The European Fiery Nation vs. Team Desire vs. The Playgirls
4 RP Limit for Tag

No word limits in play

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, January 20, 2024
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
Atlanta, Georgia. Saturday 30th December 2023. (Off-Camera)

Konrad told Dakon and Ludvig by text that they must come together as he wanted to talk to them on their house phone. Of course, Dakon and Ginny were in Portland, Oregon, over Christmas to get used to Ginny's family since Dakon's family couldn't fly like Ludvig's due to distance and money. On the other hand, Ludvig spent Christmas in his nightclub, strip club and casino place to accommodate the lonely males and females who didn't have families, didn't have anyone to celebrate Christmas with and certainly didn't have any presents to open.

Ludvig dressed up as Santa and placed presents around the tree in his nightclub, strip club, and casino place for anyone lonely at Christmas to come and pick up, which had a small glass of white wine and some cookies. Anyway, they sit in the living room at Dakon's and Ludvig's home, waiting for the phone call, although the time difference was six hours as the boys and Ginny know Konrad's in Germany for Christmas this year. Suddenly, the phone rang, and Dakon put it on loudspeaker.

Dakon Theron: "Howdy Konrad, how's Germany?"

Konrad Raab: "Wet and snowy as usual. Is Ludvig there as well?"

Ludvig Eriksson: “I am indeed. The weather is cold but nice over here."

Konrad Raab: "Good because you know I've said about Kemal a lot recently, the Turkish wrestling talent that will join The European Fiery Nation."

Ginny Raab: "Hi, Uncle Konrad; I know a lot about him."

There was a slight pause, although you could hear the other end of the phone with the speaker on of Konrad calling Kemal over as you hear the movement of sitting on the sofa.

Konrad Raab: "Well, he's the reason I went to Germany for Christmas, as well as someone else who's part of my life that I won't tell you about since it's irrelevant to what I need to talk about. But saying that, I know Kemal and you guys haven't once interacted together despite telling him and you guys a lot about each other."

Ludvig Eriksson: “I so get that. I would hate to be alone at Christmas with no family."

Konrad Raab: "Yes, we all would hate that for anyone, so let me introduce you three to each other. Dakon and Ludvig, you better get that bedroom ready for Kemal here. Anyway, I'll deal with and play with my kids for a while. You three and Ginny must talk to the Turkish future wrestler, Kemal Yilmaz, here by yourselves."

Konrad left the area as he left Kemal alone with the lads and Ginny.

Ginny Raab: "My uncle Konrad has told me about you, Kemal. It's nice to finally get to talk to you."

Kemal Yilmaz: "Same here with Konrad telling me about you. Manager of The European Fiery Nation, right?"

Ginny Raab: “Yes I am.”

Dakon Theron: "I'm Dakon Theron from Oslo, Norway, one of your partners to be in The European Fiery Nation who's a brawler, powerhouse and hardcore wrestler. I do most of the talking for the team."

Ludvig Eriksson: "I'm Ludvig Eriksson from Stockholm, Sweden, your other partner in The European Fiery Nation who's a brawler, high-flyer and hardcore wrestler. So where in Turkey are you from?"

Kemal Yilmaz: "I was originally from Istanbul, Turkey, but I moved to Antakya, Turkey when I was nine because my mum and dad had better job offers. See, I was born, raised and lived for a while in the European part, but Antakya is in the Asia part. So I'm technically a European wrestler."

It was a little awkward to start, but they could understand, seeing this was the best way to get used to each other, considering Kemal would be a massive part of the team, especially when Konrad retired from wrestling shortly. Kemal spoke again.

Kemal Yilmaz: "I'm going to be wrestling in Atlanta Wrestling Alliance by April, Konrad said. I need some more work with the hardcore wrestling and technical wrestling side of things. Konrad and the trainers said I've improved so much since I've been in the school."

Dakon Theron: “Yes, that's how Konrad met me and Ludvig. We started our careers at that company, and it's a wrestling school that teaches you more wrestling."

Ludvig Eriksson: "Wow, that's awesome, dude. You must've been working hard. We're already setting up your room. I'm unsure if Konrad's told you, but you'll live with us."

Kemal Yilmaz: “Konrad did tell me, yes. I want to come to America and build a new family as I lost everything in the Earthquakes, including them."

Ginny Raab: "We're aware of the situation and sorry. That must've been difficult."

