Glory Braddock vs. Owen Lee
Both hoped to walk out the winner of the Taking Hold of the Flame, but neither were able to win. But now, they will clash in what is sure to be a treat on Breakdown. Owen Lee has Josh Hudson in his sights (and vice-versa) and where better to go than to face the woman who nearly beat him for the US Championship. Glory Braddock meanwhile has seen a change of character as of late, but this may be an opportunity for her to show what she can do in the ring against one of the young stars, while still showcasing her looser style?

2 RP limit for singles

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Thursday, June 16, 2022 (NOTE THE DEADLINE)
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
1 of 2

June 9th, 2022
Raleigh, NC
Off Camera

It has been several days since Taking Hold of the Flame. Glory Braddock was certainly disappointed that she did not come out of the event victorious with a world a world title match guaranteed, but she is proud of what she was able to accomplish, she is proud of her performance, and she is now ready to press forward to the future; namely Rise To Greatness. Rise To Greatness season began at Taking Hold of the Flame, and it is the single most challenging season on the SCW calendar year. Glory Braddock recognizes that this is the time that she must bring her best, she must be at the top of her game.

This isn’t the only challenge that The British Bombshell must face. This evening the beautiful blonde must face the difficult task of returning to a world she had hoped to leave behind permanently. That would be the life of a powerful corporate businesswoman. Several months ago Glory Braddock had handed over control of her company to minority shareholder Aurora Alan. Years before that she had placed her trusted advisor Francis Taylor in the role of President of the company. Between Aurora and Francis, Glory had hoped that she would never again have to involve herself in corporate affairs. Her logic behind abandoning the corporate world was both mental as well as emotional.

Despite being a very successful businesswoman, Glory Braddock did not like what the corporate life had turned her into. The trappings of power, success, and wealth had made her into an egomaniacal monster During her tenure in the corporate world she had used her leverage and influence to intimidate and blackmail members of her Board of Directors into submission. Almost mafia-like tactics were utilized by Braddock just to remain in power with her company. It took a long time and more than one life threatening incidents before Glory recognized that she had gone too far and that she needed serious help. The best solution she could think of was to separate herself from the corporate world as much as she could.

Now she is in a good place both mentally and emotionally. Glory is once again happy with who she is; but this evening she finds herself in the Embassy Suites in Raleigh, North Carolina where she is about to be honored by her company at a party. And to say that she is reluctant to attend would be an understatement.

Braddock is standing in front of a full length mirror near the bathroom of her luxury suite. She is taking appraisal of herself and her outfit for the evening. Due to the formality of this event, she is having to depart from her typical tomboyish attire so that she can hobnob with the corporate snobs that will be in attendance. Glory is wearing a sleeveless black bodycon midi-dress and black open toed high heel pumps. The British Bombshell sighs deeply and shakes her head.

“I’m not sure about this…” there is a deep sense of concern in her voice. Kurt appears in the mirror behind her. She turns around to face her husband, who is wearing a black and white tuxedo. He smiles warmly and kisses her on the lips.

“You look gorgeous, babe. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Thanks, love, but I’m not worried about my outfit and you know it.”

Kurt sighs and nods his head. He has had to hear his wife complain about this for the past few days leading up to this event. Glory first heard about the planned gala in her honor the night after Taking Hold of the Flame. Talk about a double whammy for The British Bombshell. Not only did she fail to earn her way into the main event of Rise To Greatness but she now must return to this corporate world she had been fighting to keep away from for so long.

“I know that coming here isn’t exactly your cup of tea…” Kurt watches as Glory walks past him and over to the king sized bed. Glory sits down on the edge of the bed. Kurt sits down next to her. He wraps an arm around her shoulder to comfort her.

“You know why I don’t want to go.”

“I get it,” Kurt nods his head indicates that he does understand “but you have to go.”


“Francis Taylor, the President of the company, she is helping to throw this big party for you alongside the Board of Directors. Think of it, Glory; the board of directors, they used to hate you, you all used to be bitter enemies, but now they are celebrating you and everything you have done for the community and the company. Considering your history, don’t you think you owe it to them to at least make an appearance at this event?”

“Why should I make an appearance?” Glory asks, almost sounding like a petulant child. “Why can’t I just stay up here in the suite all night?”

“It wouldn’t exactly look good for your reputation.” Kurt says with a wry grin and a wink. “I mean, they did this all for you…and they DO know you are here in Raleigh.”

“You didn’t tell them I was here did you?!”

“No, Francis did.” Kurt answers. Glory rolls her eyes.

“Bloody hell…”

“Oh come on, Glory. It can’t be that bad. It’s just a party.”

“It is that bad, Kurt.” Braddock sighs deeply and shakes her head. Kurt rubs her back to try and comfort her. “Kurt, I have been trying very hard to distance myself from the corporate world. That’s why I handed the presidency of the company over to Francis Taylor, because she knows business and can handle things for me. That’s why I gave the position of CEO over to Aurora Alan. Aurora and Francis have full power to act within the company. I gave it to them so that I would no longer have to involve myself in the company.” There is a brief pause as Kurt gazes deep into his wife’s eyes. Eventually he sighs and pats her on the back.

“Look, I get that you are a busy person. You are an active wrestler…you are mentoring both Amelia and Fiona…”

“All the more reason to stay out of this corporate crap.” Glory counters.

“...BUT I never understood what almost sounds like fear. You sound like you’re afraid to get involved. And that makes no sense, especially considering how hard you fought just to retake your company back in 2019.”

“I remember…” her voice trails off. Kurt presses on.

“Only you turn right around a few months ago and gave up that power you sought to retake? Explain it to me, Glory. What’s wrong?” Kurt asks. Glory sighs deeply.

“I took back control of the company in 2019 after a hostile takeover ripped power away from me a few years prior. People I had trusted took power away from me, Kurt. So you can imagine how paranoid I felt when I finally regained power. I no longer trusted anyone but I did have my power back, and I wanted to make sure that there was no way I could lose power again. That paranoia, that power, it turned me into someone I didn’t recognize. It made me into someone ugly, someone hateful and wrathful. I blackmailed and intimidated members of the Board of Directors in order to ensure their cooperation with my agenda. I had absolute power.” Braddock shakes her head. “And you know what they say about absolute power?”

“It corrupts absolutely.” Kurt answers. Glory nods her head.

“That’s right.” She points to her head. “The power went to my head. I betrayed my fanbase and all of the principles I once held true to my heart because I felt I knew better than everyone else. And because I had that kind of power I believed that I was entitled to have whatever I wanted…that’s why I…why I…” tears form in her eyes and she starts crying. Kurt embraces her in a tight hug.

“It’s ok, Glory. That was in the past.”

“But it’s still true! I cheated on you!” Yes, Glory briefly had an affair. And she blames the corruption and trappings of power. It nearly ended her and Kurt’s marriage but they did manage to work through it. The thought of that horrible time still gets to her. “The corporate world turned me into a monster. That’s why I’ve done my best to distance myself from the company. I don’t like what it did to me then and I do not want to expose myself to it any further.”

