Katie Steward vs. Bree Lancaster
SCW United States Championship
Katie Steward vs. Bree Lancaster

2 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit for tag
Deadline: 12 noon Sunday, December 1, 2019
SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | Her Fallen State"

{The episode starts in Los Angeles, California at Autumn Daniels shop. The scene opens to Autumn walking into her shop. Inside the shop there is a bit of a mess as it looks like someone has been inside while she was gone. Autumn walks through her shop as she gets a bit of a devilish smirk knowing that she’s probably going to get a chance to hurt someone. The camera changes to a different area in the shop and we find the intruder in the shop that Autumn is current hunting. Of course that person is Katie Steward. She sits at a table wearing her white and pink ring robe and she is busying reading through a book. There is two stacks of books in between her like she’s read one side and a wait list on the other. Katie looks like she’s been there all night. Autumn Daniels creep around the corner finding her. She grabs Katie’s shoulder. Katie jumps up out of her seat and turns to Autumn. Katie grabs her crucifix off the table and points it at Autumn. Autumn takes a step back like she reacts to it, but she quickly realizes that the thing of the crucifix isn’t a savior, but Katie’s face. Autumn looks at Katie a bit annoyed and she smacks Katie’s hand away with the curcifix in it.}

Katie Steward: Ow! That hurt. Why did you hit me so hard?

Autumn Daniels: Don’t. You’re lucky that’s all you got. Did you break into my shop?

Katie Steward: No. I have a key.

Autumn Daniels: A key? You still have a key from when you were staying with me.

Katie Steward: We’re Brats. It’s good to know that I have one in case you’re ever in trouble.

Autumn Daniels: And the very rare occasion that is I am sure I’ll be relieved, but I’ll take my chances. Give me my key.

{Katie looks a little hurt at Autumn asking for her key back. She turns and picks the key up off the table and lands it to her.}

Autumn Daniels: Thank you.

{Autumn looks over at the table and notices all the books spread around.}

Autumn Daniels: What were you doing with all these old books? Please tell me it wasn’t some kind of idiotic plan to conjure up a spell to cast?

{Katie looks at Autumn with her eyes open and very eagerly.}

Katie Steward: You have those books!?

Autumn Daniels: No.

{Katie goes back to being disappointed.}

Katie Steward: I was just trying to find out information about the Goddess and how I can find her. I don’t know what to do. She’s abandoned me in my time of need. I need her strength. The world needs her now. I have to spread her message.

Autumn Daniels: So you thought old fantasy books would help? These are just for customers.

Katie Steward: Ooooo, right of course. You keep all the scarce materials in the back!

{Katie turns and heads to the back of Autumn’s shop for what she needs to find.}

Autumn Daniels: Katie, no! You can’t go back there.

{Autumn chases Katie into the back room and it’s just a back room where she keeps her inventory.}

Katie Steward: This is more like it. This is where you hide all the good magic.

{The door to the shop opens as a bell is heard ringing alerting Autumn she has a customer.}

Katelyn Buehler: Autumn, do you open your shop?

Autumn Daniels: I’m in the back.

{Katelyn walks to the back room of the shop to join Autumn there.}

Katelyn Buehler: Ok Autumn, don’t panic, but Katie is here in the shop. I’d try to stop her, but she is really determined to find her answers.

{Autumn points Katelyn in the direction of Katie who is sitting on the floor with a large book in her hands reading.}

Katelyn Buehler: Oh, you know. You didn’t stab her, did you?

Autumn Daniels: The feelings were definitely there, but no. She’s safe.

Katelyn Buehler: Good, because this is your fault. You were perfectly fine back at the church and liked this new side of Katie. Now look at her. She’s reading.

Autumn Daniels: Katie could use a little darkness in her life and of course I’m fine when she is doing this stuff in her own house, but this is my business. She’s going to scare my customers away.

Katelyn Bvuehler: Customers? Is that all you care about? Katie needs help.

Katie Steward: Hey guys, what’s an inquisition?

Katelyn Buehler: See.

Autumn Daniels: Religious persecution.

Katie Steward: (nods)… Ok I have a second question.

Autumn Daniels: It’s an investigation by the church to rule out heresy. So anyone who doesn’t follow the Goddess. So maybe look for something else.

Katie Steward: No. I think I found it. You weren’t there at SCW Breakdown a couple of weeks ago to hear the thing that Bree Lancaster said to me. She believes her and Sienna are the best in SCW. If that isn’t heresy then what is? It’s the problem with SCW. It has to be why the Goddess has abandoned me. This is what I need to do. Now are you guys in?

Autumn Daniels: I just opened my shop. I can’t leave.

