Owen Lee vs. Konrad Raab
2 RP Limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Thursday, April 7, 2022 (The show will still “take place” on Thursday. I’m just giving plenty of time to rp)
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
December 2nd 2021

Montreal, QC

Owen stands backstage at Montreal, keeping as low profile as he possibly could at a Breakdown event. Several members of the SCW staff had seen, and acknowledged him, but in the main he’d stayed away from the roster. He was in Montreal to put the finalities on his contract, and with that done, he was taking in the end of the show, a huge match with massive consequences for so many. Ace Marshall and Lucas Knight are going at it, Lucas pulling Ace up, looking for the UKOD, but Ace countering with a makeshift inside cradle




The crowd noise is off the chart, Owen shaking his head a little, as the ring announcer gets to his feet, Matt Hodges lifting Ace’s arm aloft.

Phillips: Here is your winner, via pinfall, Ace Marshall.

Owen: Bet that’s not the end… cue ambush

Almost as he speaks, the Jackals run past him, none of them even noticing that he is there. Kandis, Tommy and Drake run through the curtain, and down the rampway to a chorus of boos.

Owen: Well, there’s a shocker.

Only now does he notice Daisy Lee who has accompanied him on the trip. He’d asked her to be ringside for him in the opening matches until he found his feet and she had agreed. However, there was a lifetime ban that needed some sorting… thankfully the SCW had obliged. Owen turns his attention back to the monitors, as the Jackals attack an already spent Ace and Lucas, Christy also getting manhandled by Tommy before she can do anything about the attack. Nate Chapel does his best to fight back, but the numbers game is just too many, the assault too much. Even Autumn Valentine making an appearance does nothing, as the Jackals once again use their numbers. Once again Owen turns to Daisy, who tilts her head ever so slightly to one side.

Owen: What?

Daisy: What? You’re telling me that you’re just going to stand there and watch that happen.

Owen: You’re kidding me, right? That’s three on one. They have just taken out some of the most experienced talent on the roster. It would be suicide.

Daisy scoffs, almost laughing at him.

Daisy: Yeah, maybe… but isn’t this what you came back for, to right a few wrongs. Well right there in front of you, a ‘wrong’ is occurring. You want to show people that you have changed, this is the perfect opportunity for you to do it.

Owen: You coming with me?

Daisy: I promised Olek I would be on my best behavior. I can’t spoil that on day one, now can I?

Daisy smirks, as Owen turns back to the monitors and see’s Tommy stomping down on Christy who is helpless right now. Ace tries to fight back, landing a shot on Kandis, but Drake nails him in the ribs, Drake and Kandis then stomping down on him. He then turns back to Daisy

Daisy: Well?

Owen sighs, puffing out his cheeks.

Owen: Fuck it…

Daisy nods to someone, and ‘Here we go’ by Chris Classic hits over the speaker system

Daisy: Know it. Go get ‘em tiger.

Owen runs through the curtain and is almost bowled over by the noise from the crowd. He doesn’t stop, and slides in the ring, flipping over a kick from Kandis, and jumping off the middle rope, taking out Drake and Tommy. Kandis tries again, but Owen is too quick, and evades her shot, taking down Drake once more. Ace clotheslines Tommy from the ring, Christy getting to her feet, which is just the distraction Owen needs to nail Kandis with a Superkick, Kandis rolling to the floor. Owen stands in the middle of the ring, and looks out over all the fans, who to a man and woman are all cheering, the explosion of noise bringing a tide of emotion over Owen, who never again thought he would experience this. He looks up the ramp, and into the entranceway, unnoticed by everyone else is Daisy, who simply nods her head, before disappearing. That simple act brings a smile to Owen’s face, Kandis rubbing her jaw and looking on in pure shock making the smile even wider. An ‘Owen’ chant then starts to break out, Owen taking the deepest of breaths, composing himself. He’d made the statement, he’d shown he was back… and next week if allowed, he would explain why. 

New York City

Owen walks back through the curtain, the buzzing of the crowd still ringing in his ears. They had listened, and right now that was all he could ask for. He hadn’t been dismissed, or at least not by everyone, and it seemed that there was more than enough people willing to give him a second chance. A second chance that he had no intention of passing up on.

Daisy: You did good out there

Owen: You think?

Daisy: Well, people weren’t throwing things at you… so that’s an improvement, right?

Owen: It did seem like people were listening

Daisy: Of course, they were. Owen, if there’s something that you should have learned over the past few months, it’s that you’re not a bad person. You’re just someone who lost their way, and with good reason. You’ve laid it all on the line for them, and ensured there are no secrets, when you didn’t have to. I think many out there and at home will have appreciated that, more than you realized. And those that didn’t…

Owen: They don’t matter

Daisy: Exactly. That was your biggest problem before, you wanted to please everyone, when the simple fact is you can’t.

Owen see’s someone out of the corner of his eye, and when he realizes who it is, he tries to quickly look away, not wanting to make eye contact, but just a moment too late. He wasn’t sure how Jaina would react to the news him coming back, but as she walks over, it seemed like he was about to find out. 

Jaina: Hey Owen, err Daisy isn’t it?

Daisy: Yeah, that’s right, and you must be Jaina.

Jaina: That’s me.

An awkward silence follows, Daisy deciding to take her leave

Daisy: I’ll catch up with you later Owen, you did good out there. Bye Jaina.

Owen: Cheers, I’ll drop you a text later.

As she walks off, Jaina turns back to Owen.

Jaina: Well, she wasn’t what I expected.

Owen: She’s changed a lot… she’s helped me get through this like you wouldn’t believe.

Jaina: And now you’re ready to return?

Owen: As ready as I’ll ever be. And that’s thanks to Daisy. 

Jaina: That’s good then.

There is another moment of silence which Owen moves quickly to fill.

Owen: This isn’t going to be a problem is it, Me being back in the SCW?

Jaina: No, why should it be? You and I happened a long time ago… and anyway, I’m happy with Christian now.

Owen: Oh no, I didn’t mean that.

Jaina: Oh?

Owen: Yeah, I mean after what I did. I was a bit of a dick and let a lot of people down, you included. 

Jaina: Yeah, you were a dick for sure.

They both have a chuckle at that comment, a directness he’d gotten used to when it came to Jaina.

Jaina: But no one is above making mistakes. Mom taught me that most people deserve a second chance, and it seems like the fans are giving you yours. I like to believe that I know the real you, and that person that attacked Mr. Drachawych certainly wasn’t the guy I knew. Listening to you out there, it understandable how you lost yourself, but I also got the impression that you’ve managed to make that change and that’s good enough for me.

Owen: I’ve tried. I’ve a lot of bridges to rebuild or sure. 

Jaina: Well, this bridge… we are going to be OK Owen, and I’m sure there will be many more who feel the same. Life’s too short right?

Owen: Yeah, life’s too short, but thank you Jaina. Your forgiveness means a lot.

Jaina: I’m not sure about that, but you’re welcome.

She hesitates, there was obviously something else that she wanted to say but not sure if she should approach the subject. Owen is quick to pick up on this and gives her the option. 

Owen: Was there something else that you wanted to say?

Jaina: I’m not sure if it’s any of my business.

Owen: Seriously, go ahead. I’m trying to be an open book.

Jaina: Well, this whole ‘Owen Lee’ thing… I get it, I get why you would want to distance yourself from the Cruze surname but are you sure it’s the right thing to do.

Owen: I reckon so yes.

Jaina: All I’m saying Owen, is for you to make sure that it’s what you want to do. 

Owen: What do you mean?

Jaina hesitates again, making sure she uses the right words to put her opinion across without offence. 

