Statera vs. Twisted & Sadistic vs. Light in the Darkness
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September 27th, 2023
Birmingham, England
Off Camera

Its been a little over twenty four hours since Glory Braddock had a confrontation with her childhood best friend Matthew Taylor. Everything began back a few days ago in Charlotte, North Carolina when Glory finally had enough to exploded at Melody Murphy, Matthew’s girlfriend and Glory’s former friend and rival. Braddock practically humiliated her that day with wild accusations about Melody’s true motives behind her return to public life, namely returning to the public life of Glory Braddock and her close friends and family. Braddock is convinced that Melody has underlying, ulterior, and rather nasty motives behind it all and she called her out on it. Yesterday, when Glory Braddock was supposed to be working out at the gym with her trainer ‘Uncle” Blake O’Malley in Birmingham, England, an enraged Matthew stopped by to find out what happened and why Braddock was rude to his girlfriend. The British Bombshell did not spare him. She did not leave anything out. Braddock told him everything she truly thought about Melody. She also confronted Matthew with how he hurt her by sharing with Melody some of their deepest, darkest, secrets. As far as her personal life is concerned, Braddock can feel that her close childhood friendships are slowly slipping away. She feels this bond she once had with Matthew may be slowly but surely dying, all thanks to the involvement of Melody Murphy. And perhaps that was Melody’s plan all along? Perhaps, to spite Braddock, Melody wanted to take one of the few things she held near and dear to her heart; her friendship with Matthew. If that is the case, then Melody may very well have succeeded. After the way Glory spoke to Matthew yesterday, their friendship just might be over.

Still, there is something else that bothers The British Bombshell. She and Melody were close once upon a time and back when they were kids, yes, Melody would be spiteful enough to get close to Matthew just to try and ruin his friendship with Glory Braddock. And while Glory doesn’t think Melody has changed much or matured much since then, she is certain Melody wouldn’t do that. She thinks, if anything, someone like Melody, who was born into wealth and privilege, would seek for higher goals and have a more ambitious plan. Braddock suspects that Melody still have something else planned, she just isn’t sure what it is yet. Nevertheless, Braddock cannot concern herself too much with all of this; she still has more pressing matters, namely the tag team championship contender’s match coming up at SCW Apocalypse.

Glory Braddock and Brittany Lohan have had great success in SCW since reuniting as Twisted & Sadistic. The only bump in the road came in tag team turmoil and even then they did quite well, winning several matches but only coming up short against Bree Lancaster and Datura; and one could argue that they lost only because of the fatigue of having to wrestle twice earlier against a team that was fresh as a daisy. One could make that same argument for Light in the Darkness, whom Braddock and Lohan eliminated from tag team turmoil first. It is for this reason that this tag team contendership match is taking place. Twisted & Sadistic facing Statera and Light In The Darkness to determine who will be next in line to challenge for the SCW World Tag Team Championship. It is the one championship that Glory has yet to win, it is the one title that keeps Glory from becoming Supreme Champion in SCW. This match at Apocalypse is truly must win for The British Bombshell. Therefore she has had to force her personal matters involving Matthew Taylor and Melody Murphy out of her mind and focus singularly on training and preparation for this difficult tag team challenge. Ever since that confrontation yesterday came to an end, Braddock has placed her entire focus on professional wrestling. She has spent all day today with her trainer Blake O’Malley, studying tape and talking strategy. She has been put through the wringer at his gym. Now that the day has ended it is time for a much needed and well-deserved break.

Blake O’Malley and Glory Braddock walk into a pub in Birmingham, a favorite ‘watering hole’ for Blake ever since he was an active wrestler himself with Glory’s father, the late Glenn Braddock. The pair almost look like father and daughter having a night out as opposed to student and teacher. Blake is wearing black denim jeans, black boots, and a plain gray t-shirt. Glory Braddock is dressed in denim jeans, black high heel leather boots, and a purple blouse. Her long blonde hair hangs straight and unrestrained to shoulder length. Blake and Glory approach two empty stools at the bar and sit down. The bartender, a man who appears to be in his mid to late thirties, wearing jeans and a black shirt with messed up black hair, approaches them.

“What’ll ya have, mates?”

“Guinness for me.” Blake says roughly.

“Same.” Glory answers. The bartender turns and walks away to fill the order. Blake turns and looks at his charge with a smirk on his face.

“None of that fancy shit for ya today, love?”

“Not tonight.” She shakes her head. “I suppose I need something a little stronger.”

