Cruze, Blackbourne, Sutter & Raab vs. Frost, Marie Jones, Tommy Valentine & Gold
Trios Tournament Buy-In

Winning teams will see their members fight each other, immediately after the eight-person tag match, to determine draft seeding to choose teams for Trios Tournament 2020; losing teams will need to rely on drafting or random draw to enter Trios Tournament 2020; Duration of the fatal four ways will determine who choose first between the winners.

Eight-person team (Trios): 4 RP Limit

Deadline: 5 pm ET Saturday, January 25, 2020
[Image: MKl96W9.png]

[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]
I love AJ Allmendinger.
OOC Note: This ends a storyline I had begun, it ends it sooner than I had originally planned but sometimes you have to make adjustments for the good of the character and/or overall story and I think this is the case here. I like how this turned out though and I hope you enjoy reading. It is also VERY IMPORTANT to note that you should read this roleplay BEFORE reading my Kimberly effort.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

OOC: I was surprisingly happy with how this turned out. Clyde Sutter is a real jackass in this one, fair warning...
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

OOC: The translation for the Norwegian language is underneath the original with italics and coloured so Olek and the rest of you can understand what's been said in both scenes. Good luck everyone and may the best RPer win. Can't wait to read the RP's later.

[Image: xyKCnrl.png]

Helping a homeless man, unable to speak English. Chicago, Illinois. Friday 24th January (Off Camera)

It's a strange day for Konrad as he wasn't wrestling for his usual company he wrestles for on Mondays. It's for Supreme Championship Wrestling and considering it's one of the two places in America asides from Anaheim, California he has a place to live; it wasn't a new city for him when he wrestles in Chicago every Monday week. However things today was very different with Konrad having a smile on his face, being happy to wrestle on the PPV on Sunday.

He lost the tag match with Aaron, but Konrad still had a big smile on his face, knowing at least he's wrestling on the PPV for the first time since the win he had against Casterillo in September. However, many people counted his End Of The Year match being a PPV event, but it was optional. As he was getting shopping for himself, he saw a man who wasn't able to speak English sitting on the floor, in the cold. 

The writing on the sign the seems to be in another language, but a language Konrad could understand Norwegian. It was a sign not in excellent English to ask for money. Konrad's face turned from happy to sad, seeing everyone ignoring him because it's in terrible English with nobody being able to understand. The man stops in front of Konrad and says this.

Homeless early forties man: “Har du fått noen endring? Ingen vil gi meg penger fordi de ikke forstår meg. Hjelp meg.”

Have you got any change? Nobody will give me money because they don't understand me, please help me.

It was in a language Konrad wasn't very fluent in at all, but he still understood what he said to Konrad which luckily, he knew some Norwegian words. There's no way Konrad would leave this guy on the floor as he went down on one knee, patting his shoulder as he sees the man wincing and tears running down his face. Konrad looks at his empty hands, having watery eyes, knowing he has helped Fizz in the same situation before, but the guy couldn't speak any English.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg er ikke veldig flink til å snakke norsk når jeg kommer fra Tyskland, men jeg gir deg noe bedre enn penger. Vil du dra til meg i supermarkedet?”

I'm not very good at speaking Norwegian as I come from Germany, but I give you something better than money. Do you want to go to the supermarket with me?

Although Konrad wasn't very fluent in Norwegian, the man smiled at him, knowing there was someone out there who gave him all the attention he never got from any stranger due to the language barrier. The man says this.

Homeless early forties man: “Selvfølgelig ville det slå det å være her ute hele tiden uten at noen bryr seg om meg fordi jeg ikke kan engelsk.”

Of course, that would beat being out here all the time with nobody caring about me because I can't speak English.

Konrad Raab: “Ikke bekymre deg. Jeg er glad for at du kunne forstå meg. Jeg vil aldri at noen skal sitte her, spesielt hvis de ikke kan engelsk. Jeg er heldig som har familie i Norge for å kunne snakke språket litt. La oss dra til supermarkedet, så vi kan snakke og få ting du kan spise.”

Don't worry. I'm glad you could understand me. I never want anyone to be sitting here, especially if they can't speak English. I'm lucky I have family in Norway to be able to speak the language a bit. Let's go to the supermarket so we can talk and get things for you to eat.

Homeless early forties man: “Takk skal du ha. Jeg er Filip Braaten.”

Thank you. I'm Filip Braaten.

Konrad Raab: “Værsågod. Jeg er Konrad Raab.”

You're welcome. I'm Konrad Raab.

Konrad holds his hand up for Filip as Filip grabs on Konrad's hand and pulls himself up as he places his red woollen blanket and the large blue plastic bag in the mini black rucksack with Norway flags on it to zip it up and Filip walks with Konrad to the supermarket. As they came to the supermarket, the man shivers and stops as Konrad looked back and sees Filip not wanting to go in.

Filip Braaten: “Nei, ikke der inne.”

No, not in there.

Konrad Raab: “Er du utestengt fra denne butikken?”

Are you banned from this store?

Filip Braaten: “Min far sparket meg ut av hjemmet sitt og vil aldri se meg igjen. Han jobber der, det er derfor jeg ikke vil gå inn der.”

My dad kicked me out of his home and never wants to see me again. He works there, that's why I don't want to go in there.

It occurred to Konrad, he wasn't the only person who had father issues or in Konrad's case, he did, Filip did as well, and that brought memories back to Konrad, especially with the counselling sessions he's had lately. Konrad gulps, knowing the history has hunted him a lot recently, trying to hold back the feelings he had for his father, taking him a while to talk to Filip, but five minutes later, he does speak to Filip, and he says this.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg vet alt om farsaker. Faren min pleide å slå, brenne meg, og gjorde alt for å ødelegge og gjøre meg slutt.”

I know all about father issues. My dad used to beat, burn me, doing everything possible to destroy and end me.

Filip Braaten: “Jævla, beklager å høre det. Faren min var ikke sånn; Jeg ble sparket ut fordi jeg tok dårlige avgjørelser i livet mitt. Jeg tok kokain, og da min far fant det, sparket han meg ut av huset. Jeg gjorde en enorm feil, og jeg vet ikke hvordan jeg skal gjøre ting riktig.”

Damn, sorry to hear that. My father wasn't like that; I got kicked out because I made bad decisions with my life. I took cocaine, and when my dad found out, he kicked me out of the house. I made a huge mistake, and I don't know how to make things right.

Konrad Raab: “Hvis faren din er der, snakker jeg med ham om det. Hvis ikke, så kommer jeg med deg hver uke til han er der, så jeg kan snakke med ham."

If your father is there, I'll talk to him about it. If not, then I'll come with you every week, until he's there so I can speak to him.

Filip nodded, having a smile on his face because the chance of him wanting to reconnect his father desperately was high, Filip had no confidence in speaking or even seeing his dad after the day of being left in the streets. They walk into the store with Konrad pushing the trolley and Filip points to bananas. He places them in the trolley, a good start as Konrad got a few bananas himself, along with apples and other vegetables. Filip then went to pick up some cheese, cheese that's famous in Norway and places them in the trolley.

Konrad got himself seeded bread to eat since he's so strict on his diet and getting things like vegetable mince, eggs, Veggie burgers, veggie sausages, pasta, other vegetables in tins like peas and sweetcorn. When Filip saw a section for beef jerky, he picked some up and placed them in Konrad's trolley. He also went to get himself bars of chocolate and small packs of crisps to put in the trolley.

Konrad Raab: “Det vi trenger er drikke til deg.”

What we need is drinks for you.

Filip Braaten: “Jeg er enig. Jeg liker cola.”

I agree. I like coke.

Konrad Raab: “OK, vi tar dem for deg. Jeg derimot, jeg trenger å skaffe meg smoothies, og proteinshakes.”

Alright, we'll go and get them for you. Me, on the other hand, I need to get myself smoothies, and protein shakes.

Filip Braaten: “Spiser du ikke kjøtt?

Do you not eat meat?

Konrad Raab: “Nei, jeg er vegetarianer. Jeg vil også være sunn, spesielt når kampen mot fire andre brytere kommer opp på søndag. Jeg er så streng med kostholdet mitt.”

No, I'm a vegetarian. I also want to be healthy, especially with my match against four other wrestlers is coming up on Sunday. I'm so strict with my diet.

Filip nodded, hearing about how strict Konrad was with his diet, but because of only finding out he was a professional wrestler, he understood, and they reached the drinks section for Filip to pick up small cans of coke, but Konrad turns round to say this.

Konrad Raab: “Få store flasker cola.”

Get big bottles of coke.

Filip places the cans back and picks up big bottles of coke which he selected four bottles in one pack and places them in Konrad's trolley. Konrad went to pick up smoothies, and protein shakes to put in his trolley. Of course, Konrad went back to the fruit and vegetable section as he wanted to get a packet of salad and cucumber to use for his sandwiches and goes to the vegetarian section to pick up vegetarian cheese and yoghurt to place in the trolley.

Filip Braaten: “Ville ikke disse store flaskene være for tunge for meg å bære rundt når jeg trenger toalettet?”

Wouldn't these big bottles be too heavy for me to carry around when I need the toilet?

Konrad Raab: “Nei. Fordi du ikke har noe sted å bo og ingen vil hjelpe deg, kommer du til å være hos meg i noen dager, til og med komme for å se meg bryte.”

No. Because you haven't got anywhere to live and nobody will help you, you are going to stay with me for a few days, even coming to see me wrestle too.

Filip Braaten: “Herregud, tusen takk. Jeg trodde aldri at jeg skulle se dagen med å sove i et varmt hjem igjen, spesielt fra noen som kan forstå meg. Du er ikke dårlig til å snakke norsk.

Oh my god, thank you so much. I never thought I'd see the day of sleeping in a warm home again, especially from someone who can understand me. You're not bad at speaking Norwegian.

Konrad Raab: “Det er ikke noe problem i det hele tatt. Jeg liker ikke å se at du lider i gatene og aldri får hjelp på grunn av språkbarrieren. Du har noen som forstår deg. Gå og skaff deg litt kylling og storfekjøtt, mens jeg stiller opp for å betale for disse varene før vi går tilbake til leiligheten min. Jeg har ingen problemer med å lage fersk mat til deg, alt du trenger for å få styrke tilbake.”

It's no problem at all. I don't like to see you suffer in the streets and never receive any help because of the language barrier. You have someone who does understand you. Go and get yourself some chicken and beef, while I line up to pay for these items before we go back to my apartment. I'll have no problems cooking fresh food for you, everything you need to get strength back.

Filip has tears down his face while leaving Konrad as he couldn't believe someone, a professional wrestler nevertheless was offering to stay at Konrad's apartment, since he couldn't see his dad working here today. He went to get chicken, streak and mince for himself and races back to Konrad to pay for the items. Konrad paid for the items and got Filip to help him carry bags back to his apartment.

As they reached Konrad's apartment, Konrad dropped the bags and got his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the doors to pick the bags up. Filip, on the other hand, was shocked, seeing how clean the place was he's staying in for a few days. He did pick up Konrad's shopping and brought it in the house and closes the door. As Konrad places the shopping in the fridge or freezer, Jerry stood up and said this.

Jerry Flack: “Konrad, we didn't agree to have visitors here."

Konrad Raab: “I couldn't let Filip suffer in the streets anymore, Filip can't write or speak English at all. He only speaks Norwegian, and the only person he's ever spoken to is me because nobody gives a damn about him just because he doesn't speak or write in English. I'm going to give him food to eat until I go and find his father who works in the supermarket we go to.”

A little hostile between Jerry and Konrad, but at the same time, it's a situation that made Filip uncomfortable, and he was just about to leave home, fearing the arguments it seems and Konrad quickly rushed to the door and says this.

Konrad Raab: “Det er OK, ikke la være. Jeg mente alt jeg sa om å holde deg her i noen dager og få deg matet og drukket. Jerry forsto ikke hvorfor du var her; det er alt. Jeg tipper at du ikke liker argumenter heller.”

It's alright, don't leave. I meant everything I said on keeping you here for a few days and get you fed and drank. Jerry didn't understand why you were here; that's all. I'm guessing you don't like arguments either.

Filip Braaten: “Nei, argumenter skremmer meg fordi det var slik jeg ble sparket ut av huset fra faren min. Var bekymret for at du hadde sparket meg ut også.”

No, arguments scare me because it was how I was kicked out of the house from my dad. Was worried you'd kick me out too.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg sa deg, jeg ville aldri gjort det, spesielt er jeg den eneste fyren som kan norsk i Amerika. Føl deg hjemme. Jeg skal ordne dette med min mentale trener.”

I told you, I'd never do that, especially I'm the only guy who can speak Norwegian in America. Make yourself at home. I'll sort this out with my mental trainer.

As Filip sat on the sofa, going to watch TV for the first time since for almost two months, he was in a warm place and felt safe on Konrad being the only guy who could understand him. Konrad and Jerry go to the room and start talking for a while about Filip and Sunday. Jerry felt terrible because of seeing how bad the guy needed someone to understand him.

Jerry Flack: “Where is he going to sleep, though?”

Konrad Raab: “If you showed some heart, you'd know my sofa is a bed. I want Filip to be comfortable so your sleeping on the sofa, and he sleeps in your room. He needs to be secure and comfortable. I must do this, so Filip trusts me.”

Jerry Flack: “He does seem like he's scared of a lot of things.”

Konrad Raab: “Wouldn't you be if you couldn't speak English coming from a country in Europe where English isn't their first language and everyone ignoring Filip because of the language barrier?”

Jerry nodded; he would be afraid to go somewhere where nobody understood him and not being given a chance because he wasn't able to speak Chinese for an example. Jerry sighed, not liking the situation he has, but he felt Konrad had no choice and was already lost on what they were talking about earlier.

Jerry Flack: “The language you spoke, that wasn't German, English or Japanese. What was it?”

Konrad Raab: “Norwegian. I have family in Norway, so I understand the language a bit. He had a smile on his face when he finally found someone that understands him. He was going to leave because he thought I was going to yell at him. His dad did before kicking him out of his home. He made a huge mistake to take cocaine. I think he could be an alcoholic too because I did smell alcohol from his breath.”

Jerry Flack: “It's very kind of you to do that. I have no choice, but to accept him around us. As long as you go to the gym, workout and do some fan interaction stuff for helping the animals, we arrange for you to do yesterday, that's the main thing.”

Konrad Raab: “Of course I will. I got to tell Filip where I'm going. Just make sure he's feeling safe and secure. Any problems, text me, and I'll help you to understand him.”

Jerry followed Konrad's instructions as he opened the bedroom door that Filip will be sleeping in for a few days, although the other problem would be a lack of clothes for Filip to wear, Konrad has a plan since he has a lot of clothes in the wardrobe. Filip's watching TV, being entertained and laughed at the comedy show he's watching. Konrad says this.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg skal til treningsstudioet nå. Jerry vil ta seg av deg og ba ham sende en tekst til meg hvis han sliter med å forstå deg. Jeg kommer tilbake om to timer.”

I'm going off to the gym now. Jerry will take care of you and told him to text me if he struggles to understand you. I will be back in two hours.

Filip Braaten: “Ok. Jerry kommer ikke til å skade eller sparke meg ut, er han det når du ikke er her?”

Alright. Jerry's not going to hurt or kick me out, is he when you're not here?

Konrad Raab: “Han vil ikke, og han vet om han gjør det, han ville være i en hel verden av problemer med at jeg roper og roper på ham fordi jeg kommer til å ta vare på deg, da livet mitt er avhengig av det. Jeg ser deg senere.”

He won't, and he knows if he does, he'd be in a whole world of trouble of me yelling and shouting at him because I'm going to take care of you as my life depends on it. I'll see you later.

Filip Braaten: “Kos deg i treningsstudioet ditt. Igjen tusen takk for at du tok meg med hjem i noen dager.”

Enjoy your gym workout. Again thank you so much for taking me in your home for a few days.

Filip stood up and gave Konrad a massive hug, holding him for quite sometime before he lets go of from Konrad who went to his room to place his gym gear in his bag before closing the bedroom door with his bag. He picks up the keys before opening the door and closing it to head to the gym to work out for a couple of hours.


A call about the beaten cat to take home/Trios Tournament match discussions. Chicago, Illinois. Saturday 25th January (Off Camera)

Konrad has been coming to Chicago every week to help out the Animal Rescue Craft Guild to do knitting for the animals who still needed things to keep them safe. Things like making nests, poaches, mittens and blankets were mainly needed to keep kangaroos, birds, koala bears and bats safe. At the same time, while he's doing this, along with Filip who also came to help, knowing how much passion Konrad has for the animals, he also had fans to meet as well, even while he's in the middle of knitting poaches, mittens, nests and blankets.

Konrad wanted to do the meet and greets with the fans for nothing, but because SCW management told him he couldn't, instead, the money he makes from meeting the fans were all going to the wildlife animals in Australia charity. It's always something of a passion for Konrad, especially when he once again like a couple of weeks ago, he wears a rainbow mask with sowed on Australian animals patches on each of his cheeks on the mask. Konrad knows he and Filip were helping a good cause, even while Konrad signs autographs and took pictures with the fans, although had been busy helping, some fans also offered to help to do some knitting for the animals. They stayed behind and joined in.

It has made the owner who was a woman in her thirties with blond hair named Jessica of the Animal Rescue Craft Guild club extremely happy for Konrad to not only do meet and greets with the fans but to also get some of them to join in and help together. It's working well with Filip who's quiet, getting down to work. As all of this was happening, he had a phone call. He decides to ignore it because he was busy with the fans and the knitting of things for the suffering animals in Australia. After meet and greets are temporary over, Konrad pulls his phone from his pocket and sees the missed call from the vets in California. He dialled the number back to place over his ear.

Because Filip and Konrad had been knitting things since eight in the morning and had more people coming to help to knit things, more than Jessica ever had. Konrad deserved a bit of a break as he goes away from the kitting area and goes in a spare room where nobody was around, and the phone picked up.

Male voice: “This is California animal rescue society, Matthew, you're speaking to. How can we help?”

Konrad Raab: “Hello, this is Konrad Raab, and I received a phone call from you earlier.”

Matthew: “Oh, yes, that's right. We called you because we wanted to let you know the ginger cat you rescued two weeks ago is ready to go back home. Your wife is on her way to collect it. It's a boy cat, and it's been neutered from your request made earlier this week. He's put on a lot of weight now and is eating properly.”

Konrad Raab: “I'm pleased to hear that. That got a bit crazy that day, didn't it?”

Matthew: “Yes and we're very thankful for your help on saving a kitten being left in the car for days. We know you and Fizz will be excellent owners to the ginger cat who's now well and healthy to go home. When you come home this week, you'll be seeing your new cat.”

Konrad Raab: “I can't wait to come home after Sunday and take care of the cute kitten. Thank you for letting me know, and I'll be working with you a lot very soon.”

Matthew: “You're welcome.”

That's when the phone cut off as Konrad placed the phone in his pocket when Filip who found Konrad in the other room, looking concerned as he was told to take a break, even if Jessica from what Konrad saw pointed to Filip to leave asks this.

Filip Braaten: “Hvorfor sluttet du å strikke og forlate rommet?”

Why did you stop knitting and leave the room?

Konrad Raab: “For under møtene og hilsenene jeg har gjort, hadde jeg en telefon fra dyrepassasjersamfunnene i California. Det handler om en fem måneder gammel kattunge jeg reddet for et par uker siden som var fanget i en bil i tre dager fra en tidligere eier som prøvde å drepe den og sa at det er sunt å komme hjem til meg og Fizz.”

Because during the meet and greets I've done, I had a phone call from the California animal rescue society vets. It's about a five-month-old kitten I rescued a couple of weeks ago who was trapped in a car for three days from a previous owner who was trying to kill it saying that it's healthy to come home to me and Fizz.

Filip Braaten: “Den stakkars kattungen. Det viser at du forteller meg denne historien, hvor mye du bryr deg om dyr. Jeg er glad det er i et nytt hjem som vil bli elsket og tatt vare på.”

That poor kitten. It shows you telling me this story, how much you care about animals. I'm glad it's in a new home that will be loved and cared for.

