Kelsai Adamson-Mason vs. Peyton Rice
For singles: 2 RP Limit

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, March 15, 2020
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
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The Views Expressed By Peyton Rice Do Not Reflect Those of the Publisher. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

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[Image: Peyton-Rice-Jo9-Uj-Vv.png]
Career Achievements

- 1x SCW Adrenaline Champion
- 1x SCW Television Champion
- 1x EMERGE Champion
- 2019 SCW Rookie of the Year
- Under Attack 2020 Elimination Chamber Winner
-Winner of the 2019 Ricky Octavius Memorial Tournament
- Made her SCW Debut at Rise to Greatness XV by defending the EMERGE Championship successfully against Kandis. 7.21.18

Singles Record - |W - 61| L - 04| D - 2|
Overall Record - |W - 67| L - 11| D - 2|

OOC: Always a privilege bro, best of luck. Enjoy everyone!

Fire and Ice

Hello! Hello! Hello!

I need to tell you lovelies, that this week is been crazy and then some and we have only made it through the first part. First off, I would be remiss if I did not say thank you to my friend Konrad Raab, who gave me a great match Wednesday night in Nashville at SCW Breakdown. You really brought out your very best Konrad, which forced me to be at my best, and therefore meant we had one outstanding match for all off the fans in Nashville. If you know anything about me, you know that nothing means more to me than the fans, so obviously I was very impressed by everything that transpired on Breakdown.

Next though we are onto Memphis as this is Retribution weekend in SCW, and for me the means a rematch from the Rise to Greatness Pre-show last year, a woman who I have the respect in the world that now I feel honored to call one of my good friends, Peyton Rice. I personally cannot wait for that one, but more on that later.

I do have a little of a confession to make though first, because while yes I was very impressed by everything that transpired on Breakdown, what I actually meant was everything that took place during the match between Konrad and I. After the match, while that was a different story, between Ravyn Taylor coming out after my match to present me with the SCW Television  Championship that she never even should have had to begin with, to Damian Angel the former champion who I beat inadvertently (I think) knocking me down to the canvas, I was definitely not impressed

Thank God for my big brother Blake Mason, in fact I cannot tell you how many times I have said those very words in my SCW career. Yes, Blake (who is technically my Brother-in-law) and I often times have very different ways of getting things done in wrestling and in life, but I know despite this Blake will always be right there when I need him the most, right by my side…

Except for the one time that he is not, which what I went to talk to him about Thursday morning after Breakdown…

*Off Camera*
The Capitol Grille
Nashville, Tennessee
Thursday, March 12, 2020
11 am

Located inside of The Hermitage Hotel, The Capitol Grille is one of the fancier restaurants in all of Nashville, Tennessee, which is exactly what I would expect when going to meet my big brother (ok, brother-in-law) Blake Mason. I mean he is after all “Big Money Blake”. Sorry just hearing that again makes me smile as I walk into the restaurant and walk up to the reception desk, because I just don’t think of him as “Big Money Blake”, which made what I did next rather curious, as I started a conversation with a Greeter named Mark.

Mark: Welcome to The Capitol Grille. What name is your reservation under?

Kelsai: Thank you, my reservation would be under would be under my brother-in-law’s name, Big Money Blake please?

Mark is now smiling oddly, maybe I have something in my teeth?

Mark: Um excuse me Ms., but you are going to have to give me something better than Big Money Blake to go on if you would like figure out who your brother-in-law is and whether or not he is actually here.

I am positive that my cheeks were turning several shades of red because that was the most embarrassed I have been in quite some time, so much so that I could not even speak, only smile. Luckily I was bailed by Blake who had come up behind Mark and was laughing.

Blake: Don’t worry about it Mark, Kelsai is with me. She is the better half of my younger brother.

Mark: Oh yes, now I get it, “Big Money Blake”.

Blake laughs while I am still trying to get my cheeks to calm down, which I think is working slowly.

Blake: Go ahead Mark, I can show Kelsai to our table.

Mark: Certainly sir.

As I walk past Mark and join Blake still significantly embarrassed, all I could manage a weak…

Kelsai: Thank you.

