Twisted & Sadistic vs. Team Desire
Twisted & Sadistic (Glory Braddock & Brittany Lohan) vs. Team Desire (Katie Steward & Gigi Steward)

Rise to Greatness XX Main Card

4 RP Limit per team
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, July 23,2023

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July 17th, 2023
Charlotte, NC
Off Camera

Rise To Greatness XX is less than a week away and Glory Braddock is feeling very confident. Reuniting with her friend and tag team partner Brittany Lohan to bring back Twisted & Sadistic truly was the best move she could have made. It was like riding a bike, she never forgot, she remembered everything, and all of the chemistry she and Lohan had was still there. Now the dangerous duo are marching into Toronto for Rise To Greatness to face Team Desire, aka: The Stewards, and it is Katie Steward who seems to have a similar goal as Glory Braddock. Both are interested in becoming Supreme Champion, both only need the SCW World Tag Team Championship to achieve that status, and they stand in each other’s way. Rise To Greatness will witness one team take a giant step forward, closer to their goal, while the other takes a giant step backward. Glory Braddock and Brittany Lohan are going to do whatever is necessary to ensure that they are victorious and that they take that next step forward closer to the SCW World Tag Team Championship. And in a tag team division that is very stacked, Glory Braddock knows that she and Lohan will have to really put on an impressive performance at Rise To Greatness.

Friendship is important to The British Bombshell. She has and always will be loyal to her friends. Loyalty to her friends is what essentially brought her to this point in SCW. Brittany Lohan and Glory Braddock have had a rocky relationship that closely resembled the ups and downs of a roller coaster, but they did remain loyal to one another, and now Braddock has an ally willing to fight by her side in the trenches of this deep tag team division. The British Bombshell has another friendship that has withstood a tumultuous period, a friend that she has remained loyal to, and is intent on remaining loyal to right now in his time of need, even if he isn’t convinced that he needs her right now. And that individual is Matthew Taylor.

Glory and Matthew were the closest and best of friends growing up. What Glory did not know is that Matthew had always admired her, always had a crush on her, and always wanted their relationship to be more than just friends. The one time he got an opportunity was during a moment of weakness in Glory’s life; she cheated on her husband Kurt with Matthew. Luckily her marriage survived but she knew she couldn’t get that close to Matthew again. He offered, as a friend, to help Glory become tag team champions. He offered to be her tag team partner, but Glory refused. She rejected him out of fear of getting too close to him again. Needless to say, Matthew did not take rejection very well and Glory was worried that she would lose her friend. Fortunately for her, her friendship with Matthew survived. But not all was well with the wild Matthew Taylor. Braddock has learned that he has now since rebounded from Glory’s rejection and is now dating another longtime mutual acquaintance; Melody Murphy.

Braddock knows Melody all too well. She, Melody, and Matthew’s older sister Francis were the hot popular mean girls of the school. Glory was a completely different person back then. Her entire persona changed the moment that her then-boyfriend Thomas Gage got her pregnant and ran away. Glory was quickly ostracized by Melody as well as Francis. But Matthew was there to comfort her and to be her friend. Glory never expected to see Melody again, until recently when Melody walked right into the corporate headquarters of Glory’s own business, Glorious Golden Enterprise, where she learned that Melody and Francis were working together on a partnership. Apparently Melody was interested in investing in Braddock and Francis’s company. Glory, with great hesitation and reluctance, agreed to let Francis and Melody pursue the partnership, but she let it be known that she does not trust Melody. Not for one second. Furthermore, where did Melody even get the idea to invest in Glory’s company? She just assumed Melody and Francis remained friends and remained in contact with one another. And while that is partially true, there is one fact that Francis left out; Melody is now dating Matthew Taylor and that is how she not only came back into Glory’s life but also how she became interested in partnering with her in this business endeavor.

No, Glory does not trust Melody, but this is beyond any business dealings. Glory is concerned about what Melody really wants to do with her friend Matthew. Back in the day, Melody scorned Matthew. She really looked down upon him as trash and a clown. Melody was the type of snob who would never have been caught dead with someone like Matthew. Yet now they are dating? Glory finds it highly dubious that Melody’s tastes would have changed so dramatically and drastically. She does not trust Melody to give her an honest answer so there is only one other place where Glory might get some truth and that is from her kinda-sorta friend and business partner Francis Taylor. This is what brings Glory Braddock to the upscale, fancy home of Francis Taylor in the more luxurious part of town in Charlotte, North Carolina. Braddock sits on the comfy plush black sofa. She is dressed in a casual pink a-line short puff sleeve mini dress with a high waist and a ruffled hem. Her feet are encased in low heeled sandals. Seated next to her is a woman who at times can be quite the mystery; is she a friend? Maybe. She is a business partner, she is Francis Taylor, the president of Glory’s company. Francis is wearing a sleeveless black dress with a straight pencil skirt hemline that stops just above the knee. Francis is wearing black patent leather high heel pumps on her feet.

“I admit that I am surprised to see you, Glory.” Francis says sweetly.

“I hope dropping in on you uninvited isn’t a problem.” Glory states. Francis shakes her head.

“Seeing my good friend, who also happens to be my boss,” she winks knowingly “it’s never a problem. Stop by any time. Still, it is surprising to see you. I know how much you detest Charlotte.”

“It isn’t necessarily Charlotte specifically that I dislike.” Glory says with a sigh. “I mean, its more that I’m a homebody. I always have been. England is and always will be home for me.”

“Then why did you move to Miami?” Francis asks. Is it for your husband?”

“Kurt is sweet, he would have followed me to the ends of the earth if I asked. But I didn’t want to make him permanently leave his home. So part of it is Kurt. The other reason is to be close to my adoptive mother.”

“Ah yes, Aphrodite, our minority shareholder. I suppose I can see why you moved away from your beloved England.”

“I’m surprised you left England for Charlotte, quite frankly.” Glory points out. “Don’t you miss our old home?” Glory asks. Francis nods her head.

“Of course I do. But I still have some comforts of home right here.” As if on cue a man, dressed very nicely in black and white, walks in carrying two drinks, one a glass of white wine and the other a glass of red wine. He hands the red to Francis and the white to Glory.

“Pinot Grigio for Ms. Braddock and Merlot for Ms. Taylor.”

“Thank you, Gregory. That will be all.” Francis says, waving her hand to dismiss him. He turns and walks off. Glory’s eyes are wide as she turns towards Francis.

“I recognize him…is that…” her voice trails off, she can’t quite finish her thought. That’s ok, because Francis can finish it for her. She nods her head.

