End of the Year Special Open Invitational
December 26, 2022    

It still didn’t feel real to Patience Young that her father was dead. It was only two weeks ago that his heart had had enough and stopped beating. The fact that he wasn’t there for his granddaughter’s second Christmas was heartbreaking enough. However, what made it more surreal was when Patience learned that on December 14, twenty-seven years to the day was the day that her mother died.    

Since the hospital, Patience hasn’t been able to do much of anything. In fact, her husband, Woody Hoyt and her daughter who doesn’t quite understand what is going on are concerned about her. She hasn’t been eating, spending most of her time in bed just sleeping, and for the small amount of time that she is awake she listens to the “lullaby” that dad played when she was fussy. Despite the lyrics of “Don’t Cry” by Guns and Roses urging her not to, the tears just wouldn't stop.    

However, on this day it wasn’t like the previous days. Without saying a word to her husband, she left their home. She thought about driving to her father’s home, because sooner or later she was supposed to have to settle his affairs, box up his stuff, and sell the home. Though, she knew that today was not going to be that day, because she was going to need not only more strength to do that, but help. Right now, she was on her way to possibly making a big mistake.   

She was recalling the conversation that she had with her husband before she received the call about her father. How the only way she was planning to get back into the ring was on the night that her father was set to wrestle in a retirement match. That match is never going to happen now, but she could still honor his memory by wrestling one last match. So, she needed to get some special gear made for the show.   

Knowing that it was short notice she wasn’t going to be able to custom order the gear and have it in time. However, she knew one person who could make it on such short notice, but more than likely already had some of the parts made from other previous events. Which is why she is standing in front of her cousin’s home. She knocked on the door and when it was answered, she wasn’t surprised to see Chase Hawkins, her cousin’s husband, standing in the doorway.   

“I need to speak with Sammy.” Patience said, as Chase looked at her as she stood in the frame of the door looking down, just like the Ninja Turtles in the first theatrical movie release when Splinter was taken from them.   

Chase said, “Come in.” As he opened the door wider to allow her passage into the foyer of the house. “How are you doing?”   

"I’m numb.” Patience walked past him and into the warmth of the house.  
“Understandable, but it will pass. I felt the same way when my grandfather passed. You feel lost and alone, but you have a family that cares about you. Don't shut them out.” Patience knew that Chase was just trying to help, but she didn’t need sympathy and words of encouragement right now. All she needs is some ring gear made so that she can wrestle in the end of the year battle royal.   

“I appreciate that, but where is Sammy?” Patience looked around the home as she walked into the living room. Normally, she would take a little bit of time to catch up with Chase and even visit with A.J. as well. However, time is a precious thing that she doesn’t have at the moment.  

“She’s in her crafting room.” He said, and that was all she needed to hear, because it was possible that she was already expecting her to show up or at least call and ask for the outfit. Luckily, she didn’t need Chase to show her the way to the workshop. This is because since Sam’s ordeal she’s gotten familiar with it, because she’s had to play delivery driver to bring her supplies.  

Sam hasn't left home very often since the ordeal. In fact, Patience was more than a little surprised that she came to the hospital. She was glad that she did see her cousin make the trip for her dad, but at the same time she could tell how uncomfortable she was. Patience opened the door to the shop and just as she thought, Sam was already working on the outfit. She was using orange, blue, white, and black fabric for a different project.  

“Sammy, are you alright?" Patience asked, as she didn’t want to assume that she was right.  

“Yes, if you want Goku themed gear.” Sam didn’t look up at the hand stitching she was doing for the “Kame” house logo. She smiled for the first time in two weeks feeling like she could smile, but as she stood there watching the stitch work that Sam was doing it just drew attention to the fact that she was wearing arm warmers that covered just about all the way up to her elbow. Considering how cold it had been that would be normal, but Patience knew that it was a double meaning for Sam.  

“Wouldn’t that be easier with a sewing machine?” Patience knew that in Sam’s mind that it wouldn’t be easier, because of how much of a perfectionist that she was when it comes to cosplay-based ring attire. Due to the injuries she sustained during her ordeal, Patience realized doing everything by hand would be much more difficult.  

“I actually tried using it... it broke.” Patience’s eyes opened wide in shock. The fact that she was right that it would be easier for Sam, but that Sam actually tried to do it was the most shocking part of it. Patience wondered if she was dealing with any lasting effects from the scars left behind by the way her wrists were bound.  

Asked Patience. ‘Is there anything that I can do to help?” She had a little bit of experience making costumes, but nothing elaborate like the gears and cosplays that Sam had designed in the past. She won’t admit it, but this one time for Comic Con she made Chase a full, detailed, and more to the point accurate Bat-suit. Sam stops for a moment to ponder the offer, but before she has a chance to answer, Patience’s phone buzzes with a new text alert.  

“I’ll let you know... is that important?” Sam got back to work on the logo patch. Patience looked at her lock screen to see that the message was from Ashlynn. However, she can’t tell what it is, because all the text says is two images.  

