: Of course…

Katie Steward: So tonight at Retribution the crowd is going to be filled with my fans holding their prayer beads and sending a message that they want Katie Steward.

Sasha D.: (nods) Ok, I will keep my eyes open for that tonight.

Katie Steward: Yeah, it’s going to be amazing. You’ll see. When the fans start showing up and I start handing out the beads. Then SCW can start answering their prayers.

Sasha D.:  Nice, but you’re probably going to be waiting for a couple of more hours. The city cracking down on large gatherings while the virus is out. So fans won’t show up until the doors open which is a couple of hours from now.

Katie Steward: Huh.

Sasha D.: Why don’t you just hand out the beads during your entrance tonight? Sure your devoted fans would love that just as much. Probably could get Katelyn to help you out. Have her wear some kind of a costume too. You’ll probably love that the two of you.

Katie Steward: I can’t really do that. I don’t have that many beads to hand out and I’m trying to plan it out so it works for what I want.

Sasha D.: Oh ok, well good luck to you and remember to protect yourself. This virus is scary.

{Sasha walks away and heads into the arena to get things ready for Retribution. Katie is left outside alone and now she’s thinking of the virus that’s in the news. She of course heard about it, but didn’t know it was as serious as it was. Katie looks around and still no one in sight.}

Katie Steward: Damn it.

{Katie packs up her boxes on the table and returns them to her car and leaves to find somewhere safe to be as the scene fades.}

{The scene opens up inside Katie’s Church of her Lady Goddess where we find Katie sitting in her empty church. She holds onto her prayer beads in her hand and just stares at them.}

Katie Steward: It is really hard being Katie Steward sometimes. Being so selfless and caring and just everything that a Goddess is suppose to embody. Every time just falls on deaf ears. Nobody appreciates what I do for them. Maybe if Konrad had my prayer beads then maybe he could understand things a little better. It doesn’t matter anyways. Retribution everything changes. The truth will be revealed and what I’ve known for so long the rest of the world will too. Even Konrad will know the truth. That Katie Steward is a once in a lifetime celebrity. 

{Katie laughs.}

Katie Steward: Talent. Brains. Looks. I can do anything. I can be anything. That is the power of Katie Steward. I am going to walk out there at Retribution. The fans will have their prayer beads in hand and they’ll hold them up for the world to see. I will have them hanging on my every move as they watch me take Konrad on a spiritual journey. Can anyone else do this? Selena’s gets the crowd chanting “Believe It” or James Evans can turn the crowd into losing their lunch? No. This isn’t the same as what Katie Steward is going to do. I’m not going to have the crowd chanted some dumb catchphrase. They’re not going to be sick at the sight of me. What Katie Steward is going to do is have them all praying. Praying for a better SCW. Praying that not only we get to see Katie Steward’s Retribution, but there own. 8 years ago I fell from the top that SCW has and I’ve never got back there. Of course now the plan is Supreme Champion, but that’s everyone’s plan. Everyone is going to be Supreme Champion and I can just hear the fans prayers in agony at yet another Supreme Champion crown. Supreme Champion will be less of an achievement and more of a participation trophy everyone gets. It is disgusting.

{Katie lowers her hand and places her prayer beads down on the pew. She stands up and begins to walk around her church.}

Katie Steward: I am not an achievement hunter. Or as it’ll be known in SCW soon, an achievement whore. I am not like every other whore this company has on it’s roster. Winning a championship wasn’t a checklist. Every single title had an important message attach to it. That is why Katie Steward is the best that SCW has. That’s why my devoted fans will clinch tight their prayer beads tonight and they’ll watch as I beat Konrad in the middle of the ring. Retribution the Goddess will answer your prayers and punish it’s sinners.

{Katie walks back behind the altar of her church and disappears as the scene and episode end.}
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The next day after Konrad's early return home. Anaheim, California. Friday 6th March (Off Camera)

Konrad's working out in his home gym as while it wasn't as much as the other equipment he had in his usual gym he goes to, it was better than nothing and he wasn't going to go anywhere, in case his wife gives birth. He's currently cycling, trying to beat his personal time which Fizz and Sebastian, the only kid in Konrad's household that's allowed to use the gym had each of their bikes. Konrad's sweating all over, from head to toe, pushing himself to the limits, sometimes beyond it. He's already run thirty miles on the treadmill and lifted a few weights during the day.

He drinks water while he still peddles, focusing on getting the job done as he continues cycling for a while. Suddenly five minutes later, he heard a loud, painful scream coming from his wife, Fizz.

Fizz Raab: “KONRAD.”