“So that’s what this is about?” Kurt asks curiously. “You’re worried about what happened in the past?”

“If you don’t learn from the past you are doomed to repeat it.”

“Gloria, you are a strong woman.” He places a comforting hand on her shoulder while she wipes her face dry with a tissue. “You were strong enough to admit the mistakes you have made and seek forgiveness. You were strong enough to give away the power you had long sought after because you were worried about what it might do to you. You were strong enough to not only recognize right and wrong but to do what was right even when the wrong thing was much easier. You are definitely strong enough to not let anything that happens tonight get to you.”

“You think so?” Glory asks. Kurt nods his head.

“I know so. Besides, it’s just for one night. It isn’t like you’re becoming Glory The Executive again. Aurora and Francis still have all the executive power. You’re still just a figurehead, the way you had always wanted it. Right?”

“Right.” Glory nods her head.

“So what’s the problem? After tonight, everything goes right back to normal.” Kurt insists. Braddock smiles half-heartedly and nods her head.

“Yeah, you’re right. I suppose one night couldn’t hurt.”

June 9th, 2022
Raleigh, NC
Off Camera

“2012 was a year many of us remember quite well.”

This is Francis Taylor, the corporate president, on stage in a party room area of the Embassy Suites in Raleigh, North Carolina. The party honoring the company owner Glory Braddock is under way with Francis Taylor giving a speech to the assembled masses. Glory Braddock and her husband Kurt are sitting near the front by the stage. The British Bombshell feels the hot spotlight shining down upon her and it is making her quite uncomfortable. Being around all of these people is quite uncomfortable. She used to be one of them, she used to be a corporate big wig, a powerful businesswoman, but that isn’t who she is any longer. She feels like a stranger in a foreign land. Braddock can only sit patiently, force a smile upon her face, and hope that this all ends as quickly as possible.

“Our company had been bought out many years earlier by Global Division of Wrestling. But then GDW had been undergoing a financial crisis of its own. As a result the very future of what we ourselves had built up was in jeopardy.” Francis motions to Glory Braddock. “But then Glory Braddock took a big financial gamble of her own. She took a bet on us, she bet on our success with what little savings she had, and she bought our company back from GDW. Little did we know that simply giving us a new lease on life was just the beginning of her great vision.”

“Glory Braddock’s vision was not limited to merely one vocation. She put her own father’s wrestling academy, The Braddock Wrestling School in London, under our corporate umbrella. With the combined resources both her school and our company made more profits, but beyond the materialistic gains she had managed to assist in giving even more young people with a desire to wrestle the chance of a lifetime. And let’s not forget the expansion…Glory did not just give opportunities to wrestlers or those in the wrestling business…she wanted to give opportunities elsewhere. It was her idea to get the company involved in the modeling industry. As a result of placing her cousin’s modeling agency under our corporate umbrella she not only increased our profits and grew our company, but she saved the jobs and livelihoods of many employees and models at that agency. Shortly after the introduction of the modeling agency, Ms. Braddock continued to show just how generous she was by working to give everyone working for our company…from the janitor to the highest paid executives in the company…full health coverage. And perhaps one of her greatest contributions to the community is just recently when she put us into a working partnership with her sister’s rehabilitation clinic, giving recovering addicts of all stripes a second chance at life. It is my honor to present to you the woman of the hour, a great humanitarian, a woman who I am proud to call my friend, Gloria Marie Noel Braddock!”

Everyone in the room rises to their feet and begins to applaud. Many cheer and holler for Glory as she rises to her feet. At first The British Bombshell is somewhat red in the face, embarrassed at this show of affection from everyone in attendance. Slowly but surely as the applause goes on she begins to get used to it. Kurt gives her a gentle shove and motions for her to go to the stage and give a speech. Braddock turns and walks over to the stage and steps up onto it. Francis embraces Glory in a tight hug before stepping away from the podium allowing Glory the opportunity to speak.

“Thank you everyone, thank you.” Glory says as the crowd in attendance, mostly executives and other higher ups with the company, begin to quiet down and take their seats. “Francis listed off so many things I’ve done and yeah, I suppose you can say I have made a positive impact. But the truth is, all I ever wanted to do is the right thing. Even when you and I have disagreed…” she looks out at the crowd, making sure to make eye contact with the members of her corporate Board of Directors in attendance today “...understand that I only had the best of intentions at heart. We may have a rough road to this day but I’d like to think it was all worth it. Thank you for all of this…I certainly didn’t need a big party or all of this hoopla…but I do thank you for it. Now go enjoy yourselves.”

Everyone rises up out of their seats and again begins to clap and cheer loudly. Glory acknowledges the people once again. She embraces Francis Taylor again before turning and making her way down off of the stage. There she is met by her husband, Kurt Logan. Glory quickly leans in and whispers into his ear.

“There. I made an appearance. Now let’s get out of here.”

“We can’t.”

“Why the hell not?!” Glory snaps back at him, quietly so that she won’t be heard.

“Someone wants to see you.” Kurt motions to an older man and a younger woman approaching. Glory recognizes the man as Floyd Ryan, a member of the Board of Directors, but she doesn’t recognize the female with him, wearing a gold sequined cocktail dress and heels. Floyd approaches Kurt and Glory. He extends a hand to Kurt and shakes it.

“I am so glad you two could make it!” Floyd says as he then extends his hand to Glory, who reluctantly accepts the handshake. “The Board of Directors is so very grateful for everything you have done, Ms. Braddock.”

“Don’t thank me, Floyd. I’m just doing my job.”

“You have been doing a terrific job. That is why the board wanted to recognize you this evening. You deserve to be honored and praised.”

“I dunno about that, mate.” Glory is clearly uncomfortable with all of this. Even Kurt is beginning to regret bringing his wife here. Floyd is still talking but Glory is barely listening. She is scanning the room, looking for an escape. She notices a door that leads to a balcony area. She looks over at Kurt and shoots him a look. Kurt easily gets the hint and nods his head.

“Hey Floyd, I hear you’re trying to become Chairman of the Board. Is that right?”

“Yes! As a matter of fact I am!!” That was all the distraction Glory needed. With Floyd running his mouth about his ambitions, Glory approaches the balcony. She opens the door and exits the party room, stepping out onto the balcony. Outside it is quiet and peaceful. She is away from the noise of the party-goers. She still has to eventually go inside and make her way back through this mass of humanity to finally get away, but at least for now she has some semblance of peace. Or so she thinks…

“Uh, Ms. Braddock?” Glory turns around towards the sound of the voice. She finds that the woman who was with Floyd, the woman in the gold dress, followed her outside onto the balcony. Glory sighs deeply with some frustration. “Is something wrong?”