“Yes, that’s Gregory. He worked for my father until he passed, then he worked for my mother until she passed, now he works for me.” Francis sips her merlot. “He has always been loyal to my family. When I heard you were coming, I had him prepare some wine. I hope you like pinot grigio.”

“I prefer the reds but this is good too.” Glory takes a sip.

“So what does bring you to Charlotte?” Francis asks. “I somewhat doubt you’re here just to catch up on old times. After all, you never do visit unless you have an agenda.”

“You’re right, I do have an agenda. My company is headquartered here and my company is about to enter into a big partnership with a major league investor.”


“That’s her. I thought it might be a good idea to pay you a visit since this is still my company and I have a vested interest in this partnership you are trying to build.”

“Apologies, Glory, but didn’t you say that you didn’t want to be a hands on micromanager of the company? Isn’t that why you built in so many layers of bureaucracy into the company? From Aphrodite at the top, me next, on down to Tabitha Silverstone. What’s the point of all of us if you are going to suddenly start getting involved?”

“Usually I do trust your judgment, Tabitha’s judgment, and of course mother’s judgment. But this idea of yours to partner with Melody Murphy has given me pause.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I do not trust Melody.” Glory says pointedly. “Sorry if you and her are still besties, but I don’t trust her just yet. So yes, I would like to be kept appraised of what is going on and what your plan is.”

“Fair enough.” Francis takes a sip of her wine. “The primary idea is the financial investment itself, Melody is going to be pumping a lot of cash into GGE expecting nothing in return. But that’s not all; Melody has a ton of resources and connections that we do not have. We are involved in some projects that she would also like to dip her toes into, so to speak. So she will share her resources and connections to help us expand, to fund further research and development into all aspects of our company, from our modeling wing to the wrestling wing. Trust me, Glory, it a win win for all involved.”

“Seriously? You expect me to buy all of that crap?”

“What do you mean?”

“I told you that I don’t trust Melody, and this plan of yours just sounds too good to be true. Now, after hearing this spiel of yours, I’m not sure I trust you, either.” Glory stares daggers right through Francis. Francis chuckles uneasily as she sips on her wine.

“Calm down, Glory. Remember, we’ve been friends for a very long time.”

“We WERE friends, then you and Melody turned on me. Now we’re business partners, or to be more accurate about it, I am your boss. And you need to start being very honest with me and do it quickly, because I am have yet to decide if I am here just to talk to you or if I am here to fire you.”

Immediately the gravity of the situation begins to dawn upon Francis Taylor. This isn’t some casual meeting and Glory Braddock isn’t here to be friendly. This isn’t her friend, or rather former friend. This is her boss. Francis gulps uneasily before placing the wine glass down on a nearby table. She slowly and quietly nods her head.

“What’s wrong?”

“I know you have been keeping secrets from me, Francis. Did you know that I have been spending a lot of time in Birmingham lately?”

“Uh, no…”

“Well my father’s best friend…you probably don’t know him because his type were always beneath your notice. His name is Blake O’Malley. I consider him like an uncle. He’s been training me lately, his gym is in Birmingham, so I’ve been spending more time there as of late. I happened to run across your brother there, and you wouldn’t believe who was with him?” Glory watches and waits patiently for a reaction. That reaction comes quickly as Francis Taylor’s face goes pale. She sighs deeply.

“Melody.” Francis states. Glory nods her head.

“That’s right, I saw Melody with Matthew. They informed me that they were dating now. That’s not all. According to Melody, it was her budding relationship with Matthew that eventually led to Francis’s brilliant idea to have this partnership between her and GGE.” Glory folds her arms over her chest and stares judgingly at Francis. This resembles an angry parent waiting for an explanation from a disobedient child.

“Look, I admit that I knew about Matthew and Melody dating for a long time now. And you’re right, I used that as a way in; quite frankly, Melody and I have barely spoken since we both got out of school. When my brother told me he was dating her, it was wonderful news for me. I was genuinely happy not just for Matthew but also for myself because it gave me the chance to get reacquainted with an old friend. I spoke with Melody, we were catching up, and I learned about her own business dealings. Then on a whim I just suggested to her about investing in the company.”

“A whim?” Glory is skeptical and the look on her face shows. Francis insists it is true as she nods her head.

“Yes, honestly, it was just a random suggestion. I didn’t think Melody would take it seriously.” She shakes her head. “But what I did was not ethically wrong or legally wrong. Deals like this happen all the time in business.” Glory takes a moment to soak this all in. She sips her wine again and sighs. Glory nods her head.

“You’re right. This isn’t unethical. It isn’t illegal. But you should have known that I would have had major problems with such a partnership, not just merely the fact that I’m forced to work with Melody again but also due to the fact that this stems from her dating my best friend.”

“I think I see the problem here.” Francis sighs as she takes a sip of her wine. “Glory, do you still hold a grudge over what happened between the three of us?” Glory finishes her wine in one big gulp and slams the glass down.

“Yes, maybe I DO still hold a grudge. But I have every right to hold a grudge because you and Melody tormented me in school. We were friends, the best of friends, but then you two turned on me after I got pregnant.” Braddock shakes her head in disgust. “As if a teenage pregnancy wasn’t bad enough, but then you two adding more shame and humiliation on me was just salt in the wound.”

“Is it an apology you want? Fine. I apologize! Whatever Melody and I did to you, I apologize! But be honest with me, you have no room to judge us.” Francis points an accusatory finger at Glory. “Don’t forget that me, Melody, and our friend Maria Braddock were quite the stunners, quite the knockouts in school.”

“Do NOT call me that again.”

“Why not? It is your middle name. And you went by your middle name in school. And while you sit there and accuse us of being bullies, of being stuck up mean girls, the fact is that you were one of us.”

“But I changed.” Glory says angrily, nearing tears. “Your torment and harassment made me realize just what kind of awful person Maria was; so I knew I had to change. Yes, Maria is my middle name, my mother gave it to me. Gloria is my first name, my father insisted upon it.”

“And you thought a name change could forever separate you from who you once were?” Francis nods her head. “You did change. After your parents split up you became daddy’s little tomboy. But that wasn’t who you were. And isn’t who you are now. I look at you here before me, Gloria, and I do not see your father’s little tomboy. I see my good friend Maria, the upscale fashionista.” Francis sips on her wine. “You claim Aphrodite influenced you but that’s entirely true. You just remembered who you really are.”

Braddock sighs and nods her head. These are memories she would rather not think about because they are painful. Being pregnant while a teenager in school was difficult for Glory, the betrayal of her friends was just extra harmful. Yet much of what Francis says is true. The person she became after learning and growing under the wing of Aphrodite Noel is very similar to the person she once was in school, the mean girl who was with that tightly knit group, with Francis and Melody. The more she thinks about it, the less angry she becomes.