“Anything other than the obvious bothering you?”

“I think me and Britt having to back up our tough talk by beating two of the best tag teams in SCW is a difficult enough task, Uncle Blake.” Glory answers as the bartender returns with the two pints of Guinness. Glory takes hers and quickly takes a sip. Blake does the same. Then he sets his glass down and shakes his head.

“You know I’m not buying that crap, Glory. I followed your career since your dad got you that gig back in 2008 with Global Division of Wrestling. Even when you were a bloody wet behind the ears rookie you never let anything or anyone intimidate you or get under your skin. Now suddenly you’re facing two tag teams in SCW and you’re concerned? You and that Lohan have held tag team championships together. You are a proven force. Yet you’re suddenly concerned?”


“Sorry, I don’t believe ya.” Blake takes a sip of his Guinness. Glory sighs and shakes her head.

“Well there’s a first time for everything.”

“Not with you.” Blake remarks stoically. “Look, Glory, we have been working on this for days. I watched you bust your ass, meticulously studying tape, I know damn well you are ready for this. I also know from that fire in your eye that you are confident that you and Lohan will win at Apocalypse. It’s the same fire that your old man used to get right before a big match.”

“He got that crazed look in his eye before EVERY match, Uncle Blake.” Glory says with a knowing grin.

“Fair enough. But my point is you are not too worried about Apocalypse. You’re ready and you know it. I think we both know what’s really bothering you right now.” Blake points out. Braddock takes a sip of her Guinness and nods her head.

“Fine…” she sighs “...I admit that what happened yesterday between me and Matty is still bothering me. I’m sure you could hear everything we were saying.” Braddock says. Blake nods his head in confirmation of that fact.

“I did my best to give you two privacy but, yeah, you were both pretty loud. I couldn’t help but overhear.”

“He said I was jealous of Melody.” Glory scoffs. “I’m not jealous of that brasser. But I am worried about him and what she might do to him before she is done using him.”

“You really are convinced that she’s using him, don’t you?”

“I know she’s using him, Uncle Blake. I have no hard evidence to prove anything, its just a gut feeling.”

“I admit that his new girl doesn’t exactly strike me as Matthew’s type.” Blake says after taking a sip of Guinness. “She’s too upscale, too formal, too classy, and way too wealthy. Hell, that boy was born into wealth but intentionally lived like a homeless bum in order to get away from that lifestyle, that’s how much he hated it.”

“Exactly!” Glory exclaims. “Now he is dating someone who is the very definition of an upscale wealthy snob, the kind of wealthy upscale snob he tried to run away from as a kid. Melody is not only a snob, but she is also a liar and a manipulator.” She sighs and shakes her head. “And I should know, because I was just like her once.”

“Oh yeah?” Blake arches his brow out of curiosity. Glory nods her head.

“Mum and dad weren’t born into wealth, as you know. They had to work to earn their wealth. But by the time I was born, they had already had wealth. So I was born into it. That’s what attracted Melody and I together. We were both wealthy and she endeared herself to me because I was wealthy like her, and I was gorgeous like her. And back then, I was easily influenced, so by hanging out with her I became a snob, a stuck up mean girl just like her. That was back when I was Maria.”

“Wait a sec,” Blake furrows his brow in confusion “I thought your name was Maria? Well, your middle name, at least.”

“It is.” Glory nods her head. “Dear old dad named me Gloria, after my grandmother. But before the divorce I grew up adoring my mother and she gave me the middle name Maria after herself. I identified most closely with her so I identified as Maria Braddock. That’s who Melody and Francis met. Melody Murphy, Francis Taylor, and Maria Braddock, the terrible trio of mean girls who terrorized the school.” She chuckles softly before taking another sip of Guinness. “We were tight. We were close. Until my boyfriend Thomas got me pregnant and ran away. Then Melody turned on me, she betrayed me, and Francis, being the follower she always has been, followed suit.”

“So Melody quit being your friend because you were pregnant?” Blake shakes his head. “That makes no bloody sense to me.”

“Me either. Maybe she’s just that petty and spiteful? I have no idea. But once they did turn on me and I became the victim of the same bullying and harassment that we had once dealt out to others, I saw how rotten I had become. I wanted to turn away from that, all of it. I wanted to turn from that life completely. That’s why I never again acknowledged the name Maria Braddock ever again. Dad named me Gloria, so that’s who I became. Glory for short. That’s who I am now and that is who I will be until the day I retire.”

“Then what happens?” Blake asks curiously.

