Sal Darius vs. Kirsten Scott
SCW Television Championship

Underground Rules

2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, October 18, 2023
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

Well safe to say that was fun, wasn't it?  Safe to say that "The One" was nearing a moment that nobody thought she would be able to achieve on her own, without some kind of help, some kind of shenanigans, or simply taking measures into her own hands, like she has always done, am I right?

I mean, let's be real... Nobody expected Kirsten Scott to even be a PLAYER for the United States Championship.  They expected her to fall by the wayside, like the mediocre person she is, right?

Well let's talk about what happened, shall we?  Let's talk about how Kirsten Scott was MOMENTS, MINUTES, a MINUTIA OF TIME, away from becoming a double champion, when something strange happened, that I have seen becoming a trend in Supreme Championship Wrestling, and especially with me.

Something stuck their nose into my business...

Now, I get the fact that I kind of did that on my own, when I first came into this organization.  But time after time, I have been someone who all of these randos have decided to use as a catalyst for their jumping off point, or a moment they could garner recognition.  And to that, I ask one question...

Why me?

What is it about "The One," that has made people constantly have to SCREW ME out of my chance to help DEFINE my career, just to insert themselves into the discussion of existence?  Why is it, every time I am THIS FUCKING CLOSE, to showing the world who I am, someone has to pull me away from my moment, and then make it all about THEM instead?  I don't get it, I really don't... I am not the top dog in SCW.  I am not the cream of the crop, nor do I express myself as such, but time after time you have these chodes decide that I am their entryway into relevance, and they screw me out of what is mine.

And Apocalypse wasn't any different, was it?

No... I was on the cusp of a moment of finally dethroning the Frosts from SCW glory, and moving myself into a more predominant position to continue my goal of helping SCW rid itself from the scars of the past, when this douchenozzle, old ass, washed up, meathead named Adam Brock, a guy who calls himself "Wolfsbane," if that's supposed to be impressive, injects himself into MY BUSINESS.  But again, why?  Why me?  What does this "veteran" of the business want with a rookie?  Why would someone who considers themselves so feared and revered in this business want to inject themselves into the world of lowly, ole, Kirsten Scott?

Kirsten smirks.

I'll tell you why... It's because I've become a THREAT and a MENACE to the "society" that this industry has become accustomed to.  Now, instead of the same few faces running SCW, who have now begun to run away because they stopped getting their way, are tapping other nobodies to come in and stop their eventual erasure from history.  It's because I have become someone who is synonymous with disturbing the peace, stirring the pot, and causing a lot of problems in the business they had all decided on how it would be.  But with the "usual suspects" all being butthurt beyond reason, they're calling in grizzly old guys to do their dirty work for them, and hoping that their "impressive" nicknames help them do what they couldn't...

Well guess what Br-r-r-r-r-r-r-rock... It isn't going to happen here.  You're not going to be the torch-bearer for the old guard, hoping to solidify themselves as still relevant in an industry that is FINALLY moving in a forward direction.  And the fact you caused me to lose my moment at Apocalypse will get you a date with destiny and it'll get you a moment where I make you, yes a rookie makes a veteran, more important than the veteran ever could on his own.

Because I am that good...

Because I am that important...

Because I am "THE ONE" who was brave enough to stir the pot, and ruffle a few feathers in the process...

Kirsten takes a hit off of her vape, and breathes in loudly through her nose, before blowing the smoke out and continuing.

But before I get to make you relevant again, and people actually remember whoever you claim to be, I have ACTUAL business to tend to...

And it's business I've already tended to once...

Sal Darius is crossing my path for a second time, and aiming to do what he failed to do once, but somehow is being rewarded with a second opportunity to achieve, and that's take the Television Championship from around my waist.  But my question is why, and how, did he get a second chance?  The first night I showed him where he was in the pecking order for this championship.  I showed him what it would take to get it from my hands, and yet, here we are again?  

So like I said... Why?  And how?

