JaMarcus Avery vs. Asher Hayes
SCW Television Championship

2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Tuesday, November 24, 2020
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
Authors Note: Good luck bro


May 17th, 2020
AT&T Stadium 
Dallas, Texas. 

JaMarcus Avery wasn’t slated to compete on the 17th of May. His GCW Resurrection experience was action packed two nights ago. He competed in a Global X match. For those not in the know, the Global X consists of  two cables connected to metal structures rising from the four corners of the ring, crossed 15 feet above the middle of the ring to form an X. 5 briefcases. World Title shot in one, mid card title, tag title shot, a Destiny case that gives you the right to require a favor from the “winner” of the Nothing briefcase. Over a year ago he excelled in the brutal contest, winning the Destiny briefcase suspended above the ring. Unfortunately for him, he couldn’t use the contents of the case. The man who won the Nothing case exited the company a short time after. Unfortunately this year for the big man, his aspirations were shattered by a man just as big as him, TD Batterson. A chokeslam through an announce table put an end to JaMarcus' night, on the bright side; his Princess (literal Princess from India) secured one of the briefcases. 

The man once tagged The Evolution of Pro Wrestling showed up on Night 3 of Resurrection weekend to support his girlfriend Chasity Noel (birth name Julia Braddock). Did he approve of her alliance with Mason Van Staton? Definitely not. Mason is a known scumbag, not exactly the salt of the earth. JaMarcus couldn’t pass any serious judgement, in the eyes of many, Princess Nava Farrin was an unbearable narcissist with an undue God complex. What he saw was a woman who gave him a chance to excel when the world had forgotten about him. 

His girlfriend’s fall from grace came via her two allies turning their back on her due to her mistreatment of them over the past couple months. Their opponents took full advantage of the opportunity, one-two-three was the end result. JaMarcus shook his head watching from backstage, he knew who he wanted to blame. 

Mason Van Staton. His girlfriend morphing from Julia Braddock to Chasity Noel was all Mason’s doing. Of course it had to be a Mason. He shares a past with a Mason of his own. JaMarcus didn’t want to typecast all men and women who bore the last name. His experiences showed him a clear pattern. Chastity assured him she would handle this. Sighing, he told Chastity he would trust her to rectify the situation once and for all. 

JaMarcus later found out that some situations were beyond his control. 

A double breasted suited JaMarcus was standing in the catering area. All he wanted was a cup of coffee. Before he could fill the styrofoam cup up with one of his favorite beverages, his attention was pulled away by a familiar voice screaming...

“GET OFF OF ME!” he heard his girlfriend Chasity Noel say. 

JaMarcus turned around in high alert. He grabbed one of the members of the GCW security staff. He pinned the man up against the wall without thinking. 
Staring daggers at him, JaMarcus barked at the man. “Tell your men to stand down!”

JaMarcus felt one man grab at one of his arms. Another man latched on to the other one. As much as they tried to pry JaMarcus off their team member, the big man  was too strong and pissed off to pry off.

“JaMarcus, let him go.” Chastity called out to her boyfriend. 

Her pleas fell on death ears. JaMarcus pins his forearm into the security guards throat. Before he could apply any pressure, he felt a wave of more men stopping him from collapsing their co-workers' windpipe.JaMarcus pulled away. He looks at the army of security prepared to use lethal force if necessary. 

“I don’t have a choice...” Chastity cried out. 

JaMarcus finally turned his attention to her. She was on the other side of the wall of security. He couldn’t physically console her. 

“We can fix this.” JaMarcus calmly spoke. 

She shakes her head. “No... this is all my fault. Remember the contract I signed two days ago? Mason and Glory duped me, they snuck a mental stability clause into my contract, if they don’t deem me mentally fit they can have me committed. Don’t know how that bitch Glory pulled it off. I am going to k--”

“Don’t say another word.” JaMarcus cut her off knowing precisely what Chasity was planning to say. Last thing his girlfriend needed was for witnesses to report anything back to Glory that would strengthen her case against her own sister.  

JaMarcus tossed his hands in the air, indicating he meant no further harm. To demonstrate this point further he backed away from the wall of security. 

“Julia...” he said, not wanting to use the name Mason Van Staton molded her into. “-- go peacefully for now. I’ll fix this.” 

A tear rode down Chastity Noel’s face. “You can’t. I screwed up.”

JaMarcus lowered his head. “So have I.” 

