Zero vs. Peyton Rice
SCW Television Championship

2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59 pm ET Tuesday, July 2, 2019
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
OOC – Again, I want to reiterate that all this is open to attack. I’m not precious about any of the ‘ORIGINS’ story and I’m playing it as if it’s all been televised and on camera for reasons that will become known further down the line. Omar, I know you are going to rip this to shreds and I can’t wait to see what you come up with mate. Glad I managed to pull something together in time and good luck… not that you need it lol. Oh, and obviously the views of the character are not my own. He’s a douche Obvs.

So, I’m walking up to the scrap yard and I’m going to level with you, it wouldn’t matter if I didn’t have the suit, which made me indestructible and no one could touch me. I’d still be crapping myself right now which at my age isn’t a great look. If you remember, I’d gotten myself into a situation whereby Deborah wanted to do the naughties and I needed a get out. So I’d revealed my dirty little secret? No, not that one, the one whereby I am a super hero. Anyway, I find the line of cars, leading to the entrance and I press the doorbell… yep, it does have a doorbell, how else would we receive deliveries. But rather a voice come over the tannoy, there is nothing but silence. And it’s pretty cold as well, so Deborah’s nips are like coat pegs and could have your eye out in a millisecond.
Deborah: Why do I get the feeling I’m about to be violated?
I knew it, I knew it wasn’t just me. I mean, does a welcome mat really cost that much. I’d seen Amberstone’s kit, the guy was obviously loaded. I ring the bell again, this time looking up at the CCTV camera.
Elijah: Come on Amberstone, let me in.
Still nothing
Elijah: Maybe he’s not home?
Deborah: Well, that’s convenient isn’t it? Look, I’m a big girl…
You are not kidding
Deborah: …I get it, you don’t want me, there are plenty more fish in the sea
Not for you love
Elijah: No, it’s not like that…
The door clicks, and then slowly opens, and I give Deborah a knowing smile as I push the door fully open.
Elijah: Please, after you.
Deborah apprehensively steps into the darkness, and I follow her as the door shuts slowly behind us. Suddenly, the area is bathed in light, but I was ready for it, and hand covering my eyes. The light slowly fades, Deborah adjusting her eyes as I step towards Amberstone. What I don’t expect however is a slap across the chops, a bit of a girly slap perhaps, but a slap nonetheless.
Elijah: What’s that for?
I knew, course I knew, I’m not stupid. Just in case you haven’t figured that out yet.
Amberstone: Who the fuck is this?
Dramatically, a single light forms on Deborah, and to be fair, she didn’t look that bad in this light.
Elijah: You’re going to have to give me a minute to explain.
Amberstone: There is nothing to explain Elijah… I only hope that you observed protocol when approaching the laboratory?
Elijah: Of course…
I lie
Amberstone: Well, at least that is something. Really Elijah, you cannot just invite any stray in off the street.
Elijah: She’s not a stray… she’s a neighbor
Amberstone: She knows you?
The spidey senses were tingling, I had a feeling he wouldn’t like my answer
Elijah: Errrmm… yeah
Amberstone: That’s just splendid… how could you be so stupid Elijah?
Little did he know, I could be far stupider than that? I open my mouth to speak, but he cuts me off
Amberstone: Explain yourself…
Again, I didn’t realize that being a ‘hero’ gave you so many testing situations. I mean, I knew I might have to dodge a few bullets, or run into burning buildings, that was just par for the course. But deciding what to do when asked a question like that… it was hard work, especially when your explanation was solely based around not wanting to bump uglies with Tits McGee.
Deborah: Err, if I could just interject.
Deborah holds up her hand. Cute.
Amberstone: I have no idea who you are so please be quiet
Deborah: No, because all of this it’s my fault.
Amberstone: Really?
Deborah: Yes. He told me he was a superhero and I didn’t believe him. So he brought me here to show me.
Wasn’t exactly the faultless cover story I’d cooked up, but at least it didn’t involve the sex.
Amberstone: Thank you…
He tilts his head
Deborah: Deborah
Amberstone: Yes, thank you. Seeing as it looks like you have the bigger balls, perhaps I should have put the suit on you.
Fuck that, she doesn’t need a suit. If she fell from a building face first, she’s got the perfect crash mats. Bet she can’t drown either.
Amberstone: No matter…
For the first time the lights flicker on full, and I’m reminded of why I was here in the first place and why I couldn’t just lie down and think of England. Amberstone reaches into a drawer, and pulls out what I can only explain looks like a dildo.