From there, I walk side by side with Blake to our table. As he pulls out my chair for and I sit down, I am struck by that fact that for as long as I have always known him, Blake has always been such a gentlemen to me, even in the beginning of Victor and I’s marriage when I know that Blake did not like. As Blake sits down across me, I wonder to myself if that is going to change.

Blake: Well I would ask you how you are doing this morning Kelsai, but I am not sure that you are able to speak yet. It’s not every girl that gets to have lunch with “Big Money Blake” after all.

I look down and mumble, no doubt starting to blush again.

Kelsai: Hush up.

Luckily, Blake does not keep this going for long, relenting and instead changing the subject which was nice of him.

Blake: So how are you feeling since last night?

I finally started to smile a genuine smile again, thinking of the night before.

Kelsai: Are you kidding? Why wouldn’t I feel anything but incredible about last night? The crowd was absolutely electric Blake. I had an awesome match with my friend Konrad that culminated in my first successful title defense. I couldn’t feel any better about last night, honestly.

Blake: And I am very proud of you too, just as I am sure that Victor is ecstatic as well. But your match is not what I was talking about. How are you after that attack by Damian Angel?

I try to reassure Blake with the best smile that I possibly can, because in my mind more than likely Damian did not do anything wrong despite what Blake thinks, it was just an accident.

Kelsai: Blake, I am fine, alright? I really appreciate you being right down to the ring and sticking up for me, but honestly think that Damian didn’t even mean to knock me down ok? It was just an accident as far as I could tell.

Blake has some of the most expressive eyes in all of professional wrestling from what I can tell, and right now there is nothing but contempt in Blake’s eyes upon my mention of Damian’s name.

Blake: Doesn’t matter what his intentions were. You are part of my family, Damian has no business putting his hands near you unless the two of you are in a match with one another which you were not last night.

Kelsai: Fair enough, but we are in a contact sport as we both know. Things are going to happen in wrestling, sometimes things that we don’t like. But I think that is Damian Angel had wanted to hurt me, we both know that he could have been a whole lot worse. Again though, I thank you for being there for last night.

Blake’s face softens which I am glad to see, because there is something that I would like to discuss with him that I believe is much more important. What I didn’t know is that Blake’s next statement was going to give me the perfect lead into that topic.

Blake: You don’t need to thank me, we are family. I am always going to be there for you Kelsai. I have promised this to both you and Victor.

I have think habit sometimes of saying the first thing that come to my mind without really thinking about what I am saying, often with mixed results. This time, I wish I would have taken the time to pause and think about what I wanted to say.

Kelsai: Yes, I used to believe that too.

The confusion on Blake’s face was immediate, but as he was about to find out, I was not about to back down.

Blake: What do you mean that you used to believe that, Kelsai?

I didn’t intend for this to happen, but I could feel my cheeks getting red and I was trying not to start crying. Just thinking about this was making me angry, like real anger that Blake has probably never seen from me before.

Kelsai: What happened to you at the Trios Tournament?

Blake: I wasn’t on your team Kelsai as you well know, and you know why too. We have discussed this already. You asked Jason, and he took my place.

Correction, I was not angry, I was livid, and getting more livid by the second. Looking back on it now, even though I was trying to keep my composure in the restaurant, there was no way whatsoever that I was going to end up staying for lunch. Blake would be eating alone.

Kelsai: Jason shouldn’t have had to take your place, Blake. You are my brother, I chose you to be on my team, and you could have done it, but you wouldn’t because you were concerned that you might have to face Bree. I don’t even know what that is supposed to mean. You obviously from everything that you have said loathe here, so why would you not want to face Bree in a match, it makes no sense.

Blake: I tried to explain this to you, Kelsai. There are certain people that I do not want to face right now and SCW has granted me the right not face them and yes, my ex-wife is one of those people. Facing her in the ring is not something that I am prepared for yet.

Oh I was hot at this point. I think the only thing that kept me from yelling is the fact that we were in a restaurant and I did not want to cause a scene.

Kelsai: I am well aware that you do not want to face Bree, for what ever that reason that maybe. You also not wish to face Sienna and Chris if that is correct?

