Abigail Lindsay vs. Cassidy Carter
2 RP Limit for singles

11:59 pm ET Tuesday, June 18, 2019
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
{The scene opens in a dimly lit hotel room. Sitting at the edge of a queen size bed is Abigail Lindsay. Laying in bed behind her is none other than Jordan Majors who appears to be asleep. Abi quickly looks over her shoulder; focusing back on the camera, Abigail offers a sly smirk.}  

Abigail: Why, oh why, did Abigail attack Kimberly Williams? The world wants to know.

For you S-C-W fans unaware of me and Kim’s past dealings in other promotions, I don’t hate Kim, on the contrary, we are good friends. We go back, way back, back to the days when Ms. Williams kidnapped her prudish sister, stole her identity, pretended to be her, fun times. Visually, Kim is cute, not Chanelle Chambers levels of hotness, Kim will do, take my word for it, Kim Williams is a firecracker in bed. One hell of a fire crotch--

{Abigail mockingly gasp.} 

Abigail: --opps, am I being a wee bit too graphic for a family show? Right, Kablama-sutra is promoted every week, we lost the right to call ourselves a family show a long time ago. Kim speaks my language. She is one of the few individuals on Earth who relates to me on a base level, there are differences between us, I don’t talk to animals, everyone has their kinks, who am I to judge? But Abi, since you and Kimberly are GOOD friends, why oh why would you attack said good friend?”

Do I really need to spell it out?



{Abigail shrugs.}

Abigail: Kim, I love you sweetie. You’re quirky. Make me laugh. Highly intelligent. What is there NOT to love about you? I will go as far to say you are the ginger version of little ole me; in some ways. In other ways, not so much, it would be boring if you were my EXACT carbon copy, differences are the spice of life. Lets face it, you ran into the same trap I did a year ago. Last year I signed with SCW to watch my sister’s back. Look what happened. Dawnie abandoned me. Opted to stay home, fornicate with her deepest fantasy, Daisy, not that I blame her, Daisy is h-a-w-t, lets not get ahead of ourselves too much. Your campaign to get in Ravyn’s way, not cool Kim. Not cool at all. The only reason you are in this spot is because of Marie Jones.  

Last year, do you really think I wanted to be a staple of the tag division? No. I put my desires on hold, for my sister. I fought every battle she wanted to fight, because I love her. You are essentially me, you feel you owe Marie. She has your back in the same way that Dawnie has mine. You feel obligated to fight her battles. Not judging, hello, I played the same role. Here is the thing Kimberly, Dawn leaving freed me up to finally be the woman I am capable of being.

No restrictions.

No more holding back.

I am as free as a bird, but you, you keep getting dragged down by your sisters dumb decisions. Seriously, she didn’t see her partnership with Katya going off the rails? How dumb can she be? Last week you paid for your sisters dumb decision making, again, she persist with wanting justice, for what? For being a sell out? You don’t need to follow your sister like a lemming being led to its demise. I implore you sweetie, stand out of my way. Don’t let your sister’s sins drag you down.

Liberate yourself. Be free. Leave the prude to her own devices. Be the woman you were meant to be or, you can follow your sisters lead, support her dumb decisions, become a victim. Don’t fret my pet, we’ll kiss and make up later.


{Abi blows a kiss. Her playful disposition quickly morphs to a more stoic one.} 

Abigail: A woman I am NOT going to offer the same deal to is my “opponent” on the 19th. Hey Cassidy, how did Taking Hold of the Flame work out for you?

I whipped out my phone, pressed the Youtube application, typed in Cassidy Carter, Taking Hold of the Flame promo, there you were on screen, pouring your heart out, making a huge emotional plea about how much becoming the World Champion means to you, somehow, someway you were going to get back to the top of the mountain, the one fluke World Championship opportunity you had earlier in the year would not be in vein. Passionate speech Cassidy. My heart ached for you girl. Made me want to pull for you even more, came close to putting on the pom poms.

Cassidy, Cassidy, she’s my girl, if she can’t do it... ugh, right. You couldn’t.

In one single solitary video Cassidy; you sold out. For years you pranced around as Rachel Foxx’s heir to the throne. A blonde, slightly less talented version of Rachel, but an offspring of Rachel nonetheless. You read from her bible, adopted her ways, doing your best to be a harbinger of chaos, yada yada yada yada, yet, there you were, on camera, pouring your heart out to us “lesser beings,” selling your soul to main event Rise to Greatness.

Abigail yawns.

Abigail: Unlike you Cassidy, I stand on principal. I didn’t step foot in the battle royal. My mission statement has been the same for months... all roads for me lead to Ravyn Taylor. You remember Ravyn, the same woman who conned you out the World Title. When you were getting your ass handed to you by Christy Matthews, remind me who came to your rescue? Ace Marshall. Your husband. Your White Knight. Same man who saved you from getting ran over by my motorcycle. Am I really to blame for Ace Marshall never being able to wrestle again?

{Abigail shakes her head.} 

Abigail: No. Not at all. Yes, I did drive the motorcycle that was the death of him, not literally, I would be in jail if I literally killed him.  His life isn’t worth a prison sentence. Would anyone care?  Would his own kid care if Ace Marshall faded off the face of the planet never to be seen again? Interesting question, don’t you think?

I am not to blame for Ace Marshall being an idiot more than usual, no-no-no. In life sweetie, we all reach that fork in the road, go down the right side of the road or the left. That fateful day you were “screwed” out of becoming the World Champion, all you needed to do was dust yourself off, choose another path, pursue a more attainable goal, from my vantage point, revenge is not a game you play very well Cassidy. If you choose a different path, your husband may not have come back to help you become an irritant to Dark Fantasy, Infamous, whatever they are calling themselves these days. If your husband didn’t come back he would not have met the full force of my motorcycle. Now, I can hear you say, Abigail, I am not a coward, I would not run away from a fight, I can’t let people get away with screwing me over, how... quaint.

{Abigail gives Cassidy a golf clap for her efforts.} 

Abigail: Here is the thing Cassidy, if you are going to fight battle, make sure you can win it, sweetie, hate to break it to you, actually not, I’m gonna love breaking this to you,  you are fighting a battle you were NEVER going to win. Much like your World Championship aspirations, you are NOT getting what you want.  This game WE’RE playing, it is much bigger than you can ever imagine. It would be in insult to suggest you are playing checkers, checkers is a good game, not as great as chess, nothing wrong with a good game of chess. This lil game is more advanced than checkers, chess, monopoly, pick one; anyone, doesn’t matter. You are a puppet dangling on a string, it doesn’t matter how much you believe you are in control of your fate, every move you have made since January has led you down a road dictated by the smartest woman on the planet, Ravyn. And every move you have made since I ran down your husband has been dictated by lil, ole, me.

You are a hamster running around in circles. On the 19th, we continue to play, finally, Sasha has elected to place you in my path. I wanted a Falls Count Anywhere match.  I’m going to have as much fun as I possibly can.

{Abigail slides under the cover, she slides closer to Jordan.} 

Abigail: The age old question...what oh what will Abigail do? Come find out, sweetie.

Ta ta.    

{Abigail waves for the camera. She turns away from the camera as the scene fades to black.} 

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