Fizz had to shout because the gym was far from the living room. Konrad immediately got off the bike and ran straight upstairs to see Fizz squealing in pain, already had her clothes off in their living room. He notices a very wet carpet in the living room to know Fizz has her waters broke as he immediately goes to the house phone, picking up a card that states the number for the midwife and dials the number, rapidly as he shakes, concerned for Fizz. As the midwife picks up and says hello, Konrad had no time for that and says this.

Konrad Raab: “My wife's waters have broke. Come over immediately.”

Midwife: “I'll be there in five minutes right away with the equipment I already have. For now, place Fizz in a birth bath, until I get there.”

Konrad Raab: “OK.”

Konrad tightens his eyes and body as Fizz screams in pain as he puts the phone down and rushes over as Fizz was falling on the ground, managing to catch her in his arms. He says this to Fizz to reassure her.

Konrad Raab: “The midwife said she'll be over in five minutes. I need to put you in the birthing bath right now.”

Fizz Raab: “I'm in so much pain.”

Konrad Raab: “I know you are, but I'm not leaving until I know you and the baby is alright, even if it means I miss wrestling tomorrow night.”

Fizz nods to Konrad, listening to every word, even when she's in a lot of pain as Fizz being able to walk straight to the bath. Luckily, Fizz and Konrad had set up early this morning as he gently places Fizz in the bath. The problem was the sign of Fizz being dehydrated as Konrad goes to the kitchen and fetches a glass of water. He rushes back, stroking her back and says this.

Konrad Raab: “You need to have a drink, you fainted because of not drinking enough water. Drink all of this right now.”

Fizz accepts the glass as she takes slow sips of the water, and then she drinks all of it as Konrad knew she needed a lot more than just a glass. He found two large empty bottles of diet coke as he washes them and fills both up with water in the sink. Fizz heard something from the doorbell as she says this.

Fizz Raab: “Door.”

Konrad had to stop filling up the second bottle, just as he finished filling up the first as he goes straight to the door and opens it to find Fizz's midwife, Tansy Williams at the door and he directs her in the house and closes the door. Tansy hears Fizz's screams, already looking exhausted as Konrad goes to the kitchen to fill up the second large bottle of water as he brings two bottles and takes the cap off and fills the water up. He passes the glass of water to Fizz, and he explains to Tansy what happened.

Konrad Raab: “Fizz fainted, and I figured it's because she's dehydrated.”

Tansy Williams: “It's not just that; it's also because Fizz is in a lot of pain. I need Fizz to rest her stomach on the bath side so I can check on the baby's heartbeat and looking at the ultrasound.”

Fizz listens to Tansy and goes nearer to Tansy so she can put her stomach on the bath rest as Tansy does her checks, seeing how active the baby is as Konrad holds Fizz's hand with Fizz breathing in and out as the baby's heartbeat was fine, beeping normally.

Tansy Williams: “Baby's heartbeats are fine and the baby moving actively like that, there's a chance you will be giving birth sooner than later. She's four centimetres dilated at the moment.”

Fizz Raab: “This pain is too much.”

Tansy Williams: “I know, but if you relax, you'll let the pain go past.”

Konrad Raab: “Do you want me to massage you?”

Fizz nodded as he gently massages Fizz's back with his hand, forcing Fizz to close her eyes, waiting for the moment of Fizz giving birth. Fizz hadn't relaxed like this for a while. Two hours later, the pain gets even more intense as she screams in pain as she says this.

Fizz Raab: “I need to push.”

Konrad stops massaging and holds her hand, encouraging Fizz to push, along with Tansy as well as she screams while pushing as the baby forces it's way out of Fizz, taking deep breaths time and time again. She continues to push as Tansy gets the weighing scales already and Fizz gives one big push, and there it was, after four hours of being in labour, there was a baby, crying in the bath. Fizz picks up the baby right away while Tansy hands the scissors to Konrad and he cuts the cord. Fizz gives the baby to Tansy, looking at what gender it was and she says this while wrapping the baby up in a blue towel.

Tansy Williams: “Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Raab, you have a baby boy.”

Fizz was breathing like she was exhausted as Konrad came closer to her and kissed her on the lips. They hugged as finally, Konrad's fears of not being there for Fizz's birth was over. The baby was crying while getting weighed as Konrad went to the weighing scales and nods with his thumbs up.

Tansy Williams: “He weighs seven pounds.”

Konrad chuckled, reminding him of what commentators sometimes say in wrestling, but this wasn't the time to think about it as Tansy feels the baby was hungry as she knows the plan for the birth of Fizz, deciding to breastfeed the baby as she places the baby in position. The baby latches on Fizz's nipple and starts to suck on it. Tansy being curious about things after writing information down, there was one thing she didn't know as she asks the question.

Tansy Williams: “What's the baby's name going to be?”

