James Evans vs. Kimberly Williams
James Evans vs. Kimberly Williams
SCW Underground Championship

2 RP Limit (no word limits)
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, November 11, 2023
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November 4th, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Ever since Apocalypse, Kimberly Williams has found herself at odds with the number one contender to the Underground Championship, James Evans, as well as his gang of misfits known as The House of James. But there is a deeper more philosophical battle at the heart of this; it isn’t simply about the Underground Championship. This is James Evans wanting to eliminate violence whereas Kimberly herself represents violence and chaos in Supreme Championship Wrestling. What Kims has learned in her encounters with The House of James is that Evans himself is a hypocrite. He claims not to endorse violence but he gladly endorses the violence of his followers. He claims not to endorse violence but he uses his followers as a weapon and he used a steel chair against Kim on Breakdown. But Kim got her own licks in, giving the House a hot sauce bath and throwing Pain down a flight of stairs. All of this is building towards her defense of the Underground Championship at Under Attack in Atlanta, Georgia. Kim is determined, more so than ever before, to come out with a victory. Not just to remain champion but to defeat this strange movement James has started.

Stopping the House of James has become deeply personal for The Woman Scorned. It partially has to do with James and his own connection to Kimberly’s family, specifically her mother, Angelica Jones. James and Angelica were once tag team champions and close friends. Now Kimberly is tasked with maiming her mother’s friend in order to remain champion. But this is deeply personal for Williams for another reason. The House of Black appears to be nothing more than a cult. These people, Lues, Pain, Mordred, Harker, they blindly obey James Evans and his every command. Without question they put themselves in harm’s way to protect James and to help James. It has all of the defining characteristics of a cult. Kim cannot stand cults. Not since her own identical twin sister, Marie Jones, got involved in a cult herself. Shortly after Marie’s fiance, Arthur, had committed suicide, she dove into depression. From there, Marie had thrown herself into a group calling itself The Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat. Marie seemed to escape her depression but at what cost? Inner Peace turned out to be little more than a sex cult and its leader, Raul Alfaro, did not care for his followers except to use them as his harem.

Kimberly had managed to convince her sister to leave the group. But now a friend Marie had made while in the group has resurfaced; a young woman named Julianne Buchanan. Through some unorthodox spying and surveillance techniques, Kim managed to find out that Marie and Julianne have not only renewed their romantic relationship, but Julianne has also tried to convince Marie to return to Inner Peace. What frightens Kim is the fact that Marie is seriously considering it. What could possibly motivate Marie to rejoining this cult? What could possibly make Marie believe that she is better off as someone else’s property within Inner Peace? Kim is fiercely protective of her family. She will do anything to protect Marie, even if it means putting herself in harm’s way.

Tonight, Kim may very well be putting herself in harm’s way as she and her twin sister Marie walk the beaten path near the Boston city limits. It is evening and the bright moonlight shines overhead. They are near a bridge which Kim and Marie can see just off in the distance. Williams is wearing torn denim jeans, flip flops, and a black t-shirt. Marie Jones is wearing a knee length black skirt, sheer stockings, black flats, a red silk blouse, and a black leather jacket. Marie is noticeably nervous, anxious about what is to happen this evening. Kimberly is nervous as well but she is hiding it quite well. Kim is nervous about what she may be forced to do in order to protect her sister.

“Sooooooo Marie, why are we here?” Kim asks as they continue the walk.

“You have been complaining quite a bit, Kim.” Marie points out. “You know, you didn’t have to come.”

“Yes, I do.” Kim nods her head. “I’m not gonna sit by and watch you ruin your life.”

“I am a grown woman, Kim. What I do in my freetime is none of your business.” Marie sighs and shakes her head. “I shouldn’t have let you come with me to see Julianne.”

“As if you could stop me.” Kim smirks knowingly.

“Right. You are scary good at stalking people.” Marie shudders. “The fact that you slept with her is cringe worthy.”

“Just don’t be mad at her. She technically didn’t cheat on you because she thought I was you.”

“I’m not mad at her.” Marie snaps back. “I’m mad at you. You had no right to do that, Kim.”

“And you shouldn’t have kept something like this from me.” Kim narrows her eyes. “Let’s not pretend you’re all innocent, sis. I had to sleep with her to find out you were thinking about rejoining that crazy ass cult.”

“It’s not crazy.”

“It’s a sex cult, Marie.” Kim says flatly. “And you were a happy participant. You were happy to let yourself be used and manipulated.”

“You wouldn’t understand.” Marie sighs and shakes her head.

“Bullshit.” Kim snaps back at her sister. “I have dealt with cults before. I definitely understand their allure. I understand what you are going through. That’s why I am willing to do whatever it takes to make sure you know you are loved and that you do not need this Inner Peace crap.”

“Don’t you have a different cult you could be dealing with right now?” Marie asks.

“I have had plenty of time to prepare for House of James, thank you very much. I’ll be ready to stop him and his ilk at Under Attack. But right now you are what’s important. I’m only trying to help.”

“I know and I’m sorry if I sound like I’m on edge.” Marie shakes her head. “It’s just that…”


“I appreciate what you’re trying to do, Kim.” Marie says quietly. “I just don’t think it will work.”