“Oh, uh, nothing. I just needed some air.” Glory turns her back to the woman, hoping she’ll catch a hint. Either she doesn’t get the hint or she’s too stubborn, either way the woman just walks closer towards Glory.

“Really? Cause you sounded fine in there.”

“Look, mate,” Glory is clearly annoyed as she turns back to face the woman “I just need some time alone.”

“You’re not happy here.” The woman states. “Are you?”

“Not one bit.” Glory shakes her head. “To be honest, I detest these corporate world stuff. I hate these fancy parties. They’re just not my kinda thing…they used to be, but not anymore.”

“I’m with you, Ms. Braddock. I hate these uptight parties. I’m only here because of my uncle.”

“Oh yeah?” Glory asks curiously. “Who is your uncle?”

“Floyd.” She says referring to the man who escorted her here today. “My name is Jamie, by the way. Jamie Ryan.”

“Nice to meet you, Jamie. So did your uncle make you come?”

“Well yes and no.” Jamie blushes. “To be honest, I am a big admirer of you and your work.”

“You are an admirer of me?” Glory asks, sounding somewhat surprised. Jamie nods her head.

“Yeah. I mean, look at what you done…you brought this company back from the dead and grew it from not just a wrestling company but into modeling and rehabilitation as well. You have done so much good with the power you have. To be honest, Ms. Braddock…”

“Glory.” She corrects her. “Call me Glory.”

“Well, Glory, I’d like to land a job with the company if that’s possible.” Jamie states. Braddock chuckles softly.

“Well I can’t exactly guarantee a job, mate.”

“Why not? You’re the owner.”

“But I’m not the CEO. I’m not even corporate President. I passed those duties and authorities to other people.” Braddock grins. “But perhaps I could help in some way…”

“Really?” Jamie asks excitedly. “You think so?”

“I mean, I’d have to think about it. I don’t want to get involved in the corporate life, Jamie, I’d rather leave that stuff for your uncle or for Francis. So if I were to help you out, I’d have to break a promise I made to myself to stay out of corporate affairs.”

“But you WILL think about it?” Jamie asks, almost begging her. Glory chuckles.

“Yes, I will think about it. Now come on, lets go back inside before anyone conducts a search party.”
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SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)
7th June 2022

