Light in the Darkness vs. The House of Frost
SCW World Tag Team Championship

4 RP limit for tag

Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Tuesday, March 21, 2023
[Image: MKl96W9.png]

[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]
I love AJ Allmendinger.
For two women who were doing their best to try and keep their mental health in good standing, the past few weeks had almost seemed like they were unintentionally inviting stress to their doorstep and couldn't figure out why or how to make it stop.

After Amelia had lost the Television Title in SCW, she and Luz had strived to lift her spirits by shifting their full focus to the House of Frost and their upcoming Tag Title opportunity, the first one they would receive in either run with the company. They knew full well that Selena and Deanna would respect them as much as they respected the married couple and the four of them would put on a match worthy of showcasing what tag team wrestling was all about and why SCW's tag division was far from dead. It should have been as simple as the two sides exchanging words and vowing exactly that, maybe with a bit of friendly competition to try and show the other side what they can do leading into the pay-per-view.

All parties, however, had found themselves distracted by the reveal that Mr. D was vetting potential buyers and that SCW might find itself under new ownership at some point in the near future.

Amelia and Luz weren't as shaken by this revelation considering they hadn't been back for too long in the grand scheme of things and had barely been with SCW long enough the first time to start growing attached. For the most part, they had never been concerned with who was running the show so long as they got to just go out and do their thing, having had a bit of experience early on in their careers with owners who got a little too invested in their careers to the point that it sabotaged their matches. That said, considering the only two buyers they were aware of at the moment were Jenni Anderson and Blake Mason, two individuals they had not heard good things about, they had a right to be concerned about how they would be treated if either one of those two became the new owner.

They could also understand why Deanna and especially Selena did not take too kindly to this revelation, to the point that what should have been a simple road to their title match became tainted by concern over this matter. Selena had been busting her ass to be the Face of SCW for many years, fighting to always be that one beacon of hope you could count on to do the right thing and help others who needed it. The idea of all that work being for nothing if she now had to answer to an owner who, as far as Luz and Amelia knew, could care less for her and was likely to abuse their power to try and drive her out of the company or screw with her career for their own amusement... they couldn't blame the Frosts for being upset. Hell, they'd be upset if they were in their shoes, and they were already a bit upset by how much this news had threatened to ruin the atmosphere surrounding the long-awaited clash between their two sides.

The Light In The Darkness had promised a distraction from that issue in the form of both teams wrestling the match they knew they could have together, and even if that was the best they could offer, then they were going to provide it for both the Frosts and the fans. Everyone, especially Selena and Deanna, deserved to see proof that being able to compete at the highest level with no ulterior motives or strings attached wasn't a lost art just yet.

Truth be told, the match was just as much a distraction for them as it would be for the Frosts, though not for the same reasons.

After turning away the man who had been sent by Amelia's mother to try and court her, the couple and their friends had started digging to try and figure out what exactly Ophelia Blythe was up to now. The fact that she seemingly had information about her daughter's life that hadn't been public knowledge was concerning enough, but none of them could find any signs of having been spied on in any capacity. Couple her cryptic words regarding Luz and that guy claiming she had actually given him permission to pursue Amelia because what they had was “just a gimmick” despite there being no physical way Luz could have ever gone to Britain behind Amelia's back and made such a claim even if she wanted to, and there were a lot of things that weren't adding up. Amelia had tried to reach out to her siblings to see if they knew anything about any of this, but for some reason that only made her even more concerned she couldn't get a hold of them. One or two failed attempts would be understandable given that they might've just been busy with something, but roughly two weeks of no word from them was not a good sign.

The best their efforts had yielded so far was going off of that guy's claims of “Luz” helping out with some new stable, to which Gage had managed to get them some semblance of a possible answer. Recently in the British promotion Amelia had spent most of her time competing for, a new stable simply called The Empire had started rising to power. They were led and managed by a man named Caleb White, an old man who had wrestled back in the 1960s during what was known as the Golden Era of British Wrestling and had established himself as perhaps one of the finest grapplers to ever lace up a pair of boots. Caleb's faction had one clear goal: to cleanse the wrestling world of its “impurities” and return it to “the way things should be,” supposedly referring to the way wrestling was back in his day where it was purely about who was the better grappler and without any of the theatrics or showmanship that had helped it evolve into what it is today. From what they could find, the stable was mostly composed of people they didn't recognize. The only ones they did were Ophelia and Aleister Blythe, who were serving as trainers and extra managers for the group. Watching through a couple of shows had revealed attempts to try and recruit the various members of the former Banshees stable to their ranks, but all of them turned it down for one reason or another and had made themselves enemies of the stable because of it.

While the idea of seeing a reunion of the group that had originally been formed by her parents to erase her and Luz's success over there for a much more noble cause was an interesting one, Amelia was confused as to the lack of any further leads regarding this group. The only sign that her parents were hoping to use this to somehow drag her back was the implication that once the stable had “purified” the current landscape of British wrestling they were going to start branching out to other companies across the globe, meaning they could possibly try to invade the SCW roster down the line. Beyond that, there was nothing that seemed to indicate anything directly regarding her or Luz, at least in front of the cameras.

Since the last Breakdown had taken place in San Diego and they had a little over a week before they needed to be in Dallas for Retribution, the couple had decided to stay put in Anaheim for a bit to not only prepare for the biggest match of their SCW careers to date in an environment where they felt the most comfortable, but also kind of distract themselves by showing Ivy and Gage around the city they had come to call home over the past few years. It made for a great bonding experience as the friendship between the four of them only grew stronger, especially when it came to Amelia and Ivy mending their bridge with each other.

That said, it was also hard not to think about the shadows that were currently haunting their lives.

“I just don't get it!” Amelia spat in frustration.

“Still trying to figure out what your mom's up to?” Ivy questioned before taking a bite of her salad as the four of them had decided to go out and get something to eat.

“I wish my brain wasn't so fixated on this anymore, especially with this title match Luz and I have coming up,” Amelia vented. “But the more I try to ignore it, the more I hear her voice mocking me.”

“That woman is way too good at getting into people's heads and it makes me sick,” Luz added. “For all we know, her words have been hollow this whole time but she knew it was going to throw us off so bad if she said the right thing to make us think.”

“If I didn't know what I do now about your parents Amelia, I'd probably say this whole thing was a stretch at best,” Gage admitted.

“There's a reason my dad fell in love with her and it wasn't because she was just as talented and cruel as he could be in the ring,” Amelia groaned. “If he didn't try to break me in half while training me and care only about creating a family legacy through his kids now that he's retired, I might've held out hope that I could get through to him to get mom out of my life.”

“Maybe there's another world out there where that may actually be the case,” Luz pondered. “This isn't it though, and that sucks about as much as the radio silence from your siblings... or the fact that we're having this title match at Retribution of all shows...”

Luz seemed to slump in her seat at that, and whatever frustration Amelia had been displaying over the latest round of issues with her parents slowly faded as well as she seemed to pick up the implications of that realization. Ivy and Gage exchanged glances in response before turning back to them.

“I know this is the first shot you guys have at SCW's Tag Titles, but isn't it natural to have these kinds of opportunities on bigger shows?” Ivy asked.

“Yeah... but why did we have to get it for this particular show?” Luz lamented.

The gears in Gage's brain kept turning as he mulled over SCW's upcoming pay-per-view, and after a moment the light bulb finally went off as he remembered something. “I get it... this is the same pay-per-view where your SCW run ended the first time, isn't it?”

Ivy's eyes widened as she processed that while Amelia nodded, both her and Luz hanging their heads a bit more. It had been Retribution 2021 where they had competed against the Golden Boys, Vengeance, and Doom & Groove for a shot at tag team gold, and not only had Luz eaten the fall that allowed for the Golden Boys to steal that opportunity but both she and Amelia had sustained serious injuries that led to them opting not to return to SCW once they'd recovered under the belief that they simply weren't ready yet. It was clear that while they'd taken plenty of time to rebuild themselves and had come back to SCW stronger than ever, this particular pay-per-view still had a dark cloud hanging over it for the couple.

“Well... maybe this is a sign?” Ivy offered. “Like fate is giving you both a chance to prove how far you've come since that event?”

“Yeah!” Gage latched onto what Ivy was throwing out with enthusiasm. “Think about it: the 2021 show may have ended horribly, but you've both come so far since then! You've evolved in the ring, Amelia had that TV Title run, Luz scored the pin for your first pay-per-view win in SCW... heck, this match isn't to try and become number one contenders for the Tag Titles, it's actually for the Tag Titles! You guys are already in a much better spot this time around than you were before!”

“I don't know...” Luz let slip. While their friends certainly had some great points, it was hard to shake off the memories of how that night had gone down two years ago and how badly it had rattled them. They at least knew that the Frosts weren't the kind of competitors that would go out of their way to intentionally injure them like the Golden Boys had done, but that didn't change the fact that they were still going up against not only the Face of SCW but also her partner who had accomplished quite a lot in her own rookie year with the company. On any other night, they knew this would be an uphill battle, but on the very same show where they had arguably their most damaging failure of not just SCW but in their entire careers?

“Didn't you guys make a point about not dwelling on past issues when you addressed Polly and Aisling recently?” Ivy pointed out. “How can you guys expect to truly give this match your all if you aren't going to bother taking your own advice? Not only would you be letting the Frosts down after all that talk of both sides giving 100% and helping to distract from all that 'potential new owner' nonsense with a fair and competitive match, but you'd be letting yourselves down if you worked so hard to prove you were ready to return to SCW and let it all go because of a bad experience with one single event.”

Luz and Amelia's eyes widened as they looked up at one another, silently agreeing that Ivy had a very good point. Yeah, that Retribution had been catastrophic for them, but it had been the catalyst for why they decided to take a step back from SCW and rebuild themselves, allowing for the evolution that had already brought them so far in this second attempt. Besides, would losing at Retribution again really be the end of the world? Yeah, maybe they wouldn't walk out as Tag Team Champions, but what was stopping them from making an impact even in defeat so they could build toward the next opportunity? Hell, there was nothing saying they couldn't pull it off on their first chance except for those lingering doubts they'd been trying to fight past in the first place, and they had never been the kind of women to ever give up when doubt began to creep in. They couldn't dwell on those injuries forever and let that worry dictate their futures.

Luz's mind also followed Ivy's words down another path as well. She found her thoughts drifting back to that fateful show where she and her mom had watched her father take a botched move in the worst fashion that had ultimately cost him his life. In the wake of that, her mother had vilified the wrestling business for taking her husband from her and had constantly butted heads with her daughter over wanting to keep pursuing a career in it to honor his memory and do her best to maintain that last lingering connection she held to him. As a doctor, she knew the risks that came with doing this, as well as all the advancements and precautions that had been taken since those days to keep incidents like that from ever happening again. And yet, while her mother had the right to continue grieving her husband's death, Luz knew she would have to let go of that incident eventually if she was going to move on and the two could finally reconcile, especially since she had lasted this long without coming anywhere close to that same fate befalling her. That possibility alone gave Luz some motivation to consider reaching out to her mom sometime soon in hopes that they could try to talk and see where it went.

“You're right,” Amelia slowly said as she looked over to Ivy and Gage with a fire in her eyes. “You're both absolutely right. We wouldn't be The Light In The Darkness if we kept letting ourselves be swallowed up by the very thing we strive to fight against every day, both in the ring and in our own lives. We are the light for one another and together we want to be that light for wrestling and beyond. We've never let ourselves linger on past trauma but instead used it to motivate us to a brighter future for ourselves, so why should now be any different?”

“¡Demonios si!” Luz yelled while pumping her fist, getting a laugh out of everyone and a few apologies to all the other patrons that had turned to look at them for the outburst. The locals who had crossed paths with Luz and Amelia in town just laughed and shrugged it off as they'd grown used to this being the norm for the couple, those who recognized the pair because they were wrestling fans did the same but had to restrain themselves from interrupting the group to bug them for photos and autographs, and those who didn't fit into either category just rolled their eyes or let out annoyed grunts before turning back to their own meals and conversations.

As things settled down for the friend group, Gage couldn't resist looking around to clock all of these reactions for himself. Growing up as a long-time wrestling fan and trying his hardest to get into the business so he could lend his voice to commentary, he relished the chance to see how other people acted in the presence of wrestlers who worked somewhere they could easily be recognized. He knew that before he met the couple and really got to know them, he likely would've been one of the many people still shooting glances at their table because they were struggling to be respectful in exchange for potentially losing out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The tables that still shot more negative glances their way bothered him, but from what he'd learned about Luz's life growing up beyond just being the daughter of the late great El Espíritu Angélico, this was such a normal reaction to her just being herself that it barely even fazed her anymore, which made him sympathize for his new friend as he was no stranger to being bullied himself growing up.

As he was scanning the dining area of this restaurant, he took note of one particular table not too far away, though he was a pro at looking like he was just casually scanning a room and used the fact that everyone had been looking at their table just a moment ago as a perfect excuse to do so. Throughout the rest of their lunch outing as the conversation lightened up between the four of them, Gage kept glancing over at that table out of the corner of his eye whenever he could. The lone man sitting there certainly seemed inconspicuous enough, wearing a three-piece suit and tie outfit with the jacket draped over the back of his seat and looking to just be enjoying a light lunch and a coffee as he scrolled through something on his phone, but his head was at the perfect angle that he could keep watch of them out of the corner of his eye at all times. The fact that he was close enough to be within earshot of their conversations unless they switched to whispering coupled with the occasional jotting down of something on a nearby notepad raised his suspicions.

Given that his father was a news reporter renowned for presenting only the honest facts and refusing to sacrifice the integrity of his craft, Gage had met his fair share of investigative journalists growing up and learned some of the tricks of their trade. So he knew the telltale signs of someone being a private investigator when he saw them.

As the group finished up their lunch and settled the bill, Gage took the opportunity to discreetly jot something down on one of the napkins and slide it to Ivy while the man's vision was somewhat obscured by the body of the waiter. She skimmed over what was written on it and shot him a confused glance before turning to look towards the man in question, but Gage subtly motioned with his hands to trust him on this, to which she nodded. It wasn't long before their meals were paid for and the group stepped outside into the sunny Anaheim afternoon.

“So, what do you guys want to do next?” Luz cheerfully asked.

“Actually...” Ivy started to say, piquing the couple's interest. “Given that you guys were worrying a bit about your big match coming up, maybe it'd do you both some good to get a good training session in. I know a lot of my negative thoughts about what I can and can't accomplish in the ring have faded after a good workout to remind myself that I can, in fact, do this.”

“You know, that's not a bad idea,” Amelia admitted, though the twinge of sadness her voice carried wasn't lost on her old friend given that they both knew her words from long ago had been the cause of a lot of those negative thoughts in Ivy's brain. “Were you going to be joining us? You've got a match coming up yourself this week before we all head off to Dallas for Retribution, right?”

“I do, but I can get a workout in later,” Ivy responded. “I actually need to touch base with that owner to confirm some details because he said there might be some sort of stipulation added that he wants to surprise the fans with last second. That way I can tailor my training accordingly for whatever I'm getting into.”

“And she was going to take care of that while helping me out with something,” Gage added. “When you were showing us some of the stores around here, I saw one of them had this really cool desk that I think my dad would love for his home office. I know he loves the one he's got, but it's on the verge of collapsing and I don't want him to get hurt while he's trying to fact-check for an upcoming report. His birthday's coming up, and Ivy offered to help me get it loaded up since I was planning to swing by next month to celebrate it with him.”

“We could come and help out!” Luz offered. “Between the four of us, we can get it taken care of quicker before heading back to our place to get some training done!”

“I appreciate the offer Luz, but Ivy and I are kind of in agreement that focusing on your title match should probably take priority over loading up a desk,” Gage replied. “With Ivy's strength, it still won't take long at all, and you two could use the boost so that when we meet back up with you all we're hearing is how the two of you are going to kick ass and take names and titles at Retribution!”

Luz and Amelia couldn't argue with that, especially since they were still a bit new to the idea of having actual friends beyond just one another and didn't want to risk ruining anything by being too clingy, even if Ivy and Gage assured them that wasn't the case and were more than understanding. With that, the two groups bid each other goodbye for now and parted ways, though as the couple started walking back home they didn't notice Ivy and Gage turning the corner behind them only to peak back around to watch them... or the man in the suit who casually stepped out of the restaurant not too long afterward and looked around before following after the couple, making sure to keep a safe distance that made the whole scene appear natural to the untrained eye.