Kemal sighed as it was difficult being a guy losing everything; even his dreams went to pieces for a while, and Ludvig could feel that connection, considering he did Christmas in his nightclub, casino and strip club place for lonely men and women.

Dakon Theron: "Kemal, when you come here in April, I guarantee you you'll never want to leave America because life has been fantastic for me and Ludvig. Ludvig has only been wrestling a year because he flew here when he was seventeen."

Kemal Yilmaz: "Oh, I'm twenty-two years old; I'll be able to wrestle straight away, right?"

Ludvig Eriksson: "Most likely because you've already had the training from Konrad, but these guys in Atlanta Wrestling Alliance, they will give you some more training just to see what you can do, and then when they feel you're ready, they'll give you some matches against the lower end talent just how professional wrestling works. Although, they'll give you some tag matches with either me or Dakon or even the three of us together."

Kemal Yilmaz: "Wait, you guys still wrestle at Atlanta Wrestling Alliance?"

Ginny Raab: "Yes, and they still will be, just as much as you, maybe with you a little less because you'll be a solo wrestling star for The European Fiery Nation. Konrad trusts you greatly when he retires to be a full-time NASCAR Cup Series driver."

This was news for Dakon and Ludvig because although they were aware Konrad was a NASCAR driver and Kemal obviously was told by Konrad of the situation, the boys were left stunned, but at the same time, it shouldn't be a surprise to them.

Dakon Theron: "Wait, Konrad's retiring?"

Ginny Raab: "Oh, it won't be for a while. He wants to continue wrestling until Kemal gets settled in. I think Konrad will retire from wrestling at the end of two thousand and twenty-five, but I'm surprised he hasn't told you both that."

Kemal Yilmaz: “Yes, Ginny's right. Konrad told me from his mouth that he's retiring from wrestling at the end of that year because he needs to do a full-time NASCAR Cup Series run. I understand because of the amount of races the series does, wrestling is in the way of that right now. That's why he's bringing me to America in April so I can wrestle professional matches as soon as possible, meet Dakon, Ludvig and yourself and then debut for Supreme Championship Wrestling."

Maybe it was new news, but it shocked the boys. It made complete sense and completely understandable that things were making much more sense now. Dakon and Ludvig had only been in wrestling for a few months and weren't aware of it.

Dakon Theron: "Well, we'd be wrestling two years in Supreme Championship Wrestling by that point. But Kemal, we will treat you as our brother when you come over. You will have a family in Ludvig and me. We're currently doing your room up; what colour would you like your walls to be?"

Kemal Yilmaz: "I like a red that goes with the Turkey flag."

Ludvig Eriksson: "Deal, and you will always have a Turkey flag hanging above your bed. We have our Norway and Sweden flags above our beds when you visit the house. We got pool tables like snooker-type things, air hockey, and PlayStation five games to play. We're even getting some video game arcades in the house. We got a swimming pool, basketball court, and ice hockey rink to play. Oh, and board games, too."

Kemal Yilmaz: "I already feel I'll settle in just fine and already feel I got a new set of brothers, but I got to tell you guys, I won't drink alcohol or do gambling because of my background, you know, got to represent Turkey and where I come from. I also don't eat pork or dog meat. Other than that, I'm willing to do everything else."

That was noted by Ludvig and Dakon, which they know now before considering offering them things, although you can hear giant footsteps on the other end of the phone. Dakon notes it on paper, and Ludvig pinned it on the board to make them aware of it when Kemal comes to live in America.

Dakon Theron: "It's fine, we totally get it. We want you to stick to your European roots and background because that's what European Fiery Nation is about, and we are happy to accommodate your needs."

Kemal Yilmaz: "I can't wait to see you, Ludvig and Ginny in April. I'm already excited just thinking about the future, considering I didn't have much of one before Konrad came around. I would be an MMA star like I know it would be for you both."

Dakon Theron: "No, I always wanted to be a wrestler. On the other hand, Ludvig would've been, but he changed his mind. I know it was different for you because you had a dream taken from you."

Kemal Yilmaz: "Yeah, that sucked and seeing dead bodies, god, I thought my life was over right there, and then to see the damn earthquakes took my whole family. Nobody until Konrad gave a shit about me. Anyway, it's nice to chat with the three of you finally. I gotta go and do some tidying up."

Ludvig Eriksson: “Nice to chat to you, Kemal. Glad we got to know you a lot more.