“Yeah? Well I’m a stubborn bitch.” She grins from ear to ear. “I don’t give up so easily.”

“So I’ve noticed.” Marie then stops as she and Kim finally make it to the bridge. “Anyway, we’re here.”

“Where’s here?”

“A few years ago, after Arthur committed suicide, and I fell into that deep depression, I came here to this bridge intent on joining him. I was going to jump off this bridge and take my own life. But someone stopped me.”

“It wasn’t me.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “Otherwise, I would have shot you with a dart gun.”

“You never were the conventional type.” Marie smiles. “But you’re right, it wasn’t you. Raul stopped me.”

“Oh him.” Kim rolls her eyes.

“He was charming and sophisticated. Most importantly, he made me realize that I had a purpose in this life. That was the first of many lessons I would learn under Raul.”

“Heh, heh, you said ‘under’, heh, heh…” Kim laughs.

“Oh stop it.”

“Fine, I’ll drop the wise cracks. But just remember…” Kim places her hands on Marie’s shoulders “...you are strong.”

“No, I’m not.” Marie says quietly as she shakes her head.

“You are strong. You are strong enough to say no to whatever she has to say to you tonight. Whatever Julianne does to try and sway you, to convince you to return to that little crazy sex cult, remember you are strong enough to say no.”

“I don’t know if I am.” Marie shakes her head. “I still have those dreams, Kim. I dream about Raul and he’s there with me in my bedroom, telling me that I belong to him, that my rightful place is in Inner Peace.” Tears form in Marie’s eyes. “It’s becoming harder and harder for me NOT to believe him.”

Kim does not like the sound of this. It seems that Marie’s will to fight is becoming weaker and weaker. Before she has a chance to respond, the identical twins hear rustling near the bushes. They turn around in time to see the lovely blonde haired Julianne Buchanan emerging. She has a bright smile on her face when she sees Marie…a smile that quickly turns to disgust as she realizes Kim is there too.

“Marie…and Kim…” she sighs “...I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“You were so happy to see me last month.” Kim winked. “By the way, you are quite the animal in bed! Meow!”

“What do you…” it finally dawns on Julianne what Kim means ands he tries to lunge at her “...why you little bitch!” Marie gets in between Julianne and Kim to keep them from fighting.

“What’s wrong Julie? I thought we had a connection!”

“You are a disease.”

“I thought I was a Libra.”

“All you serve to do is corrupt Marie.” Julianne turns to face Marie. “See? She has always been a bad influence upon you.”

“Hey now. I may be a bad influence but at least I don’t pretend to be the moral compass in today’s world. I admit who and what I am. But Raul? He’s worse.”

“Liar!” Julianne exclaims. She slaps Kim across her face. Kim chuckles.

“So much for that inner peace.”

Julianne Buchanan growls angrily before turning to face Marie again. “Do you really trust this maniac?”

“She is my sister.” Marie states.

“She may be your blood but that doesn’t mean she is a good influence upon you. Remember how she kidnapped you and held you hostage in her basement for a month?”

“In my defense I was certifiably insane at the time.”

“What about the many times she lied to you and manipulated you for her own personal gain? You told me about how she took your place at a parent teacher conference so that she could keep your son out of trouble. She never told you, you had to find out on your own. She again took your place by going out on a date with me, to try and learn all of your secrets.”

“Oh and like you and your groupies are saints?” Kim protests.

“I never said we were saints.” She holds up one finger. “But only ONE of us has a criminal record and it isn’t The Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat.” She turns back to face Marie. “Listen to me, Marie, I have spoken with Raul.”

“You have?” Marie asks. Kim shakes her head.

“Don’t listen to her, Marie!”

“I have. He and I have reconciled and he is willing to forgive you, to reconcile with you, and to let you return to Inner Peace.”

“He…he is?” Marie seems genuinely happy.

“You don’t need him, Marie.” Kim insists. “You are strong. You are a strong and independent woman. You do not need that jerk.”

“On that we agree, Marie is strong and independent.” Julianne points out. “So what is wrong with Marie coming with me back to the retreat, just for the night, just to hear what Raul has to say?”

“That seems fair enough.” Marie says. Kim shakes her head vehemently.

“Do not go with her!”

“He only wishes to speak with Marie. Nothing more.”

“She’s going with you over my dead body.” Kim says boldly. But Marie gently pushes her twin sister back.

“Kim, you’re right…” she nods her head “...I am independent. And I can make these decisions for myself.” She smiles as she takes Julianne by her hands. “I want to go back with Julianne.”

“No, don’t…”

She watches as Marie and Julianne turn and walk off. Kim considers trying to stop them. She did store the aforementioned dart gun in a nearby bush just in case. But she decides against it. Perhaps it is better this way? Perhaps she should trust Marie to make the decision on her own. Thus Kim stays back and watches as her sister and Julianne disappear into the night.

