James Evans vs. Andrew Raynes
James Evans vs. Andrew Raynes
2 RP Limit for singles
Deadline: Noon ET Tuesday, December 11, 2018
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The Evolution of Hate
The Suppression of his True Self

Andrew had gone through a lot as a child, with his parents splitting up because his mom was such an obvious narcissistic psychopath really created a whirlwind for Andrew who didn’t truly understand any of it. INstead of having the classic tale of a perfect family, it was a nightmare that was shattered and torturous as he grew up. NEver having the chance to really become a well raised child with good parents who would raise him together, instead, dad choosing to walk away from a toxic relationship in the hopes that he would be able to do his best on his own to raise Andrew on his own. Andrew’s mother though, wanted no part of that kind of a transition, always made sure to make life difficult for Andrew’s dad and his attempts to have a relationship with his son. So much so that the visitation was a measly every second weekend which mom would hope would assist in shattering his relationship with his son and turn the tide back in her favour.

It did the exact opposite.

What mom failed to realize was that ever since birth, ANdrew was an exact replica of his father, looks, charm personality, etc. He followed dad everywhere he went, being separate the way he was from his dad like that was something that was highly traumatizing for him to go through, especially with everything his mother was saying about dad at the same time. When his dad left, he left because he had to, to get out of that kind of environment that could have ultimately resulted in something more catastrophic for Andrew to deal with. MOm though used that to her advantage in trying to convince poor old Andrew that he had abandoned him and didn't want any part of his upbringing. Andrew though, always had a feeling that things were different. As he would go over to his father’s house for this time to spend with dad on the weekends, he would grow to understand that dad never wanted to be away from Andrew for any length of time but knew this was the best option for Andrew to try and gain a sense of stability. Mom thought that even with little visiting time with the two of them, it wouldn’t be enough to try and save any kind of relationship Andrew would have with his father. She wanted to convince Andrew that he only wanted to have minimal contact with Andrew, have a small sense of “he's just trying to do with right thing” type deal and didn’t really want the full fatherly experience and that every second weekend wouldn’t be enough to salvage anything.

She was wrong, it was the birth of Andrew’s inner anger.

As he would spend more weekends with Dad, he would start to understand that dad was exactly like him, that being with dad actually made him feel better, happier as a child. They would do all sorts of things together in the small window they had every weekend. SO much so that he never wanted to go back to his mom’s house but mom though was the type that if Andrew wasn’t back home at the designated time they had agreed upon, she would raise all kinds of hell on Dad just because she was a cunt like that. IT really had an impact on Andrew, not so much at first when it was starting because he didn’t know at the time but the more weekends they spent together, the more he didn’t want to go back. Time and time again on Sunday night when Dad had to do the heartbreaking thing and bring him back to his mother’s he would have to deal with the rage that Andrew would unleash, not because he hated dad, because he didn’t want to go back, didn’t want to be poisoned by the woman he thought was supposed to be a nurturing protective mother. ANdrew would kick and scream, the true rage letting itself out for one of the first times ever. It was a power that even dad couldn’t fully understand because he was so torn about having to take him back to his mom’s that he couldn’t take the time to understand what was really wrong with Andrew. He interpreted the anger as sheer “I don't want to go back, dad” but the heartbroken father had no choice, would drag Andrew, even while kicking and screaming, and try to put him in the car. Dad’s heart continuing to break as ANdrew would scream and pleased with dad not to bring him back. He just wanted to stay with dad, stay with the one who actually understood him and could try and bring him some joy in his life.

If only.

