Syren vs. The One
2 RP Limit for each match

3500 word max per RP

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET FRIDAY, March 3, 2023 (NOTE DEADLINE) – Show will also act as if taking place on Friday – Pretend the NHL Trade Deadline was our lead-in!
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

With her hoodie up over her head, The One sits at a local bar sipping on a drink.  It's a dive bar where there is only the "normal" clientele, who all see The One as an outcast, and leave much distance between themselves and the hooded stranger at the bar.  While there is a murmur about her, The One's interaction with the bartender has her feeling that she is not a threat or a potential problem.  The One has just made it clear she's got her "blinders" up and in "her own world."  She's also been sure to tip well after each drink, to ensure that nobody tries to do anything to have her removed from the location.

A camera begins to encircle her, slowly ending up behind the bar, and looking at her face on.  Looking up, but past the actual lens of the camera, she begins to talk, and the noise of the bar begins to fade into a small roar in the background.

I bet everyone is asking questions.  I bet everyone is wondering what exactly I have to say about what happened at the pay-per view, and what happened at Breakdown.  I bet everyone has their own assumptions and opinions of what I'm thinking, what I am feeling, and where I go next.

But the fact is simple, if you're making a bet on something, that means there are odds.  That means there is a winning and losing scenario.  And I wonder where all of my bets about these people being out there, how close to perfect odds they are?  Because if I was setting the odds of me being wrong, those odds would range somewhere between slim and none.


Because people are curious about me.  People don't know what I think, or what my plan is day to day or week to week.  So there is a natural curiosity.  And I know after all of the hoopla, all of the gusto, all of the vitriol that I have for the House of Frost, the way things ended and the way that I have never stopped until a job is done, people want to know how I am going to react.

Well this is it...

I'm having a drink...

I'm bummed, yeah, but I'm having a drink...

But what do I think?  What is on my mind?  Do I blame Pro?  Let me be clear, I blame one person for Pro and I not walking away with the Tag Team Championships, and making the House of Frost SCREAM for their lives and limbs... And I blame me.  I blame The One.  Why?  Because I know, deep down, I had a little more I could have given, and that little more would have put us over the top.  I blame myself.  I blame me and me only.  Pro went out there and she fought like the partner that I hoped she would be.  She was there for me.  She was someone who had my back, and did so without question.  It was like the one person I ever called a friend, growing up, and Pro did just as Hailey would.  So I have no anger or no animosity toward Pro, and quite honestly, for what she did for me, I owe her the same.

See that is something people don't seem to comprehend for me.  They don't realize that, while I target the people I target, I am very loyal, and I hold true to my word.  If I give someone my word I will watch their back, I will go out on my shield for them, as I would anyone important to me in my life.

So for Pro, all I can say is this... I owe you... And thank you... And I also stand by what I believe, with us, if people cross us, it's their risk of fucking around, and finding out.

Now onto the House of Frost...

You two got away with one.  You got one over on The One and Pro.  You made one mistake, and I eluded to it earlier, you allowed me to leave something on the table that I didn't deliver, and I can promise... No... I can GUARANTEE that the result would have been different, and you two would have walked out with NOTHING.  But for now, you have something.  How long that lasts, I guess is up to you.  But you two are still marked in my book.  The titles don't make the persons who have made the list of those who have desecrated the legacy of SCW.  The PEOPLE make the persons.  And to Deanna and Selena, especially the latter, you have made this list for a reason, and titles or not, there will come a night where your paths will unfortunately intersect that of The One, and possibly Pro should she be willing, again.  And that moment, will be one you look back on with severe disdain because it will be your undoing.  It will be the night of your exposure.  It will be the night of your influence's end on this organization, and the continued regrowth going forward.

So enjoy the time without seeing me in the shadows of every room you're in...

Enjoy knowing that you have succeeded once...

But remember, you're still marked for erasure from the annals of history, for the betterment of what is to come...

The One raises her glass and polishes off the last of her drink, before signalling to the bartender that she's ready for another.  The bartender walks over, confirming she wants the same thing, and then proceeds to fulfill her order.

But as the lyric by AJR goes, "can we skip to the good part?"

The bartender returns with The One's drink and sets it in front of her.  The One nods, and continues.

