Deanna Frost vs. Jenni Anderson
Deanna Frost vs. Jenni Anderson

2 RP Limit
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Saturday, June 4, 2022
Project: Black Ice

”A Day In The Life of Mr. and Mrs. Craven”

Paris, France
May 29th, 2022

Madelaine Craven walked down the streets of Paris, feeling the cool breeze of spring sweep past as it blew her black hair back and whispered against her bare shins. The sun was slowly reaching the horizon as it began to set. She wore a summer dress, dark blue in color with white lilacs designed on them that ran down to just below her knees, along with some matching summer shoes with a thick wooden heel in the back.

A particularly strong breeze pushed against her, causing her to move to the side a little, tipping into the side of the man she was holding hands with – his hand releasing hers in order to wrap around her shoulders in order to ‘catch her’.

“Don’t tell me you’re drunk.” Teased her husband, Oscar Craven, the young man looking down at her with the most beautiful sapphire-blue eyes Madelaine had ever seen.

“Pfft.” Breathed Madelaine. “It was just a strong breeze that knocked me out. You know I don’t drink.”

“No…” corrected Oscar. “I don’t drink. You tolerate that I don’t drink by not drinking.”

“I prefer not to have the temptation near me as well so you’re not tempted either.” Madelaine stated simply. “I’m actually surprised you chose Paris with that in mind.”

“It doesn’t just have wine and other alcoholic beverages.” The tall, thin man laughed. “There are other things it’s known for.”
“Even so…” Madelaine shrugged playfully, earning a raised eyebrow from her partner.
“You’re teasing me.” He observered.
“Moi?!” Madelaine scoffed. “How rude! To suggest a thing from your wife!”

The couple shared a laugh as they continued their walk down the street, simply enjoying the day – it was a very much need refresh considering the events that happened earlier and the events that were headed for them…

“So…” Madelaine tried, gazing up at Oscar. “Tonight’s our last night here.”

She heard him take a slow breath, inhaling and exhaling a little as he nodded his head, his brown hair moving a little with his nod.

“Well…” Madelaine tried, throwing her best optimistic tone possible into her voice. “I mean…last time till the end of the weekend. Once Sunday is over…” her voice trailed off as she felt Oscar’s hand squeeze hers gently.

“I hope so.” Oscar whispered. “But I can’t look past the next few days.”

“Have you…” she tried, biting her lower lip. “Have you figured anything else out?”

“No.” Oscar shook his head. “I’ve been wracking my brain about it but I can’t pin it together. There’s something I’m missing – something that would tie all of it together.”

The dark-haired, shorter woman gave a nod, returning her gaze forward. “Have you explained it to them, yet?” she heard Oscar ask, indicating the trio of children who walked and ran (each one doing their own thing) around the elder woman guarding them – their grandmother. The two of them had followed the group of four all day, staying several yards to even a full block back at times, not wishing to expose themselves and ruin the carefully laid plans of their identities.

They had watched the children and grandmother walk through the park, have treats in one of the many open store-stalls, play in another park, skip on the sidewalks and go shopping through several of the stores. The Cravens always stayed nearby keeping them in sight, with one of them entering whatever store they entered as well (sometimes it was Oscar, other times it was Madelaine).

With a sad smile, Madelaine nodded her head to Oscar’s earlier question. “They think we’re just going into work early. Get a head start on a VERY important match for mommy.” She cast a glance at Oscar, who merely smirked and shook his head a little.

“You DO have a very important match.” He stated.
“I think they were talking about you, sweetheart.” She squeezed his arm affectionately. “One more to go.”

“I…” she heard his breath hitch a little. “I know… Can’t believe I’m nervous about that. I might not even…” his voice trailed off.

“Do not think like that.” Madelaine pressed, staring up at him and gaining his full attention, the lean frame turning a little to stare back. “I will NOT let anything happen to you, do you understand?”

“De….” He looked around. “Definitely, I understand.”

“Good.” Madelaine nodded. “So… can I be nervous too?”

“Of course you can!” Oscar replied. “It’s a big event. And if I recall correctly, this your second pay-per-view?”

