Cassie Wolfe vs. Ace Sky
2 RP Limit

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET FRIDAY, October 7, 2022
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I love AJ Allmendinger.
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J.T. Douglas, a rival of Ace from his childhood ,who exposed Ace for selling drugs to students when he was an assistant to professor in college. On his show a mix of politics and sports. JT an athletic stand out who had to share local town-sports spotlight with Ace as a kid, now spends most of his time deriding Ace every chance he gets.

           J.T. Douglas:

JT Douglas here with Just Thoughts. I will be very honest I do not like Ace Rabinovitch. That’s his name, we grew up together, many may know him as “ Ace Sky”. Ace represents everything wrong with today’s generation and current attitudes. Embracing the drug culture, the party culture over hard work and traditional values while spreading Marxist propaganda through this laissez faire modern spiritualist wannabe-shaman shlock.

[Image: jt-douglas-thoughts-segment?page=1&scrollTo=326006]   [Image: matt-sydal-aew.gif]

Don’t let his current hirings and signings with major federations fool you, his win-loss record speaks for itself within the current time period. He is a cocky charlatan, always has been, always will be.

He uses his smaller stature to gain sympathy as he shows off so shallow, it’s pathetic. As if we care that he’s wasting his money at the headquarters of hedonistic sin the Velvet Rabbit club in New York( , continuing to boast about his sexual conquers as if they are just casual flings . Where is the cancel culture pol ice on him for hump and dumping women 20 years younger than him after earning his money through legalized carny-combat entertainment ?

Is this really a man your children should be looking up to as some type of real-life superhero. I will concede that Ace is supremely athletic, what does it say about him, a so called “ prodigy” ditched the world of academia and astronomy to be a psychedelic drug-induced savage of sin and lust? “ I pity Ace as he is so obviously lost in his life.

For the most part of this going on, Ace has had mixed reactions to it, sometimes it bothers him, sometimes it does not. This is huge, this is not just in a niche publication anymore on some corner of the internet, this is a major outlet giving J.T.  what he's wanted since Ace humiliated him in 1995 when Ace used his martial arts and amateur wrestling skills to make jobbers out of his minions. As Ace heads into his next match against a Japanese wrestling veteran after a couple weeks of his over-confidence getting the best of him, making his start in XHW lackluster, Ace has to deal with this bad press. Ace goes deeper into his meditation, pushes forward more into his training, is that really going to help when he's still in his late 30's burning the candle to both ends with his post-match partying? 
Cassie Wolfe was someone who many would consider a wrestling prodigy, at only nineteen years old Cassie had wowed audiences with her speed and athleticism even though she was barely two months into her wrestling career! Her status as a prodigy had caught the eye of Supreme Championship Wrestling and after Cassie’s initial home fed of Outlaw Pro Wrestling went quiet on her, she jumped at the chance when they came knocking.