November 5th, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

It has been twenty four hours since Marie Jones and Julianne Buchanan disappeared, leaving Kimberly Williams stranded just inside the city limits of Boston, at a bridge where Marie once considered taking her life. This bridge was also significant because it is where she first met Raul Alfaro, the leader of the Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat. And now, after last night, it may be the place where Marie once again got caught up in what Kimberly Williams considers to be nothing more than a sex cult. Marie insisted that it was just for one night, just to speak with Raul and perhaps settle down some of the nerves and concerns she has had recently. Marie insisted that she would be back the next day. But Kimberly has her doubts. Ever since Marie got back together with Julianne, she could not be trusted to keep a deadline. And after learning of Marie’s own self-doubts and concerns, Kim is worried that she may not return at all this time. She may speak with Raul and decide to stick around permanently.

The Inner Peace cult isn’t the only cult giving Kimberly problems lately. Despite her own personal concerns with Marie, Kim must try to push that out of her mind and return her focus to her upcoming SCW Underground Championship defense against James Evans at Under Attack. Lately James has appeared to be little more than a creepy cult leader whose sole goal is to eliminate violence in SCW and he thinks he can do so by getting rid of the Underground itself. And he has followers wiling to do his every bidding to help him achieve this goal. Williams recognizes that to defeat James, she will no doubt have to defeat the entire House of James. Thus she has to be prepared for everything that might be thrown at her in Atlanta.

Kimberly currently finds herself in her own run down home in the not so nice part of town in Boston, Massachusetts. She is lying on her raggedy, ratty sofa wearing torn denim jeans and a pink and black Queens of Chaos t-shirt. Her feet are bare. She has her pet talking hamster, Caligula, resting on her stomach. Well, he can’t really talk, but Kim likes to pretend he can as she provides the voice for the adorable yet foul mouthed rodent.

“When you face one member of the House of James, you end up facing all of them.” Kim states out loud. “So what do you think I should do, Caligula?”

“Ya know that hot ass chick, Lues?”

“Yes. What about her?”

“I wonder if James Evans would lone her out to me for the weekend. She looks like the type that would be into beastiality.”

“Is that all you can think about? Sex?” Kim rolls her eyes. “My Underground Title is at stake and you just want to fuck Lues?”

“I’m not gonna fuck James, that’s for damn sure. I’m a hamster. I’m not into guys.”

“My primary focus is keeping my championship and ending James Evans and his stupid little cult.” Kim sighs. “Although if I successfully maim James, then maybe Lues would be on the lookout for a new cult leader.” Kim grins. “Think you would be up for the job, Caligula?”

“Damn right I could! I could lead the House of James to the fucking promised land. And I DO mean fucking. Isn’t that what those shitty cults do nowadays? Fuck each other?”

“Not all of them.” Kim sighs. “Jimmy’s just want to eliminate violence.” She yawns. “Its quite boring. I’d be doing the entire world a favor by putting James Evans out of his damn misery.”

“Ah right, the only sex cult you deal with is that Inner Peace crap your sister is hung up on. Maybe I should talk to Raul…”

“Watch what you say next, Caligula, or I’ll feed you to a snake.” Kim snaps back angrily.

“I was gonna say that maybe I should talk to Raul about getting me some of Julianne’s sweet blonde ass. I mean, if I stole your sister’s girlfriend then maybe Marie might snap back to her senses.”

“Oh…” Kim sighs “...that’s an idea, I suppose.”

“What? Did ya really think I would want to fuck your sister? Ya’ll are identical twins. It would be like fucking you and my GOD I do NOT want to consider that! In fact, I think I threw up a little in my mouth!”

“You and me both.”

Just then there is a knock heard at the door. This quickly gets Kimberly’s attention. It is getting late and she had just about given up hope on her sister returning as she had promised. But this knocking on her front door once again revives her hope. Perhaps Marie has come to her senses? Perhaps Marie has decided to come home? Kim quickly swings her legs over the side of her ratty sofa and then gently puts Caligula back in his cage.

“That’s Marie!”

“How the fuck do you know?!”

“I’m trying to think positive!” Kim admonishes the hamster.

“Well if it is, tell her that I want that sexy Julianne’s number.”

Kimberly ignores Caligula as she stands up and marches towards the door. Another knocking is heard. Kim smiles as she approaches the door and opens it. Much to her delight she sees Marie standing there, still wearing the same outfit she wore last night. And much to Kim’s pleasant surprise, Marie seems to be in much better spirits. Maybe this did work out for the best after all?

“Marie!” Kim embraces her twin sister with a tight hug. “I’m so glad you’re here! I mean, it is you isn’t it? It could be your identical twin sister…no, wait, that’s me! And I’m here! And you’re there! So it has to be you!” Kim is so ecstatic she can hardly contain herself. Marie chuckles lightly.

“I’m glad to see you too, Kim. And I so missed that sense of humor of yours.”

“Oh come off it, now, Marie.” She winks. “It wasn’t like you were gone THAT long.”

“True. Can I come in?”

“Of course!” Kim quickly steps aside to let Marie enter. Kim leads her into the living room where she just was speaking with Caligula the hamster. The siblings sit down next to one another on the raggedy, ratty sofa. Kim again hugs Marie. “I am so glad to see you!”

“I think you missed me too.” Marie says with a grin and a wink. Kim nods her head.

“Ok, I admit it, I was worried sick about you the entire time.”

“Why would you worry yourself so much over me?”