People are still wondering what is next for me?  What is The One going to do now that this long standing anger toward the Frosts is now exhausted?

Well firstly, it's not exhausted, so mind that, and put it on a back burner for a later date...

Secondly, this is where I question those in SCW who may not have the capacity of listening.  This is where I wonder if anyone in SCW actually pays ENOUGH attention, or just pays what they feel is enough, to run their mouths.  If you all have paid attention to The One, if you've heard what I have said match to match, every time, my focus is always very simple to define.  While there may always be a broader picture at hand, I am not stupid enough to look past the speed bump that may be put in the school zone that I may be entering.

And this is no different!

I could easily look to the future.  I could easily assume that something big is awaiting me at the next pay-per view.  But that assumption would prove to the world that I am as weak and stupid as many of the competitors who have crossed my path thus far.  They didn't believe that I was a threat.  They didn't believe I was anyone who could cause them any harm, and yet here I am, a former Television Champion, challenger for the Tag Team Championships, competitor in the Chamber, and...


The One scratches the side of her head.

There was something else...

OH YEAH... A Trios Tournament CHAMPION!

I am someone who has shown time and time again that, no matter what my bigger picture, no matter what my "greater plan" may be, I am able to look at what is in front of me and make that my number one priority... And such is the case now, ESPECIALLY now...

The One grins.

Oh Syren... Syren, Syren, Syren... Our paths have finally crossed in the storybook of Supreme Championship Wrestling.  Something I had hoped for in the Trios Tournament, but instead, I was given the blessing of making a statement of your cohort, Ravyn Taylor, instead.  This is something that has been the ultimate precursor to the CONCLUSION of my story, and my goal, from the get-go, because you represent everything.  You represent the good times and the bad, of SCW's past, and you tended to embrace the bad moreso than the good.

Now what do I mean by that?

Syren, when you came in, you came in with the mentality to work your way to the top.  You came in wanting people to start to understand you weren't some fly by night individual trying to make it in SCW, in its GLORY days.  The days of the Infection, The Brotherhood, and Greaternity, those were days where three groups, just by name, had successes and notoriety as a group, but as individuals as well.  Christian Savior, David Helms, Shawn Winters, Adam Allocco, Jake Starr, Jason Wheeler, names that are synonymous with the GLORY DAYS of SCW, these are what you walked into wanting to be.  And you know what, Syren?

You did it...

You accomplished that goal...

Flanked by members of Infamous you became the stalwart for excellence alongside those exact names you wished to equal when you first walked in.  You became a multi-time champion of many varieties.  You showed the world you could be dominant.  But as time progressed, your goals and your actions led you down a dark path.  You became someone who became entitled.  You became someone who led to a dark spot in SCW's history, that created a bunch of copycat routines that led people to strive away from success, and instead try and imitate others.  You became the ultimate beginning of what I have come to destroy, and that is the beginning of the darkness of SCW's past.

The One snarls.

Now I know you don't realize it.  I know you don't accept it.  Why would you, or should you?  You started SCW down the path of darkness and are one of the few remaining clouds keeping the sun out of the sky, and that makes you marked for erasure.  That makes you someone that The One does not tolerate.  I don't tolerate those who have put themselves, inside, on a pedestal wherein they cannot accept fault or loss.  I do not tolerate those who believe they are "Supreme" simply based on the fact they have some kind of superiority complex.

No Syren... I don't believe you're the person who grew to become "Infamous" in SCW, but instead represent the fallacy of what it means to be GREAT going forward!

That's why my focus has never been stronger since it's been here.  You see, I never thought I would see the head of the snake.  I never thought I would see the beginning of the darkness this early in my career.  No... I assumed it would be sometime down the road.  Sometime after Syren was trying to exit, stage right, and get out of dodge, and use me as her excuse.  Instead, I'm not here even a year, and I have the opportunity to prove or disprove one of the long-standing idioms of life, "you cut off the head of the snake, another will grow in its place."

And that almost happened with you, with the emergence of the Streets, didn't it?  That head was almost severed, and the Streets became the new head.  But they're long gone, and you're still here... So now it's time to see if the real head of the snake would breed a new darkness, or the dissipation of clouds lingering of SCW's past and present, don't you agree?