The big man stepped to the side allowing the army of security to do their job. As they passed, JaMarcus did grab Chastity by the hand. Pulling her in for a quick kiss, he turned around, stormed down the hallway. JaMarcus knew what he needed to do. 

Storming through the hallway with a clear mission in mind, he finally reaches the office of one Glory Braddock. In the mood he is in, knocking wasn’t an option. JaMarcus kicked the door in. Stormed into the office. Glory was sitting behind her desk taking a phone call.

Heading straight for the desk, JaMarcus said as calmly as possible. “Glory...”

She looked up at the angry JaMarcus for a glancing second. Lowered her gaze to continue the conversation on the other end. Not in the mood to be blown off, JaMarcus ripped the cellphone from Glory’s grasp. He puts the cellphone to his ear. “Sorry, Glory has to call you back.” 

JaMarcus flips the phone behind him. 

Glory sighs. “You could have waited, mate.”

JaMarcus rolls his eyes. “We’re doing this now!”

Glory chuckles. “You think I’m intimidated by you? I’ve made men bigger and stronger tap or choke up. Don’t think you scare me, mate.”

JaMarcus bends down, places his hands underneath the desk, in one fell swoop he tosses the desk on its side, removing all potential roadblocks between himself and his girlfriend’s sister. She stands up. Many people overlook that Glory is an amazon of a woman. As impressive as her size is, JaMarcus still towers over her at six feet, four inches. He closes the gap between them. With a scowl on his face he barks, “Explain yourself!”   

Glory sighs. “I don’t owe you an explanation, mate.”

JaMarcus rests a hand on Glory’s shoulder. “Start... talking!”

“All I need to do mate is snap my finger, poof, you are out of a job.”

“Please--” JaMarcus scoffs. “-- a man of my size wouldn’t have problems finding employment.”

“True. I doubt Princess Nava would appreciate finding out you are the reason she is sitting on the unemployment line.”

“You wouldn’t. She is an asset to GCW.”

“A so-called asset mate who sat on her ass because she didn’t get what she wanted right away. Spoiled brats like The Princess are what’s wrong with professional wrestling. Considering who you’re sleeping with, whiny brats are your type.” Glory says with a smirk. 

JaMarcus squeezes Glory’s shoulder. She winches in pain. “Why did you have Julia sent away!” 

Glory prys herself from the grip of JaMarcus. She shakes her shoulder to get the blood flowing back to it. “There may be hope for you yet, mate.”

JaMarcus raises his eyebrow. “How do you figure?”

Glory responded back. “You didn’t call my sister, Chastity.” The Best in the World runs her hands through her hair. Sitting back in the chair she crosses her legs. Leaning back into the recliner she continues. “I take no pleasure in what happened tonight, JaMarcus. You should know better than anyone what it is like to do what needs to be done for the greater good. Your Princess. Every person you laid waste to on her behalf was to serve a higher purpose. When she went on strike, you stood by her. Why? You believed in her career at the expense of your career. Knowing my sister I doubt she was pleased with you bending the knee to another woman. But she overlooked it. She knew you found a cause you believed in. One you were willing to fall on your sword for.”  

Glory pauses to let that sink in. JaMarcus didn’t respond, what Glory said is one hundred percent true.

She continues. “I love my sister. What she fails to understand is that there are greater forces at play. The board of directors looked at Julia becoming Chasity Noel in the same light they saw me when I became Gloria Noel. Some of them feared history would repeat itself. I needed to act. I needed to send Julia away to keep my position in the company. Without me, Global Championship Wrestling will go down in flames. My father’s wrestling school wouldn’t have a prosperous future. Professional wrestling needs a leader, JaMarcus. I am that person. Sacrifices need to be made.” 

JaMarcus was unmoved by the passionate speech of Glory Braddock. 

She stands up, approaching JaMarcus, she extends her hand to him. “If it helps mate, I am sending her to the best place on the planet. She’ll get the help she needs.”

JaMarcus doesn’t bother looking at Glory. “As long as Julia falls in line?”

Glory takes her hand back. “All she needs to do is become a Braddock again. She won’t be allowed to have visitors for a while. Nothing personal, for the best, she needs space to come to grips with who she really is.” 

“Don’t you mean who you want her to be to pass off appearances?” 

“Do you want a chance to see her, mate?”

“Yes.” JaMarcus doesn’t hesitate to say. 