Ginny Raab: "We can't wait to see you."

Dakon Theron: "Keep busting your ass in the gym and be prepared for a ride you'll enjoy with all of us."

Konrad was back on the phone as Kemal entered the kitchen to wash some plates.

Konrad Raab: "I'm glad to hear you are bonding so well. I'm so sorry I never got you guys to know Kemal better earlier, but at least we've done it now. I'll be back in America next week as I got NASCAR and IMSA Rolex twenty-four-hour production stuff to do and meet another new teammate, too."

Ludvig Eriksson: “Also wrestling too.”

Konrad Raab: "Yes indeed, especially getting that prostitute in my hands, and I hope I can team with you both a lot more next year, too. I also want you guys to do what I say about seeking rivalries with teams. Granted, you've started with Light Of The Darkness, but you must also threaten other teams."

Ginny Raab: "They will; got plans for them on that. I'll let you get off. It seems hectic going on over there."

Konrad Raab: "It is. I'll see you three next year and enjoy celebrating it, no matter where or what you do. Happy New Year."

All three said the same to Konrad and their goodbyes before the phone went dead, and Dakon pressed a button to get off it. He got up with Ginny and said this to Ludvig, who would stay in Atlanta, Georgia, to take care of the place.

Dakon Theron: "I'll also see you in the new year. I need to get used to Ginny's family and herself much more. Take care of this place like I know you have, buddy."

Ludvig Eriksson: “It's in good hands.”

Dakon and Ginny grabbed their things, including their coat and went straight to Atlanta airport to fly back to Portland, Oregon. Ludvig went to play video games on his PlayStation Five for the entire day since it was mostly a relaxing day for him before he had to go back to work to celebrate the new year tomorrow.


Brooklyn, New York. Thursday 11th January 2024. (Off-Camera)

After the show, there was no moment to lose as they went straight to Konrad's hired apartment due to Konrad's complete refusal to stay at hotels because of a lack of vegan food options and would cook food for himself instead. Luckily, it wasn't far from the arena. Konrad got a car and took them back to his hired apartment, although bear in mind, Konrad arranged to have an illegal street fight tonight with someone as New York was the home of illegal street fighting. Konrad had kept that part a secret from everyone, even Ginny, that he does illegal street fighting to let his anger out.

At the same time, he has wanted to talk with his team since the phone call from Germany, but he barely interacted with them. Of course, Ginny was with them as well. Konrad parked the car and locked it before he unlocked his apartment, and they all went to sit at the table as they waited for Konrad and Ginny to join them. Konrad applauded them and Ginny for setting deals up.

Konrad Raab: "That's more like it, lads. This is the kind of stuff people want to see from you."

Ginny Raab: "All because The Playdolls keep saying over and over again, nobody gives a damn about them."

Dakon Theron: "And we've given them a reason to give a damn about them, especially the match we've given them was nowhere near enough."

Ludvig Eriksson: "So we give them the attention they crave and plot the attack on them. Playdolls also wanted to face Team Desire, a match we should've won nevertheless."

Dakon nodded at that. They clearly needed to gain experience back then to handle Gigi and Kate and more information about them. Of course, the team were called Playgirls, but it was more fitting to call them The Playdolls. Konrad got each of the team and Ginny a glass of water.

Dakon Theron: "We will just keep fucking them up. I know you want to focus on Kandis."

Ginny Raab: "Oh, Konrad knows he's not focused on Kandis right now as it's irrelevant to the topic."

Konrad Raab: "I'm praising the good work you boys are doing, just as I'm proud of Kemal doing fantastic work. I don't think you need me to tell you what you must do, but you're making this team more known in Europe than you think."

Ludvig Eriksson: "We can see that, and I think for some odd reason, despite us not knowing, many more European wrestlers have joined your wrestling school since you started the team, right?"

Konrad Raab: "Oh yes, the business is booming. As you know, I have some stars seeking potential in Turkey, with Kemal, France, with a lady called Juliette, who recently met with me in Germany. I also got a Czech Republic student who came in a few days ago to train with us, and he looks like he has potential as well. He's called Jakub, too."

Konrad already found the replacement as a leader within Kemal, a female student, and his replacement when he retires from wrestling, Jakub, on the wings. Of course, Konrad had more students, but those wrestlers were more on his list.