Katie Steward: Fine. Katelyn and I can handle this on our own.

{Katie tries to leave with Katelyn, but Autumn stops her as she sees her leaving with some merchandise.}

Autumn Daniels: Ugh Katie, you can’t leave with the book that you haven’t paid for.

Katie Steward: What? Oh, I’m just borrowing it.

Autumn Daniels: This isn’t a library.

Katie Steward: How about a Brat discount? Anything?

Autumn Daniels: …

Katie Steward: Fine. Katelyn, could you…

Katelyn Buehler: What?

Katie Steward: Could you pay for the book for me? I don’t have money on me. I’ll pay you back as soon as we get home.

Katelyn Buehler: I didn’t bring any of my cards with me.

Katie Steward: I…

{Katie figures out what she is going to do. Autumn isn’t going to let her walk out with the book and she also doesn’t want to know what Autumn does with shoplifters. Katie lets out a disgruntle screech and hands the book over to Autumn.}

Katie Steward: Fine. Go ahead and take it. We’ll just go ahead and wing in and whatever happens it’s your fault.

{Katie turns and leaves the shop with Katelyn.}

Autumn Daniels: I’ll wait for a call from Robin lately about whatever you do.

{Autumn walks over and puts the book back where it belongs as the scene fades.}


{The scene changes to Katie and Katelyn leaving the shop and walking outside. The camera follows the two brats as they walk away from the shop.}

Katie Steward: Alright, so we are starting our own inquisition and weed out all the bad apples that have caused the Goddess to abandoned us.

Katelyn Buehler: Katie, are you sure you’re ok?

Katie Steward: No. I’m not ok. That’s why we have to do this and I’m luckily enough to have you by myself to help me so I’m completely ok because we can’t fail when we’re working together.

Katelyn Buehler: Oh, well that’s why I’m right… I guess. So what are we going to do? Who do we investigate first?

Katie Steward: Well you know, I didn’t like the way Bree Lancaster spoke to me at Breakdown a couple of weeks ago. Just thinking she’s so much better and her and Sienna are the cream of the crop. If anyone is heresy, it’s her.

Katelyn Buehler: Ok, so you want me to dig up some dirt on Bree then?

Katie Steward: Yes.

Katelyn Buehler: Ok, so I do this and we’ll be done and we can go back to the way things use to be, right?

Katie Steward: Sure, I don’t see why not. The Goddess will find her way back to us.

{Katelyn smiles as she looks happy knowing this is going to help Katie. The two brat continue their walk on the sidewalk as she figure out how to begin their inquisition of Bree Lancaster.}


{The scene changes to Gigi and Maddy’s apartment. Katie stopped by to get the two to join her inquisition on SCW. Gigi sits at her computer doing some work and we see Katie pacing around in her ring robe.}

Katie Steward: This is going to be swift and merciful and the bitch isn’t going to know what hit her. Well she is going to know because I’m never going to let her forget it.

Giovanna Steward: Katie, do you think it’s wise to go to war with Bree? She’s red hot right now.

Katie Steward: Oh please. She, must like Sienna are nothing. Just pawns that do things that I’ve already done before. My chase for the US Title was iconic than the two reigns that Breeamerica will give. Now did you find any dirt on her?

Giovanna Steward: Was that what I was suppose to be doing? You just came in here and started rambling.

Katie Steward: Gigi, The Goddess has abandoned us. We need to find every heretic and wipe them out.

{Maddy sits up on the couch as she was invisible from the camera laying down. She’s a little nervous about Katie’s apparent threat.}

Madison Steward: Woah, are you going to murder Bree? Isn’t that like… a bit extreme?

Katie Steward: What? No. We’re not going murder her. I’m just going to… you know. Make her suffer. Uncomfrotably.

{Gigi and Maddy both stare at Katie as she tries to explain it to them.}

Katie Steward: I already said it, ok. The bitch needs to suffer.

Giovanna Steward: Ok Katie, I understand that you’re hurt by what Bree said, but Maddy is right. An Inquisition is a bit extreme. The Goddess wouldn’t want that.

Katie Steward: I think I know what the Goddess wants, Gigi.

{A loud knock is heard banging on the front door. Katie walks over and answers it. Katelyn runs in and grabs her. She is very excited and happy.}

Katelyn Buehler: Oh my, Kate, I did what you wanted me to do. I went and I dug as deep as I could go and I found it. I found the information that we’ve been looking for.

Giovanna Steward: Wow and you guys have been searching for like a whole hour it seems like.

Katelyn Buehler: Hey it’s not Kate’s fault Bree has terrible choice in friends.

Katie Steward: I never thought of it, but that’s is another thing I’m really good at.