“Good. Don’t get on my bad side. I can forgive the damage you have done to my office. Let this be the last time things become... combative mate.”

JaMarcus scoffs. “If it were up to me I would put your head through the wall not once, but twice. Julia needs me to keep my cool. Don’t want to give you an excuse to make her life more of a living hell than you already are. Glad I don’t have family like you.”

JaMarcus storms off. As he is about to leave, Glory calls out to him.

“Instead of blaming me mate, take a long good look in the mirror. Would a good boyfriend allow the woman he loves to fall under the spell of Mason Van Staton? Where were you when she put my father’s wrestling school on the line in a match against Destiny Sky? You had power more than anyone to help my sister fight the corruptive influences that led her to the bad decision making that led to me making a tough decision. Instead of being her rock, you bent the knee to Princess Nava. Ask yourself mate, where are your priorities.”

JaMarcus stands there frozen in place by what Glory said. He doesn’t bother to acknowledge her. In his heart of hearts she didn’t deserve to see the expression on his face. Sighing, the big man storms off down the hallway. 

He sprint down the hall on his way to the parking lot. The odds were slim, he wanted to see if he could catch up with the car that was charged with taking Julia away. Had no idea what kinda car he was looking for. None of that mattered. He needed to catch up to Julia before she was taken away from him. Deep down he knew the answer when he stepped into the parking lot out of breath. Security likely put her in the backseat of a car while he was having his heart to heart with Glory. Exhausted, both mentally and physically, JaMarcus drops down to his knees. His eyes welled up. Tears ran down his face. 

He unleashed a primal scream. 

No one was around to comfort him.


October 28th, 2020
Los Angeles, California. 

JaMarcus burst through the curtain followed by his friend/manager Donovan Cunningham lagging behind. The thrill JaMarcus felt out there in front of a live crowd was truly second to none. Losing his debut match in Supreme Championship Wrestling wasn’t the ideal result, it is step one in a very long process, one he hopes to cash in on when the time is right. His own process is impeded by Donovan who has to run in front of him to slow his progress. 

The normally animated Donovan spits out. “Don’t sweat tonight, dawg. What is important is Owen [Cruze] and Aaron [Blackbourne] felt your presence!! Only a matter of time before you get where you need to be. Baby steps.” Donovan cracks a smile. 

JaMarcus on the other hand is no longer interested in what happened seconds ago, his mind was focused on something else. Or someone else. He sidesteps Donovan. Consumed by his own sense of purpose he storms directly to the person who has captured his attention. 

Glory Braddock. 

A smile creeps on her face. “Last thing I expected was to see you here, mate. I heard Phillips call your name. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to watch the match. I will after I am done making amends to Asher Hayes for being disrespectful last time.”

JaMarcus knows what she is talking about. Glory prioritized her World Championship match with David Helms the week of the Apocalypse pay per view. Since the match with David she has been on a bit of a redemptive tour. The big man wasn’t blind to that. Considering their previous history, all JaMarcus can do is tilt his head to the side. “I won’t keep you long. Julia told me about the conversation you had in England a week ago. Told me you came to an understanding.” 

“Let me guess mate, you’re skeptical.” Glory quickly responded. 

JaMarcus glares at the current SCW Adrenaline Champion. “I can’t afford to let my guard down anymore. After everything you and Mason put Julia through, standing idly by is no longer an option no matter how much Julia insists otherwise. I’m watching you.” 

Glory nods her head; understanding the position JaMarcus is coming from. “I respect that, mate. Don’t blame you. I have been doing a better job showing my family where my priorities are. I made mistakes. There is no excuse for my actions. In time I hope to win Julia’s trust back completely. And yours too, mate.”

“Actions speak louder.” JaMarcus affirms. 

Glory nods. “Couldn’t agree more. Don’t mean to cut this short. I need to get ready for my match. I made Asher a promise I intend to keep. To new beginnings.”  

JaMarcus steps to the side allowing Glory Braddock to pass. He doesn’t bother to watch her walk away. He doesn’t get a spare moment to access what just happened. Donovan joins him. 

“J-Marc--” Donovan pauses for effect. “We’re here on business. Remember. Don’t let Glory distract you.”

JaMarcus pats Donovan on the shoulder. “Julia’s well being is more important. I am not going to allow Glory to interfere with her progress. She needed to know that. What’s done is done. Lets go.”

The big man walks away without giving Donovan a chance to respond. 