“You should have been more forthcoming.”

“You’re right, Glory, I should have, but Melody and I agreed that you would have overreacted and killed the partnership dead before it even had a chance. That’s why we never told you anything until now. Was it deceptive? Yes. But we had the best of intentions.”

“And what exactly are those intentions?” Glory asks curiously. “Do you want to line your pockets with more money?”

“No, we just want our friend back.” This response catches The British Bombshell by surprise. She is even more surprised when Francis reaches out and grasps her hands, holding them tightly. “I do apologize for trying to manipulate you. But trust me, I mean it when I say that I want my friends back. Seeing Melody again and speaking with her brought back memories of the good old days. We were very close. I saw this as an opportunity not just to help our company but to also bring back the friendship that way once shared.” Francis finally releases her grip on Glory’s hands. “But if you want to fire me then go ahead. I did manipulate and deceive you. Plus you are my boss. You have every right to fire me.”

Glory Braddock is not as angry as she once was, as angry as she was when she first arrived at Francis Taylor’s house. But she is still angry. She doesn’t like being lied to; and yet she cannot bring herself to fire Francis Taylor. She sense a hint of sincerity in Francis Taylor’s voice. Glory shakes her head.

“I haven’t exactly been the picture of perfection myself. And you know what? Purely from a business standpoint, this partnership between Melody and me, there is no arguing with the facts and the fact is that it will be huge for our company and all of our employees.”

“Exactly.” Francis says, growing more excited.

“And I would do anything to help those who work for me, even if it means working with someone, doing business with someone, who I do not trust. So I won’t fire you, Francis. And yes, this idea of yours can proceed.” Glory rises up to her feet. Francis rises as well and tries hug her but Glory gently pushes her away. “But I’m warning you…I am going to be paying very close attention to this business arrangement of yours. You say that you and Melody want your friend back? That friendship is dead. And I am not sure I can ever bring myself to trust her again.”

“Trust me, Glory, Melody would never screw us over.”

“I’m not worried about us.” She points a finger at Francis. “I am worried about your brother.”


“Yes. Matty is a dear friend of mine and if Melody hurts him in any way then I swear to God she will have hell to pay.”

“You are worrying yourself over nothing.” Francis says with a soft laugh. “My brother is happy. So is Melody. They’re happy together.”

“I hope you’re right. I just think it strange that I am worried about your brother than you are.”
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SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)
Giovanna Steward | "Her Inner Journey"

At a park in Los Angeles, California Gigi and her sister Ash found a nice shady spot under some trees to lay their yoga mats down on the grass. Gigi stands there and scratches the back of her head. She is unsure of this. She is more of the kind that bust her butt in the gym.

"Are you sure about this? she says to Ash who stands in front of her with her hers behind her back.

"Gigi, I was thinking when you called me earlier about the Goddess books you were thinking about. Do you remember?" Ash asks.

"Yes, I remember. It was a week ago. When I was at the airport looking for something, I thought it might be an interesting read. I also had a bagel." Gigi answers back with a sarcasm reply.

"Well I do know a book that might help you with what you're looking for. Something that you wouldn't find on the bookshelves." Gigi's eyes try to see through her wondering what she has behind her back.

"Why do I get the feeling that I'm not going to like this?" Gigi nervously tells her.

"No, it's nothing like that. I know you might not want to talk to Katie in person, but maybe Katie in book form would help." Ash holds out a book that Katie apparently made and shows it to Gigi. Gigi takes the book and checks it out. Katie apparently put out a self help Goddess book like a lot of other authors put out that Katie has checked out.

"Katie wrote a book. To help women find their Goddess hood. You know what, I'm actually not that surprised by this." Gigi laughs flipping through the book.

"Well, you're trying to find who you are. Your own person. Someone who doesn't need to lean on Katie. I thought this might be something that'll be good for you. Finding your Goddess again. So that you can be your own person." Ash explains herself to Gigi.

"You think so?" Gigi questions.

"It's actually not that bad of a book. That's why we're out here in the park. Clearing your mind is a good first step to accepting the journey.." Ash tells her.

“It’ll be easier just to call up Violator and have him deliver his special strain of Horny Goat Weed. I’ve heard it’s really strong.” Gigi jokingly suggested her own tips.

“It's a nice thought, but let's try to do this first, ok?" Ash turns and walks over to their yoga mats.

"Ok…" Gigi replies following Ash. She looks down looking bored at the boring decision.

The girls sit down on their mats. Gigi crosses her legs and places her hands on her knees getting into a meditation position. Ash calls out instructions from Katie's book to help Gigi with her search. Gigi closes her eyes and tries to concrete.

Nothing happens.

“How do I know it’s working?” Gigi questions.

“You’ll know.” Ash responds, She continues to resight the instructions to Gigi trying to get the journey to begin.

Nothing happens still and Gigi can’t hold still.

“It’s not working. This all feels so weird.” Gigi moves around on the mat.

Ash stands up. “Ok, We’ll try something else. I didn’t want to do it, but it’s more direct.”

Gigi smiles picking herself up.

Ash stands in front of Gigi. She holds her hands up to Gigi. Gigi looked a bit confused wondering what she was doing. Ash holds out her hand. Open palm to Gigi’s chest. A pink blast shoots Gigi back, knocking her to the ground. Her eyes roll back in her head and Gigi is completely out of it.

Gigi wakes up on the ground. Her head was pounding from the bump. Staring up at the purple night sky overhead.

“How long was I out for, Ash?” Gigi sits up and looks to Ash who is sitting silently on her yoga mat. Her eyes closed, appearing in a deep trance.

Gigi reaches her hand out and touches Ash’s knee. Giving her a little nudge to wake up, but she doesn’t budge. She tries a bit harder and ends up pushing Ash over. She still maintains her sitting position. Like a statue leaning over on its side. Gigi looks a bit stunned.

“What?” Gigi says. She looks around at an empty park. She notices a pink moon in the night sky. “Oh…”

Gigi figured out that she was now embedded into the journey she was looking for. She stands up and walks around the park. Looking back at Ash, still looking like a statue. She wasn’t going to be her guild through this anymore.

“What did she do to me? Am I stuck here? What am I looking for?” Questions run through Gigi’s head. “Maybe I should’ve read Katie’s book to figure this out. Think G, what were you looking for?”

Gigi walks away from the park. She starts to leave it and that’s when she notices Maddy walking in front of her. Gigi calls to her to get her attention. Maddy doesn’t seem to hear her as she continues to walk away. Maybe she has some bluetooths in her ears listening to music. Gigi starts to chase her. Though as fast as Gigi can run, she doesn’t seem to be gaining ground on her. Eventually Giigi is pulled backwards. She stumbles to the ground. Maddy disappears off into the distance.

