Syren vs. Owen Lee vs. Gavin Taylor vs. Alexis Quinne
Over the Top Rope Challenge

2 RP Limit for singles matches

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Wednesday, May 18, 2022
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
First for Syren this week. Also probably the only one I'm posting today.


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The Syren Song: Verse 351
“Nothing matters unless it does”
[Image: syren2021.png]

[Alexis Quinne is seen sitting in a studio, a purple screen is shown behind her. She's positioned front and center. Her brown pupils remain steady, unmoving. She has her hands inside the pockets of her black leather jacket. A black Warriors baseball cap rest on her head. Her eyes widen a bit before she speaks.]

Alexis: Yo.

[Her hands come out of her pockets as she rubs them together.]

Alexis: You know, winning the US belt at Holly-wood of the South would have been a big deal for me. It would have been a big accomplishment. Three times..I had my cracks at that belt. First time, 2016, Ravyn Taylor. Longest champion of all time. Almost two years. Just running through everyone. There was no better wrestler in the world than Ravyn Taylor at that time. Retribution, I had my chance. From the opening bell I was all on her. Pushed her on her back foot. I gave it everything I had. And then, both of us on the top turnbuckle, we trade shots, we crash all the way down to the floor. Double countout. Draw.

I got my rematch few weeks later. No countouts. No DQs. We went at it again. I'm matching her, step by step, just like the first time. I was so convinced I was going to be the one that beat her.

[She shakes her head.]

Alexis: Came away empty handed.

[Alexis allows a sight to escape her mouth while she sits up straight in the chair.]

Alexis: Month later, Dawn Lohan gets her turn. She got her chance. And she beat her. She ended the run. And I remember watching....thinking that should have been me. Wondering why it wasn't me.

[Alexis rest her chin on the top of her hands.]

Alexis: Third crack at it was 2018, January. Regan Street. Her and I had beef. There wasn't a day that went by that this bitch wasn't bringing up how she beat me in less than 5 minutes long ago. That would just play in my head like a loop, over and over again. I trained hard, fantasying about beating her, the look on her face when she would look at and it's me who beat me, me with the title. I wanted to get payback for all the shit she talked. All the times she tried to screw me over. I don't need much to motivate me or make me angry. We all know that. That was the extra fuel that I needed.

I lost.

[She uses her left hand to rub her mouth a bit.]

Alexis: Holly-wood of the South rolls around and I get real excited. One night tournament. Win three matches. Become champion. That's as good as it gets. I haven't won a title in about four years. This whole thing of being back, you know, all of this is like a puzzle. Just working, adding new tricks, letting it spin. Trying to put it back together again. I felt good rolling into the building. Every match I'm in, I personally feel I can win it. Every time. There's not a single person on this roster I don't feel i can't beat. You work for this. You train for this. You watch tape and your spar and you go through the days working on your craft for this. Going through Gavin i knew wasn't going to be easy, especially after pinning him a few weeks ago.

I was ready for that. I handled that. No surprise to me. Alright, Glory Braddock. I wanted that match, secretly. I wouldn't have shed tears if Tsunami won but I had never wrestled Glory and that' just someone I've always wanted to wrestle and beat. You know, a wrestler like her, of her statue.

[Alexis presses her lips a bit.]

Alexis: Obviously I'm not sitting here with the US belt. She got me. I had a great gameplan, worked on the arm. she kept countering the Dreadnought and...and I felt like I could get it locked in. Didn't happen.

It sucks.

[She shrugs her shoulders, however her face was tightened and her eyebrows were lowered and pulling together. Her nostrils flared upwards.]

Alexis: It sucked. It was a long walk back down the aisle, through the curtains and back in my locker room for me. An even longer walk to go back out, side entrance in the building and watch Glory and Hudson wrestle for that belt, thinking that should have been me. There's no excuses from me. No "she got lucky." She beat me straight up. I spent a lot of time working, training, watching Gavin, watching Glory, watching Hudson. Any possible opponent, 100% I watched. Mom called, Dad called, hung up on them. Friends sent messages, you know. Let them on red. I'm studying for this.

