Konrad Raab vs. Kandis
Buffalo, New York. Thursday 18th November 2021. (Offline)

I sat in my locker room since I was forbidden to be in The Jackal's locker room for some reason. Already right there, I'm feeling something will be fucked tonight. Minerva leaving the company was devastating because if it weren't for her, I wouldn't have learned to be violent, and despite what everyone said about my relationship with Minerva being fake and all for TV, it was a real fucking relationship.

I had no idea why I had to be in my own locker room, seeing I'm too toxic to be around other people with my anger and arguments on Twitter because my anger grew and snapped because I was tired of getting shitted on. But I watched on the TV monitor, listening to why I was dogged out of the team. I had to listen hard, and then suddenly, I had to listen and look at the television harder at what Drake had to say.

Drake Hemingway: "But while that leaves one void, we also have added through subtraction as we don't have her puppy dog with us. While she is not here, I have no desire to carry dead weight, and neither do they…and so we move on without Raab. "

Suddenly, I knew why. Those backstabbing sons of bitches were the ones who prevented me from going into their locker room earlier today. What a bunch of assholes. I immediately fucking lost it after that, and I kicked the television down to the ground, and I screamed out of the pain I felt, more so when I saw Tommy and Kandis nodding their heads in agreement about it.

Konrad Raab: "You fucking bastards. Congratulations on ruining my fucking wrestling career. Calling me dead weight? Seriously Drake, Tommy and Kandis go and fuck yourselves. I will beat the living shit out of you three and make you all bleed heavily because of you fucks."

I found a baseball bat and picked it up, smashing benches around me in the locker room, screaming the words that Drake said about me.

Konrad Raab: "I'm fucking dead weight?"

I screamed it multiple times and even bent the steel chair I was sitting on, listening to those words that caused me even more pain inside.

Konrad Raab: "Seriously, I'm not letting you sons of bitches get away with you lot saying that. I'm leaving this locker room and coming for your fucking heads. Fuck Autumn Valentine and Lexy Chapel; I'm coming for you, weak bastards."

I had it, and I grabbed a baseball bat since I didn't have a weapon known to me back then and left the locker room, going all the way to The Jackal's locker room just to go and beat the living daylights out of them. I didn't care what numbers were stacked against me; only the security guard stopped me.

Security guard: "Konrad, you're not going in there at any point, as we told you earlier tonight."

Konrad Raab: "Oh, I'm going in, don't you fucking stop me. Nobody gets away with calling me dead weight, nobody."

I continued screaming because I was so angry, only until Cian O'Dwyer, the general manager of SCW, stepped forward to me, and I screamed in his face.

Konrad Raab: "You aren't doing shit. Don't fucking try to stop me while I go in there and beat the fuck out of all three of them for ruining my fucking career."

Cian O'Dwyer: "You can't because I'm not allowing you to do that, and you're not having a match against them anytime soon."

Konrad Raab: "Oh yes, I am, I'm going to fucking destroy them, and I curve their fucking heads in and spill their blood everywhere."

Cian O'Dwyer: "If you do that tonight, you'll be suspended. I suggest you return to your locker room and move the fuck on from them."

Konrad Raab: “No, never. I never move on from that dead-weight comment from a bunch of fucking losers."

Cian O'Dwyer: "Now, no back chat either because if I hear or see you come ten feet from that locker room, I give you thirty days' suspension."

Konrad Raab: “Fuck you Cian.”

That's all I said because I couldn't wait to get my hands on those three sons of bitches, and I had to walk it off. But now I hate tag matches because they made me hate them by calling me dead weight. I refuse and won't ever take part in them ever again. I stomped to my locker room and honestly didn't want to focus or face Autumn Valentine for the TV title after that bullshit comment. I was so angry when I punched the wall with my gloves on, even making a big hole, that I dropped to my knees and cried hard because I was in emotional pain.

Konrad Raab: "From now on, I won't care for anyone but myself. I do things for me and me only. If they want to stab me in the back, I will outdo them in every way possible and all without help. Drake, Kandis and Tommy, one day, if you're still around, I will give you the payback you three fucking deserve, and I won't give up until I've done the damage, maybe be in an Underground rules or cage match because there's nothing more I want to do than to fuck you three up."

I know I had the match tonight, but I didn't care anymore. I didn't care if I lost the TV title, a belt I never wanted to go for anyway. Still, it only meant trouble for Autumn, who I will batter the living shit out of and all of the damage I'll do to that bitch, and even Lexy will be done viciously and brutally because of Drake, Kandis and Tommy.

When I get the match against them three at some point, they will deal with far worse consequences, and I may become even more dangerous than I was before. I will do everything it takes to make sure they'll get an extra amount of pain for trying to ruin my wrestling career, my life and my lack of confidence in trusting anyone, my lack of confidence in tag matches and my lack of confidence of respecting and being friends with wrestlers ever again.