New York
Owen crosses the road away from The Ante Up school, having purposely making a point of walking past on his way to his own undertaking. And he walks the few hundred yards down the pavement he stops outside, two guys on ladders setting up the new signages above the door.
‘Level Up Wrestling School’
Both he and Adam had gone back and forth on the name and this had been the better of all the options. Now seeing it up it made even more sense
Owen: Looking good fellas.
One of them gives him a thumbs up, Owen nodding as he walks inside the school which was now fully set up and ready to go, all the brand-new equipment now giving the area a futuristic feel. Adam Lucas, Owen’s partner and EAW superstar is already there talking to one of the workmen, but when he see’s Owen he breaks off from the conversation and heads straight over, the two-fist bumping.
Adam: Looks good Owen, good.
Owen: Yeah, it’s all taking shape now. Still some work to do upstairs, but we should be done on schedule for the 27th.
Opening day had been set for the end of the month and already Owen was planning on using his contacts to make sure that some respected people were there.
Adam: Saw Taking Hold of the Flame… that was quite the performance.
Owen: Yeah, top five again was good… but kinda frustrated, that’s twice in the top five in the last two years.
Adam: And you deserve a whole lot of credit for that.
Owen: I know, I’m not too downbeat about the whole thing. After all I was wrestling with a dodgy wrist, so I can’t be too hard on myself. Makes you wonder what would have happened though if I was fully one hundred percent. Good luck this weekend by the way, got the Number one contender to the World title, haven’t you?
Adam: Yes, and the guy who brought a pizza cutter to the party the last time we met.
He rubs his thumb over the silvery scars still evident on his hand.
Owen: Well, beating a number one contender is always an opportunity to show what you can do. Make sure you give him payback
Adam: Oh, I will… just like in SCW we are nearing the end of our season, so I’ve no intention of going out with anything but the biggest of bangs.
Owen: Same here… who’d have thought we’d be standing here chatting shit about our careers when we were in Icon huh?
Adam: Always knew you’d make it Owen. Might be cliché, but it was kinda your destiny since the moment you first stepped through the ropes.
Owen: Well, you were always better than me so…
Adam: And still am Owen, don’t you ever forget that.
The two of them laugh, as Finch walks down the stairs and straight over to then, he too greeting Owen with a fist bump. Finch hadn’t moved to New York yet, and was stopping with Chloe, one of Owen’s old friends from school that was at University for much of the week. That wasn’t an arrangement that Chloe would allow forever, so Owen had already been looking around for something close to the school.
Owen: Everything looking good?
Finch: Bro, you’ve put ya mans Finchy in charge, what you reckoning?
Owen: Place hasn’t burned down yet so that’s something. No, in all seriousness… upstairs about ready?
Finch: Few bits of plumbing, testing the electrics and then we’ll be good to go. Week tops.
Owen: Brilliant… all systems go then. We heard anything from our friends across the road?
Finch shakes his head.
Finch: Not a peep…
Owen: Guess that’s a good thing then. Gotta admit, part of me was hoping Tommy and Kandis would be kicking off.
Adam: But that’s not the only reason we are doing this… right?
Owen gives him a mischievous grin as a reply.
Owen: Not the ONLY reason, but not gonna lie…
Owen is interrupted as the door opens, Adam and Finch’s eyes widening at who walks through the door. Owen doesn’t seem surprised however, and waits as they walk over, Owen then extending his hand to none other than Jason King and Willow Wilkes, the former ULW superstars.
Owen: Glad you could make it guys.
Adam and Finch stand there confused by this situation, Jason and Willow’s reputation preceding them. Owen can see their confusion and totally expected it, so moves to ease that puzzlement.
Owen: Finch, Adam… I’m sure neither of these individuals need any induction.
Jason steps forwards, offering his hand to Adam, who takes it, then does the same with Finch.
Jason: I’m Jason, and this is my wife Willow, though I’m pretty sure from the looks on your faces that you know exactly who we are.
Adam: Well, how could we not?
Finch: Honestly, I don’t have a clue bro… your missus is fit as though.
Willow laughs
Willow: I’d eat you alive kid.
Finch: But what a way to go
Adam: So, what are you both doing here?
Owen: Jason and Willow will be on the training staff… Jason is going to lead in fact as Head Trainer.
Adam’s face must change, which makes Jason laugh.
Jason: I know Adam, what could someone like myself teach a young kid huh?
Adam: Not going to lie, the thought did cross my mind.
Jason: Adam, I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life… I started life just like you, one of the guys that tried to do the right thing. It ate away at me, it made me resent the business… Willow and I are trying to put something back, it’s as simple as that.
Adam: These kids are going to know who you are Jason, what you’ve done.
Jason: Yes, they are, so who better to teach them the pitfalls to avoid?
Adam: I guess so…
Jason: Look way I see it, all of us present are trying to make a difference, and right here in this building we can do that. We’ve all done bad stuff Adam, but we learned from it, and now these kids can learn from us.
Owen interjects.
Owen: And both are former world champions, they know what it’s like to reach the top. It’s win / win for all of us, but especially the guys that we are going to teach to be this industries future. Jason and Willow want that just as much as we do.
Adam: OK… look forward to working with you both.
Willow: And we you Adam. I won’t bite I promise… unless you want me too. You’re fiancée is Bethany Blue right?
Adam: Yeah, that’s right.
Willow: Bring her along too.
Adam wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but Owen laughs so he does too.
Owen: That’s settled then, Finch will give you the schedule we will be running to. Jason, if you could allocate coaches?
Jason: No problem.
Adam: And the shelter?
Owen: Our name is out there, now we just wait and see if anyone takes the opportunity. Worst comes to the worst I’ll hit the streets and find these people that need us. One thing for certain, I’m not letting this fail. If we don’t get any students, I don’t care but the shelter has to work or none of this has any point. It WILL work, you’ll see.
Owen looks at Willow and Jason… it was a risk, he knew it was, but though they didn’t realize it, he was trying to help them too. Orlando had a lot of time for Jason when he was alive, and it was his passing when Jason had turned. Either way, Owen was excited for the future, and he hadn’t said that for a long time. Everything for once, was good.
9th June 2022
Flying away from New York Owen was left fully believing that the wrestling school wouldn’t be anything but a success. Truth was, he was more concerned about the ‘shelter’ aspect than anything else, his concerns borne from knowing just how desperate these individuals could become. His thoughts had revolved around Charlie, Kimberly and Thomas, the family he had grown close to a couple of years back, and the struggles they had faced to get back on an even keel. Owen knew that opening the doors to people like that was a risk, but it was a risk he was more than willing to take. If he helped just one person it was one less person on the streets, and that made it something worth doing. But if it worked, really worked than it would be something that Owen could be prouder of than he had anything else in his life, including winning the SCW World Championship. Having gotten an Uber back to his house from the airport, Owen hadn’t bothered to unpack, or put his clothes in the washing machine. Instead, he’d had a quick shower, thrown on a tee shirt and shorts and headed straight for Charlottes bar, in need of a distress having not had the opportunity to yet enjoy the break after Taking Hold of the Flame. Walking into the bar, Charlotte immediately clocks him and runs over, before throwing her arms around him and giving him the biggest of hugs, only letting go after giving him a kiss on the cheek. A little stunned by the welcome, Owen composes himself enough to speak.
Owen: What was that for?
Charlotte: That was for being amazing the other night. I watched the whole thing.
Owen: You did?
Charlotte: Of course, I did, I wasn’t going to miss it for the world. I could really get into this wrestling lark.
Scott, who is working the bar chuckles, Charlotte turning her head and glaring at him.
Charlotte: And what you laughing at?
Scott: Apparently the biggest wrestling fan in the world…
Owen smirks, knowing precisely what Scott was getting at.
Charlotte: It’s fun Scott. A strange concept for you I realize.
Scott: And of course, it’s got nothing to do with a young black wrestler who just happens to own a house up the road?
Charlotte: SCOTT!!!
Clearly embarrassed she pulls a face imploring him to shut up, Owen moving quickly to intervene.
Owen: Always glad of another fan
Scott: Oh, will you two get a room already.
Charlotte never takes her eyes off him and she leans over the bar and grabs a couple of bottles of Coors.
Charlotte: Scott, I’m warning you. Stop being a wind-up merchant, you’ll embarrass Owen.
Under his breath, Scott replies, just quietly enough for her not to hear, whilst at the same time ensuring Owen does.
Scott: Embarrass her she means.
Scott shakes his head and goes back about his business, Charlotte motioning towards a booth and sliding a bottle across.
Charlotte: I’m sorry… sometimes he goes a little too far.
Owen pops the cap, and takes a sip of his long-awaited beer, never taking his eyes off Charlotte. She’d made it clear that she liked him, and now he was back with Jennifer that was off the table, not that Charlotte was aware. He didn’t want to hurt her by throwing it back in her face by bringing up the news that they were back together. Thankfully, she is the one to speak first and not about his relationship status.
Charlotte: So, where you been and what you been up to?
Scott: Stalker much?
Charlotte: Scott, I swear if you say one more word…
Scott grins at Owen who manages to stifle a grin of his own. Good job as well because she quickly turns back to him.
Owen: I flew straight to New York the day after the PPV to meant with my partner and go through some last-minute details with regards to the wrestling school.
Charlotte: When do you open?
Owen: 27th of June… the shelter not long after.
Charlotte: Exciting
Owen: Yeah, it is, but a little daunting as well. But Finch might look and talk like an idiot, but underneath all that there is someone who knows what he’s doing and knows how to organize a business. And with Adam and Jason on board as well, I’m sure the school will be a success. The Shelter though, that’s a different story.
Charlotte: What do you mean?
Owen: I want to help people, that’s a given. I want to put back what I’ve been given, and this is the perfect way to do that.
Charlotte: But?
Owen: But… I can’t help thinking that I’d out of my depth and have bitten off more than I can chew. The Shelter isn’t about just helping someone to be the best wrestler they can be and giving them to the tools to do so. It’s people’s lives, in some cases I’m going to bringing them back from the brink. I know I’ve got Andy doing the odd sessions here and there, but what if I can’t help and they do something to themselves… or to someone else. That’s going to be my fault, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to cope with that. Even after speaking with Amy who’s been doing this for a few years now I can’t understand how she does it, and how she manages to keep so calm under than kind of pressure. Part of me believes I’d be better off just donating to charity or something… at least that way I’m still doing something and can’t fuck anyone up.
Owen pauses, and he waits for Charlotte to respond but the response never comes. Truth was, she didn’t know what to say, and anything she could think of wouldn’t have made Owen’s mindset any better. To fill the uncomfortable silence, Owen helps her out.
Owen: I’m not expecting you to say anything Charlotte. Honestly, I don’t think there is anything you could say that would help. This is just something that I need to work through.
Charlotte: But you’re still going ahead right?
Owen nods, Charlotte relieved.
Owen: I am yeah. I know that if I didn’t, I’d hate myself and always wonder if I could have made a difference. Better to try and fail then fail to try right? I think that’s how the saying goes anyway. Once we get started and people through the doors, I’ll be ok. I don’t mind what it costs me whether than be monetary or reputation… doesn’t matter to me. I just don’t want to mess someone up just because I believed I could save the world.
Charlotte: I don’t think that’s something that’s crossed your mind. I’ve seen guys with that size of ego, and you’re certainly not one of them. In the short time I’ve known you, you’ve struck me as the kind of guy that could make a success of anything, he puts his mind to, and I’m certain this isn’t going to be any different.
Owen: Thanks, but you can’t be so sure.
Charlotte reaches out and grabs his hand.
Charlotte: No, you’re right, I can’t be certain. I AM certain however that you are one of the good guys, and if anyone can do this kind of work, it’s you. Who was that family you told me about, the ones from London? You helped them didn’t you, and that was without professionals on the payroll. People are drawn to you Owen, and they listen. Way I see it, that’s half the battle. The rest will just follow.
Charlotte was good at talking with people, no doubt due to her profession she’d spent hours talking to drunkards, and them making very little sense. But more than that she could listen as well, and would listen to Owen drone on for hours, more than most ever would. Owen found it reassuring, and reassurance was exactly what he needed right now.
Charlotte: So, can anyone attend this grand opening? I know I’d like to be there.
Owen: I’m sure we’ll have plenty of spare seats.
Charlotte: And what about Jennifer? Will she be there too?
Owen: Yes, she’ll be there, or at least I think she will.
Owen nervously chuckles, the conversation leading him towards another awkward place with Owen unsure he could stop it.
Charlotte: You any closer to getting back with her?
And there it was, the unavoidable question. He could now either avoid the question, lie to her, or tell her the truth. For him there was really only one option.
Owen: We’re back together… since just before the PPV
Charlotte: Oh…
The look of surprise on her face was obvious and she makes no attempt to hide it.
Owen: I’m sorry Charlotte, I know…
Charlotte: No, it’s OK. I know it was what you really wanted.
Owen: I don’t want to shove it down your throat though.
Charlotte shrugs
Charlotte: It’s fine.
It obviously wasn’t.
Owen: There’s only Jen and I that know though, well and you as well. We want to keep it that way.
Charlotte: Of course, I won’t tell anyone Owen you know that. But why the secrecy?
Owen raises his eyebrows, and then his still bandaged wrist.
Owen: You need to ask?
Charlotte: Oh yeah… and you’re OK with that?
Now it is Owen’s turn to shrug, seeing as he quite literally had no choice.
Charlotte: Tell me to mind my own business Owen, but five minutes here and there, her parents breathing down your necks at every turn…
She hesitates, not wanting to upset Owen but Owen persists.
Owen: Go on?
Charlotte: It just doesn’t sound like much of a relationship to me that’s all.
If Charlotte expects a reaction, she certainly doesn’t get one, Owen’s reply given with no harshness in his voice and in his usual tone.
Owen: We’ll make it work.
Charlotte: I’m sure you will, but Jennifer doesn’t seem like the type of person who’s going to go against her families wishes. And what if they never change their minds, will Jennifer go against what they want?
Owen: We don’t think it will come to that. I changed their minds once; I’ll do it again.
Charlotte sighs, it was clear that Owen was only focusing on the blue-sky scenario.
Charlotte: I know you love her Owen. I hear it in your voice whenever you speak of her. I can see it in your eyes right now in fact. But you must realize that there could come a situation where Jennifer must make a choice. Are you certain that if she was put in that circumstance, she would choose you?
Owen hesitates, and that hesitation is all Charlotte needed for her to believe that she had a point. Owen knew that the only chance they really had was either keeping it quiet, which it seemed they had no chance doing thanks to whoever was providing Regan with photographic evidence. Or getting both Regan and David, as well as AJ to believe in him once again, which with someone as stubborn as Regan, was easier said than done.
Charlotte: Look Owen, you know how I feel about you, but that isn’t where this is coming from. I promise you I’m only saying this with your best interests at heart, and not to help my own cause. You’ve made it clear that Jennifer is the one for you, and that’s fine, I’m a big girl and I’ll deal with it…
She once again takes his hand in hers, looking him directly in the eyes.
Charlotte: But working this bar, I’ve heard this story so many times, and it hardly ever comes with a happy ending. Guys just like you who believed that they could change opinion, getting hammered on whiskey chasers because it all went to shit. I just don’t want that to be you Owen, I care too much to allow that to happen without saying something. I hope my opinion doesn’t mean you think less of me.
Owen: Never… and truth be told you’re probably right.
A smile forms on his face, and he rubs the back of her hand with his thumb.
Owen: But she’s my one, and I must try no matter the cost to myself. Please understand.
Charlotte pulls her hand away, and grabs hold of her bottle, lifting it up and clinking it against Owen’s.
Charlotte: I hope it works out… but not as much as I hope that one day, I find someone who loves me as much as you obviously love her.
Owen: You will Char… I know you will.
Charlotte smiles and from there, the conversation changes to more ‘happier’ subjects, topics far less controversial. Owen valued her opinion and thus hadn’t reacted. But more than anything his reaction had been limited by the fact she was only telling him things he’d thought about himself. But he’d resolved to change that families opinion of him, and that’s exactly what he was going to do. He had to, there was no other option.
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June 15th, 2022
Dallas, Texas
On Camera