Konrad Raab: “We've decided to call him a name that's after my best friend in the wrestling business, a man who gave me an SCW title opportunity which he kicked me up the backside to want to chase after it. It gave me the confidence to challenge the top wrestlers who were former SCW champions. Alistaire Felix Raab.”

Tansy Williams: “That's a nice name. How do you spell that?”

Instead of Konrad spelling the letters, he writes down the wording for the name of their baby they agreed on the last few days. Tansy nodded, although it was a weird way of spelling the name as the baby was still sucking on Fizz's nipple with being warm in a towel. Tansy places her equipment away as she hugs both Fizz and Konrad. Konrad says this.

Konrad Raab: “Thank you for coming and have a safe journey home.”

Tansy said her goodbyes to the pair of them and congratulated them again for the healthy seven pounds baby boy. Konrad came over to Fizz, still holding the baby, something Konrad's dying to do as Alistaire stopped eating and she passed Alistaire to Konrad as he kisses Alistaire's forehead as he speaks to Alistaire.

Konrad Raab: “Sometime in the next few weeks, you are going to meet my best friend who you share the same name with because he gave me a title shot and gave me the extra competitive nature I was missing to give me the fire I've never had before. Me and mummy love you very much.”

Konrad gave Alistaire a hug and a kiss on the forehead again, rocking it before he had to pass Alistaire back to Fizz, realising Alistaire needed clothes. Konrad goes upstairs and grabs the clothes from Alistaire's room they painted yellow due to not knowing the gender of their baby. He got blue clothes out. 

He got a nappy out of the draw as well. He rushes downstairs with the things he picked out and was back to sucking on Fizz's nipple as Fizz was on the sofa, while Alistaire cries for food. As Fizz was feeding Alistaire, Konrad came closer and placed the nappy on Alistaire and puts trousers on. 

As Alistaire took a break from eating, Konrad puts a top on, saying my mummy's a motorcycle racer with the motorcycle in blue and yellow colours. Alistaire went back to feed Fizz as Konrad passes a glass and takes a few sips of water. Konrad sits with Fizz and Alistaire to spend the day together, in peace.


Konrad's discovery of who set him up the aftermath. Nashville, Tennessee. Wednesday 18th March (Off Camera)

Konrad as he was sitting in his locker room, shaking his head, disgusted how he was tricked, as he rightly guessed to Fizz's brother, wrestlers stooped to a new low of mocking him. Him being tricked of going home early, just to make him feel guilty, undoing his duties as a professional wrestler. He shook his head as Jerry Flack, Konrad's mental trainer sits there with Konrad in the locker room, but gritting his teeth, shaking his fist says this to him.

Konrad Raab: “I need to be left alone for a while.”

Jerry Flack: “I can sense that.”

Jerry goes out of Konrad's locker room as he puts on The Black Ice mask, something he carried with him because after Konrad found out who played mind games with him, male or female, he was going to lose it. He screams and luckily, still with his gloves on, punches the wall super hard, the only way he was able to feel angry was wearing The Black Ice mask as he was incapable of being angry.

Black Ice Raab: “That fucking bitch is going to pay for everything she's ever done to my family and me, tearing us apart.”

Screaming to a point he goes on his knees, letting every ounce of anger up as Jerry comes in and removes the mask from Konrad's face as he breathes in and out, looking lost as Jerry asks a question.

Jerry Flack: “Better?”

Konrad Raab: “Yes. I'm going to tell Fizz who it was and I demand a match against this lady on Sunday. Can you believe she tried to apologise after the scam she caused to me my wife and her brother?”

Jerry Flack: “Oh, there's no need to demand because you're facing her on Sunday. Anyway, I let you talk to Fizz on the phone.”

Jerry left Konrad to head back to the hotel as Konrad on the other hand, pulled a phone from his pocket and presses a number to call up Fizz as he always had her, Sebastian, his mum, his brother and his cousin on speed dials. Fizz picked up straight away, and they say their usual hellos and how are things. Fizz speaks.

Fizz Raab: “I've not long just got home after Suzuki crew drove me there and back home.”

Konrad Raab: “Damn, I forgot you went to Alabama for MotoAmerica testing. How did interviews and photoshoots go?”

Fizz Raab: “Fantastic, meeting my two teammates who are nice guys, giving me a few tips with the last two tracks I'll be racing and testing at in the summer. The bike is so beautiful; you won't believe how close the motorcycle design on the shirt we got for Alistaire. It's almost like it.”

Konrad breathed in and out for a bit, knowing it's going to piss Fizz off as much as it has for Konrad who was respectful to nearly every wrestler around him. He paused for a second before speaking again.

Konrad Raab: “I'm glad it went well. After watching Aaron's match, I know who set me up, and you aren't going to believe it because I've said and done nothing to this person.”

Fizz Raab: “Who?”

