Blythe/Luz/Wolfe vs. The Holly Adams Brand
The Light in the Darkness (La Pequena Luz & Amelia Blythe) & Cassie Wolfe vs. The Holly Adams Brand (Holly Adams, ??? & ???)

Rise to Greatness XX Main Card

6 RP Limit per team
Deadline: 11:59:59 pm ET Sunday, July 23,2023

[Image: OjZwbEI.png]
69 - 21 - 5

2021 Stable of the Year - A/C Blondetourage Unit (w/ Cidnay Turner and Asher Hayes)
1x SCW Adrenaline Champion (July 24th, 2021 - November 7th, 2021) (106 Days)
Inaugural Majestic Women's Valkyrie Champion (May 31st, 2009)
1x Majestic Women's Valkyrie Champion (May 31st - August 29th, 2009) (90 Days)
2x SCW 24/7 HardCore Champion (June 18th - August, 2011) (70+ Days)

[Image: TcU8wKN.png]
[Image: NEWHAUS_copy.png]

Wonderland To Salvation: A Journey To Nirvana VIP Members

Selena Frost (VIP Member Since November 25th,2021)
The Happy Farmstead Friends ( VIP Members Since December 16th, 2021 with BOGO Deal)
Marie Jones ( VIP Member Since February 3rd,2022 after failing to cancel after 7 Day Trial)
Brittany Lohan (VIP Member Since February 17th, 2022 after joining for a gallon of Creatine.)
Crystal Zdunich (VIP Member Since March 3rd,2022 after seeking help from everyone)
Josh Hudson (Haüs of Nirvana Member Since March 13th, 2022 after Senior Citizen Discount)
[Image: ASrTaiG.jpeg]
[Image: OjZwbEI.png]
69 - 21 - 5

2021 Stable of the Year - A/C Blondetourage Unit (w/ Cidnay Turner and Asher Hayes)
1x SCW Adrenaline Champion (July 24th, 2021 - November 7th, 2021) (106 Days)
Inaugural Majestic Women's Valkyrie Champion (May 31st, 2009)
1x Majestic Women's Valkyrie Champion (May 31st - August 29th, 2009) (90 Days)
2x SCW 24/7 HardCore Champion (June 18th - August, 2011) (70+ Days)

[Image: TcU8wKN.png]
Amelia Blythe and La Pequeña Luz often found themselves looking back on the past and wondering what could've been and where they might be today if things had gone different.

Truth be told, they wouldn't change a thing about the people they were today and how they got to this point, but it was hard not to think back on the lower points of their respective pasts and wondered about what the present would look like if those points in the past had gone in a much more positive direction. Would they have become friends, tag partners, and eventual girlfriends if they didn't have their respective traumas to bond over and help one another through? Would Amelia have even become a wrestler at all if she didn't feel like she had no choice but to follow her family's legacy at first? Would Luz have put so much pressure on herself to forge her own path if her father was still alive to talk her out of feeling like she had to follow in his exact footsteps?

Perhaps the most pertinent one to where they now stood in their SCW careers was the question of what their very first Rise to Greatness experience would've been like if they hadn't both gotten injured two years ago. Would they have gone into that momentous pay-per-view event as the Tag Team Champions, or with a shot at the titles? Would they have found themselves embroiled in a bitter feud that pushed them to make the most of their first taste of SCW's grandest stage? Who would they have crossed paths with and in what capacity? At this point, the couple could only speculate on what could've been and whether or not they'd be feeling the nerves now if they'd had that prior experience to truly remind themselves that no matter how big the stage may be, this was still ultimately just another match once that bell rang.

To think that back in 2021 when they could've had that first exposure to SCW's brightest lights, Holly Adams was somewhat more bearable, having only herself to rely on and at least backing up her arrogance in the ring when asked to do so.

It was a little weird to think of the situation they had found themselves in going into their very first Rise to Greatness, working together with Cassie Wolfe weeks after she and Luz had a highly competitive match with one another to take on a common enemy. The fact that Holly and her cohorts had tried to steal the spotlight after Luz's win that night and not only had her press secretary brush off the couple purely because neither one of them were born in America despite having citizenship for years at this point but also hearing them put Cassie down in an attempt to make her their next “Brand success story” purely to stroke Holly's ego grated on their nerves, but watching week after week as Holly made the bare minimum effort to adhere to her contract and take all the credit for the “success” that came from it infuriated them. Regardless of how they were raised, both women came from cultures that highly valued and respected hard work and dedication, especially in the wrestling business.

You knew it was bad when Amelia would full on admit that even her parents would find Holly irritating and a disgrace to wrestling, and for perhaps the first time in as long as she could remember, she'd willingly be in agreement with them on that assessment.

Regardless of who they found themselves up against and the unknowns that still surrounded this match regarding Holly's partners, it was very obvious that Amelia and Luz had their full focus on Rise to Greatness, though for far more than just their very first time competing upon this sacred card. While working with Cassie to put Holly in her place and hopefully humble her even a little bit was their top priority, the couple had other plans in the works that, in their minds, ensured that they could at least make a Rise to Greatness moment of their own on the show's 20th incarnation. If everything went off without a hitch, then even if Holly somehow found a way to steal the victory then they could at least call the night a success from a personal standpoint and try to parlay that into grasping the success that had been eluding them in the second half of the year.

The one thing all their loved ones found the most amusing about this whole plan is that both women were hiding some bonus plans from one another, and those secret plans were 100% identical.