Dakon Theron: "Holy shit, even European countries that have a small demographic state of the world we're inspiring."

Konrad Raab: "The only way we're going to keep this up is by continuing the shit we're doing. None of this, oh, I want to earn titles bullshit and win matches to get there; that's not going to get anyone anywhere, as proven by both teams. It's good to have wins, but how often do people get title shots from earned wins? Literally zero and jumping ahead of other teams is the way to get there."

Ludvig Eriksson: "I agree, and that's what we've been doing. And we've made people talk about us. We've made an impact on even the current champions. More than The Playdolls and Team Desire have ever done. If The Playdolls wanted us so badly, why did they involve Gigi and Kate Steward?"

Dakon Theron: "Because they wanted to beat them, remember?"

Ginny Raab: "But they aren't going to because you boys may not have wrestled since last year, but you're more than ready to tackle the challenge of beating worthless teams being a waste of time."

Konrad applauds, while Dakon and Ludvig nod as Konrad drinks all his water and grabs his keys as he has something going on tonight, although he puts shoes on that are very different from the ones he usually wears, like boxing shoes.

Konrad Raab: "I think we've spoken enough here and get the picture. I got to go out somewhere for tonight. You boys and Ginny return to the hotel and relax for the night. I got business to take care of."

Konrad only took his keys with him, no credit card, no phone, no money, nothing, but his keys for the apartment as he left straight away, and the three left Konrad's hired apartment and returned to the hotel. Ludvig went straight into his room while Dakon and Ginny went to bed together, being they were a couple, something they had kept from Konrad for a while.


You wanted people to give a damn about you Playdolls? You got it, only stupidly adding Team Desire with you, but dominating this match (On-Camera)

Dakon Theron: “You know, it's funny how much you Playdolls especially whine and complain every video you've made about how nobody gives a fuck about you both. There's a reason for that because you haven't given any reason to give a damn about you both. Because Aisling and Colleen are a generic tag team that wants to be the same as everyone else. That's why maybe.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “We're not a tag team that will be focused on winning matches to earn title shots to reach our goal. That shit is so fucking outdated nowadays and overdone by too many teams around here who want to be pussies of earning shit. Guess what? It doesn't work, and you've admitted to yourselves that you're still irrelevant. That's why we attacked you Playdolls, and you both got mad about it with us for doing just that with the chains we used on you bitches.”

Dakon Theron: “Pathetic behaviour like The PlayBabies you are to whine and cry for giving you an ounce of care in the world. You and Team Desire have been in Supreme Championship Wrestling longer than we have, and yet we gave Light In The Darkness, the current tag champions, more attention in six months than you and Team Desire have done for years, and that's sad. We attacked them to get them to talk about us, sending them a message which effectively worked, and they've challenged us to a tag title match because of our attacks, and that's what you got to do to give people a flying fuck about you.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “You honestly think playing to the rules would help your careers? Do you think winning a bunch of matches is going to help you? No, it clearly fucking won't, and it hasn't. We're giving you free attention bunch of playbabies. We decided to call you The Playdolls because you're a bunch of ragdolls when we beat you to smithereens. Like a bunch of ragdolls. Also if you believe in the name playgirls then you should I don't know, play games with your opponents.”

Dakon Theron: “Games we up-handed you both on. Let me go back to when you did your pathetic video when you claimed to arrest guys for crimes. We don't give a flying fuck what you do, but Sweden and Norway are forgotten about in Wrestling, along with France and Turkey too. I would like to know how many Swedish, Norwegian, Turkish, and French wrestlers you know in the wrestling business. You wouldn't find one.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “Because they don't fucking get the opportunities to do so since no wrestler across Europe has given them a chance like Konrad has. You call us Konrad's running buddies, but what have we done with Konrad? One tag match with him out of all the ones we've done because, unlike you girls who still can't get relevant by yourselves as individual wrestlers, Konrad said to make ourselves our name and have our rivalries as a team without him around.”

Dakon Theron: “That's exactly what we've done, and sure, we are violent about it and sure, we have our wrestling styles, but if it weren't for the hardcore wrestling or Ludvig's case, high-flying wrestling as well, we wouldn't be professional wrestlers. That's the side of wrestling people don't get to see. Sentencing two men on a wrestling video was stupid as fuck.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “We can't forget the lame Team Desire team, a bunch of useless female wrestlers who can't say much. You won because we didn't have the experience, but at the same time, people talk more about us and even the Playdolls than anyone talks about you both. I hear you demanding a tag title shot, but why do that when you know you can send The Light In The Darkness a fucking message by attacking them up front?”

