Dakon Theron vs. The Enigma
Underground Rules

2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, May 8, 2024 (BACK TO NORMAL DEADLINE)
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
The air hung heavy with anticipation as Elias stood outside the quaint yet mysterious abode of Old Man Hawthorne. Each step he took towards the weathered door seemed to echo with the weight of his apprehension, a silent acknowledgment of the challenges that lay ahead.

With every creak of the floorboards beneath his feet, Elias could feel the weight of Hawthorne's cryptic warnings pressing down upon him, their ominous echoes reverberating in his mind. Yet, despite the suffocating presence of the darkness that seemed to permeate the very air around him, a glimmer of hope burned within Elias—a stubborn resilience that refused to be extinguished.

As he crossed the threshold into the dimly lit interior of Hawthorne's home, Elias found himself engulfed in a maelstrom of memories and emotions. Each flickering candle and worn piece of furniture served as a stark reminder of the tangled web of manipulation and deceit that had entangled him since their first encounter.

Despite the uncertainty that gnawed at his insides, Elias pressed on, driven by a desperate need to find answers to the questions that haunted him. With every passing moment, the weight of his decisions bore down upon him, a constant reminder of the perilous path he had chosen to walk.

But amidst the shadows that seemed to dance around him, Elias knew that he had no choice but to confront the darkness within himself head-on. For in the depths of his soul, a battle raged—a battle that would ultimately determine the fate of Thornbrooke and all who called it home.

And so, with a heavy heart and a mind fraught with uncertainty, Elias steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead. For he knew that only by facing his demons head-on could he hope to emerge victorious and reclaim his true destiny.

As Elias sat in the dimly lit interior of Hawthorne's home, a sense of unease settled over him like a heavy shroud. The old man's cryptic words lingered in the air, casting a pall of uncertainty over their meeting.

"Tell me, Elias," Hawthorne's voice broke the silence, its raspy timbre sending shivers down Elias's spine, "what is it that troubles you so deeply? What darkness do you seek to escape?"

Elias hesitated, his thoughts swirling like a tempest within his mind. How could he begin to explain the turmoil that raged within him, the constant struggle to resist the sinister influence of Enigma? And yet, something in the depths of his soul urged him to confide in Hawthorne, to seek guidance in the face of the darkness that threatened to consume him.

"It's Enigma," Elias finally confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "He's... he's trying to take over my mind, to control me. I don't know how much longer I can fight him off."

A knowing smile tugged at the corners of Hawthorne's lips, his eyes alight with a curious gleam. "Ah, yes," he murmured, his voice dripping with an almost sinister amusement, "the darkness within you stirs, young Elias. But fear not, for I may have a solution to your predicament."

Elias regarded Hawthorne with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, unsure of what to make of the old man's cryptic words. Could he truly trust Hawthorne to help him overcome the darkness that threatened to consume him, or was he merely walking into the clutches of an even greater evil?

As the moments stretched on in silence, Elias found himself grappling with a torrent of conflicting emotions. But amidst the chaos of his thoughts, one thing remained clear: he could not face the darkness alone. And if Hawthorne held the key to his salvation, then he had no choice but to trust him, no matter the cost.

With a resigned sigh, Elias leaned forward, his gaze fixed intently on Hawthorne. "What must I do?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of desperation. "How can I rid myself of Enigma's influence once and for all?"

Hawthorne's eyes gleamed with an eerie intensity as he leaned in closer, his weathered face illuminated by the flickering candlelight. "To defeat the darkness, you must embrace it," he whispered, his voice barely more than a whisper.

Elias recoiled at the suggestion, a surge of fear coursing through him at the thought of succumbing to the very thing he had spent so long fighting against. "But... how?" he stammered, his mind racing with a thousand unanswered questions.

Hawthorne's lips curled into a knowing smile as he reached out a gnarled hand, placing it gently on Elias's shoulder. "Trust in me, young Elias," he urged, his voice a soothing balm amidst the chaos of Elias's thoughts. "Together, we will unlock the secrets of your true potential, and you will emerge stronger than you ever thought possible."

Despite his misgivings, Elias found himself nodding in reluctant agreement, a glimmer of hope stirring within him at the prospect of finally finding a way to rid himself of Enigma's grip. With Hawthorne's guidance, perhaps he could overcome the darkness that threatened to consume him and reclaim his rightful place in the light.