As the couple laid out the elaborate entrance they wanted to do for Rise to Greatness in order to get some help in putting all the pieces together, they had each separately pulled everyone aside to let slip some more romantic intentions they wanted kept a secret to truly make this a moment to remember. While they had all agreed and were extremely happy at the idea of the two finally taking the next step in their relationship, it wasn't lost on them just how perfectly Luz and Amelia fit together and truly deserved this kind of happiness. After all, how often do you find a couple who both come up with the same exact plan to sneak a proposal to the other and want everyone to keep it a secret so that everything can come together without the other person knowing, completely oblivious that the other is scheming the exact same idea?

“They're truly going to make Rise to Greatness a night to remember, alright,” Ivy had joked out of earshot of Luz and Amelia, and everyone else could only laugh and nod in agreement.

Despite the beautiful irony, none of them could blame the two for wanting to propose to one another on the biggest wrestling stage they may ever set foot on in their careers. Wrestling meant everything to them, having been a significant part of their lives since their respective births. Luz had fully embraced the legacy she was born into and was more than happy to follow in her father's footsteps while forging her own path. Amelia, on the other hand, hadn't been given a choice but to be the latest link in the Blythe chain, but once she had gotten out from her parents' influence she found that she truly did enjoy being a wrestler and seized the opportunity to use the business to rebuilt herself into a much better overall person. Wrestling had been how they met, the fire that forged their friendship from the embers of a fierce rivalry, the vehicle through which they had only grown closer and truly learned to understand one another on a much deeper level from how intricate their teamwork had become. As far as everyone was concerned... proposing during their entrance at Rise to Greatness was the perfect culmination of their relationship and how much wrestling had been a huge factor in how it was built.

While it wasn't the reason why they were doing it in such a public way (and they hated the implication of that being the case because it felt like it undermined how much they truly loved one another), this impending double proposal would also truly put the final nail in the coffin of any lingering beliefs that Amelia was engaged to the Golden Prodigy of The Empire, Henry White. At this point, doing any further damage to all the carefully laid plans of that group and its leader's bizarre insistence that Amelia and Luz be a part of his delusional desire to “purify” the wrestling business and take it all the way back to the real old school days of pure grappling and nothing else was a huge win in their books. They still had no idea what Caleb's obsession with the two of them was all about other than having some sort of connection to their respective fathers, but right now they didn't even want to think about him or his nephew or any of their cronies.

While they doubted they'd seen the last of him, especially knowing Amelia's parents would likely enact their own schemes in the meantime, freeing Valentina from his twisted game altogether and putting him in trouble with the law down in Mexico would hopefully silence The Empire and give them some peace for a little while to actually just enjoy themselves and moments like Rise to Greatness.

Considering that a show of this magnitude was bound to take over the city playing host to it for days beforehand, it wasn't a surprise that everyone had converged on the city of Toronto to enjoy both it and the festivities leading up to the big event. Ivy was just happy to be there supporting her friends and getting to see their big moment, especially after seeing how far Amelia had come since the day when they'd been forced to sever all ties as kids. Camila couldn't wait to see her daughter in action for the first time in an SCW ring and on its biggest stage as well as bearing witness to one of the happiest moments in her daughter's life, a moment she never thought she'd get to see after their relationship fell apart in the wake of her husband's untimely death. Edward and Emily were gladly awaiting the moment they could start teasing their little sister about finally “putting a ring on it” and soon becoming Amelia Nevado (assuming that was Luz's actual last name considering her mom and newly adopted sister), a possibility that hadn't been discussed yet for the soon-to-be-fiancées but the twins knew and couldn't blame Amelia for wanting to sever herself from the Blythe name entirely. Gage was pumped about getting to attend his very first Rise to Greatness in person, and the amount of planning he was putting into his own little celebration of the impending proposal had the others wondering if Luz and Amelia would consider asking him to help with wedding planning. Valentina was simply in awe of getting to be a part of all of this since she was officially adopted into the Nevado family and free of being tied to Caleb in any way, admitting to herself that Amelia had a point about this becoming easier to feel comfortable with the more she takes part.

Luz and Amelia were grateful that they had training and all the little preparations to distract them from the nerves of their very first Rise to Greatness, because despite all of their plans the cherry on top would definitely be putting Holly and her Brand in their place.

Perhaps that was why all their loved ones found them locked in a rather unusual routine when they all met up to go grab some lunch.

As they all entered the gym where the couple had been getting some training in, they were stunned to find a private room cleared out just for Luz and Amelia to do what they needed to do. One of those bluetooth speakers was sitting near the wall, currently blasting a rather upbeat and fast-paced tune that Gage swore came from a video game he'd played a long time ago. The couple, both dressed down to just sports bras and spandex shorts which allowed them maximum freedom of movement but was definitely a shock to see as the two always made a point of trying to wear a little more when they worked out especially in a public space, were in the midst of a dance with one another that definitely put the fast-paced waltz they normally did for their entrance to shame. What made it more fascinating was that it mostly resembled the dance they'd been working on as part of their Rise to Greatness entrance, getting themselves in rhythm with the song that would play for it, but there would be various points where the two would transition into either an impressive miniature display of acrobatics or a show of technical wrestling prowess with one another before seamlessly slipping right back into the dance.