Deborah: Now hold on, I didn’t come here to be shared.
Elijah: Nah, I bet it’s some kind of memory erasing device. I’ve seen this plot before.
Amberstone: No, it’s definitely a dildo…
He rummages in the drawer again and pulls out a small handgun, pointing it at Deborah whose eyes widen.
Elijah: Errr, dude…
Amberstone: I can’t have people knowing what we do Elijah.
Elijah: But, the memory erasing…
Amberstone: This is real life Elijah, not the plot of some crappy movie
We both look at the camera and raise our eyebrows, Amberstone then looking back and pointing the gun at Deborah’s chest
Amberstone: I’m sorry my dear.
The gun goes off with the loudest bang imaginable, and only my girly scream manages to be heard over it. Deborah falls to the floor clutching her chest (with both hands obviously).
Her arms slip away from her chest, revealing a small dart right in the middle of her cleavage
Elijah: Huh?
Amberstone: Tranquillizer gun Elijah, wasn’t sure I had the right dose considering she had such massive tits.
Elijah: So you haven’t killed her?
Amberstone: NOOO… just put her to sleep for a couple of hours, and when she wakes she’ll not remember anything from the last twenty four hours.
Elijah: Oh…
Amberstone: Christ, I’m not the bad guy here, that’s G.U.A.R.D and Halladay remember?
It was only a few episodes ago… course I did.
Amberstone: Take her back to her apartment and then get back here quick smart. It’s time for your next mission.
Elijah: Mission?
Amberstone: Yes, it’s about time we found out if the suit trusts you or not.
I lift Deborah up onto my shoulders, and immediately wish I had the suit on now. What can I say, her tits probably weigh more than I do and super strength would have been useful. As I walk back towards the car, I’m not ashamed to say I have a feel… after all it would have been rude not too. Didn’t get anything out of it though except a semi, because all I could think about was the ‘mission’… and whether this fucking suit was going to work with me or not.
Not going to lie, carrying Deborah up the stairs (Goddamn lift), I’d gotten a lot of funny looks. I’m not sure if people thought she was drunk, or I’d slipped her a roofie, either way the whole climb seemed like it was fraught with danger, and that wasn’t counting the ‘Druggie Suite’ otherwise known as the third floor that I had to traverse. Taking care not to stand on the abundance of used needles and other paraphernalia I had no clue of their use. If this had been normal ‘work’ I’d have called it sick, but this was a million miles away from real ‘work’ and I found myself stood in the queue to a nightclub on the edge of town. Amberstone had gotten word that the local dealer was plying his trade out of the premises, and it was ‘Zero’s’ mission to go in and clean up. Standing in line however hadn’t been part of Amberstone’s plan.
Amberstone: Zero, what are you doing?
Oh, just in case you didn’t recall, Amberstone can talk to me through the mask and can see and hear what I do. OK? Cool.
Zero: Take it easy bro, I got this.
Amberstone: You’re supposed to be being inconspicuous.
Zero: Dude, you seen some of these women… they have more of a mask on than I do
“Excuse me.”
A woman caked in makeup proves my point for me.
Zero: Nothing… just talking to myself.
She seems pacified by that situation thank God. Size of her she could take me, suit and all. I find myself at the front of the queue, and one of the doormen looks me up and down.
Bouncer: I don’t think so
Zero: What?
Bouncer: Look, we are a reputable club. We are not in the habit of allowing people in with gimp masks. There are other places for that, now if you wouldn’t mind?
He motions for me to step aside, but armed with my suit, which I still didn’t know if it was going to work with me or not, I still however feel a lot more self-confidence than usual.
Zero: See, I can’t do that.
The bouncer motions to one of his colleague who joins him. You’ve seen Mighty Joe Young right? Well that, but two of them.
Bouncer: I’d suggest you do.
Zero: Hmmm…
Amberstone: Just walk away Zero… find another way in.
Zero: See, I’ve never been that open to suggestion, and I REALLY want to go inside so…
One of the bouncers grabs my wrist… and quickly finds out that was a mistake. The adrenaline seems to course through my veins as I flick my wrist, the bouncer going up and over the guardrail. The second one throws a punch which I seem to evade in slow motion, doubling him up with a single punch to the gut.
Zero: And a Good evening to you as well
I stride into the club, and quickly make my way down the corridor.
Amberstone: Gotta be quick Zero.