Part of me wonders if some people think it was a fluke.  Part of me wonders if people think I got lucky by beating him.  Hell part of me says they just want me to have fodder until a real contender appears, but I know better than that one.  SCW has made this title one that is difficult to obtain and hold because you basically get one try and then you're at the back of the line.  So I know they're not just giving me someone they think I can handle.  So then that leaves the question, was my win a fluke, or do they think I was lucky?

The answer is simple... No... And no... Sal lost, just like the rest of them, and he did so outright...

But nevertheless he's challenging for my championship and that must mean someone, somewhere, believes in him and his capabilities to put up a fight, and for that, it tells me he may not have brought his A game that night we crossed paths.  It tells me that maybe he has more to give and it tells me most of all... He thinks he is really deserving of this championship... Well him or someone who's taint he is tickling...

I say this all because unlike our first match, somehow, Sal, not only is getting a second title shot, he's getting it with some fun stipulations attached and that, right there, tells me that this element is where he thrives, it's where he can last, it's where he can succeed...

And it's all inside the "Underground..."

Now the "Underbelly" of SCW and I have a real love/hate relationship with one another because I was once clear about how it wasn't my "safe space," or a place I felt like I could be me at my best.  Instead it was a place where I couldn't perform at my highest level because it wasn't the mindset I would ever enter the ring in.  Now is it Sal's?   I don't know... Maybe... It has to be or else why would he already have skipped the line and gotten a match with stipulations that put me in an uncomfortable position?  Maybe it is his forte, unlike mine, and maybe that's where he has a chance to pose a threat to me, and the WORKHORSE CHAMPIONSHIP of Supreme Championship Wrestling, the Television Championship?

The truth is, I don't know.  I don't know if that's why or if it's his forte.  But in the end, it won't matter.  Whatever rules are put in place will not change the outcome because that outcome will be the same as it was the night wefought last... My hand raised.... Championship still around my waist!

And I don't care how much you may argue that my record, by abilities, and my talents in the world of the ABYSS or the SYNDICATE, whatever you want to call it, hell I don't care if you do your best impression of New Jack, and bring a shopping cart full of fodder, it won't matter.  A stop sign, a trash can, the cart itself, or hell, the kitchen, fucking, sink, won't make a difference to me, Sal, because I am not the same person I was the other times I ventured into the "Costa Nostra" of Supreme Championship Wrestling.  For fuck's sake... Why don't you, Sal, go call up Mustafa Saed and bring him with you, and really bring SCW to the world of the most EXTREME of EXTREME?

Because in the end, what it will do, is make me realize one thing, and one thing only...

The title will be on the line, this time... And it'll MAKE ME rise, or fall, whatever your mindset, to the occasion, and understand that I have to do whatever it takes to walk away with the championship that I have dedicated myself to defending, and PROVING I am the "top dog" of...

And having said that... I want you to understand one thing... One, very, specific, thing, about this match, and your caveat to it.  I am not scared of this fight.  I am not scared of weapons.  I am not scared to bleed.  I am not scared to FIGHT for what I have defined myself to be.  Because when it comes to the Television Championship, it is defining WHO is the WORKHORSE of Supreme Championship Wrestling.  It is defining who is willing to fight for it, WEEK AFTER WEEK, and not hide behind it for a period of time, before they're threatened with being stripped.  Because as a wise man once said, "IT DOESN'T MATTER," what is in front of me, because I am bring the wrath of God down on anyone who steps in front of me!

Kirsten takes a one more deep breath before finalizing her promo.

... Your "Underworld," is something I am more than ready for.  And if you want to bring other "toys" to the party, I dare you to do so, Sal.  Because I am ready for it too.  Hell... Why don't you bring that "Wolf" in sheep's clothing, to the ring to try and help your ass this time around because I promise you, he wouldn't even be able to save you from what is about to happen.

Because face it, Sal, you're getting a gift, getting a second chance at me this fact.  You're getting an opportunity that a lot of people would BEG for.  So you did something to get it.  You sucked some mighty good pee-pee to get it, I will definitely believe, but you will also soon realize that it was the biggest mistake that ever splattered across your face, and ended up on your little, blue, dress, you had to wear that night...