This time, The One smirks.

I mean, it's only logical, right?

Either you withstand another blow and prove to be more than just a serpent scaring people who find you hiding in a corner with your fellow spicy spaghetti noodles, or you take the blow, and accept your fate as "DEFEATED!"

It's as simple as that...

The One takes one more drink.

Syren... I don't besmirch what you have accomplished.  You've done it all.  You've earned most of it.  What you haven't earned, you've gone through the dark days of "who is louder and bitchier," and at times comes out on top, and others not so much.  So I don't shit on what you have done as a whole.  I shit on what you became.  You started out to be something special in SCW.  You started out being a game changer.  But you fell into the trap of self-importance.  You allowed yourself to dictate everything to everyone else, and make people follow your rules, versus proving you could grow and overcome those who didn't and wouldn't play by your rules.

You could have truly been... "Infamous..."

Instead, you're now bundled into the group with the Frosts, the Streets, and those who call themselves "Infamous," because they are the ones who made SCW become a shell of what it once was.  Their, whatever YOU may call it, was ultimately a cloud of darkness, and SCW is just barely beginning to find its way out because people like me are willing to call a spade a spade, and say what really happened during SCW's dark times.  But don't get me wrong, Syren... I'm not here to be SCW's martyr.  I'm not here to "go down with the ship," and watch as another Phoenix rises from the ashes, leading this company to its true second coming of brilliance.  No... I'm here to be the catalyst for that person.  I'm here to be the ignition fuse.  If it leads me to accolades, great.  But if it ultimately allows mw to prune SCW of those who have become leeches, then I have done my job, and paved a path for that next Phoenix.

Syren... You had a chance to be special... You had a chance to be a legend... And regardless of whatever your resume states, you're still going to be "one of them."  You don't get to shed that moniker.  You don't get to shed that reality.  You allowed yourself to be put into that mix, and you allowed yourself to thrive in it.  Now it's time for someone to finally cut the cord, pop the pimple, excise the cyst, or as I see, kill the parasite that still leeches on to SCW for its own personal growth, livelihood, and satisfaction.  Whatever you want to call it, call me the exterminator, the dermatologist, or the OBGYN, because what started SCW down this path, what began running talent away, is about to be sent to a place where it is only referred to in the past tense...

And if you think I'm lying... Just consider it a truth... Like death, taxes, and me... THE ONE!

The One pounds the rest of her drink, and tosses more than enough case on the counter before standing up from her barstool, and turning and leaving the establishment.  People watch as she leaves, including the camera, as it slowly fades to black, zooming in on the door she exits through.  The last thing heard is the bartender making a quip, "damn, I wish others tipped like she does!"
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)
{JUDGES: Chapter Four}

With great power came great responsibility when it came to handling a federal agent, and ensuring that everything he was out to discover was no longer available to him.  I didn't truly know how it would go down, if he would try and attack me, or worse.  All I knew is I had a job that I was tasked with accomplishing, and I did it.

But as the other adage goes, curiosity killed the cat...

After returning to my personal quarters outside of The Compound gates, I wanted to know for sure what he was looking into.  I wanted to know what kind of details he was trying to get and how he had planned on using it.  So I uploaded everything to my servers and I began to pry, knowing that questions would be asked of me eventually about what I found and was able to scrub from his system.  Much of the information he had was on people he was covertly interviewing and finding out backgrounds of, when he was investigating them outside of The Compound.  He had covert pictures of people engaged of salacious activities, and also photos of the posted licenses for the facility to distribute food and beverages.

I could tell he wanted every piece of information he could get, regardless of how frivolous it may turn out in the bigger picture.

What his main focus was, however, was obvious, and it was The Prophets and it was The Oracle.  Copious amounts of notes were found about The Prophets, their real-life identities, and the "prophecies" put forth through them, by The Oracle.  His notes elaborate on there being very few sightings of The Oracle, but the notes he did have on her stunned me.  Accusations, allegations, and the obvious motives for his actions became abundantly clear when I noticed The Prophets returning to the campus from being away doing something.  These notes had me in shock and pure worry.  And I knew that it wouldn't be long before I would be summoned to give my full report, and explain what I found.