Madelaine gave a nod of her head. Because of timing and a saturated schedule from work, she had not been able to participate in her own match at the last big show, instead supporting her partner while they competed, which was perfectly fine with her. She had started as a manager and support and she was fine going back into that role when necessary. Still…

“It’s kind of more than that.” She admitted, biting her lower lip nervously. “I’ve never…never had a ‘feud’ before…”

Now THAT was true. Most of her battles had been in support of helping her partner – Oscar, she reminded herself as she looked around at several of the passerby on the street – helping to fight their battles against the stables and enemies of their business. But JennI? Jenni was the first real person that Madelaine was dealing with.

Well, no…that wasn’t true. While Madelaine was focused on her for her own sake, Jenni was really only interested in her provided it lead to a fight with Madelaine’s partner. The Queenpin had all but scoffed at Madelaine when that conditional had been tossed aside and the match between the two women had happened anyway.

“I don’t even know if she will show up.” Madelaine admitted. “She might just…” she gave a shrug of her shoulders. “She might just not show up.” She admitted glumly.

It made sense to the black-haired woman. Jenni had just become the new Television Champion, though the ‘how’ was still suspicious to Madelaine. She had watched the match carefully and Beard, the then challenger, had not taped out. Not even made a move that would indicate he had, yet still, the official had stated that he had.

Nervously, Madelaine looked up at Oscar. “You…think I’m right?” she asked, knowing Oscar had watched the footage at her insistence. “About the official I mean.”

“I do.” Sighed Oscar. “I hate to admit but I do.”
“Why?” she asked nervously. “I didn’t meant to disappoint you.”

“You did nothing wrong.” insisted the taller man. “But if she did bribe an official… it means that there is still corruption there. People can STILL be bought and paid off – including trusted individuals like the officials. Imagine what would have happened if Aaron Demitria had such scruples. I wouldn’t be the SCW World Champion, would I?”

It was a scary thought to be sure. For a year, Oscar had fought for integrity at work, for fair play and decency… and while she was dealing with someone conniving and ‘buying’ help in the form of Giovanni Aries, Madelaine was having to deal with someone doing the same thing in Jenni Anderson.

Still, for an official to be bribed. It was beyond scary.

“Should we talk to Shaun?” Madelaine asked, earning a nod of the head from Oscar.
“I am sure he is already looking into it, but I will talk to him… or rather… Selena Frost will talk to him.” She stated playfully, turning her head to show the playfulness in her sapphire eyes.

“Good idea.” Madelaine smiled, playing back. “She is FAR more persuasive.”
“Oscar has his moments!”
“Of course!” Madelaine teased. “That’s why I married him.”
“Oh, Madelaine.” Leaning forward, the young man graced Madelaine’s forehead with a soft kiss. “Maybe I love you.”
“Maybe I love you.” She whispered, refusing to say a name – for this moment was a break in their characters. She could hear the real voice in ‘Oscar’ as he spoke those words, his true voice sneaking through just for her.

A flash of white caught their attention as the Cravens looked up in time to see a soccer ball – excuse, football – bounce towards them. Carefully, Oscar used the side of his foot and shin to stop it. With the ball’s movement halted, the couple looked up to see the young boy running up towards them. He had dark brown hair with a white streak going around it and wore a t-shirt with dark blue shorts. The t-shirt was one of his many ‘favourite’ comic-book characters, Wolverine this time – from the X-men.

“I’m sorry.” He stated, perhaps a bit too over-the-top. “I lost my ball.”

Madelaine almost laughed out loud. Her son was NOT an actor, that much was certain. Still, she knelt down, as did Oscar, to pick up the ball and hand it to him. Eyes going wide, the boy didn’t immediately take it. “May I have my ball back?” he replied robotically, as if trying to recite lines he had learned.

“It’s okay, David.” Madelaine smiled. “Did you want to see us?”

The boy nodded his head. “I…” he replied a little hesitantly. “I wanted a hug.”

The Cravens were a little speechless for a second but reminded themselves that the boy was only five years old, soon to be six next month. A smile broke across Madelaine’s face as she lowered the ball back on the ground and held her arms out. “Of course you can.”

Immediately, the boy rushed into Madelaine’s arms, clinging to the woman with all he had. “Are you alright?” she whispered.

The youth nodded his head. “I just missed mom’s hugs.”