It was devastating to a kid like Andrew, while all the other school kids had families that were together and the perfect little family, Andrew was living a tormented childhood, had no sense of togetherness and was often left alone from the other kids. They never really wanted to get to know him or even play with him because he just didn’t allow himself to branch out and be the happy go lucky child everyone else was. He was too trapped in a home life that was tearing him apart and preventing him from really blossoming. Instead, it was allowing Andrew’s anger to fester and manifest from within. As everything would continue to deteriorate, it was becoming more evident that Andrew’s mother was never prepared for what was to come. While she didn’t realize that she never actually had a chance to turn Andrew against his father, her attempts to try and control and manipulate andrew would often allow hints of his anger to escape. He didn’t want mom to be like that, just be a regular mother who loved her son unconditionally but it was never the case. She would constantly try and turn ANdrew whenever she could, not just about his father but just everything in general. It would force ANdrew to act out at home in a way that mom couldn't ever understand. It would result in mom becoming abusive and punishing to try and contain Andrew’s rage and anger about the whole situation. The problem with a narcissistic parent like mom though meant that when he would have his fits, she would blame everyone else for his actions, unable to try and control him, rather than try to care about him and bring him some peace. She would often look for a means of escape or a way to be rid of Andrew because she didn’t want to deal with him when he was Angry.

When Andrew was 7,there had already been a growing disdain for his mother. His rage had been building already and a manifestation that would already be too late to contain. It was raw though, Andrew having no idea when it would come out, most of the time it would take constant rejection, annoyance or pushback from anyone. When he was at home with his mom, she would neglect, abuse and ignore him. When this would start it would be when Andrew’s rage would seep out and he would begin to act out violently. Most of the time it would be throwing things, destruction of property and constant shouting matches with his mother. His rage would come out full circle, give him power that would almost rival the Hulk with his ability to use his adrenaline to do things that seemed unimaginable to a mother. How he could be so violent and destructive, failing to understand that all he wanted was to be with his father and have a happy life. Her attempts to try and control the situation would fall by the wayside because she didn’t really want to be a parent in these situations. She would rather find a means of escape until Andrew was calm enough to try and reel in. One night in particular, it had gotten to a point where she wanted nothing to do with her son, she wanted him gone because she couldn't handle the idea of having an out of control child, not realizing that it was her fault entirely. She believed that she needed to get rid of him until he was of sane mind and ready for her to be able to handle again. Not realize his rage was a direct result of what she was doing to him, she only wanted Andrew when he was a good little kid, quiet and happy and nothing else. Not wanting to just dump Andrew on anyone, it was times where she wished that she had her own family she could pawn ANdrew off on. Given that her parents were already deceased when she was a younger age and forced to fend for herself and survive on her own, she was unable to feel confident in getting the job done. Knowing that she would be forced to call his father to try and come and get him, she hated the idea of having to call them to get him, she didn’t want to be seen as a failure of a mother.. Given Dad’s sporadic work schedule though, she would be forced to do something more that she hated and that was calling his grandmother. With Andrew pitching one of his rage induced fits, it had gotten to a point where the call had to be made.

You could hear it in mom’s voice too, the idea of not having the perfect son was devastating to her ego. Thank god grandma was around though, she would always come through for Andrew when he needed dad the most.

“What do you want, Annie?”

“You need to come and get Andrew, now!”


“I can’t handle him, his anger is too much and i am losing my mind.”

“Maybe you should have thought of that before you decided to kick his father out of the house. Did you ever consider that?”

“Don’t fucking start with me, you just need to come and get him NOW!”

Grandma wasn’t going to say no for a second, knowing the damage that woman was causing to her own son, she would do anything to get him out of there. Even if it meant walking the whole distance to pick him up and walk him back to her place. She would do it. It was then that Grandma knew that she would begin taking the more motherly role to Andrew, feeling better knowing that she was with him meant a lot. She had been watching everything unfold between mom and dad that she was able to have a stronger understanding of the truth and how to try and deal with Andrew. She was the one who first began to help Andrew suppress his rage and his anger. The time spent with Grandma allowed Andrew to focus on being a better child, still a shy child that struggled immensely to connect with other kids but at least, being in a better environment, it allowed Andrew to be a better kid, a somewhat happier child that was less driven by rage and forcing to remained suppressed in hopes that it would never fully be unleashed.