"I have a couple of images from Ashlynn." Patience debated whether to open the message to find out what they are, but the fact that she wasn't woman enough to say anything made her decision easier. Perhaps she is still not ready to let go of the aftermath of Patience's decision to retire two years ago.  

“Isn’t this the first time in two years that she has tried to contact you?” Patience knew that Sam was right. Well if you don’t count the brief moment that they had in passing at the hospital the day that her father died. She might be ready to move, but she isn't sure how. So she’s probably acting like nothing happened.”  

"Perhaps you are right." Sam had a point, but nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to see. As she opened the message another one came in and instinctively, Patience’s eyes were drawn to that one first, because there was actually text in it. ‘You must think of me as a coward, but I couldn’t find the words to say to you in person. We’re sisters.’  

Although she couldn't believe what she had just read, when she looked at the images, she had to at least acknowledge some legitimacy. The one image was the front of the photograph that Ashlynn got from their father that showed both of the girls with their parents. Another image shows their names, time of birth, and birthdays for both girls on the back. Sam suddenly stopped working to look at Patience. When Sam sensed something was wrong, he stopped working to check on Patience.  

“Are you okay? You look like a ghost.” Patience didn’t know how to respond to her cousin. Her brain was again overwhelmed. If it wasn’t heartbreaking enough losing her father, now she learns that she has a sister. She knew that they looked as if they could be related in some way, but she figured that she might have been a cousin. Given that her Uncle Johnny has never been married, but has slept with a lot of women. Not to mention the fact that her Uncle Rick, has had several extra marital affairs that could have resulted in another child like Sam.  

“I have a sister!?!” Patience’s knee buckled at that moment as she fell down to her knees again. Sam hearing what Patience said, her face took on a bewildered look as she didn’t know what was going on.  


Campfire Confessions – Ember Young 


The sound of a match being stuck is heard. In the course of the explosion, half of Ember Young's face is illuminated as the wooden stick bursts into flame. Right now, Ember was holding the match between her thumb and index finger of her right hand. It is as if the small flame dances along the contours of her face. This leads to the shadows moving along the contours of her face as the flame dances in front of it. In this way, her face appears to be moving while she is standing still at the same time.  

“Welcome to campfire confessions! Normally I would be doing this with an actual campfire, but given the short notice and the temperature outside right now. So we're doing a stripped-down version for this very special occasion," she says. 

"Just a match, my Go-Pro camera, and a hell of a lot of emotion." She smirks as she drops the match down just before the flame gets to her finger tips. After a short pause, there is a 'PSST', indicating that the match was dropped into some kind of container of water. Ember lit another match, bringing light back into the dark room. 

"I know a lot of you are thinking, why am I coming back for the End of the Year Invitational? When I was last here I was scared of getting into the ring. Some of you probably remember me begging you to take it easy on me, because of my neck." It was again necessary to drop the match, because the flame was getting too close to her finger tips. 

"I'm returning, because of my father." Ember says as she leaves the room in total darkness, but that isn't the only thing that is heard. Even though the camera can't clearly see what is being done, Ember is obviously moving something around. 

Ember said, her voice laced with an almost bitter tone as she spoke. "For most of you, you don't know who my father is nor do you care about him." Eventually, she lit another match, but as the light illuminated the room there was something different about it. There were now three candles in front of Ember, which she could be seen lighting one by one. 

"My father," Ember said, as she put the match out after she ignited the last of the candles. Ember then looks down at the top of the table that the candles are placed on, which is just out of Go-Pro's view. She picks up what is quickly identified as a picture frame. "Sorry had to change things up a little bit." 

"This is my father, Michael Young." She says, as she turns the frame to show the picture to the camera. The photograph in the frame is probably one of his greatest accomplishments. It's from the night he won the XWL World Heavyweight championship for the first time, by defeating David Holmes in an Insanity cage match. Having dove off the top of the triple tier cage down on to Holmes to put him through the announce table.  

He was sitting on a production crate. His face is covered in a crimson mask. The title is over his left shoulder, and she is sitting on his right looking at her father in wonderment with a smile on her face. This is a ten year old Patience. "He was a wrestler, known mostly as The Tragic Hero, but for a time he was the controversial Suicidal Superman." 

"What does that have to do with the price of tea and China?" Ember asked. "He was fearless and for his entire career he just did everything that came to his mind and then asked for forgiveness. His reasoning for this was his catchphrase... tragedy spares no one." 

Ember pauses, as if to let that statement sink into the viewers of this confession.  

"He knew that all too well, because he had lost the love of his life, the mother of his... children. In the following years, his girlfriend Tyra slept with an entire locker room behind his back including one of my uncles. His girlfriend Skylar... a woman that was the closest thing that I had to a mother decided to ghost him after he proposed to her." Ember paused again, but this time it was more for her to take a breath. "Then twenty-seven years to the day of my mother's death, his heart gives out, and he dies." 

