Jordan Majors & Glory Braddock vs. Ravyn Taylor & Christy Matthews
4 RP Limit for tag matches

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Tuesday, September 10, 2019
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
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SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)
Sept. 4, 2019 - Toronto - Jordan’s Hotel Room

Jordan Majors is laying on the bed of her hotel room, watching TV and waiting until she gets up the head to the arena for tonight’s show. She casually channel surfs out of boredom. A music video plays, then a classic hockey game shows, then a news report.

TV: “Police still have no leads in the mysterious case of a woman who was found beaten and shaved bald in…”

Jordan sighs and turns the channel again to find more sports, and then again for more news before turning the TV off and staring at the ceiling. Her phone makes a familiar noise of a text and she reaches down to see a message from Bree Lancaster.

Bree: “Babe, I just want you to know that I know some of the best bodyguards in the country, and if you feel like you need one, I can work that out for you.”

Jordan narrows her eyes at the message and mouths “what?” to herself before typing back a response.

Jordan: “What’s going on?”

Bree: “Um… Abigail is crazy. Like, legit.”

A few texts later Bree made it clear what was going on. Jordan flipped through YouTube until she found a video that appeared to be featuring Abigail Lindsay that was posted the night before. After watching it, she quickly turned it off and tossed her phone across the bed like a dangerous animal that had just made unwanted contact with her skin. She sits up on the bed and pulls her legs in close to her chest and stares at the bed. As she looks down at her arm, she can see the hairs on her arms standing up slightly. And then she realizes she’s shaking. Not just her hands, but her whole body is slowly shaking. She can feel that she is sweating, too. She stands up and grabs her phone and a backpack and quickly leaves the hotel room.

Sept. 4, 2019 - Toronto - Breakdown

Jordan stands backstage watching the show on television from a weird angle. She watches as Abigail wins her match and pulls strands of pink hair out of her pocket and drops them on her opponent with an evil smile on her face. She turns to leave the area when Jaina Lancaster spots her. Jaina leaves her mother Amy’s side and walks over to greet Jordan.

Jaina: “Hey!? I’ve been texting you and you weren’t answering…”

Jordan: “Sorry, been avoiding my phone completely.”

Jaina: “Woah, that’s not really like you at all.”

Jaina looks back toward Amy and then talks a little more quietly.

Jaina: “Usually you answer pretty quickly when I send a message. It sorta had me worried.”

Jordan runs a hand through her pink hair, nervously pushing it back. She crosses her arms and then shakes her head.

Jordan: “I just… I saw something earlier and it kind of freaked me out for some reason.”

Jaina can see that Jordan is clearly bothered by something and reaches out to grab her arm.

Jaina: “Woah, what’s going on?”

Jordan: “It’s just this whole Abigail thing. She did a video and it had Bree texting me and asking if I need a reference on bodyguards.”

Jaina: “So she threatened you, or?”

Jordan: “It’s just that she’s not who I thought she was. And I’m a little worried that she could be a lot more dangerous than I ever imagined. I’m not sure what she’s willing to do, honestly. I’m worried what she’d do in order to get to me mentally or physically.”

Jaina: “It doesn’t seem like she had to do much to get to you mentally. Listen, Aunt Bree will make sure you’re ok.”

Jordan: “And what about you? What about Amy? What if she goes after Bree? What if she tries to take everything away from me?”

Jaina: “Jordan, it’s going to be ok.”

Jordan: “I just can’t help but think about it. It’s all that’s going through my mind… I can’t stop thinking about what she might do.”

A few staff members walk into the other side of the room and Jordan turns and puts herself in front of Jaina for a moment, as if to protect her from some sort of incoming attack. She sighs, letting out a deep breath. Jaina looks alarmed and Amy gives them both a puzzled look.

Jordan: “Holy shit. I’m wound up so tight. I’m going to go talk to Sasha and see about getting this weekend’s house shows off. Just to see what she says.”

Jaina: “What for?”

Jordan: “I’m coming to New Orleans. I need a few days to collect my thoughts and get into the gym. I don’t know what I need to be prepared for. But it feels like I have to be prepared for anything. I feel like she could walk into my hotel room and beat me down. Like she could attack me in an airport. Like she might pull up beside my Uber on her motorcycle and pull me out of a moving car to drag me down the road.”

Jaina: “Ok, there’s no way that would happen…”

Jordan: “My mind is just not willing to eliminate anything. I need to blow off some steam. I need to relax and focus and get ready. And I can’t imagine you’d mind?”

Jaina: “Shhh… my mom is right there.”

Jordan nods and says she’ll be back as she walks to the edge of the room and peeks through the curtains to check for Abigail before heading off to request her weekend away.

Sept 9, 2019 - New Orleans - CrescentCity Fitness

Jordan stands over top of Bella Downing to spot her as she benches her max weight. She smiles and nods her head as Bella struggles to push the weight up. Jordan runs her hands under the bar and urges Bella on when something catches her eye. She sees Jaina entering the gym across the room and momentarily forgets what she’s doing.

