Samantha Raine vs. Andrew Raynes
2 RP Limit for singles

11:59 pm ET Tuesday, June 18, 2019
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
Okay there is a couple things of note that I want to point out before I give the link to the rp. The first things is that that first and second scenes of the rp (the later which is rushed due to my falling asleep while trying to write it.) happen AFTER the breakdown that the rp is for due to the nature of the storyline going further. I really couldn't have what happened happen before Breakdown, because then how would she have shown up for the match.

Secondly, I don't know what is going with Ricky Octavius character on twitter that I just noticed prior to posting this and I would like to add that this moment in the story was always slated to happened. In fact, it's been supposed to have happened since my final GDW rp for Samantha against Sophie O'Brian, but for one reason or another I always failed to pull the trigger till now. So the similarities between what is to come after this rp and what is going on with Octavius character are purely not purposefully intended and I hope that the pay off where this story is going is enough to make it stand on it's own against what is going on with Ricky. Thank you... I'll get off my soap box now so yall can read the rp...

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OOC: Sorry, had login problems

June 3rd, Montreal, QC

Given everything that had happened at taking hold of the flame, Andrew couldn't have been the least impressed with the fact that Amy had decided to weasel her way into the battle royal to try and regain a name for herself. SOmeone who claimed that their knee is so bad that they had to retire and then have the gall to show up and participate in the rumble match just really irritated Andrew. He believed that after Bree had supposedly retired her after their match last RTG that everything with Amy would have been over with. He was happy that he didn't have to worry about her being around and he could just focus on what he wanted to do. Truth was, with amy around there felt like there was some chip on andrew’s shoulder that he needed to be dealt with on a regular basis. ONce she was gone from SCW altogether, ANdrew seemed to become more complacent, like there was something missing. When Amy did decide to return into the rumble, there was something different about it, something that really stood out for Andrew. Perhaps it was less so about the fact that he wasn't fully aware that she was back until after he was eliminated as she didnt come out beforehand. He didn't have the chance inside that ring to do something about it and maybe that was something that he needed to deal with. It bothered him though, the idea that she was going to come back in any capacity much less that of a “manager” so that she can keep herself relevant around the company. Why now though? Why would she want to make her return now as we got close to RTG? Was she thinking she was going to make some gigantic comeback and win the rumble or something?

He didn't want to go all the way back to the falls following the rumble, he wants to stay in montreal for a few days but needed to deal with the situation at hand. Having the option to contact dr vanrensberg anytime he wants via cell is something that has come in handy many times for Andrew in order to be able to deal with certain situations. Even though he had Bree and Dustin he could talk to, when it comes to Amy, it was a whole different aspect, again, there was something that felt off about this whole thing, something that he wasn't sure just quite how to put together. There was always a reason for everything and yet, Andrew couldn't quite figure it out. I mean, maybe understandably so given it had only happened the night before but Andrew didn't want to waste any time trying to sort through it or else he could be unprepared for what was going to happen.

He got in contact with DVR almost right away, Andrew having a direct line to him made accessibility much easier, Andrew paid him enough to warrant it in the first place, where else do you think his paychecks go towards? Sith monuments? Most of the time, Andrew knew when the best times to contact him were so getting in touch with him was easy. Andrew, meanwhile was. Andrew was sitting along the Port in Old Montreal, one of his favourite places when he was here. Kept things in perspective for him as he tries to make sense of everything. It gave him a sense of calm, an ability to better handle the situation and how to deal with it.

DVR: Andrew, what brings you to be at this hour?

Andrew: Oh you know, just trying to enjoy my time here in Montreal and wouldn't you know i have the greatest person on earth coming and crashing my party….

DVR: Amy?

Andrew: How’d you guess?

DVR: Call it a hunch, what happened?

Andrew takes a deep breath.

Andrew: Fucking, after i get eliminated by some worthless douchebag in the rumble match, i come to find out that good old Amy decided her knee was good enough to try getting back into the ring and makign some grand comeback. KNowing i could have had the chance to do something about and she weasles her way into getting a better number and assurances i wouldnt be in the rumble for her to make her stupid little appearance really pisses me off.

DVR: Why does it piss you off?

ANdrew: Because, I was supposed to be cleared of her after Bree “retired her” after the rumble last year, that all this shit about avoiding her and not wanting anything to do with her is basically out the window.

DVR: Do you think that this is a sign?

ANDrew: A sign for what?

DVR: Well, considering the fact that Blake and Now Bree have failed to end Amy’s career as you once believed that they were meant to do, maybe it's a sign that you might have to atek things into your own hands.