In the end, there will be, still, "ONLY ONE," truth, that Supreme Championship Wrestling can handle, and live with, and that's DEATH... Taxes... And your's truly, Kirsten Scott, as the Television Champion... Today... Tomorrow... AND UNTIL SHE IS READY TO LET IT GO!
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)
Sal Darius sits in his dimly lit locker room, the air with the scent of sweat and determination. The is filled with the echo of silence, broken only by the sound of his heavy breathing. The walls are adorned with posters of his past victories from other wrestling promotions, serving as a reminder of what he’s capable of. As he sits there, his body aching and his spirit bruised, the only solace he finds is in the solitude of the room. Allowing him to reflect on the match and gather his thoughts for the future.

‘The Freaky Darius’ slumped in his chair, his hand wrapped in unraveling blood and bruises staining his face, body and hands. The weight of his loss hung heavy upon him, as thoughts of his contract’s uncertain future filled his mind. Just as he was lost in his despair. The dead room came back to life, with the sound of Mr. Pendor’s enthusiastic claps and his booming voice exclaiming ‘WHAT A MATCH!’ ‘WHAATTT A MAAATTCHH!’ With watery eyes, Darius looks at his manager.

SD: Stop it dude! I fucking lost again.

Mr Pendor: DUDE! You don’t understand! Did you notice Sal? The crowd was chanting ‘This is awesome’ You almost had her. I mean those crazy roundhouse kicks! And that sex curse was about to connect. Trust me brother! Other than the fact, that right now on Forbes. You’re in the list of top 10 most hated wrestlers, but you still made them know. Who the fuck you’re!! Kimberly Williams was about to sleep on her sorry ass today!

SD: But I fucking lost Pendor?

Mr Pendor: I know what is running through your mind. It's not the loss, you’ve been losing in this company since forever! It's about the contract. I already talked with them, they loved your today’s performance and you’re fighting Kirsten Scott next week for the SCW TV Title! If you weren't good today, this opportunity wouldn’t have been given to you. Understand Sal! To hell with wins or losses. You make these bunch of fatasses happy, you’re good! Trust me.

SD: Yeah, (Phewww) I think you’re right. Plus, who do they have for me this week? Kirsten Scott? I am going to get his ass shagged this week.

Mr Pendor: Yess ma mann! Get it. I am going to head to the hotel, have a cigar in a hotass tub. You prepare man! Its time. Rest and come back stronger!

SD: Got ya!

Mr Pendor taps on Sal’s shoulder and leaves. But immediately forgets something.

Mr Pendor: Heads up motherfucker!

Mr Pendor takes out Sal’s blublocker, makes them spit shin and places them on Sal’s face. Both the gentlemen share a laugh. Sal Darius feels more focused and ready. Just like that, the scene comes to an end.

Scene 1 - Pendor’s Paradise

Mr Pendor, a man of abundance and opulence, finds solace and indulgence in the comforting embrace of a hot bath tub. As the warm water envelops his body, he takes his moment to let the stress of the day melt away. In one hand, he holds a meticulously rolled cigar, its aromatic smoke swirling in the air, adding to the ambiance of relaxation.

This luxurious scene is a testament to Mr. Pendor’s affinity for the finer things in life. The bath tub, adorned with elegant fixtures and adorned with fragrant bath oils, becomes his personal oasis of tranquility. The cigar, carefully chosen and expertly crafted is a symbol of his refined taste and appreciation for the finer details. With each puff, he savors the rich flavors and the moment of respite it brings.

In this scene, a cute stunning blonde in pink lingerie delivers Mr. Pendor his phone. Only to reveal that its a call from none other than himself ‘The Sex Vibe’ Sal Darius!

SD: Can you fucking believe this? I am not stressed, but being one of the most hated wrestler is kind of cool.