As if that wasn't impressive enough, careful observation from Ivy revealed a sight that was familiar to her: both of them had weights around their wrists and ankles, turning every motion from the two into a strength-building workout on top of it all. While they looked nowhere near her powerful physique, she could tell this wasn't some spur-of-the-moment decision and had likely been a part of their dance practice and maybe even overall workout for maybe a few weeks now because they were both looking stronger.

As the song entered its final beats, Luz and Amelia tightly gripped one another's hands as they spun around for a dizzying amount of time, never breaking their focus on one another until that very last beat when Amelia dipped Luz, both of them gritting their teeth from holding this pose with the weights on, but after a moment Luz was pulled back to an upright position and the couple exchanged smiles and a kiss before the sound of applause broke their concentration as they finally realized their friends and family had arrived.

“Bravo! Bravo!” Gage cheered with a grin.

“Get it, Ames!” Edward laughed with a waggle of his eyebrows, which earned him a smack to the shoulder from his twin when Luz and Amelia's faces both went crimson.

“¡Lo siento! We must've gotten too focused and lost track of time!” Luz exclaimed in embarrassment.

“Hey, don't worry about it. We've kind of gotten used to you two getting into a zone and tuning everything else out,” Ivy noted, a light teasing tone to her voice as she approached the couple. “How long have you been doing this with the weights, if you don't mind me asking?”

“Two, maybe three weeks now?” Amelia replied after a moment of thinking. “We thought using it to help turn our dance practice for our entrance into more of a workout all its own would really help is gain some extra strength, just in case we need it for keeping someone larger in a hold.”

“Or needing to get more height and distance on a leap of faith!” Luz added, which elicited a chuckle and an affectionate shake of the head from her mother.

“Well, I can certainly see results,” Ivy admitted. “I might have to consider trying this sometime... the extra weights thing on top of what I usually lift, not the dancing thing.”

“I don't remember you being that bad whenever we tried dancing as kids Ivy,” Amelia mused, garnering a laugh and an eye roll from her old friend.

“Just don't push yourselves too hard before your big match,” Camila chimed in as everyone watched the couple start removing the weights and letting them fall to the floor with audible thuds. “It's never a wise idea to try and get large results in too short a time frame because that's how muscles get strained and torn.”

“We've been making sure not to do too much of this in one sitting, mamá,” Luz confirmed.

“Lo siento, cariño,” Camila responded. “You know I'm just looking out for you both as your mother and as a doctor. Speaking of the former, though, I'm quite surprised at your current state of dress given how close the two of you have been through that entire-”

“MOM!” Luz whined as she went so red beneath her mask that she could put tomatoes to shame.

“We apologize, Ms. Nevado,” Amelia sheepishly said as her face also went quite red again. “We normally don't feel comfortable wearing this little when we train even if it's still acceptable workout attire, but we needed as much freedom of movement as possible for the routine we were doing so we didn't accidentally hurt ourselves because something got in the way.”

“Taking some of my advice on weight training?” Ivy asked, her tone rising a bit near the end as she was unable to hide the hope that currently gripped at her heart.

“If there's anyone I know to trust when it comes to proper weight training,” Amelia replied, “it's the expert.”

As the conversations continued with Gage and the twins even jumping in, Luz and Amelia both noticed Valentina nervously scuffing at the floor over by the door, clearly hesitant about following suit. They were at least happy to see she'd taken their advice about figuring out who she truly wanted to be given that it was a lot harder to mistake her for Luz's twin now without the mask. While the facial structure was still identical, she'd taken quite a few steps to give herself her own identity from getting her nose and one of her ears pierced to having her hair dyed a dirty blonde color with the tips dyed a greenish-blue color. Her attire had kind of taken on a bit of a punk aesthetic, which she claimed helped her to connect to whoever she was before Caleb had adopted her into his insanity despite his best attempts to completely erase that part of her life.

Luz couldn't help but softly smile and nod to Amelia before she slipped away from the rest of the group to go join the newest member of their ever-growing little group.

“You alright, V?” she asked, startling Valentina a bit.

“Y-Yeah, sorry...” she said nervously. “It's just... you guys are all clearly very close and this is all coming so natural to you. I just became a part of all of this and... and...”

“You're afraid you won't fit in? Or that you'll mess up and we'll have a reason to hate you again” Luz tried to finish for her. When she saw Valentina nod, she took a deep breath before putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I know that Caleb really messed you up... I don't even want to think about whatever the heck that nutjob put you through because I don't think he's ever really been all there from everything we do know. But trust me when I say that I know exactly how you feel... I grew up the weirdo nobody wanted to hang out with, after all. The fact that I was the daughter of one of Mexico's greatest luchadors didn't matter to them, they'd just bully me thinking it would somehow impress my dad. I've also made plenty of mistakes over the years... mistakes that played a role in tearing a rift between myself and mom, mistakes that have held me back in my wrestling career or cost me matches, but I am who I am today because I learned from all of them. Because of that, I have friends who accept me for who I am now, I have my mom back in my life... I have a woman who will hopefully say yes when I ask her the most important question of our lives. And we're all here for you, ready to help you feel like you belong in our little found family of sorts because you truly do, hermana.”

That trademark grin of hers was the exclamation point that left Valentina in awe once again of the woman who had so openly and unashamedly accepted her, after everything, as her sister. She could see in her eyes that Luz was telling the truth... she had acknowledged all of the mistakes of hers that Caleb had made her study with the intent of making her into “Luz if she were perfect” and up until now it had never truly dawned on her that all of those mistakes were truly made Luz into who she was today. She was flawed and she proudly wore that on her sleeve, knowing that she could always find something new to push herself into improving either inside the ring or out.