“I love you, sis. Besides, I meant it yesterday when I said I understand cults. I know them all too frighteningly well. My foster mother…if you want to call her a foster mother…she had every attribute and characteristic of a cult leader. She brainwashed me and trained me to hate. Then I watched the same thing happen to you a few years ago with Inner Peace and it brought back those awful memories. That’s why I fought so hard to protect you from Raul and that cult back then.”

“So when Julianne resurfaced…”

“Yeah.” Kim nods her head. “I was worried you would get caught up in that cult again. I don’t want to see you get taken advantage of the same way I was taken advantage of, sis. I would do anything to protect you from that. Anything at all.”

“I love you too, Kim.” Marie embraces Kim, making this their third hug since Marie returned. After breaking the embrace Marie nods her head. “And I am glad you said that, it just confirms to me that I made the right decision.”

“What do you mean?” Kim asks curiously.

“As you know I went with Julianne last night. She took me back to the Inner Peace Enlightenment Retreat where I got to speak with Raul. And the more I listened to him, the more he made sense.”

“Oh God no…” Kim’s voice trails off.

“It makes perfect sense, Kim. My relationships have all been complete and utter failures across the board. My first boyfriend, Damian, was an abusive alcoholic. Then there was Arthur, I thought he was the one but I managed to drive him to kill himself.”

“You did not drive him to do that!” Kim exclaims. “That was not your fault!”

“Then there is my own son. Sean was not the product of a loving relationship. He was the product of rape. Everything in my life has been a complete and utter failure when it comes to love. I tried turning my entire focus, my entire self, over to wrestling and how did that turn out? I haven’t held a championship in years. And the one promotion that I’m still contracted to wrestle for must have forgotten that I’m on the roster because they have quit booking me. But Raul loves me. He cares for me. And he will use me in such a way where I will have a purpose in life.”

“No, Marie.” Kim shakes her head. “Don’t say it.”

“Sorry, Kim, but I have made up my mind. I am going to give myself entire to Raul and to Inner Peace.”

“Be reasonable!” Kim exclaims as she shoots up to her feet. Marie stands up as well. “Reconsider! Think about the last time you were there! He didn’t care about you! He didn’t care about Julianne, either! You were both just pieces of meat to him!”

“I do remember.” Marie nods her head. “I remember being happy when I was with Inner Peace. Last night, and today, with Raul and Julianne at the retreat, I was happy again. Raul loves his pets equally.”

“Snap out of it!” Kim slaps her in the face. “It is a cult! Raul just wants to own you and to possess you!”

“Isn’t it easier to just live a life of being possessed by someone rather than thinking for myself? I’ve made so many mistakes in my life, Kim. Clearly doing things on my own hasn’t worked out.”

“But if you let Raul do the thinking for you, then if something goes wrong its his fault, not yours.” Kim states. “Am I right?”

“I have faith in Raul.” Marie says.

“But Marie…”


“Huh?” Kim asks, sounding rather confused.

“Raul prefers that I go by my middle name. Not Jones, not Williams, because I have let both of those families down. I am just simply Annabelle and I belong to Inner Peace, whether you like it or not.”

“So that’s how its gonna be?”

“Yes.” She states. Kim sighs.

“You realize I could stop you.”

“I know.” She nods her head. “But you won’t. You don’t want to hurt family, its not in your nature any longer.”

“Unfortunately you’re right about that.” Kim shakes her head. “Well what about your son, huh? What about him?”

“I have to speak to the proper officials but I will eventually sign over custody to you.”

“Me?!” As if everything else wasn’t shocking enough, Kimberly is shocked even more at this news. “You can’t be serious.”

“Sean adores you. And you love him.” She smiles warmly.

“You know we do have another sister. Or maybe give him to our mom?” Kim suggests. But Marie, now Annabelle, shakes her head.

“No way. You are the perfect person for the job. The way you selflessly devote your time to helping him, the way you dote on him, the way you protect him.” She places a hand on Kim’s shoulder. “You will make a great mother…a far better mother than I could ever hope to have been.”

“I don’t…” Kim shakes her head “...you have no idea what you’re asking of me. And I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I should even let you leave.”

“Just think about it.”

“Is there any way I can talk you out of returning to Raul, Julianne, and that cult?”

“Look…” she sighs out of frustration “...it just feels right, ok?”

“So you haven’t completely made up your mind?”

“If it helps you sleep at night then no, maybe I am not fully sold. But I am happy, Kim. And that’s all I have ever wanted is to be happy.”

“Fair enough. But just think long enough before you sell your soul to that sicko. In the meantime…” Kim nods her head “...yeah, I’ll take care of Sean.”