“Thank god we have friends now who can help us out when we're struggling to help ourselves and each other, huh?” Luz pondered out loud to have a conversation going as the two walked.

“It's taken some getting used to, but it's definitely a nice feeling,” Amelia admitted. “I missed it... Ivy was always so supportive of me when we were kids even if she didn't fully know what was going on in my family, and up until that incident I'd always supported her even when she kept making mistakes. It's hard to think that there'd been a time before you where the real me was present... and then my parents had to ruin it like they do with everything that doesn't fit with their vision of how our family should present themselves.”

“I have a feeling I know what the answer is already, but I wanted to ask anyway if it's alright,” Luz said, and Amelia took a second before she nodded, appreciative that her partner was willing to check with her before asking any questions that she might not feel comfortable answering. “Did you ever actually bond with your family over anything?”

“Well, I bonded with Edward and Emily over our mutual hatred over the way we were treated growing up,” Amelia confirmed. “Though that was after you'd gotten involved... we'd tried bonding as siblings before then, but our parents were masters at making sure we were always competing with each other for the smallest hint of affection from them, to the point where they hated me for being the 'true golden child' of the family and I hated them for how quickly they started racking up accolades and holding it over my head while I destroyed myself trying to get so much as a single one of those opportunities.”

She paused to sigh heavily as Luz reached over to take her hand, her thumb immediately going into the familiar comforting routine of rubbing circles into the back of it.

“As for my parents... wrestling is probably the only thing I ever truly had in common with them, and I can't exactly say we bonded over it after everything they put me through to get the 'wrestling machine' they thought I had to be to represent the family name. My mom tried to force me to adopt some of her interests but would always berate me when I never embraced them to her exact specifications, and wrestling and being a bit of a socialite were practically all my dad ever cared about.”

“That just sounds like a lonely life to live,” Luz lamented. “One you really shouldn't have needed to endure for as long as you did. Especially all that bullshit about deciding who you can and can't have in your life... who the hell does that?”

Amelia chuckled a bit at Luz's reaction, always appreciative of the enthusiastic responses of her girlfriend. “What about you? I know you and your dad bonded deeply over wrestling... was there anything else? Or anything you and your mom had in common.”

Luz took a deep breath before flashing a smile to Amelia, though the other woman knew her well enough to see the pain she was trying to hide behind it.

“Papá and I had a lot in common, even beyond wrestling. He was a creative soul who always encouraged my more artistic exploits and wanted me to have a vivid imagination I could always rely on growing up, even if wrestling didn't work out for me. He's also the one who got me obsessed with the fantasy genre and even introduced me to anime and manga after he brought some home with him following a tour of Japan. He and mom were also both really into Star Trek, if you can believe it, and they tried to get me into it too... I just never took to it as well as I did anything that had magic and epic high fantasy adventures. Mamá and I did have one big thing in common though... we both loved animals. She may be a doctor, but she had also considered working to become a licensed vet as well. She was always encouraging me to love and respect those little critters like I would another human being, especially anything that seemed dangerous but wouldn't bother me if I didn't bother them. I also picked up a few things from her from a medical standpoint, though not enough for me to ever be interested in pursuing a medical career or anything like that... her trying to force me down that path so I wouldn't become a wrestler certainly didn't help that out...”

Amelia frowned at this before she flipped the script, allowing her thumb to be the one to rub comforting circles into the back of Luz's hand now. Luz looked surprised at first before giving her girlfriend a more genuine and appreciative smile.

“We'll figure something out, hermosa,” Amelia reassured her. “If you two just had a chance to talk things out without it devolving into a shouting match, maybe you could better understand each other and be able to rebuild from there, kind of like how Ivy and I are still getting back to where we were before.”

“Actually...” Luz started to respond, wanting to tell her about what had run through her head back at the restaurant regarding her mother and the plan she had started to piece together about that very suggestion, but she found her attention being diverted when she thought she heard something behind them. She quickly turned around but didn't see anything out of the ordinary... just a family walking out of a store next to the alleyway they had just passed by, but the noise they were making didn't match what she thought she heard.

“Something wrong?” Amelia asked her as the two stopped walking.

“I thought I heard something...” Luz admitted before she sighed and shrugged. “Must've been my imagination.”

“Well, maybe once we get back home we can put that imagination to work trying to come up with some new combos and strategies we can practice to try and catch the Frosts off guard,” Amelia suggested, and that seemed to be all the motivation Luz needed to get the two of them back home as quickly as possible so they could throw themselves into training with renewed vigor.

They never noticed the man who had been tailing them for the past several blocks, or the fact that he was no longer following them. Instead, he'd found himself yanked into that nearby alleyway. Standing in front of him was Gage, wearing a stern look that just seemed wrong to see on his face. Standing behind him, arms folded as her imposing physique blocked his only way out, was a very pissed-off Ivy.

“So, buddy,” Gage addressed the man, using a cheery tone that sounded very fake and did not hide the anger that fueled him right now, “you want to tell us how long you've been spying on our friends and why you're doing it? And don't bother trying to say you weren't... if you know me then you definitely know my father, so I know an investigator when I see one.”

The man opened his mouth as he tried to make himself as intimidating as possible, but the sound of Ivy cracking her knuckles and slowly approaching him from behind immediately halted whatever he'd planned to do. He could only hold his hands up in surrender and accept that he'd been caught, knowing that whatever was about to happen wasn't worth the hefty pay he'd been given for this job.
[Image: VU13RwA.png]

Tag Team Record: 19-7*
La Pequeña Luz Solo Record: 9-5
Amelia Blythe Solo Record: 5-5-1

*The tag team turmoil on the 9/14/2023 Breakdown is counted in this record as the three separate matches LITD had in the gauntlet up until their elimination.

Breakdown 3/30/2023 - Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In
La Pequeña Luz: 3 Falls
Amelia Blythe: 2 Falls
*Neither one finished high enough to win any championships in this match
*Result listed separately and not counted in records due to lack of clarity on how to count falls

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Television Championship (Amelia Blythe - 29 Days)
SCW Television Championship (La Pequeña Luz - 98 Days)
SCW World Tag Team Championship [2] (1 - 81 Days) (2 - Current)
2023 Tag Team of the Year
2023 Match of the Year (Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In)
The Witches of Alden


Frost’s ‘Forever Home’
Manhattan, New York
March 13th, 2023

It had been a long series of check-ins and paperwork. That was what Deanna could not describe the work as – that is, the work needed to secure the residence applications and payments for the Park family (Sara and Paul) that was needed for them to move into the nearby residence with their daughter, Tannis in order to be closer to her and the hospital that was treating her. Deanna had lost track on the number of forms and phone calls her wife, Selena, had made, the older woman double and triple checking every form and signature to ensure there were no foul-ups and no mistakes or misreadings.

The entire process had taken a bit more than a week, the Snow Queen devoting her time off from SCW programming (appearing on Breakdown as per her job as ‘The Face of SCW’). For the redhead, Deanna was sure Selena had completed the task in three days, but the platinum-blonde’s constant ‘re-checking’, as it were, had filled up the rest of the days.

Selena hadn’t minded one bit. In fact, if Deanna were honest with herself, she could easily see that her wife was enthralled by the work.

Not that she could blame Selena. What other options were there? Within SCW, the place Selena had devoted nearly a decade of her life to, the news was still running rampant of offers being made to buy the company. Not a show would go on without someone mentioning it. Without names like William Mason and Jenni Anderson being whispered as ‘possible future bosses’. Oh, but it didn’t stop there! The rumors continued to run rampant, to the point where names like Silas Mason, Nick Harris from ULW fame, Tim ‘The Sauceboss’, hell even Johnny Dollar – now THAT was a name that hadn’t been heard in awhile – were now being whispered as ‘potential buyers’ putting down offers.

And what was worse of it all… Deanna shuttered a little at the memory… some were even questioning their future within SCW. Whether or not they would stay if ownership shifted. Corruption was beyond obvious in SCW and had been for years. Management or SCW Corporate, there was always something.

There had been many battles throughout the years for SCW’s ‘survival’, as it were, whether it was superstars claiming dominance like The Brand or Infamous or people higher up like Katya D., someone always wanted to control SCW in some way. Still, nothing was shaking the grounds of SCW like this – the idea of the one constant for the last 20 years – the ever-watchful O. D. being gone… and Selena, who had stood by him for nearly 10 of those years, powerless to help or do anything to make things better…

Yeah, Deanna understood perfectly why Selena had thrown herself into this little ‘project’ regarding Tannis and the Park family. In a way, it was the same as with the tag-team championships. While the House of Frost had certainly had some success in that regard with their successful defenses and consistent success with their own matches, for the most part, not to mention the attention their names had drawn upon the division, with such names as Datura/Bree Lancaster, Cassie Wolfe/YUYO, and Light in the Darkness joining the division in the hopes of title opportunities, Selena had been, what was the word? Rather zealous in trying to push things.

For a moment, from where she stood in the kitchen, working on her meat-and-cheese platter of snacks, along with little sandwiches of various kinds (tuna, salmon, egg-salad, and BLTs), the redhead allowed a little smile to grace her features at the memory…

Body, Heart and Soul, while personal and a ‘must-win’ for her far more than Selena, had also been an eye-opener as well of just how well the two of them worked together in the ring. There were times in that match, regardless of how much she hurt or was nearly ‘out-of-it’ that Deanna was still 100% aware of where her wife was, able to predict her beloved’s moves and adjust accordingly and vice-versa. Aside from bringing The One into unconsciousness with The Consortium, the fact that their style and teamwork had been praised from such a mind and judge as Adam Sharper, still made Deanna smile proudly. And it had not gone unnoticed by Selena either. If anything, as previously mentioned, Selena had tried several approaches with management, suggesting bigger matches like ladder matches and cage matches, things that the tag division had not necessarily seen in some time. Of course, none of her ideas had been pushed through beyond her sending them to the office, the reasons now beyond clear.

Even now, with their match with Light in the Darkness coming up this weekend, Selena had been a little grumpy, wishing she could give a bigger match to the pay-per-view than the same ‘standard’ tag match they had had with the Farmstead Friends both times and The One/Nicole Kinneck at the previous pay-per-view. How are we going to bring more people in if it’s always the same? Can’t we add some variety? She had asked a few weeks ago. Of course, the selling of SCW had removed all conversation of such things from her…

For Deanna? It didn’t bother her nearly as much, but she had only been a wrestler for a little over a year, a manager for eight years, nearly two of which she had been in prison and lost track of SCW except for what Selena shared with her in her visits to Frankfurt. She wasn’t as attached to management or ‘who ran it’. Far as Deanna was concerned, none of the options sounded great. And while D. was certainly the ‘better option’ compared to Mason and Anderson, Deanna was not as ‘attached’ to him as Selena was.

In fact, given the previous shows, where the current SCW owner had not only changed her match on the fly, but shortly thereafter, had insulted her as ‘acting like a rookie’…

What the hell does that even mean?! Deanna growled very softly as she finished another sandwich, placing it on the platter-plate, perhaps a little roughly. Was she expected to just smile when crap was thrown at her and just ‘go with it’? Was that what D. wanted? How often had she done that? When Jenni had tried to ‘buy a match with Selena’ and then bailed? Deanna had gone with it and tried to work harder to getting that match. When she had been forced to face Jenni’s ‘substitute’ in the second match, she had gone with that. When she had been denied rematches for when she lost her singles titles of the Television and Underground, she went with that. When Lexy had thrown her into the chamber match the same night as her tag-team title match – and management had APPROVED that change – she had rolled with it. But the one time she raised her voice and said ‘this was NOT okay’ on a sudden, and bias change to favour Owen and Kimberly had her expense, suddenly she was ‘acting like a rookie’?!

No, she wasn’t a fan of O. D. these days, especially with how little he seemed to care about The Frosts with his half-answers, dismissals, and changes in their matches. But she cared about Selena – more than anything – and because of that, she wanted to get these issues resolved and things back on track.

It was partly why she was proud of herself, taking charge in the current matter while Selena had worked on the Parks’ residence… for there was one other matter that needed to be tended to.

With a turn, the redhead gathered the completed plates of sandwiches, cheeses and meats, carrying both plates carefully (beyond grateful at the lack of pain or discomfort in her surgically-repaired arm) further into the room where the lounge was, and the people that sat there. Immediately, her ears picked up the sounds of their discussion, she, herself, keeping silent as she placed the platters on the middle-table, the center piece of the Lazy-Boy to the right, the couch in front of her, and the smaller couch to the left. Remaining silent, the redhead scooted over to the couch to sit beside Selena, her emerald-eyes taking in the exposed back of Selena (who wore a dark-blue backless batwing sleeve tee to go with her jeans). Despite herself, Deanna’s hand gently reached back to run along the web of scars that lined the Snow Queen’s back, the marked individual giving no visible reaction to her wife’s touch beyond the slightest of relaxing of the back muscles as she remained silent. For Deanna, the scars were just driving home her previous – how much Selena had given to SCW and how poorly she was being treated by D. of all people.

Not the time or place to discuss… Deanna settled in her mind, casting her gaze to the company the Frost family were keeping. To her left, on the smaller couch sat Jonathan and Alejandra, Selena’s parents and Deanna’s mother and father-in-law. Like Selena, the two were focused to the pair on Deanna’s right. The ‘less-welcomed’ pair that Deanna had demanded to show up here today to discuss recent events: Caius and Sage Alden.

“You’re certain?” Caius tried from where he stood, the dark-skinned man’s pacing having been consistent since they had all settled in the room.

“Are you saying you can’t read the card, Caius?!” Alejandra balked, gesturing to the card that had been placed on the table. It was the same card Selena and Deanna had been handed at Toni’s weeks ago – an indication of presence, as it were.

“No… I can read it.” Caius tried. “It just makes no sense to us. Right, Sage?”

Looking at the Frost/VanHohenheim couples, the raven-haired woman’s eyes settled on Deanna. Immediately, the redhead recalled their meeting at the grocery store weeks back. Sage had just wanted someone to listen to her, hear her side of things, and it had lead to some kind of understanding, with Deanna suggesting the youngest Alden speak to Alejandra and try and patch things up, or at least come to an understanding all their own. How that conversation went, the Queen’s Guard had no idea, but if they were all managing to be in the same room together, she had to imagine it couldn’t have been terrible.

“Sage?” Deanna tried, reaching out to push the card towards her. “Why doesn’t it make any sense?”

Reaching out, the lean woman plucked the card up, turning it this way and that in her hand before releasing a sigh. “It just… doesn’t.” she answered, before placing the card back on the table. “Raphael Alden has never had an interest in Alejandra.” She explained. “Far as he was concerned, she was exiled and not deemed a member of the family.”

“But who is he?” Selena asked, her eyes shifting from the movement for a moment as Jonathan plucked a tuna sandwich, quietly eating it. “Please help yourselves.” Selena added politely.

“Yes, please.” Deanna supported. “Gods know as soon as the kids see it, they will devour it.”

As if on cue, both Frost wives’ eyes flew to whatever clock they could see. The children would be finishing school soon, with Gerda picking up Ami and David while Elisanna continued to ride the bus, trying to be more social with the other children. It was a momentary distraction, but it was enough for Sage to collect her thoughts.

“To answer your question.” Sage sighed. “Raphael is mine, Caius’, and Alejandra’s distant cousin. In fact…” her eyes found her sister’s. “Remember that distant cousin you were supposed to marry?”

Alejandra’s eyes went wide. “That was Raphael?” she asked in shock. “Oh gods…” she sat back, shaking her head. “Dodged that bullet.”

“You remember him?” Deanna asked, though it was more to keep the conversation going as opposed to her inability to guess the obvious.

“From what I remember? He was a self-entitled prick.” Alejandra remarked. “Gods, he was obsessed with being the richest family of the Aldens! And those parties his parents threw? It was like those tv-shows. Downton Abbey?”

“I see.” Selena remarked. “So I’m guessing he’s not well liked.”

“Not by most of us.” Caius added, still pacing. “Still, he did not seem to take it personally when Alejandra disappeared. More of a ‘plenty of fish in the sea’ kind of thing.”