“Thank you... hermana...” Valentina softly replied, still getting used to the idea of having a sister and referring to Luz as such. “For what it's worth? I seriously doubt she will, but Amelia would be a fool to not say yes when you pop that question to her before you both go down to the ring and kick the implants right out of that blonde bimbo's ass.”

“Language, mija,” Camila lightly scolded as she walked over to join both of her daughters, a thought she never believed she'd accept especially after losing her husband but that was her reality now and she couldn't be happier, especially with how much her newest daughter had been healing once she was rescued from The Empire. “Though I do agree with everything she just said... I never liked anyone peddling those scams claiming they can help and heal you spiritually all just by paying them every penny you have and listening to advice that's inadequate at best.”

“That's just one of the things that made Ames and I sick watching Holly and her Brand think they ran everything after we went down,” Luz responded. “I'd like to think I know how to help people if they just give me a chance... her way of 'helping' isn't it, and this whole charade she's been putting on for the past month or so just spits in the face of everything we bust our butts to achieve.”

“You truly have grown into an incredibly kind and helpful young woman, mija,” Camila said as she gently kissed Luz on the forehead of her mask. “And the fact that you're going to be marrying one such person who you've helped tremendously over the years, even when I regrettably had a part to play in not making that an easy task, just makes me so happy to call myself your mother.”

“...she has to say 'yes' first...” Luz nervously mumbled as she crossed an arm over her midsection, her hand rubbing her other arm in a bid to try and calm herself down.

Camila and Valentina exchanged a look before they replied in sync, throwing Luz for a loop since you'd think they'd been living together for years with how perfectly it lined up.

“She's going to say yes.”

On the other side of the room, Amelia was just as nervous discussing the same matter with her friends and siblings, who had just given her that very same collective response when she started to doubt that Luz might say 'yes' to her proposal.

“How do you know?” Amelia asked, hints of skepticism lacing her tone.

“Do you really need us to answer that?” Edward replied, an eyebrow raising.

“It's not that I don't trust you Ed,” Amelia responded. “It's just... what if something goes wrong with this whole thing? What if the fans don't accept me doing this? What if we have some sort of accident with our entrance and one of us gets seriously hurt again, or worse? What if she doesn't want to answer until after the match and we somehow lose and she decides not to-”

Amelia suddenly cut herself off when Gage gently laid a hand on her shoulder, drawing all her attention to him.

“Repeat after me, OK?” he told her before he took a deep breath, raising fingers until he reached four before he exhaled, slowly putting all four fingers down as he did so. He repeated this once more with Amelia breathing along with him this time. It was a slightly different breathing technique than what she and Luz had been using over the years, but it did the trick all the same as she slowly got a handle on her own thoughts again. “Feeling better?”

“Yeah... thank you...” she carefully admitted, a hand rubbing her arm. “Where did you learn that?”

“It's a little trick my dad taught me that he uses whenever he's nervous before needing to cover a big story,” Gage admitted. “I know it's one of many breathing techniques out there, but it's got its special meaning for me.”

“That said, you can definitely trust all of us when we tell you that everything's going to be fine,” Ivy chimed in. “We've been doing our part since you talked SCW into letting us help to make absolutely sure that everything goes off without a hitch for this, especially since their crew has a great track record with safety regarding these more elaborate entrances. As for the fans... if this city can virtually blackball a baseball pitcher for homophobic remarks, then I think it's safe to say all of Toronto will be honored that you chose them to bear witness to your proposal.”

“Plus, you know Luz well enough to know that the moment she sees that ring she'll probably agree to marry you before the question even leaves your mouth,” Edward added. “The two of you love each other so much that I'm pretty sure if there was a rejection then the world would probably end on the spot.”

“I know... you're all right and I know it...” Amelia paused to take another deep breath. “It's just... it's hard not to worry because I want this whole thing to be perfect.”

“Amelia, look at me,” Emily firmly told her, waiting until she had her little sister's undivided attention before continuing. “I can swear to you, on my life, that Luz wouldn't care if this was perfect or not. Heck, the two of you could walk out of that pay-per-view the moment you pop the question and get married in an alleyway somewhere near the arena wearing nothing but potato sacks, and you know Luz would probably think it was the greatest wedding of all time. I know how mom and dad have conditioned you sis, but even if you can't find it in yourself to trust me or Ed, then trust in Luz to be willing to spend the rest of her life with the person she went out of her way to save from the darkness by living up to her namesake.”

“And before you start thinking that mom or dad or anybody else is going to ruin this, they'll have to go through us first,” Edward added. “Em and I are sick of our parents always trying to get their way and trying to break you especially because of this stupid obsession with a legacy. Maybe we'll joke about you taking her name and becoming Amelia Luz or however it works with whatever her secret real name is, but at the end of the day it's a legacy that both of you are making together with no one else to tell you how to build it, and that's the least you deserve because I know, as your brother, that it'll make you happy in a way that nothing and nobody else ever could.”

Amelia couldn't help but wipe a tear from her eye at how much support everyone was giving her, especially her siblings after years of being forced to treat them as her competition instead of her brother and sister. As loud as her parents' voices were in her head, as they always tended to be right before something big happened in her life or career, they were all determined to be louder to drown them out and allow her to see for herself that she was getting all stressed out over nothing.