“Maria Braddock was my mum, she’s dead. Maria was also a snobby brasser and I never want to become that person again. Glory, honestly, was the son my dad always wanted but never got. He’s dead too. I kept Glory around for the people who love her, who look up to her. I kept her around as a symbol for what wrestling should be. When my career is done there is no need to keep her around. So I do something I should have done a long time ago. I repay a debt to my mentor, the person who helped me the most when my parents were no longer with me. I give my mentor, Aphrodite Noel, the daughter she always wanted by becoming Lindsey Noel. I live for my husband Kurt, for my children, and for her, because I will have given everything else, everything I could possibly give, to professional wrestling.” She chuckles. “And honestly, Uncle Blake, I am not sure how much left I have to give to professional wrestling. So I know that time is coming up soon.”

“What’s in a name?” Blake shrugs his shoulders. “All I know is that you have changed a great deal from that snobbish teenager you were into the kind but fierce young lass you are today.”

“Thanks, Uncle Blake.” Glory sips her Guinness. “You know? That’s the real problem with Melody.”

“What is?”

“I don’t think Melody has changed. I do not think she has changed one bit. That same stuck up brasser she was in school, that is who she still is today. That is my problem with her. And if she is still that same person, I know she will hurt Matty.”

“How sure are you that Melody is still that same spiteful, arrogant person you knew in school?”

“Like I said, its just a gut feeling.” Glory shrugs her shoulders. “And I am certain she is using Matty for something. She isn’t his type. They are not compatible. Back when we were best friends in school, Melody wouldn’t be caught dead being friendly to anyone like Matty. Back then, Matty was the type of person she harassed and ruthlessly mocked and ridiculed.”

“If that’s true, why is she dating him now?” Blake asks.

“I don’t know. She must want something out of him. But he doesn’t have anything of value. He went as far as to disinherit himself from all the family fortune he was born into. He literally owns next to nothing outside of the bloody shirt off of his back.”

“You’re wrong about that.” Blake says as he takes a big swig of his beverage.


“He does own something of value.” Blake pats himself on the chest. “He owns a majority interest in my gym.”

“Wait…” Glory furrows her brow “’re serious?” She seems incredulous, not wanting to believe him, but Blake nods his head in confirmation.

“Yeah. I always had a soft spot for that kid, he was my first student and he was always devoted to me. And as I got up in age, as I heard about your mum’s death and I heard about your father’s death, I got to realizing about my own mortality. I didn’t want my gym to just die out. I wanted to pass it on to someone who I knew would continue my legacy. So I sold him a majority interest in my gym.”

“That’s it…” Glory’s eyes grow wide as a look of realization washes across her face “...that’s what Melody is after. She wants your gym.”

September 30th, 2023
Nashville, TN
On Camera

It is a bright baby blue sky overhead in the city of Nashville, Tennessee. Specifically, we are outside in front of one of the famous landmarks of this city; the country music hall of fame. Surprisingly things are calm, slow, and relatively empty today. It isn’t long after that the camera spots “The British Bombshell” Glory Braddock entering the view from the right. Braddock is wearing denim jeans, white sneakers, and a plain purple t-shirt. Her long blonde hair is pulled into a ponytail in the back. A pair of sunglasses cover her eyes.

“Well here we are, one night away from Apocalypse, which will take place right here in Nashville, Tennessee. I love competing in Nashville. Nashville is so full of history, it is one of the many music capitals of the world, and it is one of the many entertainment capitals of the world. Music, entertainment, history, all of that wrapped into one great blitzy, blingy package. You gotta love it. Tomorrow night at Apocalypse will definitely be a night to entertain the great fans of Supreme Championship Wrestling. It is one of the many reasons I do what I do in this business. But I’d be lying if I said this was simply about entertaining the fans. The great people who come here to Nashville to see people like me and Britt put our bodies on the lines, they appreciate it, but they fail to realize and maybe even fail to appreciate why we are putting our bodies on the line. It’s the same reason Bree, Datura, Amelia, and Luz all put their bodies on the line, why they are willing to go all out tomorrow at Apocalypse…it’s about being the best.” Braddock points to the building standing behind her, the country music hall of fame.