It is dark outside in Dallas, Texas. The night sky is illuminated by the moon and a spotlight and probably the camera shooting this. The camera pans over to find “The British Bombshell” Glory Braddock standing propped up against a light pole that shines a light down upon her almost like a spotlight. The British Bombshell is wearing denim jeans, black boots, and a royal purple silk blouse. She is wearing a brown stetson. A confident grin is etched across her face.

“Here I am, in Dallas the day before Breakdown, and Taking Hold of the Flame has concluded.” Braddock looks into her right hand then her left. She smiles sheepishly and then shrugs her shoulders. “I guess I wasn’t too good at taking hold of that flame, was I?” Braddock chuckles softly. “But that’s ok, as disappointing as that was, it definitely is not the end of the journey. Taking Hold of the Flame was just the beginning. It was the night where you set the stage for Rise To Greatness. And quite honestly, with a twenty plus minute showing, I think I did a fairly good job of making an impression upon management that I am deadly serious about my craft. Do I play some games every now and then? Do I try to enjoy myself in that squared circle? Damn right I do. But that doesn’t mean that I am not a serious competitor. Underneath the smile, the fun, and the pranks I am still a fiercely passionate warrior who goes to that ring each and every week to prove that she is among the very best to lace up a pair of wrestling boots.”

“Unfortunately I did not win Taking Hold of the Flame, so my own path to Rise To Greatness is in question. It still boils down to momentum, however. I said that already, if you recall. The Flame can help you build momentum and tomorrow night on Breakdown from Dallas is yet another chance for me to build momentum. My opponent tomorrow night, Owen Lee…he didn’t win the Flame, either. Like me, he came up short, and now his own path to Rise To Greatness is in question…despite his own claims otherwise, but I will get to that in a moment.” Braddock waves at the camera.

