Body, Heart & Soul (Aisling & Colleen) vs. Team Desire (Katie & Gigi Steward)
4 RP limit for tag

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET THURSDAY, April 25, 2024 ET
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
With Mr. Compton back where he belongs, in custody for all of his wrongdoings, will Polly, Colleen, and Aisling all be able to move forward, even with Marissa and Nicole at-large?  Well, them being a family of sorts and thinking only positive thoughts will definitely help in that regard.  They know they will all need to earn their way to what they want, but with him out of the picture, things are definitely looking up...

Season 5 / Episode 1 / Thinking Positive

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Team Desire | "Desire and Dreams"

Katie and Gigi sit in the office of Dr. Evelyn Mercer. Their mediator and therapist sits in her chair across from them with her notepad in hand ready to get things started.

“So how did things go in your last team outing? Were there any problems between the two of you?” Dr. Mercer asks.
The Steward girls sit there and they share a glance wondering which one is going to talk first. Though they already know which one that will be.

Katie starts. “It went fine. There weren't really any problems between us. We both wanted the same thing and even though we didn’t win. We still got a lot out that we need to get out in the match.”

Dr. Mercer nods.

Gigi adds. “It was a really big match to be fair. The odds of winning were 14%. It was what it was.”

“So what were the issues that you needed to get through during the match? Katie, you did say there were things that you got out.”

“It just means we’re not going to be taken lightly. We weren’t going to be the ones that were going to be beaten and that we would still be a threat to whoever won that mess.” Katie tries to explain herself. Team Desire did prove that they meant business and felt they did indeed take that leap.

Dr. Mercer turns to Gigi and looks for her response. “Gigi, do you think you did well in the match?”

“Yeah. Katie is right. We didn’t get pushed around by anyone. Since our stumble a few weeks back. I think we did well in getting ourselves back on track.” Gigi nods along. Agreeing with Katie that since their losses to Light in the Darkness and The Seekers that they’ve recovered nicely. “I really think that this was a good idea coming here. This has really helped us focus.”

“I’m glad to hear that and Thank you. Though it’s really the two of you that deserve the credit. Though you haven’t been as open and I really don’t see any real problems between you two. Are you two understanding each other better?”

“I think we are.” Katie agrees for both of them.

Gigi nods. “Yeah. As much as I want to prove myself in SCW. It’s rather impossible to do solo. The need for Katie to watch my back is something I’ll always need.”

Katie lowers her head. She hears Gigi feeling down about how her own quest has been derailed. She can’t help, but feel guilty. Though she also knows just how brutal SCW can be. Hence how grueling her own quest has become.
The hour-long session wraps up and Dr. Mercer excuses the Stewards until next time How they do with their next match. Gigi hurries out of there and leaves before she can talk to Katie about things. As much as Katie wants to talk about Gigi's feelings of disappointment she’s already gone by the time Katie walks out of the building and into the parking lot.


At Katie’s house, Katie sits on the couch in her living room. In her hands is a book, “Rift in Time” that her agent wanted her to read. Katie knew her agent was right. Katie would love to have a role in the next big studio bidding war. She could just feel it happening for her. Her phone sits next to her on the cushion and it rings. Katie answers it knowing it's her agent getting back to her.

“Hello, Ms Specter.” Katie smiles hoping her agent can sense it over the call.

“Katie, I’m happy that I got you. Are you busy?”

“No. I’m just sitting here. Doing my homework like you asked.” Katie closes the book and holds it tightly in her hands. Praying to her Goddess for whatever news her agent tells her next.

“That’s good. I was calling to talk to you about that.”

Katie beams with excitement. Throwing her fists into the air and pumping it with enthusiasm. “Oh, really. Cool. So you like got me an audition?” Katie asks very cooly.

“Not exactly.”

Katie freezes up. Wondering what does her agent mean by that. “If it’s not an audition? Then why did you want me to read the book? I thought you wanted me to get into the main character.”

“I do. I do, Katie. I wanted you to get to know the characters and the story as a whole. I wanted to get your thoughts on the book itself.” Ms. Specter explains.

“Oh?” Katie is still a little confused. She’s never really been asked about this before when she tries out for something. “Well, I mean it’s an interesting plot and everyone I talk to says it’s really good. It’s a really interesting science fiction novel. Why did you want to know what I thought about it?”