“This building behind me stands here to remind everyone about the greats of the country music industry. This place is here to honor those who were the very best at what they did in the country music industry. Right now, in Supreme Championship Wrestling, the tag team division is stacked with incredible talent. We already had a showcase of that talent a couple of weeks ago on Breakdown in tag team turmoil. My pal Britt, she challenged the entire division. She challenged them to prove her wrong, to prove that they belonged in the ring with me and her, with Twisted & Sadistic. There were some who failed to live up to expectations. The Playgirls, European Fiery Nation, Team Desire…” Braddock shakes her head “...sorry, but you just couldn’t answer the call. You fell flat on their faces.” She smirks knowingly.

“Still others answered that call. Light in the Darkness went through two tag teams before running into Twisted & Sadistic. Britt and I put an end to their cinderella run. Luz, Amelia, I get it, you two have been patiently waiting for this opportunity for a long time, ever since you had that little deal with The House of Frost. But Selena isn’t here anymore, the House of Frost is no more, and Britt and I are not obliged to honor any agreements. In this game, you earn your keep. And when the chips were down, you couldn’t beat Twisted & Sadistic. I will give credit where it is due, you two are a hell of a team and you have proven to be a threat in this tag team division. But are you going to earn this tag title opportunity? Are you going to get through Twisted & Sadistic?” She shakes her head. “Unlikely.”

“Bree Lancaster and Datura, you two have proven that you are not just some randomly thrown together unit. You have chemistry, you are a great team that was worthy of the number one contendership…WAS…you two claim that you still have business with Rated X.” Glory shakes her head. “Just like I said, it doesn’t work that way. You may THINK you have business with Rated X To deal with, but Britt and I are not just going to sit back and wait patiently until you two feel as if you have gotten whatever revenge you think you’re due. I am pretty sure Amelia and Luz would agree with me on that. Stop me if I sound like a broken record, but that isn’t how this works. You EARN your keep in this business, and when it comes to the greatest tag team division in professional wrestling, a shot at the tag team championship should be decided not based on some past agreements or some damn grudge, it should be decided based on who is the best.”

“I would also argue that contendership shouldn’t be decided based on luck. Light in the Darkness, Statera, and Twisted & Sadistic, all three of us at one point or another dominated tag team turmoil until bad luck bit us in the ass. That isn’t to take anything away from Adam and Alistaire Allocco’s accomplishment, but still, you have to ask, what would have happened if all of these other teams had battled on an even playing field? Would the outcome still have been the same had endurance not been a factor?” She shrugs her shoulders. “What I do know is that the three of us, Statera, Light in the Darkness, and Twisted & Sadistic, we represent the very best of tag team wrestling in the very best tag team division in professional wrestling. That’s not arrogance speaking, that’s me stating simple facts.” She takes her sunglasses off and tosses them aside.

“Tomorrow night right here in Nashville there will be a showcase of the greats, just like the country music hall of fame showcases the greatest singers of Nashville, SCW will showcase the best tag teams in the business. And unlike tag team turmoil everything will be on an even playing field, no luck involved, and most importantly there will be absolutely zero excuses.” The British Bombshell shakes her head. “No excuses! None! This time Britt and I will step out onto the grand stage and show why we are exactly what we say we are; one of the most dominant tag teams in the sport, one of the most fierce tag teams in the sport, and why we will become the number one contenders to the SCW World Tag Team Championships.” Braddock points to herself.

“See, for Twisted & Sadistic, we are not content with just showcasing our ability, we are not content with just showcasing what we can do. We don’t want to simply be viewed as one of the best, we want to be viewed as THE BEST…and hell, let’s face it, our tag team champions is, for all intents and purposes, Dark Fantasy and that’s only because Ace Marshall is missing in action. The top contenders, The Alloccos, are number one contenders because they drew a sweet spot in the tag team turmoil. The VERY BEST of this division is right here, these three teams in the contendership match at Apocalypse, and Britt and I are going to prove that we are THE BEST OF THE BEST, that we are the elite of the SCW tag team division. From there, we will give SCW a real tag team championship team. We will take out Dark Fantasy or The Alloccos and become new Tag Team Champions. And me…” Glory smirks “...I will have finally achieved my destiny, I will have become Supreme Champion.”

“Apocalypse is Twisted & Sadistic’s showcase, a showcase of our greatness. And no one will stop us.” She shuts her eyes. “Sic Semper Tyrannis.”
[Image: qyA5u6K.png]
SCW World Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Adrenaline Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x (w/Brittany Lohan)
Supreme Champion
2019 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Regan Street & Kellen Jeffries)
2020 Trios Tournament Winner (w/ Ace Marshall & David Helms)

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RE: Statera vs. Twisted & Sadistic vs. Light in the Darkness - by Braddock - 10-02-2023, 08:19 AM

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