Kelsai Adamson-Mason vs. Maddy Steward
2 RP Limit for singles

11:59 pm ET Tuesday, June 18, 2019
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
Hi everyone!

A lot has been happening recently, which means I am very happy that all of you are reading because I can let you in on few things, not that you didn’t already know because I know that I have said this before about their own fans, and others will say it long after I am gone, but in my opinion, I have that best fans in the world! A lot of people especially a lot of people in professional wrestling like to say but for me it is true and one reason why I just adore all of you, more than you will ever know.

Speaking of having the best fans in the world and talking about things that have been happening I need to start out today with some very sad, unfortunate news that some of you my have already known, but my close friend Jessica Strong has died. Jessica was only 6 years old and although I don’t even like using the word “died” in reference to her, Jack who is her Daddy told me that the only way I am going to come to accept what happened to use the word “died” because it has more finality in it rather than saying passed on or something else. So, Jessica died because of medulloblastoma or childhood brain cancer, and although everyone who was close to her knew this was a distinct possibility for something, that doesn’t make us miss her any less. Jessica, I know that you were a strong believer that when you died you would be going to heaven to be with your Mommy, so I really believe that heaven is where you are now and I just want to tell you that I miss you and love you very much and I will never forget you.

There are other things that I am trying to deal with too, like the attack in New York City the I suffered at the hands of an unknown assailant, at least the assailant is still unknown as far as the police in New York City are concerned. If you want to know if I think that I have an idea of who attacked me, the answer is obviously yes, but I will not go any further into that is the investigation is still an ongoing one. Rest assured though that everyone is doing everything they can to be able to give enough evidence over to the police so that people who are responsible for this crime are brought to justice, and I will call the people out publicly at that time. For now, I will only say that this has me so frustrated because everyone knows that I am a very bright, cheerful person, but this has me not trusting people normally I would, and I don’t like it. I realize that this is what people are talking about with me sometimes when they call me naïve, and that maybe I am not as naïve now since the attack, but that still doesn’t mean that I like it.

However, I do have lots of positive and upbeat things to say as I look around my life as well, and more than just my husband is the best-looking man on the planet even though that is true, just ask anyone who will be honest with you. Recently though I took the next step in my professional wrestling career when I made my debut for Supreme Championship Wrestling. For anyone who has been paying attention to me, from the time I was 8 years old I have wanted to be a wrestler just like my Daddy, and SCW is the place that I wanted to at least try so here I am, and I could not be more excited! I even got to make my debut at one of the biggest nights on the SCW calendar, a pay-per-view called Taking Hold of the Flame. What’s even better though is my mentor Ms. Amy Chastaine has also agreed to my manager and she was in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal just like me, how cool is that?!

So there really are a lot of things that are looking up for me as well, but I will just let all of you sit back and watch my life as all of this plays out as one adventure after another and remember as always that I love each and every one of you no matter what!!

Hugs and Kisses,

Tensions Mount?

Monday, June 17th, 2019
New Orleans, Louisiana
BlackOut Academy
11 am

Pausing only to take several swigs from around the huge water bottle around her neck, it is clearly obvious that Kelsai Adamson-Mason is not herself this morning. Though she is giving her heavy bag quite the pounding, she barely spoke to anyone when she first came in and has been almost as silently ever since for the next two and a half hours. This is not like Kelsai at all, something is very wrong, and despite having very little to go on, Kelsai’s manager and mentor Amy Chastaine is determined to get to the bottom of this, and before her in ring debut at Wednesday’s night Breakdown which was only two days away, as she tapped Kelsai on the shoulder.

Kelsai: Yes, what do you need, Ms. Amy?

Amy: Why don’t take a little break and come talk to me over here at that table? It is awfully hot here in the gym already and I don’t want you suffering some type of heat exhaustion or worse alright?

Kelsai: Yeah, if it is all just the same I think that I would rather keep working out. Got to make sure that I stay mentally sharp you know?

Going back to the heavy bag, Kelsai is ready to pound away again until Amy this time steps in front of her, not taking no for an answer.

Amy: Yes, you do have to stay mentally sharp but you also have to stay physically safe, which is what I am concerned about when you are sweating through all of your workout clothes and you still won’t sit down.

Kelsai: Ms. Amy I am in the zone, okay?! I have my water bottle with me, don’t worry about it, I will be just fine!

Not use to hearing Kelsai raise her voice, especially at such a reasonable request, Amy is now blunt.

Amy: No. You get yourself to my office now. You and I have some things that are going to get to that bottom of immediately, is that clear?

Kelsai is just as blunt back to Amy, a little temper showing in her eyes.

Kelsai: Yes Ms. Amy.

Calling over one of her trainers, Amy puts around Jeffrey Alexander

Amy: Jeff, there are a few things that Kelsai and I need to discuss together as soon as possible. You don’t mind taking the class and running them through some drills so I can do that do you?

Jeff: Nope, you know that Big Jeffrey is here for you. Sounds like it is more drills for the kids yo!