Jaina: As you know, my Dad isn’t Loki’s biological Father, but Loki see’s Wyatt as his real Dad and loves him just the same. and I know… Loki knew the truth from the start, so it’s not the same as your situation, but still, what Orlando did for you when he was alive must count for something?

Owen sighs deeply but tries not to react with any animosity. 

Owen: It does Jaina. It means everything to me that he took someone that wasn’t his own son and treated him the same as his own daughter. I looked up to that man, he was my hero… but he lied to me. And honestly, it feels like a betrayal. That’s why everything I do from here on in, I don’t want it to be part of some ‘Cruze’ legacy. I want to build my own, away from all the lies and the deceit. I can’t do that with that huge shadow hanging over me. I won’t do that. But I agree with you, it doesn’t change the fact that I’m the person I am today because of him. I wish I could front up to him, shout at him and let him know just how much I hate what he did, but I can’t. And I think that makes it an even bigger issue.

Jaina: And Kloe?

Owen: Moms a different deal… we have shouted. That anger I feel has been given an outlet. I’m ready to talk to her now I think, especially after getting it all out in the open tonight.

Jaina: That’s good. I hope you can find some forgiveness.

Owen: I do too, because right now it’s lonely.

Jaina: If ever you want to talk Owen, I’m always here. 

Owen: I’m sure Christian would love that.

Jaina: He’d be fine. He understands as well Owen, all you gotta do is call and I know he’d answer. There are a lot of people who still care about you, all you gotta do is put yourself out there. What you did was no doubt stupid, but it wasn’t unforgivable and I’m sure many agree.

Owen didn’t want everyone, just the select few would suffice. But he certainly appreciated Jaina’s words.

Jaina: Anyway, best get on… I have a job to do after all. But remember, if you need to talk…

Owen: I will Jaina, thank you.

She holds out her arms, and the pair embrace. Nothing more than the embrace of friends who had found their way back to each other and were now able to move on. As they part, Jaina smiles at him.

Jaina: Take care of yourself Owen. 

Owen: You too Jaina.

And with that she walks off down the corridor, catching up with a camera crew. Owen watches for a moment, before turning on his heels and heading off towards the exit. The first step had been taken, and now it was up to him to once again prove his worth. And with his allies finally forming, more than ever he felt more than capable of achieving more than he ever thought he could.

December 11th 2021
Los Angeles

Owen had considered going to his Mom’s home but thought that the two of them would be more comfortable if they had dinner together, in neutral surroundings. Even via text, Owen could tell be Kloe’s reply that she was ecstatic to receive the invitation, but as he sits at the table alone, waiting for his Mom to arrive, even now he was still having second thoughts that this was the right thing to do. He’d never hear his Father’s side of things, but he felt that he was ready to hear his Mother’s ‘excuses’. That however hadn’t gotten rid of the nagging doubts that this would once again end with Owen losing his temper, hence the restaurant being the better idea. One thing Owen couldn’t afford to do was cause a scene, which made one of the most sought after restaurants in the area the perfect choice. He’d already ordered a bottle of rose, this Mother’s favorite, and it was chilling in the ice bucket ready for her arrival. Finally, and after another glance at his watch, Kloe walks through the door and is shown to the table by the waiter, who holds out her seat. She sits down, and immediately, and without saying a word, Owen pours her a glass, the waiter a little bit put out by his intervention.

Waiter: Would you like a few moments to decide?

He motions towards the menu’s and the looks at Owen.

Owen: Yes please… I’ll let you know when we are ready.

Waiter: Of course, Sir.

Owen places the bottle in the bucket, and then pours himself a glass of water. More than anything he wanted to be clear headed as he listened to what Kloe had to say. Owen sits back in his chair, inviting Kloe to speak first. He didn’t want to drive the conversation, he just wanted to listen if he could.

Kloe: I was really happy to receive your text. I thought after what happened in Miami…

Owen interjects

Owen: Yeah, well a lot has happened since then.

Kloe: Oh?

Owen: It doesn’t matter, I just concluded that it was better to hear you out

Kloe: Well, I’m glad that you did. 

Owen simply nods, motioning with his hand for her to continue.

Kloe: I don’t know where to begin.

Owen: How’s about that time you cheated and started this mess in motion?

Kloe lowers her head

Kloe: Guess I deserved that.

Owen feels a pinch of guilt, it had been a cheap shot and he knew it,

Owen: All I want is the truth Mom. That’s all.

Kloe takes a sip of her wine for courage, and then starts to speak.

Kloe: When I first met Orlando, he had just come out of a relationship with Sallie. In the beginning, I thought he was still in love with her… and over time I thought it had passed. One evening though I found a text on his phone from her, pouring her heart out and saying that she still loved him, and I lost it. I went out, and I got drunk, blind drunk… and when I realized I was incapable of getting home I didn’t call Orlando, I called his brother… Finn.

Owen: Good old Dad

Kloe ignores the comment and continues. 

Kloe: Anyway. Finn picks me up, and I’m still angry, believing that Orlando is cheating on me. And Finn is complementing me, telling me his brother is an idiot. I’m sorry to say I needed someone, literally anyone in that moment, and so when he leaned in to kiss me, I didn’t resist. But then he started wanting more… I don’t know if I felt guilty, or I realized that what I was doing was wrong, but I pushed him away and he didn’t take kindly to that. He started calling me a tease… a whore… started to tear at my clothes. He forced himself on me, and well, I’m sure I don’t need to go into detail about what happened next. I can’t believe I didn’t fight back, but I was just too drunk. 

Owen: He raped you?

Kloe doesn’t confirm it with words, but does indeed nod her head, closing her eyes with what seemed like her shame.

Owen: Shit…

Kloe: When I told Orlando what had happened, everything, he was livid. He wanted to kill Finn there and then, but his Father talked him down. Orlando’s Father basically told Finn to either get out of the country, or he would call the police. And he told him to never contact us again.

Owen: Hold on… I thought there was a fight or something, and Finn killed a guy by accident.

Kloe: That was all true Owen, Finn moved to Australia and got in with the wrong crowd. But it had nothing to do with Orlando. None of it did.

The waiter catches Owen’s eye, but Owen shakes his head, not wanting to delay Kloe’s story. The waiter instead makes his way to a different table, allowing Kloe to continue.

Kloe: When we realized that I’d gotten pregnant, Orlando was amazing. Right there and then he promised me that you’d want for nothing and be treated just like his own son. And he made good on that promise tenfold. As you got older, Orlando mentioned more and more than he wanted to tell you the truth, believing that it wouldn’t matter to you. But I wouldn’t ever let him, for fear of you knowing how you’d come into this world and the circumstances behind it. I can see now that he was right… he usually was. But I was so scared that it would ruin your relationship, I dug my heels in, and Orlando being Orlando he wanted to make sure that I was happy. If he was here now Owen, he’d tell you exactly what I’ll tell you now. You WERE his son. To him, it didn’t matter how it happened, you were his flesh and blood and there was never any question. I just wish he had the chance to tell you himself.

The waiter comes over again, and this time Owen doesn’t resist as Kloe orders her food, Owen then settling on the steak in a pepper sauce. Kloe sips from her wine again, knowing that this was a lot for Owen to digest. Finally, after fully ten minutes he looks back at Kloe who hasn’t taken her eyes off him for a while.

Owen: And this is it?

Kloe: What do you mean?

Owen: The truth. There are no more sordid details waiting to come out?

Kloe: That’s everything I promise. I wish things had been different, I wish I’d never got drunk that night, and I wish Finn wasn’t such an asshole to take advantage. But your Dad…

She pauses, she’d taken care not to say that, but she’d slipped up. Thankfully Owen doesn’t react.