Konrad Raab: “Det vil, veldig mye, men også med barna mine så vel som med Fizz og meg selv.”

It will, very much, but also with my children as well as with Fizz and myself.

Filip Braaten: “Jeg tror vi bør komme tilbake på jobb.”

I think we better get back to work.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg er enig, la oss gå tilbake.”

I agree, let's head back.

Konrad and Filip left the empty room and got back to work. Before they got started this morning, Filip was shown what he had to do. For Filip, anything's better than being in the streets and begging for money. It was for a good cause. Of course, Konrad knew the match he has coming up was important, being apart of Owen's team with Aaron and Clyde who's already caused a lot of problems. As Konrad and Filip knit a lot of things, it occurred to Filip Konrad hadn't spoken anything about the match, and he asks about it.

Filip Braaten: “Så hva er så viktig med kampen du konkurrerer i morgen?”

So, what's so important about the match you're competing in tomorrow?

Konrad Raab: “Trios turnering er der du er sammenkoblet med tre forskjellige brytere, og du vinner en kontrakt, slik at du kan bruke noe med det i et år. Det er min favoritt brytingsturnering i året.”

Trios Tournament is where you are paired up against three different wrestlers, and you win a contract, allowing you to use something with it for a year. It's my favourite wrestling tournament.

Filip Braaten: “Det er unikt. Kan du si at bruk kontrakten for å få tittelkamper?”

That's unique. Could you say use the contract to get title matches?

Konrad Raab: “Ja det kan du. Jeg vet ikke hva jeg skal gjøre med meg ennå. For tidlig å si i øyeblikket.”

Yes, you can. I don't know what I'm going to do with mine yet. Too early to say at the moment.

Filip Braaten: “Så hvem er lagkameratene dine og hvem kjemper du mot?”

So who are your teammates and who your fighting against?

Konrad Raab: “Lagkameratene mine er Owen Cruze, Aaron BlackBourne og Clyde Sutter. Motstanderne mine er Selena Frost, Tommy Valentine, Marie Jones og Jay Gold.”

My teammates are Owen Cruze, Aaron BlackBourne and Clyde Sutter. My opponents are Selena Frost, Tommy Valentine, Marie Jones and Jay Gold.

For a while, there was silence as Konrad and Filip went back to work to knit a lot of mittens for the koala bears and poaches for the baby kangaroos. Others were making nests for the bats, although Konrad had done some nests today as well. Everyone was busy at work for a little while. Thirty minutes later, Filip shakes his fingers off, but while working on the pouch he's making, he speaks to Konrad again.

Filip Braaten: “Har du hatt noen kamper med motstanderne dine?”

Have you had any matches with your opponents?

Konrad Raab: “Jeg har ikke hatt en kamp med Jay Gold, nei. Han er den eneste fyren jeg ikke vet så mye om. Tommy Valentine, jeg har hatt mange kamper med, og jeg vil hevne meg for å prøve å skade meg med et kne på hodet og prøve å rive armen av meg. Han vil se hevn fra meg før enn senere.”

I haven't had a match with Jay Gold, no. He's the only guy I don't know much about. Tommy Valentine, I've had plenty of matches with, and I do want to seek revenge for trying to hurt me with a knee to my head and trying to rip my arm off. He'll see revenge from me sooner than later.

Konrad took a break as there was a lot to be said on his next two opponents. He drinks some water after being here all day, knitting along with meeting and greeting the fans who were still coming in and wanting Konrad's autograph and pictures. Once the last few fans went or some that stayed to help, Konrad speaks again.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg har ikke kjempet for Marie Jones på lenge. Som deg har hun også gjort mange feil hun angrer på, men hun har beseiret Gavin Taylor i det siste, så livet hennes er på et bedre sted enn det var i fjor. Selena Frost, jeg angrer på feilene jeg har gjort henne i fjor, men hun er på roll in tag-kamper med Regan Street. Hun er en betydelig trussel i kampen.”

I haven't fought Marie Jones in a long time. Like you, she's also made plenty of mistakes she regrets, but she has defeated Gavin Taylor lately, so her life is in a better place than it was last year. Selena Frost, I regret the mistakes I have done to her last year, but she's on a roll in tag matches with Regan Street. She's a significant threat in the match.

Filip Braaten: “Virker som et fast lag som du er imot. Jeg vet at du, Owen, Aaron og Clyde vil trekke seieren.”

Seems like an adamant team your against. I know you, Owen, Aaron and Clyde will pull off the victory.

Konrad Raab: “Det kan jeg ikke garantere. Jeg, Aaron og Owen kan ikke stole på Clyde fordi han har kostet oss kamper. Samtidig er det bortsett fra hva Trios-turneringen handler om. Vi jobber sammen og tar ned teamet til Selena Frost. Så kjemper vi mot hverandre i en kamp Royal og vinneren tror jeg får det første valget av hvem de vil ha på laget sitt."

I can't guarantee you that. Me, Aaron and Owen can't trust Clyde because he has cost us matches. At the same time, it's apart of what the Trios tournament is about. We work together and take down Selena Frost's team. Then we fight against each other in a battle royal and the winner I think gets the first pick of who they want in their team.

Filip Braaten: “Høres spennende ut.”

Sounds exciting.

Konrad nods, but it wasn't a satisfied nod, especially when a guy coming in looking angry at Konrad, looking as if he's done something wrong, clearly was a wrestling fan coming down to watch Day of Infamy PPV. He smirks at Konrad, wearing a shirt that resembles an enemy of his, Tommy Valentine as he says this.

Tommy Valentine fan: “He made you like your bitch twice now. It's enjoyable to watch a weak old man getting hurt and attacked by Kandis's lover.”

Konrad Raab: “Good for you to come down and visit me, but I don't waste time with ignorant people who are a waste of time.”

Tommy Valentine fan: “Aren't you wasting time being a professional wrestler? You're the biggest failure of them all, and you're going to be the reason why the team will lose because you can't beat anyone.”

Konrad Raab: “I can beat many wrestlers; obviously, you haven't watched what I do in the ring. I don't have time for this, go and live for another day, punk.”

Tommy Valentine fan: “Continue to wrestle with a broken arm and a concussion because only stupid wrestlers continue to wrestle when they keep getting injured by Tommy. You're a cripple old man who won't quit. Come on, lets fight.”

The security comes rushing in before the situation gets out of hand as they drag Tommy Valentine fan away, without the spit he receives that lands right on Konrad's cheek, luckily it was on the mask before being pulled away. Konrad, on the other hand, hadn't received those kinds of insults for a long time, at the same time, he traps them deep inside of him, although he sighs, looking down on the ground. One of the fans came over to Konrad and said this.

Wrestling fan: “What an asshole.”

Konrad Raab: “Yeah, you get them sometimes in the real world as well as in the business, but you stand up to them, and it only reminds me what I have to do, next time I face Tommy by myself.”

Wrestling fan: “You're not thinking of being The Black Ice, are you?”

Konrad Raab: “Not in the trios tournament, no. When it comes to facing Tommy one on one, I have no choice. He's tried to end my career twice now with the concussion he gave me, and he tried to break my arm. I don't want to be The Black Ice again, no chance in hell, but in the circumstances of Tommy, I may very well have to.”

Luckily, Konrad was wearing the rainbow mask that controls him, but he already has the nature to let things loose on Tommy, being way too soft to him was not the answer. He clinches his teeth for a while before he responds to this.

Konrad Raab: “I rather get back to work, than worrying about things on my mind, even if Clyde has me concerned on stabbing the team in the back and Tommy doing everything possible to turn me into The Black Ice again. I can't go through with that again.”

Wrestling fan: “Then don't be The Black Ice. Be The Iced Rainbow with an attitude and do everything to hurt him. He deserves it. However, you're right, I want to help you to save the animals and for us to get back to work.”

The male wrestling fan who was in his twenties was a fan of Konrad, but he goes back to where he was and sat down to continue building a nest for the bats and the birds. Filip, on the other hand, looks around, shaking his head as Konrad explains the situation with him.

Konrad Raab: “En fan minnet meg om hva jeg har å gjøre med Tommy Valentine i fremtiden. Muligens i denne kampen å skade hver del av kroppen hans. Jeg har ingenting mot andre medlemmer av teamet, men Tommy er et spørsmål jeg må ta tak i. Jeg trenger å være voldelig mot ham, så mye som jeg hater å gjøre det, men fansen har rett, jeg har vært svak for at Tommy avsluttet karrieren.”

A fan reminded me of what I have to do with Tommy Valentine in the future. Possibly in this match to hurt every part of his body. I have nothing against other members of the team, but Tommy is an issue I need to tackle. I need to be violent with him, as much as I hate to do so, but the fan's right, I have been weak to Tommy ending my career.

Filip Braaten: “Du er for snill til å gjøre noe sånt. Jeg kan ikke forestille deg at du vil skade Tommy.

You're too kind to do something like that. I can't imagine you, wanting to hurt Tommy.

Konrad Raab: “Jeg vil ikke, nei, men det er noe jeg må gjøre. Det er en må ting jeg skal gjøre nå. Jeg kan ikke la Tommy gå over meg lenger. Jeg måtte avslutte ham med å prøve å fullføre karrieren, raskt."

I don't want to, no, but it's something I have to do. It's a must thing for me to do now. I can't let Tommy walk all over me anymore. I got to end him trying to finish my career, fast.

Jessica comes over to see what's going on and tells everyone to continue working, something Konrad wanted to do, and he does as it kept him busy. For Filip, it was to earn some money as if he helps; he gets paid for it due to his lack of funds. As it was five in the afternoon, Jessica told everyone to stop knitting and she thanks everyone today for helping out a great cause that will go to Australia. They all stand up and leave the community centre that's closing up for the night.

Konrad and Filip walk back to Konrad's apartment with Konrad looking a little angry as he goes in his room and places his gym stuff together to put in his bag. Konrad screams as he needed to let it out before he walks out of the bedroom and tells Filip where he's off to.

Konrad Raab: “På grunn av det som skjedde, må jeg ta turen til treningsstudioet en stund for å roe meg ned. Jeg ser deg om en stund.”

Because of what happened, I need to head to the gym for a while to calm myself down. I'll see you in a while.

Filip nodded at Konrad before he watches TV, but only he was stopped by Jerry who of course didn't understand Konrad's slight tone of anger, and he says this.

Konrad Raab: “I need to go to the gym to calm down. A Tommy Valentine fan reminded me of what I have to do. Tommy has tried to end my career twice now. I need to come back and hurt him. I need to go.”

Jerry nodded, without even responding to Konrad's slight tone of anger as he picks his keys up and closes the door behind him to work out for four hours. It made Konrad feel so much better when he comes home, going into his bedroom to close the door with Filip and Jerry sleeping in bed and on the couch. He turns the laptop on and then does his usual setup on youtube before he goes live on there.


Konrad's quest to earn himself a spot in the Trios Tournament shoot. (On camera)

“I love the Trios Tournament. I know I've already said it, and I'll repeat it, it's my favourite wrestling tournament to compete in. I love the thought the contracts are handed out to the winners and doing something great with it. A lot of people criticize Kellen cashing in his contract for the rumble, but it took guts to do what he did, and I respect that. I prefer to win a title in matches that have odds stacked against me than it is to gain a win that there's a high chance of doing so.

That to me is what SCW should be, competition. Glory's cash-in was to stop Syren as much as I hate her guts for ruining what wrestling is meant to excuse me for my language earning your shit, Glory succeeded there that although she didn't win the title, what she achieved was Syren walking away, titleless. Regan also accomplished her goal of uniting her family together.

Of course, I don't want to ramble more about that because I got other things I should talk a lot more about. Partners like Owen and Aaron I know I can depend on, I proved that with Aaron in the tag match and Owen's a great wrestler and a great team leader, but Clyde is a different cattle and fish altogether. The guy loves to hurt people all the time, not like me when I only hurt people if they deserve it, the guy also likes to cost people matches as well.

Clyde is another Xander Valentine, except he has a bit more guts than Xander does, at least he attempts to attack men as well as women wrestlers. I don't like him or trust him at all, but I know at the same time, it's what Trios Tournament is all about, trusting partners and working as a team to win. That's more important than anything.

I have captained a team late last year over in UGWC when I lead a team of three other wrestlers in Outlast tournament that's a lot like the Trios. However, my team got eliminated in the first match; it shows Sasha does pay attention to what I did over there on being a responsible team leader as I was. I know I want to redo the mistakes I made, regarding that, so I'm going to do everything possible to earn myself a captain spot. I'm also sick and tired of being left out of the PPV's as well and this is a chance to get me to wrestle on them once again as I did before.

Now we go to my opponents. We have Selena Frost who's the most significant threat of them all because of her wins lately against the top wrestlers in SCW. I can't think of anyone she hasn't beaten in the ring. Even I've been defeated by Selena too. Selena's teaming with Regan that's a force to be reckoned with in the tag team division. I have nothing bad to say about her whatsoever as I respect her abilities in the ring. I also apologise for the actions I made before Rise To Greatness. You didn't deserve to be attacked, and I let my emotions on personal problems I had out of the ring get to me.

Jay Gold is the only guy in the match I've had no experience being in the ring with at all. I know he's wrestled against Autumn Valentine in two thousand and seventeen and a few weeks ago, but I really can't say much because of my lack of knowledge about him. However, from what I've heard, he seems to respect this business a lot and wants to do the right thing. Who am I to speak against what Jay wants to do right? You have impressive skills in the ring, and that's all I say.

Marie Jones has made mistakes, much like I have in the past in SCW, but Marie has learnt from them not to repeat the mistakes she has made. That's been proven because nothing brought a smile to my face than seeing her defeat Gavin Taylor who's the worst champion going right now in SCW. I hope you'll get the chance to face him because after the jokes he made about animals in Australia, hence you see the badge patches on the cheeks of my mask to wrestle for them, he deserves a beat down. You're changing into a good woman, and I hope you don't change.

Somebody else who deserves a beat down and he's the reason I've left last on the opponents because although Selena Frost in terms of her achievements is the biggest threat, you're my biggest enemy of the whole lot, Tommy Valentine. You're my biggest target because a fan of yours reminded me of something I haven't been doing, seeking revenge on your ass. I haven't shown aggression to you at all, and yes, you defeated me and while I wouldn't have minded the losses you've given me, what I do mind is you trying everything in your power to end my career.

Giving me a concussion and then trying to rip my arm off, you bet that's why I'm angry, both at you and myself for allowing you to push me around. I won't be pushed around any longer, and you will witness the true meaning of angry The Iced Rainbow. I'm going to punish you any way possible violently, maybe I'll give you a concussion or a sprain in your arm for revenge, bitch. Yes, you're talented wrestler, but crippling someone is not the way forward. If you want to wrestle me violently, bring it because I will not hold back anymore.

Excuse me for being angry, but I've had enough of Tommy trying to injure me from ever coming back to wrestle in the ring. It's got me fired up and why I want to wrestle for the captain spot even more. Nothing against the rest of you and I hope Owen, Aaron and Clyde will leave me with Tommy in the ring because it's time for me to seek revenge on him.

Of course, all of you I don't have revenge on, I know we have a good match against each other and make it competitive, but I do feel we have more top wrestlers on the team, and we want the contracts more than anyone, and we'll prove that in the ring when we'll be the last team standing. Owen, Aaron, Clyde and I will do everything to win this match, whether it's me or one of us will win via pinfall or submission. Then we'll wrestle against each other if we win and get that captain spot we deserve. Prepare to be Iceinated by The Iced Rainbow.”
[Image: MKl96W9.png]

[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]
I love AJ Allmendinger.
The Royal Letter

Dear True Believers of SCW,

I'm not entirely sure of the reasons why I'm doing this Royal Letter. It's not really a promo, per say. You're not going to hear me make promises or threats to my opponents. And I'm not going to waste breath talking about the Twitter troll, Sienna, beyond this sentence. I mean – there's going to be an actual promo, I can promise that. But – well, I'm in Frankfurt, Germany and... I guess you could say I've just been thinking. I mean, living near the country-side and being with family – I don't watch alot of TV. My Netflix list is so damn long, I doubt I'll ever be able to finish it – so, when the kids are asleep or playing outside while I watch them...

Yeah, my mind tends to wander. I think about alot of things. My family, my life – SCW obviously... I've been thinking ALOT about SCW lately, especially with what's on the horizon.

Am I elated? Actually, yes. Actually, before I continue with that – I know I said it already, but more officially – thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your votes at the End of the Year awards. While I can't always be the world champion or “the wrestler of the year”, I've always prided myself on giving all of you the best that I possible can. Never settling for 'second best' or these 'cheap finishes' that has been plaguing SCW, thanks to those like Infamous and Beauty Network. So, to receive not only “Match of the Year” but “Feud of the Year”... it was beyond special for me.

But it also let me with something to think about. It made me reflect on 2019 – the year that has passed. And, while I would change very little of that year, gods I was involved in so many feuds and wars. Fighting factions, specialty matches galore, I can't recall a moment where I wasn't involved in some kind of personal war with someone. From Bree to Giovanni to Xander – it was just one big personal battle for my beliefs and what's right.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't take its toll on me. I'm sure you've seen some of the scars on me from those battles – definitely seen the blood I've lost. Rest assured, I am not done bleeding or hurting for this company – I intend to keep fighting as “The Face of SCW”...

But I don't want to be looking for wars this year. I don't want to be throwing myself at Sasha and asking for matches to “end feuds” - as much as I am sure that wars will still find me. I want... I want to get back to why I love this place. Why I love being an SCW wrestler. I want to get back to being the best of the best wrestler. I want to get back wrestling. I want to focus on putting on the best matches – match of the year candidates – for all of you. Because there are so many in SCW that would rather buy or cheat their way through. It's why I'm so thrilled that Regan and I are working our way up the tag-team division, working towards that goal...

And it's why I said I was elated with what was headed for us next weekend. Because it's pure wrestling. It is! I know there are factors – certain people that have others watching them. Aaron has Shilo, Clyde has Braddock, Tommy has the entire tag division – but this? This feels like it's genuine wrestling for me. No “Twitter wars”, no “fighting for justice”, no “vengeance” - it's wrestling for the sport. How can I get nervous about that?

Because of what Sasha D. has put on my shoulders.

For those of you that missed it, Sasha named me as one of the four captains of this sort of 'buy-in' for the Trios tournament. Me, Ace Marshall, Owen Cruze, and Syren. And I'm not using any substituted words – she referred to us as “captains”. As in 'leading' a team...

And that's what has me nervous. Because I have never lead a team before.

Yes, I know some people are going to shake their heads at that. I've fought countless battles like these before – just last year, I teamed with Regan, Owen and Kennedy in a winning effort of Tactical Warfare to get Sasha her position in SCW. I've always fought alongside others against stables like the Coalition, Imperium, and Monarchy. So it's not that I don't know how to work as a team player. 

It's the fact that – being named a 'captain' – it creates that expectation of 'leading'. Being a leader, showing leadership – and that's something I've never done before. I've always been with teams that had a common goal but nobody was really “the leader”. We were just united in said common goal. 

But this? Was it just a 'cute name' Sasha slapped on me and the others? Something to sell tickets? Something to get people to tune in? I mean, she's pitting Syren against James at the Superbowl Halftime show – so it's not exactly beyond her to use methods to get more attention. This whole “captain” thing might just be empty words that look good on a match card. 

But what if it isn't? What if I'm expected to be a leader to Jay Gold, Tommy Valentine, and Marie Jones? What if I'm expected to lead them to victory so the four of us can wrestle and determine who gets first pick for the Trios teams?

I don't know how to do that, because I've never done that before. I've never lead a team before. Am I just to expect that someone as veteran as Jay Gold or Tommy Valentine – two men who's careers dwarf mine in longevity – hell, they are both Hall of Fame members! How am I supposed to have them listen to someone that's just passed six years here? The two of them have done everything imaginable – and yes, my accomplishments here are nothing to sneeze at, but come on! 

I mean, even Marie Jones – a woman closer to my age – has more years experience than me! I'm the youngest, least experienced person on this team in terms of numbers, and I'm supposed to lead them?