“Hi there, Owen. I have been following you very closely the past week and a half since Taking Hold of the Flame. Just like any veteran I have watched and rewatched the tape of that battle royal, I studied and took copious notes, not only to improve myself and fix my own mistakes, but to also study up on all of my future opponents. Let’s face it, Owen, we are now heading straight towards Rise To Greatness and what I said in the lead up to the Flame still holds true; momentum is everything. Now the two people with the most momentum would be Selena Frost and Adam Allocco. Congratulations to both of them, by the way. But the rest of us who didn’t win the flame, we now have a difficult task ahead of us to build up and keep the momentum heading in our direction as we march towards Rise To Greatness.”

“The fact is that right here, tomorrow night in Dallas for Breakdown, this is arguably where our paths will be determined. What will our path to Rise To Greatness be? Will we be heading towards a marquee match or will we be an afterthought on the Pre-Show? Or will be stuck in catering? What we do tomorrow night, the performance each and every one of us puts on tomorrow night will arguably determine a great deal of our future at Rise To Greatness. Now some are good enough to call their shot.” Braddock points a finger at the camera.

“You, Owen, seem to think you are good enough to call your own shot. And you know what? You are good enough. You are a former SCW World Champion, you have had damn good finishes in the Flame back to back years, and if that history and resume wasn’t enough, then I can say from firsthand experience wrestling you that I know you are good enough to call your own shot. But the shot you have recently called for yourself, perhaps it is based not on goals but on revenge?” The British Bombshell chuckles quietly. “I know you were talking only to Josh Hudson, but do you think the rest of the world would have ignored your not so vague threat to go after his United States Championship?” Braddock shrugs her shoulders.

“Under normal circumstances, I would wish you luck. After all, Huddie hasn’t exactly been the nicest of guys lately. It would be nice to see you bust him in the mouth. My one and only problem with this is how you assume that you are going to be the one to take the title from him. Hell, you could be under the assumption that you are the current number one contender to the US Title simply because he has a beef with you.” Glory shakes her head. “It doesn’t work like that mate, and I think you know it. You earn your way into the United States title conversation, you don’t just walk in and demand the opportunity because you hate the wanker.”

“Which brings me to my motivation for Breakdown. Is this about building momentum heading into Rise To Greatness? Most definitely it is, but for me personally it is about so much more because having momentum is so broad and so vague. There’s very little focus when I say that I need to build momentum. Build momentum towards what exactly? What do I hope to accomplish? And therein lies the problem…I don’t have a path to Rise To Greatness.” She smirks devilishly. “But I could book my own ticket, and even disrupt some plans, with a victory over you, Owen.”

“I have had two opportunities to become SCW United States Champion, one of which was against Hudson. I know I can beat him, just like you know you can beat him. And if getting through you to get to him is what I have to do then so be it. But I also remember my first shot at the United States Title, last year at Rise To Greatness. In a fatal four way elimination…” Glory holds up two fingers “...and I was second eliminated.” Braddock chuckles softly.

“Yeah, yeah, all four were incredibly talented opponents, there shouldn’t be any shame in that. But for someone like me, I hold myself to a higher standard. I know I can be better than that. And I have been looking to right that wrong ever since. That tournament was my chance but Hudson stopped me. Hell, he stopped you too, Owen. Yet you think you are going to get the first crack at him? You think you should be the one to dethrone him?” Braddock shakes her head. “Unfortunately for you, it won’t happen that easy. Because I am motivated like never before to get that opportunity, to call my shot against Hudson and claim the United States Title as my own. And that means I have to go through you at Breakdown to earn my way into the conversation.” The British Bombshell sighs deeply.

“Owen, you went to the top like a rocket. I watched your rise to the top of SCW and it was astounding. And the way you have carried yourself since returning, the way you have conducted yourself in the ring as a competitor, taking on anyone and everyone, and beating some of the best there on this roster, it is very impressive. I won’t make any silly generic warnings like ‘don’t look past me’...because I know you better than that. You have been refined by the pressures of this business and you are smart enough not to look past me. But what you may not know, what you may not understand, is just how determined I am to get championship gold back around my waist. I was determined enough that I gazed deep into my own soul and I changed myself. I rid myself of what wasn’t working, I added new weapons to my arsenal, and I even went old school, back to my old bag of tricks before anyone even knew who Glory Braddock was. I have created a brand new me, a more dangerous British Bombshell.” She points at the camera.

“That is who you have to deal with, Owen. And this isn’t a tag team match or a battle royal, this is just straight up one on one action, former world champions face to face fighting not just for momentum but for their own path to greatness, to Rise To Greatness. And as good as you are, Owen…” Braddock shakes her head “ will not beat me. I will not allow myself to get beaten. You know why I can make such a bold statement? You are young, both in terms of physical age and wrestling age. But I have fourteen years of wrestling experience under my belt and I know that my own time is running out. You have plenty of time left to have your moments and create your Rise To Greatness memories. But I don’t have time on my side, Owen. So I admit, I am desperate, and just like a desperate, wounded animal, I will come out on Breakdown fighting as fierce as ever, willing to do whatever it takes to stamp my place on the Rise To Greatness card.”

The British Bombshell turns and walks off. Immediately after she steps away from the light pole, the light goes out. The camera then slowly fades to black.
[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)
10th June 2022


One of the benefits of living in Miami and away from most people that had been a part of his life for so long was that when he engaged in ‘downtime’ that was precisely what it was. The ideal opportunity for him to totally switch off from everything else and relax. People knew him in Miami, but not enough to approach him, so in the main he could go about his business without any interruption. This morning he had found himself walking around the nearby Mall, buying himself a couple of pairs of new trainers and taking in some lunch. In the early afternoon he had taken out his motorbike down the long stretch of roads that was never out of view from the ocean. Now, he pulls up outside his house and kills the engine, stepping off the bike and leaving it parked outside. He then enters the house through the side door from the garage, walking straight into the living area and thumbing through the post that arrived earlier. Happy that there was nothing of real importance, he then heads through and into the kitchen, grabbing himself a Coors Lite from the fridge and opening it. He then turns to look out the kitchen window, past his back garden and his eyes widen. 

Owen: What the fuck…

Hurriedly, he slides open the patio doors and out onto the rear porch where there, sat at his table, a bottle of white wine in front of her with a full glass, is Maisie Phillips. Quite possibly the last person he ever expected to see. There was a lot of history between Maisie and his family, in particular Shaun, but the last time he had seen her she had been making a pass at him. It was Owen’s belief that she was behind his dog Gerrard almost being hung from a tree back in England, but he could never prove that fact. 

Owen: What you doing here Maisie? 

Owen sighs with relief as Gerrard must hear the commotion outside and runs downstairs and straight outside. 

Maisie: Ah would you look at that, the little doggie remembers me.

It felt like she was taunting him, but Owen knew that losing his cool right now would only play into her hands. He makes sure to keep Gerrard by HIS side though.

Maisie: Would you like a glass?

Owen: No… how’s about you tell me why you are trespassing before I call the cops.

Maisie only smiles, totally unaffected by his attitude.

Maisie: Well, that’s not very nice is it?

Owen: Maisie, what are you doing here?