Kloe: He did everything he could to make sure you grew up into a fine young man, and whether you believe it or not, he succeeded. I just hope that one day you can put this behind you and realize that he was your Father in every single way that matters. And if you want to blame anyone it’s me… not him.

Owen rubs his eyes, the revelations of this evening a little too much. 

Kloe: I miss you Owen, can we get past this?

It was the question he’d expected, even if it wasn’t the answer, he’d rehearsed so many times. 

Owen: I can’t imagine what you went through, and the sacrifices you both made. I guess it would have been easy for you to have had an abortion but you didn’t. The two of you made the best of it, you brought me up, had Ruby and made a family out of a shitty situation and I reckon you both deserve credit for that.

Owen shrugs his shoulders.

Owen: But Mom, you DID lie to me, and although I think I can forgive, it’s something I’ll never forget. It’s gonna take time, and if you’re happy with waiting, then I’m happy to give it a try. 

Kloe: Seriously?

Owen: Yes. I was angry, SO angry, but now it’s mainly disappointment, but at least I can see why you did what you did and try to understand.

Kloe: So where do we go from here?

Owen wasn’t ready to deal with that question, he’d already dealt with enough, and to his relief the food arrives right on cue.

Owen: Now Mom, we eat.

Kloe smiles, as if reading his thoughts. The future, their future, a discussion for another time.
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Konrad's announcement to his NASCAR team, teammates and friends about his wrestling match next week. Richmond, Virginia. Friday 1st April. (Off-Camera)

Things have been going right in Konrad's way as of late; apart from the tag match, he purposely threw away due to his lack of trusting any wrestler in Supreme Championship Wrestling to rely on Konrad. He won his match against Justin Davis at Retribution, the first guy since the Underground title was reborn; Konrad retained the belt. Today was a different day because instead of making his announcement in the back or the press conference, he decided to bring all his teammates, team and friends who weren't in his team to come to the fan stage right before the racing weekend started.

Of course, Brad placed the title on top of the speakers as Konrad requested it to be there. Konrad was full of smiles, feeling he had nothing to be unhappy about, for now, although he got himself in a fight with a NASCAR driver again in Texas, that's in the past. He had something far more critical. The other friends in NASCAR who weren't in a team with him were AJ Smith, Kyle Jones, Chase Jacobs, Dale Owens, William Roberts, Bubba Stewart and Noah Richards. All were either in Cup Series and/or Xfinity series.

When the wrestling theme song played, his friends at least sighed in relief that it wasn't anything to do with NASCAR. Konrad walks out with his red and black face paint with his black and red suit as he places his hands in the air before walking towards his Underground title belt to pick it up. Brad puts the belt around his waist. Konrad had a microphone in hand with a smile on his face as fans gathered around behind his NASCAR friends.

Konrad Raab: "Thank you for coming here today, Brad Rogers racing team and my NASCAR friends. Bet you're all wondering, what have I got to announce today before racing takes place this weekend, huh? Before you all ask, it's nothing to do with retirement plans in either NASCAR or wrestling. Things are too electric for me right now to do that."

Konrad smiled as he placed his head down, trying not to show any emotions, although it gave everyone a bit of a chuckle on the last comment. His fiancee Luiza stood on the side of the stage, while all of his team and teammates stood on stage with Konrad and Kyle Young patting his shoulder.

Konrad Raab: "I know, unfortunately, some of you Xfinity racers can't attend this because practice and qualifying sessions clash with this, but I know you'll fully support me. You all know me for being a professional wrestler, right?"

The fans and his NASCAR friends cheered; despite him being immensely hated in Supreme Championship Wrestling, even if it was about the company, he still respected his fellow drivers and some respected Konrad.

Konrad Raab: "What I've never discussed is how long I've been wrestling. Next Friday, a certain date is critical to me regarding wrestling, you see. A date that signifies the most important date in my entire wrestling career. All of you NASCAR drivers, always remember the first race you've done in Xfinity and Cup Series classes. It's no different with professional wrestling in my case."

Konrad nodded his head, being thrown a water metal bottle that he caught before taking the lid off and taking a few sips of it before placing the cap back on. Konrad cleared his throat before speaking again.

Konrad Raab: "Because back in two thousand and twelve, I had my first ever professional wrestling match, a guy who eventually became a mentor to me after our match, Vantage. He was the World Elite Wrestling Universal champion. Of course, I didn't go or challenge for his title because back then, I was a non-wrestler with only a few weeks of training by my ex-wife. The match happened on a PPV called World Elite Wrestling Retribution in Paris, France."

That was very uncomfortable for Konrad, considering the significant fights he and Fizz had in the past, and he couldn't say her name because of the emotional pain he felt each time her name came up. Konrad pats the title.

Konrad Raab: "I got myself destroyed in the match by Vantage after I gave him a few punches because obviously, he had all the skills in the world, and I know truthfully if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be standing here. Because on the eighth of April, it'll be ten years of me being a professional wrestler. On the seventh of April, all of you, besides Xfinity guys, are invited to watch me wrestle against Owen Lee as a part of my tenth anniversary of being a professional wrestler."

Luiza whispered to Brad during the announcement as she already knew everything about Konrad's career. He told her months ago, but every fan and his NASCAR friends cheered and applauded for Konrad as he suddenly like Konrad knows he'll do on Thursday when he walks to the ring, pours in tears. All the Brad Rogers Racing team gathered around him, including his teammates, and Brad came next to Konrad and placed his arm around him.

Brad Rogers: "Obviously, it means a lot to everyone that they reach ten years in any sport professionally, NASCAR or wrestling, but I can relate how much his match against Owen Lee will mean a lot. I will be in New Orleans, Louisiana, to watch this man wrestle, as so will Kyle Young, Denny, Christopher and Martin. We all know how important this means for Konrad, and we'll always be rooting him on."

Konrad Raab: "I got you NASCAR Cup Series drivers tickets right in the front row along with my twin brother, the team, of course, and my other friends who saw my first ever wrestling match back in two thousand and twelve against Vantage. As for you fans, you all are more than welcome to go to Smoothie King Center website to get your tickets for my wrestling legacy to be remembered and then, I continue to make more wrestling moments."

Brad Rogers: "He may act differently in wrestling, but he's still a part of Brad Roger's racing team, and we're all happy and proud of Konrad for his promotion work in wrestling and NASCAR."

Konrad Raab: "Oh, and I won't be wearing this gear or hear that theme music when I wrestle Owen Lee. You all have to wait and see what colour my gear will be and what theme song I'll be coming out to, but the clue is all of those things you'll see; it's what I wore for my first ever match against Vantage on eighth April two thousand and twelve. Thank you, everybody; good luck to all of my fellow friends in the race and enjoy the weekend. I will be back here on stage to answer your questions tomorrow morning."

Konrad places his arms in the air, patting his Underground title before going off stage. Suddenly, he spills into tears, sitting on the steps, due to a moment he'll never forget in his wrestling career. More than his title wins, Konrad's had in his career. Konrad goes back to his motorhome and washes the face paint off his face. As he goes into his room, he sits on the bed and gets emotional fast. Luiza comes to place her arms around Konrad.

Luiza Doe: "I had no idea about Vantage ending up being your mentor."

Konrad Raab: "He was, and I speak to him occasionally. I'll see if he can come to watch me wrestle against Owen Lee. Truthfully, my wrestling career wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for him. One day, I will take you to a place where I got wrestling training from after my second ever wrestling match. Sorry for crying like a bitch."

Luiza Doe: “No, I understand. I can't wait to see what that fancy dress shop when we get back to Chicago what they've made for you. They are excellent at making clothes memorable for people like yourself."