“Sounds like a real Don Juan…” Jonathan muttered, crossing his arms over his chest after finishing his sandwich. The food continued to be picked at by everyone, Selena truly enjoying the cheese and meat slices with Deanna, as the conversation continued.

“He was.” Sage rolled her eyes. “He even tried to hit on me as some sort of substitute after Allie disappeared.”

“Please don’t call me that.” Alejandra reminded her sister.
“Right, sorry.” The younger woman shook her head. “Anyway, dad put a stop to that – said it was rather disgusting to go from one girl to her sister so quickly. Only time I saw Raphael be embarrassed like that.” She smiled at the memory. She’s got some spunk. Deanna thought, stealing a quick glance towards Selena. I can see that it runs in the family…

“And last I checked…” Caius continued. “He got married and is some kind if investor – philanthropy, entrepreneurship. Something like that…”

“But since he’s not really close to us.” Sage gestured to the people in the room. “Contacting Selena and Deanna makes zero sense.”

“Perhaps he’s bitter.” Deanna shrugged. “Maybe something happened and he blames Alejandra or something? Like ‘the future he didn’t have’-“ he voice trailed off as she saw all eyes focusing on her. “What?” she gave a shrug. “It worked for Killjoy.”

“Who?” Caius asked.

“Never mind.” Selena shook her head, the Snow Queen not wishing to rehash that particular batch of history. “But Deanna has a point. We were both very clear that we wanted nothing to do with the Alden family. Same with my mother.” She saw Alejandra give a nod. “I would have hoped that you would have passed that message along to the other members to simply leave us be.”

“We did!” Sage assured. “Mother was upset and a little irritated but she slowly understood. I mean… forty years, right?”

“But we said we wouldn’t force you and we meant it, Selena.” Caius added before casting his dark gaze towards Alejandra. “Same with you, All- Alejandra.” He quickly corrected. “Believe me when I say that Raphael is acting on his own. And why that is? We’re not sure.”

“Well, maybe it’s nothing….” Alejandra tried. “I mean, what did he do? He paid for a dinner? So what? I mean, he’s gotta be what? Sixty? Sixty-five?”

“Mom…” Selena sighed. “I wish it was that easy, but it’s not something I can just dismiss. Neither can Deanna. From the Scythes, to the Frostmeres, to Killjoy – Celina – everything has had a ‘reason’. And that’s what’s missing here. A reason. Like-“ she cast her gaze to Sage and Caius. “Where is the Alden clan focused?”

“We’re all over the map.” Caius gave a shrug. “But a good chapter of us are holed up here in York and Jersey.”

Alejandra nodded. “That’s why I fled back here when I was exiled from Nome.” She admitted. “I didn’t want to be near the family but it was the only place I knew besides Nome.”

“Alright.” Selena nodded. “But that just proves my point. How did he know Deanna and I would be attending Toni’s that night?”

“And why would he go out of his way to make his presence known when Caius told everyone to back off?” Deanna added.

“Especially knowing that the first thing we would do-“ Selena continued, Deanna coming in to finish the same time she did, the two speaking in unison. “Is tell all of you and rat him out.” The two stopped, not even needing to eye each-other at their like-mindedness. It was the same as when they were in the ring together. They just…knew what the other was thinking. Though she gaze no stolen glance at her wife, Selena did reach her hand out to take Deanna’s, who clasped onto it tightly with her own.

“None of this screams ‘innocence’, mother.” Selena rationed. “Especially given our history. And that is what unnerves me. The fact that we can’t do anything about it when we don’t know anything.”

“I get it.” Alejandra sighed, shifting a little in her seat. “I just was trying to be positive.”

“I say we don’t let it bother us.” Jonathan suddenly offered, his voice strong in the room. “I mean, we could waste hours discussing what-ifs but it could all be for nothing.”

Again, Selena sighed, reaching up with her free hand to bridge her nose. “Father, I can understand that, too. But last time we ‘waited’? Killjoy incarcerated Deanna, almost killed Talia, and you know the rest.

Immediately, the eldest person in the room sat back, nodding his head. “Okay, yeah, I didn’t think that.”

“So, what do you suggest, hunny?” Alejandra asked, her hands clasped in front of her as they rested on her knees.

Turning her gaze towards Caius and Sage, Selena eyes the two Aldens. “Can you contact him?”

“Yes, I think so.” Caius nodded. “I mean, we’re not in steady communication but he does have a phone number and-“

“Call him.” Selena ordered. “Tell him I’ll meet with him.”

“Selena!” Deanna remarked in surprise and alarm. “I thought we were didn’t want-“

“And I don’t!” Selena restated. “I don’t want anything to do with him. But we’re not going to get anywhere guessing what his next move would be. He clearly wants us to know him so let’s get it over with! I’ll meet with him, see what he wants and send him packing! Simple as that.”

A slight groan came from the seated Sage. “I don’t think it will be as ‘simple’ as that.”

“What?” Selena laughed. “You think I would be charmed by a sixty-plus year old that almost married my mom?” she teased. “I’m a little twisted by that’s Ravyn Taylor twisted.”

“Who?” Sage asked.
“Nevermind. Girl from work.” Selena answered. “Made a sex video with a much older man – big scandal at work.”

Eyebrows raised, including the VanHohenheims, both members clearly having questions about the ‘work’ Selena was associated with as an active SCW wrestler. “Never mind.” Selena repeated. “I’m sorry I brought it up.” She shook her head, her braid moving a little with her movements. “Why do you think sending this guy packing won’t be simple, Sage?”

Sage gave a slight tilt of her head this way and that. “Raphael is a… well, he’s a powerful man.”

“So was Malcolm Scythe.” Selena remarked, earning a nod from Sage – the Aldens having researched Alejandra’s history in their search for her to know the name.

“Perhaps.” Sage replied. “But he’s never really dealt with ‘no’ very often. I mean, had it not been for father, he could have easily married me.” Again, she shuddered at the idea. “He’s used to getting what he wants.”

“Okay, dumb question…” Deanna asked, after hearing the same thing a few times. “How ‘rich’ is this guy?”

Sage and Caius cast a glance at one another for a moment, seeming to silently communicate with one another before turning their attention back to the Frost wives. “Have you…” Caius tried to explain. “Ever heard of Strict & Alden?”

“No.” Selena shook her head.

“What about ‘Alden Alternates’?” Sage tried.
“Nope.” Deanna answered.
“Hemlock Productions?”

“Oh!” Selena remarked. “Yeah, I think it’s a production company – yeah! I read about them when I was looking into idea for Four Seasons Imperia! Wait – that’s him?”

Sage gave a nod, as did Caius. “One of his many areas of investment. The ones we mentioned? A law-firm. The other, a clothing store. Film, real-estate, car dealerships, Raphael has his hands in all of them.”

“Oh…” Deanna’s eyes widened. “So he’s not just rich… he’s like stupid, ‘Bruce Wayne’ kind of rich.”

“I’d say so.” Sage answered. “Why do you think he thinks he’s untouchable?”

“Yeah, well…” Selena huffed. “He couldn’t buy my mom.” She eyes Alejandra. “Whatever he wants from me, he’s not going to buy it from me.”

A sudden clash of thunder suddenly shook the house (only a little, but the sound echoed), causing all within the family room to jump a little, eyes casting to the balcony section past Sage and Caius. The large window-doors showed the heavy rain that had descended upon the area, even the sound of the raindrops were fat and sloppy sounding.

“Oh dear…” Selena remarked, pushing herself out of her chair. “Deanna can you-“

“I’m already calling Gerda.” To the Snow Queen’s surprise, the redhead was already up, and across the room, fiddling with her cellphone. With a grateful smile, Selena moved the few feet need to place a gentle hand on her wife’s arm. However, before Deanna could hit the dial button, the front door was suddenly unlocked, allowing a the sound of thunder to be even louder as another lightning bolt struck nearby outside. Still, both Deanna and Selena could see the four figures as they rushed into the house.

“Just made it!” Gerda remarked, the elder woman shaking guiding the children into the space before closing the door behind her. “Now, children, get out of those wet coats and make sure you hang them up in the laundry room.”

“Yes, Aunt Gerda.” David remarked, as did Elsianna and Amiliah before the quartet spotted Selena and Deanna approaching them, the taller Selena smiling.

“Glad you made it without getting too wet.”

“We would have been here sooner, dear.” Gerda explained. “But Elsianna had already gotten on the bus, which had left, so I waited near the bus stop to collect her.”

“Elsianna?” Selena caught her eldest daughter before she had disappeared to the basement. “Did you thank Aunt Gerda for waiting for you so you didn’t get too wet?”

“Yes, mother.” Elsianna nodded before excusing herself to hang her coat up in the laundry room to dry.

“Sandwiches and snacks are upstairs in the family room!” Deanna called out.

“Yay!” David’s voice called out. “I’m hungry!”
“Hungry!” little Amiliah repeated, following her older brother as he, too, made his way to the basement to complete his task first. “Can we play Mario?” she added to David.

“No Mario till homework is done.” Selena warned from where she stood by the stairs that led to the basement.

With everything settled, Selena ushered Gerda into the family room where the others were. “Stay at least till the storm dies down. You’re a good five, ten minute walk from here.” She added, the thunder from another clasp of lightning almost drowning out her voice.

“Oh it’s just water.” Scoffed Gerda, though she allowed herself to be brought further into the warm house.

“Something to drink?” Deanna offered.

“No, no – I know my way around.” Gerda winked and immediately went to work in the kitchen making herself some tea. It did not take long before she noticed the others sitting in the family room. “Ah…Jonathan, Alejandra.” She greeted warmly.

“Gerda.” Smiled Alejandra, Jonathan simply giving a polite nod. “Thank you for looking after the children.”

“Delighted too.” She grinned before refocusing back on her tea-making task, allowing Selena and Deanna to return to their guests, for lack of a better word.

“Sorry.” Selena shook her head. “What were we talking about?”

“Contacting Raphael for you.” Caius reminded, his pacing having stopped in favor of standing in place to grant him easier access to glaring. “And I don’t recommend it.”

“No, I remember that. He’s rich, he’s entitled, he doesn’t like hearing the word ‘no’. Blah blah.” Selena sighed. “Do you have any idea how many people I’ve dealt with that are like that? And I’m not above filing a restraining order if I have to.”

“Caius…” Sage called to her brother, pushing herself out of the chair and to her feet. “Maybe this won’t be a bad idea.” She waited until the taller man had turned his head to her. “I still stand by this not being easy where Raphael is concerned, but I-“ her eyes flitted over to Selena and then Deanna. “I think I agree with the Frosts. Yes, Raphael is a powerful man and rich, but he’s not some demon or murderer or whatever, right?”

“No, I don’t think so.” Caius shrugged. “If we had heard anything, we’d have dealt with that as a family.”

“Oh gods, that like the mafia?” Deanna asked.
“What? No!” Caius shook his head. “We’d investigate and if we found anything, we’d turn him over to the authorities… like normal people!”

“Oh good.” Deanna breathed a sigh of relief. “Least there’s that going for us.”

“Right.” Sage continued. “So, maybe a confrontation of sorts wouldn’t be so bad. And if we go with Selena and Deanna, Raphael will see that the Aldens support her decision and maybe that will be enough to make him back off whatever he has planned.”

The dark man seemed to contemplate this for a moment, stroking his finely-trimmed beard before slowly nodding his head. “Alright. I’ll make the arrangements.”

“Thank you.” Selena and Sage said at the same time, that time both of them were surprised at that, but quickly recovered.

“But I think you should take our advice, Selena. Let Sage and I go with you and Deanna when you do meet him. I think it will say far more AND will work in your favor to getting the distance from the Aldens that you wish for.”

Selena only gave the suggestion a moment of thought. “Alright.” She nodded. “I can’t see the fault in your logic and any way I have to just get this over with and move on, I’d be grateful for. The sooner the better.”

The earnestness in Selena’s voice was easily picked up by Deanna, the redhead, once again, casting her eyes down to the platinum-blonde’s exposed back and the scars that lined it. She knew what her wife was quietly implying, as it was only relevant to the two of them.


Despite everything that had happened, the Frost wives were actually looking forward to their tag match with Light in the Darkness, who had gone out of their way to try and assure them of their desire for a decent, integrity-filled match that would help represent the tag-team division. With the Parks safe and established closer to the hospital, both women wanted to focus on, possibly, the first tag-team defense The House of Frost would have that was devoid of the personal drama and BS that was filling SCW more and more with each passing show and pay-per-view, not to mention all of their title defenses up to that – Deanna instinctively scratching her scarred arm in remembrance. Being ready, if that was what they wanted to be – and there was no reason to not want that, meant training, studying, and putting the distractions like this and the sale of SCW to the side as soon as they could. So, her wife’s urgency made complete sense to the redhead.

Caius, however, merely gave a nod before everyone heard the sound of feet rushing up the stairs: two pairs of quick feet and a slower, gentler third pair. Within seconds, Deanna’s children bounded into the room, Elsianna taking a bit longer to walk quietly. Immediately, David’s eyes locked onto the platter on the room.

He was quick. Deanna was quicker, reaching over to lift both trays before he made it to the table. “Last call for foods before I give it to the vulture!” she teased, even sticking her tongue out playfully at her now pouting son. After a shake of the head from everyone, she carefully placed the plates at the kitchen table in the middle of the room. “Don’t eat too much.” She warned David. “Dinner is in a few hours-“

She had barely gotten the words out of her mouth before he dug in, immediately going for the meats and cheeses – just like his mother had, though far more ravenously. He can’t be THAT hungry with the lunch I make him… Deanna thought, but dismissed as Amiliah reached the table, wanting and getting a hug from Deanna before joining her brother. Elsianna was last and remained quiet, adjusting her gloves on her hand and forearms before silently helping herself to one of the salmon sandwiches.

With the children sufficiently distracted by food and watched over by Gerda, Deanna returned to her wife’s side. “So, we’ve got a plan?” she sought to confirm. “Caius will get this Raphael guy?”

“The ninja turtle?!” David asked, peeking from his plate of food.

“Don’t be rude, David.” Selena warned gently. “This is an adult conversation.”
“But are there ninja turtles?” He asked, his eyes pleading.
“No ninja turtles.” Alejandra stated. “We’d tell you if there were.”

“Okay…” David sighed. “Sorry.” He added before returning to his snacks, allowing Deanna to continue.

“Okay, so Caius will get…” she stole a glance at her son. “The guy to meet with us soon as possible. We deal with that, done deal and-“ while Selena nodded, Deanna noticed Sage staring at the three children who quietly ate at the table under the watchful eye of Gerda. Biting her lower lip, she hesitantly walked towards Selena and Deanna.

“Umm…are they?” she whispered low so only the two could hear her, causing the Frost wives to gaze at their children.

“Are they?” Selena asked.
“Yours.” Sage asked. “They so beautiful.”
“Yes, they are. On both fronts.” Selena explained.

“Can…” again, Sage bit her lower lip nervously. “Do you think I could meet them?”

Despite herself, Deanna couldn’t answer ‘yes’ right away, despite her best efforts to do so. She knew Selena and the situation too well and, really, this was Selena’s decision. Not hers. This was Selena’s family and, like the decision to not get involved with the Aldens, Selena needed to make this call.

Silently, the redhead watched her wife cast a nervous glance at her children sitting there before turning her head back to Sage. “I…” she tried. “Not yet, Sage. I’m sorry but I don’t want – with how not knowing how things are going to go…”

Sage’s hopeful expression fell, but she gave a small nod. “I understand.” She answered glumly.

“I just…” Selena tried so hard not to sound cruel. “I’d rather you solve the issues with my mother first and then if that works out, we can talk about you getting to know the children. They’ve met and lost too many family members to count at this point. Especially Elsianna.”

“I get it.” Sage replied, her voice still low. “I shouldn’t have asked. I overstepped. My bad.” She quickly returned to Caius side, keeping her eyes gazed out the balcony window to the storm outside as it continued to rage on. Turning her gaze back over to her wife, Deanna saw her wife watching Sage for a moment, hesitation written all over her pale features, the Snow Queen even stepping towards her with one step before drawing back, standing in her decision.

“It’s okay.” Deanna whispered to Selena. “You’re right.” Selena turned her sapphire gaze towards her. “Focus on Raphael, the pay-per-view, THEN we can revisit…” she gestured towards the four people in the family room. “All of this.”

