Erik Holland vs. Gigi Steward
2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59 pm ET Tuesday, April 28, 2020
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
We don't have any sound or visual, so we're not really sure if things have started here after all. The feed looks a little shiny, as if we're watching one of those old TVs that were all the rage in the mid to late 90s. Suddenly, like somebody just came in and hit the POWER button, it comes live to a PLEASE STAND BY titlecard. 

After a couple more moments it cuts to the frightening face of one Erik Holland, whose wide eyes really draw attention to those creepy pinpoint contacts. He backs up from the camera, looking to his left and his right, gesturing with a shrug.

I guess, ah..I guess somebody LISTENED when I told 'em I want competition around here. Right? I guess that's how it goes? 'Cause after I dismantled Sammy Thomas Davies, after I took him apart and dropped him on his head, SCW seems to have thought 'HMMM..'

Erik makes a big show of thinking, cocked eyebrow, hand on the chin and everything--as if he's taking the part of the anthropomorphized SCW.

'Maybe we got a live one here, so let's throw him a REAL opponent!' And now I got Gigi Steward. The Princess. The veteran, over ten years of experience in this business. And I gotta hand it to ya, SCW. When you listen, you LISTEN. This Gigi Steward, I know..well...pretty much nothing about, but given the fact that she is a veteran around here I'm gonna' hazard a guess that she's gonna give me a better fight than S-T-D did, RIGHT?!

Erik grabs at his hair, his head shaking as he BARKS at the camera.


Now Erik hisses hard, labored breaths through his teeth as if he's barely trying to hold onto what remains of his sanity.

Because all i'm here to do is fight, people, and if I don't start getting some kind of real challenge around here..I might just lose control. And I don't wanna lose control, Gigi, not on YOU...the people like you. And I don't listen to anybody in this goddamn business except my sweet Lyric, and these people, nononono. Ain't nobody else in wrestling WORTH listening to. And if THEY like you, then I tell you what i'm going to do.

He gestures at the camera like 'calm down, calm down'--more to himself than anyone else, it seems.

I'm going to treat this like COMPETITION. I'm not going to kick your ass any worse than I need to to get that win, because going any further than that? HAH! Just wouldn't be SPORTIN' of me!! Just know, Gigi, I pray you know..

Erik approaches the camera by a couple of steps.

That what you have coming to you at Breakdown? like nothing you have ever seen in your career. And you may never again.

Erik sticks a hand over the camera, forcing it to cut out and back to the color bars. A different message plays across the screen now, saying THANK YOU FOR JOINING US before it cuts to black.
Princess of Wrestling | Giovanna Steward | "Caught in the middle of a Druid / Musketeer Problem"

{The episode starts with Gigi and Maddy Steward walking together on a road leaving the town they were just in where they ran into Lucas, Bandidas and Selena’s ice creatures. They continue on their quest to save Katie from a demon that the Goddess had warn them about, but still don’t have a clue on to do it. Gigi holds the necklace in her hand that the Goddess given them trying to figure it out. Maddy is still fascinated with the obstacles the two of them had to overcome to find each other again.}

Madison Steward: So you’ve ran into Robin, Paris, Barry, Owen, Lucas, Bandidas and Selena?

Giovanna Steward: Well we ran into the Bandidas and we didn’t really face Selena, but yeah that’s pretty much it. Though you need to tell me more about this girl you were travel with? Think she’s Katie.

Madison Steward: Well she said that’s her name, but wasn’t our Katie. She was a teenage Katie.

Giovanna Steward: Oh that sounds like fun. So what are you thinking? She’s the one we need to protect and this necklace defeats the demon that is inside her?

Madison Steward: I mean it makes sense. I just wish she hadn’t ran off on me.

Giovanna Steward: It’s ok, Maddy. We’ll find her. We found each other in this world she shouldn’t be too difficult.

Madison Steward: You’re right, G.

{Gigi and Maddy continue walking down the path they’re on. The path leads them to a wooden area, through not into darken woods so their journey doesn’t take them down that road this week. An owl flies by and lands on a nearby branch. The girls notice it immediately as the nocturnal creature is a bit out of placed in the daylight hours.}

Madison Steward: G, do you see that?

{The owl takes off from the branch and flies down to the ground in front of Gigi and Maddy. The girls jump back a bit as the owl flaps it’s wings stirring up a dust storm. The dust turns to smoke and it surrounds the owl cloaking from Gigi and Maddy’s view. When the smoke clears the owl has shapeshifted and Arch druid Hurse stands before them. Maddy quickly jumps in front of Gigi and readies for a fight since everyone they’ve come across has been an enemy.}

Hurse: Easy there. I’m friendly. I did help Katie with her quest when she was here.