Jeff heads off to help the students that Amy would normally be working with through some drills while Amy goes to join Kelsai in her office. When she gets there, Kelsai who has beaten her is already in a foul mood.

Kelsai: Ms. Amy, I really do not understand why we are back here in your office wasting time when I am going to debuting in the ring on Breakdown in a little over two days, and I need to be at my very best to face Maddy Steward!

Amy: Well, that is a first, or now a second I should say. I am surprised it took you so long quite honestly and I can guarantee you this will not be the last time it happens.

Clearly Kelsai is even more frustrated now as this meeting goes on.

Kelsai: What are you talking about Ms Amy?

Amy: That is the first, and the second times that you have ever raised you voice at me.

About to say something else, Kelsai ponders for a moment what Amy just said to her and takes a step back while Amy has a smirk on her face.

Kelsai: Wow, I am really sorry Ms. Amy. I just got so caught up in everything that has been going on today that I didn’t even realize what I had been doing, and to someone who has done so much for me. I can’t imagine what you must think of me right now.

Amy: Seriously hon don’t worry about it okay? I am sure that is not going to be the only time that is going to happen. What I am more interested in is why it happened. Now you mentioned getting caught up in everything that has been going on today, yet you have barely spoken a word to anyone around the gym. So do you want to tell me what is going on today, or am I going to have to guess?

Sighing heavily, Kelsai says one word.

Kelsai: Victor.

Amy: Why did I figure that it would be one of the Mason brothers causing all of my issues? What is going on between you and Victor because you two appear to have a very solid relationship.

Kelsai: I don’t really want to discuss it with…

Amy: With me?

Kelsai: Yes.

Amy gets an odd quizzical look on her face

Amy: Kelsai, this is Victor Mason we are talking about. I don’t know him as well as I do Blake, but I do know him well enough to know that he is going to beat on you or anything like…

Kelsai interrupts.

Kelsai: Oh God no, nothing like that I swear. People would be lining up around the block to beat him if that happened!

Amy: Right, including me. So my thought is then what were the two of you arguing about that has you so bent out of shape and you don’t want to tell me?

Kelsai: Victor is upset with you. He thinks that I am in danger because of Andrew Raynes and he doesn’t understand why you were in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal when that was my debut in SCW, he feels that my debut lost some of its luster.

Amy: Okay so how do you feel?

Kelsai: I don’t like fighting with Victor ever, not that we do it often.

Amy: No, do you think that some of his concerns are valid?

Kelsai: Absolutely not! Someday Victor and I are going to have lots of kids and I am going to tell them how on the night of my SCW debut, Ms. Amy was in the same match as me, and she was awesome!

Amy: And what about Andrew Raynes?

Kelsai: Andrew Raynes makes me feel a little uneasy, but that isn’t because you Ms. Amy, that just because Raynes is just a very angry guy.

Amy: True, but he wouldn’t be involved with you were it not for me. I want you to be extra careful right now Kelsai, especially around Raynes. Because while you might have thought Victor was over reacting today, I think that Victor’s concerns are valid especially for a man who just two months ago was called to where his wife was brutally assaulted in New York.

Kelsai takes another step back

Kelsai: I guess I have been so concerned about what the attack did to me, I forgot about Victor. Can you help me Ms. Amy?

Amy touches Kelsai’s hands with one of her own.

Amy: That’s why I am here.

As the two of them continue to talk, we Fade.

The First Time

We open to the sight and sounds of the Las Vegas Strip. Although we don’t know how late, clearly it is later on in the evening as we can see the sunsetting as it starts to get dark outside. Looking closer at the scene though as the camera pans out slowly, we realize that this is not taking place in Las Vegas at all instead popping up in the middle of the scene is someone we know very well, for it is the smiling, cheerful face of SCW newbie, Kelsai Adamson-Mason filming her first promo for the company as she now stands up.

Kelsai: Hi! So I really can’t believe this is it, my very first promo or shoot for Supreme Championship Wrestling. Don’t get me wrong I have done quite a few promos now in my professional wrestling career considering my time in both GCW and Emerge, but still I will admit that this is where I have always wanted to try my skills one day, in SCW. My Daddy, Dwanye Adamson has said since the time that it opened, that all of the best in professional wrestling eventually try their hand in SCW. He even said that he would have tried it, but SCW wasn’t a promotion until Daddy was only a part-time wrestler at best anymore so for him, he figured that SCW just wasn’t meant to be.

Following Kelsai, we realize that she is at home, packing her bags for Las Vegas where SCW will be in town for Breakdown while she tells everyone about her journey

Kelsai: That doesn’t mean however that I am not going to give it my best shot and find out just how I stack up against the best in the world now that I am a full time wrestler myself. That is exactly why when I had the opportunity I took it and made me SCW in ring debut at Taking Hold of the Flame two and a half weeks ago in the prestigious Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal. Taking Hold of the Flame is only one of the biggest nights in the SCW calendar, with the winner of the battle royal going on to challenge for the SCW World Championship at Rise to Greatness, so just the fact that I was even allowed to enter and compete in it is an honor and a privilege to me as a rookie. I would explain to you what Rise to Greatness, but quite honestly if you are are watching a wrestling promo, you probably already know what Rise to Greatness is and so the last thing you probably want is some rookie reminding you the Rise to Greatness is the biggest wrestling event of the year, every year.