The scene opens on a nice sunny day on top of the roof of the Marriott hotel. Donovan Cunningham; wearing a white double breasted suit with a light sky blue button up shirt and blue tie stands to the left of JaMarcus Avery who is wearing blue denim jeans, black boots and is completely shirtless. JaMarcus has his arms folded into his chest. 

Donovan steps slightly forward indicating he will take the lead on this one.   
“Mr. Hayes--” Donovan pauses for effect. “-- you said something to JaMarcus leading into your Tag League match that piqued our interest. You said, and I quote, “I’d want to help you reach your full potential.”

Donovan looks at JaMarcus. The challenger for the Television Championship shrugs his shoulders.  

His manager looks back into the camera. “Now is there anything wrong with that statement? No. Perfectly innocent one would say. Here’s the problem Mr. Hayes. You know who else told JaMarcus they wanted to help him reach his full potential... a con artist years ago who handed JaMarcus one of those neat little pamphlets to join the military. Did the military help JaMarcus reach his full potential?” 

JaMarcus shakes his head. 

Donovan continues. “No. My man was court martial’ed for an offense he didn’t commit.”

“Wanna know who else told JaMarcus they could help him reach his full potential?”

“Blake Mason.” Donovan pauses, allowing that name to hang in the air. “Shortly after JaMarcus was discharged from the military, Blake swooped in. Offered JaMarcus a position as his bodyguard. Paid for wrestling training. Promised JaMarcus back in 2016 he would become the Evolution of Professional Wrestling. The minute my man no longer served a purpose to Blake, discarded. Forgotten. Left to his own devices.”

“There have been plenty of others over the course of the past four years in this sport and over a lifetime who made similar proclamations of helping JaMarcus. Asher, we appreciate the offer; JaMarcus doesn’t need your help. What he wants you to do my friend, when the time comes for JaMarcus to slam you down to the mat with Court Martial, the best thing you can do for your long term health is to STAY DOWN for the one-two-three. Help yourself. No one else will my friend.”

Donovan clears his throat. “In this world there are two kinds of people, givers and takers. JaMarcus was the type of guy who GAVE everything for what he felt was the right cause. Whether it was trying to serve this country. Or to individuals who paid him a king's ransom, all anyone ever sought to do is take. Take JaMarcus’ talents. Take his time. Take his soul. Take. Take. A person can only be taken advantage of for so long before they get tired. JaMarcus finally arrived at the precipice where he is tired of all the nonsense.” 

JaMarcus nods. 

Donovan pushes on. “JaMarcus is a gentle soul. He was bred from birth to honor the Golden Rule, give unto others as you would have them give unto you. The Golden Rule doesn’t always work; now does it? We have our own golden rule... to take, take, take everything WE want. And what JaMarcus wants right now is the SCW Television Championship. Is the Television Championship his end goal?” Donovan shakes his head. “Surely not. The World Heavyweight Champion is the ultimate prize, as it should be. If you are a professional wrestler worth your salt, you should eat, sleep, and breathe the idea of becoming a World Champion. Every legend has to start somewhere. Mark this on your calendar,  the rise of JaMarcus Avery begins off the back of your legend, Asher.” 

“Oh but Donnie, what about all those losses in the Tag League? I can anticipate some wise ass Asher Hayes fan on social media tweeting.” Donovan scoffs. “Here’s my rebuttal. In the short term, all those tag losses J-Marc accounted for teaming with Jake Starr doesn’t look impressive on paper. Three weeks, three loses. But in those three weeks JaMarcus utilized his time inside the ring to stand out enough for SCW brass to deem him worthy to challenge for the Television Championship. I argue, it was a good strategy linking up with Jake, lets be real, a IRobot could have teamed with Jake Starr after Under Attack, the odds of Jake and any partner exiting his block in the Tag League was not realistically possible. J-Marc did what he could. He squeezed what was left of the Jake Starr brand to position himself where SCW management thought, wow, look at the beef on that son bitch. Look how strong he is. The agility. The promise. The potential. In a company full of women and little guys, someone of J-Marc’s build, his explosiveness, off the f’n charts. He has done his job thus far. J-Marc got noticed. Getting a title shot is a mandate from the higher ups they believe he has a chance to cash in on the potential you yourself Asher believes JaMarcus has.”

Donovan Cunningham points to the camera. “Now the stage is set. JaMarcus and Asher Hayes one-on-one. No Jake Starr. Now you will see what my main man has in store for you and the rest of Supreme Championship Wrestling.”