It was painful, honestly. Watching that match. I always do that. People know that. I'm always out there watching the main event or the big matches. It reminds me a lot of the nights I would be at home, as a teenager. in the living room with the big screen and I would watch the big matches.

[Alexis looks up a bit, her eyes drifting at the ceiling before back at the camera.]

Alexis: It was painful watching a match that I felt I should have been in, that I worked really hard and spent a lot of time to be in. That's the thing. One of the questions I hear back in the city. Or, you know, at these shows, these kids and teenagers who want to become wrestlers and they have that sparkle in their eyes and they got all these dreams and they ask for a piece of advice. and I tell all of them.

Life is pain.

Pro wrestling is pain. There will be nights where you hit the ring and you're prepared, you're excited, you hear the crowd going crazy and you feel like you got what it takes and you wanna grab the brass ring and you think you're ready for it. And then you go out there and you lose. And you gotta walk back down that aisle and you gotta going through all these question about how did that happen? Why did that happen? Was it worth it? Was it worth people holed up in some gym or your house watching pro wrestling when you could have been spending time with your family, your loved one, whoever you care about.

[Alexis' voice raises as she points at the camera.]

Alexis: You can dream about being champion, winning Taking Hold of the flame, main eventing, becoming a big star. All that! Dreams are great! Everyone knows I am a dreamer. And I accomplished a lot of my dreams. Shit that people thought were weird and couldn't be done. But while you're dreaming and you're thinking about all you want to do, the reality is that pro wrestling is pain. And there will be times where you fail and you feel like shit. And you look in the mirror like I did the night of Holly-wood of the South and you asked yourself why the fuck am I doing this?!

Even I had to ask myself. Coming back, you think about all the good times. I thought a lot about the titles I won, the matches I won, the places I've been, the respect I've earned. And a night like Holly-wood of the South reminded me that that's not how it always goes.

[Alexis pauses and lets out a sight.]

Alexis: But nothing in life is easy. Truth me, there isn't shit that is easy out there that's worth it. It's not. I came back because while I did a lot of things and a lot of people would say I'm a legend and shit like that, there's a lot of shit that I haven't done. And I have a lot more to give. Not just to pro wrestling, but to myself. I want to prove to myself that I can do more, that I can take it to another level.

It's a struggle. You got all the pieces, but you're trying to find the perfect fit. It's been uneven for me. Some highs, some lows, since coming back. But that's the struggle. That's the pain. In my time away, one lesson that I've learned is that pain and joy are one and same. You can't have one without the other.

You can't know what the joy of life, of victory without knowing how defeat taste like that.

I was hurting at the PPV but I am not afraid of failure. I'm not afraid of the struggle. I'm not afraid of this shit. I'm built for this!

[Alexis continues pointing.]

Alexis: Taking Hold of he Flame, I've never won that. I've never main evented that show. Like every kid, I grew up hitting my heads to the pillow, dreaming about Rise to Greatness and main eventing that show. That is what I dreamed about. I looked at myself in the mirror and I told myself you're not going to run from the struggle. You're not going to run from this shit. You look at breakdown. Owen Cruze, Gavin, Syren. I haven't seen Syren in the ring in five years.

I'm not running from this shit.

I'm running towards it.

Open the Top Rope Challenge.

It might be a struggle for me to throw them over the ropes but I can fucking promise you it'll be a bitch for them to throw all 5'2, 110 pounds of me. And I guarantee to you, to all of you, you will see me give everything I have to go after my dreams.

There's more to do.

There's more to go after.

And I'm coming for it all.

Breakdown, Alexis Quinne, At Large once again. May God help you all!

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Second for Syren this week. Not even sure if I need to say that Ivy appears with permission at this point, but I will.


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The Syren Song: Verse 352
“A piece of the furniture”
[Image: syren2021.png]

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