…..only to remain brooding, festering inside the poor boy and biding it’s time before it would fully take over.

The Blanket of Hate

What a clusterfuck that US title match had become, with so many people getting involved in the match, all wanting a piece of the action for some stupid reason. It made sense for Andrew to stay out of it until the time was right to come and save Bree from utter devastation. All these clowns getting involved in a match that never concerned them was shit that always pissed ANdrew off, it was the sole reason he was no longer Adrenaline Champion but knew that no one honestly gave a shit. With the way SCW was being run now, he knew that shit was continuing to go downhill fast. Rather than getting himself involved with about a dozen people now trying to kill each other at ringside, it made more sense to focus on saving his friend and tag partner rather than try and go kill someone like Ravyn or even Marie. It wasn’t worth it to Andrew knowing that they had bigger things to focus on.

After getting Bree and Scott out of there quickly, Dustin was waiting in the back for them to get back there so they could move quickly. They had no idea what was going to keep happening if they stuck around or even gotten involved. They knew that Bree could easily slip out with everyone killing each other at this point. They meet up with Dustin and they make their way further into the backstage area, not wanting any of the commotion to come back and spill onto them, they get back to the locker room area where Bree and Scott are both breathing heavily. Andrew stops as Dustin is just walking in behind them as Andrew looks concerned.

Andrew: You guys alright?

Bree keeps breathing as Scott looks panicked.

Scott: Jesus fucking christ I thought we were going to die.

Andrew rolls his eyes over his dramaticness as Bree collects herself.

Bree: I'm pissed, why the hell did they all have to come down and get involved in business that doesn't concern them.

Andrew: Story of my Adrenaline Championship reign!

Bree: I'm glad you got us out of there quickly though, I don't need to have any of that crap blow back on me. Thanks for saving us in time, Even though I got fucked out of the win I wanted!

Bree was clutching her United States championship close, maybe the feeling that she was close to losing it before the clowns joined the fray.

Andrew: IT’s what friends do, once I saw Scott start to get you guys out of there, it was the right time to come and get you both out before anything worse happened. Look at it this way, the US title is still with you, and we can focus on whatever comes next. Let them have their petty fight out there, you're the champion!

Dustin: Just be thankful they didn't keep you guys down there knowing that you’re the champ and everything.

Andrew: Besides, it was a way to make up for falling short in our title match.

Bree scoffs.

Bree: Stop, you would have come and saved us regardless of whether or not we were still champs, we’re going to get our rematch.

Andrew rolls his eyes.

Andrew: Yeah, if D’s stupid little kids don’t go ahead and hand it to one of the clowns joining her little posse.

Andrew fully expected Marie to be given some handout at this point knowing she has joined up with Katya in trying to please the boisses for a freebie she failed to do at Bound by Blood.

Bree: All that matters at this point is that I’m safe, the US title is still with me and we can focus on whatever comes next. There's no point in worrying about what’s going on out there, let them all kill each other I won’t have to worry about anything.

Dustin: Until Selena's given another free hand out for your title.

Andrew: Probably! But worry about that when and if it happens.

Scott: Bree was close to having the match won anyway, she was almost up to stop the count. Petty bitches just can't mind their own business.

Bree was really mad about that.

Bree: I wanted the satisfaction of pinning D's golden child and prevent her from getting what she wants, becoming Supreme Champion. I'll be damned if i let her become that at MY expense and MY United States Championship!

Andrew nods, he wanted her to win too, sick of seeing people getting free handouts and opportunities that are underserved!

Andrew: Next time, we'll ensure you get the satisfaction you deserve, even if it means being out there cleaning house and preventing those clowns from getting involved. For now though, let's get the fuck out of here and do something worthwhile.

Dustin: Like eat!

They share a laugh and nod, getting the fuck out of Dodge seemed like the ideal thing to do given the chaos in the ring as the show was coming to a close. Andrew knew that Bree had that match won, seeing what went down tonight, though, perhaps the Brotherhood really did need to have her back out there, literally!