As the night wore on and the shadows danced around them, Elias prepared himself for the journey ahead, steeling his resolve for the trials that lay in wait. For in the heart of Thornbrooke's darkest secrets, a new chapter was about to unfold—one that would test Elias's courage and determination to their very limits. And though the road ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, he knew that he could not falter—not when the fate of Thornbrooke hung in the balance.

As dawn broke over Thornbrooke, Elias found himself standing at the crossroads of his destiny, his resolve stronger than ever before. With Hawthorne's cryptic guidance echoing in his mind, he embarked on a journey deep into the heart of the forsaken village, determined to confront the darkness that had plagued him for so long.

As he traversed the labyrinthine streets, Elias could feel the weight of Hawthorne's words pressing down upon him, urging him ever forward into the unknown. With each step, the shadows seemed to grow denser, their whispers taunting him with promises of power and control.

But Elias refused to be swayed by the seductive allure of the darkness. With every ounce of strength he possessed, he fought against the insidious influence of Enigma, clinging to the flickering light of hope that burned within him.

As he delved deeper into the heart of Thornbrooke, Elias encountered echoes of his past—memories of a life long forgotten, buried beneath layers of darkness and despair. But amidst the chaos, a single truth shone like a beacon in the night: he was not alone in his struggle.
With the support of his loyal allies and the guidance of Old Man Hawthorne, Elias pressed on, his determination unyielding in the face of adversity. For he knew that only by confronting the darkness within himself could he hope to emerge victorious and reclaim his true destiny.

As the sun reached its zenith, Elias stood upon the precipice of a new beginning, his gaze fixed firmly on the horizon. With Hawthorne's words ringing in his ears, he steeled himself for the battles that lay ahead, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him with courage and conviction.

For in the depths of Thornbrooke's darkest secrets, Elias Veil would forge a path towards redemption—a path that would lead him ever closer to the truth and ultimately, to his own salvation. And though the journey ahead would be fraught with peril, he knew that he would not falter, for the light of hope burned brightly within him, guiding his way through the shadows.

As Elias ventured deeper into Thornbrooke, the streets seemed to twist and contort around him, mirroring the turmoil within his own soul. Shadows danced and whispered as if alive, their haunting voices urging him to embrace the darkness that lurked within.

Yet, with every step, Elias fought against the temptation, his determination unyielding despite the ever-present threat of Enigma's influence. He knew that succumbing to the darkness would mean abandoning everything he held dear—the memory of his father, the safety of his home, and the love of his mother.

As he navigated the labyrinth of his past, Elias couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, that unseen eyes followed his every move with malicious intent. The air was thick with tension, the atmosphere charged with an energy that crackled with the promise of impending conflict.

But amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope pierced through the darkness—a fleeting moment of clarity that reminded Elias of who he truly was. With renewed determination, he pressed on, guided by the unwavering belief that he could overcome the darkness that threatened to consume him.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the deserted streets of Thornbrooke, Elias found himself standing before the ruins of an old, abandoned church—the final destination on his journey. With a deep breath, he stepped through the crumbling doorway, ready to face whatever awaited him within.

As Elias stepped into the dilapidated church, a sense of foreboding washed over him like a wave crashing against the shore. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and the dim light filtering through broken stained glass cast eerie patterns on the decaying pews.

Every creak of the floorboards echoed through the cavernous space, amplifying the feeling of unease that gnawed at Elias's insides. It was as if the very walls of the church were alive, watching, waiting for him to make a misstep.

But Elias pressed forward, his heart pounding in his chest with a rhythm that matched the pulsating beat of the darkness within him. With each passing moment, the shadows seemed to grow denser, closing in around him like a suffocating cloak.

The whispers grew louder, their words twisting and warping into a cacophony of temptation and malice. They promised power, control, the ability to shape the world to Elias's will—but at what cost?

Despite the allure of the shadows, Elias fought against their seductive pull, clinging to the last vestiges of his humanity with all his might. He knew that to give in would mean surrendering himself to the darkness completely, sacrificing everything he held dear on the altar of his own ambition.

As he reached the heart of the church, Elias found himself standing before an ancient altar, its surface worn smooth by centuries of use. A single shaft of moonlight pierced through a hole in the roof, illuminating the altar with an otherworldly glow.

With a trembling hand, Elias reached out to touch the cold stone, his fingers tracing the intricate carvings that adorned its surface. And as he did, he felt a surge of power coursing through him, electrifying his senses and filling him with a sense of purpose.

