Konrad Raab vs Katie Steward, Steel Cage Match
3 RP Limit for singles; 4 RP Limit for tag

Deadline: 5 PM ET Saturday, April 18, 2020
SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "A Lion's Den with a Fighter and a Goddess"

{The episode starts in Los Angles, California at Katie Steward’s Church of her Lady Goddess. The scene opens to a shot of Katie with her back to the back standing at her altar. She is wearing her religious style ring robe. She holds her own special crucifix in her hand that dangles around her next and he Goddess prayer beads wrapped around the other hand.}

{TJ Johnson stands in the middle of the aisle dressed in a nice black suit.}

Katie Steward: How can they do this to me? Konrad wants a cage match against me? All I did was try and help him. All I do is try to help everyone. To spread the message of the Goddess to the people. Why do they resist me? Why don’t they want my help?

TJ Johnson: It’s truly disgusting how they treat you, Katie. Konrad challenging you to a cage match. Like he is some kind of an alpha predator trapping his prey.

Katie Steward: I know. If he thinks he’s going to get one over on me well he doesn’t know Katie Steward at all. In fact, I know a great story. A story that prove why Konrad is a fool for rejecting the Goddess and why Katie Steward will excel inside of a cage. TJ! Prepare a live stream on Youtube. I have a sermon to prepare for the people.

TJ Johnson: Got it.

{TJ walks over to the side of the of the altar where they have some electronic equipment set up. TJ opens his laptop up and sets up a webcam on her podium for her sermon. Katie walks up to her podium. She fixes her robe and her hair making sure she is ready for her people. She is now ready and she give her signal for TJ and he clicks the Go Live button.}

Katie Steward: Hello to everyone watching out there in the world. In this trouble time that we’re living in. We want anything to take our minds off of things. So thank you for joining today and welcoming the Goddess into your lives. I have a story I’d like to tell and hoping it’ll take your mind off real world troubles.

{Katie pauses for a few seconds as she lets the viewers take a minute to get themselves ready. She tabs the screen on her ipad on the podium and swipes the screen to bring up the story.}

Katie Steward: This is a story about feminism. A woman in a man’s world. Who says no and is punished and sentence to death. If you’re wondering what this has to do with my match at Cold Blooded. You’ll see. There is a message there.

{Katie looks down at her ipad and begins reading from the story and the scene fades out.}


{The scene opens to an ancient city in Europe in the B.C. time period. Madison Steward is shown walking through a crowd market. She is dressed in the appropriate clothing of that time and a scarf around her head.}

Katie’s Storytelling: This is a story of a young woman whose just having a normal day. Just shopping for her family for groceries at the local marketplace.

{Maddy walks over to a fruit cart and checks on fruit for her purchase. Making sure nothing is bruised or over ripped.}

Katie’s Storytelling: Though her beauty attracted some unwanted attention.

{A man approaches Maddy and forcibly grabs her hand and pulls her away from the food cart. Maddy spins around and slaps the man across the face.}

Katie’s Storytelling: The woman didn’t like the man putting his hands on her so she gave him a slap for his behavior. The man now embarrassed by the slap. He has the law men take the woman away and lock her away.

{The man enraged and embarrass makes a scene in the crowded marketplace shaming the woman. A couple of lawmen make their way over to check on the commotion. The man tells them lies and makes up a story painting the woman in a bad light. She tries to speak up, but it is no use. They gave the woman and halt her off and lock her.}

Katie’s Storytelling: Now the woman is locked away. Not allowed to see her family. Probably sentence to death. All because she embarrassed a man and he lied. I know you’re wondering what this has to do with my Cold Blooded match. Is Konrad Raab lying? Do I feel like my truth isn’t being heard? The story is not over yet.

{The woman was taken and released inside of a lion’s den. She is locked inside and has to walk into it’s den. Maddy clings to the wall as she steps out into the open area with several lions laying around. She has several spectators watching on. She sees her way out on the other end of the den through the impossible path of hungry lions. The lions notice her and they sit up.}

Katie’s Storytelling: It looks like our young lady is done for. She’s going to be ripped to shreds by a pride of hungry lions.

{Something strange begins to happen. Suddenly the lioness move in and stand in between the lions and the young woman. They lay down protecting the woman giving her the opportunity to run to the other end of the den and escape.}

Katie’s Storytelling: It was a miracle by the Goddess that she is looking out of her women.