Konrad Raab: “Katie Steward. I spoke to her face to face backstage what the deal was, saying that she was finding something for me to run with, trying to help me out. I said in an angry tone of voice how it affected you, your brother and me. Then after I threw the prayer beads down, her family attacked me like cowards they are.”

Fizz Raab: “What a nasty cow, doing something like that for no valid reason.”

Konrad Raab: “Tell me about it. At least get the chance to beat the life out of her on Sunday at Retribution PPV.”

Fizz Raab: “Good because she deserves a beating for exposing you like that. I don't know how she helped you at all. It caused us to have arguments and almost affected us, how she scammed you for coming home. I would love to knock her out myself, but I have faith you'll beat her to win the match."

Konrad nods, slowly as he had to calm down for a bit. Everything about Katie Steward and her family was tasteless and disgusting to Konrad. He was shaking his head before asking about a special person who came into his life on Friday.

Konrad Raab: “How's Alistaire?”

Fizz Raab: “Alistaire's fine, although he cried because of the noise from the bikes, overall, he hasn't cried very much, only when Alistaire needs something or when bikes were too loud. He's currently smiling and playing with a ball I got for him. Got him a squeaky soft duck he loves to play with as well.”

Konrad Raab: “That's good to hear. I'm going to come home for a bit tomorrow to spend time with Alistaire before heading back to Tennessee on Saturday. I got to go; the arena is closing up for the night. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you.”

Fizz Raab: “I love you too.”

Konrad put the phone away as they cut off and he places everything in his bag, feeling relieved he told Fizz about Katie and what she's done to destroy his dreams to be a dad. Even if it was a day early, he still shakes his head about it, gripping his fists back and forth. After placing everything in his bag with his wrestling gear and other things, he looks at the picture on his phone he took of Alistaire, the day after he was born to calm him down.

Konrad Raab: “That's better.”

Konrad grabs his things before he leaves the locker room and leaving the arena to get a private plane back to California for a couple of days, spending time with baby Alistaire which he enjoyed, along with the rest of his family. He flew straight back to Tennessee on Saturday morning to the hotel, getting some rest after taking care of Alistaire for the whole two days, barely sleeping. He does gym work for six hours after missing training for two days, before setting the laptop up to go on video to talk about his opponent for tomorrow night, Katie Steward.


Inflicting Retribution is a perfect fitting for Katie youtube.com shoot. (On Camera)

"I can't believe Katie Steward would set me up by sending me home from work by doctor actors acting like my wife was giving birth and when I got home, she wasn't at all, well not until the day after she did to a baby boy who I named after one of my best friends in SCW. How can anyone stoop that low to expose me from wanting to be a wrestler at work? Do you have any idea how close I came to be The Black Ice in this match because of how angry I was and still am at you? I was extremely close, but I know my good friends of Aaron Blackbourne who I thank for defending my honour this past week on Breakdown, Owen Cruze and Alistaire Allocco don't want to see that, quite frankly, I don't want to be that guy again either.

That's how angry I was about the situation when I found out from Aaron's match. Katie has caused stress to myself and my family. Disgusting to have all these doctor actors to play for some film in Hollywood. I'm sorry I've not been calm, but I can't when I came home, being lied to about my wife giving birth. It's made me pissed off as it would with anyone, literally crying and letting anger out with Black Ice mask on my face.

I know you're achievements you've done in SCW, Katie. We know you're one of the most successful wrestlers in this company. We've seen you or rather others have seen you defeat the top wrestlers here in SCW. Yes, I do have a small amount of respect for your achievements in the business.

But you pissed it away when you set me up and honestly, the way I feel, there's nothing more I want to do than to hurt you. Luckily, The Iced Rainbow mask makes me balanced of showing aggression and not going too far with that aggression. Then on top of all things you had Gigi and Maddy attack me when I wasn't in the mood to receive your prayer beads. How cowardly was that especially from Maddy who I can't believe would sink that low to attack me instead of you and I addressing problems alone backstage.

Sorry, everyone, I'm trying to be calm about this and being myself, but this is a match I have to win for the sake of myself and my family. Retribution for everything you've done is perfect fitting to everything I will do to you. Trust me, I've not had the fire of wanting to hurt anyone or wanting to cause someone to bleed for a long time, but congratulations for being the first person this year I will do anything to make you tap out to my Ice Lock.

It also fired me to get my first win of the year as well, something I've not done yet. Still, I promise you, it will happen tomorrow night when Katie will pay the price for crossing the damn line, and you will be wishing you will never do it again, especially when the chance of you walking home with a busted face is very high. I can't mock you for losses cos my losses record is worse, but that will turn around after seeking Retribution on you. Tomorrow night Katie, prepare yourself to be Iceinated by The Iced Rainbow, having my hand in the air of being victorious in this ring.”
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

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