Gently, Madelaine petted his head as she held him. It was unfair – she wanted to be walking with the three children and Gerda, as much as she knew Oscar wanted to as well, but… the deadline was approaching and it was too dangerous. They couldn’t afford to give away any sign of who they were. These little displays of affections were fine, but if they learned the truth. If word leaked out that the Frost family were hiding in Paris? It was all the information that madman would need!

Still, this was enough for now.

“I’ll make sure you get all the hugs you want when we get back to the hotel.” Madelaine whispered in a promise. “You can sneak over tonight with Elsianna and Amiliah, okay?”
“Really?” David asked, his eyes wide and his smile bright. “Can we play games?”
“Of course we can.” The black-haired woman smiled.

Biting his lower lip, David turned towards Oscar. “Um…mommy?” he asked.

In response, Oscar opened his arms to the boy, her voice dropping the fake tone to adopt the one that was truly hers. “Come here, my prince.”

Like with Madelaine, David rushed into Oscar’s waiting arms, feeling the snug embrace of his other mother, who held him with no less affection than Madelaine. “I’m sorry you have to go through this.” Oscar whispered.

David said nothing, merely nodding his head. “Are we doing good?” he eventually asked.
“You’re all doing great.” Oscar replied. “And you’re being so brave and good.” She commended. “Can you tell the others that for me?”

David nodded, sniffling a little before backing out of the hug to pick up his ball. He cleared his throat a little. “AHEM! Thank you for returning my ball, nice strangers!” he said, back to his robotic rehearsed lines before scampering back towards the trio several yards ahead, who were silent watching the Cravens with their own smiles on their faces.

Getting to their feet, Oscar and Madelaine offered a wave to them before seeming to turn and observe the décor sitting behind the windows of the nearby clothing store, and though it was a distraction, Madelaine’s eyes suddenly got swept up in the gorgeous designs. It was a black, long dress with no shoulders, tied together with a silver, sequined sash. The mannequin was posed with one hip out and a hand on that hip while the free hand gestured upwards.

“Something you like?” Oscar’s voice, gruff and low as before, filled her ears, causing Madelaine to sigh a little, her eyes fluttering shut.

“Yeah.” She turned her head to observe her husband. “But not on me.”

Raising an eyebrow, Oscar turned his head to observe the dress. “Little flashy, don’t you think?” he teased.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Madelaine scoffed. “Which one of us likes the whole ‘snowflakes for shoulder décor’?”
“Hey! I make that look good.” Oscar countered. “And that’s America me. France me is ALL about the suits!” he gestured to the outfit her currently wore.

“I know…” sighed Madelaine. “I just wish…”
“What?” Oscar asked, dropping his teasing tone. “Hunny…”
“It’s nothing.” Madelaine shook her head, feeling the sting of tears start to form in her eyes. “I’m being selfish.”
“You…” Oscar looked around before lowering his head down to whisper to his wife. “You can be that around me.”

She seemed to consider those words for a moment before turning back to Oscar. “I just…” she bit her lower lip. “I miss her, okay? I know she’s here – you’re here – and I know you’re still you but… I miss her. I miss my wife.” Her voice was a half-cry, half whisper but never went above that in terms of noise. She was trying desperately not to gather attention to them, even though she could feel the sadness pouring out of her.

“For Odin’s sake, Sel-“ she caught herself, biting her lower lip hard to stop from saying that name. “We’re here… where you proposed to me… And I can’t be me here – you can’t be you… I love you and I love that we’re here but I hate it all the same.”

She gazed down at her feet. “I’m sorry.” She shook her head. “I know I am being unfair. I know that. I just – it just got to me for a moment.” She wiped at her eyes. “I’m okay now.”

She heard Oscar take a deep breath as if in thought and looked up, seeing his sapphire eyes gazing at her. His head then turned off to the distance, spying the tall building that was their hotel: The Hotel Le Walt Paris and just a further ways off stood the Eiffel Tower, it’s frame silhouetted with the setting sun.

“Se- Oscar?” Madelaine asked, regaining his attention. “Please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not.” Oscar smiled. “I’m sorry this has been rough on you. But I promise… I will make it up to you. I give you my word. And you know how I feel about that.”