It's scary, okay? I know I should be showing this face of confidence – and maybe I'll get there come the weekend – but right now, just sitting here... I hate this feeling of not knowing what to do.

And it's not just the experience and age thing. I just spoke of Marie – her mother REALLY doesn't like me. I mean REALLY doesn't like me. She's sided with Beauty Network so many times over me it's not even funny. And it's not like Marie Jones has had issues teaming with those I despise. I know she turned it around – but the point is that, I've seen Marie spit in the face of those that tried to control her. I've seen her turn her back on those that thought they were 'calling the shots'. And when her captain is someone her mother despises?

How do I lead that? How do I deal with that?

And gods... Odin on high – you want to talk about direct enemies? Did any of you see what Tommy and Kandis are doing in the tag-team division? They're going after anyone in there way, and I don't mean by beating them in matches. I mean sending them to the medic room at the back of each arena. Do I agree with it? Of course not! I don't agree with any such tactics! And Tommy knows this. He knows I'm going to stop him if he tries it during the match. But more than that, he knows that he and I are after the same thing. The World Tag-Team titles. Trios could get him and I there faster, but there is no denying that I am someone that will, sooner or later, be in his way for those titles...

How do I work with that? How do I work with such a wildcard that could turn on me, on my teammates, at the drop of the hat because he feels it will serve his personal goals better? He's that smart – you don't survive this long and do all he's done without being smart – and what's more... if Kandis wins her match on the other side of matches... he won't need to win for his team to have a Trios contract...

And here's the thing: I know I have a kindred spirit, at least, on the team with Jay Gold. I was touched when he spoke so highly of me at the End of the Year event. It meant a lot to me to hear it. I know he wants this, maybe as much as I do. That this could be his 'resurrection' of sorts. His ticket to making that “Golden Age” he's spoken about bringing. I won't lie, what's he's been describing it as... I can get behind it. It sounds wonderful. SCW that's all about wrestling and not buying people or blackmailing them or attacking en masse during matches? I could really get behind that.

But again...that experience. That wisdom... 

What if I make the wrong decision? What if I make the wrong call during the match? Or with the strategy. I mean... I'm facing a man that's pinned me twice and his team – at least three I have the utmost respect for, but each one is a different style and set of morals... Shouldn't I be heeding his advice and not hoping he heeds mine?

I don't... I don't know, True Believers. And that is what is so nerve-wracking about this. Because I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to be a leader other than by example. Inspiring people, standing strong in my beliefs, I know how to do that. I know how to be a team-player! I'm great at that! 

But going that extra step? I just...I don't know if I can. I don't know if they'll listen to me... and how I can get them to listen to me if they don't. I wish... I wish I had more time to spend with them. More time to talk to each of them individually. Make them see how important this is to me – and how it should be important to them.

But I don't have more time. I don't really have much time at all. It's slipping away from me one second at a time and, before I know it, it's going to be Day of Infamy in Chicago and I'll be out there, needing to lead my team to victory or take the blame if we lose.

Because that's what being a leader entails, doesn't it? You lose? It all fails on the captain's shoulders. It's like that movie “A Bug's Life”. The big grasshopper, Hopper, said it “First rule of leadership: everything is your fault”.

And if I fail, it's not just myself that I fail – it's failing Marie, Jay and Tommy. It's failing all of you and it's failing what I need to do. What I have to do – what's the right thing to do...

We have to win – I know that – I need to win. If it becomes the fatal-four, I am going to be fine. I'll be in my element, fighting some amazing people and fighting to be the best – I'll be excited, I'll be elated... I'll be the Snow Queen! 

But we have to get there. And I don't know how I can get us there...

I just... I just wish I had more time...


The Dark Side of the Sun

“Time Waits For No Woman...”

Frankfurt Prison III
Frankfurt, Germany
January 24th, 2020

“I'm bored.”

The sounds filled Selena's ears as she turned her head to the other people sitting beside her, her eyes blinking away a little of the exhaustion she felt in their heaviness. When she blinked a second time, however, she felt the slight sharpness of sleep-crust, drawing a thin finger up to wipe it out of her eye.

“I'm tired.”
“Sssh!” the second voice was a bit harsher this time.

She couldn't really be upset at her son's remarks of boredom, followed by his whine of being tired. It was Saturday, after all. The first day of the weekend – and though young David was still a year and some from starting school, he always seemed to like the notion of sleeping in on weekends. I guess he got that from his mom. Selena thought with a soft smile, thinking of the redhead that was... somewhere... in the building.

With her free hand, she ruffled the boy's light-blonde hair as he sat beside her. “I know, prince.” she spoke quietly. “But she'll be here soon.”

It wasn't much reassurance for the impatient youth, who simply kept fidgeting in his seat, sitting on his hands and shifting left to right.

“How do you know?” the young three-and-a-half year old boy whined and yawned. It was adorable for the Snow Queen – maybe it was because she couldn't see her son or her other children every day, especially with travelling across the world to wrestle in North America most of the time, then having to rush back to Germany for any free time to support her wife.

“I...” Again, a tired smile came from the Snow Queen. “I know.” she stated. “When you love someone enough.” she tried to explain. “And you spend enough time with them – like mom and I do – you just... you know.”

“Like a sense?”

It wasn't David who asked the question – for the young boy, with his cowboy decorated t-shirt, didn't know what the word 'sense' meant (too complex for his young mind). Turning her gaze to her left, Selena smiled at the young girl sitting on the other side of her, nodding her head to confirm her daughter's inquiry. “That's right, Elsa.” 

The oldest of the Frost children nodded her head. “Wow.” she replied. “That's...kinda cool.” she replied shyly, her gloved hands (black and lacy) in her lap as the fingers played with themselves. Her eyes cast a glance over to the small bundle that Selena held in her arms before shooting back at the cold floor. 

“You'll have it too, someday.” Selena promised. “Just need to find the right one.” 
“Yuck.” Elsianna teased, causing the platinum-blonde to laugh.
“Sometimes, I forget that you're only eight.” she stated as she held the youngest of her family, the year and a half old Amiliah, in her arms. “You know it won't be so 'yucky' one day.”

Elsianna merely shrugged her shoulders, the black pancha she wore shifting slightly as her eyes flitted back to her little sister. Without a word, Selena smiled at her before gently placing the baby girl into Elsianna's hands, who eagerly took her and cradled her close, whispering cooing sounds and kissing the young girl's forehead.

Maybe sooner than I think... Selena sighed, watching her two daughters. She was glad Elsianna was protective of Amiliah. Especially with how closed off and guarded the older Frost daughter had become since her injury at the hands of that Stanton boy. But being Amiliah – was 'guardian' the proper word? - had helped in so many ways. 

It wasn't like in SCW, the real world, that is. And part of that bothered Selena. In SCW, she could vanquish 'evil-doers', stand up for the fallen and hurt and seek justice in a satisfying way. But outside it? Enemies like Malcolm Scythe, Wentworth Stanton and his son, even Brachiss and Lady DeWinter – Selena couldn't just kick them in the head or jump off cages to deal with them. She had to play by a different set of rules. Rules that were stacked against the law-abiders. And with her little one, her snowflake, her Elsianna, having to deal with so much – it hurt Selena that she could not simply fight such wars to make the child feel better.

A slight “pinging” sound and a rush of emotions filling her caused the mother of three to suddenly smile knowingly. “Here she comes.” she whispered, though both David and Elsa heard her, as both children's heads shot up. Every pair of eyes the Frost family head were glued to the end of the room, where the doors were. Yes, there were a few other inmates here in the prison, sitting with someone for their own, personal visits, but with it being so early, there weren't many, allowing the three a full view of the door as the most beautiful redhead Selena had ever, and would ever, see walked into the room. She was escorted by an officer, who merely pointed to the table where Selena and the children sat...

Or they did. 

“Mom!” as soon as Deanna had been seen in her orange jumpsuit, David had sprung out of his chair and ran towards the young woman. Quickly, Deanna knelt down to catch her son into her waiting arms.

“Whoa, easy there!” she cried out. “It's early.”
“I know!” whined David. “Mommy wouldn't let me sleep in.”
“She wouldn't?” Deanna's mouth hung open in a mocking gasp, as she gazed up at Selena, who sauntered over to her. Just as Deanna stood to her full height, Selena's lips were already there, drifting over hers in a soft kiss. Her arms wrapped around Selena's neck while Selena's wrapped around her waist.

Eventually, the pair broke the kiss, Selena tilting her head with a tired smile. She could see the exhaustion in her wife's eyes, just as she was sure the bags under her own gave her own state away to her redhead. “I need to head back earlier than usual.” Selena sighed. 

“Duty calls?” Deanna asked with a shake of her head.
“Something like that. I'll tell you later.”

With a nod, Deanna gave a bright smile before turning to gaze at David and Elsianna, who stood several feet away from the group. “Well...this is a nice surprise! I wasn't expecting everyone!” Her eyes returned to Elsianna as she stood there, holding Amiliah, was clearly awake. “Elsianna?” Deanna asked. “Do I get a hug?”

She was surprised when she felt Selena's hands on her arms. “Not yet.” Selena smiled, standing behind her wife. “There IS a reason they're here today, so early... and...well, Elsa?”

Biting her lower lip, Elsianna lowered herself onto her knees. “Okay...” she whispered to Amiliah, giving her a kiss on her small temple. “Just like we practised...” Carefully, she held Amiliah out, positioning her so she could stand on the floor. The infant redhead, suddenly very aware that she wasn't being held anymore, stuck her legs out, tiny limbs supporting the body. Little green eyes, looked ahead – and recognized the mommies waiting just a few feet from her. With a smile and a gurgle, followed by a “mum” and “mumma” cry of delight, Amiliah held her hands out to them and it was with a bright smile from Selena and tears of shock and joy from Deanna as the Frost wives watched their youngest stumble and walk the few steps into Deanna's waiting arms.

“'re walking!” Deanna exclaimed, gathering Amiliah up to pepper her forehead with kisses – a prize for such an accomplishment. “I'm so proud of you, baby!” she added with glee. To her surprise, some of the other female inmates, having heard and seen this scene unfold, slowly clapped their hands towards the family, causing a slight blush to creep over Selena's features.

“Thank you.” waved Deanna as she held Amiliah, taking one of the child's chubby, little arms, and 'waving' it to the 'audience' of sorts before taking her seat in one of the chairs, keeping Amiliah in her arms. “So wonderful.” she smiled as the rest of her family took their seats, Elsianna hugging her mom before doing so. 

“Thank Elsianna.” Selena revealed, “She spent so much time with Ami – by the time I got here, she couldn't wait to show me.”

Shyly, Elsianna, once again, studied her hands. “It was fun.” she simply stated.

Deanna could only smile even brighter than before, rocking and kissing her baby, who cooed and laughed in delight. Selena, meanwhile, watched the scene unfold, feeling proud – but more than that, feeling grateful. She had missed everything in Elsianna's child and her work in SCW had made her miss a few of David's first... but, for once... fate or the gods, or whatever you wanted to call it, had allowed her to see this...

It was a feeling of delight that instantly brought a slight sense of sadness. Because milestones mean the passage of time... and where will my babies be a year from now... or four... 

Slowly, her eyes gazed up to the clock hanging from the wall and – for a moment – above the laughter and words of her beloved family, all the young woman could hear was the passing of the second-hand...



Centre Bell Arena
Montreal, Quebec
December 31st, 2019

Sapphire eyes scanned the paper in front of her for the umpteenth time, putting every word into memory. Repeating every sentence and conditional that was displayed before her. It had reached a point that she didn't doubt the writers of the agreement, prepared to go as far as to blame her own senses. 

However, after another reads of the contract, the Snow Queen could only lift her head to gaze into the patient expression of her employer. 

“Four years?” 

Her voice was little more than a whisper, and a look of confusion splashed across her face. 

“It's a standard four-year contract.” Sasha offered calmly, as if unaware of Selena’s discomfort. “And there's also benefits and perks.” the SCW head leaned a little from her seat, her pantsuit barely shifting as she looked at the pages in front of Selena. “Did you see the new percentage for merchandise sales?”

“Yes.” Selena nodded, her eyes still fixated on that dreaded number of four. “It’s all extremely generous. But I don't understand why four years...” 

It was late at night, and the Snow Queen had been waiting until the end of the year event to conclude before she signed her new contract with SCW – a standard ritual for her the past six years. Nothing had come across as different to that ritual in the negotiations. True, certain aspects had been discussed, like a percentage of the merchandise sales – as items pertaining to Selena – from t-shirts to stickers to posters and even dog-tags – made her one of the top selling merchandise figures in SCW... but in terms of the length of the contract, this was new. 

New and frightening. 

With a sigh that sounded more like a grown, Sasha sat back in her chair behind her desk. It did not take a brilliant mind like Ravyn or a twisted one like Clyde Sutton to see the displeasure across the young D.'s features.

“It's just that...” Selena started, not wishing to irritate the young woman. “Your father and I always had an agreement. That I would just do these contracts with a year-by-year basis.” She shrugged. “To be honest, I rather preferred it that way. It's not that I have any desire to go somewhere else. You don't have to worry about that. You know how I feel about this place. But... multi-year contracts... promising something I can't predict... I mean, your father understood my stance on...”

“Well, I'm not my father.” 

The line was so direct and borderline harsh, that Selena's eyes widened in near alarm, causing her to sit back in her seat, feeling the material of her blue sweater against her skin and her damp hair (having just showered) cool her. The grim silence hung in the air between the two ladies. Employer and employee, lasting longer than either thought comfortable. “The truth is...”, Sasha began. “That you were given a rather wide liberty for the last six years with these 'one-year contracts', Selena. Maybe it had to do with your relationship with my father – business-wise, of course.” she added quickly. “Be that as it may - any other professional company would have requested a more long-term investment from you long ago.”

“Long-term investment?” Selena repeated, the term sounding foreign to her. She understood the words but there was something hidden behind the message. And as she let the words swirl and process in her mind, her body relaxing after the taxing match she just finished of in the End of the Year Battle Royal invitational, the truth behind Sasha’s words suddenly became clear. 

“It's the board.” Selena whispered, unsure if Sasha heard her. “You're set to be reviewed by them, aren't you?” 

Sasha remained silent, but the Snow Queen could see the woman's hands tighten as they clenched one another, providing enough of an answer to the question. It wasn't that the board didn’t believe Selena wanted to stick around in SCW. Rather, with all that had happened during Sasha's time in SCW – from Giovanni's invasion of his 'Wonderland' to Sienna's latest 'acquisition' of a Trios contract that wasn't hers, not to mention the lawsuits that had made their way to SCW's door thanks to Xander, whom Sasha had decided (Selena could only imagine to the chagrin of several board members) to keep on contract, it was made perfectly clear that things between Selena and the SCW director were becoming rocky at best. What had started out as a relationship full of understanding and as communicative as Selena's relationship with Mr. D, had, in the span of a month or two, spiralled into frustrations and irritation - where even Sienna had remarked on it during an episode of Breakdown. 

That’s what it came down to... The board thought Sasha was going to torpedo Selena’s relationship with a SCW, causing the “Face” of the company to potentially leave with nothing holding her back. They were demanding a solution... and Sasha was ready to give one to appease them.

“This is a leash.” Sapphire eyes narrowed as she held up the contract. 
“It's hardly a leash.” Sasha scoffed. “Considering how much we’re giving you. You even said it was generous.”
“But why the four years?” Selena asked. “You know how I am. You know the kind of matches I've been through. Why would you think that I could give you four years when I may only be able to go another two?”
“There's an injury section in a contract.” came the nonchalant answer from Sasha-


The sound of a hand smacking against the wood of the desk caused Sasha to jump back a little, startled. As for the platinum-blonde, Selena barely felt the smack of pain. “What is going on with you?” She asked, her eyes blazing. “Why can’t you just give me the one-year contract I've always had?! Give me that and I'll sign it right now.” She declared. “If it's not a leash like you say it isn't, than one year should be more than enough for your board members!”

A silence hung in the room once more, Selena's eyes boring into Sasha's. “Go ahead.” She challenged, as if in a dare. But when she was met with silence, and a strong glare from the SCW head, she didn't feel the elation of being right. Rather, it was the cold, pressing reality that threatened to crush her.

“This is also for you, isn't it?” Selena dared to ask. “To make you look good in front of the board. That you 'guaranteed' four years from me.”

“It's far more complicated than that.” Sasha replied.
“The hell it is!” Selena spat back. “You're using me. You're using me so you can look good in front of the board members. You get me to sign that and suddenly you've locked me in for four more years!”

For a moment, Selena felt a pang of selfishness wash over her, replacing the pain of betrayal she felt. “Why?!” she asked. “Haven't I done enough for you?” she asked, hating how pitiful she sounded but being beyond caring. “I helped put you behind that desk, remember?! I was the first person in that Tactical Warfare match! I could have just lay down and let myself get pinned in the first few seconds! I fought Giovanni for you and this company – and Xander-”

“ need to calm down!”
“Tell me what I did wrong, Sasha!” Selena all but cried. “Why did I do wrong that you would do this to me! That you would...” she couldn't find the words. She didn't care about the perks or the increased wages or all the other little 'goodies' Sasha had put in that contract to get Selena to sign. All she saw was that the woman she had stood by without a single falter had – once again – used that trust to her own advantage.

“It’s not just about making me look good.” Sasha explained, breaking the short silence. “It’s about making you look good too.” she stated. “Let's face it, Selena. You've done an amazing job here. But the company has never been prepared to back the supposed 'face' if you were only going to be here for a year. But if we can guarantee them four years? Suddenly, we can make more of an investment! They'll be desperate to make more of an investment! We can build a brand!”

Despite herself, Selena could hear the excitement building in Sasha’s voice. Could hear the gears working inside the woman’s head. “I’m not just talking about merchandise or posters.” Sasha continued. “There’s so much more we could do, so many more avenues we could discover. Movies, talk shows, specials. I want you to be part of that! And the board would not hesitate to do that if we gave them four years!”

The young Frost said nothing. Maybe it did sound wonderful and was wonderful to anybody else, but the Snow Queen could only shake her head and cross her arms as she leaned back into her chair. “I don’t want that.” She answered honestly, earning a surprised – no, more astounded – look from Sasha. Still, she pressed on. “I don't need to be a model or some celebrity or actor or whatever. I just want to be a wrestler. That’s it. Let me just...” Her tone change to a near begging. “Let me just be the face of this company like I have been. Let me just continue to do what I've been doing. That's all I want.”

For the third time, a heavy silence hung in the small office room. In some ways, Selena could be grateful to Sasha for the offer. The salary was far above what she had in her last contract, with the 20% merchandise addition, which she planned to donate to Kelsey’s charity, The Perfect Cure (anonymously of course). In a way, Selena could even see what Sasha was doing, the D. daughter trying to do more for Selena then her father ever could in a relationship that benefited them both. 

But it wasn't what's Selena wanted. She didn't want to become another Sienna or another Syren! She didn't want to “expect” things from Sasha because she had four years to her contract! She didn't want guarantees! She didn't want handouts! The one-year contract, yes they were short, but it also meant that no one was going to hand her a damn thing unless she earned it! Unless she made her case beyond a shadow of a doubt! And Mr. D. had known that. Had respected that. 

“I don't want to become bigger than SCW.” she whispered. “I'm just happy to be part of it.”

The response to that full confession from the Snow Queen's heart was meant with a rather cold, stern reply. “I’m not making another offer.” Sasha crossed her arms. “The offer is generous and I am not asking for much.” The words cut through Selena. “And just so you know,” Sasha added, “I’ve already got plans in place for you and the trios tournament.” Selena’s eyes widened. “And if you decide not to sign, well, you’re going to let down three very deserving people, including Jay Gold.”

Again, Selena was rendered speechless. What did that mean? The Trios tournament was determined by drawers... was randomly selected. Has that changed? Had Sasha altered the rules to bring her into the tournament? The thought only occupied her mind for a second until she recalled the name Sasha had dropped on her. Immediately, Selena remembered the SCW Hall of Famer standing on the stage in front of the audience about an hour ago, praising her for being a shining example of what SCW should be about. It was beyond honour for her to hear her name so praised like that. But now, she almost wished that her name had never left Jay Gold's lips.