But beneath the surface, a darkness stirred—a darkness that threatened to consume him whole if he dared to give in. And as Elias stood at the crossroads of light and shadow, he knew that the choice he made in that moment would shape the course of his destiny for eternity.

The weight of Elias's decision pressed down on him like a leaden shroud, suffocating him with its oppressive presence. Sweat beaded on his brow, mingling with the tears of anguish that threatened to spill from his eyes. He was torn between the light and the darkness, between the path of righteousness and the seductive allure of power.

The whispers grew louder, their voices clawing at Elias's mind with a relentless ferocity. They taunted him, mocked him, promising him untold riches and unimaginable power if only he would yield to their temptations.

But Elias resisted, his willpower strained to its breaking point as he fought against the darkness that threatened to consume him. With every ounce of strength he possessed, he pushed back against the tide, refusing to be swept away by the currents of despair and depravity.

And then, in a moment of clarity amidst the chaos, Elias made his choice. With a defiant roar that echoed through the hollowed halls of the church, he cast aside the whispers of the shadows and embraced the light with all his being.

A surge of pure energy coursed through Elias's veins, driving back the darkness and illuminating the path before him with a radiant glow. In that moment, he knew that he had chosen wisely—that he had reclaimed his destiny and banished the shadows once and for all.

As Elias stood amidst the crumbling ruins of his resolve, a primal scream tore from his throat, echoing through the desolate halls of the church like a thunderclap. It was a cry of defiance, a battle cry against the encroaching darkness that threatened to consume him whole.

With each passing moment, Elias felt the weight of his decisions bearing down on him like a crushing avalanche, threatening to bury him alive beneath its suffocating embrace. The whispers of the shadows grew louder, their sinister promises weaving a tangled web of temptation around his fragile psyche.

But Elias refused to yield, his spirit ablaze with a fierce determination to resist the siren song of the darkness. With clenched fists and gritted teeth, he pushed back against the tide, his every muscle straining against the relentless onslaught of despair.

In the depths of his soul, a fire raged—a primal inferno fueled by the sheer force of his will. It was a beacon of defiance amidst the encroaching gloom, a testament to the indomitable spirit that burned within him.

And as the shadows recoiled before the searing light of his resolve, Elias knew that he had triumphed. With a final, defiant roar, he cast aside the darkness that had sought to ensnare him, emerging from the crucible of his own inner turmoil reborn and unbroken.

With a newfound sense of purpose burning in his heart, Elias stepped forward into the unknown, his path illuminated by the radiant glow of his own inner light. Though the road ahead would be fraught with peril, he faced it with unwavering courage and unwavering resolve, ready to confront whatever darkness may come with the unyielding strength of his spirit.

As Elias stood amidst the crumbling ruins of his resolve, a primal scream tore from his throat, echoing through the desolate halls of the church like a thunderclap. It was a cry of defiance, a battle cry against the encroaching darkness that threatened to consume him whole.

With each passing moment, Elias felt the weight of his decisions bearing down on him like a crushing avalanche, threatening to bury him alive beneath its suffocating embrace. The whispers of the shadows grew louder, their sinister promises weaving a tangled web of temptation around his fragile psyche.

But Elias refused to yield, his spirit ablaze with a fierce determination to resist the siren song of the darkness. With clenched fists and gritted teeth, he pushed back against the tide, his every muscle straining against the relentless onslaught of despair.

In the depths of his soul, a fire raged—a primal inferno fueled by the sheer force of his will. It was a beacon of defiance amidst the encroaching gloom, a testament to the indomitable spirit that burned within him.

And as the shadows recoiled before the searing light of his resolve, Elias knew that he had triumphed. With a final, defiant roar, he cast aside the darkness that had sought to ensnare him, emerging from the crucible of his own inner turmoil reborn and unbroken.

With a newfound sense of purpose burning in his heart, Elias stepped forward into the unknown, his path illuminated by the radiant glow of his own inner light. Though the road ahead would be fraught with peril, he faced it with unwavering courage and unwavering resolve, ready to confront whatever darkness may come with the unyielding strength of his spirit.

With each step forward, Elias felt the weight of his past burdens slowly lifting from his shoulders, replaced by a sense of clarity and purpose that burned brighter than any flame. As he ventured into the unknown, he carried with him the lessons learned from his trials and tribulations, his resolve unshakable in the face of adversity. With the radiant glow of his inner light guiding his way, he embraced the journey ahead with a determination born from the depths of his soul, ready to confront whatever challenges lay in store with the unwavering strength of his spirit.