Mr. Pendor: Trust me Sal, many of the legends were hated. But they still made it to the top. You get me?

SD: One hundred percent! What were you doing?

Mr. Pendor: Chilling, just was about to fuck a really nice woman. If you want, I can send someone to your place as well.

SD: I am no more about this life mate, you already know.

Mr. Pendor: Yeah! You’re a primo example of semen retention! You know? Few days back I was reading its benefits. It has a range of benefits, including increased energy, improved focus..

SD: Stop it, you asshole! HAHAH…

Mr. Pendor: No wait! Emotional well being.. HAHAHAHA!


Mr. Pendor: Dude!? You were someone, who would dig a hole in the wall. If you won’t get a chick to bang. Can’t believe you’ve changed!
SD: Yeah, I don’t feel like it. After the fake allegations and all. Don’t feel like doing any of that.

Mr. Pendor: I can understand! But I will do this hoe! She is fine.

SD: Get the fuck out! Hahahaha, I will talk to you tomorrow. Will get some sleep.

Mr. Pendor: Take care my mann! Love!

SD: Yeah, bye.

Scene 2 - Sal’s fashion world

The scene opens in a shop which is stylish and inviting with a touch of vintage charm. The walls were adorned with fashion sketches and colorful fabric swatches inspiring creativity and showcasing the tailor’s expertise. There were racks filled with exquisite fabrics buttons and threads offering a wide array for customers to choose from. The shop had a fitting area, complete with a large mirror and comfortable seating where Sal was trying a custom made floral suit and telling the tailor to make some necessary adjustments.

SD: I think! This is okay.

Tailor: Yes! Looks perfect.

SD: I think it's a bit loose from the back.

Tailor: No sir! Its great!

SD: Do you know who the fuck I am? I have to wear this motherfucking on the tv this week and it needs to fucking perfect!

Tailor: Yes sir! It is.

SD: It is? Dude come on? I still think the coat is a bit loose. I will wait here, get it done. I can wait.

Tailor: Alright.

‘The Freaky Darius’ waits for the tailor to make the necessary adjustments. While waiting, he takes a moment to envision himself wearing the suit and how confident and stylish he’ll look once it’s done. After some time, the tailor brings a hanged coat. He takes it off and puts it on Darius. Making sure that it fits him perfectly. As Sal looks in the mirror he can’t help but feel a surge of confidence. The coat drapes elegantly on his shoulders, and the floral pattern pops beautifully against the fabric. The floral suit that Sal is wearing is vibrant and eye-catching. Its pattern adds a pop of color and personality to the suit. The flowers are intricately designed with a mix of bold and delicate petals, creating a truly unique and artistic look. The suit is tailored to perfection, ensuring a flattering fit that accentuates.

The Sex Vibe was basking in his suit, he walked towards the counter and passed his card to an old man. He swipes it to the machine, with which Sal tips off the tailor.

SD: Thanks mate! I don’t mean to be rude.

Darius comes out of the shop and finds his sleek and stylish ride that perfectly matches his taste. With its modern design and powerful engine. It's ready for any adventure. SD reaches into his pocket and presses the button to unlock his SUV. The doors unlock with a satisfying beep and Sal is ready to hit the road. Sal with his iconic blublocker and floral fashion looks into the rearview mirror.

SD: Kirsten ‘The One’ Scott? Haan? I can’t believe she calls herself ‘The One’ like she is the SCW Champion who makes the show run. The whole Supreme Championship Wrestling knows that I deserved another shot, even with loads of losses. They know the audience fucking pays to see me every week. I am a rich dude, most pro wrestlers are broken anyway! I fucking bet! Kirsten would be defending her trash title every week and then would be gulping herself on cheap oatmeals. While me and Pendor we’re living the life! These are all wrestlers, they are all about wrestling mentality. But me! I have been fighting in streets, parks, football fields and basketball courts. Fuck the ring! Find me and fight me and I will whoop your ass. I made it to the list of most hated wrestlers, I bet everybody knows me now! I made it to the headlines. I will be spreading the sex vibes! While she will be defending her title every week. I bet people know that she is fighting Sal Darius this week because I am famous! Even though I am hated, but everybody knows me and my bank account has fucking tons of money in it. Now I am going to take Scott’s title too. I will make the TV title a bit more famous too! Hate me everybody! This is the start of my villain era!