Kimberly has said she would do anything to protect her family. But apparently that’s not true. She wouldn’t hurt her own family in order to protect them from themselves. She knows that this cult is bad news. She knows that Raul is bad news. But she cannot bing herself to forcibly keep Marie from returning to them. Something deep inside Kimberly tells her that she needs to let Marie figure it out for herself. In the meantime, she can at least look out for Sean. She protect her sister’s son. Nothing will happen to him under her watchful eye.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

The Book of James: The Virus, Part Two
James Evans

[Image: jamesevansnew2.jpg]

SCW Accomplishments:
2x SCW World Heavyweight Champion
2016 SCW Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2016 SCW Rise to Greatness main event winner
2019 End of the Year Open Invitational Winner
SCW Supreme Champion
2x SCW U.S.Champion
SCW Adrenaline Champion
2x SCW Underground Champion
SCW World Tag Team Champion
2013 SCW Feud of the Year
2014 SCW Feud of the Year
2015 SCW Match of the Year
2016 SCW Match of the Year
2018 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2019 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2020 Conquered Thunderdome

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November 8th, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

It’s Wednesday, just a few days away from SCW Under Attack. That night, Kimberly Williams be facing one of her greatest threats to her reign as Underground Champion when she defends her title against James Evans. Evans has seemed a little unhinged as of late with his mission to bring an end to violence in SCW. Kimberly is no stranger to unhinged people. She, herself, is quite unhinged. But what makes James extra dangerous is his backup, the four individuals who follow him everywhere he goes, the so-called House of James. With Underground rules in place, Kimberly knows she will have to deal with the numbers game. She does not anticipate or expect James to fight one on one. He has used this four people as his own personal weapon in the past. No doubt he will use them again to try and dethrone Kimberly at Under Attack. The Woman Scorned has already made plans for how she will deal with the inevitable numbers game and, eventually, take down Evans to retain her SCW Underground Championship. It is something she must do. She must win, because despite her own front of joy and carefree attitude, Kimberly recognizes the very real threat James Evans poses. He has threatened to try and end the Underground, something that Kimberly considers to be her own legacy, a legacy she has carved out with her own blood and flesh, and she does not want to see that legacy brought to an end anytime soon. Kimberly is passionate about the Underground and will fight to her dying breath to keep it intact.

Whenever Kimberly is passionate about something, she will go to great lengths to protect it. She will even sacrifice herself, if necessary, to save it. And the Underground is just one thing Kimberly is passionate about. The Queen of the Death Match is also passionate about her family. Family was once a foreign concept to The Woman Scorned. For her entire childhood and teenage years, the only family she knew was her foster parent Emma Floreschu. But Emma was a sociopath who never truly cared about Kim. She never raised her or treated her with the proper care she needed. As a result Kim grew to become a violent, unhinged monster. It would take the love shown by her real family, her identical twin sister Marie Jones and their mother Angelica Jones, to break through Kimberly’s psyche and bring some sense of normalcy and stability to The Woman Scorned. Kim knows full well had it not been for her family, she might have doomed to prison or worse. She knows that she cannot fully repay her family, but she is fiercely loyal to them and will do anything she can to help them.

This is why Kimberly is so upset over what her twin sister, Marie Jones, has done. She knew that Marie had been suffering from depression as of late, due to the fact that she has been a single mother for so long and her wrestling career has taken a major hit. But Kim isn’t a psychiatrist. She isn’t a therapist. She has no idea how to treat that. All she can do is just be there for Marie and try her best to comfort her, to convince her that everything will work itself out. Unfortunately Kim couldn’t do it. Kim didn’t see the obvious signs before her until it was too late. Marie has fallen under the spell of a charismatic cult leader named Raul Alfaro who has her convinced that her purpose in life is to serve him and his Inner Peace Enlightenment organization. What really drives Kim crazy is the fact that this isn’t the first time Marie got caught up with this group. Years earlier Marie was again feeling depressed when she was first approached by Raul. She met him, met one of his followers, Julianna Buchanan, and everything seemed fine. Until Kim happened to unearth the truth about the organization, that it was just a front for Raul’s sex cult. He never cared for Marie, Julianne, or any of the other girls in the group. He just wanted to use them for his own gain.

Marie had left, as had Julianne, and Kim had hoped everything with Raul and Inner Peace was over. But recently Kim learned that Marie had been renewing a romantic relationship with a recently resurfaced Julianne. This raised red flags for Kim but before she can do anything, Raul had already put his plan into motion. He and Julianne had convinced Marie to return to the Inner Peace fold. Now as if dealing with James Evans and his crazy cult of loonies in SCW wasn’t enough, Kim also has to deal with the cult that has ensnared her twin sister. But with just days away before Under Attack, Kimberly realizes that her priorities must be set in order. She will defend against James at Under Attack. That cannot be delayed. She must first successfully defend her championship, then she can resume her focus on trying to save her sister. Assuming her sister can be saved at this point.

For now, Williams finds herself at the home of her mother, the woman who has been managing her career over a year now, Angelica Jones. Kim is wearing black denim jeans, her feet are bare, and she is wearing a black ‘Queens of Chaos’ t-shirt. She is lying down on a comfortable cream colored leather sofa. Pacing the floor is her anxious, clearly upset mother, Angelica Jones. The Matriarch of the Jones Family is dressed in a black maxi skirt, a red blouse, and black patent leather high heeled pumps. Tears are flowing down Angelica’s face, expressing just how upset she truly is over the recent events in the lives of her twin daughters.

“This is all my fault!” Angelica exclaims, shaking her head.

“It isn’t your fault, mom.”