“What just happened?” Gigi racks her brain trying to figure this out. “I need to talk to Maddy.”

Gigi stands up and pursues her, but she only makes it a step. Her other leg appears to be chained to something. It pulls her back, keeping her from moving forward. Gigi spins around to check on what it is. Or who it is?

“Katie.” Gigi says looking at her mother sitting on a throne in the middle of an open area. “I should’ve known. What is this? An Astral Plane of existence? Are you talking to me telepathy? Yeah, that's going to make you really popular with everyone.”

Katie doesn’t look bothered by Gigi questions or her sarcastic comments. She just sits on a throne.

“Did you put Ash up to this to get me alone with you?” Gigi accuses Katie.

“No. I’m not really here. Well I am here, but it’s not really me. This is your journey. You wanted this.” Katie explains. “You wanted to find yourself. Wanted to break away from me, not wanting to have to lean on. To be your own person. So here I am.”

Gigi stands there. She stares at Katie not really sure what to think.

Katie stands up out of her throne and approaches. “But if you’re still uncomfortable with talking to Katie.” Katie walks around Gigi and coming around the other side she suddenly changes her appearance to Gigi herself. “Just think of me as your Inner Goddess. I’m her Avatar, let’s say.”

“This is too weird.” Gigi turns away from the Avatar. “Where is Maddy? I want to talk to her.”

“You know where she is, but she is not why you’re here.” Gigi turns back and faces the Avatar.

“You’re not real. You can’t hurt me.” Gigi tells the Avatar as it doesn’t seem to like Gigi’s tone.

It backs away from Gigi. Measuring her up before making a blade appear in her hand. The Goddess takes a swing at Gigi. Gigi jumps out of its way, but she doesn’t avoid the palm strike from her that knocks Gigi back and falls to the ground.”

“What is it with you Steward’s and pissing off Gods?” The Avatar says, wielding the blade in her hand. Gigi desperately tries to catch a breath after having the wind knocked out of her by the strike. “You want answers to your questions, but don’t have the time to listen to them. I guess that’s just typical human behavior.”

Gigi crawls trying to get away. Her Inner Goddess stalks her and swings the blade, but Gigi rolls away. The blade hitting the ground.

“But that’s why you seeked my out. Thinking that I would make you stronger. Maybe it’s all starting to become clear why Katie would decide to run off and cut ties altogether.” Gigi listening to the Goddesses words that seem to try and break her. Only start to light a fire. Gigi turns and charades at her. She takes the Goddess down with a spear and she loses the blade. It disappears into nothingness as soon as it leaves her hand. Gigi mounts her and lands a solid punch across the face.Though it doesn’t phase her. She smirks at Gigi and throws her off. Both women pick themselves up and square off.

“What is the point of any of this?” Gigi shouts at her showing her frustration with the pointless fight.

Her Inner Goddess just laughs at her. Gigi just grows more annoyed.

“This is stupid.” Gigi screams at her. The Avatar looks to get serious. She raises a hand up to Gigi with her palm facing her.Just like Ash a pink blast knocks Gigi back and to the ground.

Gigi rolls over on the ground. Her head was pounding again. She sits up and sees Ash sitting there on her phone.

“So, how was your trip?” She asks Gigi.

“Other than a big waste of time? Nothing, but pain.” Gigi responds.

Ash puts her phone away. “I’m sorry. I thought this was what you wanted.”

“Yeah, well it was all just one huge avoidance of what I needed to do. I need to woman up and just talk to Katie.”Gigi accepts her faith. Her and Ash collect their things and head out of the park.


“I’ve made it. Rise to Greatness XX. SCW has hyped this show as being one of their greatest. I saw Sasha earlier looking like she should be visiting the Met Gala. That's how big they’re taking this show. Instead of me running a Cinderella story of fighting through and earning myself the biggest win of my career. I’ve got a tag team match.”Gigi’s takes a breath.

“But that is no disrespect to Glory Braddock or Brittany Lohan. This match will still be a strong test for me. Either woman would be a great opponent for the Rise to Greatness match. At XX, it's going to hit harder. It’s just they aren’t the ones that are going to be butting heads with Katie. I guess it’s not all bad though. Katie and I have been on a little winning streak. So we’ve got momentum on our side. I’m not going to be that wrench that is thrown into the gears that stops Katie on her quest. Unlike everyone else I know the struggles she’s been on through her years in SCW. Things that Brittany and Glory have no clue of. Things that they and their friends might have caused. Maybe that’s my problem. Maybe that’s why I still need to lean on Katie. Because she needs me. It’s why her walking away hurts too much for everyone involved.” Gigi takes another breath being deep into her thoughts.

“I know a team like Twisted and Sadistic won’t understand. I’m not asking them too. I’m just trying to figure my own shit out. I’ll be in the ring with three of the toughest women in SCW on the biggest show they have to date. I might not need to on my own to prove myself. Tonight, I’ve earned this.
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July 21st, 2023
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Off Camera

It is a bright and shining day in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. There is a sense of excitement in the air, excitement that has been building up ever since the 2023 Taking Hold of the Flame event. This excitement has come to a boiling point, all building up to what begins tomorrow night; Rise To Greatness, the biggest event of the SCW calendar year. Adding to what is already the biggest night of the year for Supreme Championship Wrestling is the fact that this is the twentieth annual Rise To Greatness. This is a milestone for this great promotion and every single wrestler on the roster wants to showcase their very best stuff, they want to put on the performance of a lifetime. For Glory Braddock, Rise To Greatness takes on a different meaning this year. The British Bombshell has been with SCW for nearly five years and in that time she has claimed every singles championship available to a competitor save for the Underground Title, which is not exactly her cup of tea to begin with; however, what this does mean is that she can now begin a new mission. Her mission being to claim the SCW World Tag Team Championship and thus add her own name to the list of elite superstars who have become Supreme Champion. The Supreme Championship is her goal, but it isn’t just to stroke her own ego. Glory Braddock views this as a challenge. This particular Supreme Championship mission will be especially challenging because of the fact that she has been a singles competitor for several years now. Glory will have to conquer a division that she has not been a part of for a long time. Lucky for her, she has the best tag team partner anyone could ask for; namely, her on again and off again friend Brittany Lohan.