It was at this moment that Amelia and Luz happened to catch the other glancing at them, their eyes locking as a moment passed before they were both smiling, their minds giving way to only thoughts of the best case scenario where they proposed to the other and it was accepted before they made a statement in the ring like only they could on under the brightest lights in all the business. There was an obvious twist that neither one was aware of that would actually result in an even better scenario, but that was a surprised best kept secret for now.

“Sorry again that we kind of lost track of time guys,” Luz said as everyone came together once more.

“We're going to get get changed and cleaned up quick and then we'll all head out to get something to eat,” Amelia added as she extended her hand and Luz took it, their fingers threading together perfectly.

“No funny business, you two,” Camila warned in that scolding motherly tone, though she did snicker a bit near the end to make ti clear she was just having a little fun with them. They both went crimson again but nodded in understanding before they gathered up their things and headed off to the locker room.

The group was quiet for a moment to make sure they were out of hearing range before Gage broke it. “You think they're going to figure out beforehand that they're both planning to propose at the same time in the exact same way?”

“Oh, definitely not,” Emily laughed. “I love Amelia dearly and I'm thankful for all Luz has done to help her out of our parents' clutches, but those two are such oblivious disasters sometimes and it shouldn't be this fun to watch it happen.”

“Who wants to bet on who pops the question first?” Valentina offered, grinning as she felt accepted when it seemed like her idea was being considered.

“No bets,” Camila warned. “We can have our fun, but putting actual money or stakes on their relationship is something I doubt they'd appreciate.”

“All I know is that those two deserve to be happy together,” Ivy said, which earned a nod from everyone else. “And after all the work they've both put in to get to this point after being broken in their own respective ways, I'll be damned if anyone thinks they can get away with ruining this for them.”


We open up in what is known as Maple Leaf Square, the area in Toronto where Scotiabank Arena is located. There is heavy sign of SCW activity as it looks like crews are in the middle of setting up for the fanfest that will take place right alongside the Rise to Greatness Pre-Show in this very building, all to build further anticipation for the crown jewel of SCW's pay-per-view lineup tomorrow night over at the Rogers Centre. We pan back a bit to get a wider shot of all the work being put into preparing for a weekend that Toronto will never forget, and as we do we find two familiar faces standing across the street just taking it all in, hand-in-hand. Amelia Blythe and La Pequeña Luz look almost in awe of everything, which would make sense when you realize this would be their first opportunity to properly experience it all as members of the SCW roster. The idea of being able to meet so many of their fans from all over the world, all of whom would definitely be hoping they emerge victorious tomorrow night, is like nothing they've ever experienced before, and that's to say nothing of whatever they have planned for their Rise to Greatness debut and how far they will push themselves to make sure their night ends on a high note.

“This is almost surreal... to think that we could have had this experience for the very first time two years ago had things not gone south for us. And yet, being able to stand here and say that the 20th incarnation of SCW's biggest show of the year will be our first just makes it mean that much more to us. Yeah, maybe we could have done more heading into this show... we were given the blessing we sought and told to end our self-imposed exile because we were ready, after all, to try and become Tag Team Champions that would actually respect those titles and this division more that our current champions. But as much as we agree with Selena and Deanna on Ace and Ravyn desperately needing to be humbled, we're also women who respect the value of dedication and hard work, and to be honest... this will actually be the first time we've gotten to team together again since our clash with Simon and Amy back at Playing the Wildcard, so as far as we're concerned we haven't truly earned another shot even if that's what we desire.”

“Bree earned the opportunity for her and Datura, just as The One did for herself and Pro. On the subject of opportunities, we know that we haven't been able to make the most of a lot of ours lately. Luz with the Underground Title, myself in the finals of the U.S. Title tournament, Taking Hold of the Flame... yes, those setbacks hurt, but that's the name of the game in this business. We've been knocked down more than we'd like, but we always get back up and work to improve ourselves, learning from our mistakes so that we can become the athletes that we want to be... that all of you want us to be. We don't know when that day will come when we can call ourselves champions in some capacity, but Luz and I know that whenever that may be, we will have earned it.

That, in a nutshell, sums up why we've taken such an issue with Holly Adams and this whole game she's been playing for weeks now.”

Luz reaches into the pocket of her jeans shorts and pulls out what looks like a folded up brochure. When she unfolds it and holds it up, we can clearly see that it's one for the Holly Adams Brand and all of their “services.” Given the wear and tear of the brochure, it looks like the two have gone through it quite thoroughly, though it's highly doubtful they were doing so in search of a way for Holly to “help” them.

“While we were rebuilding ourselves for our eventual return to this company, we watched as Holly established her Brand and thought it entitled her to ask all of SCW to bow down and kiss her ass. She expected to be handed everything just because she claims it's all to help those who pay for her to save them... from what, I don't think even she knows. She recruited the madman known as Giovanni Aries to be her Brand's 'spiritual advisor' and somehow convinced the legendary Cid Turner that she could help him so that he, in turn, could help others himself, something he legitimately tried to do. And yet, along the way, it became clear just how shallow and greedy Holly truly was. Cookie Dreams faded from the Brand when Holly saw no further use for her in spite of the actual bond she found with Cid, Datura was coerced into being a project of theirs until her friends helped her regain her confidence properly... even Cid finally had enough and humbled Holly in what may have very well been his final match, damaging her ego enough that she declared an 'off-season' for the Brand and they all disappeared.”