Blake: Yes, Sienna and Chris are also people that I do not want to face. We have discussed this at length Kelsai, I would have thought that you would have been over this by now.

I really can’t believe he said that to me, but he did, and so I will not apologize for what was about to come next.

Kelsai: You thought that I would have been over this by now?

Blake: Yeah, I thought you would have been a little disappointed but then you would have gotten over it in time.

Kelsai: You thought wrong Blake. Ever since Team Ace won the Trios Buy-In match the only thing that I have been thinking about is making you my pick because we are family. The only person that I would have drafted before you was Victor, but he doesn’t wrestle in SCW. Tell me Blake, what is going to happen later on if you have an SCW World Championship match, but you have to face Chris? Or Sienna? Or Bree?

For the first time, I could see a little bit of surprise on his eyes, and maybe even shock not expecting this type of reaction from me.

Blake: I really hadn’t considered that if those scenarios were to happen. I guess that I would have to reevaluate my position and see where we are at and what I wanted to do.

Kelsai: So, for the opportunity to wrestle for the SCW World Championship, you would have to in your own words now “reevaluate your position”. In other words that would mean more to you than being on a Trios Tournament that I chose you to be on?

Blake: Kelsai, that is not what I meant…

No, that is what you meant, word for word. I could believe that Blake of all people was not going to try and explain this away, and yet he was.

Kelsai: Really Blake? I trusted you. I was so excited when I heard that you were coming back to SCW, and even more excited still when I realized that I could make you my pick and because of that, we were going to get to be on the same team. But you didn’t want that did you? At least not as much as you want to control everything to do with your contract.

Blake: You really are angry with me, aren’t you?

Kelsai: Believe me Blake, you have no idea.

I got up from the table, which I think was the most stunning revelation of all for Blake, because this wasn’t something he could just explain away.

Blake: Kelsai, where are you going, we have not even had the chance to have lunch?

Kelsai: I’m leaving.

Blake: Kelsai, please…

Kelsai: No, I have to, my plane to Memphis boards soon for Amy and I. I will see you when you get there.

Blake was trying to explain again, but I am not certain what he said, because I had already made a beeline for the front door of the restaurant, leaving him to think about whether or not I had gotten over the situation while I was choking back tears

Unexpected Help

*Off camera*
Aquarium Restaurant
Nashville, Tennessee
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
1:10 pm

Sitting across from her at a table in the Aquarium Restaurant in Nashville, Tennessee, she is one of the last people that I ever expected to be eating lunch with because both of us are so very busy. Yet when Bree Lancaster said she would meet with me to discuss my Mom, there was not a chance that I was turning that down, even if my husband Victor were somewhat skeptical, and my brother-in-law Blake was dead set against it. Only Amy thought that this was a good idea, but Bree was also Amy’s sister-in-law, so her judgment Blake would say was clouded. That may have been true, but there was something about Bree’s eyes, warm, friendly, and even compassionate as she took a sip from her tea that told me that I could trust her.

After all, Bree was talking to me about my Mom, it was her idea, and even though we were not family anymore, I like to believe that we are still friends, despite the fact that some people refused to think that Bree was up to anything but no good. No, I refuse to believe that, Bree was being genuine to me.

Bree: Do you know that when I first met you, I became so frustrated by you, immediately, but I am not sure that you ever really knew why.

I have some of my water, interested in what her response might be, because while I have always had a certain idea, I did not actually now if it was right or not.

Kelsai: What was it that frustrated you so much about me, Bree?

Bree: Well you and Victor were married very quickly, so fast actually that nobody even knew that the two you were dating and suddenly Victor is introducing you as his wife, after that family was so hesitant to accept me but they accepted you with little question.

Kelsai: Trust me, I still don’t think that my Daddy has completely forgiven Victor and I for how all of that happened at times. But he knows that he doesn’t have any other choice either, because not only is there no going back, but I would take it back if I could. Marrying Victor is the best decision I have made since becoming an adult, and I don’t regret anything about it, including the quickness with we did it.

We each take a bite of our salads and Bree has an odd little smirk on her face, almost like she is trying to figure something out. Maybe not, but I do get that feeling. As a side note, I do need to quit watching Criminal Minds in what little spare time I have because I am trying to figure out too much by reading other peoples’ faces.

