Giovanna Steward | "Cyberpunk"
Giovanna Steward | "Cyberpunk"

Backstage, Gigi finishes getting changed in her locker room. Her bag is packed and the locker empty. Gigi throws on her leather jacket. She grabs her bag and leaves. Gigi heads out of the arena for the night. Keeping her eyes to the ground, not making eye contact with anyone. She just wants to make it out of there after her heartbreaking loss.

Gigi steps outside of the arena. She pulls out her phone to look through her contacts for a number to call. Before she can find Sasha D. pulls up to the curb in a really nice Mercedes and stops in front of Gigi.

“Hey G.” Sasha calls out rolling down the passenger window. “Need a ride?”

Gigi puts her phone away and hops into the passenger seat. Sasha drives off.

“You can just drop me off near the hotel. I just want to dive into a pillow and sleep tonight.” Gigi looks at the floor of the Mercedes. Her eyes then move around and check out all the features inside. Gigi has a look of amazement. “Wow, this is a really nice ride.”

“Yeah, it’s the new model. It will come out next year.” Sasha says with a smile. “You know, you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself about the Television TItle loss. It was a really good attempt.”

Gigi nods her head knowing Sasha is right. She’ll be better next time. “Yeah, I know. I shouldn’t be disappointed, but I just… I just need to get some sleep.”

Gigi leans her head back and rests in the head rest. She closes her eyes and takes a breath calming herself down. Gigi goes back to checking out the car some more and pops open the glove box. There she finds some cyber glasses and takes them out to check them out.

“Oh cool, cyber glasses.” Gigi slides them on her face. The frames light up with a purple glow. A mainframe appears on the lens.

“Yeah they’re pretty nice.” Sasha nods her head.

The glasses scan Gigi’s eyes and a new user profile pops up on the lens. She slides them back off her face. The lights on the cyber glasses go off.

“Did they scan my eyeballs?” Gigi voices a concern. Wondering what kind of big brother thing she just got herself into.
“They do that, yeah. Why are they stuck in the glove box?” Sasha explains.

Gigi puts them back on and the glass lights up again with their purple glow. She taps the side of the frames to navigate the mainframe to scroll through the internet. Gigi nods in approval.

“It’s actually not that bad.”

Gigi browses the internet on the glasses for a few minutes. They finally make it to the hotel. Gigi steps out of the car. She hands the glasses back to Sasha.

“Go ahead and you can keep them. You looked like you were having fun.” Sasha smiles at Gigi waving her away.

“Thanks Sasha. I’ll give them back at the next show.” Gigi closes the door for Sasha to drive away.

Gigi walks into her hotel room and puts her bags down by the door. She goes over to the bed and falls down on it. Still wearing the cyber glasses and looking at the ceiling. The mainframe looks imprinted there. An email notification pops that catches Gigi’s eye. She taps the frames to open it. The soft purple of the glasses changes to searing red. The email opens and reads it.It’s an official SCW email that was sent out. Notifying Gigi about the next couple of weeks for Breakdown’s theme. The return of Fatal Fortunes.

Gigi removes the glasses from her face. The red lightning turns off darkening the room without its glow.

“Fatal Fortunes. No doubt Katie would use this as an opportunity to get herself a tag title shot. Her fortune would mean my fatal.” Gigi shakes her head, sliding the glasses back on her face, but raising it up on her forehead. “Why am I worried? Maybe Katie will get paired with someone else and it’ll free me up to face someone else.”

Gigi smirks, seeing the fortune side of things for herself. Maybe things are starting to go her way. First the TV title shot and now potentially  getting Katie involved with someone else and she gets to be on her own.

Gigi slides the glasses back down on her face and they light up with its red glow illuminating the hotel room. She tries to visit SCW’s website so she can look over potential partners for Katie. She unfortunately doesn’t get that far. Ads pop up on the mainframe.

“I guess you can’t escape capitalism in the future. These really are cyberpunk.” Gigi shakes her head.

Gigi closes the Ads and works her way through back to the plain mainframe. She gets to the last ad, but freezes up. It catches her eye. This ad is different from the others. It's for a mega conglomerate church. The colorful pink usage of the ad and flashy texts. It doesn't surprise her. She knew this was an ad for Katie to get people to come and see her.

"What even is this?" Gigi says to herself. She clicks the ad to follow it down the rabbit hole.

Several hours passed by and the night sky transitioned to the morning dawn. Gigi wakes up on the bed. She must have dozed off while exploring the internet on the cyber glasses. She looks at the glasses on the bed and puts them back on. Nothing happens. No light.

“They must be out of juice. Well that was fun while it lasted.” Gigi goes back to her phone and checks the time and sees it’s way passed when she would’ve been up. “Shoot!”

Gigi rushes herself to clean up and gather her things as she heads out of the hotel room and checks herself out. She gets an uber to take her to the airport and head home.


“Fatal Fortunes. How bad is this going to be for me? I have so many goals that I want to see though. So many dreams I want to become reality. I’m prepared to fight for them with whatever destiny has in mind for me. I know what Katie’s heart and mind are set on and if she gets her way, which is totally a thing and I’m not looking past it. Katie always gets her way and I’m expecting we’ll be in some kind of a tag team match at Fatal Fortunes. I can handle this. I know Katie better than anyone and she trusts me more than anyone. No matter what team we were to draw in Fatal Fortunes we’ll be at our best.”

“So whether it’s a shot at the tag titles, a number one contenders match or just any tag team that’s fortune is thrown our way. We’ll be ready. Katie needs this. I want this. I know I’m kind of set in my way of wanting to break free and be on my own, but the tag team titles are something special for me. I have Katie and I have my Maddy and I love them both. The dream of winning the title with either would be something special to have. I know I’m mad at Katie lately and she’s been really pushy lately. It still doesn’t change a thing. If we get something together in this fortune. I’ll be by her side 100%.”

“Now Fatal Fortune does have a chance for chaos. Anything can and probably will happen. Maybe Katie and I won’t even be partners. The best way to make chaos is literally throwing anyone in my place and being Katie’s tag team partner. Maybe, even Katie and I might even face off in Fatal Fortunes.”


“Yeah I don’t know about that. I just got to focus on myself and what I want. That is not to make this fortune turn fatal for me. I just need to make a statement. Whatever happens. In all the chaos that Fatal Fortune brings to SCW. Whatever matches happen. No matter what. I need to make my statement. If I’m winning with Katie or winning on my own. Whatever happens. Gigi Steward is going to be walking out of Breakdown being a fortunate one.”
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Giovanna Steward | "Cyberpunk" - by Team Desire - 12-09-2023, 10:58 PM

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