As the flames licked hungrily at the remnants of Elias Veil's former life, a sinister figure emerged from the smoldering ruins like a specter of vengeance. Enigma, his presence shrouded in the swirling haze of smoke and ash, stood amidst the charred rubble of the old Veil household, a malevolent grin twisting his lips into a grotesque mockery of a smile.

In the eerie silence that followed the inferno's fury, the Enigma's gaze swept across the desolate landscape, his eyes gleaming with a manic intensity that belied the chaos that raged within. The flames had consumed everything in their path, leaving behind only scorched earth and shattered memories.

But amidst the destruction, a new beginning beckoned—an opportunity to rise from the ashes like a phoenix reborn. With a sense of purpose burning in his heart, the Enigma vowed to seize the reins of destiny and forge a path of his own making, one defined by power, dominance, and unrelenting darkness.

As he surveyed the devastation that lay before him, a cold chuckle escaped his lips, echoing through the desolate wasteland like a harbinger of doom. The time for hesitation had passed; now, only action remained. And with a single, determined step forward, the Enigma embarked on his journey into the heart of darkness, ready to claim his rightful place as the harbinger of chaos and destruction.

As the flames danced around him, casting eerie shadows against the backdrop of destruction, Enigma's voice echoed with chilling clarity through the charred remains of the old Veil household.

"Dakon Theron," he began, his tone dripping with venomous disdain, "you thought you could extinguish the flames of my fury. But know this: the embers of my rage burn hotter than ever before, fueled by the ashes of my former life."

With each word, his voice grew more ominous, carrying with it the promise of impending doom. "You may have stolen the SCW Television Championship from me, but you cannot steal my resolve. No, that burns brighter than any flame, igniting the darkness within me and driving me ever closer to the brink of madness."

A cruel smirk played upon his lips as he spoke, relishing the thought of the carnage that awaited his adversary. "In the ring, there will be no sanctuary, no respite from the storm that rages within me. For I am not just a man—I am the embodiment of chaos, a force of nature that cannot be tamed or quenched."

With a final, chilling declaration, Enigma raised his clenched fist to the heavens, the flames flickering in the darkness like a silent witness to his malevolent intent. "Prepare yourself, Dakon Theron, for the reckoning has come. And when the dust settles, it will be I who stands victorious, bathed in the ashes of your defeat."

SCW Record


Current SCW Television Champion
Salt Lake City, Utah. Thursday 25th April. (Offline)

After the vicious attack from Enigma, Ginny had to be taken to hospital to get checks done on a possible concussion. Obviously, Konrad couldn't be there as he had to go straight to Dover for practice and qualifying tomorrow. Saying that, Ludvig and especially Dakon were on the side of Ginny.

Although they had recently set everything up for their Turkish arrival they were busy accommodating, that was now no longer important. Of course a lot of people have been wondering why Dakon was more angry about it than Konrad and Ludvig were, little did anyone know in wrestling, Dakon and Ginny were a couple, not even Konrad knew about Dakon and Ginny dating, although Dakon was concerned about it.

They wheeled her into the emergency services and went to get x-rayed. The lads were told to sit in the waiting room, although Dakon didn't like the thought of doing that, but it was under doctor's orders as Dakon shook his head with Ludvig trying his best to calm him down as he was frustrated and the reaction of him wanting to scream was at a high.

Ludvig Eriksson: “I know it's shitty for all of us, but you need to relax.”

Dakon Theron: “There's nothing relaxing about a coward attacking my girlfriend and too afraid to attack Konrad.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “I don't know why Konrad even respects him. He's a bloody insult to wrestling.”

Dakon Theron: “Ginny did nothing wrong to Enigma, nothing. It just shows how hypocritical wrestlers are. Remember when Xander called Konrad out for when we attacked Enigma from behind?”

Ludvig Eriksson: “Almost slipped out of my mind, but go on.”

Dakon Theron: “I wonder if he'll call Enigma a coward after attacking a manager that can't fight back? Nobody does shit to my girlfriend and gets away with it. At least we were wrestlers that are able to fight back when we attacked him.”

Ludvig nodded as much as he wanted to go and explore to have wild time with women as he usually does, that's not an option tonight as he knew if he left the hospital or anywhere without Dakon, he would do something that would land him in jail. But with Ginny and Dakon's relationship in mind, Ludvig had to bring it up.