"Tragedy spares no one, something that I came to realize while remembering my father these last couple of weeks. In all of that, there was a lesson that I learned, and that is that no matter what I'm doing tragedy could strike me. I could slip getting out of the tub injuring my neck again, I could die in my sleep tonight, or I could be shot during a home invasion." Ember returned the picture to the table. 

"For one night only, I'm returning to SCW, but not as the timid and afraid dying ember you're used to seeing." Ember leans a few inches forward to blow the candle that is to the left of the one in the center. 

"I'm coming back as the Ember that was driven through a quadruple stack of tables by Pierce Manning in the SCCW." Ember chuckles. "Just one ember, even a dying one, can reignite into a raging inferno." 

"I'm planning to channel my father for the invitational and wrestle with no regrets." Ember blew out the candle to the right of the one that was the center of the trio. The lighting in the room got just a little bit darker with the loss of the second candle. 

Ember declares before blowing out the final candle, "I will be the FIRE that will burn down the rings." Instead of seeing a room in total darkness again after blowing out the final candle, the screen of the room has been transformed into a wall of flames before burning into a black screen as evidence of a little post-production editing. 

{ Fin. }

It was only a few short blocks, but the moment they started heading in the direction, Reed James knew exactly where he was going. Owen had said many times that the location of the school and shelter had very little to do with Tommy and Kandis’s place being nearby and was more a location close to the Orlando Cruze Memorial which stood on a former playground. Owen did his best thinking there, or at least he did now he had compartmentalized all that had gone before, and it seemed like he was headed there again to deliver some wisdom, or at least that was his intention. Even as they walk through the gate, Reed knows that they are headed to the centerpiece, and it is no surprise when Owen kisses his hand and places it on the image of his Father than took pride of place. He then sits, motioning for Reed to follow, which he gladly does.
Reed: So, what we doing here Owen?
Owen is too busy looking at the memorial to respond straight away, but after a few seconds he turns to face Reed.
Owen: Two-fold really… one, I needed to come anyway, make sure everything is in order and give the grounds keeper his Christmas bonus, and two… which I’m sure you’ve guessed by now, to tell you a story.
Reed smiles. He had indeed guessed, there was always a reason that Owen brought people to the memorial and it was usually to impart something that he thought that person needed to hear.
Reed: I did guess
Owen: And so, you should… I’d wager that you didn’t guess what I was going to come here and compare you to the great man himself.
Reed: Orlando? Give over.
Owen: Why not?
Reed: Why not? I mean from what you and Jason have told me, the guy was an absolute legend. Multiple World Championships in several different companies, a Tag Team Champion more times than most. I mean, the guy was given the nickname ‘Icon’, it doesn’t get any bigger than that.
Owen: And yet, when he started, his beginnings where a lot humbler than any of that.
Many people knew the story of Orlando Cruze, but most of it was based on what he achieved, and the difference he made to a sport he loved. Not many could tell Orlando’s true story like Owen could. The story he’d been told when he was just a little boy.
Reed: Really? I can’t imagine that.
Owen: When Dad first came into wrestling, it wasn’t the same as it is now, with places like ‘Level Up’ to help people hone their skills. Orlando was trained solely by a guy called Wolfe, and if Dad was alive today, he’d tell you that training was more than a little limited. When he signed up for Viper Professional Wrestling, he had strength, and he had power and very little technique… sound familiar? If anyone Reed, you’ve been taught more wrestling technique than he had in the beginning.
Reed: Yeah, but come on… things have moved on a little since his time.
Owen: Yes, they have… most definitely. When Dad kicked off his career there were very few true superstars. Nowadays, it seems like most have something about them. But the fact remains, he kicked of his career, in truth, not having the first clue what he was doing. Constantly having a downer on himself because he was getting outwrestled time and time again. And yet, when he moved to EFW, he won the World Champion from a guy called Sickle. One of the best wrestlers of the time. You know how he won that match?
Reed: No, but I’m sure you are going to tell me.
Owen: Ninety-five percent of that match belonged to Sickle, but Dad hung in there, and bit by bit made Sickle that little more frustrated. Dad waited, and waited until Sickle let his guard down, and then he hit him with a shot that was harder than Sickle had felt in his life. Sickle didn’t get up, Orlando claimed the World Title and held it all the way till EFW closed, built on just that. Hanging in there with his limited move set until finding that moment to strike. That defeat still haunts Sickle to this day… even more so when Russell Nash Blade, Desolation, came along and found Dad out. Only then did Dad realize that he needed more to his game, and Desolation gave him that. Only then, did Dad become the Icon you know.