Despite herself, a smile crossed Madelaine’s lips, nodding her head. Oscar’s word – his integrity – was his greatest attribute and one of the many things Madelaine loved. She just needed to patient, she knew. It may not be today, tomorrow, or even in a year, but she knew that if her partner was promising to make it up to her, than it would happen one way or another.

Little more was said the rest of the walk as they followed the three children and grandmother around the blocks of Paris and back to their hotel. Nothing was said of the incident in front of the store as the children and Gerda snuck into their room to play games and watch television. Nothing was said when they said goodnight and returned to their rooms or even when Oscar excused himself from the room to ‘speak with the front desk and check for ‘any messages’’.

But as the clock neared 9:30pm and the sun was far gone – the night sky coming alive with stars – Madelaine was in the bathroom, having just finished taking a shower, dressed only in a towel when she heard her cellphone ring. Immediately, her spine went rigid. Who would be calling her at this hour? Quietly, she reminded herself that most people she knew were in America, who were probably still enjoying the day/evening.

Carefully, she made her way across the room towards the phone that rested on the nightstand table, her nerves shooting up again. What if it was work? What if Jenni had said something? What if Shaun had to cancel their match because Jenni had refused to show up to fight her! That coward… Madelaine growled under her breath. Of course she would refuse to show! No title was on the line or title shot for that matter, so why would she care? She lost nothing losing to someone like Madelaine – so of course she wouldn’t!

As Madelaine’s thoughts rampaged through her mind, she spied the phone number – and didn’t recognize it. Not the area code or anything. Maybe it was a telemarketer or something- the ringing ended as she continued to contemplate… only for the room phone to start ringing a minute later. This one, she decided to answer.

“Hello… Madelaine Craven, here.” She whispered, remembering her name.
“Yes, Mrs. Craven!” came the cheerful voice of a young boy. “Front desk calling. I’m calling to remind you of your sister’s appointment at 10:30pm.”

“Appointment?” Madelaine asked in confusion. “My sister?”
“Oh yes!” the caller replied. “Your husband was quite clear. He said to remind De to head to the base of the Tower for 10:30pm.”

Rather than feel relieved, more alarms went off in Madelaine’s mind. Was this a trick? Was this a trap set up by…him? Had he actually found her and Oscar despite their many steps to remain hidden? “Did…did he say anything else?”

“Yes.” Replied the lobbyist. “He said not to worry, M.I.L.Y. I assumed that was a nickname for you, Mrs. Craven.”

M.I.L.Y…. Maybe, I love you… Madelaine felt herself breath a sigh of relief at hearing that. It was more than just their secret saying – it was everything. And in this case, it was a code that everything was fine. “Yes…” she breathed. “Thank you. I’ll – I will send De there now.”

Giving her thanks once more, Madelaine hung up the phone before tearing the towel off her frame, not caring that she was running around the apartment naked. When in Paris…

Reaching the closet, she pulled it open to quickly scan through the racks of clothes. Two things had stuck out in Oscar’s message.

The Eiffel Tower
The appointment for her sister, De.

For a moment, Madelaine stared at her reflection in the mirror. It wasn’t Madelaine that stared back. Madelaine need the black hair to be Madelaine Craven. Without it… Madelaine was who she truly was…

Deanna Frost.

With a smile at herself, Deanna turned and plucked off the dress from the rack. An A-Line scoop neck asymmetrical chiffon dress. Carefully, she held the dress in her hands, feeling the lacy top part of it as the dark, emerald green met her eyes. As quickly as she could manage, she got herself into the dress and did her hair up a bit, combing out any knots and letting it flow down her back. The weather was cool but still nice enough where a coat or sweater wasn’t needed.

Quickly, she rushed out of the room, locking it behind her, down the hall and down the elevator (which took WAY too long in her opinion). She was out of the hotel room and walking down the illuminated streets (lit by several lamps, safer than the alleys) and over the crosswalk on All. Adrienne Lecouvreur, travelling the mere kilometer needed until she was standing at the base of the magnificent tower. It was alight with its ‘night-light-display’, glowing a soft amber color from the height to the base.

“Oscar?” Deanna called out quietly, gazing around the base. A few people walked around her and past her, several more were several yards off, all of them paying her no mind. “Oscar…” she stopped for a second, a different name coming to her. “S…Selena?”