“Yeah…” sighed Selena, grateful for her wife’s support. She saw a flash of lighting light up Selena’s eyes for the briefest of seconds before Selena turned her attention back to the adults.

We’ll figure this out. Deanna promised herself as she watched Selena lay out more of the ‘plan’ with the others. We’ll deal with this issue, train like hell and be ready for Retribution… and then I’ll deal with that ‘act like a rookie’ jab…

It was actually the last two that Deanna was looking the most forward to…


The Guard Tower

The camera opens up into a small forest. The sun is shining, the sound of birds and other animals can be heard for a moment before the shot focuses on the red-haired woman sitting on a large rock in the middle of the grass and trees. Her red hair complements the burning sun, while her emerald eyes match the green of the foliage, grass and that of her clothes – an emerald green sweater and black jeans. She seems rather at peace with things, explaining her serene look as she takes a deep breath before turning her head towards the camera.

What’s up, Gritters? the Queen’s Guard, Deanna Frost, smiles, even waving at the camera and her audience. And welcome to the buildup towards Retribution! Outdoor Edition!

She sticks her tongue out a little bit between her teeth in a smile at her playful joke, before laughing a little.

Actually, I know this isn’t the best setting for a promo because… well, it’s not a wrestling ring. It’s not some fancy hotel suite or ‘setting’ to express how ‘tough’ or ‘driven’ or ‘classy’ I am or whatever. It doesn’t invoke feelings of anger or hostility. This is peaceful…

Looking around, her hands holding one knee close to her chest while the other leg hangs off the rock, Deanna gives a little sigh.

But, the thing is, I didn’t want to do a promo angry and if I had gone anywhere else like Selena did, that’s exactly what would happen. Because… I may have said this before… I’m not Selena Frost.

She uses one hand to tuck some red strands of hair behind her ear. See, with all the news that has shaken SCW to its core, Selena has been more hurt and concerned. And let’s be honest here, guys, she’s not concerned about her future in wrestling. This isn’t a stab or boost to ego or anything, but I think there isn’t a True Believer or Gritter out there that believes that Selena Frost couldn’t exist without SCW at this point in her ability and renown. There was a time that she was wrestling in three federations at once: IWC, ULW, AND SCW. Just recently, while being the biggest name in SCW, she was also wrestling with TIA productions across the World Series of Wrestling. And since then, offers from XWF, SinCity Wrestling, Ravenloft, the whole alphabet of federations have been coming in, asking for her to work shows for them. So, Selena hasn’t been scared for her ‘job’ as a wrestler or as a provider for our family anymore than I have been.

Deanna shakes her head.

No, Selena has been scared for the future of SCW. She’s been scared about what could happen to everything she values in SCW. Everything she loves about SCW. The divisions like the world and the world tag-team. The divisions she helped build up like the Adrenaline and the United States title divisions. The standard she helped raise with the world title – all of it. She’s scared what will happen for all of you, the SCW Universe. And she’s hurt – hurt that so many years fighting for these things in SCW, fighting for integrity when nobody else would, and she literally had to grab the arm of her boss to get some answers.

Biting her lower lip, Deanna looks away for a moment.

But I’ll let my wife talk about that when she feels ready. Because, like I said, I’m not my wife. And I wasn’t hurt… Deanna turns her head back to the camera. I was angry.

I was angry when my match with Owen Cruze was altered to play up the main-event of Body, Heart and Soul at my expense. I was angry when the man that I respected in Mr. D. was responsible and then said I needed to stop ‘acting like a rookie’. And I was angry when he lied to my wife’s face and said changing the match was for my benefit.

Deanna shakes her head. You know what would have been for MY benefit, MISTER D.? Letting me test my skill one-on-one with the world champion with ZERO drama and BS. Letting me see if I could BEAT the world champion because I was better than him. But you didn’t really care about that. You wanted to build up the pay-per-view main-event and build up Owen vs Kimberly Williams, so who cares about Deanna Frost, right? Same thing happened when I faced Adam Allocco and you had management play up that ‘5 moves of doom’ nonsense across the board for weeks. Who cares if it shattered my credibility after I had just won my first title in SCW!

Or how about ‘conveniently’ ignoring my part in that Twitter war between Josh Hudson and Owen Cruze a week or so ago? Yeah, I was the third person in that party, Mr. D., I was there challenging Hudson, who wanted a challenger for the United States title. Funny how THAT wasn’t even mentioned-

Stopping herself, Deanna slowly breathes in and out, trying to calm her frustrations. See, guys? I’m just getting upset over things in SCW that I can’t control and I shouldn’t be. Do I like how I’ve been treated? Not really, nor do I like what the boss is saying about me. Telling me not to ‘act like a rookie’ when he’s the one not acting like an honest, caring owner with this meeting people in secret. He wouldn’t have revealed anything to the SCW Universe if Selena and I hadn’t hounded him, demanding answers!

But I’d be lying if I didn’t take his words personally. Because what does that even mean? ‘Acting like a rookie’? Why, because I got upset that my match – my biggest opportunity in my career thus far – got turned into a farce? What? Should I have just rolled with it? How many legends and Hall of Famers have complained about their matches? Hell, Kimberly Williams is at it again since losing the Underground title, proclaiming she won’t show up for the pay-per-view until she gets her umpteenth shot at the Underground title – and here I thought it was 2023, not 2022. Is that ‘acting like an SCW superstar’? Cause if so, Selena and I are still waiting on a few singles title rematches that we never got…

Is ’acting like a rookie’ standing up for the integrity and saying ‘this isn’t right’ when it’s blatantly disrespected? Should I just smile and ‘go with the flow’ when changes are made on the fly? Cause I tried that, Mr. D. and you know what happened?
Holding her arm up, Deanna slides her sleep up, revealing the long scare running up her forearm. I got thrown into a chamber match I never asked to be part in and got my arm broken! Was that ‘acting like a rookie’?

For a moment, Deanna shakes her head. I don’t know. Should I be more like people who’ve been here as long as me? Like The One? You know, taking out superstars backstage, putting people on the shelf over bitterness and jealousy? Is that what you’re looking for, Mr. D.?

Her lower jaw shifting left, then right in thought, Deanna slowly shakes her head.

No. If THAT is what I’m expected to act like with ‘people watching me’, as you said, D., than you can take that remark about my behaviour and shove it! Shove it, shovel it, and bury it in the backyard with whatever money trees you’ve got there! Because I’d rather be a ‘rookie’ and do what I know is right for me, for my wife, and for SCW then sell out my beliefs for your ‘standards’ and the board’s ‘expectations’. I’d rather be respected for what I do, call out the crap when I see it, and bring all of that integrity to the ring than sell out and be like The One or Kimberly just to curry your favor and be worth your attention and efforts beyond snide remarks.

So I don’t care if you think my behaviour and dislike of your choices is ‘like a rookie’. I’m going to continue to be me and fight for what I believe in, whether you or whoever you sell SCW to likes it or not!

With a strong exhale from her nose, Deanna softly ‘resets’ herself mentally, adjusting her seat on the stone before continuing.

Because I don’t plan to act like anything but a champion come Retribution when The House of Frost defends the tag-team titles once again: This time against Light in the Darkness. And Amelia, La Pequena Luz, I know my wife will talk about this as well, but I don’t want you to think my anger with certain things regarding SCW has anything to do with ill-feelings I have towards this match.

To be honest, ladies, this match is one of the few things that I’ve been looking forward to since Body, Heart and Soul ended and this match was announced. Know why? Because of you two.

You two had every reason to let our frustrations and fears regarding the future of SCW get in our heads and throw us off our game. You could have just let that be our focus and we could have easily lost focus with defending the tag-team championships. But you didn’t. Twice you came to us and twice you reminded us why Selena and I are here. Why we’re the tag-team champions in the first place. Because we love this division. Because being the tag-team champions with my wife has been a dream come true and the idea of making the division worthwhile so that teams like you and Bree/Datura and Wolfe/YUYO come clamoring for it has been beyond fulfilling!

And for you two to ask us – The House of Frost – for a match of integrity? To metaphorically tear the roof down? To show SCW and its prospective future owners how we do things here? Gods… Selena and I needed that. We needed to hear that. We needed to hear that what we believe in isn’t just something that people are dismissing but an ideal shared by many in SCW. That people WANT integrity in SCW. That people want this to be more than just tainted matches, screwjobs and drama and about the will and grit of its combatants!

Deanna offers a smile for a moment, rocking a little on her stone.

It’s funny, Amelia, because you and I have quite a bit in common. We’ve both been having some hardships lately. You won and lost the TV title in a short fashion, I did, too. Both been having some trouble exploding onto the singles division like we would have wanted. We’re trying to carve a name for ourselves and our families – I get it Amelia. I get what it’s like. I know what you and Luz are feeling! I know because I was there, Amelia. I’ve been there before!

Holding up her hand, Deanna reveals the ring and band on her finger. I know what it is like to want to fight beside the person you love more than anything in this world. I know what it’s like to consider the idea of being the world tag-team champions. I know you two have been tag-champions elsewhere, but let’s face it: there’s nothing in this world like the SCW tag-team titles are there?

She smiles knowingly.

That’s why you two came back here after recovering from near-ending injuries, right, Amelia? You from your neck injury and Luz from her concussion? Seeing those titles? Seeing what the House of Frost can do? What we did that no other team could do in SCW in beating the Farmstead Friends? You two could have gone anywhere – possibly becoming the tag-team champions wherever you went - but you came here because when it comes to being the best in tag-team wrestling, the SCW titles stand heads and shoulders above everyone else!

I get it, Amelia. Luz. I was there too. I wanted that. I still want that. I love being tag-champion with Selena. I love that us being the tag-champions is bringing more teams back in SCW – people that want to fight actual wrestlers like us rather than a couple of guys in masks and furry-costumes making jokes and parodies. The tag-team division deserves better than that. It deserves the integrity you’re asking for and that The House of Frost has worked so hard to provide.

Taking a moment to bite her lower lip, Deanna considers her words a little before continuing.

And I get your concerns about getting to this point ‘too fast’. Selena and I were also launched up the ladder just like you and the world wasn’t sure if we were ready – we weren’t sure if we were ready. All the controversy surrounding SCW? Lexy breathing down our necks? Selena still needing to look over the world title division like she promised? And me? Of course I’d be seen as ‘the weak link’ of the team – hell, you heard D. just the other week, right?

But, ladies, the fundamental difference that exists between Light in the Darkness and The House of Frost is a certain mentality. See, we may have doubted if we were ready to take on the tag-team champions with all the controversy and tainted finishes they were settling for, but never, not once, did Selena or I doubt if we were good enough to be the tag-team champions. I knew that not only could Selena and I work together, we could do it in a way that SCW had never seen before. We could be a tag-team unlike SCW had ever seen before. Not just in trust and love but with our styles perfectly complimenting one another’s.

And it wasn’t easy! It took months of training and stumbling and falling and having my arm in a damned cast-
she chuckles humorlessly at that. But we did reach that point – and because our journeys have had such similarities, Luz and Amelia, and I have been where both of you were, whether it was feeling like ‘the weak link’ in the team or lost in the shadow of my family or feeling ‘inadequate’ due to short title reigns – I know what you both are feeling.

But that’s why I know how this is going to end.

Deanna sighs, reaching up to scratch the back of her head. Because you two are going to come at us with everything – just like you promised before and will, undoubtedly, promise again. You’re going to come at us with everything you’ve got. All your luchador styles, grappling, experience, all of it! You’re gonna come at us like you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain, because that’s actually exactly how it is!

You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain! And that’s all you’re thinking about, girls. If that’s one thing I realized when you approached us twice to talk about ‘forgetting the world and all the changes in SCW and focus on the now and Retribution’, it’s that all you two care about is winning and holding the titles, just to say that you did it.

You have that luxury. You have the luxury of being content with that. Of ‘just wanting to hold the titles once’. But what then, girls? Amelia – let’s say you do succeed? What happens then? What are you going to do when Glory comes hounding after you? The tag-titles are all she has left to become Supreme Champion, thanks to you. What are you going to do when she comes after you to take another title from you? And just like that, the tag-titles become nothing more than Glory’s scavenger hunt for another accolade. What are you going to do, Amelia, when you couldn’t beat her last time? What are you going to do for the tag-team division when you’ve already got everything you’ve wanted – your ‘moment’ achieved? Cause we all remember what happened when Adam Allocco got his ‘moment’…

Luz? What are you going to do against The Farmstead Friends? The team you couldn’t beat? Or if Infamous comes back for another go? What are you going to do Luz when you can’t go to them like you did for Selena and I and request a fair match? Or you try and go to them and they laugh at you before trying to put you back on the shelf like The Golden Boys did? What then?

Deanna is silent for a moment, letting her questions sink in.

See, you two have the luxury of only thinking up to Retribution. Of fighting like you have nothing to lose? Selena and I? We’re always thinking about the future. Especially now! We’re always thinking about SCW’s future. Unlike you two, while I respect and appreciate what you asked for, we can’t just turn it off and ‘forget about our worries and our strife’ like Baloo and the bear-necessities. We can’t ‘Hakuna Matata’ the reality that SCW stands on the verge of the biggest change in its life and it needs people like The House of Frost fighting for its survival, fighting to bring in more teams like you, into its ranks! Fight for the letters to still mean what they say! Because while you’re not thinking about tomorrow past Retribution, Selena and I are fighting to make sure there even IS a tomorrow for you, for us, for the tag-team division, for all of SCW!

And between your ‘fight like you have nothing to lose’ and our ‘fight like we have everything to lose’? I’m sorry girls, but the advantage is clearly ours. The passion is clearly ours. The drive to fight for SCW’s future and the refusal to surrender is clearly in favor of The House of Frost and it may only come down to a moment – a single mistake – a second, but it will be all the difference in the world and why we will be retaining the SCW world tag-team championship titles at Retribution!

A smile graces Deanna’s lips. And whether it’s ‘the way of the rookie’ or whatever in the eyes of Mister D., THAT will be how we do things in The House of Frost! With inteGRITy and honor for all!

Checkmate, bitches!

The camera fades on Deanna sitting in her forest before fading entirely to black.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
OOC: Selena’s roleplay. Continues from Deanna’s.

The Witches of Alden


Tony’s Di Napoli
New York City, New York
March 17th, 2023

It had taken Caius less than time than Selena had imagined to put their plan regarding Raphael Alden into motion. In less than 24 hours since their little pow-wow between the Frosts, VanHohenheims, and the Aldens, Caius had contacted the mysterious man and arranged the meeting place and time, which was why Selena found herself sitting, once again, at Tony’s Di Napoli, this time not on a date with Deanna (who was waiting for her beside her seat at the table) or at night, but in the middle of the afternoon and for a…a…

Actually, the Snow Queen wasn’t entirely sure what to call this meeting. Was it business? Was it a shakedown? They were there to basically tell their unarrived ‘guest’ to back off and not bother the Frost family again… so… Could it be business? Cordial threatening?

Perhaps it was sad that Selena had used this topic of contemplation the last several minutes while she stood in the women’s bathroom, subconsciously checking her eyeliner, makeup, even the pale gloss of pink lipstick she had used (she wasn’t the biggest fan of using the bright red that some of the women in SCW preferred) – but it was a preferred mental distraction than her nervousness over this whole plan and everything else that had been on her mind.

What if this man was like Malcolm? Or Ryan? Or Killjoy? What if this was part of some sick game? What if- her hands quickly found her braid, giving the thick, wrapped hair a twist to stop her tirade of thoughts. She was trying to keep herself from thinking along these lines! It was precisely the reason she had Caius and Sage and, more importantly, Deanna by her side.

It’s friggen four of us and only one of him! she harshly told herself. Hell, she would have been happy with just her and Deanna.

That was something that brought a sense of calm to her. While the last few months of the new 2023 year had been rough, to say the least, one thing that had delighted the Snow Queen had been how well she and her wife had continued to grow together as a tag-team within SCW. It had been their biggest tool in their match with The One and Nicole Kinneck, knowing where the other was at all times and trusting in each other. She would be lying to herself if also didn’t make her a little giddy at how ‘cool’ they looked with their timing and awareness of the other, looking like a well-oiled tag-team… like the ones that had had years of experience like Dark Fantasy or The Connection or Suited and Booted during their ’heydays’. Even Regan and her as Frozen Hell or 4Saken with Dawn Lohan hadn’t felt so incredibly natural as teaming with Deanna. And… a sly smile graced her features… she would be lying to herself if it had translated into better communication between her and her beloved redhead as a couple outside of wrestling.