“I just really am curious about what vision you’ll have for it. The whole thing. What would you do if you were the one in the chair.”

Katie takes in a gulp. Her agent is seriously asking her this. “You want me to direct the next big blockbuster?”

“Hollywood is at an interesting place right now. Studios are cost cutting and streaming is a thing. Also in demand are female directors. I do believe I can get you in the door for this project. You did say you wanted to take the next step.”

“Well it was more of a leap, but that was technically last Sunday.” Katie explains. “I mean, sure I’ll be interested. Do you think they’ll go for a first time director for something so big?”

“Like I said, with Studio cost cutting from all places. I’m sure they wouldn’t think twice about the salary of a big name director vs. a first time one.”

“Well I’m flattered that you’ll think of me doing something this big, but I think it’s too much.” Katie shakes her head. So many thoughts run through her head. Doubt creeps inside and she freezes up. She did the only thing she could think of and that was to decline.

“That’s ok. I’m not going to pass on the word just let. If you want to take some time and think it over. I know I just sprung the news on you. I just thought someone like you would love to show off their cinematography visions.”

Katie’s agent signs off and ends the call. Katie has some time to think about this big decision.


Driving around the streets of Los Angeles, Gigi cruises around for a nice drive. Her eyes continue to glance at her rear view mirror. Watching the cars behind her. Something seems a bit off with one particular car that looks suspicious enough. It’s been following her for a few blocks. She knew her friends couldn’t be that trusting and would try something. Gigi slowly rolls her car up to the next red light and stops. She keeps herself cool and turns her head oh so slightly to the car that pulls up next to her. She doesn’t know the guy in the driver’s seat. She glances to the back where no one is sitting. Gigi lets out a deep breath. She let her paranoia get the best of her for a second. She’s been a bit off since her session with Dr. Mercer. Letting a bit too much out in front of Katie.

Gigi drives up to an apartment and hops out of her car. She carefully looks around just in case they manage to successfully tail her. Though there is no one in sight. Gigi walks up to the apartment and knocks.

A young man answers the door and lets her inside. “Hey Giovanna.”

Gigi throws her arms around the guy and greets him with a hug. “Hey. I got here safely. No one followed me.”

“You know you don’t have to hide me from anyone. I’m cool with meeting your friends.”

Gigi laughs. “I know and I would love to introduce you to them, Liam. It’s just not a good time right now. I'm just looking for some normal fun.”

Liam looks at her confused. “I’m pretty sure sneaking around isn’t considered normal fun.”

“Well, normal yeah, but it is fun.” Gigi smiles as she points it out.

“Alright, fair enough.” Liam gives up and accepts his faith. “So some Fortnite then?”

Gigi smiles. “Of course.”

Gigi and Liam head into the living room of the apartment and he passes a gaming controller over to her. They have a couple of hours of some fun playing games. Gigi doesn’t have Katie or her friends in her head. Thinking about Katie and her quest or anyone from SCW at that fact. Gigi just spends the night having some normal fun.


“Taking the Leap was our reset. Team Desire needed to get refocused and serious. We have six other teams all hungry to call themselves Tag Team Champions. Though we didn’t win at Taking the Leap. We now have a clear path of the gauntlet that we need to run through. To finish my quest of becoming Supreme Champion. They will not stop me. They can’t stop me. As for Body, Heart and Soul.” Katie laughs. “Whatever you want that to mean. To give, to feel or to suck out of your opponent. It’s not going to end the way you want it to end. Team Desire has the desire. The passion. The fight to carry us through to the end. We are going to make it to the end of this quest. Body, Heart and Soul just accept that.” -Katie Steward.

“I’m feeling in a good mood. Some things may seem pretty bleak from my eyes at times. I have my own goals and quest I’d love to see come to reality, but right now I just want to call myself a champion again. Aisling and Colleen, neither of us came out of Taking the Leap with the win. Though Team Desire still felt like we did take a very big leap forward that night. Showing six other teams that we want the tag team titles. Our strides aren’t stopped from Saturday because Breakdown will continue to take massive ones in the direction of finishing this quest. No one is going to break Katie. I won’t allow it. Team Desire is on this path and you might be Body, Heart and Soul now. You aren’t going to be breaking ours. We’ll see you at Breakdown.” -Gigi Steward.
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