“Holly can claim that Cid was a success story of hers, but that man was a legend long before Holly sunk her claws into him and the career renaissance he had was nothing short of impressive... all on his own skills too. Giovanni may have gotten a World Title opportunity, but that was more because he seemed to have Selena's number during her last World Title reign and she proved how much she'd learned from those past shortcomings when it mattered most. Yes, Datura did become Adrenaline Champion while with them at this event last year, but Giovanni practically handed it to her and Holly tried to exploit that after the fact to transfer the title to somebody else within her Brand as 'a learning experience.' Heck, for as much as their careers seemed to turn around, how much of the achievements of Samuel Davis and that poor woman he spent so many years teaming with who Holly turned into a walking billboard of sorts can they truly claim was their own doing and not because the Brand practically gave it to them on a silver platter for a false confidence boost?

I'm asking this with the utmost sincerity because we're dying to know... who has Holly Adams actually helped through all of this?”

Luz and Amelia exchange looks, knowing that question won't be answered right now and they're certain Holly would have quite the “answer” to give them, but the concern on their faces is clear.

“Do you want to know what it truly means to help someone? Years ago when I first crossed paths with Amelia, she had been conditioned to believe she was only her to expand upon her family's wrestling legacy, a wrestling machine who had to show no emotion whatsoever and who had suffered an unbelievable amount of abuse at the hands of her own parents to become that way. We started off as bitter rivals just because one little moment of me keeping her from winning a match we were both involved in led to an all-out war. The more we fought, however, the more I saw glimpses that the person I was warring with wasn't the real Amelia Blythe, and it all came to a head when I became responsible for her very first pro wrestling defeat. I found her backstage on the verge of a meltdown, afraid of how her parents were going to react to her defeat and lashing out at me for ruining the perfection she was never supposed to allow to be tarnished. In that moment, I reached out to her and empathized with all the pressure she was under, because I wasn't doing much better in that department. I had no reason to do so, nothing to gain, and yet I offered her a shoulder to lean on and somebody to vent all her frustrations to anyway. That small act of genuine kindness is what got her started on the road that led to the Amelia Blythe you all know today... yes, I gained a friend and eventual partner out of it, but none of that was immediately apparent on that night so many years ago when I offered a helping hand to someone who needed it. The person Amelia became and all the success she'd found since then? All her own doing... I simply showed her that there was another way.”

Amelia can't help but wipe a tear away as she leans over and kisses the cheek of Luz's mask, the luchadora grinning from ear to ear as Amelia then takes the brochure from her and tears it in half.

“On that night, Luz showed that she cared about me even though I gave her every reason to hate me and want to keep being a rival, not a friend. From there, I slowly became the person I truly wanted to be, offering that same opportunity to friends and family members who my parents forced me to sever all ties with because to them, you're only useful if you have connections or wealth or anything to offer that benefits them and no one else. Sound familiar Holly? I doubt you'll acknowledge that, but it's not hard to see why I've taken my own issue with you because the only person Holly Adams cares about is Holly Adams. The fact that you've built your brand to revolve around you and 'helping' people try to get as close to being like you as possible while you make a profit off of it goes beyond wrestling in terms of just how much you think you can get away with because in your own little world, everything is perfect because you say it is. Sorry Holly, but Luz and I have learned the hard way several times over that reality is a lot more brutal than that, and sooner or later people like you get everything that's coming to them. You can try to avoid it, like how you stepped away after the likes of Cid and Bree and Alexis Quinne finally gave you a long overdue reality check, but eventually you'll find that there's only so much you can do before you finally have to swallow that bitter pill.

One can only hope that you finally understand once you take your medicine, but sadly, we doubt that. People like you are too self-absorbed to actually change for the better that easily.”

Luz reaches over to take Amelia's hands, still holding the torn brochure pieces, and we see the two of them slowly begin to reshape it into something else as they keep talking, the synergy of their movements even as they don't even pay attention to their little project mesmerizing in and of itself.

“The saddest part about all of this is that there was a time when Holly actually tried... yeah, she still used whatever tactics she felt were necessary to get the win and constantly tried to surround herself with help, but when she had to stand alone and face the consequences of her decisions and actions she actually did it. I hate to say it Holly but you are a former champion in several regards for a reason. But ever since you started this Brand you've just... stopped trying. Any way you can weasel your way into a title opportunity without actually doing anything, you'll take it. You made an attempt to hold the World Title hostage all because you beat Selena by DQ and tried to make up every excuse in the book when the definitive result was in her favor. And then, these past few weeks... you can claim otherwise all you want, but we're not blind or stupid. We know you've been dressing someone up to wrestle as 'Holly Adams' while you 'worked remotely' in a business where you can't really do that. The one time you actually show up, like you were supposed to, it's just to take all the credit for the work your poorly-dressed doppelganger did and then attempt to take out Cassie just because she rightfully didn't want to be treated like she was just supposed to be fodder for your return... if we can even call any of this a return.”

“Between all of that, the way you've spat in the face of this business and all of us who actually show up and break our backs to do this job week in and week out regardless of how they act, the fact that you clearly don't care enough about us that you just boil it down to 'we're smart' and leave it at both that and our respective ethnicities—which is no surprise given some of what we've heard regarding a certain incident with your name all over it last year—you should honestly be grateful that us taking issue with you is the reason why you have a match on the Rise to Greatness card at all. You don't even have any real right to complain considering that you have an advantage here because neither Cassie nor us know what to expect given that you're the only person we know for sure will show up... maybe. Giovanni could return to fight alongside you, or maybe Samuel or that poor girl you kept changing the name of every single week as a way to entertain yourself. Maybe the three of us will find ourselves facing off against some legends from SCW's past that you somehow managed to convince to help you... or maybe you'll set the bar even lower by actually finding some random people off the street and making a mockery of this whole thing. All we can do is prepare for the biggest fight of our lives, just in case, and put our best foot forward.”

