Regan Street vs. Konrad Raab
2 RP Limit for all singles

Deadline: 11:59 pm ET Tuesday, July 9, 2019
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[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]
I love AJ Allmendinger.
OOC: Truth is you guys, I never expected this to turn out how it did. It just came out of my head, especially the second scene and possibly the shoot that could very well shock people with it being slightly heelish, but I'm still trying to work with the storyline which has been super challenging, especially the shoot portions. If I lose, at least I gave it a shot to take risks. I thank Olek if anything for giving me a shit ton of ideas for this piece regarding CD stuff in the results lately. Good luck Omar, my respected friend and may the best RPer win.

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After being eliminated from the Taking Hold Of The Flame rumble. Montreal, Quebec. Sunday 2nd June (Off Camera)

After being eliminated by Rachel Tatum Lee, Konrad walked backstage with shame, not from how he performed in the rumble, but from his overall actions in the last few weeks, especially his real-life situation making his mind be in a complete mess. He shakes his head in disgust, only when he reached to his locker room, a certain man sneaks behind Konrad, having him in a choke hold position with a knife in hand and the unknown man laughs before he speaks.

Unknown man: "Why are you a wrestler? You're pathetic, and you can't win matches for shit. It's embarrassing to watch you lose every week."

The man then used a knife to stab Konrad's ribs and then he smacks him around, and Konrad falls to the floor, being kicked and punched to the ground. The man stops and removes his mask and says this.

Unknown man: "Feeling uncomfortable down there, Konrad? Oh, that's good because from now on, you'll remember the face of Luca. It's only beginning of the hell you're about to witness within yourself and your pathetic family. I know you haven't got your kids living with you, but I'm going to track them down before I kill them in a house with a grenade."

It turns out the reason for Konrad's mind to be in a complete mess was Luca. No idea how he got through security with the knife he still had in his hand. Konrad tries to get his fist up, only before Luca has his knee on Konrad's throat with a knife, slightly touching it as he speaks again.

Luca: "Don't do something stupid now, I know you're nothing more than a fraud. Once this goes out on how weak and pathetic you are, everyone will see you don't belong in the wrestling business, and you should be staying at home, looking after your diseased ridden family, until I come down to your home with a few friends of mine and kill you, your wife and your kids."

If there's one thing that caused Konrad to get angry, it's the threat of his family, especially when it became a death threat as he rolls him over and forces Luca to drop the knife down and Konrad beats him down with fists as the security then comes in, and Konrad explains the situation.

Konrad Raab: "This asshole threatened me with a knife and threatened to kill me and my family."

Luca: "I told you I'd be at the PPV tonight, causing you hell. Next thing to do is fuck your wife and kill her."

Konrad Raab: "You come anywhere near my family, you'll have someone a lot worse than me to deal with and trust me, he's not a nice person when it comes to you threatening me and my family."

Luca: "Typical Konrad being weak and pathetic to have a family member backing him up. Oh well, let me stab you again."

Before he can even pick up the knife again, the security says this while the other gets him down on the ground.

Security guard one: "You're not doing anything, and because you've tried to murder Konrad, we're contacting the police right away to have you arrested on attempted murder. Right now, you're coming with us."

Security dragged Luca out of the room as he mocks Konrad with the tears and Luka points to his dick before Konrad gets up even in a weak state he's in to attempt to attack, but the security guard stopped Konrad from doing so. After Luca left, Konrad places his head under his arms in shame that it took security instead of himself to stop Luca from trying to get Konrad killed. The security hears the cry from Konrad, seeing small drops of water drip from the floor as one of the security guys speak to him.

Security guard two: "Nobody is going to laugh or mock you for being in a dangerous situation like that. It's all recorded on tape, and I'm sure Sasha would have seen everything on that video and will talk to you about it."

Konrad Raab: "Hopefully, because I don't want Luca to be anywhere near me, but I hate to tell you this, but it's not over. He means everything. He wrote a letter saying how he'll kill me and my whole family, including my kids, some who are still babies. Do you know how sick that is I'm going through this hell?"

Security guard two: "We understand. Heck, we've been in these situations ourselves with guns pointed to our heads from vile human beings."

Konrad Raab: "Thank you for coming in when you did. I'm a weak person, and I believe I don't deserve to be a wrestler. I want to get the hell out of here and stay away from SCW for a while."

Security guard two: "No, you're a great wrestler. Although it explains why you're not yourself and I couldn't tell how hard it's been for you. You got to go somewhere?"