Katelyn Buehler: I know. Just the besties. I’ll never betray you.

{Katie and Katelyn hug one another as they gush over their friendship. Gigi just rolls her eyes and turns back to her work.}

Katie Steward: So what is it? What did you find?

Katelyn Buehler: I schedule the meeting with the person and we have to meet him in a couple of hours in a parking garage downtown.

Katie Steward: Great. Who are they?

Katelyn Buehler: I don’t know. They didn’t say.

Katie Steward: You didn’t get their name?

Katelyn Buehler: No. They wanted to stay anonymous.

Katie Steward: … How did you get this again?

Katelyn Buehler: They called me. They said they needed to talk and to bring you along. They had information that we wanted.

Katie Steward: So we’re going to meet someone we don’t know in a parking garage that has information we need?

Katelyn Buehler: Yes. That’s what I got.

Giovanna Steward: Are you two serious right now? Katie, you can’t consider on doing something so shady. The information is obviously bogus. You have a match against Bree just face her and beat in the ring like you’ve done to so many.

{Katie hears Gigi’s words and she knows that Gigi is right. She can’t sacrificce her beliefs to destroy another. Even if she is really, really tempted in doing so.}

Katie Steward: She’s right. We can’t do it. I’m sorry Katelyn. This is something that Bree or Sienna or anyone in SCW would do. This is why the Goddess has abandoned us. We’re taking too many shortcuts. If I stand tall and beat her on my own merit. Then I’m the one that’s righteous. She’s the inferior one to me. That is my truth. We shall not be tempted by sin.

Katelyn Buehler: So that’s it. No inquisition? Does this mean you’re going to settle down and not go full religious nut job?

Katie Steward: I’m fine. I’m back to my normal self. I just… I just need some time to think and clear my head. So I can hear the Goddess clearly. She’s out there somewhere.

{Katie takes off her wrestling robe and throws it on the couch next to Maddy. She places her crucifix on top. Katie turns and heads out of the apartment in her regular causal clothes looking for answers. Maddy notices the crucifix and picks it up checking it out and giving it a weird look and the scene fades.}


{The scene changes to Katie Steward as she walks around Los Angeles. She looks around at the poor state of affairs. She sees homeless on the street burning James Evans’ shirts for warmth. Police clashing against Protesters wearing Sienna Swams’ “For the People” shirts. The world is in a desperate need of some faith. A world without a Goddess. Katie just watches on helpless and hopeless not knowing what to do. She just walks around aimlessly for a couple of hours trying to figure things out. Katie eventually stops and she stands outside of a parking garage. She can hear Gigi’s words echoing through her head and they stop her from going in, but she just thinks maybe she’ll heard the whistleblower out. What harm could it do to just listen?}

{Inside the parking garage Katie is up a couple of levels looking for the mysterious figure. She finds a man cloaked in the shadows that orders her to stop.}

Whistleblower: That’s far enough. Where’s the other girl?

Katie Steward: Ugh, she doesn’t come with me. Honestly I didn’t think I would be here, but the world needs a Goddess desperately. What kind of information do you have?

Whistleblower: Woah, slow down there. How do I know I can trust you? This whole thing can be a setup and I could end up like Epstein. I don’t want that.

Katie Steward: I’m not wearing a wire.

Whistleblower: That’s exactly what a person wearing a wire, would say. This isn’t like one of your movie roles.

Katie Steward: No. I swear. I’m not wearing it… wait… How do you know I’m an actress?

Whistleblower: What?

Katie Steward: You said this isn’t like one of my movies. I know you.

Whistleblower: Ugh, no you don’t.

Katie Steward: And you called Katelyn. So you know her…

Whistleblower: Alright, fine…

{The Whistleblower steps out of the shadow to reveal themselves as none other than Ace Marshall.}

Katie Steward: Ace? Seriously? You’re the whistleblower that’s going to get Bree impreach from the US Championship.

Ace Marshall: Hey you know me. When I have the opportunity to ruin someone’s life. It’s kinda fun.

Katie Steward: Unbelievable. Do you even have anything on her?

Ace Marshall: Uh yeah. I overheard her agent on the phone talking with people trying to get dirt on her opponent. A lot of really shady talk happening in that conversation. Back scratching. Favors. Thai hookers.

Katie Steward: What are you talking about? I’m her opponent. What dirt do they have on me?

Ace Marshall: I don’t know. You do operate a church. Those can be very shady.

Katie Steward: Do you actually have any information that would be useful to me?

Ace Marshall: I did actually. They actually got a video tape of you. From College. Giving a very bad performance. Let’s just say Katie didn’t always wear a crown, but big floppy shoes…

Katie Steward: (laughs) Oh please, I would never.