Reed looks back over at the memorial, understand what Owen was saying but still not buying into the logic, or believing he wasn’t engaging in a fool’s errand.
Reed: Still Owen, I get what you are trying to say. But this isn’t ONE opponent is it?
Owen: No, it’s not. But that makes your situation easier.
Reed: What, Ten, maybe Twenty wrestlers with more experience than me?
Owen: Yeah, and none of them singling you out. Do you think I won the Battle Royal by being the best wrestler? No, I did it by hanging in there and taking my chance when it came. There is going to be that much humanity in there, there isn’t going to be time for chokeholds or armbars. It’s going to be a fight, pure and simple and a battle of endurance. You have both of those attributes in spades and the longer the match goes, the more potential for a huge upset there will be. I’m not going to blow smoke up your ass and claim that if it comes down to you and Glory Braddock for instance, you’re the favorite because you’re not. But if it does come down to the last two, even the last five and you are still there Reed, that is one heck of an achievement. If not, Jason will be front and center making notes to see what you lack. And don’t forget, it may not even be wrestling you go forwards with, it could be MMA. This is as much a fact-finding mission as it is trying to win a car and two hundred and fifty grand. And as such, there is no pressure on you Reed. None. You can go out there and simply enjoy the moment… I can guarantee that there isn’t another wrestler in that Battle Royal that can say the same. You’re making this into a huge thing, and other than the stage, I promise you that there is no need.
Reed: So, if I fall flat on my ass, you won’t kick me out the school?
Owen: Nope… but it isn’t going to happen. I’m guessing that by the time this is through, you’ll have surprised yourself. But not us.
Reed: I hope so.
Owen gets to his feet, his job here done, and once again places his hand on the photo of Orlando but is interrupted by Reed.
Reed: Owen, can I ask you something?
Owen: Sure. Anything.
Reed: Is it worth it? Wrestling I mean. You’ve told me so many stories about the bad things, the way the business can chew you up and spit you out.
Owen: You’re not sure if it’s for you?
Reed: Well yeah.
Owen: Only you can answer that question bro, not me. Only you know if it’s worth all the hardships to get to where you want to be. Except for the initial first couple of months, during my hiatus, all I wanted to do was come back and be a part of this again. Claim my redemption and make things better. This business can give you things you cannot imagine, but you don’t need me to tell you that.
Reed: What do you mean?
Owen places a hand on Reed’s shoulder.
Owen: When you are stood behind that curtain, and your music hits and you step through and see all those flashing lights and people. When you hear the noise levels for you, and everyone else that comes to that ring. Ask yourself then, is it worth it? And I promise you the answer will be yes. Shaun is the best example I can give. He’s been in blockbuster movies, walked the red carpets, made millions. But he will tell you, as I’m going to now. NOTHING is like the reaction from a SCW crowd. Nothing. It’s worth it Reed, and very soon, you’ll find that out for yourself.
Reed nods his head, understanding what he was being told.
Owen: Now… come on, let’s get back to the gym. You got work to do.
Reed heads off in the direction of the gate, Owen pausing by the memorial waiting till Reed is out of earshot.
Owen: Right there Dad, the next Generation.
Scene fades.
Reed James sits awkwardly on the edge of the ring at Level Up, Finch behind the camera recording the whole thing. Owen is there, sat on a chair off camera, there only for moral support. With a nod from him, Reed starts to speak, with the tone of someone who understandably lacks confidence.
“Hey, well I guess I’d better start by introducing myself. I’m Reed James, and I am a student at Level Up Wrestling School, owned as you probably all know by SCW World Champion Owen Cruze. Or at least he was at the time I filmed this.”
Off camera Owen smirks, happy that Reed is finding the opportunity to let his character come through and have a little joke at Owen’s expense. Even though it could most definitely be the truth.
“I’m going to be honest with every single one of you that have already presented your promo’s. I know exactly what you are thinking. Who is this guy, and more importantly what is he doing in a match as prestigious as the SCW End of Year Invitational Battle Royal? And the answer is… I don’t know. I’ve asked Owen the exact same thing. I’ve asked him what am I doing in a match where every single person has at least five years in-ring wrestling experience on me? I’ve asked him if the medics are going to be on standby to scrape me from the mat by the time Clyde Sutter has finished with me. Again, being honest with you all, this is my very first competitive match. Yes really. This is the first time I will ever step into a ring with more than a couple of people watching, and I do it with multiple people, willing to stamp on anyone to get those bragging rights, the cash and the car. Yep, I know… you’re all thinking the same as me, right? This kid is going to get murdered. And my guess is that many of you cannot wait to see it all happen.”
Reed catches the glance of Owen, who smiles reassuringly, urging Reed to continue the pre-prepared rhetoric.