Dakon Theron: “Although it was to stop breaking up the fight between Konrad and Derek, we still showed them on our own without Konrad telling us to attack them and without being pussies to demand to bosses for a tag title shot. Kate should be better than that, honestly, to know that's an outdated way to go.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “We fuck people up and that's our goal. We're alright with you lot calling us soccer hooligans. That's exactly what we are, thank you very much. We fight with weapons and hardcore because no other tag team is like us. You can tell The Playdolls that story on what we've done to them recently while Team Desire chickened out of a fight like a bunch of pussies. At least I give Playdolls that they were willing to fight back while you walked away like a bunch of cowards.”

Dakon Theron: “The point is that you both are generic as well as Playdolls, but worse because you do fuckall to earn title shots. Even with the wins, you do nothing with them. It's also funny you said you'd do anything to have gold around your waist, Giovanna Steward, but why did you bitch out of an Underground title opportunity? You clearly never wanted to win any gold around your waist at all. I got a US title shot, but I didn't ask or demand it like you did; it was given to me, and I made the most of it.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “Fact is, I can see us winning this match because The Playdolls will focus too much on Polly's care, and their anger towards us is going to get the better of them, despite how they want to send us a message for giving them attention they crave like a bunch of hypocrites they are and Team Desire like Playdolls have a problem seeking solos titles, we're only focused on one thing.”

Dakon Theron: “That's the World Tag Titles. We leave the solos titles quest to Konrad and the Turkish wrestler when he comes in, who will be part of The European Fiery Nation, I reckon, sooner than later. You both, despite your lucky wins against us, are complete failures, and we have no problems whatsoever bringing all the weapons in the world to beat the living shit out of your teams because we love the way we break the rules to get ahead and love how much we're hated for it. We embrace the hate with and without Konrad to have European Wrestlers Europe can be proud of, part from Konrad, UK and Irish Wrestlers all the god damn time.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “Both of you teams are going to bleed, both of you teams are going to make us taste the feeling for being violent and getting tag wrestling known for more than just boring wrestling skills. Whether we win or lose doesn't mean shit, we've given more attention to the tag team division than both of your teams can comprehend. Both of you teams are a waste of space.”

Dakon Theron: “Enjoy the attention you wanted, The Playdolls, because you got it. Team Desire is lucky to get that attention, too. But we're a much better team here. Because unlike you, both teams, we're exclusively a tag team that is brutal and vicious in a way no other team have been like us before. We will make you bleed and use weapons to beat the shit out of you both teams because we can and we will. We're also the most hated team, so I expect you both to beat the fuck out of us.”

Ludvig Eriksson: “Because we're ready for a fight, and you both can't do shit whether you win or lose. We're always the winners in terms of being vicious and in terms of being the last team standing, especially as we've said before. When we become tag champions, so will Konrad and the Turkish guy when he comes in.”

Dakon Theron: “We're getting bigger, vicious and being on top as a team everyone fears not from wins and losses, but from brutality and from teams that we've pissed off because we aim to take any shortcuts to get tag title shots. We will do so, and that's just it. The European Fiery Nation are the most dangerous and feared tag team in Supreme Championship Wrestling, and we've proved that with The Light In The Darkness and The Playdolls.”
Team Desire | "To Walk With The Goddess Again"

Gigi Steward lays on a bed in the trainer's area backstage of the latest episode of Breakdown. Her eyes shut tight trying to clear her head from the chaoticness of what had just happened. She tries to clear her mind, but she can't, not with Katie’s voice carrying across the arena. She doesn’t sound too happy. Screaming at management about it.
Gigi shuts her tight trying to block out the noise. Feeling like a teenager whose helicopter mom is yelling at her managers. Gigi tries to find calm and clear her mind. She takes a breath and as she lets out. She just starts coughing. She sits up trying to catch her breath.

The door to the trainer rooms opens and Sasha D. walks inside. She takes one last peek outside at the very loud situation Katie has brought on. “Phew, I’m so glad I'm not the boss.”

Sasha turns to see Gigi coughing and rushes over to help pat her on the back.Gigi gets it all out and starts breathing again. “Thanks.”