“After all, it's our very first Rise to Greatness, and we're determined to not only prove that those willing to actually put in the work will always prevail...”

“...but that true love always wins over ignorance.”

As the couple finish on that note, they hold up their hands to reveal that they've turned the remnants of the Holly Adams Brand brochure into an origami heart, proving that you can still bring about something truly beautiful even from something ugly and hateful. This sight is what we linger on for a few moments before the scene fades, the words of The Light In The Darkness left to resonate with anybody who may have been on the fence about whether or not Holly could help them, hopefully saving them and their money before it's too late.


Rise to Greatness XX is underway and the fans are at a fever pitch, ready for SCW's biggest night of action all year. The Toronto crowd is pumped like no other, and the atmosphere couldn't be more electric.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime feeling for the young couple as they look down on it all, ready to become a part of the festivities in their own unique way.

High in the rafters above the stage, hidden from sight, Luz and Amelia stand, hand-in-hand, atop a large purple and gold platform decorated with crescent moons inside of suns, their symbol. The way they're dressed, the energy flowing through them, the motivation to get down to that ring and kick some ass... tonight, they feel united like never before, and that feeling only intensifies as they both think about what they have planned in a few moments once their music for the night hits.

Both girls subconsciously reach into the pockets of the tailcoats they're wearing with their free hands, feeling the ring box tucked away and waiting to be unveiled to the girl standing right beside them, unaware of the mirrored intentions of said partner. Even now, with the moment upon them, they are none the wiser of the other's intentions, making sure there's no hint of what they each have planned to the other as their hands are removed from their pockets and they share one final glance before the platform starts to lower.

“Are you ready to make our mark on this night?” Amelia asks.

“With you by my side? Always,” is Luz's reply as the song hits and their show begins.
[Image: VU13RwA.png]

Tag Team Record: 19-7*
La Pequeña Luz Solo Record: 9-5
Amelia Blythe Solo Record: 5-5-1

*The tag team turmoil on the 9/14/2023 Breakdown is counted in this record as the three separate matches LITD had in the gauntlet up until their elimination.

Breakdown 3/30/2023 - Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In
La Pequeña Luz: 3 Falls
Amelia Blythe: 2 Falls
*Neither one finished high enough to win any championships in this match
*Result listed separately and not counted in records due to lack of clarity on how to count falls

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Television Championship (Amelia Blythe - 29 Days)
SCW Television Championship (La Pequeña Luz - 98 Days)
SCW World Tag Team Championship [2] (1 - 81 Days) (2 - Current)
2023 Tag Team of the Year
2023 Match of the Year (Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In)
[Image: NEWHAUS_copy.png]

Wonderland To Salvation: A Journey To Nirvana VIP Members

Selena Frost (VIP Member Since November 25th,2021)
The Happy Farmstead Friends ( VIP Members Since December 16th, 2021 with BOGO Deal)
Marie Jones ( VIP Member Since February 3rd,2022 after failing to cancel after 7 Day Trial)
Brittany Lohan (VIP Member Since February 17th, 2022 after joining for a gallon of Creatine.)
Crystal Zdunich (VIP Member Since March 3rd,2022 after seeking help from everyone)
Josh Hudson (Haüs of Nirvana Member Since March 13th, 2022 after Senior Citizen Discount)
(Keira was used with permission from her handler)

Cassie got a measure of revenge against Holly Addams last week by interrupting her press conference and now at Road to Glory she was teaming up with The Light in the Darkness (La Pequena Luz and Amelia Blythe) to take on the Holly Addams Brand! Holly Addams and two mystery partners! Can Cassie get the win at the biggest SCW Show of the year?

Hero Academy, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 24th of July 2023, 11:00am

Well, this week has gotten interesting.

Whilst my half sister Krystal is halfway across the world causing mayhem in the other SCW I’m over here in the states still plying my trade, not just in my SCW either because I’ve been raking in the big bucks since I signed with EWC with Harper! In fact that was why me and Harper were coming here originally, to iron out the details of a little idea we had.

And if you pay attention to the hellscape that is modern day Twitter than you know what I’m talking about already! Team Hero 2.0 except not formed by a lesbian couple and instead two metalhead friends who happen to be trainees of that lesbian couple! So what changed? Well, it all started with an e-mail I got from the daughter of a controversial former wrestler called Steve Ramone asking me to put her in contact with Keira about training at Hero Academy.

Me and Harp were coming down anyway but this? Well, it changed some things, like Jessie being here instead of China!

”Morning guys, sorry we’re a bit late, me and Harp managed to sleep in.” I apologized to Jessie and Keira as we entered the gym, the rest of the trainees were off doing their own thing but Jessie and Keira were talking to a brunette girl who couldn’t be much older than a high schooler at least. ”Err, guys?”

“Oh sorry Cass, I didn’t see you there.” Keira apologized as she spotted me and Harper walk up to the trio, Keira leaned against the ring apron before motioning to the girl. “Meet Sophie Ramone, but I think you know her already.”

“Pleasure to meet you at last Cass.” Sophie responded with a sheepish grin as she extended her hand out to me for a handshake, I took it and Jessie promptly shook her head.