{Katie taps her ipad sending it into sleep mode.}

Katie Steward: This is the message I have for my Cold Blooded match against Konrad Raab. You’re throwing Katie Steward into a cage and think the fighter is going to get want he wants. The hungry lion is doing to devour it’s prey. The Goddess is going to look out for me. She will protect me. This isn’t my first cage match. Konrad isn’t the first person to think that he’s going to get one over on me and get want he wants. With the Goddess Moon that shine bright earlier this month and I have been rejuvenated. Nothing is going to stop me now from getting the Tag Team titles. That Konrad’s problem is. He might be frustrated with how I do things. What he needs to understand is nothing is going to stop me from this. I’ve been empowered by the Goddess now. So the fighter is going to be my prey inside of this cage.

{Katie bows her head down finishing her sermon to the viewers watching on the stream. The video and the episode end.}
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Talking to Fizz about today's anger management session. Anaheim, California. Saturday 28th March. (Off Camera)

All-day since Konrad got home from anger management session yesterday; he had been spending the time with his kids, something he rarely ever got since he signed up for other companies, keeping him a very busy man. Konrad hadn't said a word to Fizz about how things went yesterday as he was busy, taking the kids out to the park and keeping them active. However, the other part of the distraction was him playing for the LA Galaxy reserves team, which always was a side hobby for him.

It's been a while Fizz came down to watch Konrad play soccer as she wasn't a fan of the sport, but she knows how stressed Konrad's been since the whole incident with Kate Steward, making him lose his complete mind over it. Konrad's still pissed off with the entire event, and he has had to hold his anger back a lot when he's home, not losing it in front of his children who have never seen or heard Konrad's anger.

Tends to let it out when they aren't around. Konrad after his kids were tucked in bed and fell asleep straight away, his mood changes from being happy and giddy to being shaky, having his fist ready, clenching his teeth. Fizz slightly touched Konrad's back but flinched in case Konrad lets loose on Fizz.

As they were sitting on their bed, Konrad contentiously shakes his head, shaking his fist as well, preparing for anything that can come to him. He rubs his fist, sniffing it as if something smelt rancid on his fist. It's clear to Fizz; she has concerns about the mind Konrad has in his head, especially when he rocks back and forth.

Fizz Raab: “Stop it; you're scaring me.”

Konrad Raab: “I can't help it.”

Fizz Raab: “That's not the only thing you make an excuse about, is it? What about your anger? I heard what you did at anger management, trying to strangle someone? What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?”

Konrad Raab: “If you were there, you'd understand why I held him up to his throat. It's the same kind of crap as Katie did, only more malicious. The psychotic guy said he was going to kill you, well it would've been if I didn't dash over there to choke him out before he finished the sentence.”

At least he admitted he did wrong, but Fizz shook her head, complete disbelief Konrad could do something like that to anyone. Fizz moved away from Konrad a tad bit in a case of her mind, Konrad lashes out. Fizz didn't touch Konrad because of the outbursts he could have in the home, but she wanted to.

Fizz Raab: “Did you learn anything in that session about your anger?”

Konrad Raab: “No, but it's my first session.”

Fizz Raab: “Oh, not telling me about you needing four to six months worth of sessions. Is that right?”

Konrad Raab: “It was hell. I don't want to go anymore.”

Fizz Raab: “The reason why those guys went at you is to see how anger you can get. Now, I know you don't know when your anger starts, even the anger management therapist told me that, but you need to learn fast before you do anymore harm on yourself, your friends and your family.”

Konrad Raab: “I will never lash out on you or our kids, OK? Do you honestly think my kids would've heard my anger by now if I did? I was defending, for you. Like I always do in wrestling because that's love.”

An anger tone of voice, the way he spoke to Fizz, although there was no word of denying how much he loved Fizz and as it seems from the previous PPV, he would do anything to defend her and his family's honour. That's more important to Konrad than winning matches. Konrad still shakes his whole body, still having that fist, smelling it.

Fizz Raab: “Also, what your doing of smelling your fist scares me. There's nothing I can smell that's odd.”

Konrad Raab: “It will be soon when I get my hands on Katie Steward for a PPV match at Cold Blooded.”

Fizz Raab: “Oh no, you're having these violent dreams again, aren't you?”

Konrad nodded, each time he gets upset about something, especially when it was personal, he gets these violent dreams where nothing, but hurting people and making them suffer was all Konrad thought about, except when he was with his kids. Fizz knew the intense fantasies were getting worse, more as she says this.