“You have to take it a bit easy. Lucky Katie and TJ got you out of that mess.” Sasha says walks around the bed to face Gigi.

“Yeah, I didn’t even see them coming. Next thing I knew I was on the mat.” Gigi shakes her head. She pushes herself up off the bed standing up. Using the bed for support while Sasha stands there waiting to catch her just in case. “I’m good. What is happening out there anyways?”

“It’s just Katie being the protective mama bear. Giving everyone an ear full about how they could’ve let outside interference happen. It’s actually really sweet.” Sasha nods.

“She has her moments.” Gigi tries walking a little bit around the bed. “So are you on her side too?”

“Her side?” Sasha asks, looking a bit confused by the accusation. “What do you mean?”

“We kinda got into a bit. Not really seeing eye to eye on a lot of things. I just got frustrated with her. She wanted to take this year seriously. Both of us bucket down and focus on the tag title pursuit. I don’t know why she needed to tell me this. I’m serious. Whatever I’m set to, I’ll give it my all.” Gigi takes a breath. She holds the bed tight bracing herself feeling a little light headed. Still needing a few more minutes to recover.

“Of course.” Sasha nods in agreement with her. “And you told her this?”

“Yes. That’s where we left off pretty much” Gigi presses her fists against the bed. “And now we’re here. Sitting in the trainer’s room because I got a punch I didn’t see coming.”

“I wouldn’t blame yourself too much on what happened tonight. They were going to try and get involved with who it was. After Katie is done with being a Karen…”

“Oh my Goddess.”

Sasha laughs. “SCW will have a talk with everyone and figure something out. For you and Katie though I think you should give another talk. Maybe you can find some common ground. I mean seeing Katie backstage right now. You’re probably one of the few people that can talk to her.”

Gigi stands in the middle of the trainer’s room. Not realizing yet she’s back on her feet and moving around fine.

Sasha’s words run through her mind. Wondering how a talk with Katie would be different this time.

“Well I should be going. Just wanted to check and see how you were doing. Glad you’re back on your feet, Gigi.”

Sasha smiles and she walks by and leaves the trainer’s room.Before she can  open the door Katie opens it first. Sasha jumps back out of her way. Hoping she’s not going to get an ear full. “Just checking to see how she’s doing. You can see she’s back on her feet.”

Katie’s eyes turn from Sasha to Gigi. Sasha slips by Katie while Katie waves Gigi along for them to follow suit.


Outside the arena, Katie and Gigi walk to their car with TJ Johnson walking next to them. Katie is still very fired up.
“I told you TJ. Let it be known that I am always right. They’re nothing, but a bunch of hooligans.”

TJ nods along in agreement. “I never doubted you for a moment.”

TJ takes the Steward’s bag and puts them into the back. Gigi gets into the backseat and Katie in the passenger side.

TJ drives them to the airport for their flight.

“Gigi, you don’t have to worry about anything. They’ll get what’s coming. They want a fight? What is it that everyone wants in SCW? Street Fights, Brawls, Blood shed?” Katie is still venting hot that the windows in the rental fog a bit.

“You hate those kinds of matches.” Gigi points out curled up in the back.

“Yes, but people do love the horror genre. I’m sure I can find something to make it work. You don’t have to worry. I won’t drag you into this. I can handle it.”

Gigi is a little confused. Or maybe she’s relieved? Katie is letting her off the hook. Them going their separate ways to handle their own business. Katie is going to get justice for Gigi being attacked and Gigi, she figures she could pursue her own interests. Gigi shakes her head.

“No. What are you saying? They attacked me. Colleen and Asiling were getting into the fight as well. This should be something we all are invested in.” Gigi says in a serious tone. A serious tone, suddenly Katie’s words come back into her mind from their last conversation.

“It’s alright Gigi, I know this isn’t what you want.” Katie understands Gigi’s side of things and leaves her on her own. Why is she so frustrating to deal with?

“This isn’t just your fight Katie. Thanks for helping me out of there, but now we can return and get them back.” Gigi sits up in the back.

“So you want us to be a team?” Katie questions her.

“They wanted a fight. Playgirls still want some fun. I think we still can give both teams what they want. Then maybe after that… then maybe we can win the tag team titles. Seriously.”

Katie lights up with enthusiasm. She’s got Gigi back with her and both of them are on the same page.”Thank you Gigi. You don’t know how much I needed you for this. At least I still have a brat by my side.”