Braddock knows that what makes Brittany the best possible tag team partner is the one thing that initially made them heated rivals; the fact that they are polar opposites. Lohan is a power house, driven by aggression, and some would say is a monster. Glory Braddock is a pure wrestler who is agile and quick. Glory also knows that when paired together, she and Brittany bring out the best in one another. When facing one another as opponents they put on some of the best matches in the business. When they were first forced to work together, they ended up dominating the tag team scene and never once looked back. Three times in three separate companies they have won tag team gold. Glory hopes that they can find that magic one last time, win one more tag team championship, and by doing so Glory Braddock would have earned herself the status of SCW Supreme Champion. The Playgirls were the first to fall at the feet of Twisted & Sadistic. But that was just step one. Now they face a much stiffer test, one that includes Katie Steward, who has the same goal as Braddock; to become Supreme Champion. Glory believes that if she and Lohan can do to Team Desire what they did to The Playgirls then maybe they will have a real shot of staking a claim to a future SCW World Tag Team Championship Match.

This is where the excitement comes in. Glory Braddock can feel the excitement in the air. Rise To Greatness begins tomorrow with the pre-show, Hall of Fame, and eventually the main show. During that weekend of action, Glory and Lohan will face Team Desire and she knows that they must win. A defeat would be a huge setback for The British Bombshell in her quest for Supreme Championship status. Braddock though feels confident in herself. She knows from their victory over Colleen and Aisling that they still have the tag team chemistry. And all this week Glory Braddock has been preparing for Katie and Gigi Steward. She has been planning to dash their dreams while advancing her own.

Glory’s husband, Kurt Logan, has been very supportive of his wife throughout her SCW career and he hopes that this will ultimately lead to the icing on the cake, the completion of her journey since signing with SCW nearly five years ago. He, too, has felt the excitement in the air since arriving in Toronto. There have been tense moments all week but not today. Today he and Glory have been planning to relax. After all, there is nothing else to do except wait for the bell to ring. As part of his plan to relax Kurt finds himself swimming in the indoor swimming pool at the Courtyard Hotel in Toronto. Kurt himself was once a wrestler but he has since retired. Still, he likes to stay in shape and one such way he keeps in shape is by swimming. He is swimming laps this very moment. As he swims he spots some movement out of the corner of his eye. He stops swimming and turns towards where he spotted the movement. He watches as his wife, the lovely British Bombshell herself, comes walking over wearing, at the moment, only a white towel. She approaches the side of the pool and drops the towel on the ground, revealing her purple bikini. Kurt grins as he swims over towards her. He stops at the side of the pool where Glory is. He looks up at her.

“Hot damn…” he whistles “...I am one lucky guy.”

“Yes, yes you are.”

“What’s this? A little ego?”

“Maybe…” Glory shrugs her shoulders “...what’s it to you, love?”

“Oh nothing. I happen to agree. If you got it, flaunt it. And you definitely HAVE IT!”

“That’s so sweet of you to say, love.”

“Why don’t you come down here and give me a kiss?” Kurt points to his cheek. Glory shakes her head.

“No way.” She points at her own cheek. “Why don’t you come up here?”



“You asked for it.”

Kurt takes in a deep breath and dives under the water. Glory isn’t sure what he is doing right now. Is he going to exit the pool? Sort of. It all becomes clear as Kurt quickly reaches out of the pool with both hands, grabs hold of his wife, and pulls her into the pool with him. Kurt is the first to surface followed by Glory who is now soaking wet. Kurt is laughing hysterically and Glory just spits water into his face.

“Bloody hell!”

“Don’t get upset. I thought you loved a good prank or two?”

“Fair enough…” Glory grins as she swims over to Kurt. She kisses him on the lips. “ that what you wanted?”


“Good, because now I owe you one.”

“Owe me what?” Kurt asks curiously.

“Payback for pulling me into the pool.” Glory says winking playfully.

“Right.” He chuckles softly. “Glory The Prankster can’t let anything die, can she?”

“No, no I can’t.” She looks over at the other end of the pool. “How about I start getting my payback with a race?”

“Swimming?” Kurt arches a brow. “You know I’d smoke you.”

“I doubt that. In fact, I’m willing to place a bet.”


“No.” She shakes her head.

“Then what are we swimming for?”

“Position.” Glory says with a snarky grin on her face. Kurt nods his head.

“I love that idea.”

“Then go!” Glory splashes water in his face, blinding him as she gets a head start.

“Hey!” Kurt starts swimming along after her. The race is on but the unfair advantage was all Glory needed. She gets to the other side of the pool first followed by her husband. Glory and Kurt both are laughing hysterically.

“Slow poke.”

“Yeah? Well someone had an unfair advantage.”

“So what?” Glory kisses Kurt again. “There. Does that make up for it?”

“Sure does.” He says. “I love you, Glory.”

“Love you too, Kurt.” She sighs deeply. “Our hotel is lovely, you know that?”

“Yeah. And this pool has been incredible for my exercise. We’ve been lucky to get it all to ourselves today.”

“I agree. I enjoy swimming when it’s quiet like this.” She sighs deeply. “It gives me time to think.” She is now staring off into the distance. Kurt knows his wife very well and he can tell that something is on her mind.

“What are you thinking about right now?”


“You’re a terrible liar.” He says grinning. “You’ve been quieter than usual lately. This time of year, Rise To Greatness, you’re usually ecstatic. Some of that excitement is there but you’re not as loud or boisterous as usual. Is something wrong?”

“It’s nothing really.” She insists, shaking her head.

“No, it’s something. I know you. You’re not having doubts this late in the game? About you and Brittany? Twisted & Sadistic?”

“Oh no, not at all.” Glory laughs lightly, softly. “I mean, there was some concern early on if me and Britt could pick up right where we left off and still be that same dominant force we once were. But after Breakdown, after we took down Colleen and Aisling, I just felt it. You know? I felt that chemistry, I felt that old Twisted & Sadistic energy return. And Britt, she is my ideal tag team partner. I don’t have the power, she does. She’s not a technical marvel, but I am. I am confident that we can beat Team Desire at Rise To Greatness. In fact, I am confident that we will beat them so decisively that SCW management will have no choice but to consider us as potentially next in line for a tag team title opportunity.”

“You certainly sound confident, more confident than you’ve ever been lately. So if that’s not the problem then what is? Maybe I can help?”

Kurt asks. Glory doesn’t answer. Instead she swims towards the shallow end of the pool. Kurt follows. Once she gets close enough she starts to climb out of the pool. Kurt follow suit, exiting the pool. Kurt follows his wife over to where they dropped their towels. Glory lays her towel out on the pool side and lies down on it. Kurt does the same with his towel and lays down next to her.

“What’s wrong, Glory?”