Bree: Can I ask why you feel that way?

Is Bree interested in why Victor and I chose to get married so quickly? Even our families have not seemed interested in that, other than to say that we shouldn’t have done it. I smile, because it does feel good to have someone acknowledge that we could have had legitimate reasons for doing things this way rather than just assuming that we were going to jump into marriage haphazardly.

Kelsai: Nobody has ever asked me about that, but Victor and I didn’t want anyone spending lavish amounts of money even though both of our families could because there are some things in life that are much more important to spend money on than a wedding. What really mattered two both of us was how we felt about each other, and that really was love at first sight, as corny as it may sound.

Bree: Well I would say that the two of you have proven everyone wrong who said that the two of you should have waited, myself included. What’s it been, over two years now? Personally, I have no interest in ever getting married again, but you and Victor have a relationship that works? More power to you.

I have been telling everyone that Bree and I can still be friends, but the fact that she respects my marriage to Victor now even while she doesn’t care for marriage herself? Now that is a revelation. That also gives me the perfect opportunity to ask questions about my Mom.

Kelsai: I need to be honest and say though, that I wonder how my Mom would have reacted to that decision that Victor and I made to get married.

Bree: Kay? Sure, I think that she would have questioned it, but she was your Mom. What kind of Mom is going to see her daughter marry a man after only knowing him for a couple of days and not question that?

Kelsai: I agree, though I admit that I wonder what she would have to say about a lot of things that I have done already in my life, and things that are still happening in my life as well. I always have adopted Mom, my Mama as it is and I go to Amy for a lot of advice too. But since finding out about her, one of the hardest things in all of this is the fact that I cannot go to my Mom for advice if I wanted to, when I needed it.

Taking another sip from her tea, Bree nods, understanding what I am saying.

Bree: The first thing you need to understand about your Mom from my perspective is that she moved to New York when I was 13 years old, so that was the last time that I got to see her.

Kelsai: So, all of the memories that you have of Mom then, are from a young girl’s perspective?

Bree: Yeah. I don’t know what that does for you honestly, but that is the best I can give you.

I try to keep my composure, but I am sure that there was a huge smile across my face that gave my excitement away.

Kelsai: No, no. that is perfect actually. When I talk to Amy about Mom, I always hear about Mom from her best friend’s perspective and don’t get me wrong I love that. I have the suspicion that Amy and my Mom were a lot alike too, sometimes it is almost asking Amy certain questions is almost like asking my Mom. But I never had my Mom from the perspective of a young girl looking up to her, and yes, I do wonder what that was like.

Bree: From what I remember of Amy and Kay together when I was little, they were very alike. They were as close as sisters. I can also tell you that Kay was one of the most caring and compassionate women that I have ever met. She was one of the main people trying to help Amy get away from her first husband, the one that was abusive to her. In that sense, it was a no brainer for me when I found out that you were Kay’s daughter.

Kelsai: What do you mean a no brainer?

Bree: Just that I can see a lot of Kay in you. She put other people first a lot of times, something that the world can see in you. It’s honestly something that I question you being involved in professional wrestling a little bit.

Kelsai: You don’t think that I have what it takes to be a successful professional wrestler?

I certainly hope that I am wrong, but I think that I might have offended Bree making that last statement.

Bree: Don’t be ridiculous ok? You are a two-time Television Champion. You have proven yourself and physically you are gifted, there is no doubt about that watching you. For me though, I have questioned your demeanor at some points, maybe thinking that you are too nice for your own good. There is nothing wrong with telling people that you love them if that is your thing and it is obviously yours. But sometimes you need to just tell people how you really feel about things, rather than giving people only what is on the surface.

Kelsai: It is funny to me that you would say that right now, because Amy and Victor both have been encouraging me to speak up when I have an opinion about something in wrestling. It is something that I am considering.

Bree: I don’t think that is a bad idea at all, but I get the impression that you might not be exactly comfortable doing it?