Ludvig Eriksson: “You and Ginny have to tell Konrad about you two going out. I mean he tried to keep you calm tonight, but I really don't think he knows why you lashed out more than I did and even more than he did.”

Dakon Theron: “It is something me and Ginny discussed a lot recently when the right time of telling Konrad is. Mostly because he's so busy with racing that he never seems to be available. Even the two week break NASCAR has, Konrad's going to France he told me. I'm assuming he's going there to check this French student.”

Ludvig shakes his head, although talking about Konrad did get Dakon's mind out of raging about Enigma for a bit, even if the hospital smelt bad and waiting was intense.

Ludvig Eriksson: “The reason he's going to France is because his lady friend is a professional skateboarder and she's qualified for the Olympics. I watch skateboarding a lot and each time Jasmine Williams does interviews to talk about a man she thanks and references without saying his name, I know she's talking about Konrad.”

Dakon Theron: “Wow, I literally did not know that. I guess he's good at keeping secrets as well. But I do need to find the time to meet up with Konrad and tell him in person. We've been using protection a lot so he won't find out. I want to have kids and be married to her someday, but that egg head fucker ruined that dream.”

Ludvig laughed at Dakon's egg head comment, meaning Enigma, but at the same time, Ludvig sighed, knowing what Dakon would say, but he had to be up front about it.

Ludvig Eriksson: “I know you'll hate me for saying it, but you need to face Enigma one on one.”

Dakon widened his eyes. Sure he was extremely angry at what happened with Ginny, but the dedication wasn't for the solos titles or wanting to do solos matches, they had Konrad and future Turkish wrestler for them.

Dakon Theron: “Are you insane? I feel doing a match against Enigma one on one would betray you as my tag partner and everything we're trying to do to fix the boring ass tag team wrestling.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “You love Ginny, right?”

Dakon Theron: “Yes.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “What a way to get back at what he done by facing him in a wrestling match? You're not betraying me in anyway, I'll still have your back regardless. But seriously, you need to face him on your own. This is only a one time thing and it's within good reason. I think Ginny and Konrad would even say the same, well if Konrad knew the situation with you and Ginny.”

Dakon Theron: “Well if you approve of the match and want me to do it, I will, but nothing of our goal of wanting the win the tag titles will change. After I've dealt with Enigma, I'm not doing anymore solos matches.”

Ludvig patted Dakon's back because he knows the heart of wanting to win the tag titles was there, but at the same time, letting his partner know that he would support him and do this one off solos match not for himself, but for his girlfriend's honour. Suddenly a doctor came out and said this to the lads.

Doctor: “She's got a concussion, but nothing major. You can go and see her.”

Dakon pulls money out of his pocket that Konrad gave him to give to the doctor for medical bills since only family members can do that.

Dakon Theron: “This is the money her uncle gave to me to pay for medical fees and shit. He couldn't be here because of his racing schedule, but told me to give it to you. You don't have to tell me twice to see her. It's all I wanted to do since I got here.”

Doctor: “Thank you for the payment. I will note down it was from her family member. Follow me.”

Doctor put the medical bill money in his pocket as he led the lads to the room they've only just put Ginny in. As they came into the room, Dakon rushed straight over to her and he shakes his head, frustrated.

Dakon Theron: “Whatever you want me to do to that bastard, I fucking do it.”

Ginny Raab: “You will?”

Dakon Theron: “I know I hate doing solos matches, but I'm not doing this match for myself, I'm doing it to defend your honour. I love you more than words can say Ginny and if it takes me to be brutalised by that egg head, so be it.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “I approved of it as well because he really does love you and the anger he showed tonight proved it. He won't do anymore solos matches after facing Enigma and he promises that.”

Dakon nods from the discussion Ludvig had with him earlier before coming to see Ginny. Of course she was meant to be resting, but Dakon couldn't help to get Enigma out of his mind or egg head as he calls him. Even with a slight concussion, Dakon puts his head down to Ginny and kisses her, stroking her hair.

Ginny Raab: “I'm glad you are because I wanted you to do the solos match with Enigma, no matter how much you disapprove of them, but this is for your love to me. Prove it and he doesn't have to know about it. Even Konrad if he knew about us would say the same thing.”

Dakon Theron: “I will do it, but I doing it for you. Please don't come to Japan and Australia with us. You be at our Atlanta home and spend time with this Turkish kid that you need to see and get to know anyway. We'll deal with that egg head with his garbage magic tricks bullshit.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “Or rather your dealing with him.”