They seemed more in tune with one another, at least that’s what it felt like to Selena. There were times now where she didn’t have to ‘guess’ what her wife was thinking or feeling – she just knew. Sure, such a connection had existed for years between them throughout their dating and marriage of nearly eight years, but it was like involving their work into the mix beyond simply being each other’s ‘support’ or ‘manager’ as Deanna had done for so many years and now working together towards a common goal had pushed that instinct and connection to a much stronger degree.

It was probably why she had guessed correctly her wife’s reaction on Breakdown two weeks ago (the second last) when D. had referred to her as ‘acting like a rookie’. Even now, she could distinctly remember her brain screaming ‘Oh she is going to hate that when she hears it’ and boy did she ever.

For her part, Selena felt for her wife. Yes, everyone was free to have an opinion and it wasn’t the worse thing she had heard spoken about her wife or, especially, about herself, but still… Deanna had been struggling since her debut as a wrestler to be seen as something worthwhile, stuck in the large shadow Selena’s fame and accolades cast. To say that her boss’ words – the man that she had supported, even protected, on more than one occasion – disappointed her would have been an understatement, though it paled in comparison to the reveal that he was contemplating selling SCW.

Again, Selena slammed the breaks on those thoughts. She had purposefully avoided talking about that last week in her promo against Cosmic Magical Princess YUYO, instead wishing to focus on simply being one of the best wrestlers in SCW today – allowing her to keep her head on straight long enough to get a win over the woman and with Deanna’s win over Cassie Wolfe, the House of Frost had risen above another potential tag-team in terms of ability and ‘statement-making’, as well as pushing more attention on the tag-team division.

Attention it desperately needed.

Feeling herself growing calmer, the platinum-blonde gave one more glance over her frame, face and hair. She still could not exactly pinpoint what this ‘meeting’ would really be in terms of etiquette and tone, but she had chosen to dress in a black pant suit with a gray dress-shirt underneath. It was similar to her wrestling attire (just with less white and snowflakes) and she liked that. It gave her a sense of calm and empowerment, like a security blanket if she were honest with herself, or as if she was channeling ‘The Snow Queen of SCW’ into this moment, even if Selena Frost and that ‘Snow Queen’ were the same person. It was hard to explain but she wasn’t going to dwell on something like that as she spied her phone and checked it for its time.

Raphael Alden would either be with the others in minutes or he would be late.

With a sigh, Selena quickly marched out of the bathroom, opening the door to step out into the rest of the restaurant. She could hear the lunch-time crowd chattering in their seats amidst one another, as well as some people in the back working the kitchen.

I suppose meeting here does make sense… she thought. The man did make his presence known here…

She heard some music playing, seemingly from speakers above – far different than the last time she had been here with Deanna, when she had reunited with her old friend, Tallis, and her ex-business-partner, Asmodeus. But that had been live music – which was probably a ‘certain nights a week’ thing.

“Ummm…” the voice caught Selena’s attention, the Snow Queen turning her head to see the taller man standing near her. “I’m sorry, but…” he gestured towards the door frame she stood under, unintentionally blocking access to either bathroom.

“Oh, sorry.” She quickly apologized, stepping out of the way to allow the man entry. “Sort of lost in thought.”
“No no, I didn’t mean to bother you.” He offered with a genuine smile, his accented voice rather pleasing to hear. “Thank you.”

“No, not a problem.” Selena offered before stepping away, preparing to make her way back to her waiting wife and… aunt and uncle, damn it was hard to think that when it came to Caius and Sage.

“Uh…excuse me…” she heard the voice again causing her to turn back around to observe the man that had stopped just in front of the men’s bathroom door. “Sorry, me again. Umm… I’m rather new here – not been here really beyond a few small visits. Are you a regular?”

“A regular?” Selena asked with a tilt of her head. “I…not a regular regular. But my wife and I come by here every so often.”

“Well, if it’s not too much to ask.” He seemed to hesitate a little with his question. “Can you recommend any good dish?”

“Oh, well you can’t go wrong with the fettucine alfredo. Always fills me up – and make sure you get the New York cheesecake for dessert.”

“Fettucine Alfredo…” the man’s eyes flew to the ceiling to recall Selena’s words. “New York cheesecake. I’ve got it. Thank you.”

“No problem. Enjoy your meal.” She offered the gentleman a smile before departing, walking the short distance needed back to her table. Instinctively, she ran a hand along Deanna’s shoulder as she passed her, taking her seat beside the redhead. Unlike Selena, Deanna had dressed a bit more casually, her security being in the comfort of a dark-green sweater and blue jeans. Caius was still in his suit (was that all he had to wear? Selena couldn’t recall a time she hadn’t seen him in a suit). Sage sat beside him in black button front midi dress which worked well with her raven-hair. Only one suit was unoccupied, which rested on the other side of the table away from the others.

“Not here yet?” Selena asked, settling in beside Deanna and earning a shake of the younger woman’s head. “Guess he’s late then.”

“Not yet.” Caius remarked. “He’s still got forty-three seconds.”

“Well, close enough.” Selena shrugged. “Should we order then?”

“You’re hungry?” Deanna remarked in some surprise. “Now?”

“Deanna…” Selena leaned down to whisper to her. “I got up at 6am to run 10k and get a workout in so I can be ready for this meeting. The only thing I’ve had to eat is a protein powder and a could of eggs. Yes, I am hungry.”

Emerald eyes grew wide. “Why didn’t you wake me up to train with you?”

Despite herself, the Snow Queen bit her lower lip. “Well, you looked like you needed the rest and I… I didn’t want to get too distracted with everything happening.” Quickly, her eyes scanned down her wife’s sweater-covered form, causing the redhead to slowly open her mouth and nod in eventual understanding. The Frost wives worked out and trained together often, but it quite often lead to the most interesting ‘cooldowns’, which were anything but, in the pool, the shower or even right in the gym. And judging from the slight blush that came to Deanna’s features, Selena could tell she was thinking the same thing as well.

“Got it.” Deanna nodded. “I’ll have to put in a workout of my own to keep up with you.”

The platinum-blonde shrugged. “If you can manage it-“

“I can.” The redhead pressed, almost aggressively. “I won’t be responsible for ‘falling behind’.”

The implication was beyond clear to the experienced former world champion, but just as she was about to open her mouth and explain to her wife that they needn’t worry about such things when it came to ‘workouts’, a sharp ‘beeping sound’ like an alarm filled their ears, both women casting their glance to Caius, who casually checked his phone before swiping it with his thumb.

“And NOW he is late.” He remarked in mild surprise. “Surprising.”

“Not when your clock is technically 4.3 seconds early.” Came the voice from beyond the group, all eyes jerking forward to the man that had seemingly appeared into the empty chair. The man that greeted them all with a calm, charming grin. The same man that Selena had met just outside the washrooms! “I do wish you would get that thing fixed, Caius.”

“Raphael.” Caius sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. “Right on time.”

“Punctuality is the politeness of kings.” The older man responded.
“King Louis XVIII.” Selena remarked, earning a surprised glance from the man that had spoken so kindly to her moments ago.

“Very good, Mrs. Frost.” He remarked. “You surprise me.”
“I suppose the feeling is now mutual.” Selena remarked.

“I suppose introductions are in order.” Caius stated, standing to his feet in order to properly gesture to the group. “Selena, Deanna – Raphael Alden. Raphael, Selena Frost and her wife, Deanna Frost.”

Stealing a glance to her right, Selena did a quick check in on Sage, the only person not mentioned in this who introduction. To her relief, Sage merely sat there, sitting still in her seat. However, it was not like till Raphael noticed her.

“And Sage. Glad you came along to. Still following your brother around on family matters?” Raphael asked, though there was, seemingly, no insult, bite, or even judgment in the observation.

“It suits me.” Sage remarked simply.
“Family business is the best kind of business.” He stated before turning his head to Selena. “That one wasn’t a quote.”

Selena said nothing in reply, instead taking the time to truly take in the man sitting before her. His hair was combed back and was a dark black with only a few hints of graying color around the temples and a few strands here and there. His beard, however, was far more indicative of his age, the bottom complete white that seems to change to a matching dark/gray color as it ascended towards the nose – a Van Dyke! That’s what it was called! – Selena remembered. Still, everything about this man screamed ‘well-groomed’ and that was to say nothing at the suit he wore, Selena recognizing the brand immediately, as she had seen Mr. Dracheywch and a few of the higher-up boards wearing similar styles. Gods…he really is rich if I am right… Her mind thought in alarm though she did her best to give no sign of it.

“I’m actually surprised you could tear yourself away from your private suite and phone calls to make this meeting.” Sage remarked, a slight smirk crossing her lips.

“If it’s important.” Raphael remarked, unfettered. “You make time.”

“Well, I am glad you see this as important, Raphael.” Caius stated, returning to his seat. “Because, I have to say, I was rather shocked to hear-“

“Oh just minute.” The groomed man held up his hand as the waitress stopped in front of them. “Yes, I’ll have the Alfredo Fettucine, a piece of the New York Cheescake and some red wine. Hold the dessert for later, if you don’t mind.” He gave a wink to the young girl, who seemed far more charmed than worried by the refined man’s tone.

“Anyone else?” she asked.

“No…I sort of lost my appetite.” Selena remarked. “Water is fine.”
“Same.” Deanna stated.

“Really?” Raphael asked, somewhat bothered. “I feel quite rude eating alone here. Can we at least enjoy a meal? I mean, you’ve come all this way. I’ve come all this way.” He turned to Caius and Sage. “I know you’ve come a bit far – you’re still stationed in New York right?”

“Yes.” Caius answered.

“Well, let us just enjoy a meal and we can get to business and be on our way. At the very least, the day could be somewhat civil and enjoyable, yes?”

Despite the situation, hostility was the last thing anyone of the four people wanted. Reluctantly, they all placed their orders, the group reduced to silence for the time needed for the food to be prepared and for them to try and enjoy it – a task much easier for Raphael than anyone else.

As the suited man finished his cheesecake and whine, he dabbed at his mouth before sitting back. “Ah, very nice. An excellent recommendation, Selena.”

Deanna turned her head to eye Selena. “When did you?”

“Don’t ask.” Selena whispered. “I just found him before any of you did – without knowing I found him.”

“Regardless, I hope you will forgive me.” Raphael requested. “I don’t like discussing business on an empty stomach.”

“Is that what this is?” Selena asked, having finished her Caesar salad and water and raising an eyebrow. “Because I thought this was more of a ‘stay the hell away from me and my family’.” Her cold tone caused a slight stir in Raphael, the man raising his eyebrows in slight surprise.

“Well… that was certainly a reaction.” He smiled. “Is this about last time I was here?”

“Raphael…” Caius urged with a warning tone in his voice. “You’ll recall I made it VERY clear that the Frosts had expressed no desire to meet the Aldens at this time and that any communication with them was not advised. I expressly posted it on all the channels.”

“Yes, you did.” Raphael nodded. “And, for a brief time, I entertained that notion for what it was worth. But still… curiosity won out in the end.”

“What curiosity?” Selena asked, keeping her position neutral as she sat in her chair.

“Well… there are few ‘scandals’ within the Alden family.” Raphael explained. “At least not any that can’t be ‘handled’ quickly and simply. But… your mother.” He seemed to pause at the mention of Alejandra. “The one that left the family – first person to do so in…oh some time, if I remember correctly… disappeared without a trance for years – ran off to Nome, then disappears again like a ghost, only for her daughter that no one in our family side knew existed, becomes this incredible celebrity… few scandals have run that long and been the on-off talk of the Aldens, am I right, Caius?”

Selena’s head turned to Caius and Sage. “Is that true?” she asked. “Is this 40-year grudge my mother has with all of you the ‘talk’ he says it is?”

Sage gave a shrug. “It was really ‘the big mystery’ for the longest time. A lot of people really were surprised when we learned about you. I suppose it excited them to finally have it solved and know what happened. Alejandra was well-liked in our charter, so was father and Caius.”

“What about you?” Deanna asked. “Oh please tell me you were the black-sheep! The rebel! That would be so cool.”

Despite herself, Sage eyed Deanna with a smile. “A little bit.” Even throwing playful wink her way.

“Well…” it was Raphael’s turn to shrug. “Be that as it may, I wasn’t quite satisfied with simply being told ‘it was true’ and that you existed. I’m someone that likes to see things to believe them. And, given your mother’s history with me –“ he eyed Caius and Sage. “She knows about that right?”

“She does.” Caius nodded.

“Oh good!” Raphael chuckled. “I was afraid it was going to get rather awkward if I had to explain it.”

For a second, there was silence but Selena was quick to break it. “So, that’s it? That’s why you found Deanna and I here weeks ago? So you could ‘see for yourself’?”

“Why didn’t you just introduce yourself then and there and be done with it?” Deanna added.

“Ah, well, that was merely…” Raphael searched for the right words. “Getting a lay of the land, as it were. I wanted to assess things – see what I was dealing with, if you would.”

“I would not.” Selena stated simply. “Because, as it’s been perfectly clear by this point, I don’t want to deal with any of you. My mother does not wish to deal with you, and so, I don’t either. Far as I am concerned, she ran away for a reason and I am not interested in being drawn into whatever drama that was.”

For a moment, Raphael, listening intently to Selena, took a sip of his red wine before placing the glass back on the table. “I am afraid that isn’t the answer I am looking for, Selena. Which is why I’ve come with an offer.”

“Here it comes…” Sage muttered under her breath as Raphael adjusted his blazer.

“You see, Selena, I’m afraid more than enough people within the Aldens have become too interested in your mother’s story and your existence. Simply ‘leaving it alone’ – well, there’s missed opportunity there. Especially for someone that can be ‘responsible’ for bringing you ‘back into the family’.”

“And I imagine that’s where you’d like to come in.” Deanna nodded, speaking what Selena was thinking and earning a smile from Raphael.

“A little goodwill never hurt anyone.” He remarked politely. “Brisben Alden – your grandfather – was highly respected even after the scandal of his daughter. But the charter of the Alden family here in York and Jersey was left with a bit of ‘stain’ that they have been desperate to clean up for decades.”

“And bringing Selena into the fold will do that?” Deanna asked in disbelief.

“Well, her and Alejandra, I would say.” Raphael explained. “And, I would wager, Selena IS the only person that could convince her mother to return to the charter.”

“Seriously?” Sage remarked in disbelief. “That’s your plan? You’re going to make Selena make Allie give up a 40-year grudge just so you can look like hero?”

“Simple and elegant.” Raphael smiled. “All the best deals and plans are. Complexities…well, complicate.”

“And, tell me, in this ‘simple plan’ of yours… why the hell would I do that?” Selena asked. “And before you mention it, I’m not someone that can be bought, Mr. Alden.” She smirked at him, crossing her arms over her chest. “Yeah, you thought I didn’t figure out your plan with you coming in in that Brioni suit?” she eyed the blazer he wore. “Was that the plan? You try and flash some small fortune my way and I just buckle because that’s what someone like you has managed to do his whole life, I imagine?”

“Selena…” Caius warned, but Raphael gave no reaction, merely listening with a smile on his face.

“Well forget it!” Selena pushed on, ignoring Caius’ warning. “I said it before and I’ll say it again. I. AM. NOT. INTERESTED. Not in you, not in the Aldens, not in my mother’s past – none of it! And there is nothing you can pay or buy that would make me change my mind.”

Once more, there was a moment of silence as Raphael eyes Selena quietly. For a moment, he simply folded his napkin, placing it on the table besides his empty plate. With one last exhale of breath, he turned his gaze back over to Selena. “SCW.”

The name caused Selena’s eyes to narrow. “What about it?”

“I can buy it, you know.” Raphael smiled. “I have become aware of it in my research and through my own business-chains. Now the other ‘offers’ I’ve heard of, I don’t know them, but… let’s just say acquiring a company, even one with such a longevity as SCW, is WELL within my means. Might even be my first foray into sports-entertainment.”

“You can’t be serious!” Deanna remarked.