Kelsai: Like I said, it is something that I am considering, I really don’t know how I feel about it, honestly. Sometimes I feel like there are just so many things that I would really like to let lose about, but then I wonder am I still being true to myself and what got me here if I do that. Because while I realize that everyone changes over time, I don’t want to alienate all of the fans just because I have an opinion, if that makes sense?

And now a look I had seen many times before in her promos as Bree smirked at me a little.

Bree: I can definitely understand where you are coming from. I was like that when I first started wrestling with VWA. I didn't want to rock the boat, so to speak. I know that your connection with the fans is important too. I also believe that right now you might be holding yourself back unintentionally because you don’t want to make people mad at you, but sometimes you have to be willing to let people hear your opinions even if it upsets them, because holding things in really isn't healthy.

Kelsai: Yes, I know that as I start to gain a more prominent position in the company that people will be expecting me to speak out about certain things too. It just feels like something that once I start telling people how I feel there is no going back from again.

Bree: No, there is no going back from it, but I don’t really think that you will want to go back. I think you are scared to tell you the truth, and I also can tell that you do not like change.

I smiled slightly finishing my salad as I did and realizing that Bree was even better at reading people that I thought. Either that or I am just an incredibly easy read, because right now she was reading me like a book that she wrote herself.

Kelsai: Am I that obvious? No, I do not like change.

Bree: No, you are not obvious, but as I said, you remind me of me when I started out. Always wanting to please the fans, not wanting to get anyone mad.

Kelsai: So, what changed then Bree, what changed you?

I saw her roll her eyes and immediately I knew that this conversation was turning to something less pleasant in her eyes, something she did not wish to discuss. I could hear the contempt dripping from her voice in what she said next.

Bree: Not what, who. Blake.

Kelsai: We don’t have to discuss Blake. I make no qualms about the fact that he is my brother as far as I am concerned, but I am also mindful of the fact that he is your ex-husband and it could get very uncomfortable for you to talk about so there is no need for us to do that. There is something else I would like to discuss with you anyway.

I saw Bree’s eyes soften, she checks the time on her phone, and I was hopeful that I had gotten her back. In that instance, I realized that I never want to be upsetting Bree, because I have a feeling that Bree can be very cold blooded if she wants to.

Bree: Sure, I have a little bit more time, what is on your mind?

Kelsai: With everything that I have accomplished so far in wrestling, and what I might accomplish in the future, how do you think my Mom would see my career?

Bree pauses, finishing her salad and then she gives me the most true, genuine smile which I am thankful for.

Bree: I have no doubt that your Mom would be very proud of what you have accomplished both in your career and in your life as well.

This ringing endorsement was completely unexpected, and it chokes me up a little, but I hold back.

Kelsai: Thank you, that means a lot to me to hear you say that, similar to when Amy says something like that to me.

Bree: You're welcome, but realize too that as proud as she would be of all you have accomplished so far, I also think she wouldn't want you to be afraid to speak your mind. She was always telling Amy to stop being afraid of Blane, Amy probably got that whole "be brave" thing from her. I think she'd tell you that, to be brave with sharing your thoughts.

Kelsai: Yes, you are probably right. After all, you did know her.

Bree: Kay would love the fact that you are such a compassionate woman, but now she would want to see that you confident enough in yourself to speak your mind about things going on in professional wrestling too. Just think about it. You are intelligent enough to do this without like you said alienating the fans.

I smile slightly and nod, knowing that Bree is right, even while still wavering on what it is that I need to do, and maybe more important if I should start this getting ready for Retribution. Bree checks the time again after the waiter has brought back the bill, and she starts to get up. Seeing this, I start to get up also.

Bree: I need to go, but this was nice. Time to get ready for tonight. You have a big match too. We will have to do it again maybe when we both have a moment sometime.

I am really stoked to hear her say that. Without even thinking about it, I come up to Bree and wrap my arms around her in a hug. I can tell that this was not expected, however I was surprised when Bree started to hug me back, though minus the enthusiasm that I have. What can I say, I am a hugger!

Kelsai: Absolutely you bet that we should, I had a great time! Tonight is going to be unbelievable!

And at that point Bree and I part ways and I am feel very good about what I have found out about my Mom going out to the car. It was going to be a great ride back to Bridgestone Arena getting ready for SCW Breakdown.