Dakon Theron: “I will be at the hospital with you until you're discharged and get you to our Atlanta home and sleep in my room for two weeks. He knows how to take care of you and Ludvig gave him three thousand dollars in his bank account.”

Ginny holds Dakon tightly with a massive hug on wrestling in honour of her.

Ginny Raab: “Thank you Dakon. I know I will be safe with Kemal taking care of me and yeah, the time with him would be perfect to get to know him better and see him for the first time.”

Dakon Theron: “I will make this motherfucker bleed and make him suffer in so much pain that he'll never ever do it again.”

They were having a general discussion after the talk about the future match Dakon needs to have against Enigma. He didn't want to do a solos wrestling match whatsoever, but he knew doing it to prove to Ginny how much he loved her was vital for his future, even if Konrad doesn't know the extent of why Dakon was taking it personally, more than Ludvig and even Konrad was, although Konrad knew he would get his hands on Enigma eventually anyway.

Dakon and Ludvig stayed in hospital until Saturday, although Ludvig went to the hotel to get luggage from the rooms he and Dakon were staying. Because Ginny was unable to fly due to concussion, Ludvig hired a car and he drove back to Atlanta with Dakon and Ginny in the back.


Congratulations egg head on this being the worst decision of your life youtube.com shoot. (Online)

“You piece of shit, seriously and this is not going to be me respecting you in any shape or form, but you the egg head have to be the biggest coward I've ever come across. Not even Kandis done the shit you did and Konrad hated her more than you. I find it funny that you're running from Konrad each time he tries to attack you, but have no problems attacking David or Kim. You even hide from attacking us too.

If only you realise how stupid you are for forcing me into this bullshit solos match I never wanted to be apart of. But you made me do it because you have no idea how close me and Ginny are. She's more than a manager for the team. But you fucked up completely and I'm not going to speak very long because I start to believe in why Ludvig doesn't talk very much. Because he wants to get his hands dirty and that's exactly the situation I'm in.

You forced me to fuck you up and what's worse is not only you attacked a lady who clearly isn't assigned to be a professional wrestler, but can't attack back. That's just being a coward. Not even Konrad has ever attacked managers psychically, although I know he wants to face Lexy someday, but that's an different story.

I don't want to win this match, I could care less if I win, but the purpose is to fuck you up so bad that you'll forever regret what you've done to Ginny who again hasn't done anything to you. If you were a real man, you'd attack me, Ludvig or Konrad, but you're scared of Konrad, everyone knows you are because otherwise what is the point of these mind games you do?

Because it's not getting you anywhere and I'm doing this match simply because of Ginny's honour. Not for my team for once, but for her since she can't face you in the ring and I don't think Konrad would ever let her wrestle and I can't blame him entirely. I'm so glad that our match is Underground rules because the damage I want to do to you is more than just pinning and submitting you. That will not solve anything.

I will make your head shaped like a broken egg by smashing the living shit out of you with a steel chair because you quite frankly deserve it. Sure, make me suffer in pain, make me squeal for my life, but unlike you, I have feelings and Ginny is totally worth facing you for because you made things worse than it should.

I got my biker chain with me as you should know by now and that's not only a weapon for me to use to beat the fuck out of you with, I will make you choke for the damage you've done. I will make you wish that you wouldn't force me into a solos match, especially in Underground rules as it should be.

Be lucky that Konrad isn't going to do shit to you this week because he had to do racing duties, but he's just as pissed as I am as well. I may not be as vicious as him, but I can very well be brutal and brutality wrestling is what I do with you. I will make you bleed, I will make you have a concussion because that's what you did to Ginny. Payback is going to make you a massive fucking bitch.

If the referee tries to let go of me while I'm strangling you with the biker chain, I won't let go and make you suffer so hard that you wish you'd never done the action ever again. This is a one and only time I will face you alone, but Ludvig will assist me to the ring as well who understands my reasons for wanting to make you bleed.

This hot headed European is hot headed more than ever before and you'll suffer the consequences for your actions. You're fucked and there's nothing you can do with the Norwegian machete blade to make you suffer for what you done to a woman I care about. That's all I say to a cowardly prick who's nothing more than a stupid egg head who tries to trick people, but isn't going well for this cowardly asshole who runs from fighting Konrad and will likely run from fighting me as well. Enjoy the brutal beatings you'll get.”

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