Bella: “Dude!”

Jordan’s eyes go wide as she bends down and places her hands on the bar. She helps Bella lift it up and rest it on the equipment. Bella looks over and sees Jaina walking towards them and lets out a little laugh.

Bella: “Ah! I get it.”

Jordan gives her a look and then shrugs as Jaina waves at Bella and motions for Jordan to follow her. Jordan follows and walks behind Jaina into a hallway near the back of the building. As Jordan reaches her she looks over her shoulder and reaches for Jaina’s hand. But someone passing by causes both of them to drop their hands to their sides. Jordan leans on her shoulder against the wall and crosses her arms.

Jordan: “You look so cute today… just like everyday.”

Jaina blushes and looks down, letting out a laugh as she shakes her head. Her eyes finally trail back up and look into Jordan’s.

Jaina: “So, you’re heading back on the road later tonight?”

Jordan: “Yeah… I’m never ready to go. But that’s the job I guess. I’ll probably be coming back very soon though.”

Jordan reaches a hand into her hair and wraps a few pink strands behind her right ear. She lets out a sigh and smiles at Jaina.

Jordan: “The more I come here, the more I don’t want to leave.”

Jaina: “Is that because of me or because of your worry that your ex-girlfriend, or whatever she was, might try to hurt you?”

Jordan: “Come on, you know what it is. It’s you.”

Jaina leans against the wall close to Jordan and just smiles.

Jaina: “I was just kidding. Are you still worried about all of that?”

Jordan: “I mean… yeah. I don’t know what that crazy bitch is thinking about doing. But she seems to be leaving clues along the way. I just have to be careful.”

Jaina: “And watch your back.”

Jordan: “Yes, and watch my back. I don’t know how in the world she came to the conclusion that she needed to hurt me so badly over this. But… I’m not going to stand by and just let her take me out. She wants revenge. If she tries it I’ll make her go to war.”

Jaina shakes her head and looks down the hall past Jordan for a moment. Jordan looks over her shoulder and then looks back smiling.

Jordan: “You going to wish me luck this week?”

Jaina: “You don’t need luck… you’re fighting with Glory.”

Jordan rolls her eyes and Jaina snickers at the reaction. Jordan grins and shakes her head.

Jordan: “I’m serious. Who knows what will happen when I fight her friends. She hates me. She hates Glory. You know she’s going to come after both of us.”

Jaina: “Pssh, I don’t  know about that but I know what you want.”

Jordan moves closer to Jaina and leans her forehead against Jaina’s. She lets out a long sigh.

Jordan: “I wish you could go with me…”

Jaina leans back slightly and then kisses Jordan on the cheek.

Jaina: “Good luck. And get back here soon.”


A camera flips on to show Jordan Majors standing on a pier in New Orleans looking out at the lake. She looks down at her phone at an old photo of her and Abigail Lindsay together. Their heads so close together their blonde hair nearly intertwines. Jordan closes her phone and leans on both arms against a railing in front of her. Her pink hair blows in the wind and collects around her left shoulder.

It feels like the game is all changed now. Two months ago I saw an opportunity for the biggest moment, the biggest win of my career. I took it. How could I not? And now someone wants to hurt me over it. Maybe hurt the people who are closest to me. There are so many things I could do. I could react by rolling up and protecting me and mine and just disappearing. I could lay low and wait for it to calm down. I could run in and fight back full force and let what happens happen. Honestly, there are so many choices to be made. The choice I do make, it could change everything. What Abigail Lindsay has done is show me that she isn’t who I thought she was. She feels victimized by what I did to her at Rise to Greatness. So much show that she’s stripped off the mask of the very person I was to believe I was intimate with. The very person I told I loved. And now she’s revealed herself as Serenity. That’s who she is now. Not Abigail. But Serenity.

So much has changed in such a short time. I could have done what she wanted at Rise to Greatness. I could have played defense in order to make sure Ravyn was victorious. But then what? What was the endgame after that? I was embarrassed enough that I was labeled as a fuck buddy in a tag team that was made simply because I agreed to protect and help Abigail from danger. But when I made that decision, when I made that promise, I didn’t know that I was being played, too. In so many ways was I being played. I thought she was being attacked by Ravyn and Syren’s group. I didn’t know that they were helping her really find this side of herself. They were convenient bedfellows in that they sort of wanted the same thing. But no one filled in Jordan about this. They just waited until they felt it was time to fill me in and tried to make me agree to play a role because they knew my feelings for Abigail. And that’s the thing that pisses me off so much. Abigail knew how important Rise to Greatness would be for me. But she decided to use the opportunity, use my feelings for her, as a chance to exploit me. She knew I would do anything for her. What kind of friends with benefits relationship truly works that way? Newsflash, that’s not what it was to me.