Konrad Raab: "I know you'll get it spot on from the clothes you saw me wrestle against Vantage with. It's a shame I'm forbidden to use The Killerplauze nickname due to law legalities Markus and I went through back in two thousand and fifteen. I can't even say it on camera or on stage, just that moment there."

Luiza Doe: "I know, and I got the nickname figured out for you. It's all covered. No, I'm not going to tell you. You'll find out when I collect the clothes on Monday."

Konrad Raab: “Damn you babe.”

Luiza giggled at Konrad, getting frustrated about keeping the nickname she created for him a secret. It saw Konrad stop getting in tears, and he got himself changed, a way for Luiza to get Konrad right back in focus. Because he was wearing new gear this weekend, he didn't have the green overalls ready. When that happens, Konrad goes to Brad Rogers Racing head base they have at the track to collect them. He brings them back to his motorhome and relaxes for the day due to Xfinity and Cup Series practice and qualifying sessions and the Xfinity race happening tomorrow.


German friends arriving in America already? Richmond, Virginia. Sunday 3rd April (Off-Camera)

It had been a tough weekend with the number of problems on his Xfinity Series and Cup Series car. However, they got fixed in time during the Xfinity race, but Konrad had brake issues, and he could only finish third, although he did get extra money for the race. It was a cash race for those in the top five in the championship. Konrad was still shaking his head from his performance yesterday, despite finishing third, which wasn't too bad for Konrad on a new track.

As Konrad stood by his green car before the Cup Series race started, every driver had to be on the grid after driver introductions. Konrad stood in shock as he turned his head around to see the guys on the pit walk that only special VIPs can go in to see the drivers. He stood there and said to himself as he spotted a big man with glasses.

Konrad Raab: "Elton?"

When they turned around, the big man with glasses known as Elton came toward Konrad and the other guys who attended Konrad's first-ever match on Thomas Dangel, Steven and Anthony. Konrad was shocked because he knew he didn't get them tickets to watch him race NASCAR Cup Series.

Elton: "Shocked to see us, I see?"

Konrad Raab: "Yeah. I don't remember buying you guys tickets to see me race in NASCAR."

Steven: "That's because you didn't."

Thomas Dangel: "We couldn't wait any longer to see you and celebrate your tenth-anniversary match."

Anthony: "Since you told us about you doing NASCAR, we looked online and saw a race happening today, so we got tickets and flew here. Besides, nobody shows up fashionably late to things anymore. We come from Germany to not only see you wrestle but race too."

Konrad Raab: "Ah, it's great to see you guys, honestly. Because I have been wanting you guys to come and enjoy the experience of watching the NASCAR race, it's lively, and you sometimes can hear the fans when you drive the car. Although you can get a lot of accidents in this series."

Konrad wasn't lying; he still couldn't get over his accidents with Brad and Ross lately. It was not the day for Konrad to talk about it as it was mainly about wrestling that Elton, Thomas, Steven and Anthony came for. Konrad smiled, beaming as he could, when all of a sudden, his teammates of Denny, Christopher and Kyle Young, came over to Konrad.

Elton: "Ah, are these your teammates?"

Konrad Raab: “Indeed they are. Meet Kyle Young, Denny and Christopher. These guys watched my first ever wrestling match I told you all about on stage on Friday, Elton, Thomas, Steven and Anthony.

Kyle Young: "Ah, we finally meet, huh? Great to have you guys here. Konrad did tell me about you guys in private before. He's a great driver; he needs to work on his restarts, corner entry, and exit timings on road courses. Oh, and the dirt track Konrad needs to work on a lot more."

Steven: "I see that you two are pretty close for him to talk about us. Thomas and I did more than watch Konrad's match; we also did commentary in German. We can't do that because Supreme Championship Wrestling wouldn't allow us to commentate on Konrad's match. But we still have a good time."

Christopher: "You guys couldn't wait to celebrate with Konrad, huh? We'll all be there to watch in attendance. Even Brad is coming too. We won't miss this for the world."

Denny: "Brad and I saw Konrad win the Underground title against Lucas Knight. Konrad didn't know we were there, but he's truly something else in that ring."

The rumour was true; while Konrad succeeded in getting a German channel, the same one that covered Konrad's first-ever match, he couldn't strike a deal in time for Thomas and Steven to commentate the match and Elton wasn't allowed to interview Konrad either. Things were very different to two thousand and twelve.

Thomas Dangel: "With all this hype of you wrestling, one thing we haven't heard about and that's your opponent. Who are you facing against in your anniversary match?"

Konrad Raab: "Ah, don't worry. It was only announced on Thursday who it is. I'm facing that man child, the guy who changed his last name because he couldn't figure out who the fuck he is, Owen Lee."

Kyle Young: "Ah, I never knew when you knew about facing Owen Lee on Thursday. That's cool."

Denny: "I've seen him face Kandis last time I was at a wrestling show. But this will be so god damn special, and Brad Rogers Racing is gladly a part of it. Konrad does promote both sports at the same time."

Christopher nodded, agreeing with Denny's comments on Konrad's doing an excellent job on what he does to bring wrestling and racing fans together. Konrad was smiling like anything, more so he was a little emotional, even an hour before the race started, he didn't expect his German friends to be here so early.

Konrad Raab: "While I have to go home for a couple of days to learn this Martinsville track, collect some clothes and do a wrestling video, you guys are already booked into a hotel near the arena I'm wrestling in; which you have tickets for."

Anthony: "Oh, I know you have us covered pretty well. You always do look after your friends."

Steven: "We couldn't wait to see Konrad, Danny, Kyle and Christopher, so we wanted to come to America early before we all fly to New Orleans to watch a classic match Konrad will have against Owen Lee."

Konrad Raab: "It sucks I can't use my nickname I used for my first ever match because of law legalities Markus and I went through in court. I can't even speak about it in public like this, but Luiza said she'd got that covered for me, and I have no clue what nickname she has given me. Said I'll have to wait until Monday."

Everyone nodded as they didn't know that part of what Konrad said on the nickname front. Purely because he wasn't allowed to say it in public but said what he could legally say for now. Konrad will tell Denny, Christopher and Kyle later on after the race in private. Elton heard everything, but he missed one thing that he was only told a few minutes ago.

Elton: "That nickname thing is not the only thing you don't know about. You have to wait and see what Luiza told me about regarding what she has in hand. I can't tell you because it'll be a massive surprise, but you'll love it."

Konrad Raab: "Damn Luiza, hiding another secret from me. I hate being teased like this."

Christopher: "Oh, come on, man, secrets aren't always too bad. It wasn't long ago that I discovered my wife was pregnant. I was ecstatic about being a dad, delighted that I went on my knees and cried. The happiest moment of my life, well, the baby being born will change that."

Denny: "Great moments going on here with Christopher and Kyle's wife's being pregnant, me almost winning races, getting back on form and Konrad's leading the Cup Series championship, well also being the Underground champion too."

Suddenly, while all the others were chatting and engaging with Konrad, Brad ran towards Konrad and his drivers.

Brad Rogers: "I don't mean to interrupt this little party, but we have to do the national anthem in five minutes."

Konrad Raab: "We know, Brad, don't worry. I want you to meet my friends that attended my first ever match, Elton, Anthony, Thomas and Steven. This is our NASCAR boss, Brad Rogers."

Brad Rogers: "Ah, nice to meet you guys. Glad you're coming along for the ride, and nice of you to want to celebrate Konrad's wrestling legacy early by coming here."

Steven: "We were too excited about Konrad's anniversary match that we decided to check out this NASCAR business. NASCAR is getting some popularity in Germany, you know, thanks to Elton doing his German show about it."