Shoot, On-Camera

Honestly, Marie, you should just accept that you are nothing more than a broken down pathetic excuse for a roster spot in this company.

It doesn’t come as a surprise that you would reduce yourself to being so pathetic as to try and join up with Katya and her little clique. Given that she went about handing out a notarized contract for a world title shot to someone as undeserving as Syren, you figured you could take your broken down little self and pander to her as well so you could get something you clearly don’t deserve. I mean, you don’t think I broke you? Why else do you think you sunk so low as to go suck up to the boss’s daughter? You thought that you could simply take it upon yourself to fuck me over in my rematch against Ravyn, cry about how you were robbed of your title shot way back before Rise to Greatness as your excuse to come and try and get in my business, get handed your chance to face me one on one and get that measure of revenge you so desperately begged for and move on right?

I mean, given you’re so proud to call yourself a seven time world champion, you would think going up against someone who’s never won a world title would have been easy for you right?

Instead, I crushed you skull into the ground, left you to rot in the cesspool of your own filth and left you to try and understand just how far you could have fallen. Given your pedigree and desire to get your revenge on me, it’s pathetic that it took your mother to get the job done and finish me off when you couldn’t get the job done all by yourself.

I may believe in the power of the dark side of the force, but the delusional one has always and will always be you.

See, I take pride in my anger guiding me and allowing me to be the person I truly am. I made no qualms about what I have done in order to get to where I am now. I took it upon myself since the beginning of the year to assert myself at the top of the Adrenaline Division, throwing Gable off a ladder, crushing Dylan’s skull with a steel cage door, I single handedly revived an entire division while you couldn’t even accomplish anything aside from a measly best of five series win that you thought would make you relevant. You though, you just thought you could coast off of your accomplishments and just be entitled to have whatever you wanted, believe that you could actually be something in a company where you have rightfully done nothing to actually earn your place. You were nothing more than D’s attempt to try and throw me off my game. I bet had you had your revenge match against the rightful person you should have had it against, Dylan, I bet he still would have beaten you and still allowed me to destroy Dylan’s pathetic self-inside that Thunderdome at Rise to Greatness.

My point is, you were destined to fall so far as to suck up to the boss’s daughter because you knew that deep down, you never had the true talent to get by in SCW on your own.

It’s why I was able to destroy you with Ease at Bound by Blood, for someone who you claimed is a fucking Star Wars “man child” Still kicked your fucking ass and embarrassed you to the point where you had to accept your fate as little lackey bitch who thinks if she does good deeds for management, she’ll get another little hand out just like Syren gets when she doesn’t get her way. Like how Ravyn doesn’t have to do jackshit yet proclaims herself as a proud Adrenaline champion when she never actually went out there and earned it like I did. Where you think as a former seven time world champion, that actually entitles you to some merit, that you see yourself as some kind of valuable asset to this company. Instead, all you get is beaten by people that are far better than you, championship status or not, and then go and cry to the bosses because you think that if you just tuck your tail in, act like a yes bitch, you’ll get opportunities, like Dark Fantasy, that you don’t deserve because you walk the company line and do as you’re told.

You are and always will be just a pathetic piece of shit, and this “Star Wars Man Child” Can move forward from you and focus on things that are more important now. Which is focusing on getting our tag team titles back and dismantling your mother’s little boy toy, James Evans.

[Andrew takes a breath to focus on his real challenge]

Make no mistake about it James, what you think you and Angelica accomplished at Bound by Blood was merely the result of the tail end of me pulling double duty and allow you and her to have a very lucky, flukiest, feel good moment that never would have stood had you faced us at one hundred percent. Rather than making excuses though, we will simply focus on gaining our rightful rematch and showing you and Angelica what true redemption is really all about.

Because now, James, you have to face me at one hundred percent with nothing causing me to be distracted.