Fizz Raab: “I knew you were, just from laughing evilly and how you want to make Katie suffer. That's why you need to take your tablets, something I know you haven't been doing. I'm disappointed.”

Konrad Raab: “When Katie played a trick on us to fool me you were giving birth, I wanted and needed to have violent dreams. I'm going to get a rematch against Katie for the Cold-Blooded PPV, and if she runs from me continuously, I will ask for a violent match. It's not over until I say it is. It's not over until I have Katie's blood-covered on my fist.”

Fizz Raab: “That's an excuse of not taking your tablets. I don't want you dreaming any more violent thoughts and tonight, you will take those tablets, and I will not go to sleep until you do. No more evil laughs, no more blood, and hurting Katie thoughts. Nothing, but a man who I want to sleep and hug at night. I can't hug or touch you right now because I'm scared you're going to hurt me.”

That got Konrad right down on his knees, for the first time since the incident, Konrad poured some tears down his face, after hearing Fizz and sounded like she was in pain of her fears of Konrad hurting her if she touched or hugged him. Konrad's anger was getting worse, but things will get worse before they get better.

Konrad Raab: “Is that why you haven't been speaking to me, until now?”

Fizz Raab: “Yes. I want to feel you, I want to touch you, and I want to calm you down, but at the same time, scared you're going to hurt me.”

Konrad shook his head, although understandable as it's proven Konrad could get angry without the masks, more and more often, but Konrad doesn't know he's able to, mainly because he has never been angry without the masks. Konrad wipes tears from his eyes and sits on the bed. Konrad closes his eyes, taking deep breathes before going to do the one thing Fizz was desperate for, a hug, a chance for her to touch him without Konrad freaking out as Fizz smiled.

Fizz Raab: “I'm sorry.”

Konrad Raab: “Don't be. I rather you tell me how you feel than hiding it.”

Fizz Raab: “That's why I told you because that's what I want for you to tell me when your angry, so I know what I can help you with. I want to help you combat your secretive anger, you try to hide. Because you hold it in too much, you will learn all about that in your anger management sessions, why you explode the way you do, why you punch referees and why you choke guys out. So, about Terrence, he's coming to every one of your matches on Wednesday?”

Konrad Raab: “Yeah. Not sure why.”

Fizz Raab: “It's because he wants to know more about your anger, what makes you tick? What makes you explode the way you do and how for you to realise it before it happens. Also, Terrence told me he does it with everyone in the group, seeing them at work to witness the same thing. He isn't a bad guy.”

Konrad shrugged his shoulders; he hasn't seen anything good about Terrence, not as of yet anyway. He didn't want to admit about his anger because he isn't good at acknowledging it, especially all his life, Konrad wasn't allowed to be angry, he wasn't allowed to defend himself due to his dad. He laughs evilly again, sniffing his fist and says this.

Konrad Raab: “Oh yeah, Katie is going to be broken and blooded alright, when I get my hands on her, and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it.”

Fizz Raab: “Stop it. No more thoughts. Take this now.”

Fizz crosses her arms, waiting for Konrad to take the tablet. He shook his head, but Fizz growled at him, leaving him to take the pill as he does and swallows it with a bottle of water as Fizz smiled, seeing Konrad take the tablet that he'll have no violent dreams tonight. Konrad forces Fizz's hand as he lays on his side of the bed after tucking himself in, as so does Fizz and places her hand on Konrad's chest. 


Terrence's three weeks of observation of Konrad Raab's anger.  Fayetteville, Arkansas. Wednesday 15th April. (Off Camera)

Due to Konrad being in anger management, he has to be observed from his therapist, Terrence Phillips who had to be granted special permission at each show Terrence had to go to, hence why now, he has a backstage pass to get in the shows with Konrad. Terrence walks around Konrad's locker room, waiting for him to come in. Five minutes later, Konrad kicks the door open, showing Terrence how he felt. It didn't seem to concern as much to Terrence who had seen the same incidents as the other clients while they are at work. Konrad seethes like crazy as he screams, forgetting Terrence was in the room.

Terrence Phillips: “I sense women who try to provoke you and your wife get you angry. The fact is, I know you're thinking of hurting people, but is that a thing you should say to innocent people like your opponent tonight?”

Konrad Raab: “Innocent? Tell me how Scarlet Grey is innocent from anything she's done in the ring against me in the past and tonight? Nothing, that's what. She was mocking me, and I've had it up to here on people not understanding me and what my relationship to Fizz means to me.”