“Of course, I could just buy it and cut it up into small pieces and sell it-“ The way her worded it almost triggered PTSD in Selena – her memories of Giovanni and the United States title flashing through her mind.

“Raphael, what the hell?!” Sage spat. “This is beyond ridiculous.”

“I am merely exercising my business ventures.” He stated. “Selena’s boss made it clear all offers would be considered. Well, Selena’s choices have made me interested in that business. I am fully within my rights to explore those interests… and should I proceed further-“ his eyes turned over to Selena, glaring at her. It was only at that moment that Selena could see past the kindness and ‘gentlemanly’ gaze of the older man.

Sure, he was refined, but underneath that… the man was a damn shark! He’s had this planned… maybe since before he gave us that damned business card! her jaw clench – the familiar feeling of zero-control coursed through her, making her angry and sick to her stomach at the same time! She wanted to throttle this man! She wanted to kick him in the head as hard as she could! She wanted…she wanted…

But, like everything else in her life – there was nothing she could do. The man had planned this and had come in holding all the cards! And his threats were barely veiled. Convince Alejandra to drop this grudge and return to a past her mother hated… or he would do all he could to be the new ‘buyer’ and ‘owner’ of SCW… with the sole intent of dissolving it forever or making Selena’s – and Deanna’s – professional lives living hells…

Feeling her whole body’s tension, the platinum-blonde forced her head to turn, eyes desperate for Deanna. Her beloved redhead could only glare at Raphael, allowing Selena to see the way her jaw muscles were clenched so tightly! Gods, her wife wanted to punch this man in the face, Selena could tell, and was using everything in her power to control the impulse. Slowly, feeling her gaze, Deanna turned her head to meet Selena’s sapphire eyes – and it was in her emerald eyes that Selena saw the same ‘conclusion’ she had drawn.

They were trapped. Trapped because of D.’s decision! If the old man hadn’t decided to vend offers, Raphael wouldn’t have a damn leg to stand on! SCW was the only thing he could target in Selena’s life with his vast money – and D. had given him the means (albeit unknowingly).

Damn you, O.! Selena’s mind growled, the familiar spike of frustration she had felt towards the SCW owner that she had felt when he had dismissed her questions and concerns for SCW and her wife!

“Selena…Deanna…” Raphael tried, once more falling into the ‘gentlemanly’, accented tone of voice. “I am a very reasonable man. I only want you and Alejandra to meet the Alden family. For you to convince your mother to give them… let’s say an afternoon. And you needn’t worry about such things like venue or anything – I will handle ALL the affairs. Just bring yourselves.”

“And my mother…” Selena growled under her breath. Raphael seemed unaffected.
“And your mother.” He repeated with a small smile. “Do that for me and we can consider this matter dropped and never brought up again. I won’t even entertain any notions of offers for your employment.”

Even the way he phrased it – dammit, it was perfectly worded! – the implication AGAIN clear! He didn’t say ‘offers for SCW’, no! He had chosen to say that he would buy Selena’s ‘employment’, and Selena had been around wrestling long enough to know what THAT meant. Hell, how many superstars in the last 9 years had threatened to ‘sit out their contract’ at home or the management of SCW had threatened the same thing to a superstar to make them comply to following the rules or participating in a match?

And here Raphael was doing the same.

Staring down at her plate, Selena took a deep breath before lifting her head up to gave at the calm, smiling, older man. “I want you…” she whispered slowly, her tone heavy and cold. “To think long and hard about this choice you are making. Because I have forgiven A LOT of things and A LOT of people in my life. Professionally and personally.” Looking up a little higher, her eyes glared into Raphael’s. “But the one thing that I hate is being forced to do something. And you may think you’ve got me by the hairs here, Mr. Alden.” Her jaw clenched. “But every time someone has tried this on me? They may win a battle, but I’M the one that gets the last word.” She remained silent for a moment, letting her gaze press heavily on Raphael Alden. “So, I would encourage you now to not go down this route, because if you do – you may get me to comply, but you’ll not like where this all ends up. Of THAT, I can assure you.”

He gave no answer right away, nor did he move from his relaxed position. Instead, his smile merely widened. He wasn’t going to relent – no, why the hell would he?! He was sure he had won this round… and truthfully? He had.

Turning her head the other way, Selena caught the waiting expressions of Sage and Caius – both with looks of utter guilt, their eyes screaming apologies to her and, she imagined, Deanna. She couldn’t blame them. They had warned her about Raphael, but she hadn’t listened. She had thought there was safety in numbers. Safety in strong faith and holdfast beliefs…

She had been wrong, and now there was only one hand she had to play.

“Fine.” She sighed. “I will convince my mother to visit the Alden family.”

“Wonderful!” Raphael exclaimed, turning his head to Caius and Sage. “You see?” he remarked. “All that was needed was a bit of convincing and a nice, civil talk. I don’t know why you had such trouble.” There was a mocking tone in his mouth, causing Caius to tense from where he sat.

“The charter WILL hear of this.” Caius warned, his tone just breaking from the usual civil tone he carried.
“Oh I hope so.” Raphael smiled. “They need to hear the good news.”

Checking his watch – again, Selena spotted the screaming ‘I am rich’ note based on the Rolex he wore – Raphael quickly nodded his head. “Well, if that is all, I must be off. More meetings today.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a pair of $100 dollar bills, tossing them onto the table. “Lunch is on me.” He offered with a generous smile. “Least I can do.” He turned his head to, once more, focus on the Frost wives. “I’ll inform Caius of the details when I settle them.”

He didn’t wait for a reply, merely giving a nod of his head before making his exit. The four remaining adults simply sat at their table for what seemed like half-an-hour until Selena’s pale hand drifted over to the two bills on the table, picking one up and staring into the face of Benjamin Franklin. For a moment, her eyes settled on the name printed out at the bottom of the bill.

“Franklin knew how to count by twos and tie his shoes.” She whispered, turning the bill over in her hand as she recalled one of the books Amiliah loved to have read to her all the time. “He could zip zippers and button buttons. But one thing Franklin couldn’t do… was have a DAMN moment of fucking peace in her goddamn life!”

With an angry growl, she slammed her hand onto the table, causing every plate and utensil and glass to shake. She hit the table so hard her hand hurt but she couldn’t give a damn about it!

“Selena, I’m sorry!” Caius tried. “I didn’t expect this. I honestly thought we could get him to back off.”
“It’s not your fault.” Came Deanna’s voice, speaking for the enraged Snow Queen. “He picked his opening. He must have heard about the potential sale of SCW before we did and that’s why he showed up last time and made his presence known.”

“Now what?” Sage asked, looking around.

“Now what?” Selena asked, turning her head towards Sage. “What else can we do? I can’t let him put an offer on SCW – even if D. doesn’t take it.”

“Can’t you warn him?” Sage offered. “Maybe tell him not to even consider any offers from Raphael?”

For a moment – less than a second really – Selena actually contemplated the idea. In fact, if this situation had occurred a year ago or even six months ago, she would already have gotten out her phone to call SCW HQ and contact the SCW owner.

But now?

“He won’t listen to me.” Selena sighed sadly. “He won’t give me the time of day or even care of my opinion. Far as he’s concerned?” she eyed Deanna. “He doesn’t owe us a damn thing.”

She heard Deanna growl a little in her throat – clearly remembering how the old man had treated them on that fateful Breakdown. A true slap in the face if there ever was one. On all they had given, all they had sacrificed, the very scars proof of that running down Selena’s back and sides and along Deanna’s arm.

“We’ve got to convince mother.” Selena finally said with a sigh.

“How?” Caius asked. “It’s not… I just don’t see how.”

“I don’t know.” Selena admitted, shrugging her shoulders. “But we don’t have a choice… we just…”

Deanna nodded her head, her words finishing what they all knew to be true. “We don’t have a choice.”

[Image: tetXUW1.gif]

The camera opens up to the interior of the AT&T Stadium in Dallas, Texas, a mere half a day before tonight’s epic SCW pay-per-view of Retribution: one of the flagship pay-per-views of the company! The arena is fully set, but remains empty. Arctic-blue and white lights illuminate the ring at the center a slight mist rolls around and within said ring. And within the center, dressed in blue jeans and a black, backless crop top stands the ‘Face of SCW’, her platinum-blonde hair tied in its iconic braid. Her choice of attire also reveals the long web of scars that mar her back and sides – proof of wars fought and hardships endured.

Looking around the arena, at the lights and mist, Selena Frost gives a small smile. I’ll admit that my wife is far more creative than I am… her smile is one of amusement as she gazes towards the camera, surrounded by the empty chairs.

She goes to a forest glen to contemplate, amidst the sunshine and foliage, and I’m still here, in my ring, with my blue and white lights and some fog… a sort of cold setting.

Pressing her tongue to the inside of her cheek in contemplation, she gives her head a little nod. But if you think about it… the imagery is really beautiful and on point. You have the redhead, passionate Queen’s Guard in Deanna Frost and the Snow Queen in me, Selena Frost. Opposites that can mesh together so well. Taking the tag-team division by storm! Bringing it back to what it could be. The standard of integrity it could be!

The smile does not fade as Selena’s eyes shift to the world tag-team title, holding her name on it, resting on the top turnbuckle in a proud display.

Hot and cold. Light and Dark. Good and Evil. Opposites – our world is filled with them. And contrasts is important here because while The House of Frost continues to try and represent the good in wrestling, the integrity of wrestling, the light of wrestling, it only further proves the existence of the dark side of wrestling. she returns her gaze to the camera.

And you know what I am talking about. I am talking about the politics. I am talking about the rule-breakers. I am talking about the controversy, the evil deeds, the selling of morals, I am talking about everything that has marred this great sport and this great federation for years and years and what all of you, True Believers, are sick of! her voice echoes a little in the empty arena.

And contrast is important here because here tonight, our opponents? Well, their very name is all about that contrast. Light in the Darkness.

She pauses for a mere moment, letting herself calm a little and her words settle before continuing, Amelia and Luz. First of all, I want to thank you both for all you’ve done the last few weeks. My wife touched on that and I think we made it clear last week on Breakdown as well, but just to reiterate, I am grateful to you both for wanting this to be a pure and good representation of the tag-team division. Believe me, and you can check my promos from the past, the idea that more teams are coming back into SCW for the tag-team titles and that they want these kind of matches just like you do means the world to me. It shows me that there are those that are hungry for competition. It shows me that there are those that are driven to be the best. It shows me that there are those that are willing to fight the doubters, the naysayers, even their own doubts and demons to stand here and fight for the greatest tag-team titles in the world! Again, her raised voice leads to slight echoes that quietly die down.

For that, not only do you have my thanks, but you have my utmost respect. And while we are talking about such positive feelings? Your story has been one of amazing, albeit similar, consequences. Coming back after some time off – a fire in your hearts and wanting that one win that’s eluded you for so long. That one title reign. You’ve seen it, the audience love that kind of thing. Whether you’re Owen Cruze or an asshole like Adam Allocco, people love the comeback story. And for you, it’s doubly so because of where we are.

Selena takes a slow breath before nodding her head knowingly. Yes, I did my research, ladies. I know what this pay-per-view means to you. That it was here, Retribution, that saw you two get injured on the same night and prematurely stall your SCW careers. It was at this very event that the Light in the Darkness was, temporarily, snuffed out by the Golden Boys. And now? Two years later, here you are, fighting for the titles you never got a chance for.

And what a feather in the cap that would be! That story to come full circle like it has for Owen Cruze and Allocco, hell like my sister, Regan Street, years ago at Rise to Greatness XVII! A feel good moment! A ‘happily ever after’!

Pausing for a moment, Selena slowly shakes her head as she paces around the ring. But like I said, this is about ‘contrasts’. And while the audience love the kind of story you’re trying to sell, ladies, they don’t always recall what happens after. What happens after “The End” credits roll or after “Happily Ever After”. What happens after “The Twelve Days of Christmas” or after Cinderella marries her prince.

She shakes her head before returning her gaze towards the camera. See, that’s what my Deanna alluded to about you two focusing only on that story. On tonight and this one match. And I’ll make it clear to you both right now: You’re not ready. her words echo louder than any other, pressing the message she just conveyed. However, she is quick to raise her hand to explain.

Let me be clear, Amelia! Luz! You two are MORE than ready to fight The House of Frost. You’re more than ready to fight us for the SCW world tag-team championship! You’re even more than ready, and certainly good enough, to possibly pull off the upset of the night, beat us and BECOME the SCW World tag-team champions! From your TV title reign, Amelia, to Luz scoring that pin last pay-per-view in the first ever, history-making, twelve-person tag match! Amelia, I know that if you get that Blight Choke locked on either Deanna or I? It’s over. Deanna proved she was aware of that too, in case you missed her submission win over Cassie Wolfe a couple of weeks ago. We are VERY aware of how deserving and ready you are to face US – the House of Frost – and try and take the tag-team titles from us.

Again, she pauses, lowering her hand. But what you are not ready for is the fallout. The day after. What happens when it is all said and done.

Turning her head, she eyes the world tag-team title sitting on the turnbuckle. You know, there is an old saying: “Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” And take it from me, ladies, someone that has held the tag championships three times over, it isn’t easy doing so. To have the world’s eyes on you, to have expectations on you, to want to make this place better in a world where so many of your fellow wrestlers don’t care about that. To have to carry this division on your shoulders – the weight of the world on your shoulders – knowing that everything you do, every decision you make could change SCW for better… or for worse.

For a moment, Selena seems to look away from the camera, as if in recollection of the people she lost while being part of the tag-team division. People like Dawn Lohan and her sister, Regan Street. It is a fleeting moment before she shakes her head and returns to the present.

THAT, my friends, is what you are not ready for. Because let’s just take a second and reflect on this story of yours, shall we? You two came back to SCW with zero expectations from the SCW Universe. You even mentioned it yourself, didn’t you, Amelia? Luz? How you started here just wanting to take it slow and take your time because it was easier? Because no one really thought of you or paid attention to you – but that made it less stressful, didn’t it? That there was no ‘bar’ for you to reach for?

And from the moment you’ve come back, you sure as hell have performed, don’t get me wrong, but like Deanna said, you’ve performed with nothing to lose, everything to gain, and with all the momentum in the world, all the positive energy and beliefs you can hold…

My point is, my friends, is that the one thing that’s been missing in your lives since you came back here has been the obstacles. The shortcomings. Oh sure, you’ve lost some matches, maybe a title here and there, but let’s face it, you have not been broken since you came back here. You have not suffered yet, have you? You have not felt failure – the kind that shakes you down to your core and makes you question every choice and every decision you’ve made up to that point. You’ve not had nights where you’ve had to look into the eyes of the SCW Universe and know that you’ve let them down. No… you have been in a ‘honeymoon phase’ just like Owen and Allocco were.
her jaw clenches at the memory of the latter name.

And the problem with that – with those stories is – I know how they end. I’ve seen how they end. Once the luster is off? Once the tale is told? Once the ‘one match is won’? Once true opposition strikes and the ‘heroes’ finally stumble or fall or experience genuine hardship and shortcoming? They don’t come back from that. They don’t ‘keep trying’. They run. They hide. They go back to taking shortcuts because they got the one match – the one moment – that they wanted. Or… they just quit.

Her tone growing a little colder, Selena’s sapphire eyes narrow at the camera. Because that’s what you did, right, ladies? When you recovered from your injuries, you had a choice, didn’t you? To come back to SCW and fight for the tag-team titles, or to run away and stay away for over a year. You chose the latter. You chose to run. You chose to abandon SCW and the tag-team division because THAT was who you two were when faced with true opposition and heart-breaking setbacks.

Because we all know what will happen if you can manage an upset, guys. We do! You jump up and down, you hug each other, you scream and cry and you revel in your victory. Why not?! Like I said, happy endings are loved here. I love them! I truly do. Look who you’re talking to here, guys! she gestures to herself to emphasize her point.

But, you see, your real test will come about not if you continue on your ‘dream street’ – your real test will not come at Retribution’s match, but after it.

Because if you win, Amelia and Luz and I say IF you win because there is a reason Deanna and I have survived as long as we have and remained the champions every day so far this year – But IF you win, that heavy crown I mentioned? It’s all on you two and all the setbacks and oppositions and failures that can come with it! You win and you have to come out here and do THAT level of tag-action, that level of integrity, not just once – not just twice, but night after night, show after show, title defense after title defense.