See, I don’t have to worry now about your partner’s little daughter trying to get involved in my business, what I did to her at Bound by Blood was something that needed to happen, for my hate to evolve and my anger to continue to manifest into making me better than I ever have been. It was why I was able to be a ruthless and dominant Adrenaline Champion for most of this past year; it was why Bree decided to choose me as a partner when she could have picked anyone who was free to wrestle one match that night. Bree chose someone like me because even in the event of a fluke loss to you clowns, we would be in a position to get back what is rightfully ours. While you and Angelica think that a rightful tag team has claimed the belts, Bree and I are not just simply two people who decided to come together, create a stupid little name and concept, and went and won one match to have a shot at the tag belts. We are legitimate friends, people who have known each other for a long time, trusted in me to be there for her as her partner and tag champion and if push came to shove where I would fall short being on double duty, would have enough cohesion to be able to bounce back and at one hundred percent, show you and Angelica just why we were champions in the first place.

No, you think that because you got lucky on one night that you are front and center of the tag division and I can only imagine going up against me after what has gone down is only going to keep proving why you and Angelica were able to beat us.

Guess again.

With my focus now able to be one hundred percent focused on you and getting our belts back, it’s going to be a much different outcome with a much different mindset for me. Now I am able to give my full attention and dedication to what needs to be done, to show you just exactly who you are fucking with around here. Don’t think for a second that what happened at Bound by Blood changed anything. You simply took advantage of a situation, much like Ravyn did when she stole my Adrenaline Championship, and think that you are now a credible champion and a credible team now sits atop the tag division. Please, buddy, all you’ve done is allowed me to shift my focus onto something that will make your lives a living hell. With my full attention now able to be shifted on showing you just exactly who you are fucking with, is going to make life a hell of a lot harder for you to understand just how you got so lucky in the first place.

You’re now going to be face to face with the man who single handedly revived an entire division, put it on his own back because clowns around here don’t know the true meaning of being a champion or carrying a division the way I did it. My unleashed rage and anger provides me with the focus and determination to be who I am truly meant to be, who I rightfully am because I don’t have people holding me back or trying to dictate otherwise. I don’t need to put myself before others, given that I was willing to accept Bree’s offer to be one half of the tag team champions, knowing that I already had a match booked but I was not going to allow Bree to be in a situation where she would be fucked over by D selecting a pathetic partner for her, someone she despises like Jason Helms and lose a match she was never going to be in a position to win. No, I did the right thing for a friend by stepping up, not leaving my friend hanging and accepting the consequences of having two matches in one night because I am that kind of person.

So now, James, you are going to come head on with the man who embraces his hate, takes in the dark side and channels it in a way that is mostly unheard of. While most people think of hate and rage as a means of distracting and causing them to lose focus, I bask in it, embrace what it represents and allow it to give me the strength and focus I need to be one of the best on this roster, something I couldn’t say when I was a little bitch face ass kissing to the crowd, the roster or management who thinks they can just give handouts to anyone who is entitled to it without earning anything.

On Breakdown, you are going to see Andrew Raynes at his best, prepared to force you to embrace the hate and the true nature of who I am. It will simply be a preview of what’s to come as the time is ticking before the circle becomes full and your little redemption tale comes to a very bitter end!

The Code Of The Sith
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

OOC: Really hated this, but then started to enjoy it. Going to stick it out with this arc/novel idea I have. Enjoy and good luck Duran. I love you.
James Evans

[Image: jamesevansnew2.jpg]

SCW Accomplishments:
2x SCW World Heavyweight Champion
2016 SCW Taking Hold of the Flame Winner
2016 SCW Rise to Greatness main event winner
2019 End of the Year Open Invitational Winner
SCW Supreme Champion
2x SCW U.S.Champion
SCW Adrenaline Champion
2x SCW Underground Champion
SCW World Tag Team Champion
2013 SCW Feud of the Year
2014 SCW Feud of the Year
2015 SCW Match of the Year
2016 SCW Match of the Year
2018 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2019 SCW Tag Team of the Year
2020 Conquered Thunderdome

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