Brad was biting his nails because while he did shake their hands, considering there were essential to Konrad's life and, in reality, his wrestling career as he was worried about the national anthem being ignored, and he mentions it again.

Brad Rogers: "It's nice to meet you guys, and I hope we can engage with each other sometime in the week, but you have to leave the track as we're doing the national anthem before the race starts."

Elton, Steven, Thomas and Anthony got together again and hugged Konrad as they all said this.

Konrad's friends: "Good luck and win this race."

Konrad Raab: "I aim to do just that. I'll see you four later."

His friends left the track as Konrad returned to his car, and so did Denny, Christopher and Kyle Young. The national anthem was going to start as Konrad took his hat off before the others around him sang the American national anthem. Then Konrad got in his car like the rest of the drivers did after the anthem had finished placing his belts and helmet on to get ready for the racing today in the Cup Series, hoping to win the race.
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
December 24th 2021


Owen sits in a booth, at the bar that was situated just a few hundred yards from his house. The renovations were well underway now, and the builders had promised everything would complete around March next year, and on top of that, he was scheduled to return to competitive action at the End of Year Special against Drake Hemingway. He had a lot to be thankful for, he knew that. But he could help but feel a little bit sorry for himself, after making the decision to spend Christmas alone. It wasn’t for the lack of trying from his family. Taylor, Shaun, Kloe and even Daisy had all tried to persuade him to spend Christmas at theirs. But Owen felt like he needed this, no matter how lonely he currently felt, it was another way of him showing he could stand on his face. 

“Hello stranger…”

Owen looks up from his drink, and at Charlotte, the bar owner who he’d spoken with on a few occasions. Without invitation she parks herself in the booth, placing her bags by the side of her,

Owen: Oh hey… Scott said you weren’t around today. Didn’t expect to see you.

Charlotte: Yeah, finishing off my Christmas shopping, but thought I’d call in and make sure everything was ok.

Owen: You’re a workaholic you know that?

Charlotte: I get that a lot. But running your own business isn’t easy… you’d know that. You must put in the hours if you want it to work

She motions over to the barman, nodding at him and then pointing at Owen’s drink, before turning back to him.

Owen: Guess so, but my Mom and Pixie did most of the hard work.

Charlotte: Well, I need to make this a success…

Scott brings over a Gin for Charlotte and another Jack Daniels for Owen.

Charlotte: And thankfully I’ve got a cracking bar manager… haven’t I Scott?

Scott: Yep, you do. Anything else.

Charlotte: No, I think we’re good. Thanks

Owen: Cheers for the drink.

Charlotte takes a sip of her drink before responding.

Charlotte: You looked like a guy that needed another. 

Owen: Do I?

Charlotte: Too right, what’s up?

Owen finishes off his first drink, and licks his lips removing the excess. He then shrugs his shoulders.

Owen: I don’t know, guess I’m just feeling a little bit sorry for myself. 

Charlotte: Really? Gotta admit, you don’t seem the sort to let things get the better of you.

Owen chuckles, if only she knew.

Owen: Yeah well, I guess you don’t know me very well. Ignore me, it’s just spending Christmas alone, I’m not used to it.

Charlotte: Not going home to family?

Owen: They asked me too, so it’s not their fault. I just feel like this year I need to be on my own.

Charlotte: Ramping up that independence?

Owen: Something like that yeah. I just think if I went home now it would be sending the wrong message.

Charlotte: And so here you are like Billy-no-mates

Owen: Seems so.

He lifts the second glass, holding it to Charlotte as a thank you, before downing the contents in one go.

Charlotte: Keep putting them away like that, and you won’t even remember Christmas

Owen: Nah… it’s your fault anyway, I wasn’t going to get another. I don’t know… I think I want to feel the loneliness and how shit it feels so I can do everything I can to make sure it doesn’t happen again. You know, making sure that next Christmas is much better. In fact screw that, next YEAR is much better. 

Now it is Charlotte turn to hold up her glass

Charlotte: And here’s to that

Owen takes his glass and clinks it against hers.

Charlotte: I’m sure it will be great. But… if at any point you feel like you need someone and it gets too much, you’re welcome to come round here. I’m doing dinner for me and the staff, you’re welcome to join us.

Owen: Thanks for the offer, but I’m sure it’ll be ok. 

Charlotte: And I think you will too. But if not, the offer is there. 

Owen nods his appreciation, still even now not realizing that the offer wasn’t totally unselfish, and that she would have loved him to join them. Charlotte had been thinking about Owen a lot since she met him. He was unlike the guys that she usually ended up dating, she tended to go for guys that ended up either cheating on or stealing from her. She picks up her bags and gets to her feet, taking her drink with her.

Charlotte: Anyway, sorry but I’d best get on, lots to organize for tomorrow

Owen: Of course, and thanks again

Charlotte: Not a problem, take care of yourself Owen.

Owen: You too.

She walks off, nodding to Scott as she does, Owen getting to his feet and brings both glasses to the bar.

Scott: Cheers, you didn’t have to do that.

Owen: No worries man, take it easy…

As he turns to walk away, Scott gets his attention.

Scott: Owen?

Owen: Yeah

Scott: You do know she likes you right?

Owen: Huh?

Scott: Charlotte, she’s got a thing for you bud. 

Owen: Give over.

Scott: She does bro, it’s written all over her face.

Owen: Don’t think so

Scott: Alright, if you say so. But I’ve got a nose for these kind of things

Owen rolls his eyes

Owen: Night Scott, have a good Christmas.

Scott laughs at Owen’s dismissive face.

Scott: Yeah man, you too.

Owen walks out the bar and into the night air, Scott words spilling around his head. He didn’t see it; all her saw was a friend. What he certainly didn’t want was that kind of complication, when Jennifer was all he wanted.

December 25th, 2021

Owen peers out the window, at people going about their Christmas Day, and he cannot help but feel miserable. Christmas time at his house had always been a joyous affair, and he was missing that. In his right hand he holds an untouched Jack Daniels, but remembering Charlotte’s words, he places it on the window ledge, just as a knock is heard at the door. Owen sighs, and walks over to the door, opening it to Charlotte, who is holding a plate wrapped in foil. She holds it out to him, and he takes it.

Charlotte: I thought, even if you didn’t want to come, I’d bring you something to eat.

Owen: You shouldn’t have.

Charlotte: Well… couldn’t stand the thought of you not eating, and I know what it’s like to have to cook for one.

Owen: Yeah… couldn’t be bothered.

Charlotte: Thought so.

For a moment there is an awkward silence, with neither of them knowing what else to say. When suddenly Charlotte leans forwards, Owen’s eyes widening as she kisses him on the lips. As she pulls back, there is a huge smile on her face, and she bites her lower lip… had this been her plan all along?

Owen: Err…

Charlotte just laughs, turning on her heels and heading away from the house. She then looks over her shoulder towards him.

Charlotte: Merry Christmas Owen… 2022 will be better, you’ll see.

As Charlotte walks away, his places his hand on his lips where Charlottes had been just moments before, and a smile slowly forms on his face.

Scene fades.


6th April 2022
New Orleans

It had been strange going back to New Orleans, the scene of what had been the most traumatic experience of his life and one that had wide ranging effects on his life. His biological Father taking his life before his eyes. He’d ensured to leave it until the very last minute before he left, and after getting off his flight had headed straight to the hotel room, with no desire for sightseeing. As he appears on screen, he is sat on the bed of his hotel room, this a DIY promo, filmed on a propped-up iPhone. Behind him on the bed and floating above him is a 10th Birthday Helium Balloon, and he motions over his shoulder towards it as he starts to speak. 

“Like it Konrad?”

He turns, looking at the balloon before turning back.