And after seeing Adam Allocco fail the first chance he got last September? I know you two can’t keep that up. I know that you don’t have that drive and passion and stamina yet because you’ve not shown it. You’ve not shown us, the SCW Universe, that you’re going to be there when times are tough because you’ve not suffered tough times since you got back. You’ve not faced times when things DON’T go your way. When you’re left lying in the ring because you got beaten down so badly, you felt it weeks later!

She stops pacing, standing in the center of the ring. Because last time you were asked that? To give more and rise to the occasion and face such opposition? You ran away!

Closing her eyes, she takes a steady breath. I wish – I TRULY wish, ladies, that I could let this little story and dream of yours come forward. To reach its beautiful ending. I truly wish I could. But like my wife said, I don’t have that luxury. I don’t have that opportunity. I don’t have the time to quit when things are tough or leave or ‘take a break’ when things are bad or I’m hurting. I have to stay here. I have to keep fighting. The House of Frost has to keep fighting!

Because there is NO time for runaways and people that only care about that one moment! That single night! There is NO time for people that just want that one win just to say ‘they did it’ and feel good for what? A couple of weeks!

Looking around the arena, Selena gestures with her arms. Look around you, Luz! Amelia! SCW is changing and not for the better! SCW is on the verge of being owned by some of the most despicable people to come through this company! People that will not give a damn whether or not you get your happy ending or stay in SCW. People that will do all they can to drag SCW and you through the mud and through hell for their own egos and their own sake. We do not have time for temporary champions or ‘feel good stories’ that lead to disappointment and ‘one-hit wonders’! We do not have time for people who run away when things are tough!

What we need – what SCW needs – are people that will stand against these oppositions. Who will fight against those that seek to hurt SCW’s integrity. To hold the championships, heavy as they are, and set the bar night after night, show after show, not because of management but IN SPITE of management! Not when it’s easy but because it ISN’T easy!

Her eyes spy the Retribution graphic for a brief second. Retribution tonight? We will tear down the house, ladies. We will give a match that, as you will also promise, exemplifies and defines what tag-team wrestling is. A contrast to the politics, tainted finishes, backstage ambushes and other BS that still run through this place and will undoubtedly run through here tonight. But your ‘moment’ will not come at the end of the match when the bell rings. Your ‘redemption’ or ‘retribution’ will not come with you being handed the tag-team titles…


Your moment will come when you’re in the back afterwards WITHOUT the SCW world tag-team titles. When you’re sitting in the locker room together, wondering what you did wrong or how you could have changed the outcome from losing to the House of Frost. THAT will be your moment to put the past behind you because you will have a choice to make, ladies.

She gives a pause, gesturing with a pale hand. When you are sitting there, finally facing a roadblock to your dreams the size of a goddamn House, when you have truly felt some failure in yourselves, you’re going to have a choice to make. You can either do what you’ve always done and run away… Or… you can come back the next Breakdown. You can find me and Deanna and you can tell us that you’re sticking around. That you’re not going to be a burnt out lightbulb that had a brief flicker in the dark but the goddamn Light in the Darkness! the last words echo slightly in the empty space.

THAT will be YOUR redemption, ladies, and if you can do that, I will shake your hands and await the day when you truly ARE ready to challenge us, beat us, and wear the tag-team titles proudly! When you can do this division proud like Deanna and I are trying to do every single day!

But if you can’t…. she lowers her arm, her tone growing the coldest it’s been this entire promo. If you come to Breakdown just to tell me that I was right and that you’re leaving again? That you’re running away again? Then not only will I show you the door, but Deanna and I will kick your asses out it! Out of this division, out of SCW, and out of our house!

The choice is yours, Luz… Amelia… and I pray with all my heart that, when all of this is said and done and you are reminded why The House of Frost are the SCW World tag-team champions… I pray you make the right choice.

Believe it!

The camera focuses on the Snow Queen before slowly fading to black.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]
Something was going on, Luz and Amelia knew that much, but they weren't quite sure what and they were afraid to pry.

After they'd parted ways with Ivy and Gage, they had ended up going home and getting a good training session in. Refining their respective techniques, helping one another work out some kinks in using each other's style as necessary, laying the groundwork for some potential new combos they might be able to iron out just enough to feel comfortable trying that they knew the Frosts wouldn't have seen from them yet... Ivy had been right about needing a good workout session to clear their heads because the more they pushed themselves preparing for this match, the more confident they felt about being able to actually pull this off. They knew it wouldn't be easy by any stretch of the imagination, but if now was truly their time to take the reins of the tag division then they had to give Deanna and Selena nothing less than their very best to make it happen, and that meant clearing their minds of all thoughts regarding the potential sale of SCW or whatever the hell Amelia's parents were up to now to try and get their daughter back under their thumb and especially the dark cloud that still hung over their heads regarding this particular pay-per-view.

Considering they'd dedicated a solid amount of the afternoon to training, the couple had figured that their friends would be done with the tasks they had split off to do and would be interested in some sort of evening activity together, but they hadn't come back by the house. Luz had send Gage a text to ask if they needed a bit of extra help with loading up that desk he and Ivy had gone out to buy after all, but he replied back fairly quickly saying that they'd taken care of it but had an idea while they were doing so for a little surprise they wanted to put together for her and Amelia before they all headed back on the road. The couple was definitely curious but opted not to pry, especially since Amelia still had some concerns about feeling like she'd come off as pushy for doing so.

Considering she and Ivy had only patched things up within the span of the past month or so, it was clear that a lot of healing still needed to be done.

The rest of the evening ended up being spent cuddling on the couch while watching whatever movies they had lying around that they knew would lift their spirits, as Luz deemed it the best way to keep both of their heads in the game. Amelia thought it was an intentional ploy to make sure she wasn't feeling down about her worries over overstepping and ruining the friendship she'd just repaired, but it was a sweet gesture all the same that led to the both of them going to bed in high spirits.

When Amelia had awoken the following morning, she was surprised to find herself alone in bed. Normally, she was the first to rise as it was hard to break the routine that had been drilled into her head for most of her life that if she wasn't up before the sun was then she was already wasting valuable time on the day. Luz enjoyed sleeping in when she felt justified in doing so, but she was always more than happy to rise with her beloved to see the sun do the same, so the fact that she was already up was curious.

After pulling herself out of bed and taking a moment to stretch her tired limbs, she wandered out into the kitchen to see if she could find her girlfriend. Sure enough, Luz was seated at the kitchen table, already sipping some coffee and quietly mumbling something to herself in Spanish while her focus was on her phone. Amelia slowly snuck up behind her and glanced over her shoulder, noticing that she had pulled up an old family photo that had a very young Luna Nevado happily holding the hands of both of her parents as they stood out in their front yard.

Diverting her own attention away from the obvious thought of how cute her girlfriend looked as a little kid, she focused intently on her parents and how... happy they looked. She'd seen more than her fair share of wrestling photos of El Espíritu Angélico, but never really one of him outside the ring just spending time with his family, a look of joy on his face even through the mask that was very different from the one he'd often wear in interviews or celebrating a victory. It was almost like it was telling her that no matter how passionate the man was about wrestling, his family meant the world to him and then some.

As for Camila... Amelia can't recall any point in time where she'd ever seen the woman look so genuinely happy. Any time she encountered her while she and Luz were in Mexico usually saw her frustrated and upset because Luz was still following the wrestling path her father had laid the groundwork for, and the only other times she'd ever seen the woman's face were news articles or websites that had group photos of her and the other doctors she worked with when such a thing was necessary. In those pictures, it wasn't hard to tell her heart wasn't in the smile she was giving, considering Amelia's own track record with fake smiles for family portraits that only served the purpose of stroking her parents' egos. But this... this was all the proof she could ever need that Luz and her mother did love each other and that she was infinitely better than her own parents could ever hope to be in terms of actually being parents.

“You were such an adorable child, mi preciosa novia,” she gently said, getting the desired reaction when Luz jumped a bit before turning to face her.

“Hey,” she softly greeted Amelia. “Sleep well?”

“Considering you woke up before I did and have been sitting out here seemingly practicing a speech, I should be asking you that,” Amelia replied as she leaned down to gently kiss Luz's cheek before going to get a cup of coffee for herself. “Everything alright?”

“Well...” Luz started, intentionally trailing off as she waited for Amelia to join her at the table and get some coffee in her system before she got going. “You know how I had something I wanted to say yesterday before I got sidetracked by whatever noise I thought I heard? It was... well... what Ivy had to say yesterday got me thinking. I know we've always done our best not to dwell on the past, but I know that's exactly what my mom is doing. She has every reason to still be grieving even years later, and I still miss my papá every day with all my heart and soul. But... that's been the entire crux of her desire for me to give up all of this, even if this is how I choose to honor my dad's memory and feel like he's still with me, guiding me in spirit with every move I perform in that ring. I've been... thinking about giving her a call, maybe try and invite her to Dallas to watch our match with the Frosts and show her things from my perspective. Actions speak louder than words, after all.”

Amelia took a moment to think this over before she replied. She would give anything to see Luz and her mother reconcile, considering she felt Luz was far too much of a kind soul to have to suffer through parental issues like she'd been born into. While Luz had a point, though, there was the matter of whether or not her mom would even be willing to make the trip, let alone hear her out after the fact. Grief was a very powerful force in the world, and Camila had been understandably consumed by it to the point where it was hard for her to try looking beyond it to see the good her late husband had left behind for both her and her daughter.

“I don't want to sound pessimistic Luz,” Amelia carefully said, “but... do you think she'd be willing to actually do it?”

“At this point, I've got nothing to lose,” Luz stated. “If I'm ever going to have her back in my life, then I need to do something to get through to her so we can actually talk about it all. I want her to be able to understand why I'm doing this and what losing dad meant to me... I want to understand her side of things too, and I can't get that if we just keep arguing the second we start a conversation.”

Amelia reached over and gently laid her hand over Luz's, offering a smile that made it clear she would support her partner in this endeavor no matter what. Luz felt herself relax as the tension over her constant practicing of what she wanted to say finally left her body, grateful that she at least had one person in her life who understood what this meant to her and was willing to have her back every step of the way. She shuddered to think about the kind of person she could be had she never taken this plunge in the first place and crossed paths with Amelia, wondering what state her relationship with her mom would've even been in and how long she could've lasted before the burdens of guilt and grief finally crushed her.

It was a life she didn't want to think about, not when it meant a vastly different future than the one she was trying to build for herself no matter how long it took to get there.

Luz shelved the phone call for later, knowing her mom was either not up yet or still working. Plus, she wouldn't do herself any favors trying to sort that out on an empty stomach, so the couple set about making breakfast and trying to figure out their plan for the day. More training was obviously in the cards as it would be the last time they'd get to do so in their home gym before hitting the road, along with getting a hold of Gage and Ivy to see what they were up to and whether or not they were ready for the road trip ahead. Whatever surprise they'd mentioned preparing also crossed their thoughts again, but good things came to those who waited and she and Amelia weren't about to rush their friends to see what they had in store.

After all, they'd waited this long to earn the opportunity that now stood before them in SCW.

It was almost noon by the time the couple had eaten and finished up a rather intense workout, pushing themselves farther and farther to try and make this moment theirs so they could step up and lead the tag team division, wanting the challenge of pushing teams to come together and step up to try and dethrone them to help show the world that tag team wrestling was far from dead, especially in SCW and especially if things did end up going the way of someone else being in charge so they could understand exactly what they had on their hands and why it needed to be respected.

It was as they were getting some water following the workout that their doorbell rang, causing the two of them to exchange glances before going to see who it was. Luz was the one who got to the door first, and as she opened it she couldn't help but grin at the sight of Ivy on the other side.

“Ivy!” she happily called as she threw herself into a hug that her friend returned.

“I hope you don't mind, but we just finished a training session and haven't gotten to clean up yet,” Amelia told her as she walked over to where the two stood.

“Considering I've spent a good chunk of the past few years in the gym, you two are good,” Ivy chuckled as Luz released her hug. “Sorry for not letting you know we were dropping by, but we figured you guys would reach out at some point today anyway.”

“Hey, you and Gage had things to do,” Luz cheerfully replied. “You've got nothing to apologize for!”

“About that...” Ivy trailed off a bit as the couple quickly picked up on how nervous she'd suddenly gotten. “I know Gage said we had a surprise you you guys and part of me wished he hadn't quite phrased it that way, but we might've been hiding more details than we really should have about what we were up to.”

At that, Ivy steps to the side and lets the couple peek out the door, and eyebrows are raised at the sight that greets them. Gage is walking up the pathway, and his focus is on the man following beside him who looks uncomfortable being here. When Gage reaches Ivy he motions for the man to approach Amelia and Luz, and he hesitates for a moment before doing so.

“Hello Miss Blythe, Miss... Luz?” he questions as he bows his head a bit, clearly more nervous than the four individuals around him combined over what's going on here.

“That's the name I go by as per lucha libre tradition,” Luz confirms. “And... who are you, exactly?”

“My name is Ryan Lumis,” he answers. “I'm a private investigator, and I need to discuss some things with the two of you... preferably in private.”

The girls exchange glances again before looking over to their friends, who nod that whatever this is about is probably best taken inside. With that, they invite everyone in and make their way into the living room, where they take a seat on the couch and immediately thread their fingers together. Ivy and Gage stand off to the side, intentionally making it clear they're making it near impossible for him to leave until this was finished. The atmosphere was tense as a result of whatever this was all about, and Amelia immediately had her guard up.

“You said you're a private investigator?” she asked to break the awkward silence that had started to settle in.

“I am,” Ryan confirms. “That said, I have been informed that you're not going to like what I have to say, but your friends have been quite convincing in making sure I was aware of the wrong I have been doing these past few months.”

“Months?” Luz questioned, already not liking where this was going.

“That is correct,” Ryan states. “Shortly before the start of the year, I was contacted by someone who wanted to hire me for a job she claimed was quite important... a Mrs. Ophelia Blythe, to be specific. According to that conversation, she had some concerns about her youngest daughter whom she claimed had abandoned her and her husband and was getting involved in activities that made her worried for her safety and her future. She could keep tabs on what you were up to in your job as you are a professional wrestler competing on television, but she wanted me to keep an eye on you outside the ring and report back to her with every detail I could make note of about your daily life so she could take the proper steps to make sure you stayed on the right path... admittedly, she was vague on a lot of the details and I should have made a greater effort to get more information out of her, but she paid double my usual fee upfront and promised more if I did this.”

As the investigator explained himself, the dots began to connect in Amelia's head. Her mother's cryptic call that revealed private details she couldn't have possibly known about her daughter's life as it was outside of SCW's airtime or beyond the scope of whenever she addressed the fans for whatever match was on the horizon... she almost had to laugh at how obvious it was now how she had known. Hiring a private investigator to tail her from a safe distance and report every last little tidbit of information back to her was low, but not too low for her mom to ever consider. Her family had more than enough money to simply throw at someone like this Ryan Lumis fellow to ensure he got what they asked for and never questioned any of it. The fact that this is what her mother had ultimately resorted to after all of her other failed attempts to drag Amelia back into their toxic talons... her face was beginning to burn from how furious she was, and Ryan flinched at the sight.

“I know it's too late to do anything about the work I've already done for her Miss Blythe-” he started to say.

“Amelia,” she growled. “Drop the formality because I really don't want to hear my family name right now.”

Ryan could only gulp and nod in agreement with this request. “Amelia... I can't take back what I've done. I can only offer my sincerest apologies for what I have provided to her thus far and give you my word that I am done doing business with her and her husband. Any information I have gathered on you throughout this month will not be turned over to her, though I would advise caution in case she decides to hire someone else in this line of work to pick up where I left off.”

“Considering she already knows some of the most important developments I've had in my life recently and is already trying to hold them over my head, I don't think-” Amelia began to bark at him, only cutting herself off when Luz practically yanked her into a hug and spent a minute quietly whispering something to her that slowly but surely calmed her down. As she kept her close and started stroking her hair, Luz turned her gaze to the investigator, who took a step back at the sight of not anger, but disappointment in her eyes.

“My partner has every right to be angry with you, as do I,” she told him with a bit more of an edge than Ivy or Gage had ever heard in her voice before. “What I'd like to know is what got you to come clean about all of this.”