Terrence Phillips: “This is what I've been telling you in therapy. People are going to get in your face and say/do something you won't like, but you got to find a way to cope with it.”

Konrad Raab: “Yes, ignoring everything Katie has done to hurt my family and me helps matters. Thanks for the advice.”

There was something about what Konrad said that Terrence hadn't witnessed before as he jots down in his notes, nodding the anger lays within his sarcasm, most likely why Konrad hides his anger, from that.

Terrence Phillips: “Ah, I see how you hide your anger now, your sarcasm. I didn't mean how it sounded. I wish you could find ways to cope with this better than resorting to violence. Are you saying that Jordan Majors deserved the beating she got?”

Konrad Raab: “No. I apologised to her upfront on what I did. The difference is Scarlet knew what she was doing to do everything to throw me off so she'd win the match. She was doing everything to get me that angry.”

Terrence Philips: “However, you did something I thought I'd never see and seems like you listened to me on, stopping yourself. That was the only thing in that match I had a smile on my face. You were going to hit him, but you stopped. Did you breathe in and out, as I told you before the match?”

Konrad Raab: “Yes, I did. I still don't understand why I act like that. I hate myself and my anger. I want this hell to stop. I want to stop myself before I cause myself to be in dangerous situations. I'm a danger to everyone around me.”

Terrence nodded, he senses another thing Konrad hides his anger with, putting himself down, which was even more worrying than sarcasm. Terrence notes down everything he had been saying, also if it was a strange environment for Terrence to be. Terrence sees Konrad removing everything, but his mask. Terrence wasn't concern so much on the mask he wears; he knows the reason for wearing it until he gets to the hotel. 

Terrence Phillips: “Also putting yourself down is a sign of hiding your anger too. It bottles up inside of you, and that's not healthy. The way you exploded on Ace and doing everything to cause hell on those girls, getting one of them to fight you in a cage match isn't a way either to deal with your anger.”

Konrad Raab: “There is no other way, this is a business where people get hurt, and there's nothing I want to do than placing my fists in Katie's face, grinding her face across the cage, tearing her face wide open. I want my fist by the end of this Sunday, covered with blood and smelling her blood too. I will not hold back with my anger. You will see why I hate being angry when you watch me wrestle in a cage on Sunday.”

Terrence Phillips: “You know, Fizz is right; you are out of control with thinking violent thoughts. Look at everything you've done in the past few weeks, everything with you is violent, thoughts and even your actions. You need to control yourself before you go out doing it in the streets and get sent to jail for it. You're rushing to hurt people, even some who don't deserve it.”

Terrence nodded his head, although Konrad didn't want to hear it because he was still angry with Katie doing what she did. Katie got him this angry and Terrence wrote down what the commentators said about Konrad he agrees with them.

Terrence Phillips: “The commentators said something true, as much as I disapprove you needing a cage match to hurt someone, you need the cage match to find out more about your anger. It's not just to win a match, but to find the angry Konrad from inside of you, discovering your anger will only help you throughout this process. You will learn more about your anger than you think.”

Konrad Raab: “I still don't understand it. Anyway, I'll see you on Friday for a quick group session; I think I need to tell everyone the real me.”

Terrence Phillips: “Along with the actions you've done in wrestling and even today how you controlled yourself. It's baby steps at the moment, but we need to work you on that more, but that cage match, I truly think you will learn more about your anger self the outside and the inside of you.”

Konrad nodded as he just wanted to leave before he causes any more harm on wrestlers around him, even those who don't deserve it as Konrad places everything, but his mask in his bag and zips it up, place the bag over his shoulder and walks out of the locker room to head straight towards the hotel room and because of his anger, making him so tired lately, he takes his clothes off in his hotel room and falls straight on the bed, covering himself up to close his eyes to sleep.


Anger management session part 2. Las Vegas, Nevada. Friday 17th April (Off Camera)

Since Konrad started attending the anger management sessions, he still wasn't liked from many people, apart from the sports guy who Konrad had been speaking to on the phone, since they couldn't do meetups, due to Konrad's schedule. Everyone's sitting in a circle, even Konrad who listened to everyone with their ways of how they lose control, even stories about how they got here, how they were sent here, from courts, from their parents or wives or in Konrad's case, his doctor.