Ace Marshall: Are you sure about that?

Katie Steward: No.

Ace Marshall: Well then I guess you have nothing to worry about.

Katie Steward: I don’t know what scam you’re going for Ace, but I think you’re trying to help me in your own little sick way.

Ace Marshall: Just get into a clown costume and give an awkward performance and we can “sell” the tape to Bree’s team and bust them on conspiracy charges. It’s not that hard.

Katie Steward: Ok now I definitely know Gigi was right about not coming here.

Ace Marshall: Katie, I want you to win. All those at the top of SCW need to be brought down and I want you to be the one to do it. Bree is the first and the rest will follow. Now join me and let’s Impreach 51.

Katie Steward: 51 what?

Ace Marshall: She’s the 51 person to hold the US Title. I thought it was obvious. We’re bringing down Breeamerica.

Katie Steward; Oh Goddess, what do I do?

{Katie gets down on her knees and asks for guidance from a higher power and hoping for an answer.}


{The scene changes to Hollywood, California at a studio on a backlot. Inside Katie sits on her director’s chair wearing her robe and she holds her phone in her hand checking social media.}

Katie Steward: Well look at that, hashtag Impreachment Hearings trending again. Apparently it’s a really popular subject. As a woman of the cloth I must stand above the petty squabbling. In the United States we have separation of church and state. Or so they want you to believe in that anyways. Which is probably why Breeamaerica and the Goddess, Katie Steward have never ever really had any match against one another. I would be perfectly will following the rules and continuing that idea. Except seeing how the Goddess has abandoned me and I need to prove myself to her good graces and prove that I am the woman I am. All I want is to slap the taste out of the United States Champion and I want Sienna to feel it. SCW is a plague fill with filth. It’s no wonder the Goddess has disappeared. I allowed this to happen.

Katie Steward: I have so many feelings happening inside my body right now. I have this opportunity at the US title that some say I don’t deserve, but see I didn’t ask for it. I didn’t demand it. I just happened. It just happened because Bree like the rest of the flith that take up SCW can’t keep their mouths shut. Now I don’t have a match for the US Title. I have the opportunity to Impreach 51. Get that trending on twitter. Let the world know the Breeamerica is about to be another failed state. Bree Lancaster is going to learn that Katie Steward isn’t some just some diva that the rest of the locker room likes to talk about. I’m am the Queen of Queens. Not the Snow Queen. No. You’re not getting Selena. I know you know that name very well and you can not going to rest assure that I’m not her, because I am a far worst nightmare to deal with. As you’re going to soon learn.

Katie Steward: (laughs) Actually you know what? Since people want to talk and run their mouths. If I do win, when I win the United States title and end this political tyranny. Whoever wants to look me in my eyes and they have something to say. They can exercise their rights to do so. As I am going to exercise my bare hand across their faces. Your friendships disgust me. Your alliances disgust me. This isn’t a game of Survivor. I never needed any of that to be the Goddess once. At Clarity Bree Lancaster is going to learn what everyone learns when they face me. That I may be a brat. I may put on a hell of a performance. I also take every opportunity that comes my way and I take it for everything it’s worth. Clarity, get ready because you’re about to see a Goddess return.

{Katie stands up out of her chair and walks off the set ad the lights shut off and the scene and episode end.}
[Image: wk3BgLS.jpeg][Image: mFro5V6.jpg]
OOC: There is an interview in this that was aired on live TV and therefore is considered free use. It's clear what is 'on air' and where the camera stops rolling. Enjoy!

[Image: Bree2022.png]

SCW: 87 - 48 - 8 || Career 97 - 60 - 9
SCW Television Champion
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion
2X SCW World Champion
3X SCW United States Champion
2X SCW Tag Team Champion

(1X W/ Blake Mason; 1X W/ Scott Burnside Andrew Raynes)
1X SCW Women's Champion
Supreme Champion
2020 Female of the Year
2016 Star of Tomorrow
Only 2X VWA Evolution Champion

~~ Amy Chastaine ~~
SCW: 63 - 30 - 6 || Career: 120 - 75 - 15

1X SCW Tag Team Champion - W/ Kennedy Street [B.A.E.]
1X SCW Adrenaline Champion | 1X SCW United States Champion
1X SCW Television Champion | 1X SCW World Champion
SCW Hall of Fame Class of 2020
Supreme Champion * First Female * Fastest Time
2017 Female of the Year | 2017 Shot of Adrenaline Winner
2015 Star of Tomorrow | 2015 Rookie of the Year
Final VWA World Champion

Total (All Characters):


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