Slowly, her eyes stared at the contract in front of her, specifically the signature section that awaited someone to sign. Still, after everything Sasha had said, Selena could not shake the dread filling her. What if, instead of trying to help her become better at being “The Face of a SCW”, Sasha and the board did all they could to protect her? What if they took away the matches she wanted to have. What if they removed any potential risk from her career. No more scaffold, last person standing, or cage matches... The long list she had shown her sister, Regan, a few days ago – matches she wished to partake in! The thrill of them all... Would it all just disappear so Sasha and her board could protect their “investment”? 

Part of her wanted to cry, to beg Sasha for more time. She had been blindsided with the four years addition... she needed to get out of this room, get back to Germany, hold her wife and cry on her shoulder until all her tears were gone – then talk about it with the one person she trusted with all her heart and soul...

But she had no time. Her contract was up, and if she didn’t sign now, who knew how long it would take to write up a new one – how many weeks she'd have to miss of SCW…

And knowing that, Sasha had gone for the throat, playing the guilt card on Selena…

She felt trapped. She felt sick. She felt out of time.

Its not fair. Her mind screamed as her hand slowly drifted to the blue ballpoint pen near the contract, shaking as she picked it up.  It’s… it’s not fair…


[Image: tetXUW1.jpg]

The camera opens up to the United Center in Chicago, Illinois. The seats are empty, as is the usual for this particular segment. The blue and white arctic lights shine down on the ring, where Selena Frost, dressed in a simple, white sweater and blue jeans sits. With a deep breath and an exhale, she lifts her head and smiles at the camera as she tilts her head.
Hello, Owen Cruze. 

I feel like this time needs to be spent speaking to you. Captain to captain, leader to leader – whatever you want to call it.

She offers another smile, though there is a seriousness to her tone. Because just like me, Sasha chose you as a captain for this particular set up of two matches. A supposed buy-in of sorts for the Trios Tournament, where the two winning teams will have a chance to pick someone out of the entire roster of SCW to be on their team at Retribution. And while Ace tried to make it into something massive involving all of us last Breakdown – really, it's his team vs Syren's team. And it's your team against my team...

A moment of silence passes as Selena seems to contemplate her thoughts. Then, with a sigh, she pushed herself up to her feet to stand in the ring. I've got to be honest with you, Owen, this whole “captain” thing... it's a responsibility that I've not been able to take lightly the last few days. I mean, I've run the gamut of emotions from uncertainty, to fear, to excitement, to elation, to panic and anxiety - from doubt to surety, I've run the scope. 

And as of right now, I still feel all those emotions. Do you? 

Look there’s nothing that I’m going to take away from you in this - your rise to the main event level, to former world heavyweight champion has been nothing short of meteoric. You've done in basically a year or two what I couldn't do in three. And you've earned the right to be chosen by Sasha! But like me, you've never lead a team. You've never had that thrown on your shoulders and the expectation that comes with it. 

So I wonder if the emotions are the same for you, a wrestler still in his first years of wrestling, as they are for me. Are you nervous? Or does your youth make you excited or impervious to such worries?

Reaching up, Selena plays with her iconic braid, holding it in her small hands as said hands rest on the left side of her chest. 

Let me get something out of the way - right here, right now, Owen. I've not been particularly happy with how things have gone between what you've said and what has happened. Don't get me wrong, I respect what you can do in here here – in this squared circle. Hell, you and I had a damn “who blinks first” in that fatal-fourway a few days ago. To have someone that forces me to change up my game, contemplate new strategies – I respect and I'm excited about it. It's partly why I not only want to beat you, but then I want to go on and face Tommy, Marie, and especially Jay Gold – the true wildcard in all of this!

Without a doubt, Owen, you and at least two members of your team deserve respect for their abilities... but that's not what has me unhappy. You see, Owen, I wasn't a fan over how you justified the notion of Sienna getting another title shot after losing to James Evans.
The Snow Queen gives a huff as she shakes her head. We all read it on Twitter – you telling SCW that they should do 'the fair thing' and have Sienna face James for the world title. When I read that, Owen, I couldn't help it. I thought, “how could this person, of all people, defend someone that has cheated not only him but countless others out of a proper and decent match? How could someone who’s spoken of good form and fair play - who helped Sasha get into her position as head of SCW because of such ideals - how could that person just endorse a woman who has stolen so much?”.

Biting her lower lip as she contemplates this, the platinum-blonde eventually sighs before lowering her arms and gazing back at the camera as she stands in the ring. But then I thought about it. And, you know, the more I thought about it and the more I battled with these emotions inside me - this uncertainty of being a captain - the more I realized that maybe there is a profound difference between you and me... And maybe it’s a profound difference that will allow me to be a better leader – both in this match and in the locker room – more than what I originally thought I could be. 

You see, Owen, you spoke about fairness. You said it has to be fair that Sienna gets a shot against James Evans.
A slight scoff comes from the Snow Queen. Why is it fair, Owen? Why would it be fair when she has never given a fair match to anyone? Normally, yes the former champion could be entitled to a rematch. SCW doesn't always follow that rule (I’m a case in point in that), but it is a fair request for the former champion to make. But in this case, is it the right thing to do? 

You saw Breakdown, Owen. You heard what that vile woman had to say. You heard the bullshit that came from her lips. You heard how she and her team manipulated, blackmailed and made a bargain for Regan – THEY PUT HER FAMILY AT RISK! All to get Sienna a trios contract that she did not deserve! And do I need to go over what she did to Kelcey? A Hall of Fame woman that I know you respect!

Angrily, Selena raises a hand to rub at one of her sapphire eyes with the palm of her hand, as if shes' removing a lone tear that's stemmed from her anger and hurt, her tone suddenly releasing a saddened laugh before speaking. And yet, you say it’s fair that Sienna gets another shot. It's fair that she gets another chance at a title she has robbed so many of. See... that's the difference, Owen. You look at what's fair, I look at what's right. 

Because when you're dealing with people who throw fairness out the damn window every chance that they get, it has to come down to that. It has to come down to what is right in your heart and in your soul and your beliefs. It has to come down to you being able to sleep at night. 

For the past several months - from July to December - I fought a war against somebody who assaulted innocent people, who came after my family, who dissected every part of me trying to get me to crack and break to become something I wasn’t. I risked everything! Not because it was fair, not because it was vengeance-fuelled, but because it was the right thing to do. The right thing to do... 

I’ve lived my entire career and so much of my life since becoming an SCW superstar by that notion. I never tried to pander to anyone. Never tried to promise things just to appease the masses. I always acted in what I felt was the right thing to do. And that is what has weighed so heavily on me these past few days. Because, you look at this as an opportunity as a chance for you to do something cool. A chance for you to have something that, hey, would be fun to have at some point of the year. You lose? You shrug your shoulders like you've done the last few months with the world title and you try again later – waiting for the next title shot that comes your way. And there will be others for you, Owen. The past several months have proven how fortune tends to favour you.

Despite it showing weakness, Selena does not hide the slight tone of frustration that comes from some of her statements. I don't have that luxury, Owen. I don't have that freedom that you have. All I can see ahead – all I can think about is what I can do – the wrongs I can right... that NEED to be righted – if I win.

Shaking her head, Selena continues to pace around the ring again. Have you given any such real thought behind this match, Owen? Like Jay and I have? Have you thought beyond the 'coolness' of the match? Seen the implications of it? Have you given any thought about what would happen if Clyde Sutton pulls out that lead pipe and comes after one of us like he did Alistaire Allocco? What if he does? Will that be fair? What if Konrad Raab puts on that rainbow mask Giovanni made him one more time, just to give himself an edge? What if Shilo Valiant shows up, coming after us to mess with Aaron? Will that be fair? And if it is fair to you, Owen, will you just look the other way? 

Because I look in your eyes now – as I did last Breakdown - and I don’t see the exuberance that once was there when that young boy challenged me to a match and beat me in that singles match long ago. I don't see that innocence, that virtue, that was there back then. I don't see the drive of someone that wanted to do the unthinkable and dominate SCW at a young age. 

I see someone who has settled on something but maybe isn't as morally high as he claims he is. I see somebody who tries to be as neutral as possible - so he doesn't offend anybody. I see somebody who is afraid! 

Yes, you can jump off barricades and you can sling yourself out of a ring! You can move faster than anybody I've ever faced before, but you can't outrun what I see. And what I see, Owen, is hesitation in your eyes. That notion to 'play it safe' and please everyone like you do on Twitter. That notion to take a stand but be ready to change stances when the need arises.

Raising her arms, Selena gives a slight shrug. That isn't me, Owen. That will never be me. I may be opportunistic in that ring, I may be someone who is driven to succeed and crazy enough to jump off cages to do it – but above and beyond all of that, I will always stand by what I believe in and do what I believe is right. I draw a line in the sand and I choose my side and I fight for it. And, for me, the right thing is for me to go to the trios tournament as one of the eight leaders. Yes, I understand that sounds selfish and I understand that it may sound unfair when we are talking about a team of four facing a team of four where elements of teamwork need to be at play here. But I'm not going to take it back. I'm not going to pretend that, at some point, I am not going to be focused on anything else but being the last person standing in the ring! I won't lie and say that isn't important, because it IS important! It's just as important to me as it is for Jay and Marie and Tommy.

Take a deep breath, the Winter's Knight calms herself before continuing. 

You see, I didn’t get a chance last year to compete in the Trios tournament. While several others were competing in it, I had to be told that my name wasn't called and I had to sit on the bench and watch it pass me by. Me. One of the winners of the previous tournament. 

Yeah, I'll be honest, it left a very bad taste in my mouth, Owen. It bothered me. Because this tournament, Cruze - it’s a staple of SCW and I wanted to represent SCW again. Because the last time I was in this tournament, yes I won it, but I don't feel like I earned it. I was on a team where Josh Hudson, my own teammate, was making deals with other teams to take me out. Where the whole thing was one big scheme by Past, Present, and Future to take me down. I was little more than a punching bag, Owen, and it took the courage and bravery of Donovan Kayl to keep our team from falling apart. 

Donovan Kayl was the reason I won that tournament and got a Trios contract!

Another deep breath from the Snow Queen as she stares down at her hands as the fingers interlock. 

And last year, I wanted so badly to be in this tournament to earn it. To prove that what happened the year before wasn’t a fluke. That I could be good enough to win this tournament. But that didn’t happen. I didn't get that chance... 

But now, I can not only secure my chance, but I can secure the chances of three other people and I can choose somebody to be on my team. I can right a massive wrong that has happened, Owen. Do you not understand that?! Talking about what's 'fair' and what's 'right'? Nothing has been fair in the last few weeks where I am concerned. Nothing has been right in a certain aspect of SCW – and I aim to change that! I aim to make it right!

Looking back up, Selena stares at the camera. A grim look of determination settles across her features. The last time you and I fought one-on-one in a singles match, you did a wonderful character dissection of me. Do you remember, Owen? Because it’s sat with me ever since. she smirks. You said: “When Selena Frost does not have hatred for her opponent, when she does not have vengeance, when she does not have bitterness, she loses something. She loses her 'killer-edge' that transforms her from being a great wrestler to being a woman with the deadliest kicks in SCW. From main event superstar to the Face of SCW”. 

At the time, you were right. I didn't have anything against you. I didn't have a personal stake in facing you. Far as I was concerned, this was a test of wrestling for both of us. You to decide if you could hang with a main event superstar and me to see if I was good enough to take on the new talent. And I'll give you credit: you beat me. I won't take anything from you about that, you beat me clean. 

But, here we are, some time later... and things have changed. They are most definitely changed, Owen. Because now, you're a former world champion. You're the male wrestler of the year. You're somebody I've never beaten yet. You're someone that's pinned me twice now. As a wrestler, it puts you at a much different footing with me than before. It makes you look different in my eyes. See, to me, you're not the rookie anymore. You're the main event superstar I have to finally beat. You're the main event superstar that I need to beat in order to get into the Trios tournament. Every bit an equal – and every bit a rival!

In short, Owen, you stand in my way of going into the Trios Tournament and doing the greatest good! To correct something that needs to be corrected. You and your team stand in my way, except, this time, I will not allow you to steal this from me, Owen!

Slowly, as if an idea is dawning in her mind, the young former world champion laughs in amusement before turning back to the camera. Because I finally figured out what drives me to lead this team. I may be the youngest member and with the least years of experience, but I know a common trend that unites Jay, Marie, Tommy, and myself. Despite our different reasons, we want to win. 

Scratch that - we need to win! Marie to further her momentum towards an Adrenaline championship run, Jay to further bring in the Golden era, and Tommy to launch his tag team back on track. And me...
stopping herself suddenly, a knowing smile plays across Selena's lips. Maybe I won’t tell you the rest of the details of why I want to win it. Maybe I'll save that for afterwards when I'll be able to pick my teammate... or maybe you're smart enough to figure it out on your own. But either way, it is more than enough to push me into that 'killer instinct' that I didn't have the last time you and I fought one on one. 

You may have the unpredictability of Blackbourne, you may have the passion and determination of Konrad and the violence of Clyde, but this time, Owen, it is you that lacks the killer instinct. It is you that lacks the drive and the passion and something to fight for that is more than yourself.

A cold edge shines in Selena's eyes – a look that has been seen since Rise to Greatness. This time... it is me that is the underdog. It is my team that are the hungry ones. To the point where once our match is over, Owen, my teammates and I will tear each other apart to get that first pick. That first choice. 

So rest assured, Owen, I fully intend to do the right thing at Day of Infamy. I fully intend to show you the difference between 'fair' and 'right' – and the driving force that motivates each one. I fully intend to show you that 'killer instinct', and when I do, I will leave you with your 'fairness' as I continue to stand for what I believe in and continue to do the right thing as I become one of the eight captains of the Trios tournament. Believe it, Owen, and tell your teammates that I said, 'hello'!

With a small bow of her head in respects, the camera fades on Selena before eventually going to black.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
OOC: The first bit of development follows directly on from my Breakdown rp but from another person's perspective. Excited for this new if not slightly grim direction for Tommy. Good luck all and enjoy!


Here we are.

We are on the cusp of Sasha's grand scheme to shake up Trios once more. Now a lot of people are going to be asking themselves a lot of questions leading up to Day Of Infamy. Questions like; when I step into that ring, am I going to be able to look to my left or my right and trust the person I look at? Will I be able to make sure I don't get the dregs of the roster to team with when all is said and done? Am I even going to be involved in the tournament this year? And so on and so forth. All will be valid questions when you think of the fact that this Pay Per View could be even more vital to some people than the tournament itself. Think about it, people get to actively tip the scales in their favour in a single night, and that could make all the difference moving forward. Now with all these questions floating about, I'm going to add mine to that vast sea… A question that has been on my mind since the end of Breakdown on Wednesday.

How are you feeling Konrad?

You must be feeling pretty bummed that you let another person in your life down after Kandis I made you tap out clean in the middle of that ring, in front of all the people that were PRAYING you and Aaron could put The Connection in their place. Well in a roundabout way your ineptitude did just that dude… Just not in the way you, Aaron and the millions of fans watching would have wanted. It elevated us above both of you when all was said and done, where we BELONG! Seriously though, it must have sucked to be preparing for what Kandis and I brought to the table, only to be beaten by a move that I only bring out of the bag for special occasions. On the bright side though man, you get to make up for the underestimation of The Connection by picking yourselves up, drying your eyes, dusting yourselves down and looking towards the Pay Per View. It's a brand new ball game and things move to a slightly more even playing field. Hey, I suppose you could even say that the odds might even be in YOUR favour by the time the bell rings… Thats if one of my favourite up and comers Clyde Sutter can be contained because take it from someone who knows first hand, one person can cost you everything with these stakes… And I'd hate for him to be the reason why the two of you lose out again, even if he has a foolish belief he holds a candle to me in the masculinity stakes… Eh who am I kidding, with the potential for disaster in my 'team'...

(I waggle my fingers signifying air quotation marks as I smirk)

I'd LOVE for that to happen!


Before the SCW House Show
December 14th

Ashley's POV

Mi life had been like a dream or summat since a took miself away from the 'omeland to seek Mi fortune or whatever they call it. A dint think a stood a chance o' gettin' even a foothold in wrestlin', let alone picked up by one o' the most popular wrestling academies in the world! Ante Up is an amazin' place an' the calibre o' talent that the place had boggled mi brain. Then jus' when a thought it couldn't get better, Thomas bloody Valentine took a personal interest in mi trainin' an' from that point a felt sure that a wa' gonna wake up any minute an' discover it had all been one big dream after a night out wi' t' lads! Not only did that NOT happen, but Tommy even convinced his missus… Or his piece… Or whatever she wa'; though personally a think they're the real McCoy as a noticed a few moments where they jus' looked at each other an' felt like a wa' intrudin'... Wait, am gettin' a bit distracted in mi 'ead from the point a wa' gettin' to… Yeah, he got Kandis to 'elp sharpen mi strikin' skills an even threw in some kickboxin'... Nowt too advanced like, just bits an' pieces… Then Tommy went a step further an' somehow got Thomas Watson to 'elp mi submission game! Fuck knows 'ow he got Watson to agree to meet, never mind agree to train mi, but a guess the promise of free alcohol did the trick. It wa' definitely cushty fer mi as time went on, but then a started wonderin' if things were as good wi' the gaffer as he wa' makin' out…

Mi first true moment o' realisin' a wa' right 'appened towards the end o' 2019. Tommy 'ad taken mi on a lil ride along to a house show him an' Kandis we competin' at an' a don't know exactly why Kandis weren't wi' us but a dint question it. We'd got to the hotel an' a nipped back to the car to get mi earphones an' when a got back, it turned out that Tommy 'ad got stuck in the lift… Elevator, whatever it wa' called in these parts… An' the staff were runnin' round like 'eadless chickens tryin' to sort it out as they 'ad two celebrities stuck in there. That one confused mi a bit but once a figured out whereabouts they were stuck roughly, a went onto the nearest floor an' wa' about to see if Tommy were alreight when I 'eard a lot o' shoutin' an bangin' abaht… Wa’ Tommy ‘avin’ a go at someone? A couldn’t be sure but it sounded like it. If ‘e were on ‘is own a might o’ thought ‘e could be talkin’ to ‘imself but as a KNEW there wa’ someone in there wi’ ‘im… It wa’ then that a decided not to intervene an’ jus’ wait fer the engineers to do what they got paid for. A stood there thinkin' abaht what to do pretty much up until a member o' staff found mi an' let mi know they'd sorted the problem an' Tommy as well as 'is mystery companion would be on their way to the floors they had set out to get to. That made mi mind up an' a went up to the floor our rooms were on an' stood waitin' as the power was back on to the… Elevator an' it reached the floor a wa' waitin' on. Tommy dint look too impressed an' when a saw that it wa' Dawn Lohan, a bird a knew 'e' ad some history wi', I 'ad to wonder what exactly 'ad gone on wi' all I'd 'eard before.

Even as Tommy wa' rushin' mi away, a reluctantly spoke to Dawn an' even stranger still, promised 'er to look after 'im which seemed to piss the gaffer off even more. What the' ell was goin' on, like? Well once we 'ad put our stuff in the rooms, Kandis arrived an' once the two of em 'ad had a little 'moment' to themselves, Tommy claimed he 'ad to go an' sort some Ante Up business out an' left. A sat there in their room fer a few minutes an' wondered about what I'd kinda witnessed back in the corridor an' why Tommy looked like he wa' ready to kill someone, an' dint look much better as he left. A must 'Ave zoned out a bit as a dint even notice the door to the room open.

Kandis stood lookin' at mi wi' a bit of a strange look on 'er face as a finally registered she wa' there. "Ashley?" she said as she clicked 'er fingers in front o' mi face.

Blinkin' fer a second, a look at 'er an' try not to embarrass miself any more than a probably 'ad by bein' off wi' t' fairies. "Yeah?" a said wi' as much of a neutral tone as a could manage.