“I mean, I was going to send you a present, but everything I could think of, I don’t think you would have appreciated. Honestly bro, I had a mug, which I thought was ironic as that’s precisely what you are these days, but written on the mug was World’s Worst Loser… it was in my Amazon basket and everything. But I didn’t need you losing your temper and getting all pissy because if there is something you are going to have to do over the course of the next ten minutes or so it’s listen. And we all know that you have an issue with that at the best of times, never mind when you get all antsy. Which now seems to be a weekly occurrence for the Iced Blood, or whatever stupid name you go by these days. I need you to pin those huge lug holes back, take away any personal feelings you have towards me, lose all bias and then, then perhaps you’ll learn a thing or two. Because if you think that I’m going to allow you to come out here and give me an history lesson of Konrad Raab’s best bits, just because you’ve been wrestling now for ten years to the day, you are sorely mistaken. I mean, I know your best bits wouldn’t take up a massive amount of time, but regardless. I’ll be damned before I let this match be all about a celebration for someone like you. Someone who disrespects this industry that has given him a decent living for exactly a decade, every time he steps into the ring. 

Now before you get on your high horse and tell me about your other ‘activities’ that you engage in which have absolutely NO relevance to what is going to happen on Breakdown this week, let me stop you right there. I couldn’t care less what you do outside the ring, who you’re shacking up with, whether you’ve still got the gimp mask or not, or a fetish for the old anal beads. 

Don’t give a shit.

What I want to talk about is why we should celebrate ten years in a business that at least from where I am looking, you’ve struggled to find anything like a modicum of success. I mean, let’s look at it with unbiased eyes for a second. Yeah, you’re towards the back end of your career, and thus struggle to keep up with, well, people like me. Yes, you are in your fifties, which to be fair, I credit you for starting late, and going on this long, knowing that being that age comes with certain ‘restrictions’ on what you can and can’t do. That’s not just me saying it Konrad… that’s science. Age does catch up with you, there’s no denying that. But let’s face it, there’s not going to be a great deal of evolution here is there? It’s simply not possible. Now, you might say that going from the nice, if a little confused guy you were to this… thing, who walks around these corridors like he owns the place, simply because he lucked out and owns his what, second title since he came here five years ago was it? You may well say that is evolution, and changing tact, being an asshole brought you the Underground Championship, so perhaps it was a good decision on your part. But being known for brutality, and yeah, I guess you’re stronger than me, so I’ll give you that too… does anyone REALLY look at you and think ‘fuck, I ain’t messing with that guy’, like they did someone like Blitzkrieg, the last true monster to stink out this place? Or even Tsunami who cracking skulls in the present day? 


Brass tacks sunshine, I told you this the last time we faced, when you were struggling mentally, you’re not looked at like a monster in its truest form, someone for us all to fear. You hold the Underground title, the definition of barbaric, and yet Kim Williams is pleading to take it from you. If given the chance, I’d step into the ring with you tomorrow, and the Underground isn’t really my domain. You’ve been splattering the red stuff all over the place, and yet STILL you are hard pressed to find someone who will take you seriously. Why do you think that is? 

I’ll tell you. 

Because although your actions are that of a monster, and yes, I could well end this match having spilt blood, I certainly wouldn’t be the last, and it wouldn’t be the first time either… thanks Daisy.”

He chuckles, hoping that she was listening to the private joke. 

“Simply put, the words that come out of your mouth sound like they are coming from that of a five-year-old who still hasn’t mastered the art of toilet training. Playground threats from you that I know full well Lucas Knight had difficulty keeping a straight face upon hearing them. Maybe you’ve done this on purpose, placing people on the back foot, but honestly, I don’t believe you’re that intelligent. No… it’s just like you attitude is that of a toddler, a toddler prone to tantrums. And you call me a man-baby? If anyone needs the fucking naughty step, it’s you.

But it’s not about what happens here behind camera is it? I went to the expense of that balloon, and I doubt you’ve paid it any attention, and the reality is you shouldn’t, because just like your soccer career it has very little to no bearing on our match. What matters is what happens when you get into the ring right? Where you have destroyed many individuals after being under the tutelage of Minerva. I mean, the Jackal’s kicked you to the curb the minute Minerva high tailed it, so they weren’t convinced by SCW’s version of Michael Myers, or his usefulness. But if it comes down to brutality, spilling blood, that’s your gig isn’t it? Someone like Owen Lee, the high-flying, high-energy technician isn’t going to stand a chance in that environment. Right?”

He stares at the camera, a grin forming, a grin that is almost a sneer.

“Wrong. Because if that is where you intend taking this Konrad. If we are going Underground because that is what you do best, I am more than willing to come along for the ride. Have a word with Olek, make it Underground Rules. Go one step further bro, put that shiny on the line and I’ll be more than willing to relieve you of that particular honor. Does that sound like I’m being negligent? Do you think I don’t know what I’m getting myself into? I’ll tell you why I can challenge you this way Konrad with absolutely no fear. In fact, I’ll sum it up in three words…

… Daisy… Rhea… Lee.”

He shifts position in the bed, ensuring to remain in the camera shot.

“Because if there is something, I set about proving after my return, starting with your best mate Drake, it was that I was no longer a one trick pony and that there were more strings to my bow than before. I’ve always been a speed merchant, one of the quickest in this company, and then against Alexis I showed that as a technician, I have become more than sufficient. Getting down and dirty, that was always a weakness of mine, but thanks to Daisy and Rachel, and in particular the ‘Slaughterhouse’, and yeah… it is still working. Because of those people and those principles, I have endured things that you cannot possibly imagine Konrad. Even more pain than that time Minerva shoved a traffic cone up your wrinkly old ass.” 

He pauses, allowing that statement to fester, that image now burned on the retinas of anyone listening. 

“Or maybe you took it all like a boss, I don’t know, I wasn’t there. What I DO know is I’m not the stranger to your ‘domain’ that you think I am. In fact, we go there, and I PROMISE you, I will thrive. You think YOU are capable of horrific things, but Rachel and Daisy are on another level. You think you’ve experienced pain… go to the slaughterhouse and come out of there anything other than a blubbering mess and I’ll give you your props as a ‘monster’ that should be respected. Till then, you’re just the prick with the timeless catchphrase.”

Owen puts on his gruffest voice


Ooo, you’re one scary mofo Konrad, you truly are.”

He shakes his head dismissively but continues regardless.

“Konrad, when all is said and done, you ARE a champion in this company and although you might not believe it, and I accept my words certainly may not have evidenced it, but I do respect you for holding a title belt in one of the most respected wrestling companies in the world. No matter how you claimed that title, or how you’ve defended it, you ARE the Underground champion, so you have found a way to hide away that which are to me your obvious flaws. Maybe people took you lightly, perhaps they thought they were in for an easy ride. But here's the thing Konrad, I never take short cuts and I will always do my homework. And I’ll find ways to claim victories, whatever the reputation of my opponent. People might not take you seriously, but I will, just the same as I do anyone, and I’ll come into this match with the same preparation as if I was facing Selena Frost, the current best in the world. And that fact alone is nothing but bad news for you. 

So, if you HAVE been given a free pass thus far, I assure you, there will be NO such generosity from me, because put quite simply, this is my first match against a current champion here in the SCW, and there is no greater opportunity for me to make a statement than by defeating someone on which that honor has been bestowed, whilst at the same time playing spoiler. I have a point to prove here Konrad, and there are questions that I still need to answer. But you need it, too don’t you? A victory to ensure your decade long career, something you’ve gone out of your way to mention, doesn’t end up like a damp squib. Can you live with that kind of pressure? Knowing that a defeat would ruin everything? 