As The Prophets drive into the grounds, they immediately make their way to the main building on the premises, which also doubles as their offices and living quarters.  They have seen that The One has returned from her mission, and know that they want answers.  Once settling in from their personal outing, they radio down to the "welcome center" where The One resides, and ask for her to come see them.  After a deep breath, and another glance at her computer monitor, she responds saying she will make her way in their direction shortly.

The One gets in her Gator and drives up to the main building.  Upon arriving she parks in front of the stairway, and hops out, running up the stairs and into The Compound.  She makes her way, again, back to the offices of The Prophets, who, this time are standing outside, still unloading everything they brought back with them.  They see The One approaching, and are quick to acknowledge her.

Male Prophet: I'm assuming everything went OK?

The One: Everything went fine.  There was no altercation, and everything was purged from all of their devices... But not before I got copies of all of them so we would know what they were "investigating."

Male Prophet: Did we find out what they were investigating?

The One: Plain and simple, his primary focus was on The Oracle.

An immediate look of concern comes over the faces of both Prophets.

Female Prophet: That was what we were fearing the most.  What did he know?  Or what was he trying to find out?

The One: He was suspecting that there was some form of child endangerment or abuse going on with The Oracle.

This causes the Prophets to, again, look at one another with a look of concern in their eyes.

Male Prophet: Well that's far from the case...

The One: Why would he suspect that there would be child endangerment of The Oracle, though?

Male Prophet: I can assure you that The Oracle is treated with the utmost respect and honor.  She is treated as the "Oracle" that she is of our Compound.

The One: Well, I guess I'm asking who is she, actually?  She's always cloaked whenever I'm escorting her around and silent.

Male Prophet: Her actual identity is something sacred and not something to be divulged to anyone, including you.

The One: Even me?  My primary responsibility is her safety.  I should know who she is, so I can ensure she has the right amount of protection no matter what.

Male Prophet: As I said, her identity is sacred.  And you're always aware of her movements on premises, so you know where she is and if she is in danger.  Outside of these walls, you don't have to worry about her safety.

The One: No, my oath was to protect her at all times.  So how am I supposed to do that without knowing who she is?

The Male Prophet begins to get more stern with The One.

Male Prophet: As... I... Said... IF, and only IF, you need to ever know WHO The Oracle is, you'll know.  Until then, you need to remember who the bosses of this operation really are because your predecessor started to forget who was in charge and made several serious errors.  Hence why you are in the position you are in.  So right now, you'd be wise to not follow in his footsteps, and simply stay the course and do so as you have been.  Yes, we are proud you went out there and got those files and ensured the agent wouldn't have any information on us, but that doesn't mean you're anymore in control than you have ever been.

The Female Prophet tries to lower the tensions, effectively trying to play the "good cop" role in the situation.

Female Prophet: We are super proud of you, and you've done amazing things in your role.  We just keep The Oracle's identity under lock and key for everyone's protection.  Should she ever be in real danger, trust us, we would let you know who she is and where she is, so you can follow through with your duties.  But the more we can keep her identity secretive, there is less likelihood of people will try and harm her or manipulate her for their own game.  Her visions and prophecies have helped all of the members here, and given everyone a lot of financial gain to a lot of important people.  Allowing any of them to have full access or knowledge of The Oracle and her identity, outside of just knowing she exists, could lead their greed to overcome them and want to capture or lure her away from all of us here.

The Male Prophet realizes his wife is trying to calm the tense situation, and obliges.

Male Prophet: She's right.  The Oracle is what gives this Compound and this business a lot of power, alongside our willingness to allow adults the freedoms to explore their sexual behaviors.  Her safety and anonymity, right now, protects all of us and ensures the longevity of this place's existence and its future prosperity.  When she has visions, we all win.  Not just the two of us, here.  And as long as we can keep that streak and that mentality spreading the wealth across the entire membership, and nobody trying to monopolize her for their own greed, we can continue to live the fruitful lifestyle we have created for ourselves here.

The One is not entirely happy with what she has heard, but nods, and agrees to fall in line and continue with what she's been doing and how things have been operating.  She thanks The Prophets for their time, and the thank you is reciprocated for her work on this matter.  The One exits and makes her way back to her personal "security compound," walking in and flopping in her chair, with her computer screen still illuminated with the evidence suspecting child abuse and endangerment.