“So, what AM I doing in this match, if it isn’t because the coaches at Level Up hate me and want to see me squashed. I was the same as you, asking the question, and thankfully, at least for me, I was given an answer. See, I’ve been training at Level Up now for no more than six months. Although coming along, my skills are nothing like the levels of those of you that I will face. I’ve already mentioned, I’ve been schooled by Jason King, a three-time ULW Champion, and Willow Wilkes, a two-time holder of the same belt. I’m advised by Owen Cruze, the current SCW World Champion, and two-time holder, one of the youngest holders of the best of all time at nineteen years old. I’ve not got the family history of a Glory Braddock, or the prowess of a Cassie Wolfe. I don’t have the mentality of a Clyde Sutter, or the no doubt decades of experience from some of the names expected to compete such as a Selena or Deanna Frost. There is no doubt some of you that will say I do nothing better than anyone in the Battle Royal, and as Owen has informed me, there is every chance that you would be right. But something I do have in abundance is a fighting spirit, due to my past that one day, perhaps you will all find out about. What I also have is the knowledge that I don’t care if you can execute an armbar better than I can, I will hit harder than literally any of you, and if I catch you… you’ll stay hit. No matter how big you are.
Because that’s all I can do, quite literally. I’m not coming to that ring with the intention of outwrestling anyone. I’m not headed into the End of Year Special, believing that my youthful exuberance is going to somehow, someway get me over the line. I don’t even think I can win… can you imagine that for one second? But I catch ANYONE on the jaw, they ARE going to remember my name I promise you. If I get you right, I believe Jason called me a ‘striker’, then I am going to knock you out. Owen tells me that I have no pressure on my shoulders. This whole thing is quite simply about my progression and finding out where I am at this stage of my training. Top five, Top ten… not embarrassing myself, that would be an achievement. But can you all say the same, if YOU were the one knocked out by the ‘rookie’ who shouldn’t even have been accepted into this match? No seriously, just imagine the ‘recap’ shows, the stills of your face contorting at the impact is felt throughout your body. Imagine the ridicule from your peers, your coaches even, as memes appear all over social media of your toppling like a giant Oak tree, at the hand of someone competing for the very first time. Imagine becoming a viral sensation for something unbelievably unexpected. I only have to catch ONE of you like that, and I’ll be remembered almost as much as the winner. I’m under no delusions that I am wayyyy above my head here and out my depth, but are any of you under the delusion that what I have just described cannot happen? If so, it’s more than likely that victim is going to be you.”
Reed was starting to get into it now and was coming across as far more experienced than he was. In time, that would all come, it would be the next stage in his training, learning how to deal with the pressures that would inevitably start to become a reality. But for now, he was enjoying himself, and that was all Owen wanted for him. To enjoy this moment before going back to work.
“So, I guess this is the moment that I get discounted, insulted… maybe get called ‘kid’ which seems to be the way of things, even for a World Champion. I can now sit back and watch as so many people get up in arms and more than a little antsy that I dare sit here and ‘disrespect’ people who were wrestling probably before I was even born, even though I have literally shown NO disrespect to anyone in this Battle Royal. In fact, I’m honored to be mentioned in the same match as every single one of you. A Kid from the streets tearing it up with former and indeed current, in other companies at least’ World Champions. This is the stuff of dreams for me. But don’t make the mistake of believing that I’m afraid of the realities, because I’m not. I have the right people looking out for me, people that have seen, and done it all, and no matter that happens at the End of Year Special, I know what I am going to be OK regardless. And if I get to smash a few faces in the process… well, happy days. At the End of Year Special, it begins.”
Finch cuts the camera, lowering it as Owen walks over, putting a hand around Reed’s shoulder.
Reed: Was that OK?
Owen: You did brilliant, better than I did my first time.
Reed: You’re just saying that.
Owen: I promise you, I’m not. A lot of people will have just sat up and took notice of you, and that’s not a bad thing it’s good. Just remember, the first person that steps up to you…
Reed: Swing for the rafters?
Owen: Damn straight Bro. No matter where or when you finally sign for a company, let’s make sure that by then, the hype is real.
Reed: And there is no better hype than taking someone’s head from their shoulders.
Owen: Precisely.
Reed knew that from this point nothing would be easy. He knew he was stepping into the lions dens, and there was every chance that he would be mauled. And although physically he may not have been ready for some of the best in the business, mentally he now most certainly was, and had every intention of enjoying his moment in the sun. Whilst at the same time making sure he did enough… so that it wouldn’t be his last.
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  Giovanna Steward | "Her Own Path"