But whereas you want people talking about you on April 7th, what happens if you walk out of New Orleans and everyone is talking about anyone but you? What if, in one of the biggest marquee matches of your career, your own personal ‘moment’ that you’ve been planning for what seems like months, you get dumped on your ass, or fall flat on your face by the ODE, a move that has already claimed some much bigger ‘names’ than you. What then Konrad? Will you choose another ‘personality’ to take the light from the Iced Blood, or will you go back to the Iceman himself, you know, the guy who at least held a modicum of respect from his peers for being a hardworking, decent human being who only had the best interests of SCW in his heart? Or will you, like many people think you should, call it a day, and save yourself the indignation of having a heart attack in the middle of the ring which is becoming more and more of an inevitability as the sands of time continue to the bottom of the hourglass. Either way, as I stated at the beginning of this promo, I’ll let you have your moment. Balloons, streamers, even confetti if you wish. I’ll play second fiddle for that occasion. But when the niceties are over and that bell rings. When the fans roar, and the referee motions for us to begin, none of that will matter. When the bell rings for the final time, your ‘decade of dominance’ will be forgotten. People will realize that Owen Lee is a champion in waiting. They will have witnessed me play spoiler, because Konrad it’s what I do. If you still don’t get it, this is the best visual representation I can come up with…" 

Owen turns behind him, and picks up a pin from the side cabinet popping the balloon

“That is YOUR celebrations going down like the proverbial lead… well in this case helium, balloon.” 

He winks at the camera

“Happy tenth anniversary Konrad. Enjoy the loss… my personal gift to you. Better than a lousy mug… right?”

He chuckles, as the scene fades
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Luiza's gear surprise for Konrad, including unveiling his new nickname for his tenth-anniversary match. Chicago, Illinois. Monday 4th April (Off-Camera)

They've not long just gotten home after Konrad's domination win at Richmond Raceway with the Cup Series class. They walk through the door, and Konrad carries the bags up to the bedroom, where he picks up all the dirty clothes and places them in the washing machine. However, as Konrad went downstairs to his private room to go on the NASCAR simulator to practice for the Martinsville race, Luiza stopped him.

Luiza Doe: "I will get your special surprise gear now. I think it's wise you stay here and practice the track you have to learn before Saturday's race. Love you."

Konrad Raab: “Love you too.”

Konrad and Luiza kiss before Konrad goes down to his private room to go on his NASCAR simulator. Luiza grabs her keys and a cotton bag to place Konrad's surprise gear in before she leaves the house. It only took ten minutes from Konrad's home to get where Luiza needed to go. In January, she measured him to get the clothing materials made since it takes months to make the clothes.

Luiza walks into the fancy dress shop called Fantasy Costumes and sees nobody in the shop, mainly it was nearly closing time since it was almost six at night. There were a lot of bunny and chicken outfits since it was Easter coming up. She walks to the front desk and rings the bell as the person at the till wasn't there. Suddenly, a man came towards Luiza, in his mid-twenties with just short blonde hair with Terry's name on it.

Terry: "Can I help you?"

Luiza Doe: "Yes, you can. I asked this shop to make my fiancee a costume in January, and I'm here to collect it."

Terry: "Let me go in the back, and I'll see if it's done for you. What's the name?"

Luiza Doe: “Either Luiza Doe or Konrad Raab.”

Terry stood in shock almost; of course, Konrad Raab was getting more popular now than when he was just a wrestler because his NASCAR career had taken up higher heights than anyone imagined. Terry goes to the back, and Luiza waits patiently. It only took Terry two minutes to find the costume he was looking for, stating Konrad Raab on the bag tag in a cotton black zipped bag.

Terry: "It seems to have been ready for a couple of days."

Luiza Doe: "Can I take a look at it?"

Terry nodded as he unzipped the bag. Luiza widens her eyes and checks it all over, including the wrestling boots specially made for the occasion, including a swift glance at the nickname which wasn't shown, but Luiza and Terry themselves. It was perfect measurements and had a hood that Konrad wanted as well.

Luiza Doe: "Oh my god, he will love this. It's amazing. Can I buy some gold and black face paint as well?"

Terry: "Certainly can. They are right in front of you."

Luiza sees, and she picks a gold and black one up before placing it on the desk to Terry as she pulls out some money from her wallet, knowing she knew the cost of the costume already. The clothes go back in the black cotton bag before Luiza carefully places the bag in the large cotton black bag she brought with her.

Luiza Doe: "Thank you so much for this; I'll see you soon."

Terry nodded, knowing Fantasy Costumes did the job well done. Luiza leaves the store and walks back to Konrad's apartment with the costume in the bag. Luiza then went down to where Konrad was, in his private room, on the NASCAR simulator driving around Martinsville track. Still, a few laps to go as Luiza sits to wait on Konrad to complete the laps he had to do. Luiza poked her head in the car machine when the race was finished.

Konrad Raab: "Is the costume ready?"

Luiza Doe: "Right here."

Luiza pulls the cotton zipped up bag out of the black cotton bag, and she unzips the costume. As she did, Konrad stepped out of the car and took a step back, looking a lot like his days in his match against Vantage. He dropped to his knees in shock as he touched the gold and black design material.

Konrad Raab: “This is fantastic. Now, let's see the back."

Luiza nodded, knowing this was one of the surprises, and of course, Konrad had to know so he could re-divine himself as something else since the nickname he used for his first match wasn't allowed anymore. Konrad then takes a few more steps back and smirks with a nod. Had golden letters of Konrad's nickname.

Konrad Raab: "That's fucking perfect. I love the nickname. However, I have to go and buy some gold paint for this occasion. It's going to be the greatest match of my entire life."

Luiza Doe: "It sure will be. Put it on and see if it fits, but it will. No need to do that; I've got the gold and black face paint colours covered; look in the bag."

Konrad immediately takes everything but his boxer shorts off and places the clothes on. The costume fitting perfectly. Although Konrad sees the gold and black face paint material too, he won't put them on cos Konrad didn't need to wear the gold and black face paint until Thursday.

Konrad takes the clothes off, places the clothes back in the cotton bag, and goes upstairs to unpack and repack everything to put the gold and black costume, gold and black gloves, and black and gold shoes in the suitcase. Along with the gold and black face paint in the bag too. Then he spends the rest of the day with Luiza on the sofa throughout the day.


Ten years anniversary match approaches. Chicago, Illinois. Tuesday 5th April. (On-Camera)

Counting down the days of Konrad approaching his tenth-anniversary match was over. Everything had changed since his debut in the wrestling business since two thousand and twelve. From being a non-wrestler facing against a champion to being a champion facing a wrestler. A few things however haven't changed like Konrad's passion for wrestling. Maybe more passion than he did before and the other thing, he was still doing videos in the abandoned home, embracing the smell of blood, dead bodies around him. He pointed the camera to show Justin Davis blood being in the collection of his victims. As Konrad turned the camera towards him, he isn't wearing the red gear. The face paint was still black, but he had gold all over him as he sits on a wooden chair.

Konrad Raab: “I don't think I'll talk about my match with Justin Davis because everyone knows all about that. This match is even more important than ever before and that's because as of Friday, I've been wrestling for ten whole years. Nobody thought even back when I faced Vantage in two thousand and twelve I would get this far. But my story of how difficult it was for me to become a professional wrestler is perfect to tell a spoon-fed arrogant prick who got into wrestling by leaching off families names, Owen Lee.”

It was a slightly different mood for Konrad today as although, he always wants to be violent and hurt wrestlers, it was going to be slightly toned down.