Should be my own man and do shit because I want to, not what people tell me to do. They'll bleed a lot because of what I'll do to them next week, the week after or years. After almost forgetting I had a match tonight against Autumn, I left the locker room and see what happens from there.


Bristol, Tennessee. Saturday 16th September. (Offline)

Although I was so busy preparing for the other match on Monday, I got the match I wanted, and nobody close to me knew about it, apart from Kimberly Williams, Dakon, Ludvig and Ginny. Still, they were wrestlers in SCW, so they didn't count. Although AJ has been busy being a dad, as his baby was born a couple of weeks ago, he and Tara named Aero. I must tell him and my mentor, Martin Truex Jr., about the match. So I was in my motorhome, alone because my lady friend was in Switzerland, qualifying for the skateboarding street Olympics next year. I texted them both to come and see me in my motorhome because I needed to tell them what was happening. Of course, I smirked each time Kandis' name came up because she's prevented me from doing everything I wanted to move on from, like tagging with Ludvig and/or Dakon in tag matches along with my life.

So I waited for AJ and Martin to come to my motorhome. Suddenly, as I waited, there was a knock on the door. I heard them talk, wondering what I needed to speak to them. I opened the motorhome door, and they came in. I closed the motorhome door and shook their hand; although AJ was pretty tired, I couldn't blame him for being a dad. They sat in the living room, and I got them no-sugar Rockstar Energy drinks out of the fridge for them and myself.

AJ Allmendinger: "Man, you seem in a good mood."

Martin Truex Jr.: "But it doesn't tell us why he is."

Konrad Raab: "Do you remember when we went bowling that I spoke about getting matches except for Ace Marshall, I didn't want at the time, and how ridiculous I had to wait for a match I wanted for a long goddamn time?"

AJ Allmendinger: "Oh shit, you're telling us you're facing Kandis for the title?"

Konrad Raab: "No, and thank fuck it's not. However, I'm facing her on Thursday and want you guys to be there. I'm also inviting Sammy Smith, Denny Hamlin, John Hunter Nemechek and Ty Gibbs to come and watch me beat the living shit out of her."

They had a smile on their face because, for the first time, I was satisfied with getting my fucking hands on Kandis. First time I got a match I wanted for nine fucking months, and it was ridiculous how much the SCW staff held me back to get my hands on Kandis. We all had a toast and drank no-sugar rockstar energy drinks together.

Martin Truex Jr.: "I'm so proud you're finally facing her man. It's been way way too long of a wait."

Konrad Raab: "Indeed, and I haven't been able to move on with my life because of her. She's the reason I've hated tag matches, she's the reason I can't make friends, Kandis is one of the reasons why my anger has gotten out of control and, most importantly, why Minerva and Luiza left me."

AJ Allmendinger: "I know, man, and I have seen some of your anger, sadly. Of course, I'll be there, and it makes sense, considering the match is in Texas, and we're going there to race anyway."

Konrad Raab: "Indeed, and my team are invited to go because ever since The Jackals disbanded and you all know the story, part of me fears Jasmine will have to see it and not knowing how she'll react to my anger. She knows nothing about this and has never seen me be angry. Never."

Martin Truex Jr: "But you will be, and I think when she returns from Switzerland, you need to tell her. Does she know you have anger issues?"

I nodded because I had, and although she said she could handle dealing with my anger, I was still concerned because although this match specifically would allow me to move on, it still hunts me that day that Kandis, Drake and Tommy really fucking broke me. I still remember hearing them say that shit while I was at the arena and snapped even more.

Martin Truex Jr.: "Then you have nothing to worry about."

Konrad Raab: "Martin, she doesn't know anything about my history with Kandis because I hadn't gotten into that part of the story yet. She knows I want her ass, but we haven't gotten around the story, and I will tell her on Monday when we're both at home in Chicago the story, and I told it too many times to other people, such as you both in public."

AJ Allmendinger: "I'm guessing because she's not seen your explosive anger, you will let out in the ring and be a far different kind of anger than even with Ace Marshall."

Konrad Raab: "Indeed, and if Tommy and Drake ever came back, I make sure I'll beat the fuck out of them as well because they nearly ruined my damn wrestling career when I had to figure out where the fuck do I go? It took me a few months after that betrayal that fucking hurts me to this day to figure shit out."

I couldn't help but be proud of facing her, it's been a long damn time coming, and I hadn't told them what happened on Thursday night.

Konrad Raab: "I was sick and tired of waiting for so fucking long that after the match between Asher Hayes and Gavin Taylor, which she was at ringside that I attacked her. I punched her a lot, even to her heart, because that's how much pain I've treasured for two years. I didn't know where to go with my career because of being lost in what the fuck to do. Gavin and Simon were only at ringside because they wanted Kandis's title. I never cared for winning her junk belt."

Martin Truex Jr: "I wish you would care about winning titles, Konrad, but I know at the same time, you want to move on with your life, and that's what this match will do for you. It seems you're unable to move on until you face her on Thursday."