Konrad after the last three sessions he's had has been hard, even if the scruffy guy known as Colin and the psychotic guy who's name was unknown at this point. If there's one thing with Konrad and his anger, he saw that everyone swears when they are angry, Konrad doesn't. Everyone took turns to speak, even if Konrad had been quiet the last few sessions until Terrence talks about Konrad as he does now.

Terrence Phillips: “As for Konrad, I've witnessed what he does with his job the last three shows I've attended, and I let him tell you the story of things that have been happening, for those who haven't watched wrestling.”

Konrad Raab: “Yeah, I've learnt a lot on Wednesday on how I hide my anger. I hide it behind sarcasm and beating myself up on things. Terrence told me both of those things are cousins of anger which I didn't know about.”

Terrence Phillips: “Don't you forget your actions in the ring?”

Konrad Raab: “Right. I'm not proud of what I did in the ring against Jordan Majors, especially. She's a nice girl, but I hurt her more than she deserved. I apologised up front to her like a man. I've not coped with my anger very well. A week after that, let's say I was unleashing violence towards my enemy, rather my enemies family members. I used my violence, putting the hurting on them for everything they've ever done to hurt me and my wife because they were using them for their damn play.”

Psychotic guy: “Yeah because you are pathetic, you're wife is even more patheti............

Konrad goes closer to the guy and has his fist in his face, but as Terrence told him, he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before he goes to take a seat. He breathes in and out, showing some nerves, talking in front of the class of his anger. He continues to speak.

Konrad Raab: “I even dreamt being violent and having my fist smell of Katie Steward's blood, covered all over it. Because I was so angry she got out of dodge each time I've tried to attack her, all I thought was being violent and messing her up good, so I challenged her in a cage match this Sunday.”

Porn girl: “But violence is never the answer to our problems.”

Terrence Phillips: “It's not, and I've always said that, but as I discovered in the last three shows, the commentators said he needs to be violent and needing to get this match over and done with. The reason for that is unlike all of you, Konrad needs to understand his anger from inside of him. He doesn't get why he explodes and thinks violent thoughts, but the cage match, it will help him discover his anger and find out more about it.”

Konrad Raab: “Yeah, that. Then I got angry again, but this time some girl named Scarlet Grey pressed my face against her chest, telling me everything she'll never change or walks away with looks. I don't mean to say this in a bad way, Hannah, but she'd be perfect for your job cos flashing her body is what she always does in the ring.”

Young bald tattooed man: “I wouldn't mind if Scarlet did that to me. Damn, that would be hot.”

Konrad Raab: “But you also don't have a wife and kids. She knew what she was doing, and I did everything I could to hurt her. I even said things I'll do to her with pure violence. The loss doesn't mean as much to me as it was to Scarlet. My family come before my wrestling career. I still haven't gotten over being lied to by Katie from fake doctors, doing a movie about it. It's sick.”

Terrence nodded, although Konrad did leave one thing out as due to Konrad, talking quite a lot about his time in the ring since he was in anger management, as Terrence looks at everyone and addresses what Konrad missed out.

Terrence Phillips: “What Konrad didn't say was during the match against Scarlet, although he was vicious and violent, he also was going to punch the referee, but he stopped himself. Because I told him before the match, if you think about knocking the referee, take a few deep breaths and put your fist down. He did just that, and that's only baby steps for Konrad, but an improvement nevertheless.”

Everyone in the room claps as they always do if someone achieved something that Konrad did, although he shakes his head, not proud of him almost hitting the referee again. He looks on the floor, although the sports and young bald tattooed guy pat him across his back, although the sports guy whispered on things will be fine. Konrad nodded.

Konrad Raab: “I may be here for four to six months, but I know one thing is for sure, I will end this, painful as possible and I will walk in here, not only a win on my back but hopefully, understand and learn more of my anger, finding it inside of me and discover it. At the same time, gives me a chance to seek revenge on everything Katie has done with me and my wife these last two weeks. It ends in New Orleans on Sunday night. No more distractions from my in-ring career.”

Porn girl: “I don't agree with violence on women, but seeing you have to as apart of your job, good luck.”

Sports guy: “Same here.”

Psychotic guy: “Yeah, I wait for Konrad to lose once again and to be pathetic, just as sham......................”

Konrad had enough as he rushes right over to the psychotic guy and places his hand around the psychotic guy's throat as Konrad says this.

Konrad Raab: “If you ever say one more nasty word about my wife, you will pay for the consequences in a boxing gym. Either that or you learn to respect my wife and me.”