Andrew sat there for a minute, reflecting on what he was told. The idea of having to be the one to end Amy was something that hadn't actually crossed his mind He had always been thought to stay away from her and just avoid the situation all together. However, between Bree trying to get them to reconcile and now her making her return into the ring at the rumble to avoid Andrew completely, it was something very compelling.

Andrew: Even if they were the case, there would be no way that she would want to engage in the situation.

DVR: No, because she is going to focus on herself and whatever she is doing and treat you like a thing of the past, if you are going to make this your endgame to complete, you’re going to have to figure out a way that you can entice her into fighting you. Otherwise it is just going to look petty on your part.

He was right, just going and challenging her wouldn't do anything as even going into a managerial role and a one off rumble match, she was going to do everything she could to keep her hands clean of fighting at any costs. She probably knows her knee isn't that great but if she had the balls to make a return then that was something to think about. Perhaps there was ultimately no running from your past when it comes up to snake you in the face. He knew that he wasn't focused on winning the rumble because he wanted nothing to do with either syren or sienna, whoever went on to win, and perhaps getting booted by a no name jobber in the ring was meant to delay the inevitable confrontation between himself and amy, that it was meant to be for something greater perhaps. He takes a deep breath.

Andrew: I see, alright, thanks for helping me doc, I think I have everything I need right now.

DVR: Always happy to help, i’ll bill you for this and have it updated for you.

Andrew: Thanks.

He hangs up and puts his phone down on the table, he looks out over at the boats as he just takes everything in for a moment, It was a lot to think about for the man who embraced hate and was looking for a way to reinvigorate himself after everything that had been going on. Perhaps this was the golden apple being handed to him on a silver platter, something for him to really sink his teeth into and cement himself with who he was meant to be. He knew this wasn't going to be an emotional charge for him, he was thinking nice and clearly for this because he knew that he could be in the driver's seat for this. To antagonize Amy enough into finally throwing down was going to be fun, he could do as he pleased in this situation, given that he had nothing to hold back on. He wasn't going to let anything stand in his way.

After a few moments, Dustin comes back over, allowing Andrew hsi personal space to deal with the doc, he wanted nothing to do with it, the personal game for Dustin was something he wasnt too worrried about, he had andrew;s back, but there were some things that he wasnt sure he wanted to be a part of, or at least being around for Andrew to talk about shit with his therapist while they were away. He comes back with a couple beers as he sees that Andrew’s done with his call. He sits across from him and smirks.

Dustin: So, everything good?

Andrew just looks over with a smirk.

Andrew: He told me that it's a sign that i should deal with it.

Dustin: So what does that mean?

Andrew’s smirk turns into a grin.

Andrew: It means that the filter is coming off and it's time to play a fucking game. If she thinks shes going to make her glorified return to the ring then cop out and act like a manager to avoid the ring, she has another thing coming.


Well, Sam, I can only assure that you think you can try making a comeback off of me.

You thinking making your little return after you ducked me for so long was going to be a redemption story for you. That you could finally have your chance to step up and try rejuvenating your career off of me?

I've been waiting for you to come back around.

Ever since so logn ago that you won that triple threat to get a piece of me, I have been waiting for you to step up and want your shot, to try and avenge everyone that didn't have the balls to step up to me and try doing something about it, because we all knew that when it comes tofacing me, you are facing an animal with no remourse or concern for anything you bring to the table. I have been relishing in the ability to do what I want, when I want with nothing to worry aboyt because I know that no one is going to come and do something about it, not you, Alexis or that stupid little bitch, Dawn Lohan who had the audacity to run away because she couldn’t hack being around here anymore. Crying like the little girl that she is and now coming face to face with someone who thinks that she is going to make some kind of relevant comeback.

You are simply going to fuel me for whats to come.

As much as I have been waiting for you to come around and give me a match worth having, truth is that I don’t care about what happened before, I am simply going to wreck you and drop you like a bad habit. The fact that I can use you to get myself into rise to greatness mode is going to prove wonders for what I have in store. I haven’t been this focused since Dylan was obsessed with ending my career. Now that I have the chance to do something even better than that, I am going to make sure that I leave you in the dust.

Because I am Andrew Raynes, the man of the year, the star of tomorrow and someone who is going to be given a great chance to do something special, something that people didn't have the guts to do before.

Believe me, Sam, that you are going to be in for a fight, because I am going to stop at nothing to get what I want and do what it takes in order to have what I want going into rise to greatness. I am tired of having shit hold me back and prevent me from being the man I want to be, who I am meant to become. With the new path laid out in front of me, there is going to be nothing stopping me from ascending up to what I am meant to be, to let the hate and the dark side flow through me peacefully and allow me to embrace the hate like never before, free myself and become one with it that will spell doom for all of you.

Prepare to embrace the hate

The Code Of The Sith
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

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