”Okay, pleasantries out of the way? Yes? Good, now we can get to the point I wanted to address.” Jessie responded with a scowl as she looked over the girl. ”How old are you exactly Sophie?”

“I just turned fifteen.” Sophie informed the veteran wrestler and I shared a look with Harper, I was a high school football player when I was Sophie’s age, Harper was a high school wrestling standout at that age but jumping into wrestling training already?! “I know I’m young but I want this.”

“It’s the fact that your so young that concerns me.” Keira sighed as she ran a hand down her face. “Harper’s our youngest graduate and she’s turning nineteen in September! I know she and Cass have had success.”

”And we’ve already seen that success go to Cass’s head! Or do I need to remind you of that whole “I’m going to ruin another girl’s title shot because I got screwed out of a title” saga?” Jessie quickly chimed in as she glanced over at me and I quickly turned away, I was not proud of that saga to say the least. ”Harper’s still the KCW TV Champ but the KCW Situation’s up in the air at the moment, isn’t it?”

”Yeah, they’ve gone silent on Twitter and everything.” Harper nodded in response as she brushed some of her dirty blonde hair over her shoulder. ”What are you getting at Jess?”

”Cass had just turned nineteen when she graduated, Harper, as mentioned, is eighteen, I have no problem putting them through the rigors of wrestling training because they are on the verge of being adult women, you? You’re still young enough to be sent to juvenile hall if you get arrested.” Jessie pointed out and Keira nodded in agreement as she was clearly taking Jessie’s side in this. ”For that matter? Harper’s the youngest student I’ve ever seen here, why should Keira take a chance on a fifteen-year-old? And don’t say it’s because you have a famous wrestling daddy because Steve’s a forgotten relic at this point!”

“It’s because of the legacy my dad left behind!” Sophie asserted firmly and we all turned our attention to her. “When the GWA closed and he left wrestling to look after my mom whilst she was pregnant with me, he left behind a legacy to be respected! But then he came back and joined SCW a few years ago, and his actions with that Kaylee woman have tarnished his legacy.” Sophie let out a sad sigh as she leaned against the ring apron. “My mom hasn’t been the same since my dad divorced her, to the point where she flat out refused to let me train and follow in his footsteps! I’m only here today because mom doesn’t know I’m here.”

”You snuck out?” Jessie asked and Sophie nodded, I didn’t remember much of Steve’s wife Charlotte, but she seemed nice enough whenever she showed up. ”You realize that your mom’s going to be worried sick?”

“She’ll understand someday, but I must redeem my family’s name.” Sophie asserted and we shared a look before Keira chimed in.

“Cass, Harper? Go get hanged, I want you to take on Sophie in a Triple Threat.” Keira instructed us earning a surprised look from everyone before she added. “If she lasts five minutes and put on an impressive showing? I’ll. Train her for three years, if she’s good enough to graduate by then she’ll have a graduation match, if not?”

“I get the idea.” Sophie nodded and me and Harp quickly went off to the ladies changing room, I swear Las Vegas must be a wrestling prodigy hotbed because Sophie had no issues keeping up with us, by the end of those five minutes Keira had a new student as we stood in a corner each.

A student that me and Harp would be working closely with.

Cassie’s home, Reno, Nevada
Monday the 24th of July 2023, 18:00pm

*promo time*

All hail the princess.

”I’ve been calling myself “The Rebel Princess” since day one, why? Because I thought it sounded cool, it fit my personality to a t and I’m not gonna change it any time soon! But since then some people have taken exception to the Rebel Princess name, first it was Magical Cosmic Princess YUYU and now it’s Holly Addams and her brand!” I started as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”And I’m taking them on at Road to Glory alongside The Light in the Darkness!”

This will be good.

”And I gotta admit, getting to shut up the Queen of All Karens? There won’t be a more satisfying way to cap off my first year as a wrestler! That’s right, one year ago this week I graduated from Hero Academy! Funny how time flies, right?” I asked as I folded my arms. ”And since I don’t know who Holly is bringing along for this little match? It could be Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy for all I know!”

Funny that.

”Appropriate because Hollys going to need the Tooth Fairy once I’m done with her!” I added as I leaned forward. ”You wanna insult my persona Holly? Fine, but unlike your royal highness I actually fight my own battles! You can’t say that, can you? And at Road to Glory the princess will be yanking hat crown right off your head and then throwing it in the trash because who wants to be known as Queen Karen, am I right?”

It's that simple.

”I’m just a small-town girl, but I’ve been making big waves in wrestling for over a year now! And no, I’m not going to reference that small town song by that talentless country hack that conservatives love, you know the one!” I added as I folded my arms. ”And again, The Rebel Princess monicker doesn’t make me a real princess! I just took it because it sounds cool! But Karens like Holly took exception to it and I need to shut them up! Starting with Holly!”

With that I decided to wrap things up.

”And at Road to Flory I’ll do just that! The Holly Addams brand is going out of business and me and The Light in the Darkness will see too it!” I stated as ran a hand through my hair. ”Sorry Holly, hope you like flipping burgers! To all my fans? Im a world of people like Holly Addams, fake queens and annoying Karens? Be yourself and be a Rebel Princess! The Holly Addams Brand though is about to learn that me and The Light in the Darkness are Hungry Like the Wolfe!”

I turned off the webcam as the scene fades.
[Image: Cassie_Wolfe_Sig2.jpg?width=812&height=406]

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