“You have your friends to thank for that,” Ryan admitted. “Mr. Parker noticed during your lunch outing yesterday that I was doing my job from a nearby table and got suspicious, which I have to admit is impeccable insight on his part. I didn't realize they were following me while I was following you until he and Miss Plume pulled me into an alleyway and gave me the full story of what I was helping to perpetuate with this job. Admittedly, as guilty as I felt about the whole thing, I was only going to simply end this job and leave it at that, but Mr. Parker placed a call to his father who threatened to expose me in a report that would have ruined me... you have every right to despise me for coming clean in exchange for protecting my reputation, but this is the wake-up call I needed to vet my clients a little more thoroughly so I'm not helping anyone else wrongfully get around a justified decision of no contact. I am even willing to turn over any money I was paid throughout this job to the two of you as compensation.”

“You can keep it,” Amelia suddenly said, to the surprise of everyone except for Luz. “I already took whatever I felt I needed of my family's money the day I tried to cut them out of my life to get my girlfriend and I set up where we are now. If you were that desperate for a pay day then I'd rather you keep it since otherwise it would go back to them... not that they deserve to get it back or have any more to throw around in the first place hoping it will solve all their problems.” She took a deep breath to help recompose herself. “I'm still upset over the damage you've done, but I know better than anyone how my parents, especially my mom, operate to get what they need by any means necessary. You were manipulated... and I can't fully hold that against you. You swear, though, that this is the end of you essentially spying on me and telling them everything they can use to try and craft some sort of plan to drag me back into that hell?”

“I swear on my life,” Ryan replied without hesitation.

Amelia took a moment to think over everything she'd just discovered, still furious over her mom's latest ploy to keep trying to dictate how she lived her life but content in the fact that she was getting no further information on her private life that easily. There was something more important that brought her gaze toward Ivy and Gage, realizing how far they'd gone to protect not only Luz but her as well when they didn't have to do so. Without them, she didn't know when or even if she would have realized that she had someone who was clearly very good at what they did watching her every move to give her mother ammunition for whatever the next step of her latest scheme was, and even then, they didn't have to intervene since it really had nothing to do with them. Between her and Ivy still rebuilding their friendship from scratch and her and Gage not having really spent too much time with each other outside of their little group yet, they had made it clear what kind of friends they truly were and she had to fight the urge to cry from how much it meant to her.

Luz, who had been in silent awe over the same thoughts, suddenly found her attention being diverted as her phone started going off. When she reached over to retrieve it, her eyes widened at the sight of her mom's number. Amelia glanced over to see this as well and immediately pulled her in close, nuzzling against her cheek to return the favor for earlier because she knew this was going to be an important step in potentially mending another relationship, even if she was a bit surprised at who called who being the other way around from how she thought it would go.

“You've got this,” she quietly said in Luz's ear before kissing her cheek, and Luz nodded.

“Excuse me a moment,” Luz announced as she stood up and took a deep breath before walking out of the room to have a bit of privacy before she answered. “¿Hola?”

“So you can talk to me when I call your phone but you refuse to talk to me in person Luna?” the voice of Dr. Camila Nevado tore through the speaker, and it took all of Luz's willpower to resist falling into the same routine of every conversation they've had with one another over the past few years.

“What are you talking about, mamá?” she asked, her honest confusion coming through loud and clear. “We haven't seen each other since the last time I was in the country before Amelia and I rejoined the SCW roster, and we did talk then... or at least we tried to.”

“Mija, don't lie to me,” her mother practically growled from the other end of the line. “I tried to talk with you after your match last night, hoping to see if I could get through to you about giving this up finally, and you completely blew me off!”

Luz almost choked on her breath at this, growing more and more baffled by this conversation. “I didn't have a match last night? I know Amelia and I wrestled on Breakdown almost a week ago now, but that was in San Diego and we've been back home together since getting ready to head out to Dallas for their upcoming pay-per-view. I've had no reason to take a booking back there, and even if I had... I'd been hoping to talk with you actually-”

“I don't know what you think you're trying to pull young lady,” Camila persisted, “but it clearly has something to do with your new friends and they feel like a worse influence on you than that Amelia girl ever was.”

“New friends?” Luz's thoughts were becoming overwhelmed by alarm bells now because way too much wasn't adding up anymore. “Mom... I have made two new friends recently, but I can promise you they're good people! And Ames is still in my life and we're still going strong together!”

“Then why wasn't she with you last night? Why did I see you get led away by an elderly man in a white and gold suit who claimed that you had a new father figure in your life?” was Camila's response.

Luz's jaw dropped at that, and her phone nearly dropped as well. She had no idea what was going on, but she was not liking the picture being painted for her even if there was still a lot of blank spaces that needed to be filled in. First the supposed claim by some random guy that she'd given him her blessing to try and court her girlfriend because their relationship was supposedly “just a gimmick” and now this? If there were two people that held such importance in her life that the idea of betraying either one of them made her violently ill, it was Amelia and her father, and her hopes of being able to make amends with her mother so she could be added to that important list were starting to fade because of something going on that she hadn't been aware of.

“Mom, I need you to listen to me, please...” Luz started to beg, choking up as she spoke. “I don't know what's going on but you know I would never betray or disrespect dad's memory like that. I don't know who you saw or what's going on-”

“I wish I could believe you Luna, I really do,” Camila sighed. “But given where things have gotten between us... unless you've got some concrete proof that something strange is going on, I'm afraid I don't know who to trust right now.”

Before Luz could plead for a chance to prove her claims, the line went dead. All she could do was pull the phone away from her ear and look at it in disbelief, still trying to figure out what the hell had even happened. She returned to the living room almost in a trance, and everyone else noticed that Luz looked like she'd seen a ghost. Amelia was immediately to her feet and pulling her into a hug, but that and her asking what was wrong barely registered to her. Slowly, she found her eyes drifting toward the private investigator, who was still here and looking far more awkward than he did before now, though this was more of a case of him not knowing what to really do as he had no place in whatever was going on this time.

“Mr. Lumis?” she suddenly asked, startling him and everyone else with the formality. “When you were gathering intel on my girlfriend... did you gather anything on me for Ophelia, by chance?”

Ryan took a moment to think. “Only anything that pertained to Amelia directly, which mostly consisted of updates on your relationship with each other that were apparently nothing new to Mrs. Blythe, or so she told me the last time I had contact with her. Although, now that you mention it... I was hired by another client to do just that before Mrs. Blythe contacted me, and I recall her saying that client was a new associate of hers that recommended my services. I wasn't hired to keep an eye on you like I was for Amelia though... that job tasked me with collecting as much information about your past as I could get access to, which the whole 'lucha libre identity' thing complicated. Wouldn't tell me why he needed it, only that it was important for a project he was working on so I assumed it was something more academic in nature from the way he referred to it in conversation.”

“Can you tell me who it was?” Luz pleaded, attempting to pull herself away from Amelia only for Ivy to help restrain her while Gage gave the investigator another death glare over this new information. “Please, I need to know because I think whoever hired you to get it is using it to try and spread a false idea about who I am somehow!”

Ryan looked conflicted, but knew he really had no moral high ground to refuse given that he'd gotten a reality check that had him questioning his entire career up to this point if he'd allowed his greed and desperation to potentially cause more harm than good. With a deep breath, he answered her question with a name that had only recently popped up on the group's radar, but one they planned on getting far more acquainted with in the near future.

“His name was Caleb White.”


AT&T Stadium in Dallas, Texas would soon play host to SCW's Retribution pay-per-view, a night where scores would be settled and the landscape could change with potential new champions at the helm and new challengers being decided. The show was integral to deciding a lot of how the company would operate going forward, especially as word of potential new ownership loomed over the entire roster, and crew members were hard at work getting everything set for the big event knowing full well what this show could mean in the months to come, especially if it meant a chance to make a good impression on whoever may ultimately succeed Mr. D as the one in charge around here.

That said, crew members are not the only faces present as the stage is put together for the evening to come.

In a rare turn of events, The Light In The Darkness are sitting side-by-side in the ring, eyes locked on the set as it slowly comes to life the more work is put into getting it there. They aren't usually ones for being out here this early, but they have their reasons as they slowly intertwine their fingers and take a few deep breaths, almost as though they're meditating together on the challenge that awaits them tonight. Nobody bothers them or tells them that they need to leave, allowing them the perfect opportunity to address the matter at hand without interrupting anything.

“Retribution 2021... Amelia and I would consider that the worst night of our careers, SCW or otherwise. I'm sure everyone knows the story by now: we were one of four teams fighting it out to earn a shot at the SCW World Tag Team Championship, and during the course of that match... everything fell apart for us. First Amelia's neck was injured after being powerbombed out of the ring and I had to go it alone for the rest of the match. Then, I was concussed following a well-placed shot to the skull with a title belt that led to me being pinned and the Golden Boys getting that opportunity we had so desperately wanted to earn. We know full well the injuries weren't our fault because that's the risk that comes with being in this business sometimes, but we still felt like we let everyone down that night. The fans, anybody in the locker room that respected us... ourselves, especially...

It'd be easy to look at how we responded to that and accuse us of a great deal of things, but one thing we will always be is honest with ourselves. As we recovered, we took a good hard look at the lay of the land and felt that we weren't ready to hang with the best of the best that SCW had to offer just yet. We stepped away from SCW and took time to rebuild ourselves, not knowing when we would try again but being certain that SCW had not seen the last of us. It would've been easy to just recover and come right back once we were cleared... it would've been easy for me, as the one with the quicker road to recovery given our respective injuries, to go it alone for a few months and try to make something of myself until Amelia was healthy again. But none of that sat right with us because it doesn't represent what The Light In The Darkness actually is.”

“The Light In The Darkness is more than just a name... it's who we are. This is something that goes beyond SCW or wrestling as a whole... during the darkest points of my life, where I was struggling to break free and figure out who I really am, Luz was the light that guided me to this point. When she found herself being crushed by the burdens of forging her own identity and proving to the world who she truly is, I returned the favor. Ever since we first crossed paths, our lives have been intertwined and no matter how difficult things became, we were there for each other, helping each other learn and grow and fight, overcoming every challenge thrown our way and conquering every demon that tried to drag us down! We were that light keeping one another out of the darkness that threatens to devour us every single day because those challenges, those demons... they don't just stop when you win. They keep coming, pushing us more and more.

Yeah, we walked away from SCW, knowing full well that they might not even give us a second chance. Call us cowards if it suits you. The fact of the matter is that at this show two years ago, we weren't ready... we weren't ready to be our namesake for SCW, we weren't ready to be that hope that not just this company, but wrestling as a whole needs right now. We aren't here to sugarcoat the fact that we failed, just like Luz failed to get out of the first round of Trios or we failed to beat the previous Tag Team Champions... the record books may stare the fact that those losses were by disqualification, but it doesn't change the fact that we failed. And yes, I failed to keep the TV Title beyond my first defense, something that no one has let me forget. In the face of all of that, it'd be easy to assume that the only reason we're still forging ahead is because of the opportunity that awaits us tonight.”

Amelia takes a moment to look around at the empty seats surrounding them, knowing that while they have this moment of relative peace for the time being, they will soon be stepping out here in front of thousands of people for the biggest match of their SCW careers.

“We're not perfect... we'll be the first to admit that. I've made no secret about being raised and trained for this business under the belief that I did have to be perfect, that failure could not be tolerated. And Luz will be the first to tell you that she has put so much of herself into doing this that every setback, no matter how small, feels like someone took a baseball bat to her ribcage. But the fact of the matter is that we didn't come back to SCW to take the easy way to the top. That's why we willingly started over from square one, that's why every failure that has met us thus far has only pushed us to come back stronger than ever, that's why we have treated every challenge that's come our way as though it was a main event match with the highest stakes imaginable. We wanted to do this our way, we wanted to prove to every single soul in that locker room that we are serious about wanting to pay this company back when they had no reason to open the door for us again.”

“That raises a very important question: is tonight our time? Is tonight the night where The Light In The Darkness shakes off the dark cloud that this pay-per-view holds over our heads to reach the top of the mountain? We can stand here and say yes just as much as the House of Frost will tell you no, but the truth of the matter is that we don't have the answer. We can say that we're ready to be Tag Team Champions, that we're ready to bear the burden of carrying the tag division on our backs... it's easy for Selena and Deanna to say we're not ready because they've been in this position for several months now, and Selena especially has been busting her ass to try and carry this entire company on her back for years.

The reality of this scenario tonight is this: how can we know if we're ready if we don't try?”

Luz and Amelia slowly rise to a stand before letting go of one another, the former going to lean on the top rope as she deeply contemplates something before a look of quiet fury overtakes her features.

“Selena, Deanna, let me make something clear to the both of you. Ames and I? We respect the hell out of you. We'd be idiots not to recognize that we are in for the fight of our lives tonight. But as Amelia just said, we're not perfect. Every mistake we've ever made, every failure that has set us back, has only driven us to fight harder and keep evolving so that way we can truly become our namesake not just for SCW, but for this entire industry. If we lose this match, then we will get right back in this ring and face whatever challenge stands in our way to make it back to you so we can fight ever harder the next time to see if you can beat us again. If we walk out as Tag Team Champions, then we want you to come right back at us and hit us harder to see if we can withstand that challenge. We want to be the team that will keep pushing others just as hard as we push ourselves because that is the only way this company is going to survive no matter who's in charge at the end of the day!”

Amelia takes a deep breath as she walks up to lean on the top rope as well, taking a moment to look around the ring.

“Luz and I were both born and raised in this business. To us, wrestling isn't about how many times we can call ourselves champions or what big names we can claim to have beaten as though a single victory means anything in the grand scheme of things. Wrestling is our lives... everything that makes us who we are is on display at all times when we step between these ropes. Every setback is a learning opportunity to get better, every opponent is a change to create that challenge that will make all parties involved push themselves to greater and greater heights. We understand that better than you may think... if we didn't, then this run would have been even shorter than our first. Maybe the Frosts are right and we're not ready yet... if that's the case, then I can promise you right now that it doesn't matter if it takes us months, even years, to get back to this point because we will keep pushing ourselves harder and harder until we are the living embodiment of that hope that keeps SCW and wrestling as a whole alive. Selena, Deanna, we are challenging you to knock us to our lowest point tonight if you can so we can get right back up and tell you both to your faces that your very best wasn't enough to deter us from chasing after you even harder. We made the mistake of letting our demons get the better of us two years ago... we will not make that mistake again.”

“Retribution will be the night that The Light In The Darkness proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we are here to stay. Anybody that thinks they can break us, we challenge you to try so we can keep fighting even if we have nothing left to give. To Mr. D and whoever you're talking to about buying this company, we challenge you to tell us to our faces that we aren't worth being on this roster so we can step up to the plate and prove night after night how much we disagree. And to Selena and Deanna, we challenge you to give us a fight beyond any you've ever had before to prove that you're right about this not being our time yet, because this match will end one of two ways. Either we prove you wrong...”

“...or we meet you next Breakdown and tell you face-to-face to keep carrying this division on your backs because Retribution will not be the last you've seen of Amelia Blythe and La Pequeña Luz because when we earn this opportunity again, we want you to be the ones to test us once more so we can prove to you exactly who the hell we are and what being here means to us.”

With that, Luz and Amelia turn their full attention back to the still-incomplete set, relating to it as they know full well that no matter how many times they are torn down, they will rebuild. The Frosts may not believe that, management may not believe that, even the fans may not believe that... but soon enough, come hell of high water, they will. The couple would make sure of that, no matter what kind of hell that needed to put themselves through to get that message across loud and clear.
[Image: VU13RwA.png]

Tag Team Record: 19-7*
La Pequeña Luz Solo Record: 9-5
Amelia Blythe Solo Record: 5-5-1

*The tag team turmoil on the 9/14/2023 Breakdown is counted in this record as the three separate matches LITD had in the gauntlet up until their elimination.

Breakdown 3/30/2023 - Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In
La Pequeña Luz: 3 Falls
Amelia Blythe: 2 Falls
*Neither one finished high enough to win any championships in this match
*Result listed separately and not counted in records due to lack of clarity on how to count falls

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Television Championship (Amelia Blythe - 29 Days)
SCW Television Championship (La Pequeña Luz - 98 Days)
SCW World Tag Team Championship [2] (1 - 81 Days) (2 - Current)
2023 Tag Team of the Year
2023 Match of the Year (Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In)

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