[b]I Won’t Back Down

Hello my lovelies in Memphis and around the world!

How many of you are ready for some Retribution? I have to say honestly that I will try not to get to fired up as technically this is the night before, or Retribution Eve as it were in SCW. At least there is not something called a Retribution Santa Claus that comes and visits all of the fans tonight here around the world. Granted, almost everyone who believes in him likes Santa Claus, but that would just be a little weird honestly. Almost as weird as me shooting this promo indoors, because initially I was going to film this on location outside at Graceland, what was the home of The King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley. The it started raining tonight however, and that made the decision for me that I would filming this promo inside instead of outside, I hope that you don’t mind.

Tonight, would have been the perfect opportunity to film outside at Graceland, because with all of the fears and uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus there were almost no tourists at Graceland. I have been to Memphis several times before and to see almost no tourists at Graceland is truly astonishing, but that just tells you how seriously people are taking this coronavirus. In fact, starting tomorrow I found out today that Graceland is going to be closed to tourists completely, something I don’t think has ever been done before, but these are truly unprecedented times. I know that extra precautions are being taking this entire weekend to ensure the safety and security of both the fans and the SCW wrestlers as well. Incidentally, if you had a ticket for Retribution but are not feeling well now and experiencing flu type symptoms, please stay home. While we certainly want each and every one of you to be here with us having an incredible time this evening, we want to make sure to put everyone health and well-being first, and so we thank you for doing your part.

That is something that SCW is going to have too, everyone doing the part to make Retribution the huge success that it is every year. Nearly every SCW Championship is going to be one the line, and even the matches that do have superstars competing for championship have a lot riding on them. For example, my friend Alistaire Allocco faces my brother Blake Mason. Do you think that I am going to watching while that one is going on? You had better believe that I am. Alistaire is a wizard in the ring, having already won the SCW World Championship twice, and can beat anyone in this company on any given day. But he will be facing a man who I think is this best wrestler in SCW not to have ever won the SCW World Championship, Blake Mason. Are my views of the skills that these two men possess just a little bias because one is my friend and the other is my brother? Sure, I will give you that, it could be a possibility. However, I am telling you everyone you are going to be in for a real treat when these two get into the ring with one another and try to find out who is the better man tonight. The difference in the way that each man goes about his business though could be as different as night and day despite the fact the that I will say here and now I certainly hope that this is not the case.

In Ali you have a man that will not break the rules no matter what, a fact that even has his Dad Adam and him at odds a lot of the time, because Adam would rather his son win a match by hook or by crook if you know what I mean. I became so frustrated by Adam’s treatment of Ali early this week that I had some rather choice words for Adam trying to defend Ali, though I am not sure that made to much of a difference. With my brother (or yes technically my brother-in-law) Blake, there is a bigger chance that he will step over the line and break some of the rules, but I really wish that were not the case, because Blake does not have to do that in order to win. I really believed it moments ago when I said that Blake is the best wrestler in SCW not to win the SCW World Championship, and there are a lot of people on the roster that could make claim to that. I only hope that Blake will do the right thing on this night, wrestle a match that I know he is capable of and we will see one of these guys come out the true victor, rather that someone needing to cheat to win, because I know that both of these men are better than that.

As for my match on this card which is absolutely stacked from top to bottom, all I can say is I am incredibly pumped about this match, and even a little nervous too. Though I must admit that in a perfect world for me that my SCW Television Championship would be on the line, rather than it not. That is because this match is a match I have built up in my mind for almost eight months now, because I am going to get to go one-on-one with the one and only, Alistaire’s girlfriend and my good friend Peyton Rice!

I say that I have built it up in my mind for the last eight months because if you will remember Peyton and I have faced off on pay-per-view before, because last year headlining the Rise to Greatness Pre-show, it was Peyton who was on an incredible roll, defending her SCW Television Championship against yours truly, which is why I said that I wanted to return the favor and put the title on the line in the rematch, but the powers that be decided otherwise. That is just one of the many things that is different between Peyton and I this time around though, isn’t that right Peyton?