Giovanna Steward: Yeah I heard about that from Regent Queen Robin. She locked me because of it thinking you and Katie weren’t far away.

Hurse: That sounds like my Robin. She is quite cute when she is suspicious of things.

Giovanna Steward: No.

Madison Steward: Ok, let’s just skip the weird turn-ons part of this conversation and just get to what is going on here? Do you know how to use this?

{Maddy takes the necklace from Gigi and hands it over to Hurse. He takes the necklace and examines it in front of them.}

Hurse: Fascinating. The craftsmanship of this item is amazing. Such detail has gone into this. It’s funny because something like this only belongs to noblesmen and… wait, where did you find this?

Madison Steward: Katie’s Goddess gave it to me. She gave me a quest and said Katie has been corrupted by a demon.

Hurse: This is an Artifact? From The Goddess? Oh no, no this is not good. She is way too powerful. Especially when you’re in her realm. Turn back now. You can’t win this.

Madison Steward: But, I’m not challenging her. She gave me a quest to undertake. That’s what I’m going to do.

Giovanna Steward: Hurse, do you know what the necklace does and how to use it?

Hurse: Of course it can capture an essence from an individual…

{Hurse begins to tell them about the artifact that the Goddess had given them when a gun shot from a pistol is heard nearby. The girls and Hurse all dive into the dirt trying to avoid the shot from where ever it came from. Gigi rolls over and looks around. She spots Musketeer Paris Dannon in the distance holding a pistol in her hand. Gigi quickly moves and helps Maddy take cover while also pushing Hurse to move behind some trees for cover.}

Giovanna Steward: Is everyone ok?

Madison Steward: Yes.

Hurse: Not really.

{Hurse reveals a wound in his shoulder where the pellet when through.}

Madison Steward: Holy Shit. That’s not good. They really don’t like you all that much.

Hurse: It’s fine. Robin is cute when she gets these murderous tendencies she gets. She forgive me when she realizes she’s gone too far.

{Hurse notices his wound and sees the blood on his druidic robe and becomes the panic stricken Hurse we know.}

Hurse: Oh God, I’m going to die. She sent her crazy friend after me to finish me off. Why does she hate me?

Giovanna Steward: Calm down. It looks like it’s just a flesh wound and the pellet when straight through. Don’t you have some kind of druid magic that can heal the wound.

Hurse: Yes. You’re right. I can heal myself with my magic.

{Hurse hovers his hand over his wound as it begins to glow a bright green color to heal himself. Something goes wrong with it and it just cause more pain and he screams in pain.}

Madison Steward: Did it work?

Paris Dannon: I wouldn’t try healing yourself, Steven. The pellets are coat with a special kind of poison just for you and your druidic magic.

Hurse: Thanks for the brilliant idea of using my magic. You just made everything a whole lot worse. You’re working with them. All the brats stick together.

Madison Steward: Geez, can’t figure out why she would want you dead.

Paris Dannon: Just surrender now and give up. You can’t escape. Serve your sentence for aiding a traitor to the kindgom and it’ll be 6 months tops.

Giovanna Steward: I’ll give Hurse the crazy friend part.

{Gigi peaks behind the tree to check out their odds. She sees Paris reloading her pistol and she has a few of her men behind her on horseback. She also notices the artifact laying in the dirt where they were standing.}

Giovanna Steward: You dropped the necklace?

Hurse: Oh I’m sorry I couldn’t hold my grip on the artifact. I must have been distracted by the gunshot and my gaping wound.

Madison Steward: You thinking what I’m thinking?

Giovanna Steward: Yeah, but I don’t think she’ll give us a trade Hurse and let us go. Robin and Paris seem out of their minds. Also we kinda need him. He knows how to use the necklace.

Hurse: She’s right. I do know things. You can’t let me die. You have to get me out of here.

Madison Steward: What do we do, G?

Giovanna Steward: Stay with him. I’ll see what I can do.

{Gigi gets up and holds her arms out revealing herself to Paris. She walks out slowly and approach Paris and also carefully trying not to reveal the artifact to Paris.}

Giovanna Steward: I’m not armed with anything. We’re just trying to get answers for our quest. We don’t mean anyone any harm.

Paris Dannon: If you give up Steven. I might be willing to lower the sentence to 3 months.

Giovanna Steward: We can’t. He’s useful. He has information that we need.

Paris Dannon: Oh, I thought Katie would’ve taught you better to recognize a con. The crazy old druid bit is tiring one. He knows nothing.

{The scene switch back to Maddy and Hurse. Hurse checking his wound again and smelling the distinct odor what Paris used to coat her pellets. He calms himself down and gets serious to the situation and focuses. Maddy seeing him in pain.}

Madison Steward: What was that?