  Gigi Steward’s eyes open up. She looks around the room she’s standing inside. The Halls of Reflection. A place that Katie Steward has made her place of sanctuary for the last few months. Where Kings would visit and reflect on themselves. Gigi stands in the middle of the room and she looks around. She sees the carnage of a battle that had just taken place. Katie’s horsewomen sit around the room licking their wounds. Maddy sits against the altar holding her head trying to suppress the voices inside. Katie is down on her knees behind Gigi. Looking at the shards of steel scattered around the floor from The Queensblade. Now a broken blade. Gigi looks around the hall with pink swirls of light flying around and upward through the ceiling. She looks down at her hand. Gripping tight the hilt of the Sword of Light. What did she do?

Gigi springs up in her bed waking up from her dream. Bizarre dream. A dream that feels almost real, but that’s ridiculous. Couldn’t have been. She gets out of her bed and get herself ready to start the day.

In the kitchen, Gigi stands in front of the coffee maker. Waiting for it to begin to brew. The bedroom door opens and Gigi’s sister Ash walks out and finds Gigi.

“Hi G, how are you doing today? Any better?” Ash asks, walking up to the counter.

“Yeah, I’m feeling fine. A little tired, but fine. Just can’t get over this really strange dream that I had. Where’s Maddy?” Gigi questions Ash and wonders why she came out of Maddy’s bedroom.

“Maddy went and stayed with her mom for now. Things got a little intense for her and she needed a break. So I thought I’d stay here while she’s gone to keep you company. I hope that’s ok.” Ash smiles at Gigi.

“Of course, it’s fine. I’m just having a little trouble remembering things. Anyways, yes I love having you stay while Maddy is away.” Gigi returns the smile as Katie’s daughters look happy they’re living together for now.

“So do you want to go out and get some coffee?” Ash asks Gigi who she watches standing in front of the coffee maker not brewing anything.

“Is there no coffee being made here?” Gigi questions Ash.

“Oh I don’t know how to use that. I thought we would just go to the Starbucks on the corner and get our coffee.” Ash answers and Gigi nods her head.

At the Starbucks, Gigi and Ash get their coffee and find themselves a table to sit at. Gigi checks her phone messages and notices that she hasn’t gotten anything from Katie in awhile.

“Katie hasn’t answered me back.” Gigi tells Ash to set her phone down next to her coffee.

“I don’t think she’s going to get much reception where she was headed. Katie did some things that she wasn’
t proud of and she thought she crossed a line. So she went to get some help.” Ash tries to explain Katie’s situation to Gigi.

“She left for some far and away retreat? So Maddy is gone and Katie is gone. Now I’m all alone.” Gigi realizes she’s the only Steward here.

“Well you still have me, but yeah seems that way. Sorry G.” Ash tries to be there for her, she knows she isn’t Katie or Maddy to her.

“I haven’t been on my own since Katie became my big sister. I kinda had my dad, but it wasn't the same.” Gigi tries to figure herself out.

“Hey, you’re a Steward. I’m sure you have plenty of opportunities that can be handed to you. Any roles to be cast in. Maybe you should get an agent like Katie has?” Ash continues to try to be helpful for Gigi.

“Yeah, Katie and Ms. Winters found me someone a while ago. I guess I can give them a call. Maybe later.” Gigi replies, but her phone begins to buzz.

Gigi checks her phone seeing a new message that was sent. She doesn’t react much to it and just puts her phone back down on the table.

“Who was that?” Ash asks Gigi, interested in what she got.

“It was just a message from Sasha. She sent a message inviting people to her home for a winter party this year. I don’t think I’ll go.” Gigi takes a breath while looking at her phone.

“Come on, G. It’s a party. I can be your plus one. Is it a fancy party? That’ll be pretty sweet to see. Never been to one of those before. Plus what else are you going to do? Sasha might be able to help you solve a bit of you dilemma that you have.”Ash tries to negotiate with Gigi to get her to go to the party.

“Yeah that would be a fun conversation to have. Definitely think we’ll be staying in tonight. I haven’t talked to her in awhile. It’ll be weird if I just show up.” Gigi shakes her head being dead set on not attending the winter party. She grabs her phone and coffee and leaves.

“But you got an invite to the party… She clearly wants to see you there.” Ash says to herself confused by Gigi not wanting to attend. She grabs her coffee and follows Gigi out.

At Sasha D.’s home, Gigi and Ash arrive for the party. Ash is wearing a nice dress while Gigi is in a suit.

“You are too much like Katie and getting your way.” Gigi tells Ash as they walk up to the front door and knock on it.

“Oh please, you wanted to come to the party. You just need a push. Besides, why are you so afraid? She’s your friend.” Ash says to Gigi not knowing why Gigi is so scared of coming out tonight.

Sasha opens the door for Gigi and Ash. “Gigi, you made it. I’m so happy that you brought a friend.” Sasha smiles at her guest inviting them into her home.

“This is my sister, Ash.” Gigi introduces Ash to Sasha.

“Ash, right. Maddy not joining you tonight?” Sasha asks Gigi wondering where her partner was.

“No. She is staying with her mom for her winter break. So it’s just me.” Gigi explains her status to Sasha.

“Well it’s nice having you here. Enjoy the party and mingle with people.” Sasha leaves to make her rounds with the other guest. Gigi and Ash walk into the party and look away.

“Oh there is shrimp.” Ash notices the food over on the table and walks away from Gigi leaving her behind.

“And now I’m all alone. Great.” Gigi stands in the room by herself. Awkwardly swinging her arms by her side. Not knowing what to do. After a few seconds she turns and leaves the room.

Gigi explores the house and finds herself in another room. A room filled with art decorating the walls. Sasha finds Gigi there and walks inside to join her.

“Hi Gigi. We really didn’t get to talk much really. How have you been? What is Katie doing?” Sasha asks, wondering how the Stewards were holding up.

“I’m fine. Not really sure about things. Katie left for some retreat she’s doing.” Gigi explains things to Sasha.

“Oh well that sounds like something nice for her to get back on her feet. If you’re looking for something you could always get back to SCW. We’ll love having you.” Sasha offers Gigi a chance to return.