Going into the match last summer you were on quite a roll, there is no doubt about that. You had already defended the SCW Television Championship four times before you were defending it against me in that match, and you would defend it another eight times afterward before you would finally lose the belt to Aaron Blackbourne, who nearly beated James Evans to win the SCW World Championship at the Trios Tournament last month. Me? Lets be honest, some people were even questioning whether or not I had the right to even be involved in Rise to Greatness weekend, and it could be considered valid when you stop to realize that my first match was at the Breakdown leading up to Taking Hold of the Flame.

You were not one of the people though, were you Peyton? Rather than doubt me you saw the potential that I possessed and so you walked into my locker room and offered me the match. At that time, we were not the good friends we have become now, in fact we barely even knew one another. Peyton Rice was at the point so much better than I was, but if she was going to offer me this tremendous opportunity on the grandest stage of them all then I was going to do everything in my power to give you the match that Peyton Rice and Rise to Greatness weekend truly deserved. Believe me to, I did everything I could to get ready for that match and when it was time? You won that match, but I think that I surprised a lot of people that night giving you everything I had while just coming up a little short. People that watched that match said that I put myself on the map that night in SCW, but at the same time you were on another level Peyton.

Fast forward nearly eight months later and you could see just how much things have changed between you and I. We are good friends now, friends who became good friends when we were a part of Team Ace in the Trios Tournament Buy-In match, a match that I scored the pinfall for our team over Syren no less. But then just as quickly my moment in the spotlight was gone when another of our teammates on Team Ace, Jordan Majors caught me by surprise, and I was gone in the fatal four-way almost before it had begun. That is the way that things have been going for me recently though, I will show flashes of brilliance like beating Katie Steward or Damian Angel to win the SCW Television Championship, but then losing it to Jake Starr without even defending it successfully one first. Not that there is anything to be ashamed of at all by losing to Jake Starr, I mean he is only a Supreme Champion. But I did kind of want to defend my first championship in SCW successfully once before losing it. That just shows how inconsistent I have been though, with the only thing I have done with any kind of consistency is to be inconsistent.

However, the only thing that I have never done is questioned is whether or not I have wanted to be a part of this business that we call professional wrestling, something that I have wondered at times, if that is happening to you Peyton. Not that I or anyone else can blame you, because you have definitely been put through the wringer but professionally and personally as few ever have before. Since our match last summer, you have lost Ricky Octavius who you were still close with, had your joy repeatedly stolen by Adam Allocco, the whole Damian Angel situation that just gets stranger and stranger and included him trying to gift you the Television Championship belt back, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. I have seen say some very Un-Peyton like things from you on twitter though and so I decided I would return the favor and Challenge you to a match this time.

The big difference between last summer and now though is I despite being inconsistent am a lot better of a wrestler now than I was eight months ago, I am getting better all of the time too, and sadly I am not sure you are Peyton. I want to be wrong, I how I want desperately to be wrong. I want to get into the ring with you tomorrow night and have show me and everyone else who is there in attendance that you are still one of the very best in the world. That you can have a match with me like the kind of match that I can dream of every time I think about wrestling, the kind of match that fans bring there kids to the show and together we can help them to make memories for them. I want the kind of match that is what I am talking when I say that little girls will come and years later when they have little girls of their own who ask them why they because professional wrestling fans, they can say to them, Kelsai Adamson-Mason vs Peyton Rice Retribution 2020, that is why I became a fan.

I want the two of us to really show everyone around the world under a cloud of this coronavirus, what I mean when I say…


…and let everyone, everywhere be able to forget about the coronavirus and everything else that might be bothering them and instead remember what it is like to have a good time and cheer for the of the brightest stars that professional wrestling has to offer, at least for one night.

Sadly though Peyton while I know that you can do it, you certainly possess the capable, sadly I just don’t think that you are in the correct head space to do so right now, but I am going to do everything I can to try and pull that type of match; the type of match I want, the type of match the fans want, and the type of match the you need out of you because Peyton?

You might be my very good friend, and I might love you very much but come tomorrow night, I need you to be at your very best, because then it will really mean something when I defeat tomorrow night at Retribution, reminding everyone everywhere that I am on the way of and it really means something when all of those fans and I say…


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