'Er eyes narrowed a little bit as she stared at mi. "Is everything okay?" Kandis asked as a wasn't actually sure about how to answer it wi' what wa' goin' through mi 'wad.

Wi' only a brief 'esitation, a nodded. It wa' a struggle keepin' eye contact though! "... Yeah, everything's tickety boo love…" I answered an' 'oped a sounded like a wa' tellin' the truth.

The further narrowin' of 'er eyes told mi Kandis wasn't buyin' it. Not completely anyway. "You sure?" she asked as a could feel 'er eyes on mi.

Forcin' a smile a weren't feelin' under such scrutiny, a nodded mi 'sad. "Course I am, why wouldn't they be?" A countered' er question wi' the logical one in return.

'Er 'ands were on' er 'ips now as she wa' full on frownin' nah. "I don't know, it's just that you seem to be a little distracted and Tommy is acting a bit strange too…" Kandis said, lookin' thoughtful even as she kept lookin' at mi.

A shrugged, quickly realisin' a wa' no good at this deception lark. "Dunno what ya mean" a said a lil bit too quickly in hindsight.

Kandis' eyebrows were suddenly arched as the suspicion wa' all o'er 'er face. "Have you two had a disagreement?" she asked, concern creepin' into 'er voice.

Once again a forced a smile an' shook mi 'ead though a reckon the smile looked even faker than mi last one! "Nah, of course not" a said, tryin' to make misen sound like a weren't lyin' to mi back teeth.

Kandis pulled a chair from t' breakfast bar an' placed it in front o' mi. A wa' in trouble an' dint know what to do! Where the bloody 'ell were Tommy?! "Then what is it? I'm not stupid, I can tell there's something" she demanded to know as a suddenly felt a trickle o' sweat go down mi back.

"Am just a bit tired, it's been a long day" a said lamely as the scepticism wa' all o'er 'er face.

She nodded slowly an' then glared at mi suspiciously. "And Tommy?" Kandis asked again as a lick mi lips nervously. She weren't goin' to let it drop…

Runnin' a hand on mi 'ead, a try once more to deflect from the truth, or what knew of it anyway. "A dunno love… Mebbe he's tired too. He's had a lot going on" A said wi' as much conviction as a could muster.

Kandis nodded slowly an' a thought a wa' finally off t' 'ook. Then she pulled the chair closer an' stared at mi. "Ash…" she declared as a suddenly wanted to be anywhere else…

"What?" a murmured as mi eyes darted to the door o' the room. If Tommy wa' gonna bail mi aht… Now would 'Ave bin perfect.

Wi' surprisin' strength, she grabbed mi chin an' tilted it so a wa' lookin' right at 'er. "Look me in the eyes and tell me that something hasn't happened" Kandis challenged mi as a realised a wa' in deep shit.

Takin' a deep breath, a look right at 'er. "Nothing… Has happened" a stammered as mi nerves got the best o' mi mid-sentence an' a took a big gulp of air.

'Er eyes widened an' she pointed at mi accusingly. "You're lying!" Kandis exclaimed as a wa' instantly shakin' mi 'ead. If a dint think o' summat fast, a could kiss mi spot in the Academy goodbye! Tommy surely would kick me arse an' then kick mi out fer dobbin' 'im in!

"Am not!" wa' all that spilled from mi mouth as a desperately tried to buy time either fer Tommy to show up, or fer mi to think o' summat to convince Kandis that everythin' wa' peachy wi' 'er fella.

Kandis crossed 'er arms an' a could see she wa' pissed off. "If you don't tell me what's happened, I'm gonna put a stop to your training with me" she promised as mi eyes almost popped out from mi skull. It wa' only a couple o' days before that she reckoned a wa' showin' promise!

A shot to mi feet an' looked at 'er. "What?! That's not fair!" a yelled as a realised I'd given the game away without thinkin'. Fuck mi life…

Kandis looked at mi as a stood there, distraught an' not knowin' what to do. "Then there IS something that's happened. Spill!" she demanded as a shook mi 'ead over an' over.

If the Fates were 'avin' a giraffe at mi expense, then this would be the time that Tommy really did come back as a couldn't think o' owt to say to Kandis an' she dint look like she wa' bluffin' about stoppin' trainin' mi. "It's nowt to be concerned about" a mumbled, knowin' full well that if a felt a bit uneasy about the incident with the elevator, then Kandis would go apeshit if she knew.

She got up an' glared pointedly at mi. "I'll be the judge of that" Kandis stated as a knew this wa' it fer mi. I 'ad to tell' er.

A took another deep breath as a thought abaht 'ow much I'd enjoyed mi time as a wrestlin' student an' it wa' summat I'd never forget. "We 'ad words…" A murmured as a shook mi 'ead.

"About?" Kandis pressed as a continued shakin' mi 'ead.

A thought abaht' ow disappointed Tommy would be fer mi rattin' 'im out an' felt like cryin'. It wa' then, when I'd just about given up on keepin' mi dream alive that a wa' struck by a lie that contained just enough truth, to stop mi from tellin' Kandis that Tommy quite possibly flipped out an' came close to doin' summat he'd not be able to undo. "Am sweet on his daughter…" a blurted out as this seemed to surprise Kandis who frowned even more than she 'ad in this whole exchange.

After a moment o' silence, she shook 'er' ead. "Charlotte? That's not exactly something either of you have kept hidden" Kandis said a second later… Yeah she were reight, but a wasn't done weavin' this story.

"True… But Tommy got pissed when a wa' textin' 'er instead o' listenin' to what he wa' goin' on about" A said, the words tumblin' aht as a tried not to think abaht Tommy an' all the yellin' 'e wa' doin' in that lift.

A tried to subtly see if she wa' buyin'*what a wa' sellin' but this bird wa' hard to read. "Well she IS practically blood, he's obviously going to be protective" Kandis said carefully, as a finally saw what a thought wa' a bit o' scepticism creep into 'er expression again. A figured a needed to amp this up a bit more.

Rubbin' mi chin, a nodded slowly. "Yeah, a know that… But 'e said am not gonna be goin' anywhere near 'is daughter as am not good enough fer' 'er" a replied, an' instantly saw that a wa' losin' 'er belief in what a wa' sayin'.

"As I said, he's going to be protective of her, and in his eyes no one will be good enough for his daughter" Kandis exclaimed, lookin' at mi as if she could see right through mi fib.

It wa' gettin' a lil easier to make this story up, but a really could do wi' gettin' 'er off mi case abaht Tommy as' e wa' obviously leaving 'mi to the proverbial wolves. "... But a dunno 'ow to prove am good enough to 'im" a said softly, bowin' mi 'ead fer effect.

Kandis got up an' sat next to mi, puttin' a hand on mi shoulder gently. "You will probably have to face up to NEVER being good enough" she replied as a wa' thinkin' abaht what to say next even as she replied.

A needed to throw t' cat amongst t' pigeons nar a wa' slowly reelin' 'er in. If she mentioned any o' this to Tommy a wa' fucked on a couple o' unpleasant levels but this wa' the time fer high risk moves. "Well… Am just gonna 'Ave to not let 'Im know about owt that 'appens" a said slowly as a looked up to see Kandis shakin' 'er' ead.

"Just be careful then, Ashley… Chances are he will find out sooner or later…" Kandis warned mi as a smothered a relieved smile wi' mi palm.

Clearin' mi throat to cover the action, a look again at Kandis. "Ya reckon?" I asked, knowin' full well mi 'ead would be on a pike before a knew it if any o' this that a wa' sayin' were the truth.

She smiled at mi. "I do, but when he does, it won't have been from me" Kandis said, winkin' at mi as a breathed a genuine sigh of relief which under the circumstances wasn't suspicious… It wa' just fer a different reason as to what she probably thought it wa' for.

"Thanks Kandis, yer awesome" A said, bein' honest as if this wa' a real situation an' not just me Billy bullshittin' to save Tommy from t' Spanish Inquisition, an' me from 'avin' to abandon mi dream as a result o' it… She wa' steppin' up to the plate fer jus' some kid she wa' trainin'!

She smirked an' nodded. "I know. Just a word of advice, don't invite her on the road because you might give the game away when you get freaky and things get a bit loud" Kandis advised as mi jaw dropped from the unsuspected comment that a dint even allude to. Instantly a felt a flush of embarrassment travel up mi neck. "Awww are you blushing? Surely a handsome guy like you has had a good few women close to bursting your eardrums once they're on their back" she added, chucklin' as a dint know where to look!

Once I'd at least managed to regain mi composure after that unexpected departure from the topic, a nodded as the smirk wa' now firmly planted on 'er face. "Erm… Yeah of course I 'Ave!" i exclaimed as Kandis' smirked even more an' then slid closer to mi on the sofa.

"Or maybe you're a bit rusty in the bedroom department and need a bit of a tune up?" she purred as she tugged at the zip on the front o' the… modest top she'd changed into as part o' 'er ring gear. Nar dunt get mi wrong, Kandis is proper fit but the second that zip revealed a bit of 'er considerable cleavage mi head jerked away to an interestin' part o' the ceilin'.

A could 'ear Kandis chuckle a lil as a said the only thing a could think of. "Er… Tommy?" a mumbled as a felt 'er 'and on mi shoulder.

She leant in an' a could feel 'er breath on mi ear, causin' mi to panic even more. "He won't mind. I'll just tell him it was an educational experience and to get some of that sexual frustration from inside you. We do have a… Flexible arrangement" Kandis murmured as 'er 'and slid down mi arm an' then onto mi chest.

"Um…" a managed to gasp as the bloody woman then moved 'er 'and down onto mi upper thigh, really causin' mi to panic. Wa' she really gonna do this an' get mi killed?

A risk a look at Kandis as she then puts 'er other 'and on mi chin an' 'olds it in place so a couldn't look away, which a wanted to do badly. "What's a matter? Cat got your tongue? If we're quick, Tommy won't even suspect a thing" she purred, then grinned at mi.

After a second or two, she let's mi chin go an' am back lookin' at the ceilin'... Doin' no best to not think abaht 'er 'and bein' so close to the ol' Crown Jewels. "I erm. Kandis, yer nice an' all… But" a manage to get out as she suddenly stands up an' half turns.

"You like mine?" Kandis asked as a frown, wonderin' what she wa' on abaht.

She started swayin' 'er 'ips as a shake mi' was slowly. "Huh?" Is all a could manage as Kandis turned to look at mi wi' a smirk.

The realisation eventually dawned on mi what she wa' on abaht after a thought about what a said, even as she then ran a hand down the back of 'er hotpants an' actually smacked 'er arse. "My ass. A lot of men and women compliment me on it" she needlessly explained as a wa' probably red as a beetroot by this point an' she were proper lovin' it.

"I… Yeah it's nice" a managed to say, unable to not look at 'er arse as a looked fer a few seconds before regainin' mi senses.

Kandis must o' caught mi peekin' as the sly smirk became much more obvious. "Wanna touch it? Just so that when you fuck Charlotte on the sly, you won't have missed out on grabbing THE best ass in the universe" she exclaimed, squeezin' 'er arse cheek slightly without takin' er eyes from mi.

A really dint know what to say or do. A started off jus' coverin' fer the gaffer an' it somehow ended up like this?! "Not gonna lie, am a bit freaked out right now" a said as a looked firmly at the floor.

I 'eard a zip an' looked up wi' relief as Kandis 'ad zipped up' er top an' wa' chucklin'. "Calm down Ash, I'm just teasing. Though you CAN grab it if you want. Our little secret" she said wi' a wink as she wiggled 'er arse again.

Before the lil back an' forth could continue, teasin' or not, a shook mi 'was. "Thanks but I'll pass. Tommy might not like it… He's already in a bad mood" a replied, wantin' the ground to swallow mi up when a realised I'd brought the conversation full circle needlessly like a dumb arse.

Kandis sat down next to me again, her eyebrow arched with surprise… Or what I 'oped wa' surprise. "Just because you want to bang his daughter? He'd be fine with it… Unless there's something else…" she said, lookin' at mi intently.

A shake mi ‘ead, a wa’ in too deep to change mi story or flounder nar. "Nah, I… Ya see the thing is… " a said, unable to stop miself from panickin’ under such scrutiny. A just bout ‘ave time to see a slight frown reappear on Kandis’ face before am FINALLY saved from the interrogation when Tommy walked in the door to the hotel room, a look on ‘is face that wa’ all business.

Lookin’ between me an’ Kandis he smiled slightly an’ I ‘ave to admit a wa’ impressed that ‘e dint look anywhere near as miffed as ‘e ‘ad when ‘e emerged from that elevator. "Are you two ready? The shows starting soon" Tommy asked as a wa’ on mi feet before he’d even finished.

Tryin’ not to show ‘ow flustered a really were after mi ‘experience’ wi’ Kandis, a nod to them both, avoidin’ eye contact. "Yeah I better go an' get to mi seat. Good luck you two. I'll see ya later" I announced before quickly makin’ mi exit.

Just as a wa’ closin’ the door behind mi, a managed to catch the words of a clearly confused Tommy. "What's wrong with him?" he’d asked… Funny thing wa’, all ‘e ‘ad to do wa’ look in a mirror to find the answer to ‘is bloody question!


Now when we talk about teams in this thing, it's an interesting one in my case. Either Sasha has got a sick sense of humour, or I'm being tested in regards to how much bullshit I can take from the super happy judgy friends, Selena and Jay before I snap and decide that I don't want any part of the sideshow this is probably going to be by the end of the show. I'm not sure which of those possibilities is the most likely and now the die is cast, it makes no difference. What I DO think is worth noting… Is Selena obviously being nominated a team captain, and not just ANY team captain, but MY team captain. I heard you and the Co-captain talking about this match after the brackets were announced. I didn't know there was a team meeting and I wasn't invited… Not cool by the way… The two of you were flapping your gums, high-fiving, the works and then the topic of Marie and more importantly yours truly was brought up. It's cool that the two of you were thinking about how cohesive a unit we could be and all that jazz, but I have to say that though I'm sure social etiquette has changed since they thawed you out and wheeled you from the freezer they keep you in Jay, I'm surprised that a smart and talented woman like you Selena didn't think of the one thing that could get you a definitive answer to such an important question.

You could have just asked.

You could have taken some time from being the 'Face Of SCW' and visited one of the little people who rarely gets caught in your monumental orbit… Okay that sounded wrong but you get the gist. That would have made this whole situation a lot easier because I'm a firm believer… DEFINITELY no pun intended there, in transparency in such situations. So captain Frost, Jay Gold and i suppose you too Marie… You want to know if you can trust me?


I can't be trusted in the slightest.

I have no love or even liking for any of you three, your collective existence affects my life in general very little and my respect for the three of you that I have in varying degrees won't stop me from stabbing any of you in the back if I felt like it. I don't owe any of you a damn thing and so I'll treat the three of you as such.

(I shrugged)

That being said, being able to get a priority pick of who I want on my team would be pretty cool and I've never held a Trios Contract before which would be an impressive feather for my already epic cap. So maybe I'll play ball, maybe I won't. The one thing I can assure you is that as long as I feel you're of the same mindset as me, I'll play my part but make no mistake… I'm not a soldier, I don't have a 'captain' and you are all a means to an end till I decide otherwise. If you forget any of those things on the night? Just ask Syren why she isn't holding a Trios Contract from last year and I'm sure she will tell you all about it if she can stop bitching and whining about the injustices in her universe for a few seconds. I can help achieve your dreams or I can bring them all crashing down around you, regardless of who you think you are and what you think you can do. I guess it just depends on which side of the bed I get out of!


After The End Of Year Special PPV

So the End Of Year Special was in the books finally and along with it the end of the literal year. I'd been thinking about resolutions and all the normal things people consider at this particular time of year and figured there were a few things I could work on. I had all of my professional aspirations that I wanted to tick off the list before I hung up the old wrestling boots but the more prominent things funnily enough were of a personal nature. Kandis and I were going strong and had started to spend more and more time together since we tentatively put THAT label on what we had, but then I started to think about the next logical progression. My mother was almost constantly pecking at me during every phone call as to when she was going to be able to meet the woman that made me so happy, and I was running out of excuses… And then I wanted her to meet my daughter Charlotte too, as they hadn't been formally introduced to one another and I figured that it would help bring us closer after Charl had been out of my life for so long due to crap that happened so long ago. There was obviously the issue of bringing up the topic to Kandis who I knew was still finding her feet in this whole thing as I didn't want to rush her or anything when things were going so well… I'd been mulling the whole thing over for weeks and figured that I'd test the waters after the last Pay Per View of the SCW calender year was done with.

Ironically I had been ready to talk about the possibility when we were at the last house show, but my encounter with Dawn had completely rubbed me up the wrong way and all I'd wanted to do was compete in our match then relax back at the hotel room. So yeah, getting back to the End Of Year Special; I had decided to work up to the topic and hope she didn't run a mile. Luckily she seemed in good enough spirits following the battle royal and her premature exit from said match, so I figured that as we were leaving the arena I'd move away from small talk to really test the waters.

Smiling, I looked at her. “Hey, you did great out there!” I exclaimed as Kandis rolled her eyes before smirking.

“Yeah, you HAVE to say that though...” Kandis replied, still smirking as i had to concede she kinda had a point in a roundabout way.

Nodding, I smiled slightly. “Hmmm maybe you’re right, but it doesn’t mean I’m lying” I countered as this time I could see she was conceding a point to me before she even said anything.

“Fair point. I’m disappointed about not doing better though” Kandis said, more in a matter of fact manner than in a self pitying way though.

I put a hand on her shoulder as we stopped at the exit to the arena. “Well I’m proud of you, trust me… Matches like that are tough to get through. I’ve been in enough of them” I replied, my experience with battle royals in general was enough for me to not enter that particular one and give Kandis her time to shine.

She nodded slowly then looked at me, the smirk now even clearer on her beautiful face. “I guess it gives us a chance to think about messing up the tag division though, right?” she stated more than asked.

Without hesitation I nodded. “Oh yeah!” I exclaimed as Kandis stepped closer to me suddenly.

“...And speaking of you knowing about how tough those matches are, then you’ll know just how much I need some TLC right about now to make me feel better” Kandis murmured before wrapping her arms around my neck.

Smirking, I move in to kiss her. “I think I can actually help with that” I whispered before she put a finger to my lips at the last second.

“You don’t seem too confident about that, want me to give you a minute to reconsider?” Kandis purred as I looked at her longingly.

Moving in to kiss her again, Kandis let's me this time. “Okay, I don’t need a minute… I KNOW I can help you to wind down after that match” I said as i pulled away for a second to speak.

“Wind down? I didn’t say anything about winding down...” She murmured before pulling away from me ever so slightly.

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her waist but feel her resisting as she stayed exactly where she was. “You’re really making me work for this, aren’t you?” I asked as I went to kiss her and once again she pulled just out of reach.

Smirking I look at Kandis as she darts forward and gives me a peck on the lips. “Where’s the fun if I just let you fuck me without you putting in any work once in a while?” she asked before cocking her head to the side.

“Point taken. I do like when you play hard to get, now you mention it” I said as a sly grin starts to appear on Kandis' face.

"Well how's this for playing hard to get?" she asked before leaning in and nibbling my earlobe. "I'm not going to let you take a single item of clothing from my body until we're back at the hotel" she then whispered into my ear as i smiled.

This woman certainly knew how to raise the stakes. "Mmm damn that gets me hot babe" i jokingly said as she once again gave me a peck on the cheek this time.

Once again her head was clocked to the side, the amusement quite clear in her expression. "Yeah, well how about this?" she murmured before leaning in once more, though this time she didn't nibble my ear. "I'm not going to let any part of you touch any part of me until we get there too" she whispered as my eyes widened with genuine surprise. Surely she couldn't be serious!

"Not even a kiss?" i inquired as i could already guess the answer.

"Not even a kiss" she repeated, confirming my fear.

I shook my head and chuckled slightly. "Damn you're truly trying to kill me here, Kandis aren't you?" i asked before trying and failing to sneak a kiss in, which she was ready for and ducked swiftly to avoid it.