Hearing what I heard, seeing The Prophets body language, and reading everything I read from the Agent's files, made all of this not sit well with me.  Everything adding together made me feel like there may be something there that I needed to know.

And like I said, curiosity killed the cat...

I wanted to know more about this situation.  I wanted to know who The Oracle is and why she was so protected as far as her identity went.  I wanted to know why I was sworn to support and protect someone that was, effectively, a nameless and faceless entity to me.  So I dug deeper into the files, and the more and more I read, the puzzle pieces started to make some sense.  The Agent had deduced that The Oracle could potentially be an underaged girl, who, based on some of the comments he was able to overbear and were unknowingly being recorded, made claims that The Oracle's visions are induced by being drugged by The Prophets.

And it's all of this that my desire to know more grow and grow.

Late after speaking with The Prophets, The Compound has effectively gone dark for the night.  The One decides all of what she has learned and heard makes her need of answers and she sets out on foot to try and get them.  She assumes being on foot will keep her movements more stealthy as she approaches the door of The Oracle's residence.  She uses her distinct knock to alert that it is her at the door, and the door is opened, as always, by a teenage boy who also resides with The Oracle.  He, obviously, has been awoken from his sleep as he squints, opening the door to see The One standing there.

Male Resident: I'll get her...

The male retreats into the residence and after a couple of minutes comes back with The Oracle by his side, hooded as always.

Male Resident: How long will she be gone?

The One: Just a few minutes.  This isn't a normal trip...

The male looks confused and just rolls his eyes, before The Oracle walks out and he closes the door behind them.  The One and The Oracle begin walking into the shadows, which prompts The Oracle, for the first time ever, to break her silence with The One.

The Oracle: Where is the cart?

Once The One finds a suitable and secluded place, she turns toward The Oracle.

The One: There is no cart or seance tonight.  Plain and simple, I was sworn to protect you at all costs, and I know nothing about you.  I don't know who you are, or even how you came to be part of this whole situation.  If I'm supposed to do what I am supposed to do, I need to know you.  I need you to know me.

The Oracle: I don't do any readings, but for The Prophets...

The One: No... I'm not here for a reading, a fortune telling, or anything.  I'm not here to use you, or abuse you.  I took an oath to protect you, and I take that seriously.  So I want to know YOU so I can protect YOU and ensure your safety.  I don't want anything in return.  I just need to know... You...

The Oracle is naturally confused as this is the first time someone has not asked anything of her.  It is a sign that The Oracle sees as a sign that this iteration of The One has truly embraced the idea of protecting her and not just seen her as a burden.

The Oracle: Are you serious?

The One: I am... I made a promise, an oath, and I intend to keep it, but I can't do it blindly, believing that when the time comes, I'll be told who I am supposed to protect when necessary.  Nobody else has my protection like you do, unless there is just an emergency on these grounds.  But you... You have my full protection at all times.

The Oracle slowly begins to lift her hood from over her face revealing, in fact, a young girl, and one who The One immediately recognizes.  The One's eyes widen.

The One: No way...

The Oracle nods, lifting her hood back up over her face.  The One bows her head in disappointment in herself.

The One: ... I already feel like a failure.  How did I not know or realize it?  I'm... I'm so sorry... I promise you I will do everything I can seek a day of salvation and make up for everything I've already failed you on.

The Oracle reaches out and touches The One on the arm.

The Oracle: All I would ask of you is to be treated with kindness.  Only one person has ever truly treated me like that, and you would be the second.  He's the only person on this property who is truly a prisoner, and a prisoner so nobody will figure out who I am...

The One: And who is that?  Shouldn't I know about him, too?

The Oracle simply looks back in the direction of her residence, and nods in said way, indicating the male who always has answered the door when The One knocked.

The Oracle: ... My older brother...

The Oracle's eyes widen again, as she has a much clearer picture of who The Oracle is, and now how deep this entire operation goes.  It has shown her that there is a lot of things happening in the shadows she may not be aware of, and knows, now, she needs to begin analyzing everything that the Agent apparently uncovered.  The Oracle slowly turns and begins walking back to her residence, knowing that The One has a lot to process now, especially since she knows the truth of who The Oracle is.
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)

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