“I should have done something more.” Its almost as if she didn’t even bother listening to Kim, as Angelica just continues her ranting and raving. “I should have been there for her. I should have…”

“Shut up!” Kim exclaims as she throws her legs over the side of the sofa and sits up. “It isn’t your fault!”

“I should have been more involved in her life.” Angelica says quietly as she wipes tears from her eyes. “But I just ignored her…”

“You weren’t ignoring her, mom. You did everything you could do.”

“I could have done more.”

“Wrong.” Kim insists. “I mean, yeah, I suppose you could have just reattached those apron strings and continued to be her overprotective mommy. But would that really have helped? I may not have grown up in the most stable or orthodox of homes, but even I recognize that at some point you have to let go of your children. Once they are adults, once they have grown up, you have to let go and let them make their own decisions and then let them deal with the consequences of their decisions. So you are not to blame.” Kim sighs as she shakes her head. “If anyone is to blame, its me. She is my sister. I should have protected her.”

“The argument works both ways, Kim.” Angelica says quietly. “Like you said, once they are grown, you cannot make decisions for them. You cannot protect them. And you are NOT responsible for Marie’s actions.” Angelica sits down next to her daughter and wraps an arm around her shoulder to comfort her. “In fact, if it hadn’t been for your quick thinking, we might not have known Marie was in trouble. At least now we know what she’s gotten herself into and we have a chance to possibly save her from herself.”

“Thanks for the nice words, mom.” Kim sighs and then shakes her head. “But I still feel responsible. I got her out of this mess once. I knew how creepy and conniving this Raul guy was.” She growls angrily. “I should have cut his fucking throat when I had the chance, and belive me, I had many chances.”

“No!” Angelica exclaims, slapping Kim. “Murder is never the answer! All it does is put you in trouble! If were to kill Raul and police were to find out, not only would your career with SCW be over but your life as you know it would be over.”


“No.” Angelica shakes her head. “Remember, your nephew Sean needs you. He needs you right now more than ever. You cannot afford to get yourself into trouble.”

“Fair enough.” Kim nods her head in agreement.

“Speaking of Sean, how is he taking it?”

“He’s taking it as well as can be expected.”

“What does that mean?” Angelica asks curiously. “Have you told Sean where his mother is?”

“No.” Kim shakes her head. “I’m trying to be as vague as possible. Luckily, Marie has recently built a reputation for herself for being gone for days, even weeks on end. So its not too unusual for Sean.”

“But how long can you go without telling him the truth?”

“I’m not sure he’s ready for the truth.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “So I’m gonna drag this shit out as long as I can.”

“You may not have a choice.” Angelica points out. “Sean is a smart kid. He’ll figure out something is wrong eventually.”

“Yeah, I know.” Kim nods her head. “And I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. But I cannot do anything about Marie right now. At least, not until she is ready to talk. Since she isn’t willing to talk, I need to put her and this whole situation to the side, at least momentarily. Because I have another cult to deal with in just a few days.”

“You mean James?”

“Who else?” Kim smirks. “Sorry, mommy, but I’m gonna have to murder your BFF.”

“Remember what I just said about murder?”

“I know, I know, but this is the Underground. Anything goes. And I’m not sure if anyone told the hypocritical Mother Theresa Evans, but wrestling is not ballet. Accidents happen. I can’t control what happened if and when I bash his skull in with a chair, cut him up with barbed wire, throw him onto tacks and glass.” A sinister grins forms on her face. “Oh the wonderful ideas I have for Jimmy! See, this is the kinda thing that puts me back into a good mood.”

“Maiming people puts you in a good mood?” Angelica asks with an arched brow.

“Well yes! I mean, I can’t maim Raul. You said so yourself. But I can legally maim Jimmy Evans.”

“Yeah. Well it isn’t going to be as easy as you make it sound. Trust me, I know.”

Kimberly rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I know. You and Jimmy used to be besties. You know all about him and he knows all about you. You were tag champions before. Redemption. Hurrah!”

“We knew one another before we were tag team champions as Redemption.” Angelica points out.

“Jimmy and Angel sittin’ in a tree! F-U-C-K-I-N…”

“Stop it!” Angelica shouts. “Not like that! It’s…” she sighs “...you weren’t the only one in therapy for anger issues.”

“I wasn’t in forced therapy for anger. I was in forced therapy because I kidnapped my sister and took her place. Get it right.”

“Yes, and I was in therapy for murdering a man.” Angelica wipes some renewed tears out of her eyes. “I had lost my mind out of rage, I was damn lucky the jury believed me that I had gone insane, otherwise I would have gotten the needle. Or at least life in prison. Point is, Kim, you and I aren’t that different. We have had to deal with rage and our own points of insanity at some point. So has James.”

“So he really is a nutcase? I’m right!” Kim shouts happily. Angelica shakes her head.

“Maybe you are but there is more to him than that. And if you want to retain your SCW Underground Championship at Under Attack, then it would behoove you to follow my advice. Few people in SCW today know James Evans better than I do.”

“Alright, alright, you got me there.” Kim nods her head. “So what would you have me do?”

“Well for starters, he will do his homework. He will study you. So he already has an idea of what to expect out of you. Your best strategy to counter that is do something unexpected.”