Hurse: Nothing.

Madison Steward: No. You try to use your magic. You were trying to shape shift and save yourself.

Hurse: Shut up.

{Hurse annoyed by Maddy’s accusations powers through the pain and in a poof changes back his rat form. The rat freaks Maddy out and she jumps up and runs out from behind the trees into the open. She looks up and see Paris and her men. Gigi turns her head to looks back at her.}

Madison Steward: (mouthing “Sorry” to Gigi)…

{It doesn’t take Paris too long to catch up to their chat. She figures Hurse as slipped away. Paris is enraged and she pulls out her pistol again and takes aim. Gigi turns in time to see it and she ends up jumping at Maddy tackling her to the ground as Paris’ shot misses them. Gigi gets up off of Maddy and goes to grab the artifact, but one of Paris’ men beats her to it. The two lock eyes with each other and Gigi doesn’t recognizes Erik Holland.}

Giovanna Steward: You’re new.

{He just smirks back at her and tosses a handful of dirt in her direction. Gigi turns her head to make sure nothing gets in her face and Erik has already taken off and jumped on his horse and ridden off. Gigi takes off after him. She is determined to catch him and focuses herself to blast another one of Paris’ men off their horses with magic. She jumps on the horses and chases after him.}

{Maddy picks herself up off the ground and comes face to face with the end of Paris’ sword.}

Madison Steward: You aren’t really all that nice, are you?

Paris Dannon: I tracked that man for a week and had him. Then the two of you show up and ruined everything. I am not returning to Robin empty handed.

{Paris holds Maddy at bay and stares at her figuring what she is going to do. Time around them begins to slow down and Maddy and Paris become frozen in place. Iris steps out from behind a tree and checks on the situation. Robin’s son Barry steps out with her.}

Barry: Can you help her?

Iris: I can and will. Through she isn’t going to be too happy about it.

Barry: She won’t know anything, would she?

Iris: Nope, but this one is going to help us with the corruption plaguing your kingdom.

Barry: Ok. Do it.

{Iris smiles at Barry as she walks over and helps Maddy getting out of the situation. Time returns to normal and all that’s there is Paris and her men.}

Paris Dannon: Where did she go?

{Paris enraged grabs her horse and orders her men to return home.}

{The scene changes back to Gigi who is still riding the horse and chases after Erik Holland trying to get back the artifact. The the distance is far too great between them and he makes it into the kingdom. Gigi stops her horse and climbs off. She looks disppoint they’ve suffered another setback in their quest after it looked like they’ll finally get some answers.}

Madison Steward: G.

Giovanna Steward: Maddy? How did you get away from Paris?

Madison Steward: I had some help.

{The girls look over to Barry and Iris.}

Madison Steward: They need our help. Apparently something is really fishy going on inside their kingdom.

{Gigi takes a breath as she thinks about this new side quest for them to undertake and the scene fades.}


{The scene changes to Hollywood, California inside a studio on a Hollywood back lot. Inside Gigi Steward sits in her own director’s seat in front of a green screen. A camera is focused on her for her interview about her upcoming match.}

Giovanna Steward: The Brat Club returns to SCW Breakdown to welcome one of SCW’s newest stars, Erik Holland. Team Desire is still on their quest to find a way to win the Tag Team Championship. Maddy might’ve survived Selena Frost and Konrad foolish dove head first into a cage match with Katie Steward on some idiotic quest for retribution. Erik isn’t going to trap me inside of a cage on some foolish attempt of having a fair match. I said Team Desire is looking for the Tag Team Championship. We’re a team and we’re got each other backs. Honestly I’ll trust Katie and my girl, Maddy more than any other person in this company. Konrad might’ve been lucky in his foolish quest for retribution, but we’re going to make sure that’s the only one that going to be given. Judgment Day is coming and Erik Holland I have you locked into my sights and I’m ready to pull the trigger. To take you to Nirvana.

Giovanna Steward: I don’t really care if Erik Hollland is the new guy. I’m just seeing him like he is everyone else. They’re all the same. That’s why I got Maddy watching my back. That’s why we do the things that we do. The Brat Club will obey no rules and we’ll do whatever we want. I think we’re going to start demanding stuff. Just like Katie. Just like every top star in this company. Fatal Fortunes is right around the corner and nobody know what’s going to happen. I think the Brat Club is going to call their shot. With Maddy surviving the Snow Queen a couple of weeks ago and what happens on Breakdown with Erik. Team Desire will be the Tag Team Champions or We’ll be next in line. That’ll be our fortunes.

{Gigi sits back in her chair as the scene and the episode fade.}
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