“I don’t know. I’ll be without Katie. It’ll be weird. You know I’ve already got the target for being a Steward. If I’m by myself I wouldn’t stand much of a chance.” Gigi struggles on her feet. Revealing the reason she’s been feeling a bit afraid since finding out Katie and Maddy took some time away.

“I understand, Gigi. It does sound a bit scary. Trying to make it on your own. Especially in SCW now after so long with having someone watching your back. I always believed you were never one to take the easy roads to get where you were going.

 Well just know I’ll always leave the door open for you.” Sasha tells Gigi hoping to raise her confidence a bit in maybe making a decision for herself. Sasha leaves Gigi alone to let her think and she goes back to her party.

Gigi and Ash return home after the party. Ash looks to be happy and had a good time, a contrast to Gigi who is in her head still thinking about what Sasha told her.

“Ok, spill it G. Sasha talk you into going back to SCW.” Ash came straight out and said what she knew happened.

“No. She didn’t. She offers and says there is always a spot for me, but…” Gigi pauses as she has something else on her mind.

 “Ash, why did Katie leave? My dream was more real than it was, wasn’t it.” Gigi asks Ash for the truth.

“I told you Katie did some things that she might not be able to come back from. It was a blessing and a curse. She got back her Brats, but she lost control.” Ash tells Gigi how bad Katie messed up.

“I guess that is what should scare me. Katie is an amazing person and we know the mistakes she makes. I know I’d make the same ones. I can’t do that. I can’t abandon everyone. Katie and Maddy are taking care of themselves and I should do the same.” Gigi begins to build herself up.

“Oh no, am I going to need to find a roommate?” Ash thinks Gigi is about to walk out of the apartment.

“No. I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to be the person Katie and Maddy know that I am. Why am I the one wearing the suit? I’m a boss.” Gigi takes a breath as she prepares herself to get back into action. She heads to her room to retire for the night as tomorrow the montage hits and Gigi is back in the gym training.

A New Year, New Me story. I’m sure no one is interested in hearing another resolution for 2023 . That’s good, because I don’t really have one. I don’t have any big plans or goals for the new year. This battle royal is just a place to remind people I’m here. I’ve done it mostly every year. Usually with Maddy by my side, but this year is going to be different. I’ve got butterflies and I’ve got Katie’s enemies watching me. I can’t hide though. It’s not the person that I was taught to be. I was trained by the best and what that person would want is for me to turn her enemies into my own. I’m probably not going to win. That prize money should probably just be a mega millions jackpot and who needs bragging rights when you’re a Steward. Don’t need bragging rights when you’re already a thorn in everyone's side.

Though maybe I am going about this the wrong way. This is Katie’s strat. Katie played on everyone’s emotions. She’s an actress. She knows how to play her part. No, Gigi Steward’s game is more on a mental playing field. I got to outsmart these people. Some might be easier than others, but I can lure them in before they get kicked in the same way. Then they won’t be scared anymore. I can do this. I’m not saying The Brat Club will be its thing in 2023, but it’s sure going to be fun to try.
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OOC: HI~! Yes this means what you think it means. A lot is answered here as to what The Connection has been up to the last several months. For those wondering, Ash is not returning at this time, but has given me the go ahead with storyline plot points and permission to fill in the details as I see fit. We'll see how this works out. Enjoy!


End of the Year Special 2022
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SCW: 26 - 35 - 5 || Career: 35 - 41 - 5
SCW World Champion
4X SCW Tag Team Champion W/ Tommy Valentine
[The Connection]
OOC: 2 of 2.

Ashes to Ashes, Chapter Two

SCW Accomplishments
SCW World Heavyweight Champion(1X)
2023 Male SCW Superstar of the Year
SCW Supreme Champion (2023)
SCW Adrenaline Champion(2X)
SCW Television Champion(1x)
SCW United States Champion(1x)
SCW Underground Champion(1x)
SCW World Tag Team Champion (2x-W/Rachel Foxx as Bad Company; W/ Cid Turner as A/C Unit)
First and Only Commonwealth Wrestling Champion
SCW 24/7 Hardcore Champion(5x)
2009 Feud of the Year
2009 Tag Team of the Year
SCW World Tag League winner (A/C Unit w/Cid Turner)
2021 Stable of the Year (A/C Blondetourage Unit w/Cid and Holly)

The New Me?

Ever since mutually deciding to end her nearly 5 year marriage with Victor Mason, Kelsai Adamson-Mason was in a perpetual state of loss.

Loss of her hopes

Loss of her dreams

And oftentimes loss of her consciousness of damn close

It just seemed that no matter how she tried, her life just seemed so empty. It could be impending divorce, it could be all of her friends and fans that she turned her back on when she went all in on herself in GCW. To be fair, she did win both of the company’s world championships simultaneously, the only person ever to do that, but she had to ask herself now one important question as she sat alone upstairs in the condo of her sister (for all intents and purposes anyway) Jaina Lancaster…

Was it all worth it?