“Chaos then, right?”

“You could put it that way, yes.” Angelica nods her head.

“I can totally bring the chaos!” Kim grins devilishly. “What else?”

“James has always been ruthless. And now that he has followers, expect them to get involved. Come with a plan for how to counteract them.”

“Already got one.” Kim taps her forehead. “Right up there in my head. What other advice you got for me?”

“Honestly?” Angelica smiles. “Just be Kim. It hasn’t let you down before. It led you to four Underground Championships. It made you one of the most dominant Underground Champions in SCW history. So yes, just be Kim.”

“I can definitely do that!”

November 11th, 2023
Atlanta, Georgia
On Camera

The loud, harmonic, elegant sounds of an organ is heard playing within a grand, gothic style architecture of a church in Atlanta, Georgia. This isn’t your modern style service. This is more old school with traditional pews, kneelers, and stained glass windows lining the walls. Each and every pew is empty. The entire church is empty. And yet a few footsteps break through the sound of the organ music. Eventually the camera catches sight of a figure in a black hooded robe walking up the aisle.

“Ignosce mihi, Pater, quia peccaturus sum. Ignosce mihi, occisurus sum Jacobum Evans.” The voice, speaking in Latin, sounds feminine, indicating that the figure under the robe is female. The hooded figure makes her way up to the front and approaches the center. She turns to face the camera and then throws the hood and robe off at once, revealing her identity; none other than Kimberly Williams. The Woman Scorned is wearing torn denim jeans, a ‘Queens of Chaos’ t-shirt, and she has her SCW Underground Championship title belt wrapped around her waist, her HKW Bloodlust Championship title belt draped over her left shoulder, and her Zion Hardcore Championship title belt draped over her right shoulder. She has a big grin on her face as she waves furiously at the camera.

“Hi there, Jim Jones!” She snickers. “You know something, Jimmy? I’m not just the Queen of the Death Match. I am not just The Woman Scorned. I am not just three belt Kimmy. I am also a scientist.” She nods her head. “Its true! On Breakdown, I just wanted to test my hypothesis, I wanted to see if Pain could fly!” She sighs and shakes her head. “Alas, my hypothesis was proven incorrect. He cannot fly. But on the bright side, apparently I did prove that hot sauce to the eyes really does burn! Just ask your little minions in that cult of yours.” Williams nods her head. “Now I get it, you don’t like it when you’re called out for being a cult. But face it, you meet all of the criteria. You have indoctrinated members willing to blindly obey your every command, the House of James is a totalitarian society with a self-appointed, often charismatic and messianic leader, who believes that the ends justify the means.” Kim points a finger at the camera.

“You meet all of the criteria for being a cult. Well, all except the whole charismatic leader part. Seriously, Jimmy, you are boring. You are dull. Hell, your best shot at beating me for the Underground Title at Under Attack is making me tap out due to fear of being bored to death by you. Seriously! You are that fucking boring! You’re also so very unoriginal. I mean, is being a messiah, god, or cult leader or whatever the new fad in wrestling today? I think I’ve fought three of you messiah types in the span of one month. But it isn’t your dullness that bothers the most. It isn’t even your lack of creativity that bothers me the most. What bothers me the most is the same thing that bothers me about all of you religious types.” The Woman Scorned sneers.

“You are a hypocrite. I guess that also fits in with the whole criteria of being a cult, because most cult leaders and religious types are hypocrites and so are you, Jimmy. You preach to anyone willing to listen about how you want to eliminate violence from professional wrestling…or at least from SCW, anyway…well that makes you either incredibly stupid or a hypocrite. For starters, Jimmy, wrestling is a combat sport, which means that unless we all transition to thumb wrestling, then there is no escaping violence. And even if we did outlaw the death match stuff, even if we outlawed the Underground and just did straight up wrestling, you still have violence.”

She places her own hands around her own neck. “I could get you a head lock and squeeze your damn head until it pops. VIOLENCE!” She grabs hold of her arm and roughly pulls at it. “I could snatch hold of your arm and pull it out of its damn socket…VIOLENCE!” She pats her knees. “I could get you a leg lock and break your legs…VIOLENCE!” She pats her back. “Or I could break you in half with the submission hold my mother taught me, The Angel’s Arch…THAT IS VIOLENT! And if you don’t believe me, just ask my new bestie Cassie Wolfe.” Kimberly winks at the camera.

“Face it, Jimmy, you cannot remove violence from professional wrestling. It will always be there. If you hate violence then you need get your ass out of this business. Just go ahead, turn in your pink slip and quit. Leave. Hang up the boots and retire. Do us all a big fucking favor and take your boring old ass out of my wrestling ring for good. Because if you are not in this business for the violence then you are in the wrong damn business. But what really gets me is your strategy for removing violence from wrestling.” She snickers nastily. “You want to fight violence with violence? Now how fucking hypocritical is that? Now what’s REALLY funny is that you won’t even do the dirty work yourself. You send your little scooby gang to fight your battles. Pain, Lues, Mordred, Harker…they are your weapon. They fight your battles. Which means you are not just a hypocrite but you are a chicken shit. You are too damn scared to fight this battle on your own.” Kim scowls angrily, with hate dripping from her every word.