Fuck buddies to tell each other how much they love each other. They don’t talk about a future together. They don’t talk to each other like we did. But there comes a point where if it is convenient for someone, they can flip the table upside down. That’s what Abigail did as far as we are concerned. You went dark. You got so damn cold. I didn’t know who else to turn to. I was hurt by the way you were treating me. I could only find solace in friends. They helped me find myself again and realize what you were doing to me. At Rise to Greatness, I didn’t pull off some elaborate secret plan to ruin your night. I told you before that match exactly what I wanted. I never really agreed to any plan to play the role of your bitch. You’d already showed me exactly what you thought of me by casting me aside and labeling me as just a friend you like to share a bed with. I wanted more than that, and you knew it. You played me, made me think you wanted it too. But it was a lie. All of it apparently. The one thing I did was to pin someone. And now you’re treating me like I’ve committed a capital offense. You want me to feel threatened? Congratulations, I feel it. But don’t ever talk to me about trust. I trusted my entire life with you. My whole heart. You stomped on it before we ever stepped between the ropes at Rise To Greatness. Now? It feels like you want everyone to know you are victim. I forced your hand and made you take off that mask to show your true face. You are a cold, heartless bitch. Maybe because of that I should be afraid of you and what you might be capable of. But all I can think about is everyone else around me. So I’ll step up and I’ll take the punishment. You think you can dish it out, I’ll take it and I’ll fight back. I was never wrong for what I did at Rise to Greatness. I was just a girl who was hurting, and I did something for myself. What more am I supposed to do? I loved you, you asshole.

Jordan turns her head away from view slightly as she reaches up and wipes at her eyes with her right hand.

I have to do what’s right for me. Call it selfish. Point to my money and say that’s just who I am now. You might not be wrong. But you wouldn’t be entirely right, either. I’m not the person I used to be, but I’m not trying hard to be someone I’m not either. I can’t help that I let myself fall for a maniac who decided to use our relationship for a different personal gain than I could have suspected. I saw what you did on Breakdown, Abigail. I heard you loud and clear when you said that came from Ravyn, too. I don’t know whose hair you ripped out in order to do that, but it’s obvious to me that you are showing your true colors. Nothing I could have done back then could have saved the inevitable from happening. You had told me once that this thing with Ravyn wasn’t an obsession. You told me it was more about an alliance with like-minded people. I guess at the time I was too blinded by love to see just how much alike you really were. You fit right in with Syren’s group. And now you get to stand as close to Ravyn as you want every week. I get to stand in the ring with Ravyn this week. What do you think I should expect from her? Is she going to be so desperate to make up for losing to a rookie at Rise to Greatness that she would do anything it takes to get back at me? Well I’m ready for it.

I pinned Ravyn in that match because I beat her. It’s not because she was caught in a moment of weakness or the aftermath of some extended chaos in a tag match. We were both vulnerable. But I beat her. She couldn’t stop it. None of her extended friends and family could stop it. You, Abigail or Serenity, you couldn’t stop it either. It almost felt a bit like destiny. But maybe it was just the universe rewarding me for the shit I had to put up with because of your dealings with her. Like it or not, I took care of my business when it was time to step up and do something or send the ball home. I was heartbroken, yes, but I’m not some loser that can’t get over it and understand when an opportunity is presenting itself. That match taught me so much. You, Abi, you really did teach me so much as well. Now I have yet another chance to stand toe-to-toe with Ravyn and Christy and I can once again prove that the match wasn’t a fluke. I’m not someone to push around and laugh at. I’m Jordan freaking Majors. When the odds were stacked against me and even my own partner didn’t want to win, I stepped up and I made sure my team won. When a flock of idiots tried to attack me at Breakdown, I dipped out and escaped their trap. I’ve been ahead of both of you at every turn and I’m not about to let that advantage slip.

I know how this match is for you, too. All of you. Especially Abi. This is two of your friends teaming up to fight two of your favorite people to fantasize about. You just can’t get enough of Glory, can you? And you won’t stop coming after me until you get what you want, will you? Well how are you going to feel when Glory and I take the boots to both of your little buddies and hand them yet another loss? Ravyn, are you going to be really thrilled about losing another match all because you got involved with Abigail Lindsay? God, you used to be a legend. But even I can admit the more I kick your ass the more that story will start to fade. I know I’m tempting fate by taking this head on. But it feels like the only way to handle it. I don’t know exactly what Abigail will do if she ever gets her hands on me, but I know she knows I won’t go down easily. Going down is more her thing anyway. I tried to give you everything, Abi. Literally everything I had. I took one thing in return and you’ve sentenced me for my crimes. I’m not going to take this laying down or willingly. I’m not going to stop beating your friends at every turn. Glory and Jordan together? Well that’s money baby. You can bank on it.

Jordan sticks her hands in her jacket pockets and turns to start walking up the pier as the camera turns off.
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