“I had always thought of myself as a good person. Have I done wrong before? Of course. Have I made mistakes? Of course. But I always had taken solace in the belief that everything I ever did was with good intentions, that or I was just influenced or corrupted by others. Point is, I never felt as if deep down inside I was a bad person.”

“I agree. I don’t think you are a bad person. You have made mistakes but are you a bad person? No.” Kurt states. Glory sighs deeply. She is definitely troubled.

“See, I’m not so sure anymore.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know Francis, right? Francis Taylor.”

“Your corporate president.”

“We have known each other much longer than that, mate. We were the best of friends growing up. But it wasn’t just the two of us, it was me, Francis, and a woman named Melody.”

“Who is Melody?”

“Melody Murphy. She was a good friend of mine once upon a time and she is the exact opposite of the type of person you would think I would associate with. She was stuck up, prissy, a fashionista, wealthy, and she was very attractive…and she knew it. She loved to rub it in everyone’s faces. And Francis and I? We were just like her. Hell, Francis still is like her, to be honest. But yeah, that’s who we were, Kurt…a trio of stuck up mean girls. Three bitches.” She catches a quick glance at her husband. “That’s who you married.”

“That’s who you WERE…not who you are, not who you grew up to become.”

“Did I? Kurt, look at my past. Me and Britt are teaming up again, right? We’ve reformed Twisted & Sadistic and we’re going to take out Team Desire at Rise To Greatness. Look at how I was with Britt. I was much more ruthless and aggressive around her. Teaming with Brittany, working closely with her, it brings out a much more aggressive side of me. I become much more sadistic. Hence the name, Twisted & Sadistic. And then there’s that time when I micromanaged my company…”

“That was a long time ago.”

“Not really.” Glory shakes her head. “I was a cutthroat corporate fat cat ruining whatever lives I had to in order to maintain control of the company. I got that from my adoptive mother, Aphrodite Noel. To this day whenever I am around Aphrodite, I lose whatever will power I have and I become completely obedient to her. I would stab my best friend in the back if she asked me to. I am that devoted to her.” She sighs deeply. “Do you get where I’m going with this, love? Have I really grown and changed into a good person or am I still that same fool who is easily influenced and corrupted?”

“Everyone is capable of good and evil. It is human nature. No one is pure good or pure evil. It’s as simple as that. You shouldn’t be surprised that you are, at times, capable of some evil.” He smiles warmly. “But on the whole, there is a lot more good in you than bad.”

“There’s more.”


“Melody has returned. She’s returned and wants to partner with me and Francis.”

“What does she want to do?” Kurt asks curiously.

“She wants to invest a large sum of her own vast wealth into the company. She wants to grant us access to resources and connections she has that we don’t. On the face of it there’s no way this is a bad deal for the company.”

“Well if she can be a benefit to the employees working for you and Francis then by all means, you should work with her. Put whatever feelings you have, whatever past you share with her, just put it behind you. You can be business partners and not necessarily like one another.”

“It’s easier said than done. But Melody and I had a bad falling out when we were kids, Kurt. I was pregnant with Melinda in school. Melody turned on me. She betrayed me. I became the focus of her harassment. Now she’s back and is trying to convince me things are different. On top of that, she’s dating Matthew.”

“Matthew Taylor?” Kurt asks.

“Yes. And I am concerned for him. Matthew is not the type of person Melody would ever date, not in a million years. Hell, in school she terrorized him despite the fact that she was best friends with his sister.”

“And Francis was ok with it?” Kurt laughs. “Speaks highly of Francis…”

“Exactly. Now I’m worried because I believe something else is afoot here.”

“You think Melody has an ulterior motive?”

“Right.” She sighs. “I just wish I knew what it was.”

“Whatever it is, whatever agenda she may have, I am confident you will figure it out. Just like I am confident you and Lohan will win at Rise To Greatness. Just like I know that you, Glory Braddock, are NOT a bad person. Maybe you used to be but you are not that person anymore. Whoever this Melody is? You are not like her.”

Glory sighs. “I hope you’re right.”

July 22nd, 2023
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
On Camera

It is bright outside in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is finally the day; Rise To Greatness, the first day of this epic twentieth anniversary event. One of the many individuals participating in this event is standing front, center, and ready; “The British Bombshell” Glory Braddock. Braddock is wearing a light purple babydoll style dress with short puff sleeves a square neckline and a hem that stops just above the knee. Her feet are encased in brown sandals and sunglasses cover her eyes. Her long blonde hair hangs down to past the shoulders. A confident grin is on her lovely face.

“We are here in Toronto and the time has come for Rise To Greatness. It is so appropriate that Rise To Greatness is in Toronto this year, the home of Supreme Championship Wrestling, the place where it all began for this great company, and in a nation so rich with wrestling history. Times like this, places like this, it makes me think of my own history, because much like SCW revisiting its history by returning to Toronto, I am revisiting my own storied career, not just in SCW but my entire wrestling career. See, ladies and gentlemen, I am no stranger to this business, as you all are very well aware of by now. I have been at it for over fifteen years. Over fifteen years of blood, sweat, and tears have gone into this business and I am proud of each and every one of those years. But now I am going back to square one, now I am going back to year one.” She holds up one finger. “Year one for Glory Braddock, my rookie year, it may have started with an incredibly unexpected singles success, but the middle and end of my rookie year was dominated by an enormous run as a tag team competitor.”

“My first tag team partner was named Carrie Storm. She and I called ourselves The Allies, playing off the fact that she was all American and I was British, and we won four tag team titles in my first two years as a professional. But I would go on to prove that I could be a successful tag team with just about anyone. In my career I have been a ten time tag team champion with four different partners. And as far as Supreme Championship Wrestling goes, I think the fact that I am a back to back Trios Tournament winner solidifies that I can still dominate tag team wrestling with any tag team partner you put me with. Put me with my worst enemy, I’ll make it work. Put me with a rookie fresh out of the academy, I’ll make it work. But at Rise To Greatness, I do not have an enemy or a rookie I have to deal with.” She grins knowingly. “I am working with the absolute best tag team partner I have ever had…Brittany Lohan.”

“Britt and I always have brought out the best in one another regardless of whether we were enemies or allies. Hell, we started out as enemies, we started out trying to destroy each other. That all changed with Orlando Cruze…rest in peace…in his infinite wisdom decided to pair us together. I still have no idea why he did that but in doing so he sealed the fate of the tag team division in Motor City Wrestling. We would go on to not only win the MCW Tag Team Titles, but we also won every…single…championship available to a competitor. Every single division had to go through Twisted & Sadistic. And it wasn’t just a fluke, it wasn’t due to lack of competition. We repeated that performance in Global Division of Wrestling and Future Wrestling Alliance. Everywhere Twisted & Sadistic went, we would win their tag team championships. Everywhere we went, we would bring Hell on Earth to some poor unfortunate souls.” She waves playfully at the camera. “Hi Colleen…I’m sorry, but I really enjoyed doing that to you on Breakdown.” She points a finger at the camera.