Sal revs up his SUV, leaving a trail of smoke behind as he accelerates like a beast! His adrenaline kicks in as the speedometer climbs higher and higher. ‘The Freaky Darius’ feels the thrill as his car zooms ahead as fast as a rocket. Soaring through the streets faster than a shooting star!
{NEHMIAH: Chapter 4}

There is often a question about who a person "really" is.  Are they who we perceive?  Are they just putting on a cloak for the world to believe they are someone they really aren't?  It is one of those things that has made people really have to hope they know who it is they're interacting with, and it ultimately boils down to one factor...


On one hand, you trust that people are genuine with you, especially if you consider yourself close to them.  But then there are the strangers who you don't know well enough to know if you're getting a front, or you're getting the real deal.

So what's that have to do with me and my rebuilding of life?

Nobody has ever been able to see past what I show them.  I have kept walls and barriers up to keep me secluded and allow me to process everything.  And then Emma comes up and "Copperfield's" her way through them, manifesting herself on the inside, and seeing the torment that I am constantly battling.  She saw things nobody was ever supposed to see.  She saw me for who I am on the inside, and called me out on it.

Now I don't know what to do.  I don't know how to feel.  I don't know what to say or how to act.  Because now my front is meaningless to her and meaningless in her mind.  She saw my darkness, and will forever know the way in to seeing it.  And it's put me in a position where trust is now as difficult as it comes.  I don't know what she will do with this knowledge or if she will try and exploit me with it, or if she will simply hold it close.  I've been put in a place where, for the first time ever, I don't know what trust is, or how to figure it out.

Nobody needs to know me...

I need to know me...

I need to find my path...

With Kirsten gone to run errands, and Ethan actually taking time for himself to go out on the town and just enjoy himself, a rare occurrence is created, with Emma and Hailey home alone.  Hailey has been spending most of her time watching TV, while Emma has been outside, sitting on their balcony, hearing the sounds of the wildlife in the creek behind their complex.

Emma's decision to sit outside and just listen to the crickets and the bullfrogs, is because her mind is racing since talking to Kirsten.  Knowing how Kirsten is really feeling on the inside, and not understanding why Kirsten won't talk about it stems from her lack of social interaction to understand how people will have "two sides" to themselves.  She truly believed everyone was who she could empathically feel they were, but this has shown her that her belief has been wrong all along.

After roughly half an hour of time where they were the only two, Emma has finally gotten into her own mind enough to go inside and approach Hailey for advice.  She quickly stands up and walks inside with purpose that even Hailey recognizes, and it forces her to look up.  Emma wastes no time walking directly at Hailey, which tells her to mute the TV, as something is about to go down.

Emma Taylor: We need to talk... It's about Kirsten, and I am concerned.  She's going through a lot, and I can feel it.  She's in a lot of pain.  She's in a lot of distress...

This comment completely catches Hailey off guard.

Hailey Brooks: Umm what are you talking about?  She's seemed fine to me.  I honestly think you're just not realizing everything she's trying to focus on and figure out.  She's not someone who shows a lot of emotion, and let's be real, she sometimes have that RBF...

Emma Taylor: RBF?

Hailey Brooks: Resting bitch face...?  Looking like she's just constantly annoyed or angry...?

Emma nods, now understanding the term.

Emma Taylor: Ok I understand that and I see that.  And that I thought, too.  But I could feel her the other night.  I could sense her pain.  I could sense her... Well... Jealousy... She's not ok...

Hailey Brooks: Emma... You know if she was truly bothered by anything, or upset, or, "jealous," as you say, she would come to us and tell us...

Emma shakes her head.