The voice, feminine, called out to her, causing the redhead to spin around as, from behind one of the support-structures of the tower, from the shadows, stepped out the young woman – Oscar, no… her wife, Selena Frost. Seeing her, Deanna’s mouth opened a little. The taller woman wore an A-Line v-neck floor-length dress with a ruffle split front, the dark purple allowing her pale skin and platinum-blonde hair to stand out. But what also stood out was the embroidery, while the same color as the dress, allowed it to shimmer a little in the lights of the tower. She was so taken aback by her wife’s beauty that she didn’t see Selena suffering a similar issue by gazing at her.

A moment passed until Deanna regained her senses, immediately rushing over to her wife’s side, unable to hide the tears in her eyes as she threw her arms around Selena’s neck, hugging the young woman to her. “Thank you…” she whispered. “Thank you…thank you.”

She felt Selena hug her back affectionately, the two standing like that for ever several minutes before Deanna dared to pull her head back and press her lips to Selena’s, the contact returned but now also involving their lips. Despite the absurdity of it, it was different being here with Selena than being here with Oscar Craven – it felt different. It felt… freer. More natural. More wonderful. There was no end to the words Deanna could use to explain being under the Eiffel Tower with her beloved.

Slowly, as the need for air became paramount, Deanna and Selena pulled away from one another. “Told you I’d make it up to you.” Selena smiled before reaching into her purse, which stood in one of the metal ‘slots’ on the support, effectively wedged there where no one could see and, thus, steal it. Searching for a moment, Selena smiled as she pulled out two small objects and then pulled out her phone, pressing something before putting it back in the purse and returning to Deanna.

“What are-“ Deanna started but stopped as Selena placed the object in her ear – a wireless earbud. She placed the second of the pair in her own ear and, immediately, the sound of music began to play in Deanna’s ear – a soft, beautiful jazz music with guitar, woodwinds, piano and percussion. Looking back up at her wife, Deanna saw Selena silently take her hand and wrap the other around her waist, the redhead, on instinct, resting her free hand on Selena’s shoulder and grasping the other hand.

The two began a slow dance to the music only they could hear, stepping in time as they stepped and twirled in their select space, dancing in and out of the shadows of the tower above them. It was a moment where Deanna allowed herself to forget everything.

Forget Killjoy.
Forget Giovanni Aries.
Forget Jenni Anderson.

And just savour being with her loving wife. “You certainly know…” she teased as Selena twirled her. “How to sweep a girl off her feet.”

“Better than stepping on them.” Selena countered smoothly, expertly running a hand down Deanna’s back sensually, earning shudder from the redhead.

“I should tell you…” she continued, playfully. “My sister and her husband, Oscar, will be very upset if you keep me up too late.”

“Keep you up as in outside here, or keep you up as in ‘awake all night’?” Selena countered, sticking her tongue out to her wife. “Besides, I’ll happily fight for your time.”

“I don’t know.” Deanna shrugged. “Oscar’s got a mean kick.”
“I’m sure I can take him.” Selena teased. “He sounds like he wears restricting clothes.”

The pair continued to dance until the Tower had to close for the night a short while later, forcing their wives to travel back to the hotel room where they continued to celebrate the night together. For Deanna, it was all she could ask for – even though she knew of the danger that was heading for them.

For in a few days, they would be heading to Nome while their children stayed there, safe in Paris. In a few days, the election for Nome’s mayor would conclude…

In a few days, the Frost family would meet, once more, with the murderous Killjoy…
In a few days, the deadline – the one with her own life on the line… would be up.


I imagine you’re feeling rather clever and full of yourself right now, aren’t you, Jenni? Yeah, sorry that I don’t have the glitz and glam that my wife would have for a match like this. It’s not that I don’t think my second pay-per-view match is worth it, but involving my wife is what YOU want and that is the last thing I am going to do – give you what you want.

I have to admit, it was very clever of you, it really was! Like, super super clever to play on my words and beliefs like that. Bartering for a world title match if you beat me? You sort of placed me in a bind. If I said ‘no’, then I’d be a coward or someone that didn’t really believe in my family’s mission or my own abilities or some other way you’d spin it. And if I said yes, I’d be selling out my integrity to get what I want and giving you a chance to ‘jump the line’ for the world title – giving you a damn shortcut after 39 people are willing to fight like hell for it.