Konrad Raab: “My first match against Vantage back at World Elite Wrestling Retribution PPV in April eighth two thousand and twelve who was a World Elite Wrestling Universal champion almost ten years ago didn't lead me to get a wrestling contract. Back then, I was trying wrestling out to see if the sport was for me. I failed and got myself beaten in five minutes, even if knew the basics. I didn't give up because, in my second match, I faced Angelica Monroe, another World Elite Wrestling champion, but the setback was if I lost the match, I could never be a professional wrestler or get training at Starrdome wrestling school.”

How Konrad had to feel very uncomfortable when it came to that topic and one he had never spoken about. It was all about his career and everything to do with it, seeing it's ten years of being in the business.

Konrad Raab: “I fought Angelica in a steel cage at World Elite Wrestling Crossroads PPV on twenty-second July two thousand and twelve. I risked everything to use a power bomb from the top of a steel cage to not only win my match but to get into Starrdome wrestling school. That's why I use powerbomb as one of my moves because it was what I used to win my first match. I had to earn to get into that wrestling school Owen. I didn't get lucky like the leach you are did to get into a wrestling school easily. The thought of you and everyone else getting into a wrestling school just like that without having to prove yourselves makes me sick.”

It was the first time Konrad thought of mean things to say, although granted, violence was still on his mind. Still he picked up the first barrel of paint he had, the red one as he pours it on his body. Konrad felt anger, although in himself, he felt happier about how things went.

Konrad Raab: “Getting back to the current times, all I've heard you talk about is how you've not been sitting on your ass for six months, going to Japan and Mexico to prove yourselves, learning different styles of wrestling. I have done all of this while currently wrestling in SCW. I didn't spend time away for six months to rethink what you did to knock Mr Dickhead out. You became a coward of instead of actually wanting to chase the SCW title you so desperately wanted, you left like a little bitch, crying to get your contract cancelled.”

There was one thing Konrad had always been told to do and he had been tingling it, praising his opponent and because it was a day of his wrestling legacy, he had to.

Konrad Raab: “Fine, I do the one fucking thing I hate, praise the little fuck for being the youngest SCW and being a tag champion. Bravo kid, impressive indeed that I can't deny. I can't deny your skills in the ring either, but it was your family that trained you to get where you are. I had none of that, I barely had anyone wanting to train me when I started. That's the problem with you, isn't it Owen? You've never done anything on your own, you always had hand and foot to guide you to the top. Even with Daisy giving you a helping hand. From what I heard, the fact she's guided you and being as violent as she is, you're doing a good job dragging down her name and the legacy she left in that ring. How come I've never seen you be violent to use weapons on your enemies with anger, Owen?”

Konrad smiled, feeling he already got to him as he poured the gold paint on himself, mixing the red in, turning orange. Smiling away because he can only be happy, even if the anger was still within him.

Konrad Raab: “I know why because you're still that same naïve self who couldn't figure out who the fuck he was. You still don't know yourself Owen because you want to be the same as before, but instead of using your non-existent father's, you want to use your mother's because again, you don't have a clue who you want to be. Do you see me leach off wrestlers to make a name for myself? No because I don't need guidance from other wrestlers to get better. You mention the Jackals and how I was a weak link, but who's the only former member of that team right now that's not only still on this roster, but also a champion?”

It only made Konrad feel proud of himself on the success he had gained for himself and that road wasn't easy either. He had to work for six years to get a title shot on a PPV event again and delivered when he needed to.

Konrad Raab: “I let you answer that one for yourself because it's not Kandis and Tommy right now who've only been famous as of late being tag champions, the division being a joke now those zoo animals that somehow work in a farm are champions. While it is unfortunate Minerva isn't here, like you being a bitch on Twitter for the lack of SCW title shot you desperately wanted, that along with Twitter wars are irrelevant now. More so that I used The Jackals to leap myself ahead because you know damn well the nice me never worked. Nothing did and I had to be ruthless and become an asshole to get to the top, even the parasite that I am. Don't tell me that Tsunami is more violent than me. Because he's not. Tsunami has never ended careers or injured wrestlers that were top names around here, nor has he busted anyone open as I have. He's never done anything without his father telling him to do things to other wrestlers, being too bollockless to do shit himself therefore, I don't fear him. Kim isn't to be feared either, not when she had every opportunity to be violent and use weapons at me, yet I was the one who hit her with a weapon first, turning good old mighty deathmatch queen into a cowardly queen, claiming victory over a DQ when in reality, I won by being more violent than she was.”

Konrad could only laugh at the points Owen could have said towards him, although the facts were there that Konrad had some assistance in ending the careers of wrestlers, it was still a valid point, especially since Lucas and Cannon were all his own doing. Still, the point was made that he still claimed to be more violent than Owen would've named.

Konrad Raab: “It's funny because I still find you a generic piece of crap who's so arrogant and full of himself that has only done the job of beating wrestlers for the three count, except for Kandis. Oh, I'm sure you'll give me a fight on my tenth-anniversary match and a good one as well in front of my family, friends, teammates and friends, loyal ones that aren't a part of the wrestling business, but you won't win this match because no matter if you do, I will still be living my glory days, knowing my career has it's up and downs like yours has, knowing I took a shot that most wrestlers at my age wouldn't dare to do in their forties. If you must know, two years after I came back to the ring, in two thousand and fourteen, a day before my birthday, I won the World Elite Wrestling Universal title and I still have the title to this day, I never lost the belt.”

Smirking all over his face as he stands up with the Underground title around his shoulder and turns the lights on to show off the gold and black gear he was wearing.

Konrad Raab: “So on Thursday night, just like the first day of wrestling in my first ever match, I'll be wearing the gold and black gear to the ring and I'm not going to be The Iced Blood. No, because on the night I will live on and make more memories of my career that you'll likely reach sooner than later because you are talented and you won against top guys and legends around here, some for titles even. While you're facing a champion, you're getting a champion that while I've not said things like I'll make you bleed, you damn sure I will because at least I have a nickname I'm remembered for. For Thursday night, I'm known as The Golden Blood like I was when I started wrestling in my first ever match. You have nothing and you'll forever be a guy that has no personality because you're so god damn boring."

Konrad took a brief drink of water and knows no matter what, Angelica and Vantage, wherever they'll be right now will be proud of him of continue his wrestling career and making it ten years of being in the business.

Konrad Raab: “Because even if you do win, it wouldn't mean a damn thing to me because I still will be champion and I will still be celebrating on the fact I reached ten years of being a professional wrestler which admittedly, I will be emotional as fuck about. At the same time, I will cause a rampage, beating you down to bleed gold all over the ring. Because I do aim to make you bleed. I will break your bones to a point you can't stand. It will be my pleasure to temporary stop your career while it rises back again, even if you've lost sight of what you truly seek for."

A small break once again to gather his breath, hearing the screams, but Konrad for today ignores them but does remind himself of who he is, even if he dropped his guard quite a lot.

Konrad Raab: "It's even more of a pleasure you're my tenth-anniversary opponent that you'll forever have a match against me that I will remember for ten more years I know I'll be in this damn business, regardless of age that's just a bunch of numbers. But it will be remembered for the bad reasons mostly, especially when you'll prepare yourself to be rained by The Golden Blood when I pin you for the three count because I can and I will or I'll make you tap out in the ring with golden blood poured all over you. Bring all the violence you have, let's see if you'll beat me with busting me open and try to cause me an injury, because it will then show you're ready for the Underground title, but knowing you, you won't do a damn thing. The night belongs to me, not you or anyone in Supreme Championship Wrestling.”

Konrad smirks, knowing he had said and done everything he had to say towards Owen Lee and the camera Konrad focuses in and turns around to show off the nickname he's going to be called on Thursday night and the camera goes black.
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

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