“Katie, Gigi, now it’s your turn.” She takes her sunglasses off and casts them aside. “I’ll grant you one thing, you have been chasing the Supreme Championship much longer than I have; you have been just short of those tag team titles, the one championship that eludes you, that keeps you from claiming that all important elite status here in SCW, you have been short of those tag titles much longer than me. I suppose that lends a little bit of credence to your claim that Britt and I are just lowly copycats of Team Desire.” She shakes her head. “The problem with that kind of logic is it flies right in the face of the reality that you Stewards are flighty. You are fickle. You lot do not know what real responsibility is all about. You just show up here in SCW whenever it suits you, compete for a couple months, and then bail out whenever things get too hot in the kitchen. Katie, GiGi, you two really are just a couple of gold diggers. You really are that person just chasing shiny little trinkets.” Braddock pats herself on the chest.

“I have been in the trenches of SCW since I signed with the company nearly five years ago. I haven’t taken any breaks, I didn’t quit only to poke my head out from hiding around Rise to Greatness season. I have been here each and every week competing against the very best SCW has to offer. Sometimes I experience the joy of success, other times I meet with defeat, but nevertheless I am always here, I am always giving SCW and its fans my one hundred and ten percent effort, and I never ever give up on them.” She points a finger at the camera. “Unlike you, unlike Team Desire, that disappears for months and months only to reappear at random moments throughout the year. It makes me wonder if Team Desire really takes any of this seriously?” Braddock shrugs her shoulders.

“Hell, the fact that you’re trying to make this into some documentary series, running around with camera crews and bullshit like that, that furthers cements in my mind the idea that you really do not care about the importance of what you’re chasing. First of all, the tag team division itself holds a very special place in my heart and the heart of wrestling fans everywhere. Tag Team wrestling is a deep seeded tradition. Yet you treat it as some small bit part in your hollywood drama? And by winning the tag team titles, you…or me…become Supreme Champion. The names in this company who have been Supreme Champion reads like a who’s who of Supreme Championship Wrestling…”

“...Jake Starr…”

“...Amy Chastaine…”

“...Selena Frost…”

“...Regan Street…”

“...James Evans…”

“...David Helms…”

“...I could go on and on. The names on that list are legends. And you treat it as if it’s a joke.” Glory shakes her head. “This isn’t some joke, Supreme Championship means you are one of the very best to ever do it in this company’s history and I intend to achieve that status, I intend to reach that pinnacle. And tag team wrestling, the deep seeded tradition that helped to put my own name on the map, tag team wrestling means a great deal to me. This is definitely not a joke to me and it is not a joke to Brittany, either. So bring your camera crews, Katie, catch it all on tape for your stupid little docudrama series or whatever the hell you wanna call it. The problem is your little docudrama will no longer be about your quest to become Supreme Champion. It will be about Twisted & Sadistic sending Team Desire back into exile. It will be about Twisted & Sadistic putting Katie and Gigi back on the shelf.” Braddock shuts her eyes. “Sic Semper Tyrannis…”
[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)
[Image: BRITT_copy.png]

[Image: DAWN.png]
Katie Steward | "A Truce and a Bad Review"

Outside of “Steward’s Place.” A restaurant that TJ Johnson had started up in Katie’s honor. Katie Steward walks up to the place. Her phone rings. Katie goes to answer and as she does the call ends. Again, another Unknown Caller. Katie puts her phone away looking annoyed as she heads into the restaurant.

Across the street, Katelyn Buehler stands by a phone booth. Her hand is holding onto the receiver as it sits on the machine. Her head lowered, looking sad. She hasn’t seen or spoken to Katie since the Brat Pack had parted ways. It’s clear that she isn’t doing too well. Being the one who has been calling Katie from unknown numbers so nobody would know. So she didn’t violate the court's ruling.

Katelyn lifted her head and took a breath. She collected herself and started to walk away from the phone and the restaurant. Katelyn is stopped on the street by a familiar face. Hurse walks up and greets her.

“Katelyn, what are you doing here? Did you just come from meeting with Katie?” He asks her.

“No. I’m not allowed to see her. We all agreed that it’s best if we just broke it off.” Katelyn explains to him.

“Oh yeah, Katie told me about that. This is good though. Because I can help. Nobody can talk some sense into Robin and take you back like I can.” Hurse with a smile thinking he has the answers Katelyn wants to hear.

Katelyn just looks at him like he’s an idiot. “Robin wants to kill you. Especially after you left her alone with your son to raise on her own.”

“What? No. She wasn’t alone. She had all of you with her. Robin is fine. She is just in one of her moods. It’ll pass. Watch and see.” Hurse jokingly laughs at Katelyn thinking that Robin could be upset with him. He calls Robin on his phone to get her to tell Katelyn. The call ends up going to voicemail. “She must be busy.”

“Yeah, it must be.” Katelyn rolls her eyes.

“Ok, I can do one better. I’ll go talk to Katie for you and work something out.” Hurse brushes by Katie and heads to the restaurant. Katelyn ends up freaking out at the suggestion.

“No!” Katelyn charges at Hurse and tackles him to the ground. “Are you crazy?”

‘I’m not! My mother had me tested.” Hurse tells her.

“Steven. We can not see each other. It’s what Katie wants.” Katelyn again needing to explain how things are to him.

“But is it what you want?” Hurse’s words dig deep at Katelyn.”

“It’s what was agreed upon, so yes.” Katelyn turns and walks away leaving Hurse behind.

Inside the restaurant, Katie is behind the bar helping customers. Fulling their drink orders. She wasn't new to this. She'll helped out her sister and her restaurant and then at the Brats' club when they had that. Katie looks happy which is a very different Katie we've seen since she's returned back to the mess she had turned her life into. Though looking at the livily place TJ has made the place. Katie can't help, but be cheerful.

Until a dark cloud appears. Katie turns to another customer to see that it's Hurse.

"Hurse, what are you doing here?" Katie sounded annoyed just seeing him.

"Well that's not a way to greet a customer. This will go into the yelp review." Hurse not amused with Katie's tone.

"Hurse." Katie repeats his name trying to get him to explain why he's there. She knows there's a reason.

"This is really a nice place. TJ has really outdone himself." Hurse looks around at the place. "I kind of feel bad about having to be a bit negative in my review after the greeting from the hostess."

"I'm sorry, Hurse. What would you like?" Katie apologizes and asks him nicely in her friendly tone.