Donovan cracks his knuckles. He takes a step back to stand with JaMarcus Avery. 

Takes less than a second for JaMarcus to step forward, demanding the attention be on him.   

“The future. You hear that label being tossed around a lot by men and women in our sport, Asher. Becomes redundant. Telling an individual they are the future is telling that man or woman they need to wait their turn while the legends of the present continue to have all the fun.”

“I have been told countless times in every company I stepped foot in. JaMarcus, you are the future. Look at you. Godlike size. Uncanny strength. The agility of a jungle cat. Wow man, when you put it all together you will become nigh unstoppable. I used to believe all the future hyperbole was a compliment. A way to remind the world to look out for what I can do... in the future.”

“But what is the future really? A point in time that hasn’t happened yet. A point in time that may not even happen. I could die tomorrow for all I know. Professional wrestling could cease to exist. Then what? What happens to that future those well meaning men and women for the past four years have been promising me? Can’t live for a future that might not become reality. With all due respect to those well meaning individuals of my past--” JaMarcus clears his throat. “--fuck the future.”

JaMarcus half smirks. “I am walking into Breakdown on the 25th of November like it could be my one and only opportunity to become a champion. I am not going to take anything for granted, Asher. This company has a very deep roster full of men and women who are itching for a chance to seize the moment. There are those in the locker room likely wondering how does a guy who hasn’t won one match get this opportunity. I don’t have the answer. Frankly, why management chose me is none of my concern. The only thing that matters is I received this opportunity. Boy, what an opportunity it is.” 

“Your lengthy resume aside, let's stay in the present day. You beat Regan Street to become the Adrenaline Champion. Impressive. Your alliance with Cid, the formation of the A/C Unit has been taking the tag ranks by storm. You scored a victory over Syren to become the SCW Television Champion. How many men and women on the roster can lay claim to beating The Hellcat and Syren, two women who have killed each other one too many times in the same calendar year, not only that, removing championship gold from around their waist. That alone should put you in the Hall of Fame if I do say so myself.” 

“It is not lost on me Asher, the caliber of opponent I am stepping in the ring against. Your experience. Your gile. The fact that you are the hungriest you have ever been at any point in your career, the person who ends your Television Championship reign needs to be on their game. They need to appreciate the opportunity presented in front of them.”

JaMarcus pauses a moment to allow what he said to sink in. “As impressive as your run has been, there is one lingering question; would you still be Television Champion today IF Tommy Valentine didn’t interfere when Glory Braddock had you dead to rites with Glory In Excelsis Dio. One can make the argument you were seconds away from losing the Television Championship. Now, me and Glory aren’t exactly on the best of terms. I am fully aware of how great she is. Since that moment your title reign could have become a distant memory, you faced men and women who didn’t appreciate the opportunity they were given.   

“Ricky James did not appreciate his opportunity.”

“Maria Salvator did not appreciate her opportunity. 

“Alex Jr did not appreciate the chance he was handed.”

“I am the hungriest. The most determined. The one who wants to become champion the most since Glory. Ask yourself Asher. Truly ask yourself who really needs help? Me... a man who is itching to use your legacy as a stepping stone to my rise up the ranks or you... a man who’s reign should have ended on the night I debuted in this company.” 

JaMarcus winks. 

Donovan rejoins JaMarcus by his side.  Donnie says,  “You were a great champion, no doubt. Son, you’re living on borrowed time. J-Marc is coming to collect what’s his. Thank you for your service Asher. We appreciate you keeping the title warm for the present of Supreme Championship Wrestling.” 

Donovan smirks. He pats JaMarcus on the shoulder. Both men exit the premises as the scene fades to black.
OOC: Posting this for both matches.

Plan B

SCW Accomplishments
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(1X)
2023 Male SCW Superstar of the Year
SCW Supreme Champion (2023)
SCW Adrenaline Champion(2X)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW United States Champion(1x)
SCW Underground Champion(1x)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (2x-W/Rachel Foxx as Bad Company; W/ Cid Turner as A/C Unit)
First and Only Commonwealth Wrestling Champion
SCW 24/7 Hardcore Champion(5x)
2009 Feud of the Year
2009 Tag Team of the Year
SCW World Tag League winner (A/C Unit w/Cid Turner)
2021 Stable of the Year (A/C Blondetourage Unit w/Cid and Holly)

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