"I prefer the term you used… 'Playing hard to get'" Kandis said as a full on grin was now lighting up her face.

Knowing this was of my own making I sighed. "Touché" i stated as we stood for a few seconds.

Noticing Kandis gaze back the way we came, i notice some of the staff from the arena milling around, a couple were casting us curious glances. "Now how about we get going?" Kandis asked pointedly as i nodded and we stepped out into the late evening air.

Looking around, i figure that I might be able to create the moment I needed to ask Kandis about meeting some of my family. "How about we walk back to the hotel? It's not that far" I asked as Kandis immediately gave me a dubious look. "What? I promise you I won't try and drag you down an alley and do unspeakable things to you on the way…" I declared as she laughed softly.

"Mmm damn, promises promises Tommy" Kandis purred throatily as i had to work hard pushing down the mental stimulation her statement had caused.

I shake my head. "Hey, you're supposed to be playing hard to get!" I exclaimed as once again she laughed.

Kandis then looked at me and then pointedly at my crotch. "I'm just trying to make it as… Hard as possible, every pun intended" she declared as i lost my self control and tried to put my arm around her.

She chuckled and almost skipped just out of reach before waggling her finger at me. "Uh uh uh… No touching" Kandis reminded me as i groaned dramatically.

Shaking my head I looked at her incredulously. "Not even putting my arm around you in a completely non sexual way?" i asked, wondering why she was doing this to me. She once again shook her head and waggled her finger. "Fiiine" I sighed with mock exasperation before smirking.

Kandis stepped back next to me and smiled slyly. "It'll be all worth it, i promise" she declared as i raised my eyebrows. Not content with that she leaned till her lips were almost touching mine. "I packed a little something I know you'll enjoy taking off me…" she said huskily as I pushed the urge away to grab her, pin her against the nearest wall and do nasty things to her right there and then.

"Hey! That's not fair!" I cried out as she laughed and then shrugged as if to say 'deal with it'. We carried on walking towards the district our hotel was in and found my mind wandering once again. Would Kandis want to meet my mom? Would she feel comfortable being introduced to my adopted daughter? I tried to take my mind off the conflicting thoughts by using an age old idea that never failed. "Its a lovely night" I announced as i tried to stop the grin from appearing on my face as Kandis' expression of disbelief was hilarious.

She shook her head and sighed. "Really Tommy? Small talk?" she asked as it was then my turn to shrug.

"Hey its for my benefit as much as yours" I replied with a wink as Kandis didn't look too convinced.

She looked at me for a few moments before smirking slightly. "Hmmm I'll take your word for it" she finally said as we resumed our walk.

This was going to be my moment, I shouldn't have been so nervous about just asking if she would want to meet my mother… So why was I terrified? Did that mean that somewhere deep down inside I thought she wouldn't want to? Or that me wanting to go to that next stage might be one step too far? From my experience when I started having genuine feelings for her, I knew I couldn't keep postponing asking Kandis such a straightforward thing, it'd only drive me insane… The worst she could say was that she didn't want to, right? Hardly the end of the world! Taking a deep breath, I turn to Kandis and I'm about to ask her when a loud voice suddenly breaks the silence between us. "Fucking hell, its Tommy Valentine and Kandis!" a slurred voice said as two guys who I hadn't noticed were loitering in front of us, jogged over.

Both Kandis and I looked at one another as she then shrugged, looking at the two in front of us that were probably just about able to drink legally. "Hey guys" Kandis said, an obvious fake cheeriness to her voice.

The smaller of the two walked over to me and smiled almost shyly at me. "Could I um… Have your autograph?" he asked as I didn't know whether to laugh at the absurdity of his request.

As it happened, I didn't have much time to think on it as his friend, who was a bit taller and a bit wider than the kid in front of me was looking Kandis up and down. "And could I have yours… On my dick?" he asked as I grit my teeth.

"What did you say?!" i yelled as I seriously hoped that for his sake, the next word out of the punks mouth was an apology.

He staggered a little bit and looked at me as if he was measuring me up. "I was asking your lady friend to suck… I mean sign my dick" he drawled as my fists clenched. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a look of concern on Kandis' face as she looked at my hands, but it wasn't a priority at that moment.

The angry haze that I felt drifting in front of my eyes was suddenly lifted as the drunken fuckers friend stepped over and punched him in the arm. "Hey Mike, cut it out yeah?" he hissed as the kid looked back at me sheepishly. Whilst I appreciated him reining the crude bastard in, it didn't change the fact I wasn't planning on any meet and greets.

Smiling apologetically, I shook my head. "Sorry dude, I'm off the clock but if I'm at the next live event, I'll let you take a photograph with me and sign you an autograph or two" i promised as his eyes lit up with joy. See, I could be nice when I wanted to!

"Awesome, you rock man!" the kid said as both Kandis and I took it as our cue to start walking again.

With a sidelong glance at 'Mike' I patted his friend on the shoulder and smiled. "Thanks" i simply said as we then continued to walk on our way.

We had got a few paces from the two young men when Mike decided to flap his gums again, and that's when I quickly lost control. "So you're not gonna do it then?" he barked as i stopped in my tracks, body going rigid as I already knew that consequences be damned, this was going to be the time that Mike learned a lesson.

Sensing my stance, Kandis linked her arm through mine and held on to me tightly. "Leave it Tommy, he's drunk" she murmured to me before turning and looking at the two guys. "Have a good night boys" she shouted, blowing them both a kiss before turning and smiling at me.

She probably thought it was done and dusted, but Mike had other ideas. "Typical! I thought you were game for that sort of thing!" he shouted as this time I stopped and whirled round to stare at him.

"Tommy…" Kandis said as she started to try and grab my arm but then I shook my head, pretending I was gonna keep my cool so she wasn't able to stop me when I saw my moment.

I stood there motionless, seething inside as I stared a hole right through him. "Ya know… If you were as good at wrestling as you are at spreading your legs for anyone that asks, you'd have… You'd have won the Title tonight!" Mike shouted as that was all it took. Kandis made a grab for me and missed as I quickly started to walk back up to the loud mouthed prick.

"Tommy, don't!" Kandis shouted as she then started to try and catch me up.

I drew level with the guy who had a cheesy from on his face as i could then smell the sheer amount of alcohol on his breath "You got something to say buddy?" I said, keeping my voice level as I smiled disarmingly.

The kid must have thought I was all mouth or that just because I was a wrestler, I was one of those guys that relied on my physique to get me by in the business. Whatever the reason, he was going to find out he was horrifically wrong. "Other than the fact your partners a cock teasing slut, I don't think-" Was as far as Mike got before I struck. Kandis got to me in the nick of time to stop me if I was going to punch him… But a punch was too good for this guy. Rearing back as he was mid-sentence, I headbutted him. Blood instantly exploded from his nose as he staggered backwards.

I could hear Kandis in the background, but I wasn't seeing her. "TOMMY!" she all but screamed as i stepped forward and grinned at Mike who was now looking at me with surprise and fear written all over his face.

I swiped away a bit of his blood that had splashed on my cheek as i looked at him. "How about you say that again, douchecanoe?" I growled as he took a step away from me and almost fell over.

The terror was clear in his voice as he looked at me. "Ah! Oo broke mah nose!" he said, the blow to his nose causing his words to come out almost intelligible.

Grinning, caught up in the moment I clench my fist and look at it before turning back to the now pathetic looking Mike. "What's that? Here, let me help you man!" I exclaimed as I prepared to swing a punch to finish the guy off…

Until Kandis was in front of me, anger on her face. "Tommy, stop this now!" she demanded as I almost considered stepping around her and hitting the guy again.

Then I started to come to my senses again and glared at him over Kandis’ shoulder. "I want you to apologise to Kandis right now!" I shouted at Mike as he was clutching his nose and trying to shoo off his friend who was attempting to pull him away from this situation.

Staggering a few steps back, Mike then felt brave or foolish enough to attempt speaking again. "You're 'onna pay 'or this!" he said as he pointed at me.

Pity now the only thing I felt towards this guy that could have avoided all of this, I shrugged. "Or I'm not. Just apologise and we'll be on our way!" I screamed at Mike who was shaking his head.

The drunken idiot swayed a little before he plucked up the courage to craft a response. "No-" was all he got out before I was stepping forward once again, my only thoughts were to get him to apologise to Kandis by any means necessary.

This time, I’d only made it a few steps before Kandis was in front of me once again, her hand on my chest, those eyes I could look into for days seeking mine and speaking without the need for her words that inevitably followed. "Tommy! Please stop!" she begged me as I felt like a switch had been flipped in my head and suddenly I wondered if I’d gone too far, regardless of my motivation.

Slowly, I shake my head. "But-" I tried to argue as instantly Kandis was then shaking HER head.

"Enough, let's go back to the hotel yeah. You need to chill the fuck out!" she said before spinning me around and pushing me the way we had been intending to go before all Hell broke loose.

Unbelievably, the kid was suddenly the toughest guy on the planet once again as we were walking away. "'ope you enjoy unemployment!" Mike shouted as I stopped.

Kandis’ grip was like an iron vice on my arm as I turned and looked at his friend who was probably wondering how we had gotten to this stage so fast. "Hey kid, I'll rustle you up a backstage pass for a show of your choosing if you make sure that you tell anyone who asks, that your friend provoked me into doing what I did" I yelled before turning and walking away, not bothering to wait for the kid to answer as I figured that if he was smart, he’d jump at the chance I just put in front of him.

As the two guys disappeared from view behind us, Kandis stopped walking. It took me a second or two to realise she wasn’t by my side and I frowned as I turned to look at her. You know that saying ‘if looks could kill’? I’d have been a pile of smouldering ash if that was true. "You know you could get suspended for that AT LEAST, right? Why the fuck would you go mental like that?" she demanded to know rather than asked as I shrugged nonchalantly.

"He had it coming!” I replied, that’s all there literally was to it in my mind.

Kandis strongly disagreed and was shaking her head vigorously. "I don't need you or anyone to fight my battles, Tommy. I thought you knew that!" she cried furiously as my frown deepened even more. I was well aware of what she said, but if I couldn’t retaliate to vile little pieces of crap bad mouthing my girl… Then what the fuck was wrong with the world?

"I know that… But why should he think he can get away with talking to you like that? He needed to know there's consequences to his actions" I exclaimed as Kandis was once again shaking her head.

After a few seconds, Kandis just stared at me as if I was a stranger before shaking her head once more. "No, he needed to go and sleep off all the alcohol he's obviously drank tonight, Tommy!" she replied as I strongly disagreed but didn’t want to cause any more grief on what should have been an important night for us.

There were a number of things I could have said, but I settled on the one that summed up exactly how I felt. "Well I'm not sorry for what I did" I said truthfully as Kandis scoffed immediately.

"That might change if he goes to the cops" she murmured as I shook my head.

The drunken shit-stain would probably lose his nerve by the time it came to him reporting me to anyone let alone the police so I wasn’t concerned in the slightest. "I'll deal with it if it gets that far" I responded as Kandis laughed, but without any amusement at all.

"It didn't need to even get THIS far!"Kandis declared as I started to shake my head but then she stepped towards me and prodded my chest. "I didn't need a knight in shining armour before I met you and I don't need one now!"she hissed as I was taken aback at how ungrateful she seemed.

Kandis didn’t even realise that I had her back, whether she needed it or not! "I'm not apologising for caring about you Kandis, no chance!" I scoffed as she ran a hand through her hair and started to pace in front of me.

After Kandis had paced a few times, she stopped and stared at me intently. "You just fucking headbutted someone!" she exclaimed as I narrowed my eyes, confused as to why she thought she needed to remind me.

"And?" I replied as a look of shock and confusion appeared on her face.

The venom was gone from Kandis’ voice, and when she spoke it sounded… Flat for want of a better word. "You don't see anything wrong with that?" she asked me and I could tell that my answer could decide how the rest of the night went.

"Nope. He might have respect for women now. I did a community service" I stated as Kandis could only stare at me wide eyed.

We stood like that motionless for a minute before Kandis broke the silence. "Fuck… We need to talk more about this tomorrow Tommy. Right now I just need to get back to the hotel and rest up while I try not to think about what I just saw" she murmured as I wasn’t sure what there was to talk about.

With no need to say anything else I just nodded. "Okay" I replied and started the walk once more to the hotel.

I didn’t think Kandis was going to follow me and almost stopped until I heard her voice from just behind me. "Fuck…" she said, the one word almost a whisper as I wondered if I HAD gone too far after all. Then I remembered the guy’s vulgar statement and thought that if I hadn’t done something, someone else would have… And I was fine with that.


When you talk about team captains, I've already shared my thoughts on Selena Frost… But when you talk about them, what does that conjure up in your mind? Then think about what image pops into your head and then ask yourself if you'd think of Owen Cruze. I'll leave you a moment to think about that…

(I pause for a moment, a smirk on my face)


Well the funny thing is, if you'd ask me that question when Owen first started out, I'd have laughed in your face and told you that the kid would have to crawl before he could walk. I'd have said he was all hype and ready to steal a living from the fact that his dad and uncle had made something of themselves in this business. I mean many of the youngsters of his generation would happily do that and enjoy every moment that the fame their heritage created.

Which is why it's quite odd that none of that has ultimately happened so far with you, Owen. I'm guilty of wanting to smash your brains in after you got the better of me in a match long ago… But I'm not guilty of overlooking the fact that you haven't just exceeded my expectations and those people like me; you've pummeled them into dust with everything you've accomplished dude. Once upon a time I might have talked to you like a kid because of my opinion of you but after the career you've had thus far? You deserve to be talked to like a man. So I will do just that right now.

(I smile and nod)

Get your house in order Owen.

If you really want to stand a chance, you need to make sure that you're all singing from the same hymn sheet. Not just for our sake, but for your own reputations sake too. If it's not Clyde having massive delusions about believing he actually compares to me in that ring, it's Konrad threatening to unleash all the rings of Hell on me all because I whooped his geriatric ass a handful of times and his fragile ego and psyche can't take it. So I cracked his skull like an egg because he underestimated me… So I almost pulled his arm off during a sanctioned tag match because he was ready for the Knee Deep and instead was locked in the Elitist… Tell me Owen, is that worth an open threat to my career? I'm sure your buddy Aaron will have some enlightening things to say, but when Blackbourne turns out to be the safest person to work with amongst the members of your team after his unhealthy obsession with Shilo STILL hasn't been satisfied. It spells trouble and I want this to be where you show what you're truly made of, not when you become th. You were a good kid and you're growing into a good man whose stock is rising more and more by the second, who knows… One day you might reach that… Level I'm at right now if you keep on as you are…

(I look at the Hall Of Fame ring on my finger and smile)

And I know it's hypocritical almost given that I've already insinuated that I'll do what I want, when I want, IF I want for my team, but the thought of having one over on a team that was captained by the 'Male Of 2019' has me licking my lips with anticipation Owen, the spoils of war are merely a nice little exclamation mark on the night. It almost definitely tips the scales in favour of me going all out. Marie talked a lot about nothing, but then she talked a lot about excuses which struck a chord with me… Because I don't want there to be any of them from your band of miscreants if the team I'm on wins. Show me what you're made of Owen, because you and your team are going to be Knee Deep in trouble if you don't!
[Image: jeNZaGV.png]

SCW Achievements

SCW Television Champion (x3)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Kandis (x4)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w David Helms (x2)
SCW Tag Team Champion /w Jake Starr (x1)
SCW United States Champion (x1)
SCW Underground Champion (x2)
SCW World Heavyweight Champion (x1)
A Founding Member Of "The Connection"
A Founding Member Of "The Next Level"
Ranked 7th in the 2009 Taking Hold Of The Flame Battle Royal
Conquered The Thunderdome...and CHBK
OOC: As lengthy as this may seem from me (even though I know I've done longer), I'm quite happy with what I did here. I even called a bit of an audible with my CD after some consideration, but the direction I decided to go in makes more sense realistically and allows for a chance for Blackbourne to reflect on where he stands between what's going on in his head and what's happening around him in reality. Plus, this gave me a perfect excuse to bring back an old friend I know some of you might miss. Best of luck to everyone involved!

For as nice as Aaron could be, he often found it hard to cooperate with other people.

Sometimes, there was nothing more he would love than to be able to get along with everybody so he wouldn’t have to feel like he was under the excessive amount of stress and mental turmoil that seemed to plague him for a good part of his adult life, though even he knew full well that was wishful thinking at best. Concepts such as ‘world peace’ were always pipe dreams at best that sounded really nice on paper but were near impossible in execution, because the beauty of the differences in every human being also meant the guarantee that there would always be at least one face among the crowd who would proclaim themselves as simply ‘better’ for reasons that were often arbitrary. It was this idea that led to things like racism, sexism, shaming people based on their sexual preferences and even lesser things over the course of humanity’s existence, and it felt like the biggest reason Aaron found himself constantly having to fight, even if what he was fighting for was truly for the betterment of even those who’d proven they didn’t deserve it.

Those people were the reason why he had to deal with the monster in his head… a monster he wished he could be free of since he was already dealing with plenty of proverbial ‘monsters’ inside and out of SCW.

Despite his best efforts, he and Konrad had fallen short on Breakdown, though considering they were a first time pairing going up against an established team, the fact that they still gave them a challenge was certainly impressive. While a win certainly wasn’t outside of the realm of possibility, it had to be noted that Kandis and Tommy had a bit of help even if they didn’t ask for it. Despite being someone he was going to have to try and trust that Sunday night, Clyde Sutter made it clear he was even willing to screw his own partners over to drive home the point this was all about him and his own selfish needs would trump anything else, including the knowledge that he was going to have to put up with a few people he didn’t like just to get to the point where he could guarantee himself a reward before getting a chance to actually indulge in those selfish desires.

At least Aaron knew he could rely on Konrad and especially Owen to get through the first roadblock standing between them and a guarantee of Trios action this year.

Day of Infamy presented him with an interesting opportunity that certainly piqued his creative curiosity. After all, never before had SCW designed a match that basically made most of the Trios Tournament a certainty going in, eliminating most of the element of random chance to create a scenario where truly the best team would earn those coveted contracts that allowed for so much power and so many ideas. It even drew from what Trios had usually been about by relying on that element of randomness to test and see if you were truly ready to lead should you earn the opportunity to call yourself a captain going into that night, requiring you to work together with three other people to earn that right before immediately having to turn around and face every last one of them to determine the draft order for creating your team for the actual showcase. Even being named to be a part of this deciding match was an opportunity he hadn’t been expecting so early in the year, which had both a positive and negative effect on him.

“The only reason Nemesis has stuck around this long, to begin with, is because every opportunity seems to invite disaster for whatever reason.”

It was a bitter thought, but one he knew he had to put a quiet voice to as a definitive reminder of what he was fighting and why his plans for Day of Infamy already had falling back on opening the gates of his imagination crossed off. While Nemesis couldn’t entirely be blamed for it all, he certainly benefitted from scenarios that created the possibility of ‘one step forward and two steps back.’ As he sat in the waiting room of the small office building, he ran through all the positive opportunities he’d had since arriving in SCW so far and came to the realization that almost all of them had ended because of situations he’d never asked for. While his first TV Title reign was the only exception as he simply lost to the better competitor that night, his second had ended plagued with the actions and intrigue of Scarlet Grey shattering his focus just as his third had been cut short due to a combination of Nemesis directly altering his vision and Shilo deciding he needed to play games with his ‘successor.’ The Adrenaline Title opportunity he’d earned the previous year ultimately came during a time when part of his focus was on his brother’s death, just as the U.S. Title shot would always be remembered for him being unable to overcome a severe rib injury despite an incredible performance that was caused not by his opponent but someone who actually wanted him dead.

Even if he secured a spot in Trios and got to select at least one of his partners for that night, would he actually be able to earn a contract to do whatever he pleased with in the face of such a dark track record?