I reach the main dance floor, and scan the area
Zero: There’s too many people here
Amberstone: Then cause a distraction.
It was now or never and I hold up my hands towards the many strobe lights, and feel the transfer of power like never before. I then harness it, and holding my hands out, I send a lightning bolt crashing into the DJ’s gear, immediately many of the clientele diving for the exits. I turn my head, and one guy hasn’t moved an inch, after all he was in the middle of a ‘deal’. He notices me, and now runs, as I look up towards the roof of the club.
Amberstone: Do it
This time I don’t bother with ‘harnessing’ and I fire, bringing several hundred pounds of equipment down on the dealer. By now, I don’t even care that so many people are filming me on their smartphones. I point to one of them
Zero: Call 911… now.
I kneel next to the dealer, who wasn’t dead but wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Zero: Spread the word… there’s a new guy in town.
I stand, looking at the camera’s focused on me
Zero: …And his name, is Zero.
Amberstone: Time to leave Zero
He’s right, I can hear the sound of sirens from here, no doubt making their way to the club. Also, I had no doubts that the Mighty Joe Youngs from the front door would be on their way soon looking for blood. I make my way to the rear exit (probably would have been better coming in that way) the suit having seemingly worked the way it should. Huzzah.
The scene is set, the location unknown, and in front of us is SCW’s greatest hope. The man, the myth that is Zero. He sits at a computer desk, and on it is perched an open laptop, and on the screen is a picture from Breakdown, showing his victory. Behind him is a wall, and on that wall the picture of Crissy Gardner has been crudely crossed out with red marker pen. Zero turns to face the camera, his left foot resting on his right knee, and he starts to speak.
“Citizens of SCW, now is not the time for mourning. Yes, you may have lost one of your favorite sons, a friend, a colleague and to what seems like an entire roster, a lover. But it’s not a time to be miserable, and to kick the stones at our feet all dismissive like. NO, now is a time to rejoice, to regale. Because last week on Breakdown I showed Crissy Gardner not that she is an inferior wrestler, though of course that was proven as well. I showed that I am also a better person and the hero that this company needs to carry the message of Giovanni Aries forwards. Forget the words of Sasha Drachawych, and forget the words of the criminal entities that devour our city for their own enjoyment. OUR words are truth, and no matter how much Giovanni is victimized by the corrupt Order of the ‘Lizard King’, his description, not mine, those words will still find their way to the masses. Through social media, and through our actions the fight carries on my friends, to end the corruption that flows through the veins of our company like poison. The problem my people is that sometimes, the enemy isn’t as visible as we would believe. Especially those that seem that the SCW is their primary concern, when in fact it is anything but.”
He presses the space bar, and the picture on the laptop changes to one of Selena Frost.
“Take this creature for instance, the self-proclaimed ‘Champion of the People’ who maintains this opinion regardless of the fact she is more underhand than most, video footage can be found as evidence most weeks as she once again flaunts the laws of our city to her own ends.”
He presses the space bar again, and this time we see Aaron Blackbourne
“Or this individual, who continues to abuse Chris Cannon for his most heinous of crimes, I hope you all sense my sarcasm, which is falling for the love of his life. Both these people pass themselves off as ‘heroes’, both claim to stand for the City of SCW, when in truth they are only in it for themselves. But, these two pale into insignificance to the true villain of the peace.”
He presses the space bar one more time, and actually seems to scoff as the picture appears on screen, and we see none other than Peyton Rice.
“Because although Selena and Aaron are hypocritical, aggressive, and ultimately greedy, the lady on screen deceives us all with a web of deceit and lies. She claims to be ‘wholesome’, ‘just’ and ‘true’ and yet, only now with the trinket in her possession are we seeing the ‘real’ Peyton Rice. Who no matter how good she looks on the outside, is starting to show how ugly she is within.”
He shakes his head, obviously disappointed in her, but in truth he was more disappointed that his citizens were falling for the façade. 
“Where do I begin?”
We hear him puff out his cheeks, troubled it seems.