Konrad Raab: "Yes, immediately, I can't stay here after the event is over tonight, not after what happened and not when I have to get to Barcelona, Spain in twenty-four hours for a match."

That was that the security guards made sure nobody attempted to get in the locker room. Once he's done that, he left the arena as Konrad had to get to Barcelona, Spain as luckily, there was a taxi outside of the stadium. Konrad placed all of his bags, including his suitcase where he has his regular clothes in, and the taxi driver drives straight to the airport as Konrad met Jerry outside of the airport, explaining why he's delayed. 

After the discussion, they go into the airport and go to check in via a private plane company to check his suitcases in before going straight through to security. They went outside to Konrad's private plane he brought many months ago for emergencies like today. They got straight in the plane with Konrad's and Jerry's bags before they head to Barcelona.


Loyalties to Konrad's self discussion. Anaheim, California. Thursday, 27th June. (Off Camera)

It's been challenging for Konrad and Fizz to come to terms with not having their kids home because of Luca coming to strike at any time.  Markus, Samuel and Jake have at times came over in to protect Fizz to keep her out of harm's way. If anything was complicated for Konrad, it's what Damian said to him yesterday. 

Fizz was ready to discuss it with Konrad an hour after he got home from Iowa with Konrad shaking his head, biting his lip on refusing to listen to anyone, but she says this to Konrad, even trying to comfort him by rubbing on his shoulders while sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Fizz Raab: "I agree with Damian."

Konrad Raab: "What does he mean by being loyal to myself?"

Fizz Raab: "It simply means this, and I keep telling you over and over again, doing things for yourself."

Konrad Raab: "Do you remember the last time I became selfish? It made me become a horrible person, even though I am right now."

Fizz Raab: "There's nothing wrong with being selfish from time to time. Look, I know Luca attacking you has messed you up completely on top of dreaming of being violent non-stop, but you need to listen to Damian. If he can see you not being happy, there's a problem."

Konrad shook his head, almost in a debate with Fizz about it as he doesn't like to be a selfish guy and he says this after biting on his teeth, almost not wanting to wait anymore, but he hesitates as he seethes as Fizz sees Konrad not wanting to say anything.

Fizz Raab: "See, there's a problem right there, you hesitating to say, do and show how you feel to things. If it gets people the wrong way, so be it. You need to be honest and state along with show how you feel. It'll gain you respect that way."

Konrad Raab: "It's difficult for me. I can't feel I can be myself right now, not when Damian is pulling me on a leash and telling me to do things I don't want to do. It doesn't help I can't sleep at night because of dreaming about being violent, and the Konrad in my dream smiles when he hurts someone."

Fizz Raab: "I know it's difficult to be able to put yourself first, but you have to take note of what Damian has said to you. He's not horrible, he's helping you, and I can see that, even if the others don't."

Konrad Raab: "Well, it doesn't help when fans boo for me, and it makes me feel uncomfortable, being a piece of shit because of doing things I can't control. Problem is if that control is taken from me, I'm weak. I don't know what kind of person I want to be."

It's true, it's been since two thousand and twelve when he started in the wrestling business in World Elite Wrestling Konrad was last booed for his actions and it did throw him off a lot on it. Fizz sees Konrad burst into tears on his mind being completely confused because of the nightmares of violence and Konrad in his dreams, smiling when hurting people and enjoying it.

Fizz Raab: "You can argue with me all you want, but you need to put yourself first. It's the start of your personal growth as a person. Don't you love yourself at all?"

Konrad Raab: "I'm in-between. Yes, I love these tattoos on me, making me feel different, making changes to me, along with the light blue spiky hair I'll get in two weeks, but I'm not happy with my actions in the ring."

Fizz Raab: "I understand, but those actions of what you did, you're being told to do them. Heck, you were hesitant on attacking Regan Street. That shows that you didn't want to do it, but you went through with it because Damian kept getting in your ear to attack. Konrad, I hate to say it, but you were smiling after you've made the attack."

Konrad Raab: "A fake smile most likely."

Fizz Raab: "No, the smile was genuine when you attacked Regan and Selena. Right now, you go to the basement, take time to look at yourself in the mirror, get to know yourself and for once in your life, praise and congratulate yourself."

Konrad Raab: "For what?"

Fizz Raab: "You'll figure it out."