Emma Taylor: No... She wouldn't... Not this kind of jealousy...

Hailey Brooks: Why wouldn't she?

Emma Taylor: Because if her jealous was about you, do you think she'd honestly be that direct?  Especially if she wasn't even that direct with me and I found out by sensing her?

Hailey's eyes widen in shock.  Her head also pulls back.

Hailey Brooks: J... Jealous of ME?!  What in the HELL would she have to be jealous of me over?  There is literally NOTHING there worth being jealous of...

Emma Taylor: But she is... Like I said, I felt it.  I saw it, like I was deep within her soul, seeing just how much she is hiding from all of us.  And a big part of that revolved around you... It revolved around the fact that she doesn't have the one thing she thinks she needs, and feels is missing in her life, and yet, you have it.  And that's a "real" family."  She doesn't have the ability to turn to her Mom or Dad, like you do, in case of emergency or need of advice.

In her eyes, her parents see her as the epitome of evil and the one who turned her back on the family.  She truly believes her parents view her as a turncoat and someone who betrayed their family, whereas she looks at you and your family, and she sees a mother and father whose eyes were opened.  She sees your family as those who saw through the, effective, brainwashing, and come back together as a cohesive unit, even though you're here with us.

Hailey shakes her head vehemently.

Hailey Brooks: That's the biggest load of BS.  I can PROMISE that isn't the case because we aren't some perfect family unit... We are nothing to be envious of!

Emma Taylor: But Kirsten doesn't see it that way.  She sees "perfection" as something that isn't the actual definition, but more what you actually EMBODY.  She looks at all of us as a "family," in one regard, but she doesn't see us as "her family," like you get to look back and see yours.  It's a pain that is growing inside of her, and I can tell you that I know this because Ethan and I feel a lot of similar pain, but not the jealousy aspect.  I thought it was just me, but now I see that she is lying to us all and I see past her front of saying she's "OK."

Emma feels a tear go down her cheek, feeling the "pain" in her empathic ways.

Emma Taylor: ... And this is something I don't know how to handle or help with.  I don't know social norms.  So I need you to help.  I need you to help me, help her.  I am not a problem solver, like this.  I can see problems, I can feel them, but I can't fix them because I don't know how.  And I know it's the fact I was a captive by my own parents.  But the fact is, I know what I can and can't do.  And I know when I need to ask for help.  Kirsten doesn't because she's too stubborn.  Like you...

Hailey takes a moment to pause and take everything in, and just looks at Emma, seeing and hearing her emotion.

Hailey Brooks: You're being serious, aren't you...

Emma Taylor: Why would I have brought this up, if I wasn't being serious?  Why would I want any drama around me, after everything I've been through, hell that WE have been through?  But I can feel she's a ticking time bomb with everything she is bottling inside, and if we don't give her a way to express it, she's going to explode, and I fear the worst, obviously...

Hailey Brooks: So what do you want me to do, then?  I mean, yes, I agree, if she's bottling this inside, we need to intervene.  But do you want me to do this?  Do you want to help?  How do you expect me to solve this or help?

Emma Taylor: I... I don't know...

Hailey smirks, and like Kirsten would, Hailey tries to cut the tension with humor.

Hailey Brooks: But you're "The Oracle..."

Emma senses the humor and just shakes her head.

Emma Taylor: Stop... I'm serious... I... Don't... Know... That is why I came to you.  I don't know how to solve problems, like I said.  I can advise, I can relay what I know.  But I don't know how to approach it...

Hailey realizes the humor did more to frustrate Emma than help.  She quickly nods, and returns to a serious tone.

Hailey Brooks: Ok... Ok ok... How about this?  I will approach her and see if I can get through these "walls" of hers with just some basic talking.  If I need to be blunt, I can try that, too, but if it gets heated, I will need you to come in and help her understand that she isn't alone, and why we are talking to her.  Because if we corner her, if we "force" her to feel, that time bomb's hair trigger will be hit, and she will be primed to explode.  She will fight back.  So if we are going to do this, we need to approach it in a matter that will keep her as relaxed and able to use her "flight" mechanism at all points.  We never want to activate "fight."