“Look into these eyes, Jimmy! These are the eyes of someone who believes in her cause! And for over two damn years I have been fighting on the front lines for my cause! In those two plus years I brought back and elevated the Underground Championship to one of the most prestigious hardcore titles in professional wrestling! I did not rely on thugs, minions, or goons to fight my battles! I did all of my fighting myself! And you had best believe, Jimmy, that I will fight to my very last breath to fucking take you down at Under Attack!” Williams slowly turns her angrily scowl into a more of a sinister grin. “But you, you don’t fight your own battles anymore. What happened, Jimmy? Did your balls fall off? You have a cult to do your dirty work. And I fully expect to have to deal with your four mousekateers at Under Attack. Because that’s what you do. You send others to fight on your behalf. And somehow you think that protects you from having to be violent yourself. Somehow you think that helps you maintain this facade of turning away from violence.” Williams shakes her head.

“I hate to burst your bubble, ya moron, but ask any mob boss who has spent time in the slammer for murders that he didn’t actually commit himself. You may not have been the trigger man but you pointed the finger at your target and your House of James committed the violent act for you. You are just as guilty as them. You manipulate and take advantage of your own followers. I should add that to the list as yet another characteristic of a cult leader that you match.” She smirks knowingly.

“Now you are coming after me and my Underground Championship? You are coming to Under Attack threatening to end the Underground Division? There are a lot of flaws in your thinking, Jimmy. Even if you manage to pry this out of my cold dead hands,” she pats the Underground Title belt that is wrapped around her waist “do you really think that is somehow going to magically end the Underground? Do you think that by possessing this that somehow magically your vision of no more Underground will come to fruition? Oh, no, no, no! It just puts you right in the center of the storm! Like I said, I have rebuilt the Underground for over two years now and in that time I have attracted quite a few crazy, violent, lunatics to SCW who would love to have a crack at it. Sarah Wolf. Oktoberfest Raab. Hell, Alexis Quinn proved to me earlier this year that she is damn good in the Underground, she could probably take a stab at it again. I am the target now because I have the championship but if you win it, YOU become the target. Everyone will be coming after you, Jimmy. Your entire career while you hold this title will be centered around the Underground. You won’t be able to avoid this violence you claim to hate so much. And if you think you can either get away with just not defending the title or convincing CHBK to let you defend it in something other than Underground Rules then you are sorely mistaken. You are not Donald Trump and CHBK isn’t a MAGA voter ready to do whatever you ask or believe whatever garbage spews out of that damn trap of yours. That’s flaw number one, Jimmy. You winning this Underground Title doesn’t help you achieve your goal. Effectively, it ends your quest before it even begins.” She laughs maniacally.

“Do you really believe that winning this championship ends the Underground? You are delusional, my culty friend. Do you think that it will all magically cause psychopaths like me and Oktoberfest and that ooze drooling Sarah Wolf from trying to take years off of our lives by tearing one another limb from fucking limb?” She shakes her head. “Sorry, Jimmy, but even if there were no Underground and if there were no Underground Title, I would still be the Death Match Queen. I would still be rolling around in barbed wire, thumb tacks, stapling people in the ass, and enjoying every god damn minute of it!” Kim sneers nastily.

“Flaw number two is the fact that you decided to come after me. The mere fact that you threatened my legacy, something I have worked so damn hard to build. I poured blood, sweat, and tears into bringing back the Underground and becoming the Queen of the Death Match.” She quickly glances at her Bloodlust and Hardcore Championships on either shoulder and then looks back at the camera. “Now obviously I have since then branched out and cemented my Death Match legacy elsewhere in other promotions, but the Underground Division in SCW is special to me because it is here where I got my start. Here is where I truly found my niche, my sense of belonging. It is here where I found a place for myself within the Underground.” She scowls angrily. “Now if you and my mother really are close, or were close, then you should know how much it means to me that I have found acceptance. The fact that you are threatening to end the very thing that gave me that long sought after acceptance tells me that you are not only stupid, a hypocrite, and that you use and manipulate people, but it also tells me that you have a fucking death wish. You are threatening something that I love and that means you just pissed me off. I am a happy go lucky psychopath, but when push comes to shove I can also be one evil bitch. So tread lightly, Jimmy, because you have awakened The Dragon within me. I am coming to Under Attack not just to simply defend and retain my Underground Title, not just to defend my legacy, I am coming to Atlanta, to Under Attack, to end your fucking career.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

OOC: Finally got this done. It took a direction I didn't expect. The rest is in Olek's hands.

The Book of James: The Virus, Part Three
James Evans

[Image: jamesevansnew2.jpg]

SCW Accomplishments:
2x SCW World Heavyweight Champion
2016 SCW Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2016 SCW Rise to Greatness main event winner
2019 End of the Year Open Invitational Winner
SCW Supreme Champion
2x SCW U.S.Champion
SCW Adrenaline Champion
2x SCW Underground Champion
SCW World Tag Team Champion
2013 SCW Feud of the Year
2014 SCW Feud of the Year
2015 SCW Match of the Year
2016 SCW Match of the Year
2018 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2019 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2020 Conquered Thunderdome

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