Amy Chastaine, Kirsten Scott, Chance Owens & Cassie Wolfe vs. The House of James
Unfortunately promo only for this PPV.  Had a lot of real life stuff come up, and tomorrow I will be watching little kids play basketball ALL DAY... Pray for me...


Inside a dark alley way "The One" Kirsten Scott is seen sitting in a situation she used to covet in her days of living in the shadows.  She is alone.  She is in the shadows.  She is in darkness.  She is alone.  The only light is that is the illumination of her vape pen as she takes a drag of the Lord's Lettuce, but it doesn't stop the camera from slowly approaching, and her words, albeit not loud, to be heard.

New year... New you... Isn't that what everyone says?  Isn't the reason we celebrate a new year every January 1st to celebrate a new beginning?  Think about it... The pomp, the circumstance, the kissing at midnight, it is all about starting fresh, and yet, here I sit, still looking around me at times that simply feel... Safe...

But is safety what I really need?

Is safety what I really want?

These are the thoughts that have run through my head since I failed at what I wanted to be the ultimate end to the chapter I was writing for myself, and instead, I was forced to write an ending that put me where?  Right back where I started...

Now I was clear.  I said I lost.  I acknowledged my loss.  And I went out at the first Breakdown of the year and started off with a win.  But something hasn't sat well, and it's not that someone is simply better than me.  It's not Deanna Frost.  It's something even superior to her, and it's something I believe she won't take offense to me acknowledging as such, and that's failure... Failure is something I don't acknowledge as being "OK" in my mind.  And again, I'm not calling Deanna out.  I made it clear, that match in the Chamber, unless she had won the World Championship before the year ended, was it for us.  If our paths cross it'll be because it was inevitable, and not furthering the narrative here.  That is gone...

But failure isn't.

For me, failure still lies in the fact that I set goals for myself at the beginning of the year I didn't achieve.  Failure means there are still reasons that make my blood boil in this organization and make me want to fight.  Failure means there is still work to be DONE!

Breakdown... It started my work...

I was clear... I was going out there to begin 2024 differently than I had ended 2023.  I wanted to let the world see that someone like me, someone who hadn't been to the proverbial "mountaintop," yet, wasn't going to let a loss wreck her.  But the idea of failing has done just that.  The idea I failed myself isn't acceptable to me, and I've made it clear every, single, day, since 2024 began that it was the case.  And while someon chose to ignore me, others decided to make it a part of their daily life to try and treat me like a dog who just pissed on the carpet, and rub my face in it.  They wanted me to feel shitty so I would walk away.  They wanted me to quit caring, so they'd have one less body to worry about.  They wanted to use me as an EXAMPLE to make their lives easier, and less likely to have kinks thrown in their plans.

But here I still am...

Yeah, it's still in the shadows.  I'm not out doing promos you guys are used to.  I am not out there espousing my beliefs in ways Supreme Championship Wrestling has come to be used to.  Instead I have reverted back to my way, and you know how it makes me feel?


The loudness of her exclamation echoes down the alleyway, numerous times.

Who ENJOYS feeling like a failure?  Who ENJOYS having to go back to their "safe space" just in order to feel comfortable and sound confident?  The answer is simple... EVERYONE in this business.  Everyone in this business always retreats to where they feel safe and feel like they can be successful.  Why?  It's human nature.  It's who we are.  We always go back to what makes us feel comfortable.  We always go back to what makes us feel the safest.

And yet here I sit, in my safe space, and I just feel like crap because I am not like everyone else.  I am me.  I am "The One."  I am Kirsten Scott.  I am someone who has been through so much more, but here I am doing the same things as everyone else because it's what my mind tells me is "best."  And now it's time I break the mold... Now it's time I do something different... Now it's time I show the world that not everyone goes to this "safe space" for solace, but instead, I came to this space to clarity.  I came here for a reality.  I came here for the realization that I no longer have to hide for my failures in order to be the same fucking badass I have been for the bulk of my life...

Instead, what do I need to do instead?

She begins to stand up, throwing her vape pen into the darker shadows down the alley, and walks into the light.

Yeah it's time I let that shitty feeling sink in, and quit running from it because I want to feel better...

Kirsten begins to walk down the alley toward the exit.

It's time I quit running, like everyone else, to the place I feel is best for me in the times of darkness.  It's time I step out of this world and begin to start anew, and actually begin writing a chapter that doesn't reciprocate the world in which I thought I needed to live in, but instead begin writing the first chapter in the life of Kirsten Scott.  Yes... I have my name.  Yes... I have my identity.  But what I don't have is my livlihood.  I don't have myself.  And it;s time that changes.  It's time the world begins to take notice of Kirsten Scott and quit thinking of me just as someone who entered this organization as "The One," and no name...