Emma nods.

Emma Taylor: I agree... I feel when she feels cornered and is ready to engage "fight" mode.  I was afraid she was going to do it to me when she unknowingly "let me in," and I called her out on what I could see and sense.  She didn't like it...

Hailey's head goes back again, confused.

Hailey Brooks: Wait... She knows you know?

Emma Taylor: Yes... She knows I know.  She doesn't realize how much I know.  She doesn't realize how much I could feel and see with her...

Hailey Brooks: Well then if she's aware, we don't have time to waste, you know.  We have to move fast.  If she knows you know, she's already trying to figure out how to close you out, and closing you out would basically allow her to become a constant powder keg, just waiting to be lit by anything and anyone.  You'd no longer "feel" or "see" her.  You'd only see what we all see... You'd be blind...

Emma Taylor: And she's the last person I ever want to feel like she has to shut me out.  She saved me.  She rescued me.  She cared for me and Ethan when nobody else did.  I want her to feel open to me at all times.  Ideally it would be to us all, but allowing me to just help her emotionally, and you to help her externally, would give us the ability to keep her safe, and ultimately sane...

Hailey nods, when there is a rustling at the front door, and it opens.  Both freeze, and look toward the entry way, seeing Kirsten walking in with some of their groceries.  Kirsten immediately feels a weird tension in the air, looking at Emma and Hailey.

Kirsten Scott: ... Everything OK?

Hailey and Emma both nod, and assure Kirsten they were just chatting, but continue to make it awkward enough that Kirsten can see the context clues that they were instantly stopping a conversation they didn't want her hearing.  Instead of prying, she simply mouths "OK" and goes to put the groceries away, while Hailey and Emma look at one another, knowing Kirsten isn't dumb to social awkwardness.  They know they will have to formulate a plan, and do something quickly before it's too late, or before something worse happens.
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)
Mr. Pendor and Sal Darius, dressed in their fishing gear and armed with their trusty fishing rods, make their way to a picturesque lake surrounded by lush greenery. The sun is shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the tranquilizer waters.

They find the perfect spot by the water's edge and cast their lines into the crystal-clear lake, the ripples gently spreading out. As they settle in, they can't help but admire the beauty of their surroundings. The sound of chirping birds and the gentle rustling of leaves create a soothing symphony in the background.

Time seems to slow down as they patiently wait for a fish to take the bait. They use this opportunity to catch up on each other's lives, sharing stories and laughter. Sal Darius recounts his latest wrestling match, while Mr. Pendor shares tales of his extravagant adventures around the world.

Just when they start to wonder if they'll have any luck, Sal Darius feels a sudden, powerful tug on his line. His excitement peaks as he starts reeling in the line with all his might. The struggle intensifies, but Sal Darius remains determined.

After what feels like an eternity, the water's surface breaks, revealing a magnificent fish, thrashing and shining in the sunlight. It's a remarkable catch, much larger than they anticipated. The two friends exchange triumphant looks, celebrating their fishing prowess.

They carefully unhook the fish, admiring its vibrant colors and impressive size. With a sense of accomplishment and gratitude, they release the fish back into the water, watching it swim away gracefully.

As they pack up their gear and make their way back, they can't help but reflect on the peacefulness and serenity of their fishing adventure. It's moments like these that remind them of the simple joys in life and the importance of spending quality time with friends.

And so, Mr. Pendor and Sal Darius return home with hearts full of cherished memories and a renewed appreciation for the beauty of nature and the bonds of friendship.

SD: I got more fishes I guess. I beat your sorryass Pendor!

Mr. Pendor: Yeah, fuck! Well every dog has his day. You lucky bitch!

SD: But this dog whooped your ass today Pendor! Hahahahaha.

Mr. Pendor: Indeed, indeed. How prepared are you for tomorrow?