Maisie chuckles to herself and takes a sip of her wine, taking her time and enjoying Owen’s obvious annoyance. Finally, she places the glass back on the table and turns to face Owen, purposely allowing him to see up her short skirt. She then bites her bottom lip, grinning at the same time.

Maisie: Tell me Owen, how’s Jennifer?

Owen’s face drops, as the realization hits home. That’s realization is followed by disbelief that he’d not realized it before.

Owen: It was you… you sent the pictures to Regan

Maisie puts her hand to her mouth in pretend shock

Maisie: Oh my, was it supposed to be a secret. My bad, I hope you didn’t get into any trouble. I mean, it is quite deceitful Owen, I thought you were better than that.

Owen: It was none of your business… all of this because I didn’t fall for your games.

Maisie laughs even louder

Maisie: Oh Owen, you sweet little boy. You think I sent those pictures to Regan because I was jealous?

Owen: Well, what else could it be?

Maisie: I sent those pictures Owen to simply send you a message, and I couldn’t care less who you are with. You turned me down, I don’t care… that’s your loss not mine. Should have known someone like you wouldn’t know what to do with a real woman. No, I just wanted to make it clear that if I want to, I could make your life VERY difficult. I take your little life apart piece by piece, just with a few more items of evidence. Thank God Regan is a powder keg always waiting to go off huh? I don’t WANT to hurt you Owen, but for that not to happen then you would have to do something for me. Something that would make my life that little bit better. 

She picks up the bottle, looking to refill the glass, Owen however placing his hand over the top.

Owen: Enough. Just tell me what you want?

Maisie sneers, rolling her eyes.

Maisie: I want you to help me split up Angyalka and Shaun.

Owen’s eyes widen, and if it wasn’t Maisie saying it, he would have thought it was a joke. 

Owen: Are you crazy? 

Maisie: Not according to my Doctors. Totally cured by all accounts.

Owen: He’s not going to leave Angyalka, he loves her, they have a little girl together.

Maisie: Details, Details Owen. I know he still loves me; he just needs a little reminding.

Owen: No, I won’t do it. Angyalka is the best thing that ever happened to him.

Suddenly Maisie throws the wine bottle, and it crashes into the wall sending shards of glass everywhere. She stands, almost flipping the table over with her legs. Strangely, she then seems to almost as quickly calm down, and moves her hair from in front of her face, composing herself.

Maisie: No Owen… I was the best thing that happened to him. He should be with me.

She looks down at the broken glass and hunches down, picking up a few shards not even wincing as she cuts herself, blood dropping onto the patio.

Owen: You’ve cut yourself

Maisie: Have I? I didn’t even notice.

She says that sentence menacingly, Owen half believing that she was going to go for his throat with one of those shards. Instead, she turns, and drops them into the trash, before turning back to Owen covering her hand.

Maisie: Sorry about the mess… I’ll leave you to consider my offer.

She walks towards the back gate but pauses there, turning to face him.

Maisie: Don’t keep me waiting too long Owen… I’ve never been known for my patience, ask Ivy Knight.

And with that she is gone, Owen puffing out his cheeks, the relaxation he was feeling just a few moments ago now diminishing to almost nothing. If Regan found out now, there was no question that he and Jennifer were over before they’d even had the chance to restart. As far as he was concerned, Angyalka and Shaun were unbreakable, and nothing that Maisie could do would change that, so could he play along and risk his relationship with Shaun that was already on dodgy ground. Suddenly, Miami didn’t feel as far away from trouble as he thought. He needed to speak with Jennifer. The only way he could see was to come clean, them going to Regan before she found out second hand. Could Daisy help with the fallout? Owen certainly hoped so. Or maybe, just maybe… Owen could play Maisie at her own game. He picks up his phone and dials a number, because there was only one voice he wanted to here right now. He waits a few moments, until someone answers.

Owen: Hey Jen.

15th June 2022

Scene opens with Owen Lee on the banks of the Trinity River in Dallas. After nodding at the camera that pans around him, he picks up a flat stone and skims it effortless across the water, looking more than pleased with himself as it eventually sinks. He flexes the fingers of his left hand, wincing only a little at the sharp pain in his wrist that was once again starting to heal after the events of Taking Hold of the Flame. With a smile, and nothing in the way of animosity he starts to speak.

“No complaints.”

He knew his fans would know what he was talking about, but he continues regardless. 

“Like I said on social media, it was kinda frustrating to make my way through much of the field, much like I did last year in fact, and then fall short again. Managing to come top five on two separate occasions isn’t anything to be embarrassed about. After all, it’s not like I got eliminated by a Hairless Penguin is it?”

He chuckles to himself, the sarcasm in his voice very apparent.

“Nah seriously, congrats to Alexis Quinne, Syren, the aforementioned Penguin and of course the winner Adam Allocco. The four of you were outstanding, and there’s no shame in finishing behind you in the pecking order… no pun intended Penguin. If you’re going to lose, then it’s nice to think that you couldn’t have done much else… any of the last eight or nine could have been going to Rise to Greatness if events had transpired even a little differently. Again, like I said on social media, I’m not going to point to a singular event that excuses my elimination. I got caught, it’s as simple as that. But at the same time, I’m not going to ignore that once again, Josh Hudson proved that he has a bug up his ass about me. Like I said in my promo, Josh was eliminated because he was that focused on eliminating me, he didn’t keep his eyes on others. Syren and Adam got him quite simply because his focus wasn’t on winning THOTF, it was on making sure I didn’t. And you know what Josh, I’m not going to lie. For someone with the accolades you have, and all the experience you possess, you are going out of your way to prove that you are nowhere near worthy of carrying a belt with the prestige of the United States Championship. 

Ability? No question. 

The characteristics of a champion? Not a chance. 

You’re still bleating to anyone who will listen, how I shit all over the business that made me, and how I don’t deserve this second chance that I’ve been given. Still acting like a child when you address me, when you are supposed to be one of the foremost representatives of what this company stands for. An adult. For sure Josh, I made mistakes. But how many have YOU made, and yet still stand there as the United States Champion? 

Hypocrisy much?

But Josh, now that Taking Hold of the Flame is out the way, and with it the World title shot, I’m going to make my own opportunity, and give me my Rise to Greatness moment. You’ve tried to take everything from me now on three occasions, and now Josh, it’s my turn to take something from you. I said it online, and I say it again now. You want to teach me the ultimate lesson, in front of one of the biggest wrestling audiences in the world? Rise to Greatness, you and me… United States Championship on the line. Forget the bullshit, leave the bluster in the back. Make the match."

Owen pauses for just a moment to allow that statement to sink in. He is quickly back into his flow, saluting towards the camera

“Glory, sorry to keep you waiting, bit of admin to do. Yet again we find ourselves placed in each other’s path. And would you look at that, once again I find myself having to prepare for a ‘different’, ‘more evolved’ version of herself. What was it you said again Glory? You were going to win Taking Hold of the Flame, right? Because NO ONE knows what to expect because this time it’s different. And using some more of your words that you directed at Polly Playtime and he demanding to be in the US title tournament, how did Taking Hold of the Flame turn out for you? Other than getting a few laughs at your little ‘joke’?