As his name was called and he was led back to one of the rooms, he knew that was the whole reason he was even here to begin with. As much as he would’ve preferred to be anywhere else, either training or trying to rest his weary head with something artistic in hopes it would soothe his soul long enough, he knew he had a very clear problem that needed to be resolved if he was to have any hope of getting the mental detachment necessary to make this less of a problem than what his active imagination had created for him to endure. As much as he wanted to trust in someone who should know all too well how to help, he knew there was a reason why he tended to avoid places like this or people like the one he was about to meet. Even still, there was no way he was going to be able to get what he needed without this, so he had to swallow his pride and pray he’d sought out the one person willing to hear him out and help him in his time of need.

“Welcome Aaron, please have a seat.”

The creative soul snapped out of his thoughts as he was led into the room and addressed by its only other occupant. He did as he was told and took a seat on the couch as he watched the door close, leaving him no way out of this now. He took a deep breath, trying to steel himself as his gaze slowly shifted to the man sitting across from him, but no matter how he tried to compare a mental picture to the real deal, he could hear his heart pounding in his ears as the two locked eyes and he found himself locked in to the one thing he told himself he would never do.

“I’m Dr. Marsh-Asher, though you can call me James if you’d prefer. Though I’m sure you probably recognize me by another name… I’ll be honest, this is a first for me, getting called for a session with someone competing for the same company I once worked for.”

Despite the kind smile the man offered, there was a palpable tension in the air, and while Aaron was certain it was because of him and his suppressed reasoning for trying not to even entertain this scenario that was now unfolding, part of him felt like there was a little bit of James that was playing into it as well. After all, the man was a former SCW World Champion, and once upon a time, he was viewed as the single biggest villain in the entire company, playing everyone involved in the business aspect of things like a fiddle all just to get to the top of the mountain with no remorse for any of his actions. Still, the man had seemingly retired for good aside from the odd appearance here or there and put in the time and effort to become a therapist in order to do some good with the experiences he always elaborated on in front of a camera and claimed they were all legitimate, and yet it was hard to shake the feeling that sitting before this SCW alumni as a current member of the roster was putting himself in the hot seat, though it could just be due to the artist’s general aversion to wanting to even be in this situation in the first place.

“Now, I know you sounded fairly urgent on the phone, but normally I don’t schedule appointments without at least a week or two’s notice in order to have time to get everything I need together unless it’s an emergency. I was willing to make an exception since I know SCW has that pay-per-view coming up tomorrow night over at the United Center and-”

“Can I just say something quick?”

James raised an eyebrow at being cut off like that, but the look he wore made it clear this wasn’t the first time he’d had a patient cut him off in a session like this and he quietly gave Aaron the floor to hear him out on whatever he wanted to say. He really didn’t want to say it, to begin with, as he had no idea what would result from it, but part of him felt the need to get this off his chest to paint the landscape of why this was such a big deal to him.

“I don’t mean to sound disrespectful Dr. Marsh-Asher, but I just wanted to be clear… I’m not a fan of being here right now, even if this isn’t SCW’s doing and I sought you out of my own volition. I’ve never trusted therapists because they always try to fit everything so neatly into a categorized system that I just don’t feel I fit into at all. What goes on inside my head is the product of an active imagination I’ve always been proud of, and one I know that people in your position would be quick to dismiss as the fantasies of a lunatic because it’s just ‘not normal.’ I know you’re going to try and probe around to get what you need, but I wanted to be clear that for as much as I feel I had to bite the bullet on this, I’m not just going to willingly accept whatever diagnosis you think is the cause of all my problems.”

Aaron saw the glare slowly form on the therapist’s face before he leaned back into the couch and closed his eyes, rubbing the eyelids with his fingers as though it would somehow reveal he was just daydreaming this whole thing, but James was still sitting right there when he opened them again. What did startle him a bit, however, was the chuckle that left the lips of a man who, once upon a time, was one of the most devious tacticians to ever grace a wrestling ring.

“Well then, you certainly came to the right person after all.”

Aaron just blinked dumbly for a moment, trying to figure out if he’d heard that correctly. It didn’t seem like much, but he’d basically laid his cards on the table regarding his disdain for this whole process and James had shrugged it off like he was listening to anybody he’d have faced in the ring back in the day.

“Aaron, I know all about how much you pride yourself on your creativity. Even if we ignore the fact that I still keep up with SCW despite being retired and I see what you unleash almost every pay-per-view, I still have a good enough professional relationship with members of the SCW board to be able to get copies of files and documents regarding their competitors on short notice, so I’ve read up on everything I need to about you. You have nothing to be afraid of… you’re not dealing with a colleague of mine who’s probably spent a lifetime reading and going to school in order to get to where I am now, you’re dealing with a man who had a childhood of traumatic life experiences and decades of dealing with a voice in his head to build me into someone willing to work ‘outside the box’ if need be to get the results that work best for you.”

Aaron almost had to do a double-take as James grabbed a notepad and started to settle in. He’d watched back plenty of old footage while acquainting himself with SCW prior to signing his contract years ago where this man had talked about both his past and claimed that James and his wrestling identity of Thirteen were actually two separate entities, but hearing him talk so casually about it made it hard to believe he’d been lying about any of that even knowing full well he was arming potential opponents with ammunition against him back then.

“So, what is it that brings you in today? Forgive me if I’m wording this in a way that offends you, but I want you to paint a picture for me about what makes Aaron Blackbourne tick and why you feel there’s a problem severe enough that warrants stepping outside of your comfort zone to come and talk to someone like me?”

Aaron bit his bottom lip, clearly nervous that he was now at the part he’d always dreaded when running through this scenario in his head regardless of who sat across from him analyzing it, but he took a deep breath and leaned forward, doing his best to focus on James and read his expression as he weaved his narrative together.

“Well… I don’t know how weird this will sound to someone like you I guess, but… I tend to treat my imagination as its own little world, separate from reality. It’s not just thoughts in my head I can call upon when doing something artistic, it’s an actual landscape where every idea I’ve ever had is given its own home, its own life and a chance to essentially operate in there as I do out here to grow and develop. I’ve even gotten into the habit of daydreaming or training myself how to enter a state of lucid dreaming when I sleep so I can immerse myself in this world, becoming an active part in it while knowing full well that reality is an entire world away in those moments.”

James is clearly intrigued as he jots a few things down, as it’s pretty hard to miss the curiosity in his tone when he speaks up.

“Is it safe to assume that for all the good things you have going on in your own little world, there are a few bad things that happen as well?”

“Unfortunately… every now and then I’ve had some creations that have sought to cause harm to what I’ve built, born from more negative feelings running through my head. Some have simply been ideas that I gave a form to but seemingly abandoned them for no justifiable reason, but one, in particular, has attached itself to being the literal face of all my darker thoughts and more stressful situations. He calls himself Nemesis because that’s exactly what he is: the antithesis of who I am that seeks to break me down until I can’t even recognize who I am anymore.”

James closes his eyes as he presses the back end of his pen into his chin. To most people, it would appear as though he were deep in thought about something, but the way his face slightly contorted every now and then was familiar to the creative soul. He’d felt it in his own facial muscles whenever he was having a mental conversation with one of his creations, usually the aforementioned personification of his inner darkness. It was surprising and a little unnerving seeing someone else seemingly having a conversation with something in their head.

“Tell me something Aaron… what all has this Nemesis done, and how has it been affecting you?”

“W-well… at first, it was just moments where he was kind of this mocking voice in my head, trying to convince me of bad ideas or worst-case scenarios about something or someone to try and keep me in a constant state of stress, which he feeds off of. There… may have been a few moments where it felt like he was trying to take control, something that only ever happens when I allow it. All my ‘demons’ you’ve probably seen me portray every now and then? It’s more than just bodypaint and acting a little differently, it’s moments where I’m stepping aside mentally and letting a creation of mine actually take the wheel to decide how I operate in the ring. It’s not something that happens without me allowing for it, though… yet it doesn’t stop him from trying, or in most cases, simply altering my perception of reality to see things that aren’t actually there, which has impacted my performance in the ring on several occasions.”

He truly hated to admit that, considering it sounded like he was making excuses for losing even when he was telling the truth because the whole thing sounded so farfetched, but up to this point he’d at least restrained himself from saying anything publicly on the matter to avoid any further ire from those who would only worsen the problem, like the Clyde Sutters or the Sienna Swanns of the world. It didn’t make him any more comfortable admitting it in a private conversation to a man who was well-respected in the ring even if you hated his actions outside of it.

James eyed Aaron carefully, reading how uncomfortable he was making such admissions even if it was the kind of information he needed to try and piece together the puzzle of how to help this man. He slowly reached behind himself and grabbed a folder before opening it up, scanning through some of the information he’d asked for about the creative soul in order to prepare for this session.

“Forgive me if I’m delving into a subject that’s sensitive… but I’m seeing here that within the past year you lost one of your brothers to a man who then tried months later to take your life as well and ended up taking his own in the struggle instead. What sort of effect, if any, has that had on you or the world you’ve created for yourself in your head?”

Aaron took a moment to massage his forehead, hating that he was being asked to reflect back on those thoughts even if he knew it was necessary. This didn’t go unnoticed by James, but he stayed quiet and let the man have a moment to think about how he wanted to answer this.

“My brother Andrew… for years before he was murdered, he was in a highly toxic relationship with the man who ultimately ripped his life away from him. It changed him for the worse, and the stress of him not listening to anything myself or my family tried to help get him out of it combined with him just expecting to vent to me about his problems and being able to ignore when I had sound, rational advice to fix them is what contributed to Nemesis coming into existence in the first place. When he died, it was fuel for that… thing to be able to keep plaguing my thoughts about how I let him down even though I feel I did everything in my power to try and get him out of it. When Dylan attacked me before Rise to Greatness and ended up killing himself, I thought I would finally be able to get some semblance of peace of mind… I know that may sound horrible talking about another person dying, but after everything he put my family and I through it was hard to feel any remorse for the way he ultimately went. Instead, I’ve been plagued by thoughts and visions ever since, with Nemesis trying to use my thoughts to justify the belief that I’m actually responsible for killing him and should be punished accordingly instead of getting off ‘scot-free.’ That was what happened when my last title reign ended… everyone thinks Shilo distracted me, and while he did have a part to play it was actually one of those visions that caused me to hesitate just enough to get caught.”

James exhaled a bit louder than he intended to at the mention of Shilo’s name, considering he’d had a bit of his own history with the entertainer, but he maintained his composure. A few more notes were jotted down before he set the folder aside and seemed to return to whatever mental conversation he was having. While the silence of the whole thing was starting to make Aaron more nervous about this whole ordeal, James was clearly trying to make sure he handled this whole thing appropriately to not justify Aaron’s previous position about therapists. He was dealing with a man who needed help, after all, even if he didn’t think he needed it from someone like him.

“First off Aaron, in regards to Shilo… Thirteen wants me to tell you that you’re better off forgetting about him. We’ve both seen what’s been going on between you two, and he doesn’t deserve to be consuming your focus. He won’t be content with a lack of finality to your little feud, but if you keep giving him attention he’s just going to keep you waiting. Focus on getting your career back on track… if he truly takes issue with you ignoring his existence he’ll resurface, and you’ll be ready for him.”

Aaron couldn’t help but grin a bit at the advice. Sure, it felt odd hearing James relay what seemed like information from his ‘other self’ but considering all the different voices he’d given life to inside his own head, did he really have any right to judge? It at least helped ease some of the tension present in the room, and the artist knew that if there was anyone he could listen to about his Shilo problem, it would be the self-professed Angel of Death that not only toppled the man en route to his World Title reign but also went to war with him and attempted to establish a partnership with him afterward.

“In regards to your ‘Nemesis’ problem, this is where things get a bit more complicated. I don’t want to outright diagnose you with anything yet, not when I feel like there’s still more pieces I’m missing from this proverbial puzzle, but right now I have several working theories based on what I do know. One seems very likely to me based on my own experience with the subject, and that’s the possibility of multiple personalities. I don’t want to nail that one down just yet, though, because there’s more to this than just Nemesis. He’s definitely the primary antagonist, but unlike with me and Thirteen, he’s not the only voice existing in your mind aside from your own. Others would be playing a greater role in response to him in a struggle for control, either to just take it away from you or to flat out decide which one among them will assume control in the aftermath, and that doesn’t sound like the case right now.”

Aaron returned to biting his bottom lip, knowing the possibility certainly fit with a lot of what had happened. He hadn’t mentioned anything about the Twin Stars and their efforts to assume control before realizing they needed to make amends with their creator to present a unified front to stop the nightmare of negativity, but they had been the next biggest group of players in this game up to this point. While his other ideas and designs were involved as well, they pretty much sided directly with him in the war without question, which made him wonder if he truly did have multiple personalities masquerading as his imaginary world or if h was overthinking this possibility.

“That said, I can’t ignore the trauma you’ve suffered through in the past year, where Nemesis and some of your issues seem to predate and have only escalated in the aftermath. That escalation is what I’m looking at in particular, though, because it sounds like this hasn’t become anything more than an inconvenience or a distraction at best up until then, especially with what happened on Rise to Greatness weekend becoming where many of your problems seem to have anchored themselves. Given how active you’ve made it clear your imagination is, this could simply boil down to a case of post-traumatic stress disorder with your creativity inadvertently amplifying a lot of the more negative thoughts and visions you’ve been having.”

James set his notepad aside for a moment and folded his hands in his lap, trying to appear as calm as possible to make sure Aaron was at ease before moving forward. After all, he knew full well from past sessions that this could very well be the calm before the storm, and things could still escalate when it seemed like they were in the clear.

“I suppose that brings us back to your decision to come here in the first place. Given how nervous I’ve noticed you being throughout our session so far, and understandably so, I guess it’s important for me to know what you were hoping to take away from this here today. I imagine some peace of mind before your match tomorrow night is the obvious one and you felt that since you were in my neck of the woods it was worth a shot, but if we come to an agreement that this needs to be more than a one-time thing I need you to be honest with me about where you think things needs to go from here. Because, if I can be honest for a moment, I feel like there’s enough here to warrant future sessions as there is certainly more going on here than just you maybe believing you’ve simply lost control of your imagination.”

Aaron opened his mouth to respond, then immediately closed it. He knew what he wanted to say, but now that the time had come he was hesitant to actually put a voice to the thought. What he was asking for was effectively dangerous not just for him, but such a rash idea seemed like his only option. It was at that moment he could hear Nemesis practically laughing from deep in his subconscious, taunting him over not being able to pull the trigger after he’d waited and observed up to this point to see where Aaron was even looking to go with all of this. Before he could think over how to approach this in a more delicate manner, his mouth decided to just get it over with.

“…I want to be heavily sedated.”

The seemingly unshakeable visage the doctor had been portraying throughout this entire session actually broke as he looked a bit taken aback by what he’d just heard. For a moment, he even wondered if, and kind of hoped, he’d misheard what was said.

“…excuse me?”

“I said I want to be sedated. Not now, since I have to contend with trying to earn this big Trios opportunity tomorrow night, but if I can find an opening in SCW’s schedule… I know it sounds crazy, and I’m probably asking for a lot, but I guess I feel like you might be the one doctor who could actually do this for me after how this session’s gone today. I can’t deny the fact that there is a war going on in my head for control, with Nemesis leading one side and me commanding the other along with just about every other creature, design, and idea I’ve ever had standing by my side. I firmly believe that I can resolve this problem if I can just forcibly detach the idea of Nemesis from everything I’ve allowed him to embody so they can go back to just being feelings… but I have no way of remaining in my head for long enough to see a possible final battle through. I can’t sleep for however long I may need or have the freedom to daydream without being pulled out of it and away from the fight, even if I entrust the few people I’ve bared my soul to about this to practically stand guard and try to keep that from happening. I think the only way I can be certain I have the time I need to do this is-”

“Do you fully understand what you’re asking of me?”

Aaron wanted to keep going, and he felt a bit of frustration creep in at being cut off, but James clearly looked like he needed to put his foot down after what he did hear. He rose to a stand, his body tensing in a manner that looked reminiscent of how prepared Thirteen was to grapple at a moment’s notice in the ring, like he was preparing himself for if things suddenly got ugly and he needed to defend himself. The look he gave Aaron was understanding, but very stern and not open to listening any further.

“You’re suggesting a rather extreme course of action here Aaron, for an issue you haven’t exactly shared with me in full until just now. To put it all into perspective so you can truly comprehend the full scope of what you’re asking of me: you effectively want me to put you into a medically-induced coma so you have the freedom to try and lucid dream long enough to resolve this matter on your own, without any regard to the fact that I’m being asked to risk my career as a therapist on a course of action I don’t even know if I have the clearance to even consider in the first place, nor the fact that I cannot guarantee your safety as doing this results in just as likely a chance that you don’t ever wake up, regardless of whether you succeed or fail in whatever you hope to accomplish in regards to Nemesis. Something like this is not to be taken lightly and poses several serious health risks that can go beyond what I’m licensed to help with, and even in regards to doctors who I know for sure have that kind of clearance an option like this is only considered as a last resort to try and preserve the body in the face of an affliction that is almost certain death without a long and complicated surgery with little chance of success in and of itself.”

Aaron slowly rose to a stand, though his body language made it clear he wasn’t looking for a fight. He’d weighed the pros and cons several times already and knew he was asking for something that was both extreme and probably next to impossible to obtain, but even he didn’t fully grasp the full scope of this until Dr. Marsh-Asher laid all the cards on the table for him. He had blindly dedicated himself to the possibly only answer given to him by Zeitgeist that had led him here in the first place and was only now running into the brick wall that was reality about taking such an unnecessary risk to his overall well-being just to sort out the problems in his head, imaginary or otherwise. Even if the idea wasn’t endearing to the therapist, he began to realize that if anything went wrong it would affect far more than just him… Liane would lose the man she believed was the love of her life, Owen would lose arguably one of his best friends and a man who’d dedicated just as much time to helping watch the kid’s back ad he’d done for the creative soul, his family would be down two sons in the span of two years which was liable to completely destroy them in ways he couldn’t even begin to imagine…

“I think we’re done for today. I’ve given you something to seriously think about, and that’s all I’ll say on that matter for the moment. Even if SCW doesn’t bring you through Chicago again in the near future, you’re free to stay in contact with me. Right now, though… I think you have a bit more thought to give to this before you go hanging your hat on such a risky decision. I don’t mean to end this on a sour note, but… there’s more I can do to help you than just put you in a position where your life is at risk over something that, no matter how bad it may get, just isn’t worth it.”

Even after all of that and how things seemed like they were falling apart at the end, James still extended his hand to show there was no ill will to be had here. He understood the young man’s hesitation to even go through with this appointment because of how he feared his creative mind would be perceived, but there were still lines in the sand that needed to be drawn that he had to be shown. Aaron would at least accept the handshake and agree to stay in contact before he left, but he had a lot more weighing on his mind now that primarily summed itself up in one question:

Was he truly desperate enough to risk losing everything just for the sake of mental stability?
Sometimes, you find yourself in a situation where you have to make the best out of the hand you’ve been dealt. It’s not the easiest thing in the world, but how well it all comes to fruition depends on what you’re willing to do in order to still make it work, no matter how ideal it may not be.

In SCW history, never has there been an event that sums up this idea better than the Trios Tournament. In past years, the vast majority of this endeavor has seen teams drawn entirely at random that often put you with at least one person you have issues with, and the endgame is simply trying to prove that the reward is enough to put aside any and all differences just for one night. When you look back on the history of that tournament it truly makes you appreciate how challenging that must have been considering some of the winning combinations, a few of which even imploded before the end and still saw that trio come out on top somehow. It’s tests like these that always interest me because sometimes it takes true strength just to put up with someone who detests you even for the stupidest of reasons, and it’s impossible to say that you didn’t earn it if you manage to go all the way.

The formula may have changed a bit for this year, but the core concept remains the same, which brings me to Sunday night.

In the spirit of how Trios has been done in the past, there are two matches that will each pit two teams of four against one another. Every member of all the teams has been paired together with no rhyme or reason, and you’re tasked with trying to make it work because every member of the winning team secures a spot as a team captain for the actual tournament this year, getting the right to handpick at least one member in an effort to try and give a little more control to one’s own fate in that hunt for the highly coveted prize of a contract that allows its holder any one match of their choosing. To further add to this little twist, if you did find yourself paired up with someone you have a problem with, you get a chance to settle it immediately afterward as the winning team then breaks down into a four-way dance to help decide the draft order.