“Ah yes, the obvious. Where was this ‘love’ for Ricky Octavius when you were locking lips with Captain Steroids Jason Dillinger over in EMERGE. I called you out on it then, and the fact still remains, you were looser than Drew Bryant’s bowels when he faced Sasha. When Ricky was no doubt crying into his make-up bag, and not able to leave the sanctity of his hotel room, what were you doing? Other than trying to find ‘J-Dilly’s’ obviously steroid shrunk miniscule pork sword to play with? Funny isn’t it Peyton how it took Ricky to find himself, and become a fully-fledged member of the Beauty Factory for you to show an interest in him again and draw on your crocodile tears. Or, what about how you managed to corrupt EMERGE for the better part of a year, who had you down as some kind of ‘savior’ under the corrupt reign of Vanilla Skyy and yet since you have left, EMERGE hasn’t declined, in fact it’s been exactly the opposite and EMERGE now thrives with a true champion to lead it forwards. How’s about the fact you openly align yourself with a Goddard, the head of the notorious Tombstone family? Or how you are so full of yourself, in fact you are quite similar to Crissy Gardner in that your hubris is out of control. So self-centered that although poor Owen Cruze has obviously been going through the wringer of late, there has been no sign of you reaching out, even though Owen has been a constant for you. Thankfully, it seems that thanks to Giovanni, that young man’s eyes are starting to open wide… and at least someone is looking out for him instead of either ignoring him, or even worse threatening him. Maybe you have, maybe ‘off camera’… but I doubt it, because THESE examples are who you TRULY are, the person you go to such extreme lengths to hide behind your looks...”
Zero was in no doubt that people would rally around her, the blind leading the blind. But every comment would only reveal who was in cahoots with her, and who else was lying to his City. The trap had been set.
“…the person who doesn’t care about her ‘mentor’, doesn’t give a damn about her friends, and yes, I haven’t bought the ‘act’ Peyton, a woman who didn’t give a shit about Ricky Octavius. I’m sorry Citizens, I know that is difficult to for you all to hear…”
He shrugs
“But then again, the truth usually is. And it’s the truth that will always set you free.”
He nods his head, agreeing with himself.
“But what you don’t realize, is what Owen Cruze is starting to only now come to terms with. All you are is a pawn, in this game that Giovanni and I are wise to. Everyone, but especially Goddard, they want to use you for their own selfish gains. THAT is the reason you hold the ‘Television’ title… not to rejoice with you as a champion, oh no. The ONLY reason you are champion right now is because ‘they’ have decided such. Search your heart Peyton and ask yourself this. What have you done in your time here to justify such an honour? Is your record so spotless that you deserve a Championship? No, it is not. You work so hard to show you are not just ‘pretty’ and yet it’s that exact attribute that has brought you any success you ever got, because those criminals needed your face to head up their efforts. You are NO different to Sienna Swann Peyton, only she admits it, and uses it for good in all her humanitarian efforts, and refuses to be ‘controlled’ by anyone but herself… and she hasn’t ever had to pander to people’s emotions like you do. Sorry, like you are ‘programmed’ to do.”
Zero leans forwards, and points at the camera.
“But, in closing you are in luck my dear, because I’ve no desire to ‘destroy’ you, there isn’t any citizen of SCW deserves that, even if I obviously could. All I want to do is help you see the World and particularly our little corner, the way it needs to be seen. The SCW could be a wonderful place if we stopped buying into the madness, conjured by those that want our City as their own. It could be a MAGICAL place, if people like you stopped for a moment, and refused to HELP peddle their lies. The SCW is no longer the place to live your dreams. The SCW right now is nothing short of a nightmare.”
He stands, pushing the seat out behind him.
“You know the only way I can stop their control Peyton… it’s by taking away the token that you grasp to your chest so dear and lock it away for safe keeping, one of only a few people who will not be blinded by its allure. And so that Ms Rice, is exactly what I am going to do, and just like all the criminal masterminds, and your paymasters… YOU won’t be able to stop me and if you had even a modicum of loyalty to this company, you wouldn’t even try. But, it’s all about you isn’t it Peyton not SCW? It’s ALWAYS about YOU. But that’s going to change. Not only that, SCW going to change. And it’s I, Zero that will instigate this grandiose evolution.
He adopts his now legendary pose, forming a diamond with his hands, as the scene slowly fades.
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The Views Expressed By Peyton Rice Do Not Reflect Those of the Publisher. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

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(Click Title)
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Career Achievements

- 1x SCW Adrenaline Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 1x EMERGE Champion
- 2019 SCW Rookie of the Year
- Under Attack 2020 Elimination Chamber Winner
-Winner of the 2019 Ricky Octavius Memorial Tournament
- Made her SCW Debut at Rise to Greatness XV by defending the EMERGE Championship successfully against Kandis. 7.21.18

Singles Record - |W - 61| L - 04| D - 2|
Overall Record - |W - 67| L - 11| D - 2|

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