Another episode in the drama that is the many faces of Glory Braddock. 

I mean, how long ago was it that you and I last did this dance, and I alleged the exact same thing? And yet we are, and once again the SCW Media Machine is touting a ‘new’ Glory Braddock, a ‘looser’ Glory Braddock whatever that means, that let’s face it is the same person. Underneath, the exact same Glory Braddock resides, the ‘real’ Glory that honestly doesn’t need to play all these ‘characters’ and is much better than is being perceived and yet continuously does precisely that. Case in point how it simply doesn’t work, Konrad Raab. Yes Konrad, I’m talking about you again… get over it. Konrad was one of the most likeable people on the roster Glory, respected even. He turned to the ‘dark side’ and became the Iced Gimp, or the Iced Blood, whatever he’s calling himself now, and what changed? Nothing. He got ‘brutal’. He won the Underground Title by default… big deal. But you’ve been doing this your entire career, the moment the titles dry up, you change your path… rinse and repeat, a tale as old as time. 

If it wasn’t so predicable Glory, it would be hilarious. 

The minute you didn’t win the United States Championship match I wouldn’t have been given very high odds if I’d bet by the time Taking Hold of the Flame arrived you would have ‘reincarnated’. And here we are, yet another iteration standing before me. Shock. Horror.”

Behind him, dusk is starting to settle, and the lights of the city are starting to illuminate making it a truly beautiful sight. He looks over his shoulder for a few short moments before continuing. 

“And it shouldn’t bother me, in truth it doesn’t. Why should I care what you do when it has very little bearing on me? And I know what you’re thinking. Who’s this hypocritical son of a bitch preaching to me about changing ones attitude, or stance on certain things? 

Am I close? 

I mean, let’s face it, it’s not in the too distant memory that I was acting like a total prick. I turned on the very people that made me, ask Hudson, he seems to know me better than I know myself? But you see, the person before you didn’t come about on a whim. I didn’t decide to be this person again because I thought it would win me championship belts in the way you do. I was a lost soul, I needed help, I got it and now I’m better. I didn’t do it to win, or for ratings, I did it for me. 

And that’s the point I’m trying to make Glory. You’ve existed in this company on the back of your past, and very little else in comparison. And I want to make this clear, I don’t say any of this out of spite. The reason I say it is because without a doubt you are one of the most decorated people in this industry, never mind this roster. And since your debut, there is no denying that you have had a career that many would be jealous of. All you have done, all you have achieved, there is no question that you should be the undeniable favorite to come off Taking Hold of the Flame and kick off some momentum heading into Rise to Greatness. And yet you’re not. When it comes to this company you have underachieved. And why is that?”

Owen shrugs his shoulders

“I honestly don’t have the answers for you. I could give you my opinion, but let’s face it you ain’t going to listen to someone like me. I think I know what you’re thinking though. You’re thinking the same as the last time we met, that being you may not have been given a title shot, but you have been given an opportunity. Let’s take the ‘kid’ to school and take his place… that’s an incentive, right? All for one reason, put Glory Braddock on the pedestal that she hasn’t even sniffed for the longest time. Yes time… it catches up with us all. ‘Mate’. And Rise to Greatness is the perfect time to do it right? It’s when you fight harder than ever before and use all your ‘tricks’ and ‘experience’? 

But the thing is we are ALL fighting harder, stronger… using all OUR attributes to get it done. You’re not different to anyone else Glory, your entire rhetoric sounds like something ANYONE could have said. But I do want to pick up on one thing you said. That being that momentum is everything. Because you’re right it is but trying to pass off that I need momentum after coming fifth in a forty person Battle Royal, that’s kinda lame. Even top ten in an event like this is an achievement, you should realize that, and I’ve done that in consecutive years. Even when I didn’t finish top ten, I was the Iron Man, lasting longer than everyone bar Sienna Swann. I’ve experienced TWO singles defeats since I returned. TWO. So I don’t see it as a difficult task to build momentum towards Rise to Greatness because I already have it in spades.

So much for studying me carefully huh?

But I do get how important this match is Glory, for both of us. I know that if I lose to you, ‘calling my shot’ against Josh will have nothing like the same substance. I know that if you beat me, perhaps it will be you who gets that opportunity on the biggest show in the world. And that would be the right thing as well, because you would have earned it. But, when I called that shot Glory, no I didn’t think about the rest of the roster, why should I care if they ignore me or not? Is it based on revenge? I’m not going to lie, taking that title from him would put a smirk on my face, but nothing more. If you HAD been watching me carefully, you’d know I believe some things, no most things are more important than Josh Hudson. 

At Taking Hold of the Flame, I wanted to win for one reason, for the World title shot. In our interactions you’ll have seen it for yourself. Josh is the one with the issue, whereas I couldn’t care less. The United States is a title that I have never held. And that is a fact that more than anything I want to change. And as for having ‘earned’ it, I point right back to that momentum you place massive importance on. Josh Hudson BESTED you in that tournament, he CHEATED me out of my place… that’s the difference. If he hadn’t, I’m very confident I’d be stood here now with the title over my shoulder. That’s an opinion I believe the match makers here in this company share, knowing I was wronged that night. And before, I might have sat back and waited patiently, and allowed people to step in front of me in the line. Not anymore. I’m IN the US title conversation already Glory, the only thing I did was state quite clearly that I should be next. You want to be the one to take me out that equation, that’s fine, be my guest. After all, that’s what competition is.”

He turns back to the water, the camera panning around to in front of him.

“So, Glory, I want you to understand, I KNOW who I’m dealing with. Nothing that you have said this week comes as any great surprise. You say you won’t allow yourself to be beaten, you WILL win this match. On and On, the same old promises very rarely delivered… it’s embarrassing. And please don’t insult me by preaching how much time I have Glory; I’ve already nearly lost my career once. No one can predict how much time any of us have because it could be over in a heartbeat. Making assumptions like that, that pretty much defines who you are Glory. Someone who states they prepare for any eventuality but very rarely does. This could be my very last Rise to Greatness. Something could happen on Breakdown and I may never wrestle again. That’s the mentality you face Glory. No arrogance, no complacency, just a guy wrestling EVERY match as if it could be his last. So be desperate Glory, come at me like a wounded animal. Please. Desperation means mistakes. Mistakes that I am one of the very best at capitalizing on, my speed unmatched.”

He winks at the camera

“Fourteen years’ experience means nothing if you don’t use it. And you won’t ever be THAT Glory Braddock you claim until you do. Get that drawing board ready ‘love’… I reckon you’re going to need it.”

Owen salutes the camera, and then walks away. The scene slowly fading.
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