Blake Mason vs. Ikiro Yoshida
Blake Mason vs. Ikiro Yoshida
2 RP limit for singles; 4 RP limit for tag team
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, October 30, 2018
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Quote:Authors Note: CD only. Meant to include a promo. In my head I knew how I wanted to promote the match. As I wrote it, didn't translate. Falling asleep last night didn't help matters. Its not gonna come out to my liking. Pesky standards. This CD is important. Needs to be posted to push forward with the rest of all things Blake. Next time Jon we'll make it epic, shame I couldn't do more. 


It is that time of year, Fatal Fortunes. A night where careers had the potential to change, forever. Anything could happen. To Blake Mason’s surprise, it did. Not in the form of a match. He was in his luxury box enjoying the show. He was waiting for a possible opportunity to challenge Sienna Swanna for the World Championship. He wasn’t expecting “Relentless” by New Years Day to echo from the loud speaker. The last thing he expected was to see Amy Chastine walking down to the ring. The last time she was in the building was during Rise to Greatness. Not the most positive night. Jason lost. The young man her daughter is seeing lost... to him. He was curious to see why she was there. As he listened, it made all the sense in the world that she would be there to promote her Be Brave Conference. That wasn’t the surprise. What shocked him next was she announced that James Evans was going to be a speaker at the conference.

Blake is on good terms with James. A lot better relationship between them in comparison to previous years when they claimed they wanted to be civil due to the link they shared when it came to Katelyn’s three girls. These days, the civility is a lot more genuine, what he didn’t expect was to see James and Amy standing side by side on the stage. He knew from personal experience what it is like to be on Amy’s bad side. No one holds grudges like Amy. James had done some pretty reprehensible things himself. Just the notion that Amy and James can share the same stage, that he would be allowed to speak at her conference, truly hit home to him how strained his relationship with Amy had become.  

He sighed watching them. What could he do, he wondered. Part of him wanted to talk to Amy. After his last attempt to get closer to Kennedy Street, he felt it was best to just let things be. He damaged their friendship. Not even Blake was confident the damage he did to him and Amy could be undone.

A little time passes. Marie Jones vs Josh Hudson. Ikiro, Adonis against Kordy and Behemoth. Sienna had walked down to the ring. By then he knew he wasn’t going to challenge for the World Championship. No one informed him that his match was up next. He sighed. Oh well. Once Alexis Quinne’s name was announced he knew Sienna would win. No point watching. He figured he would leave the luxury box, go down to the locker room so one of the agents didn’t have to head up to his box. Just as he is about to leave a familiar figure stands in the entrance way. It is the last person he expected to see.