I would think that’s enough incentive to be able to cooperate long enough to take care of business in the first round of things.

I truly consider myself lucky with the team I ended up being a part of, for the most part. After all, I can’t say I’ve ever found myself with an opportunity to team with Owen Cruze despite our friendship that’s persisted ever since we both first set foot in this company. What started off as mutual respect after we first crossed paths in the ring evolved into a pact to watch each others’ backs when it became clear a few people didn’t exactly like us because they couldn’t look past the fact we were getting wins over them and it kept them from going where they thought they should be in the pecking order around here, and it’s since become one of the rare instances where I can truly say I made a friend that will stick with me even if I found a reason to retire after this pay-per-view and walked away completely. I trust Owen with my life and I know he feels the same about me, so I think it’s safe to say there’s enough chemistry there to be able to handle whatever Day of Infamy throws at us. And before some of you begin to think you can drive a wedge between us, look at the fact that we were the final two in the open invitational back at the end of 2018 and we set aside our friendship to go to war with one another with no ill effects after it was all set and done. We can throw down with each other on the same level as we would with the best SCW has to offer, and it’s not going to change a thing between us, which is more than can often be said about those hoping that wouldn’t be the case.

Then there’s Konrad Raab, and while I know I’ve brought this up before, I truly can’t understand why so many people have a problem with this man. True, you may think I have a reason to take issue with him considering we lost this past Breakdown, but maybe I just have a more open mind than many of you do. Konrad’s a man I would happily compete against as much as I would stand by his side because he’s always pushing forward and bettering himself no matter what obstacles end up in his path. Any setback he’s suffered has only made him stronger, and the more I think about it… the more I begin to realize what this supposed issue may actually be. Many out there have no problem taking shots at Konrad because of his age or the fact that he may not have the greatest track record, and yet these are the exact same individuals who have public meltdowns and scream at the top of their lungs that they were screwed eight ways from Sunday when things stop going their way because maybe, just maybe, they actually weren’t good enough to prevail at that moment no matter how much they convinced themselves otherwise. Couple that with the fact that this man, who is older than many of us in this business, is still pushing forward and not breaking down should things begin to falter, and I think it’s a matter of many of you feeling self-conscious that he is, in fact, better than you at something after all and you just can’t process this challenge to the world you’ve built behind those rose-tinted lenses. Maybe you can actually learn something from Konrad if you actually get your heads out of your asses for just a few moments.

Then again, maybe I’m just being hopeful, just like I wanted to be about Clyde Sutter.

Oh, how quickly we forget, huh Clyde? For as much as I know you hate the idea that you’re teaming with three guys who don’t exactly share your philosophy on this business, you need to remember that at least one of them has a win to his name over you. If that proves anything, it’s that I’m not simply going to stand here and let you bully me around thinking that you need to do this solo because that’s the quickest way our team is going to lose out on this opportunity. I know, you see it differently, but I should point out that despite your sense of entitlement, you’re the only one on our side that has nothing to his name when we’re supposed to go up against four highly decorated names in this company. That’s more reason for you to try and prove yourself, sure, but this is where your manager needs to actually rein you in and make you see the bigger picture, because if you think you’re going to pull this off single-handedly? I can promise worrying about immediately finding yourself facing three men that respect one another and have an issue with you, in general, will be the least of your concerns. I don’t think it’s asking for too much to put your ego aside for a few minutes just to at least deal with the challenge at hand, and then you can go back to doing things however you please even if I can promise it won’t end well for you once you’ve actually got a Trios team to think about.

Trust me when I say that I wish I didn’t have to try, probably in vain, to paint that picture for him, but considering what we’re up against I’d rather take the chance and hope he listens.

After all, I wasn’t joking when I said we’re up against a highly decorated team, especially considering three of them are former World Champions.

One I know has to be riding high right about now is Tommy Valentine. How does it feel Tommy, finally feeling like you’ve shut me up and proven yourself right about me all along? Except… you haven’t. Congratulations, you and Kandis managed to beat Konrad and me on Breakdown, but I wouldn’t start assuming that guarantees anything for Day of Infamy. As I told Clyde back when he and I faced off one-on-one before any of this was even announced, when you’re in that ring everybody has a fair shot. You’ve managed to prevail over me, true, but I can easily say the same in regards to some of our past encounters. You hold no certainty over me going into this match, especially since this time you don’t have a partner you’re experienced with to lend a hand. We’re on even footing again Tommy, standing beside at least one partner we each have an issue with for one reason or another and two that know what it’s like to be champion, and while your side may have the more impressive resume, that hasn’t stopped me from finding a way to prevail before. Just ask your old friend Syren how well that worked out for her months ago.

Plus… if the battle royal I won last year around this time that got me my Adrenaline Title shot was any indication, I can still find a way to rise to the occasion even without any momentum in my favor, so consider that for a moment.

Marie Jones is the only other person in this match I have any direct experience with in some capacity, considering she’s the one who ended my first TV Title reign. Believe me, I haven’t forgotten Marie, and I know we’ve both only grown and evolved as competitors since then. It hasn’t always been the clearest of paths, considering you had a moment where you let yourself be swayed by the likes of Syren and Ravyn to further their agenda because of a title shot that, while you did get it, you had to know they weren’t letting you take the belt away that easily. Honestly, though? I’d like to think you truly picked something up out of that whole ordeal considering you and Kim stood strong in the aftermath and even got yourselves a run as Tag Champions before things in that division got messy because, of course, Infamous got involved in matters again. I know you’re not the same competitor you were during those times, though… nor are you the same one I actually faced back when I could first call myself a champion. I can only hope you realize the same is true of me, because while I know you want to add more to your resume, the fact that you do have more to your name than I do only makes me that much hungrier to add to my own self-portrait. Maybe it’s long overdue that we have this little clash because a lot has changed over the past year or two and there’s still so much more to prove now.

That then leaves me with two World Champions that I’ll have my first taste of action with, starting with the recently returned Jay Gold. Hall of Famer, first Supreme Champion in SCW history, two time World Champion… to say that I should be intimidated is an understatement. Even not being in action for quite some time, you proved fairly recently that there’s no sign of rust when you defeated Autumn Valentine. It truly is an honor to be able to share the ring with such a highly touted name, even if some others in this match probably don’t share that same attitude. You’re someone who understands what this business should be about and isn’t afraid to say why you’ve come back… though I also hope you understand that for as much as I know you’d love to guarantee a shot at a Trios contract, like with Marie I can’t simply let you add to your already impressive career while I still feel like I have a ways to go and this could be just what I needed to open a few doors for myself. Mark my words Jay… legend or no, I’m going to come at you with everything I’ve got, and I know my partners will do the same, so I hope you’re ready.

Just as I hope you are as well, Selena.

I’m not going to lie… I have a great deal of respect for you Selena, even if many others don’t seem to. In addition to everything you’ve accomplished, you’ve proven more than ready to stand your ground and call people out on their B.S. time and time again no matter how much they don’t think they should be opposed. Many hate that and the idea that you’re considered the face of this company, but if you ask me? SCW should have more people like you, willing to fight for what they believe in and not simply stand back and let those with delusions of grandeur do as they see fit because all they know how to comprehend is the utopia in their heads where they, and they alone, are on top. As much as I would’ve liked for it to happen one-on-one, I’m truly glad that in some capacity I’m finally getting the chance to test myself against you to see where I stand in SCW right now, and I swear to you that you will get nothing but my absolute best come Sunday night because that’s exactly what you deserve. No worrying about Xander when we both know Regan can take care of him, just a clash of some of the best SCW has to offer to see who’s better at the end of this night.

What more do you need to ask for?

I know I may seem like I’m all over the place, but that’s what happens when you’re faced with the unknown that Trios tends to bring with it, and I can promise you all that no matter what happens, Chicago will be the site of a perfect preview of what will be in store when the night of that tournament rolls around.

And with any luck? I’ll get to add my own chapter to that story when February 16 rolls around.
[Image: yC0vuyj.png]
Really happy with this, hope you all enjoy and looking forwards to reading all the rps in the morning when I sober up lol

Good luck all

OWEN #56
[Image: 270041540-258425806375597-7033161467703002046-n.png]
[I have had my Day of Infamy, and believe you me, I am not proud, nor will I ever be proud of it.  When I look around at who I will be sharing the ring at this Sunday in the Windy City, everyone has had their Day of Infamy in some way, shape or form.  For some of us it is doing things that we now regret, for others of us it was not being able to deal with losses, for others of us it was about losing our way, and for one of us it's about simply not giving a shit.]

[But here's the thing.  The Trios Tournament can lead to you getting whatever match you want against whomever you want.  I should know as I was a winner of this Tournament years ago.  From that one of my partners, Liana Lewis, wanted to take the SCW tag team championships off of two of her enemies at the time, which happened to be two enemies that I had issues with as well.  She chose me to team with her and together we got the job done.  On top of that I used mine to go after the SCW World Championship at that year's Rise To Greatness, being I had never gotten to main event SCW's showcase pay-per-view before.  Was I in the end successful in that endeavor?  No, but I didn't fret over it.]

[The point I'm trying to make here is mainly to Clyde.  You SHOULD care about this tournament and for once in your career worry about winning instead of snapping bones, breaking necks, and taking your paycheck out of the arena with you.  Besides I have dealt with thugs like you in the past.  Behold how I was here long after they were gone.  I don't need to bring up their names Clyde.  Just know that you aren't the first of your kind, and you probably won't be the last.]

[Speaking of thugs though, and also of cliques, I'll say this, it was disheartening to hear from my little girl that some are sadly in her middle school.  The fact that she has been a bit of a target has made me almost lose it, as really there is no room for that stuff in school.  School is about learning.  School is about growing.  School is NOT about building your own self up just to put others down.  That's crap that I expect here in SCW.  But alas, I had to head back home a few days ago and miss Breakdown in order to talk with the school about this, and to also calm my daughter down the best I could.  Sigh...]


DATE:  Wednesday, January 22, 2020
TIME:  11:05 AM
LOCATION:  Central Park Middle School (Schenectady, NY)

[Let's just say I am not amused to be in the Principal's office right now.  Obviously myself and Martha have done nothing wrong.  We have raised a really good kid.  I'm not dealing with this matter alone though, as both my wife and my daughter are in here with me, my poor daughter in tears.  We were scheduled to meet with the Principal at 10:45 but apparently he has another matter to attend to as well.  And so the three of us wait, to hopefully discuss what has been happening.  Martha and I can't help it but to see Sarah's red cheeks.  Martha is the one to speak to her first.]

"It will be fine.  We will talk with him and get those girls off your back."

"But... but... I just know they aren't going to stop.  There's nothing I can do about it!"

[Martha looks over to me, with a worried look in her eyes.  I've seen that look thousands of times before, as far back as to when I first began to wrestle in 2003.  Even though it is now 16 and a half years later, that look has never changed.  That look of worry is one of the many, many reasons for why I married her.  I know she cares, and she saw very quickly that I care as well.  I'm about to say something to my daughter now in response, but that is when he walks in and sits down in his seat.]

"I am really sorry about being late for this meeting, and holding you up from your classes Sarah.  I will get right to it.  I am actually late because I was talking to those who have been doing the bullying.  They have strictly been advised to stop.  We as a staff here are not going to tolerate that type of behavior.  Be comforted that we are here for you.  Please let us know all of your concerns, so it is all out in the open."

"Well sir, I just... I can't focus with all this going on!  I couldn't finish the last test I was taking in science because of it.  I...  I just can't take it anymore!"

[This is where I jump in, seeing the times are desperate.]

"Her grades have been suffering some as of late, and it's not fair.  I know the world can sometimes be cruel but maybe those parents need to know."

"And they will Mr. Gold.  We do need to here exclusively from your daughter right now.  She is the only one that can tell us everything as she is the one experiencing it."

"Okay.  Sarah dear, let us know it all so we aren't in the dark.  Everything."

[She is extremely nervous and jittery.  I felt that way once, so I cool my eyes and expression to try and help her relax.  It does seem to be working, at least to the point where she can get the words out.]

"They have called me all sorts of names, but the worst one is... is...  is...  I can't even say it."

"Here, write it then if that will help."

[The Principal pushes forward a small notepad and Martha and I can both see what word she writes.  Both my eyes and Martha's eyes roll and we're both very ticked off now.  Sarah Vixen is no way a slut of any kind.  Hell when walking into this school I saw so many girls that could describe that word that are NOT my daughter.]

"I thought so.  I just wanted to get it from you Sarah.  I'm sorry that some of your fellow students need to act this way, but I'm guessing it cuts deeper than just this?"

"Yes sir.  They... they... they've spanked me.  Um... please don't make me show!"

"That won't be n-"

"And you're allowing this shit to go on?!?!"

[He looks at me and immediately responds.]

"Alright, now we have a serious problem.  Mr. Gold, I am going to ask you to take a seat.  I don't blame you for saying what you just said.  We'll handle it from here.  Sarah, while I do believe you, can you please go into the nurse's office?  She'll have you checked out."

"It hasn't happened just once sir.  I was just too scared to s-say anything.  They threatened they'd do far worse to me if I did.  I...  I'm too scared to even be here right now."

"Switching schools might have to happen.  Sarah dear, you don't deserve this.  NO ONE deserves this!  Martha, why don't you bring Sarah into the nurse.  I'll speak with the Principal in the meantime.  Maybe we can formulate some sort of game plan."

"Alright honey, but please remain as calm as you can.  Matters are really bad as they are already."

[I promise her by simply nodding, before she and Sarah make their way into the nurses's office.  After not even a minute I can hear her...]

[color=pink["Oww!  It hurts!"[/color]

[I look at the Principal and just say two words.]

"Now what?"

[That is all I can get out as he immediately gets to thinking.  In fact we both do.  By the time Martha and Sarah rejoin us in his office we have quite a few notes written down.  Martha and Sarah also have notes and a diagnosis from the nurse, which get given immediately over to him.  The Principal looks to my daughter and speaks directly to her.]

"Please go back to class.  I will have a hall monitor escort you.  Also myself and your father were thinking that maybe you can walk from class to class with someone that you know you can trust.  I know it's only a band-aid for now, but believe you me, those girls are getting expelled.  They are not welcome back, so things should improve.  I am so sorry that this has happened under my watch.  If anyone else or anything else bothers you Sarah, please don't be afraid to come to my office if you deem it necessary, or at least go to your teachers."


[My daughter begins to head out of the office, but I can see her wincing.]

"Is it okay if my wife and I take her to her next class, just this once?"

"That might be the last thing she needs, her own parents walking her to class like she's a 4-year old.  She'll be fine."

I do see the point in that.  I turn to Sarah, as does Martha.

"Mom, dad, I'll do the best I can."

"We know you will.  See you tonight."

[She now sulks out of the office, where a hall monitor is waiting for her.  My wife and I, we both have that nervous look in our eyes as we look towards one another.  For now though we just have to hope that it all stops.  Something is telling us both though that it never will.]


DATE:  Saturday, January 25, 2020
TIME:  4:30 PM
LOCATION:  Grant Park

[The wind is whipping around some, but it's not bothering me as I have lived in the cold weather for the majority of my life, probably almost all of it.  I'm from the Northeast and all. I'm just hoping these winds mean that the winds of change are blowing.  So many need to feel them.  So many.  My first hope is that my daughter feels them.  But my second hope is that A Day Of Infamy's results open everyone's eyes that need to be opened.  Basically put, there are ways to succeed without being an asshole.  When I look at the 4-person team I am on for the Trios Tournament Buy-In Matches, I see nothing but talent.  Heck 3 of us are former World Champions.  I might stand corrected, but I believe that those same three of us are also Supreme Champions.  Maybe I'm off by a title or two, but in reality that doesn't matter.  Perhaps though Tommy Valentine needs to be reminded of such, that he doesn't need to be a Jackass to be a Champion.]

"I'm just going to cut right to the chase for everyone.  Tomorrow night is going to be quite the night as the whole world gets to find out who will be the 8 team captains for the actual Trios Tournament.  As I look at my teammates in the Buy-In Round, I am confident that all 3 of them will definitely pull their own weight, as they should not be worried about me either.  I never once got lazy back when I was wrestling full time, and I sure as heck am not going to start that now!"

"That being said, Tommy, I know you do love currently being the Jackass half of the Jackass and Big Ass Connection with Kandis, but you already know this when I say that you are a very capable athlete.  You too have held many, many championships... and guess what?  You did that by earning them, not by being a Jackass.  Now if you want to be that just in name, that's fine.  I mean Kandis is clearly sold at least.  I don't care about that part of you though Tommy, as I know personally what you can do.  I've seen it with my own eyes, and there is definitely more chances for you to get back to the top.  Please don't skip out on this one, just in order to get a sexy piece of ass.  Besides, sounds like Kandis is available to you 24/7 anyways."

[I can feel myself wink and almost chuckle like my own daughter does, when she's having a good day anyways.]

"Now to Marie, you are the youngest of the four of us when it comes to SCW, but I have seen what you can do as well.  Yes, you haven't been to the top yet, but you yourself can play a MAJOR role for why you end up there.  You don't need help, but in this scenario you are going to get it in the form of three champions that are not going to back down, three champions that won't let a teammate down!  You already said you would take care of your part of the weight, and it is SO GREAT to hear you say that.  Because I know I will, I know Selena will, I know you will, and deep down Tommy will too.  We all want the same thing, that chance to get back to the top of the SCW mountain."

[I nod for a few moments, before I suddenly stop, now turning my attention to those who will be across the ring from us at the start of this all.]

"As for those who are set to be across from us, I mostly see respect.  Between you Owen, you Aaron, and you Konrad, you have all learned that you don't need to injure and maim others to get to the top.  You have all learned from your mistakes and are better men for it.  Believe you me, I have always learned from my errors and pressed on to become better.  Konrad, I heard you out.  Just like my own team, you are all viewing me as a wild-card tomorrow night.  However you should all know that I am anything but that.  I don't want myself viewed as this "big surprise".  I just want it to be known that I'm back for good this time, and ready to help make SCW the best that it can be.  Because going into this weekend, it's just not.  I know I could get booed for a statement like that and be looked down upon, but it's the honest to God's truth.  I mean is it better that James Evans is the champion now instead of someone like Sienna?  Absolutely.  But I'm not fully 100 percent comfortable with it.  James showed what he is capable of doing when he gets desperate, monkeying around with that chamber."

"Just know this though, tomorrow night, I will NOT be monkeying around.  As much respect as I have for the Cruze family, and as much as I have respect for Aaron Blackbourne and Konrad Raab for realizing they can get things done on their own without help, business must be taken care of.  Along with Selena, Tommy, and Marie, tomorrow night is the first step, and I for one am LONG ready for it!"

"Tomorrow night, should our side win, I will be the first to show respect to you Owen, to you Aaron, and to you Konrad.  Heck, I might even think about choosing one of the three of you for my Trios Tournament team.  As for your fourth wheel though, Clyde can go slither back to whatever trash heap he crawled out of.  It's quite obvious he's really the only one of eight of us that is looking to do physical damage.  The rest of us just want our opportunity to make it to the top again, or make it to the top for the very first time.  For me I feel it's both.  Even though I have been there before, I want the old to become the new.  I've been saying it the moment I came back on New Year's Eve.  If I make it to the top, it will also feel like the very first time, especially with the long amount of time that has passed us by."

"So... to a Day of Infamy...  The 
Moments I provide will not be a bad deed, not at all.  The Moments I provide are meant to not just help me, but to help those like Marie Jones who has seen the light, to those like Tommy Valentine that just need a bit of a reawakening, and to those like Selena Frost who have dealt with SO MUCH!  I'm back everyone, and it's time to fight for what we believe in and what we want!"

[I shiver a little bit now thanks to the wind, so I head out of the park and back across the street to the hotel I am staying it.  As I go though I think about tomorrow night.  It could be the first night of many Golden nights to come.]

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