Terrence Phillips: “Let Dean go. Going to jail will not help matters, and you won't be able to wrestle Kate in the ring. Take everything that Dean says as an advantage to your match.”

Konrad Raab: “You're right.”

Konrad removes his hand from Dean's throat and goes to sit in a corner to give himself time to rest as he was told. He saw others the last few weeks were doing the same thing or some say gooseflabba, but with Konrad, it's too early for that. Konrad needed to learn about his anger before learning to control it, and the match on Sunday will do just that. Five minutes of taking a deep breath in and out, he comes back to join the group and discuss other issues the guys had, although one of them blacked out in front of their boss of firing them. 

Konrad got a little frightened at that, especially the guy yelled from the top of his lungs. After that, it was finished as Konrad stood up in shame, disappointed he resorted to strangling Dean once again. Dean went to Konrad, and he said this.

Konrad Raab: “Don't even talk to me.”

Dean: “I'm not going to say anything horrible. I'm apologising for pushing your limits.”

Konrad Raab: “The truth is, I needed that because I need to learn how to cope with people like that in wrestling. I wish I didn't care, but I do. Don't apologise; I should for trying to kill you. I don't understand my anger, and I'm going to understand it on Sunday.”

Dean: “It's all good.”

Unlike the first session Konrad was set aside, this time like the other three sessions, Konrad could go home the same time as the others. He had no time to hang around as he got a taxi from outside of the therapy as requested and got straight to Las Vegas airport, flying straight to New Orleans. As soon as Konrad arrives in New Orleans, goes through security and grab his checked luggage before getting a taxi straight to his hotel. He checks himself in before receiving a key to get to his hotel room and the elevator. As he got in his hotel room, he dropped all of his bags on the floor, taking his clothes off and went straight to bed, straight after a stressful, tiring anger management session a few hours ago.


Ending this with violence once and for all youtube.com shoot (On Camera)

“You heard the term of wrestlers saying this means everything to them? That's precisely the situation I'm in with Katie Steward who still doesn't understand what my family mean to me. She has made me think and do nothing but being violent towards everyone, well mostly the ones associated with her. You wonder why I wanted a cage match, and as I said, I don't ask Sasha a lot to do anything for me, but this was needed for you to face what severe consequences you will receive. 

I wanted a violent match, so it not only prevents you from running away but also to beat the living hell out of you, giving you psychical pain that you've given me and my family mentally. I will do everything it takes that you will not walk away from the same person as you were before.

You can keep hold of those prayer beads because you will be praying you'd never sparked The Iced Rainbow out of me. You keep hold of them and pray you won't get hurt. Praying and doing everything I've wanted to do for a long time isn't the same thing. You weren't helping me with anything, you did the complete opposite, made things worse because you wanted to do a stupid play for your movie, TV series whatever it was.

I've dreamt nothing, but being violent with you because all I've ever wanted to do is bust you wide open. Grinding your skull right on the cage and throwing you multiple times, until you bleed everywhere with my fist, being covered with your blood, me being able to taste it after I've pounded your skull on the mat.

Your Steward family won't be able to do anything once the match is over. Here in New Orleans, things will be over between us because not only I will mess you up so bad that you'll be on a stretcher once the match is over because you deserve every ounce of beating I'll put onto you. You can brag about winning the match at Retribution, you can brag about sending me home early from work, so you have something to be proud of, something you and the acting doctors lied to me about.

I don't like lying pieces of crap like yourself, and you will learn not to mess around with me and especially my family who mean more than anything in the world ever again. You will be beaten to pieces and fear the fact that this angry, pissed off Iced Rainbow will tear you apart, nothing left to give and I won't even leave you room to breathe because not only I will win this match, but I will learn more about my angry self as well.

You make excuses of me attacking women, well if you didn't want to be attacked, not only you shouldn't be in this competitive business, but also shouldn't have messed around with my family. Shouldn't have used my personal life to use for your production show so you can get some gratification over it along with your family because you lack ideas. Tomorrow night at Cold Blooded which ironic, considering the PPV fits The Iced Rainbow perfectly when I'll walk away with your cold blood covered all over my body and crush your skull against turnbuckle posts as well.

I will do everything to make you regret everything you've done with me. I will make sure if I win the match by submission, you will squeal, not letting go of a submission hold until the referees pull me off you. I'm a wild beast you woke up from the risen or pinning you for the three count or the possibility of climbing out of the cage after your body is broken in half to win this match. Prepare to be Iceinated by The Iced Rainbow.”
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

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