Tonight is full of surprises, huh?
Amy Chastaine stares at Blake expressionless, with her arms crossed. You could say that. We need to have a talk.
Blake steps to the side to allow Amy to enter the luxury box.
Come on in. There are some snacks in the corner you can help yourself to. I doubt this isn’t a social visit. Just wanted to be hospitable.
I actually just came from catering so I’ll pass, but thanks. And no, it’s not social. Everything about why I’m here tonight business, including talking to you.
Ok. So what’s on your mind?
I’ll get straight to the point. Yesterday, I and my shelter director went look at a building with contractors to potentially buy and remodel into a larger shelter, see if it would be financially feasible for us to do so. I mentioned it on Twitter. Imagine my surprise when I got here this afternoon to get a call from the foundation’s attorney. She told me that the building had been purchased... and donated to us.
No point playing naive. Blake half smirks, mainly due to the fact he was impressed Amy connected the dots this quickly. You’re supporting a good cause, Amy.  One that I one hundred percent support. Couldn’t take the chance of someone else swooping in to waste the potential of the building. Yes, I made a few calls. I ensured that the building is in the hands of someone who can use it for good.
I’m aware of your phone calls, everything else. Karen, the foundation’s attorney, said the person requested to be anonymous. So I called Ed, my personal attorney, and he figured everything out within an hour. You didn’t try very hard to keep it hidden. Amy squints a little in thought, then unfolds her arms and steps forward. What are you trying to pull with this?
He wasn’t surprised Amy questioned his motives. A large part of the reason he went through the trouble of keeping his involvement anonymous to the degree that it would require extra digging to link him to the deed. I wanted to help. I did. That simple. He was going to leave it at that. He had not planned on giving Amy an explanation. She was here. Knowing her, she wouldn’t take “that simple” as a sufficient answer. In fact, she started to say something, but Blake pressed on. Actually no... it isn’t. Remember you told me that I use my vast fortune for selfish gain? You were right. All I could think about was what house to buy, what vacation to take. I rarely if ever thought about how I could use my resources to improve the world. What you said didn’t truly sink in until I helped a little girl out--
Yeah, I know all about that, Kennedy told me everything. That really doesn’t do much to make me believe there isn’t anything in any of this for you. I told her to be careful, I told her she should have called me! You may be able to get one past her, because she wanted for so long to believe you weren’t the person you are, but I’ve known you too long and seen too much to believe that any of this is purely altruistic, not from you. Amy stops and takes a breath, calming herself. She steps back and crosses her arms again. The foundation really isn’t in a position to refuse it, so what do you want, huh? Your name on a plaque, an announcement, some other way to get some PR in your attempt to make people think you’ve changed? What?
Blake closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath to process everything Amy had to say. A few months ago he would have spoken in anger. He would have uttered something he couldn’t take back, like the time he told Kennedy he believed she intentionally tried to hurt Bree when the World Championship was on the line. Blake reopens his eyes. No plaque. No public mention. From a business standpoint, taking our personal history into account, its the right call my name is in no way connected to this. Look. You want answers. What is in it for me? Let’s be honest, no answer I give you will be sufficient. Clearly your feelings about me haven’t changed. Makes sense. I betrayed you in the worst way. If forgiveness is what you think I want from this? No amount of money in the world can erase what I put you through.
Amy glares. You got that right. Look, Kennedy may be content with you having something to hold over her head, but I’m not. So while the foundation needs help too much for me to just give it back and tell you to fuck off, I can make sure you know that I won’t be playing into any of whatever game this is.
Blake sighs. Ask yourself this, Amy. If all of this was a masterplan to give me brownie points with the public, then why haven’t I formally came out and stated the real reason I left Bree. I left her because of you. He pauses for a moment to let that sink in. I hated the way your match came to an end. So much so I asked her for a divorce two days later. I hated that you two felt you needed to settle your differences in a No Disqualification match. I actually felt she intentionally tried to put you down. How many months has it been? Have I played that card? I haven’t.
The glare on Amy’s face fades, and she takes a step backwards. Shaking her head some, she seems stunned. Bree said something like that to me a few months ago… I thought she was just reaching for something else to blame me for.
Bree trying to make you tap out when it was clear you couldn’t continue was the final straw. Can’t condone the way she carries herself. I’m in no position to judge, she learned from me, right? Guess that was another thing you were right about. I ruined her. Blake bows his head. A feeling of sadness overcomes him. Anyway, the last thing I care about is public relations. I want to go out there and wrestle. That’s all.
You’ve definitely been doing that. Amy says quietly. Her tone is totally different from the way she walked into here. I had no idea she was telling anything close to the truth. Maybe… maybe I was a little too hard on you.
Blake shakes his head. Don’t worry about it. You have every right to be protective. Of Kennedy. Of your foundation. You have one of the biggest hearts I know. Always admired that. Blake smiles.
Yeah, hard on the outside and soft in the middle… Amy risks a small grin. For what it’s worth, I hope all of this is legit and yours is actually in the right place. I meant it when I said that to Kate a few months ago before I faced her. I know what you can be if you really want to.
I remember that. For the record, I believe you. You could have demonized me. Appreciate you didn’t. Blake nods. I am taking things one day, one step at a time. There is still a lot of work to do. All I know Amy is the way I was living my life didn’t make me any happier. Not sure I’m any happier now... I’ll get there. Someday.
Figuring out what you don’t want is usually a good first step. Amy sighs and hardens her look a little. I don’t want to walk out of here with you thinking everything is okay here… because it’s not, not by a long shot. But. I will keep your name out of the shelter news. And I will be keeping an eye on what you’re doing. Amy puts her hand out. Thank you for the donation.
Blake doesn’t hesitate to take her hand. You’re welcome. I should get going. Don’t want to miss what Fatal Fortunes has in store. Becoming World Champion isn’t in the card. Sucks. I’ll get my shot... one day..
I’ll get out of your way then. I have a few other people to speak to anyway. Amy steps out the door, then turns around and pokes her head back in a moment. Oh, and the World Title? One step at a time. When it’s your time, when you’ve earned it… you’ll get there. And then she walks off.

As she left, Blake felt safe to allow a smile to form on his face. Fortune wasn’t so bad after all. His conversation with Amy was a step in the right direction. He knew if there was a chance to repair things, tonight was one baby step forward. He would reflect on that another time. He needed to find an agent to find out who his dance partner would be. That is his focus. It needed to be.
This is annoying. My FTP was being a pain in the ass, had to reinstall it. 

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