Gavin Taylor vs. Katie Steward vs. Polly Playtime vs. Holly Adams
SCW United States Championship Contendership Match

2 RP Limit for singles

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, January 23, 2021
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
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OOC: Good luck everyone!
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69 - 21 - 5

2021 Stable of the Year - A/C Blondetourage Unit (w/ Cidnay Turner and Asher Hayes)
1x SCW Adrenaline Champion (July 24th, 2021 - November 7th, 2021) (106 Days)
Inaugural Majestic Women's Valkyrie Champion (May 31st, 2009)
1x Majestic Women's Valkyrie Champion (May 31st - August 29th, 2009) (90 Days)
2x SCW 24/7 HardCore Champion (June 18th - August, 2011) (70+ Days)

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Or don't. I'm not your boss.
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SCW Goddess | Katie Steward | "Supreme City Noir 1"

{The episode starts with a shot in black and white of a cityscape. The sun has gone down a few hours ago and darker side of the city life, the nasty side roams the streets. In the city there is a jazz club that is a popular hang out for the city folks to gather. That is where we find Katie Steward walking inside the club. She is dressed in her white suit, a fedora cap and a fox tail on her shoulder. The club is packed with people. Katie watches from the entrances for a few minutes before heading deeper into the club. She walks pass the bar and to a booth in back where she finds TJ Johnson sitting and joins him.}

Katie Steward: Hey TJ. I’m sorry I’m late. I got held up with Tag League stuff.

TJ Johnson: Are you ok? Feels like you’ve been gone for a month.

Katie Steward: I know. I’m sorry. Though that is over now. Now we can get back to business. Did you find anything out about our case? Is it true?

TJ Johnson: Yes. I got the Championship title from Sasha and ran some test on it. It’s definitely not the same championship. Someone stole the original and replaced it with a fake.

Katie Steward: Oh my Goddess, so he was right. Someone really stole his first championship title from his home.

TJ Johnson: That is what it looks like.

Katie Steward: Ok. Well this shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. It’s obviously Sienna Swam. She is angry about not getting what is hers. SCW Championship and she stole the original to get back at Mr. D.

TJ Johnson: She is an obvious suspect. She does have the means and getting to her will be nearly impossible. Through Giovanni is also a possibility. He’s targeted Mr. D.

Katie Steward: Do you think he’ll make it into a Wonderland Championship to rub it in Mr. D’s face. Making your own championship. How ridiculous can you be?

TJ Johnson: Right. Well we have our suspects. One of them should lead us to the missing championship. I’ll go see if I can dig up anymore leads for us.

Katie Steward: That sounds good TJ.

{TJ excuses himself and gets up leaving the club to continue his and Katie’s case. Katie stays at the table. She looks around at the people in the club. She notices their attention is focused to the stage of the club. The next performance is about to go on as the lights dim in the club. Katie leans back in her seat and looks forward to enjoying the show.}

{Paris Dannon walks out onto the stage in a long dark colored dress. Her hair covering one side of her face. She walks up to the microphone and in front of the packed house begins to sing. Katie watches on and listens to Paris’ voice. Katie looks a little impressed as she didn’t know Paris can sing.}

{Gina Pierce walks over and sees Katie sitting in the booth.}

Gina Pierce: Hello. Are you new in town?

{Katie looks up at Gina and sees her standing there.}

Katie Steward: Uh yeah, I guess I am pretty new around here.

{Gina smiles at Katie and she sits down in the booth with her.}

Gina Pierce: I’m Gina. I haven’t seen you in the club before and everyone comes to the club. Kinda figured you were new.

Katie Steward: Oh, I guess that makes sense. I’m Katie. This place is pretty cool. She is just going to sing, right. It’s not a burlesque show. Is it?

Gina Pierce: (laughs) It’s safe. This is just a jazz club.

Katie Steward: Ok. Just checking. I’m ok with it. Just couldn’t help notice most to the people in here were men.

Gina Pierce: Hm, very perceptive of you. Cop?

Katie Steward: Private Investigator, actually. I just met my partner in here. He’s gone now.

Gina Pierce: Oh, so you’re a Dick.

Katie Steward: (nods) Yeah that would be another way of saying it.

Gina Pierce: You’re not going to be bringing any trouble into the club, are you? The club doesn’t need any trouble. If there is any trouble of the club it’s going to make a lot of people very unhappy.

Katie Steward: Well I’m not going to bringing any trouble into the club. Even though it tends to follow me and you’ll think it’s my middle name. I promise I won’t bring trouble to the club. I can leave if you want.

Gina Pierce: Don’t be silly. Stay. Enjoy the show. We got a lot of talented ladies tonight and welcome to the city.

{Gina gets up out of the booth and leaves Katie to enjoy her night. Katie sits in the booth, but she doesn’t go back to enjoying the night. She wonders if she would bring trouble around her. She begins to recognize some of the faces around her in the club. Katie gets a little freak out as maybe the club isn’t on the up and up, but more on the sleazier side of the underworld. Katie slides out of the booth and sneaks out of the club trying her best to go unnoticed. Katie manages to get outside of the club. She walks across the street to her car. She stands next to her car. Still in the road. She looks around as something doesn’t feel right. Nobody is around. The packed club, but outside the street is deserted. A car quickly turns the corner and speeds down the street. Katie is blinded by the headlights not seeing whose in the car. It aims directly at Katie and she leaps over her car to avoid it. The speeding car brushes up against hers and continues on its way down the street and turns the next corner. Katie stands up on the other side of her car.}

Katie Steward: What in Goddess Heaven was that?

{Katie struggles to catch her breath after her near death experience. She looks around and no one is still around to catch any of it. She turns around and rushes off to find some safety as the scene fades.}


{The scene changes to Katie’s office where she collects herself. Katelyn Buehler is there and she brings in a warm beverage for Katie to help settle her nerves.}

Katelyn Buehler: Someone tried running you down? The nerve of them.

Katie Steward: I don’t know. It all happened too fast. Maybe it was just a drunk driver. Or maybe it was someone trying to break the script and try taking me out. Do you think that maybe TJ and I are actually on the right track and we’ve actually stumbled onto something with Mr. D’s stolen championship?

Katelyn Buehler: Woah. You’re actually living out one of your movies now. That is freaky. Who would want to kill you? I can’t think of anyone that would want to harm you.

Katie Steward: Maybe Gavin Taylor is seeking some payback against me for the Tag League diabolical. Or Holly Adams looking to replace me. Or Polly Playtime wants to make a name for herself.

Katelyn Buehler: Those are three random suggestions. What made you think of them?

Katie Steward: I don’t know they just came to me all of a sudden. Look Katelyn, I can’t be afraid. I’m not afraid. This is my case and no one is going to scare me off. If it was someone trying to kill me. Well I’m going to let them know that they fail. I might be new to this city. From what I know its going to be hard. I’m going to make sure that Katie Steward gets another day in the sun again.

{Katie takes her beverage and walks to her desk and takes a seat. Katelyn watches her not wanting to take her eyes off after almost losing her. Perhaps Katie’s next step is something off script.}
Episode 5: His Will

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