You want to know why I didn’t enter that royale, by the way, Jenni, while you did? It’s not because I didn’t want to try. It’s not because I didn’t like the idea of facing my wife and showing her how far I have come along. You kidding? If Giovanni Aries can dream about his pupil, Samuel Davis, going all the way to Rise with him as the champion as an “All Brand Main-Event”, why can’t I dream of The House of Frost making their own ‘unbelievable main event’.

The reason I didn’t do that is because this was far more important to me. Facing you was far more important to me. And it’s not because of your talent or ability or even that championship you now hold. It’s because you need to be stopped. You need to be taught a lesson!

Because, quite honestly, Jenni, I’m sick to death of your methods. You expect me to believe that you were just ‘given’ a title match after losing to me? That you were just ‘picked’ for a title shot after paying to win one match and blackmailing another person to win another? 

Yeah, call me uber-crazy, but I, actually, believe in Shaun Cruze and his assessment of challengers and ‘who is worthy’ to take on a champion and you are the farthest thing but. You know what? I’ll agree with my wife here – GIOVANNI ARIES AND ACE MARSHALL ARE MORE DESERVING THAN YOU ARE! – and that is saying something.

So you getting that shot? That got me thinking. But it didn’t stop there, did it? You won the title by that painful looking submission move: The Debt Repayment. Yeah, that did look painful, but I didn’t see Beard tap out. And maybe I’m not the smartest girl in the schoolyard, Jenni, but I’ve been around here long enough to know when someone is giving up – when someone surrenders. Beard wasn’t there, and yet… Michael Constantine called for the bell…

At first, it didn’t make sense. But something you said suddenly rang in my head. “One just has to take advantage of opportunities”.

A shot you didn’t earn.
A win that seemed to come out of nowhere…

See. I don’t think you were talking about you when you said that. I think you were talking about someone on the board. I think you were talking about Michael Constantine. I think you bought your way to a title shot and then bought Constantine into rigging the match for you to win.

And if I’m right, then this match just became much more important to me than any royale I could have entered! Because it’s not just about my pride anymore. It’s not just about getting the win you stole from me when you paid that young wrestler to attack me, thus preventing that pinfall victory. 

This is about stopping you from furthering your vendetta. This is about stopping what you are starting. 

You have made it clear that you can buy your way to anything. Wins, title shots, title victories – you have made it clear that you have the money to buy out anyone and have anyone become a sellout. Except me and those that believe in something greater than “the Almighty Dollar”. But you have also made it clear that there is more beyond the world title picture that needs to change in SCW. That ‘integrity’ needs help not just in the world title division, but in all parts of SCW.

So while the Queen deals with her kingdom and her title, she will have her Guard take on that task! And it’s one that I embrace wholeheartedly.

You want this to be about my wife, Jenni – another shortcut to another title for you. That isn’t going to happen. You’ll just laughed out of the room if you try that nonsense in front of Shaun Cruze – proving your money can only get you so far. You’re not going to be handed a world title match at my expense or in a match that you can just pay off the official or someone else again to cheat me out of.

No, tonight, this is about standing by the mission of The House of Frost. This is about standing by integrity and proving it is everywhere, not just in the world title. I may just be ‘the champion’s wife’ to you, Jenni, but you know what I am also? 

I am The Queen’s Guard. And you are threatening the integrity of SCW and have been long enough. Tonight? I’m not interested in proving anything to YOU. I am not interesting in making a claim to the title you hold. I am only interested in one thing. Beating you in this ring. Beating you so badly that, no matter how much money you offer, how much you beg, it won’t save you. 

Jenni, I am only interested in showing you just how far you have to go to be in the same league as my wife. Showing you the wide difference between you and your money and the House of Frost and SCW’s integrity.

In short, Jenni, and personally, I am going to kick your cowardly, rich, pompous butt in front of all of Cleveland. And no amount of money, or helping hands, is going to take that sting away!

You may think everyone and everything has a price, Jenni. But you’ll find out tonight that the best things in life… like the butt-kicking I’m going to give you? They are absolutely free.


Hey… I actually like the sound of that one…
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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