It's time everyone looks at me as someone without a moniker.  Whether or not people call me that or not, it is irrelevant.  It is time for ME to be seen.  It is time for ME to start the chapter of my life and my story.  It's time I start to show the world who KIRSTEN SCOTT is, and not who they always look at as someone with a label they have mocked since my arrival.

And that's where I agreed to be part of the team at Body, Heart and Soul, to begin to derail a group that has begun to do their part to run roughshod over SCW as a whole, and that is The House of James.  Now this structure, albeit a figment of one man's twisted, demented, fragmented, and from what others have told me, very easily sent into multiple stages of retirement, is one that I felt would be a good one for me to show myself for who I am.

That's right... Like I said, it's supposed to be a new day and a new me!

So I look at this "House" and what do I see?  I see Asher and James, the patriarchs, but the two who only worry about themselves.  The rest, they're the supporting cast.  They're the ones who don't even get credits in the opening of each episode.  Instead, they're lucky if they're relegated to the end credits.  A place where the ENTIRE HOUSE belongs... And I mean that... I mean this entire crew is just two egomaniacs and a bunch of nobodies to me.  And they're simply mad because they know I'm a threat to one of their meal tickets.

But again... That's why I agreed to be part of this... I want to expose people for who they are.  I want to expose those who are the real deal, and those who are just riding coattails.  I'm ready to cull the herd that is trying to get in my way of breaking out of my chrysalis and finally evolving into who I want to be and who I was MADE to be.

So I hope the House of James is listening, and listening close.  I hope this holy temple you live under is made to withstand the cataclysm that is facing you.  Because once the match is over, your foundation will be destroyed to its core.  No matter what your patriarchs are able to muster, they will have not done so to defend the "House's" honor.  It will have been done for themselves, and themselves alone.  They are you weakest link and they are the ones you RELY upon in order to live.  When you're shown to be the lackeys that you are, they'll dispose of you for someone new.  You'll be begging them for forgiveness when you fail, and honestly nobody will have any sympathy for you...


Because you wrote your own death sentence when you signed on.  You wrote your own funeral when you decided to attack all of us.  We may be a band of "Misfits" who are coming together for one match, but guess what, in SCW, I've heard that isn't the strangest thing to happen.  I've heard "Socially" that was once a norm.  And I guess it may be a way of the past, but when you have people who all look at a situation the same way, it tends to not be good.  And we all look at you fools as people who made the wrong decision at the wrong time.  You accepted a directive that will now get your respective faces punched in, and you groveling for forgiveness for your failure.  Because when we dispose of you fools, there will be no barrier for any of us.

And I think you realize, we all are gunning for the same things...

Asher Hayes and James Evans...

So when we bust through your asses they won't have anything or anyone to protect them from the mob that will descending upon them.  They will be in our crosshairs... Unless, well at least for me, Asher drops a deuce and loses.  Then he just will be another person I don't have to worry about.  And I don't mean that negatively, but my opportunity simply states a "World Title Shot at a later date."  So if it's not him I don't care.  But right now, and he knows this, he believes he will still be champion after Body Heart and Soul.  He believes I'll have him in my crosshairs and ready to pull the trigger.  Because that later date will be getting closer and closer.  And he'll feel my presence growing tighter and tighter.  He won't have his little pack of chihuahuas or Jack Russel's to protect him by biting my ankles... He'll just have me...

She emerges from the alleyway and takes a deep breath of the air not riddled with that of dumpsters and other trash lingering.  She takes in the fresh air, as if signifying her fresh beginning.

Ahh... You smell that?  You feel that?  It's the feeling of being cooped up in an idea, a mentality, a persona, that is expected, and now, it's all gone.  And now, that smell in the air is different.  It's not just clean... It's riddled with one thing...


Kirsten looks directly into the camera.

Evans, Hayes, you two have made your bed by sending your goons after us, and now you better be deciding who is going to be the big spoon from now on.  Because there won't be room for both of you.  You'll have to snuggle in and make sure there is some cuddling because we are taking everything from you.  Your goons, your comfortable feeling of having distance between you and anyone you're facing, and your dignity as the "heads" or "patriarchs" of a faction that was doomed to fail.

We are coming to end this war before it ever starts.  It's a collective of differing mindsets all agreeing to one obligation... Your destruction.  And you'll be sitting back there watching every minute of it happen.  Because if you two don't, and decide to swing your old ballsacks down to ringside to get involved, I promise your night will not end well, regardless of the match outcome.  Because then you will have PERSONALLY involved yourself in MY business... And that comes at a very, very steep price...

Just like death... Taxes... AND ME!  KIRSTEN SCOTT!
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-20-4   |   2024 Record: 7-3-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)

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RE: Amy Chastaine, Kirsten Scott, Chance Owens & Cassie Wolfe vs. The House of James - by TheOne - 01-20-2024, 02:19 AM

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