Fizz grabbed Konrad's arm and dragged him down to the basement and places him in there, in his particular room where he uses as a reflection/smoking weed room. She wasn't taking anymore of his arguments which left Konrad a lot of time to think. He took a close look at himself, feeling good at the tattoos he has with snow bear and snow wolf on his left and right chest, black and blue ice yin-yang on his left shoulder and The Iceman from X-Men on his back.

Konrad Raab: "I love these tattoos, makes me stand out from the others. Tattoos that remind me to change. Problem is while I love my body, I need to love myself for my actions. I can't find them right now, but is the cheap shots I'm doing benefiting me in general? Do I mean to be violent and hurt others?"

It took him a few minutes to find there was a part of him that loved himself with his body. However, the actions of what he does and the emotions of expressing them was a lot harder for Konrad, mainly because he has never put himself first since two thousand and twelve when it comes to wrestling and some could say in life too.

Konrad Raab: "I don't truly know if I'm doing the right thing, but if Fizz and Damian see me smiling for the violence I'm doing, along with having non stop dreams of doing so, then I must be happy, otherwise I wouldn't keep attacking them. One thing's for sure, that multicoloured mask, it's keeping me calm, but also forces me to destroy, although I need more time to get used to it as it was strange. Maybe I do need to let some aggression out a lot more; maybe I need to put myself first more often."

Fizz likes what she hears from Konrad as she smiles from outside of his basement. For sure, he puts his family first in dangerous situations, that's never going to change for him, but he needs to take care of himself mentally, and he says this to himself, looking in the mirror.

Konrad Raab: "I congratulate myself for placing these tattoos on my body without fear of being judged, but I need to do the same for my actions, and I can't right now. It's hard to accept the damage I've done to Regan, but I know at the same time, I need to stop hating and hurting myself mentally and be proud of what I've done because it's only making myself unhappy and Fizz unhappy too."

Konrad had to smile at himself before giving himself a gentle hug because he never felt he has ever loved himself, only love from his family and some of his friends. He touches his heart, putting on a real smile, even if it's a smile of evil.

Konrad Raab: "I have to learn and accept not everyone is going to like me, and most importantly, I have to not give a fuck about them and their opinions of me. I have to do things for me and me only until I'm ready to put others first again because wrestling is what I love to do and I should not only be happy with my position but also wanting to advance myself ahead in wrestling to seek opportunities for myself."

Fizz decides to open the door and sees a lot happier Konrad as she hugs him, being so proud he had to overcome his fears of being selfish, and she says this.

Fizz Raab: "Listen, I know that wasn't easy for you to admit these things to the mirror, but you did it. It's the first time in a long time you've said those things without anybody telling you to do so. I'm proud of you for that."

Konrad Raab: "I was afraid to, but I should've listened to you a lot earlier. Maybe this change might be good for me, although I want to do things for the right reasons than the wrong, but making myself happy and not beat myself up for the stuff I do, even if I'm still coming to terms on attacking Regan is something I have to do."

Fizz Raab: "At the same time, you're human, and everyone in life makes mistakes. You tried too hard to be perfect, never making any mistakes. You see that yin-yang tattoo?"

Konrad looks in the mirror and sees the tattoo on him before he touches his left shoulder as he responds to the question.

Konrad Raab: "Yes?"

Fizz Raab: "It's to show you need a balance in the life of having good and bad sides to ourselves because otherwise, you'd be taken advantage of like you've been for four years in SCW. Being in-between the dark hill and the light hill will advance you forward not just in wrestling, but life as well."

Konrad Raab: "I understand, and I guess that's why I was angry at myself because I wasn't able to defend myself and I wasn't happy, but I hid it instead of showing how I felt about some things."

Fizz Raab: "Correct. Do you want to have sex with me tonight?"

It was a question on whether he'd put Fizz first or himself first as Konrad smiled as he says this, not going through because Fizz said something, helping him make his own decisions and what he fancied doing.

Konrad Raab: "No, not tonight. I want to do some colouring and be alone for a couple of hours."

Fizz Raab: "That was a test to see if you learnt anything and you passed. Was I offended when you said no?"

Konrad Raab: "No."

Fizz Raab: "Nobody will ever get offended if you say no to things at times and I truly felt like you meant that as well. I love you."

Konrad Raab: "I love you too."