"Oh, I don't drink. I'm here on business." Hurse declines the offer.

"And what's the business?" Katie asks.

"I'm here to help you. We're going to appeal the decision made by the court to get the Brats back together." Hurse explains his legal prowess to her.

"There is nothing to appeal. We've all agreed on the settlement and I'm ok with that." Katie tells him. “I don’t need your help.”

“Not everything is about you, Katie.” Hurse replies back.

Katie stares at him wondering what he meant by that. Wondering what he gets out of this. Surely he’s after something, but Katie is uninterested in it.

TJ walks over to the bar and gets Katie’s attention. “Hey Katie, we’re getting a little backup here.”

“Sorry.” Katie apologizes. “Just working on an unruly customer.

Hurse’s ears perk up and look around for this customer. TJ sees him and says hey and the two greet and then TJ goes back to running the place.

“Hurse. I don’t need your help. I’m doing just fine and as you can see everything is good. So please, leave.” Katie tries to  be gentle and asks him to go away.

“Ok, fine. I’m leaving. Tell TJ I’m sorry for what I’m about to do.” Hurse gets up and leaves the restaurant. He finishes up his review. Katie continues with work helping out TJ.

A couple of hours later, Katie is outside the restaurant. She catches her breath from the chaos of success that TJ is having inside. She checks her message on her phone and sees something from Gigi. Katie lights up seeing it. Things were starting to get back on track for her. Everything has started to turn for her since coming back. Now if Gigi wants to talk to her again. Maybe then everything could be set right. Katie reads the texts and sees that she does want to meet with her. Gigi and Ash would be at her church waiting for her. Katie looks at the time it was sent and then it's now. A few hours have passed. Katie was too busy helping TJ that she might've missed her opportunity with Gigi.

Katie rushed over to her church as quickly as she could. She hurried into the church to look for Gigi.

Unfortunately Katie doesn't see her. Katie walks all the way down the aisle to the altar. Spinning around looking for them, but nothing. Katie is in disbelief that she missed her chance. Katie goes to sit on the steps of the altar to have herself a cry. That's when she hears her name being called.

"Katie." A familiar voice is heard echoing through the church. Katie looks up and sees Ash calling her before calling Gigi to tell her.

Katie runs back up the altar to meet with them. Gigi steps inside. Katie and Gigi have a bit of an awkward moment. Both hesitate to make the first move.
"Katie." Gigi says.

"Gigi." Katie responds. "I got your message that you wanted to see me. What did you want to talk about?"
"Just some things. Where were you?" Gigi asks.

"Oh, I was helping TJ with his restaurant. Steward's Place. He named it after me. It's really amazing the work he put into it." Katie tells her.

"That sounds amazing." Gigi nods.

"It looks like a really great place to eat at or have a drink." Ash chimes in checking the reviews for it on her phone. "Well, except for a very rude bartender they have."

Katie looks annoyed hearing the review. Knowing whose it's from. "That post was from a whacko." She replies.
"Right." Ash nods. Her and Gigi can kind of connect the dots on their own about that. "So we were just trying to help Gigi with some things that she wanted. It kind of blew up in our faces."

"That's the gentle way of putting it. My Inner Goddess tried t murder me." Gigi puts it out there blankly.

"What? Are you saying you tried a spiritual journey?" Katie asks, putting together her own dots.

"Maybe you know of a good exorcist?" Gigi says. "You think Autumn would help us out."

"I doubt it. Katie answers.

"Oh well, I guess whatever that was it worked out the way they wanted. Here I am. I'm sorry Katie for being a bit cold with you." Gigi lowers her head. Feeling hurt and sad at how she acted towards her.

"No. It's ok, Gigi. I understand completely. Things were just really hard to understand and I didn't know how to act on them. I really thought I was doing everyone a favor. For the last month, things started to get clear to me again." Katie apologizes to Gigi. She tries to explain herself. Hoping she accepts and they can progress through it.

"Ok, well you'll be sorry. This is a good step." Ash steps in playing peacemaker between the two.

"But I now have my answers. Something that I've got to do." Katie shares with Gigi and Ash. "Taking my next step and sitting in the director's chair. I'm going to make some of the greatest pieces of cinema ever. Starting with Rise to Greatness." Katie smiles. She thinks of her name up there in lights.

"I want to go solo." Gigi blurts out.

"What was that, Gigi?" Katie says like she didn't hear her clearly. "Solo, but we have our dream of being tag team champions. Celebrating my illustrated career of becoming Supreme Champion. I can't think of a better ending."

"Yes, that is your dream. Though I got to think about myself. What comes next for me." Gigi explains. Katie ponders the answer.

"Oh well that's ok. I understand. I'll be glad to help you anyway I can." KAtie smiles at Gigi. She knows Katie is being sincere with her. "Now I just wish I had my Brats around to help me with this knife in my back."

Katie walks past Gigi and Ash leaves the church. Gigi shakes her head at KAtie over reaction that she knew was also coming.

"Well, you were mad Katie. Now she is upset with you. You two are exhausting." Ash stands there watching the show between the two.

"Oh yeah, it's a lot of fun. Rise to Greatness is going to be a blast." Gigi says annoyed.

"Want to catch something to eat. Steward's Place sounds pretty good." Ash suggests grabbing dinner to Gigi.

"Ok. I can continue my talk with the very rude bartender." Gigi walks out of the church with Ash.


“Rise to Greatness, what would it be without Katie Steward.” Katie laughs. “Well probably the same. Never main evented that thing. Probably should’ve, but no I’ve never been that lucky. Instead I was busy making my own moments. I think I’ve done pretty alright for myself. SCW can’t deny that. It’s why they needed me for Rise To Greatness XX. It’s why I volunteer myself to help put together something special. As much as I can say I’ve done so much for SCW and I love to do that. The truth is that SCW has given me so many opportunities and that’s why I’m here."

“So now I’m back to help pass it on. Gigi can’t go solo until I let her go. She can’t leave me until I get what I want. It’s an endless loop. That we’re both trying to break. My dreams or Gigi’s self-reliance.” Katie takes a long pause.”The frustration of not wanting to destroy the other wishes.”

“All of this must be music to the ears of Glory and Brittany. Twisted and Sadistic.I like the sentiment. Very relatable. Although playing those attributes while I’m trying to create art. That is a no no. So SCW has booked us against a couple of misfits who don’t respect my craft.” Katie laughs. “If they want to be twisted and sadistic. Gigi and I can surely play that game. We’re going to leave our mark and while Rise to Greatness XX we wouldn’t be the top moment on the show, but I will always have my moment.”
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