Gigi looks up at Katie and sees the smile on her face. It brings a smile to hers too. “So, you were saying something about a street fight or some blood sacrifice match?”

“What? No! We’re not doing that barbaric stuff.” Katie quickly hits the brakes and backtracks. “We don’t need any of that to put on our redemption arc.”

“Come on, I thought we were going to war.” Gigi continues to have her fun poking the mama bear in the passenger.

The drive continues to the airport and instead of awkward silence from the girls, they’re now reunited and Gigi is having a good time.


At the Steward’s apartment in Los Angeles, California. Gigi sits on the couch in the living room with Maddy next to her. Gigi’s sister, Ash sits by them in the chair.

“So you and Katie are getting along again.” Ash asks. “You two are one of the worst will they, won’t they couples.”

“Shut up.” Gigi responds jokingly. “I think this will be good. After the talk with Sasha, maybe Katie and I can make this work. She needs someone watching her back. I’m all she’s got.”

“Plus, it’ll be pretty cool to be tag team champions with her.” Maddy adds.

“Yeah, well now I’m highly motivated and we have some receipts that need to be cashed.” Gigi smiles looking to be in her best moods. She relaxes on the couch with her friends. Realizing her goals are in her sight.


Katie arrives home after dropping Gigi off at her apartment. TJ follows her inside carrying her bags with him.

“Oh my Goddess, TJ I am so happy. Gigi is back and wants the tag team titles. I’m so close I can feel it.” Katie clutches her fist and holds her arms close to her body. She just wants to explode into a cheer. “But before that, we need to take care of some business. Both unfinished and new.”

TJ nods with Katie as he puts her bags by the front door. “It’s a lucky break for you. Their misfortune will be your reward.”

Katie smiles. “Everything is falling into place. We owe it all to their own idiotic  tendencies to do their stupid stuff. I win and they lose. Just the way the Goddess intended it.”

Katie laughs in amusement. Nothing can stop her now from finally cementing herself above everyone else.


“Everything is okay. Team Desire is finally ready. Body, Heart and Soul we will be taking care of business with Playgirls and the European Fiery Nation. We didn’t get to finish things with the Playgirls. I said we were going to beat you and we’re still going to do that. Only now it’s worse for them because Gigi and I are now back together. Focus on one goal and there is no force in this world that is going to stop us. We’ll give you the fun that you’re looking for. Then when playtime is over, because we’re going to say it’s over. There is no more time for play when Katie Steward is going to achieve her greatness. You will pay tribute to your Goddess. Now as for those hooligans that decided that they would interfere in my business. Attack my apprentice and think… Well, I’m going to be serious. European Fiery Nation aren’t thinking period. Now just like The Playgirls, well not just like them. We don’t want to just beat the European Fiery Nation. We’re going to make an example of them. SCW has a problem. A problem that Katie Steward can fix. Everyone is in their own way. They want fights and violences. Katie Steward is going to give them something more, the Art. At Body, Heart and Soul Katie Steward is going to present a show that the Playgirls and the European Fiery Nation can barely put on.When we’re done with this match. I’ll make sure to remember to remind TJ to add their names to the list of supporting casts.” -Katie Steward.

coughs “I don’t know what to say. I thought I was just going to go my own way. If I needed to I’ll tag with Katie. Or if I had an opportunity for something more I’ll try even harder for that. Well that’s what I thought I was going to do. Apparently faith has other ideas. I got a nice little bit of reality come my way on Breakdown. Though I’m feeling quite good now. It was a wake up call nonetheless. As much as I want to try to do this on my own. There isn’t a single person in SCW that you ever want to turn your back on. The only person that I have to trust is Katie and I’m going to help her get what she needs. That is because she’s right. She’s right about everything. SCW needs a change. They need a hard dose of reality and Katie is going to deliver it. What she ends up doing no one can ever take it away from her and that’s why that’s all running scared. Body, Heart and Soul Team Desire is returning for two things. We’re going to finish what we started with the Playgirls. So Colleen and Asiling you better be ready because we aren’t waiting to play around with you. As for the Fiery Nation. You may have knocked me down, but you’ve also woken me up. I’ll give you the fight that you were looking for on Breakdown. Team Desire is going to be the only team left standing at the end of this. You can bet on that.” -Gigi Steward
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Season 4 / Episode 27 / Bodiers

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