Konrad and Fizz kissed each other before Fizz goes upstairs to get some sleep, while Konrad leaves the basement and goes to the living room and goes to the cabinet that he slides out to get his colouring equipment out and places them on the dining table. He goes to sit down and does a few pages of colouring in that led him to do two hours work on it before he goes to bed himself and goes off to sleep.


You wanted me in the ring? You got me, Regan/Happiness in life shoot. (On Camera)

"Here's the thing about this match once again, this time around, you challenged me, and of course, I accepted and here we are, facing against each other once again on Breakdown. I don't run from fights or challenges, unlike some wrestlers around here. I know you're undefeated for some time now, even still being the Adrenaline champion, despite me being one of your wins here. I can't deny you've been a great champion and despite you hating me, I still respect you as a wrestler, regardless of what Damian said backstage. You have earned respect from everyone in the back, including myself.

However, what I'm about to say took me two weeks to fully understand what Damian told to me back a couple of shows ago. He's right, I never put myself first since being in SCW for four years. It's funny how the roles are reversed with you needing to show the good side of you, while I had to show the bad side of me.

What I had to learn is there has to be a balance between good and evil to be happy and successful in life, hence why I got the yin-yang tattoo on my shoulder. Now the reason for you to be attacked, despite me hesitating is because I was told to by both Damian and yourself. I didn't want to, but it's all business Regan, nothing personal, although it may seem it is.

But do you know what makes a good human being Regan? Is not resorting to insulting wrestler's families and their loved ones who aren't apart of the wrestling business. What has my wife got to do with us and our match? Nothing, that's what and have you heard me trash your family? No cos I don't lower myself to that level. I also had to listen to what you said, really I'm still that guy who took shit from Jason and go to hide in a basement and tried to commit suicide?

No Regan, I refuse to be a guy who hated himself cos he had no confidence on top of the guy who always puts himself down. Those days are over and done with because I'm growing in confidence and growing most importantly, happiness, something I need to do. Once upon a time, the thought of facing you did scare me, and truthfully, it still does, but only a bit now, mainly because you're still a threat and you've beaten me every time we've fought.

Only this time, I'm putting myself first by doing things that I want to do, not what everyone tells me to do and that includes Damian as well who I hope along with Xander who I'm still not proud of for attacking a former owner which I wouldn't stoop that low to do. You can't stop me from being happy, and you can tell me to shove a mask up my ass, but you know it won't happen because it's a threat that you won't do.

Also, you can be a violent, driven wrestler, but that's something I've also developed to be a violent, driven wrestler as well, more now than ever is to solve problems through violence. You may have a match against Datura for your Adrenaline title coming up at Rise To Greatness, but that could very well come to an end tomorrow night in Nashville, Tennessee when I'll do anything to pin or submit you in the ring. 

Once I do, maybe I've earned a shot for your Adrenaline title because I still want to win titles with this slight change of myself and even with the spiky blue hair you'll see more often now. You wanted a different Konrad Raab; you got him. Damian, Xander and Selena, stay out of our match because I want to face and defeat Regan by myself because I want to lay everything on the line. Give me your best shot, and you bet I'll hit right back. Prepare to be Iceinated by The Iced Rainbow."
[Image: MKl96W9.png]

[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]
I love AJ Allmendinger.
Warning: The Comments and views expressed in this promo are those of Regan Helms and do not reflect that of the publisher. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.
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(Click Title)
[Image: regan2018.png]

- SCW Supreme Champion
- 2x SCW World Champion
- 1x SCW United States Champion
- 1x SCW World Tag Team Champion
- 1x SCW Adrenaline Champion
- 1x SCW Women's Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 2012 SCW Rookie of the Year
- 2016 Feud of the Year Winner Vs. Ace Marshall
- 2019 SCW Trios Contract Winner
- 2020 Tag Team of The Year (Frozen Hell)

Singles Record - | W - 099| L - 13 | D - 06|
Overall Record - | W - 133| L - 29 | D - 08|
Had to fix the link.
[Image: regan2018.png]

- SCW Supreme Champion
- 2x SCW World Champion
- 1x SCW United States Champion
- 1x SCW World Tag Team Champion
- 1x SCW Adrenaline Champion
- 1x SCW Women's Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 2012 SCW Rookie of the Year
- 2016 Feud of the Year Winner Vs. Ace Marshall
- 2019 SCW Trios Contract Winner
- 2020 Tag Team of The Year (Frozen Hell)

Singles Record - | W - 099| L - 13 | D - 06|
Overall Record - | W - 133| L - 29 | D - 08|

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