Right now, it certainly didn’t feel that way. Then again that emptiness she was feeling could be something else entirely, a secret that only Jaina knows, and maybe only Jaina will ever know.

Jaina: “How are you doing today sis?”

Kelsai: “Like I am getting exactly what I deserve.”

Jaina: “What do you mean?”

Kelsai: “I mean I went around treating everyone like shit for months and months and so now it’s only fair that life decides to treat me like shit. I deserve this and know I am getting it, the full brunt of it.”

Jaina: “Stop it. This is just like Aunt Bree saying that she deserved to be raped because she treated people poorly. Tragedy doesn’t work like that.”

Kelsai: “I’m trying to believe you babe. Some days are just worse than others I guess.”

Should I start by saying hi everybody or maybe just ask all of the fans of SCW how have you been?

That would seem appropriate seeing as how it has been a while since I have been here, inside of one of the rings that I dreamed of being a star in from the time that I could watch wrestling. I need to say too that I don't know what the future might bring as far as wrestling. (I don't know what the future might look like personally either, but that is another matter.)There are certainly no plans for me to come back anywhere and wrestle. No, this is what is termed in the business as a one off, a guest appearance. So, no matter what happens in the battle royal, you will not be seeing me on SCW Breakdown. That is a guarantee.

Rather for me, this is about getting back to basics, and nothing is more basic for me than getting back inside of the ring. Instinctively, I am still a competitor and a battle royal is the ultimate in competition. Every person for themselves, and I like the way that SCW does it too, having both men and women compete. There is nothing that a man can do that a woman cannot. That sounds very simple to say but in SCW? You have to actually step between the ropes and prove it, something that has never been a problem for me.

Being back in SCW in itself is interesting to me. This place will always hold a special place in my heart, and in the time I spent here, while it wasn’t as successful as I would have liked it to be concerning wins and losses? There is no doubt that I was one of the most popular wrestlers in the world, and when I left SCW to solely focus on GCW that was still the case in the beginning at least.

Then came the last year, and everything changed because of me. I had one of the most successful years in recent memory in professional wrestling. I didn’t even lose until May. However, in the process of being so successful in the ring, I became a massive bitch everywhere.

What did you think that I was going to try and deny what I had become?

What would be the point of that when everyone who was paying attention knows the reality of the situation?

I was absolutely awful to so many people at every opportunity, and I will say even now that some people deserved every word of it. Many other people did not though, and because of that, the fans of this industry have been letting me know for quite some time now that they did not approve of my actions. They had every right though because I was supposed to be a role model for little girls and then I became selfish and ruthless only looking out for number one. Now I am trying to make amends for what I have done, but I am not naive enough to think that fans are going to forget just like that and love me again. Fans are going to ask for forgiveness time and again and that might not be good enough for many of them.

Really the only thing I can focus on these days is getting back to that which I have become famous for; competing. All that time I went, nearly 6 months without losing a match at all and what I became known for was resiliency. It didn’t matter who it was, they could hit me with the best that they had to offer, but they still couldn’t keep me down no matter how hard they tried. I have taken the last couple months away from the ring while I have been working on some personal issues, but that doesn’t mean that I have forgotten how to wrestle. I am one of the best wrestlers in the world, there was a time for almost four months that I held not one but TWO world championships in GCW simultaneously and I was the first person in GCW history to do that. What I am going to remind everyone in this battle royal you don’t get to do that accidentally either, I did that because very few people can outlast anyone else in the ring but I can, and come New Year’s Eve you can bet that I will too.

For so many people that are in this annual end of year battle royal, this is either a platform for something bigger and better, like a launching pad for a new idea or gimmick, or even worse, nothing more than a joke. Hell, think about the past history of this event. Dylan Howell for example, who I have heard might be making an appearance this year, wore a damn Mankini when he won the event!

This year though will be different, there will be no joke that ends up winning the battle royal because I am not a joke, alright? I am going to win this battle royal and unlike so much of my championship reigns in GCW which were admittedly mired in controversy, I am going to do this the right way. I am going to work my ass off in that ring even if it is just for one night and I will be the last person standing. I might not know what the future may have in store for me beyond that, but on New Year’s Eve I truly hope that everybody else in that match is ready, not that it will matter if they are. To win a battle royal you need to throw your opponent’s over the top rope with both feet hitting the floor. You would think this type of match would not favor someone as small as me but, the thing is you can’t eliminate what you can’t catch, and there is nobody who is going to be in that ring who can catch me!

Is everyone starting to understand this yet? This is not a joke alright? This is not a new gimmick either. I want, no, I NEED to prove that as long as I have decided that I am going after something in the world of professional wrestling, there is nobody and I mean NOBODY that can deny me.

I want this BADLY, and on New Year’s Eve? I am going to come and get it no matter who might think that they can stop me. I hope everyone else is ready to be wrestling for second place because your winner in the battle royal?

That will be this girl right here!
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