Now the time had come for Cassie’s SCW debut and she was taking on the wrestling veteran Ace Sky! Ace was a martial artist turned wrestler who would prove to be an interesting challenge for the youngster, can Cassie win?
Cassie’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 5th of October2022, 09:00am
It’s not easy being a wrestling prodigy.
I’ve kinda learned that the hard way since I graduated from Hero Academy two months ago, my first match ended in an upset win but the fed I joined went quiet on me before my second match could air, in that time I had to start taking driving tests because I didn’t want to be known as the girl who had to have her mom drive her to every show, you’d think I’d have covered that when I was still in training but honestly? It never really occurred to me until after my graduation.
Who am I? I’m “The Rebel Princess” Cassie Wolfe, if your familiar with my name, it’s because of my cousin Krystal who wrestles for the other SCW, or because of the waves I’ve made already in OPW and PWE: Conquest!
Oh right, OPW apparently isn’t a thing anymore.
I needed a new place to call my home fed and Supreme Championship Wrestling was the one with the best offer, I would’ve debuted at their recent super show if Krystal didn’t take me to the other SCW show as a guest where I got into an argument, anyway my debut for SCW has been set and it’s against Ace Sky, a martial artist turned wrestler who is on the lighter side as far as male wrestlers go.
Yep, this is gonna be fun.
”Okay, so Hero Academy know I’m coming and my next driving test is in three days.” I commented to Becky, my girlfriend who was a year younger than me and I had met on the Summer XXXTreme cruise that the other SCW hosts every year as part of their summer celebrations, anyway yeah, I was in a bit of a hurry. ”And hopefully mom won’t find out to much about this.”
”I’m still not sure why your so worried about that.” Becky responded as she took a moment to fix her ponytail as it had gotten lose during the make out session that was interrupted by a text from Krystal that literally said “hey, you know you’ve got a match for the other SCW right?” and before I knew it I had to drop everything and travel to my wrestling school for training. ”She’s been supportive hasn’t she?”
”To an embarrassing extent, thing is the most she knows about martial arts is that one hit wonder about kung fu!” I pointed out and whilst that song got stuck in my head almost immediately (damn you ear worm) I managed to ignore it whilst Becky face-palmed when she realized what I meant. ”And I’m hoping to avoid bringing it………”
“I love that song!” My mom’s voice interrupted us and I rolled my eyes, I love my mom, don’t get me wrong, but she is overbearing as all hell. “And what’s this about a new match?”
”I’m facing a guy called Ace Sky in my debut match for SCW, no not the one Krystal works for.” I explained to my mom as I turned to my mom and I sighed when I saw the look on her face, I’m a petite girl and on the shorter/lighter side to boot, so yeah my mom tends to get worried when I face men. ”Don’t freak out too much, the guy’s on the lighter side, just barely fifty pounds heavier than me, but on top of that he wrestles a style that incorporates a lot of martial arts style……….”
“Oh, so you’re going to be doing some kung fu fighting!” I let out an annoyed sigh as mom did some mock martial arts kicks, well, tried too at least, I’m the athletic woman as far as my immediate family is concerned, not my mom! “Or are you going to be talking to Mr. Miyagi?”
Huh, wasn’t expecting a Karate Kid reference, which reminds me, I need to get around to watching Cobra Kai one of these days. ”What I’ll be doing is using my speed and agility to my advantage and try to get the win! There’s no way I can match kicks with a martial artist! Not even with my soccer background!”
“Not with that attitude you won’t! Anyway, I suppose you’ll want to go down to Hero Academy to train, right?” My mom asked and I quickly nodded though I had a feeling I knew what she was going to offer. “Want me to drive you? We’ll get ice cream on the way back!”
That’s one way to a stoner’s heart, offer to get ice cream on the way back! As much as it annoyed me that my mom was still treating her nineteen-year-old daughter like a kid, I was getting hungry and I wanted to get to Hero Academy ASAP. ”You had me at Ice Cream but please stay in the car when we get to Hero Academy?” My mom at least agreed to that and before we knew it, me, Becky and my mom where off to my training school.
Cassie’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 5th of October 2022, 17:00pm
*promo time*
Here we go again.
”I didn’t think I’d need to join a fed so soon after I signed with OPW but, well, they went dark on me and I’ve given up hope on my second match for that company ever seeing the light of day.” I admitted as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”To make a long story short, I needed a new home and PWE Conquest doesn’t happen often enough for that to be a regular fed of mine! That brought me to SCW, Supreme Championship Wrestling that is, I’m set to make my debut against Ace Sky, who am I? My name is “The Rebel Princess” Cassie Wolfe!”
This will be good, right?
”So what’s there to say about Ace Sky? Well, I’d say that he’s been doing this a lot longer than me but considering I’ve only just made my debut as a professional wrestler, that pretty much goes for everyone else in this crazy business!” I did say that being a wrestling prodigy did come with its shortcomings and I was not kidding! But I wasn’t about to let that deter me as I started to get a bit more confident about my opponent. ”Ace, you’re going to be an interesting first test for me in an SCW ring, and I had better come up with an alternate name for the promotion before I start getting it confused with the SCW that my older cousin Krystal works for, because it’s a martial artist with years of experience going up against a high flyer with months of experience and less than ten matches to her name, if there’s one thing for sure it’s that I’ll learn a lot from wrestling you Ace!”
”Whilst I appreciate the learning experience this match will grant me I want to get my Supreme CW career off on the right track and the only way for me to do that is to get the win in my debut! Ace, you seem like a good guy based on our Twitter interactions but don’t think for a second that I’m about to let that get in the way of my first win here in Supreme CW.” Yeah I know, it seems obvious but what do you expect? I’m still new to this whole promo thing! I’ll get used to it eventually! Just don’t notice how nervous I am about this promo, please? ”One of these days I’ll get as good at this promo thing as my older cousin but until then you have to put up with this Aussie Metal Chick still being in her awkward rookie promo phase! But you’ll also have to get used to seeing my pretty face everywhere because as the Korn song goes, I’m here to stay!”[/font] I added before facepalming. ”I just referenced a dad metal at, Becky’s never letting me live this down!”
It's that simple.
”Err, ANYWAY! Don’t let my age and inexperience fool you Ace, I’m way ahead of my years in terms of wrestling skill and I can’t wait to show that off when we face off at Breakdown!” And now to reference a non dad metal act to get back my cred as I a millennial metal chick! ”Because I’ll be wrecking you faster than the mosh pit when the singer goes “DISRESPECT YOUR SURROUNDINGS!” After I screamed that part my throat got sore and I started coughing. ”Note to self, get some singing lessons in before I try that again! What I meant to say is that I am in it to win it!”
And with that I decided to wrap things up.
”Because whilst this is a new fed, it’s still the same old Cass and I’m out to prove that age is just a number when it comes to wrestling!” I added once I regained my composure and grinned. ”Granted Ace you’ll be out to prove the same thing goes for the old folks just as much as the young guns when we face off at Breakdown but I’m not giving up the fight and you’ll soon learn why “The Rebel Princess” Cassie Wolfe is Hungry Like the Wolfe! See you in the ring Ace!”
I started playing on my Gaming PC as the scene fades.

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