Anyway, like I said I made my in ring debut for SCW in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal as a rookie, and for that reason while everyone was nice to me that night also heard whispers that I shouldn’t have been there, though I couldn’t have disagreed more with that assumption. I was more than adequately prepared for what I was getting myself into. To start with there is my Daddy who took me with him backstage from the time that I was three years old and made sure that I knew all of the in and outs of the wrestling business as well as helping to train me starting when I was eight because he thought by then that I was ready to start taking bumps under his guidance. Also, both my Husband Victor and my Brother-in-Law Blake having been training me for almost a year inside of the ring. My Husband has spent some time in the ring in the past, could get into the ring again and his Brother of course is one of the best wrestlers in the world, and if anyone has an issue with that, I have no problem talking to them about it.

Finally, my Manager in SCW is none other than Ms. Amy Chastaine, who is both the first female and the fastest person to become Supreme Champion in SCW history. At Taking Hold of the Flame I lasted a modest five minutes and forty- two seconds in the battle royal. Now do I wish that I had lasted a little bit longer? Certainly, I do, but that still is not bad for a rookie to last almost six minutes, especially when you considering was eliminated by Selena Frost, a giant of the ring if there ever was one in SCW. Looking back on it I can definitely say that it was a leaning experience first and foremost, and one that I am taking very seriously moving forward in my career.

When talking about comes next in my wrestling career, I have to talk about Breakdown, SCW’s premiere television show. People start their careers all the time with just the opportunity that they might just be on Breakdown one day, and I am certainly no different in that regard. Needless to say it is with great respect to not just all of my fellow wrestlers currently but also all of those that have come before me and paved the way for me to get into the ring and show everyone what I have to give this Wednesday. Because while this will not be my Breakdown debut, I did that before Taking Hold of the Flame in Brooklyn, Wednesday will be my in ring debut on Breakdown when I get to go one-on-one with The Dynamite Kid herself, when I take on Maddy Steward.

Maddy do you remember what it was like the first time that you were in the ring on Breakdown, looking across into the eyes of your opponent? Butterflies in your stomach, but at the same time looking for an opening to exploit, looking for that way that you could leave that night with a victory? See I know just you felt because I will be feeling a lot of the same things Wednesday night when I will be facing you. You’re not even that much older than I am myself and both of rely on a lot of quick strike offense to put out opponents away for the win as quickly as humanly possible. There will definitely be a lot of people who will have to watch our match up very closely because if nothing else it is the type of match up that can be over in a blink of an eye if you are not careful.

There are so many things about us that are similar Maddy, that I will even say that in another life time, perhaps you and I could have been tag team partners perhaps rather than just adversaries. You are the youngest member of the Stewards just like I am the youngest member of the Masons so we will both be wrestling not just for ourselves tomorrow night, but also for family pride as well, something that while I don’t know how it effects you exactly, I can tell you and everyone who is paying attention that it means a great deal to me. Every time I step in between the ropes I am representing not just myself and my Daddy who had a great career in wrestling as well but I am representing the Mason Family as well, and you need to know that I take great pride in being able to represent my family.

I have no doubt that there will be a capacity crowd at the Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas tomorrow night just like I am sure that there is everywhere that SCW goes on tour. I am just so excited that I am finally going to make my in ring debut on Breakdown and truth be told Maddy I sincerely hope that you are just as excited at the opportunity that is being presented to both of us tomorrow. For me, it is obviously, you only get one chance to make a first impression and I don’t want to leave Las Vegas tomorrow night wondering what if while everyone watching feels like they were somehow cheated by my first impression. For you though, this could be just as important as you look too continue on the legacy that is being left for you as a Steward. I just can’t imagine what it is like to try and fill the shoes of Katie Steward, the first female World Champion in SCW’s history, especially when she is still filling those shoes so well herself, having been a Champion less than a week ago.

Thankfully I will never have to do anything other than imagine what it is like to walk around with that burden. No, that is all you Maddy, I have some pretty incredible burdens of my own to live up to, some shoes that I will have to try and fill starting tomorrow night. Our paths are going to cross, and I know that just like I want it to become a staple of my performance in SCW I will be giving it everything I have from opening bell to closing bell and I hope that you will be doing the same thing Maddy.

What do you say Maddy, let’s give the capacity crowd in Las Vegas something to remember us by tomorrow night.

Let’s go in there and steal the show and may the best person win!

See you tomorrow might Maddy, I will be waiting, and so will history!

Kelsai blows a kiss to the camera then smiles and waves before she continues packing for Las Vegas, the scene fading

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