Konrad Raab: "Even if my anger would have calmed down, I still would be angry because of my past with my dad. If I have one issue with this match with Kandis, it's not enough for me to face her in normal circumstances. No, I must face her in the Underground Rules match, plain and simple."

I shook my head when I realised I wasn't getting that style of match because of how much damage I wanted to do to her, and it would be far worse than I did to Ace, that's for damn sure. I banged my fist on the table as AJ grabbed my wrist to stop me from doing more harm to myself.

Konrad Raab: "Facing her in a singles match is like letting her get away with what she has done to me without fear of damage. I want to make her bleed, I want to use a weapon and smash it over her fucking head, and I want to fucking burn her because her body is so important to her and flaunts it around that Burned In Blood nickname is all because of her, knowing if she suffers with burns on her body, she'll never be the same woman ever again."

AJ Allmendinger: "For real, man, I get you, and I know you need to talk to your manager about that."

Konrad Raab: "Yeah, I do because I will not follow her rules of not attempting to burn my opponents when it comes to that fucking whore; even though she's married to Tommy, she still is a whore, sleeping around with other men, showing her fat ass off, pretending it's real when it's fake as hell."

Martin Truex Jr: "So this match is not only seeking revenge for what Kandis agreed to about you even though it was said from Drake himself you were dead weight, but for you to move on and you can seek happiness."

Konrad Raab: "Yes, and I still show violence regardless of what happens. Win or lose, I will move on with my life and be able to team with Dakon and/or Ludvig because I need to do some tag matches with them to get out of my comfort zone, and I won't hate tag matches for what they are. All that shit will be gone permanently."

I needed to breathe as I talked a lot, and it was due to the excitement of being able to move on with my life, but also, removing the pain Kandis caused me to stop me from moving on, and I couldn't move on until after I fought her. However, AJ had a question about my team.

AJ Allmendinger: "It's good you want to move on, and it seems you got something going with Dakon and Ludvig now. Hope to meet these dudes one day. I think it's great you're trying to bring European wrestlers into the sport that aren't known for professional wrestling."

Konrad Raab: "Because nobody cares about countries that want to be professional wrestlers and can't get there because of no fucking support, besides it's for mine and my twin brother's wrestling school as well. So we're promoting that. I may have a Turkish wrestler in the wings ready to be in the wrestling business soon as well and possibly joining The European Fiery Nation sooner than everyone, even Dakon and Ludvig, think without them knowing because after he lost his family and his job in the earthquakes, I asked if he wanted to be a professional wrestler and said yes. I trained him for a day, and he was fucking good. I need to get him to come to America, join Atlanta Wrestling Alliance, and get a home for him there to make that happen."

Martin Truex Jr: "Wow, you're really a nice and caring guy to save this guy's life from the earthquakes and offer to train him to be a professional wrestler. I don't understand why wrestlers think you're an asshole just because you're an asshole on screen."

Konrad Raab: "It's sad and pathetic how much that aspect, along with wrestling as a whole, is dying. Thank god SCW isn't like this, but many wrestling companies have this pathetic mentality. If you're best friends with someone, you must also be friends with them on camera in wrestling. No beating the fuck out of them to win, all about having a clean wrestling match, being all kissasses, wishing each other luck, and barely putting up a fight because they are friends. Fuck that. When we're on track, we're not friends, we don't respect each other, we'll race each other for the win and do it at all costs."

AJ Allmendinger: "Exactly. If I'm racing near you and we're battling for the win, I will aggressively put you to the wall. Martin will do the same with you, and you as well with the pair of us."

I knew AJ and Martin, who nodded to agree that AJ understood what I meant. AJ was right. I would put him to the wall if we were racing for the win because it shows the fire we have, and then we show respect after the race and discuss the incidents we had after the race respectfully.

Martin Truex Jr.: "Anyway, man, I better prepare for the race later tonight, much like you do, because you need it after a tough race last night."

AJ Allmendinger: "Along with the five hundred laps we must do tonight. That will be brutal as hell for all three of us."

Konrad Raab: "That's fair, as I want to watch Jasmine do skateboarding qualifiers in Switzerland on YouTube anyway."

They shook my hand and left to do their own thing, although knowing AJ, he would go and attend to Aero, his son, and I don't know what Martin Truex Jr. does with his life. So I went on the computer and watched Jasmine do her skateboarding stunts, without her realising until Monday at least of telling her a story about me and Kandis why I would be super angry before the match. Of course, I had to race later tonight, although earlier than scheduled, due to the threat of rain.
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I love AJ Allmendinger.

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Konrad Raab vs. Kandis - by Konrad Raab - 09-17-2023, 11:17 AM
RE: Konrad Raab vs. Kandis - by Konrad Raab - 09-20-2023, 11:01 PM
RE: Konrad Raab vs. Kandis - by Kandis. - 09-21-2023, 11:38 PM
RE: Konrad Raab vs. Kandis - by Konrad Raab - 09-21-2023, 11:51 PM

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