SD: It's the same, the plan is to get that stupid piece of gold around my waist. But she is tough!

Mr. Pendor: She is but the weirdest thing is, she has no history. None knows where she came from, no history.

SD: But this bitch from Midwest is tough as nails. I mean she has kept the title for sometime now.

Mr. Pendor: Yeah! I mean, you're right. But you do your best. Go ahead and put the greatest show for the wrestling fans.

SD: Also how are the businesses going?

Mr. Pendor: Smoothhh! I will transfer you, a handsome amount of money. After your fight, don't worry!

SD: Not worried at all Pendor. Because I am going to be the one behind 'The One'

Mr. Pendor: Oooooo! I liked that. Say that tomorrow.

SD: You bet your ass I will.

After a successful fishing session, Mr. Pendor and Sal Darius decide to make the most of the evening. They set up a cozy outdoor dining area, grill the freshly caught fish, and enjoy a delicious dinner together under the starry sky. It's a perfect way to end the day and bond over their shared love for fishing and good food.

Last scene: Match Day

Sal Darius, wearing his stylish floral suit, hops into his SUV and speeds towards the arena with the energy of a rocket. As he arrives and parks his car, an interviewer intercepts him, eager to capture his thoughts before the big match. The anticipation is palpable as Sal gets ready to showcase his skills in the ring.

Sharper: Ladies and Gentlemen! It's the 'Sex Vibe' with us, one of the most hated wrestlers in the world right now. Sal, everyone is counting on Kirsten Scott tonight. What will you say?

SD: Well, Mr Sharper! I don't care, hate me or love me. I am coming and taking a piece of Kirsten Scott with me. I am a man, coming from the streets and all my life I have been fighting. No! I don't know! How to raise a leg and ask the ref to count 1,2 and 3. But I do know! How to break that leg and feed it to the fucking audience. You get me? Kirsten Scott, may have a successful title defense. I don't care! But what if she would go home after the match, taking her title with her. 'One legged' gulping on her cheap oatmeal? You know what I mean? You eat healthy? You are the champ? But you're broke, defend your championship and go home broke.

Sharper: Well, still she wins every week.

SD: She wins every week? She is a fraud, none knows where she came from or she truly is. She is an insecure fraud. Thats what who she is and she is afraid of a smack! I will take her brain out in the center of the ring. Leaving her blank and unconscious.

Sharper: Okay. What would you say about you being one of the most hated wrestlers?

SD: Dude, Sharper! 'If there is a name, then it's infamous' nobody knows Kirsten Scott! I will make her relevant. But for sure, if someone will search my name they would know I am one of the most hated wrestlers. I made it to the Forbes list, but what about Kirsten Scott? What is she a fucking third degree champion? What title does she hold? TV title? My leather suit belt is more worthy than that. Its fucking expensive! Top notch shit! Trust me today it's a wannabe crap cheap title holder vs the most hated wrestler 'Sal Darius'. I am the one making her famous. She has no history, nobody knows where she wrestled and these scw roster are making a joke out of themselves by losing to her every week.

Sharper: Can we get a prediction?

SD: We will see, I will burst her head open. Bully her, make her tired and make you believe that I will be the one behind 'The One'.

Sharper: Okay sir! Good luck tonight, over to the commentary box!

The bright lights and buzzing energy of the arena surround them as they engage in a quick chat. It's a moment of excitement and anticipation as Sal prepares himself mentally for the intense action that awaits him in the ring.

The floral suit adds a touch of style and uniqueness to Sal's persona, making him stand out from the crowd. Picture vibrant colors and bold patterns, perfectly tailored to fit his frame. It's a fashion statement that reflects Sal's confident and charismatic personality, leaving a lasting impression on those who see him.

As the interview concludes, Sal takes a deep breath and steps into the arena, ready to give it his all. The cheers and roars of the crowd fill the air, heightening the atmosphere. It's a moment of pure exhilaration as Sal embraces the spotlight and prepares to showcase his wrestling skills to the world.

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