Dark Fantasy vs. The Light in the Darkness
Even when you know what your immediate future holds, sometimes uncertainty continues to linger in the air and leave you questioning exactly what to expect from that future.

Luz and Amelia knew what awaited them, and even if they expected it to some degree, that didn't make the tasks before them any less daunting.

On the SCW front, the fog that had obscured any plans regarding their World Tag Team Championships had finally lifted, presenting the couple with quite the little gauntlet: Dark Fantasy would get their rematch at Body, Heart & Soul, with Twisted & Sadistic challenging the winner for the gold on the very next Breakdown. The only immediate silver lining to that predicament seemed to be the belief that Luz's TV Title wouldn't be a concern for that show, assuming they made it out of the pay-per-view with the tag team gold still around their waists. Given the war they'd had with Dark Fantasy to win the titles in the first place, however, they knew full well that was easier said than done.

Especially given the stunt Ravyn had just pulled out in the ring.

They were still a bit iffy on how to feel about Dark Fantasy, especially given the lack of interaction this time around until it became clear who was next in line. Syren certainly seemed like she was trying to be a respectful competitor befitting of her status as a veritable SCW legend, but being surrounded by Lexy and Ravyn was certainly doing her no favors in getting people to believe that. Ravyn, on the other hand, had definitely abandoned her plans of trying to get into the couple's heads now that they've made it explicitly clear they weren't going to work, instead opting to manipulate the situation of that in-ring meeting in the hopes that Brittany Lohan's blindside attack that was intended for her and had instead caught Amelia would give her and Syren any advantage they could utilize come the pay-per-view in Boston.

The look on Syren's face made it clear she didn't want that, but it seemed like trying to stop Ravyn's games or Lexy's version of guidance was a fight she wasn't going to win anytime soon.

After the cameras had cut to commercial so the ring could be cleared ahead of the night's main event, Luz had helped Amelia to the back after waiting until they were the last ones to leave the ring, not willing to trust in the idea of something not happened just because it couldn't be caught for the TV crowd. Even if the kick to Amelia's face had been unintentional, just as Ravyn had planned, Luz had doubts that Brittany or Glory would really lose sleep over it so long as they were driven by the single-minded obsession of getting Glory Supreme Champion status. Still, her top concern right now was her partner as she helped Amelia into their locker room and sat her down on the bench.

“¿Estás bien querida?” she asked.

“I'll be alright Luz,” Amelia said after taking a moment to get her bearings. “Brit hits like a truck, but it's hardly the worst thing I've been hit with. We've got over a week until Body, Heart & Soul... I'll recover.”

Luz breathed a sigh of relief at that.

“Esa perra astuta...” she ended up growling after a minute.

“She'll get what's coming to her, mi amor,” Amelia reassured her fiancée, gently taking her hand and rubbing Luz's knuckles. “I promise... she and Syren may have seen what we're capable of back at Under Attack, but our game is always evolving as we keep getting better. Whatever scheme she cooks up for Body, Heart & Soul, we'll thwart it, just like we'll then go on to show Glory and Brittany that past wins over us are not a guarantee of anything.”

“You're right...” Luz nodded, taking a moment to find a relaxing rhythm to her breathing. “I know you're right, but... I think I'm just on edge because of the other thing we need to worry about tonight...”

“Ugh... our night isn't over yet...” Amelia groaned before she pulled Luz down to straddle her lap, the two of them gently resting their foreheads against one another as they tried to gather their thoughts using whatever time they had left to do so.

They were going to need clear heads to avoid being suckered in by the other wicked schemer they'd been dealing with.

They had agreed that tonight, they were both going to be present with the FBI and NCA as they enacted a deal with The Empire that none of them really wanted to do, but like it or not, it was the safest option they felt they had for the sake of the hostage involved in this mess. Aleister Blythe was going to be released from custody back into Caleb's flock, and in return, Ryan Lumis was going to be released unharmed. Everyone involved in this ordeal that wasn't part of The Empire had jumped through so many hoops to make Caleb stick to his word and they were sick of it, but they all hoped that tonight would allow for some sense of calm before the storm truly kicked into gear. After all, the NCA was determined to get Amelia's father back behind bars as quickly as possible, and with Ryan free once more, they could ideally gather whatever remaining evidence they needed to take Caleb down once and for all.

Given that Caleb had wanted the deal to happen out in the parking garage of the Barclays Center, as a means of trying to force Luz and Amelia to be present whether they wanted to or not, Avery had concocted a plan that Caleb had been surprisingly alright with agreeing to regarding how this would all go down. First off, they would wait until Breakdown was over and the arena was completely cleared out so that fans and other wrestlers weren't at risk of being caught in the crossfire, which Caleb had been willing to agree to so that 'impure souls' wouldn't stick their noses where they didn't belong. Once the privacy of this meeting was guaranteed, Luz and Amelia would be texted so they could meet up with the agents outside. From there, the plan was for both sides to undo any restraints they had upon their respective captives before letting them both simultaneously walk back to their rightful side, and once that was done then both parties would part with no further issue. The FBI and NCA had no intentions of violating these terms, but it had been made clear that if anyone does, especially any Empire members or affiliates who Caleb might've hoped would try something “without his knowledge or consent” to skirt around everything, then all bets were off.

The couple knew it would be so easy to just throw this whole thing out the window and try to cuff Caleb right here and now so that this would all be over... too easy, in fact, and they had long since learned that's the worst impression you wanted to have of any situation involving Caleb White. They may have been able to stay one step ahead of him up until now and even upended several of his plans, but deep down there was a part of them that was certain Caleb had been holding back a bit to test them... if there was any truth to that belief, then the worst was yet to come and Luz and Amelia would truly need to be at the top of their game mentally to fight through whatever plans the mad zealot had been keeping to himself.

“You hate all of this as much as I do?” Luz suddenly asked as the two continued to wait for their signal.

“Absolutely,” Amelia agreed as she and Luz stared deeply into each other's eyes. “I just wish I knew exactly what Caleb's endgame truly was here. I know Ryan told us of this insane dream to 'save humanity from itself' or whatever, but how the heck does he even plan on doing that?”

“No matter how big The Empire gets in terms of its numbers,” Luz noted, “there's definitely no way it'd be enough to make some kind of proper army to wage some sort of holy war or whatever against literally everyone who disagrees with him. That'd be the equivalent of trying to defeat an actual tank with a bunch of toy soldiers.”

“Whatever he wants, he's clearly determined to have us be on his side for it,” Amelia stated. “No matter what he says, does, or tries tonight, we need to stay strong and not let him get into our heads at all.”

“We're here to be witnesses to the exchange at his request,” Luz nodded. “Nothing more, nothing less, and nothing is going to change that.”

They fell back into silence after that, not knowing whether or not the main event was over yet or how close they were to just getting this over with. The silence that surrounded them, however, felt oppressive and suffocating the longer they were left alone to ponder their thoughts about what was about to go down. After briefly glancing at her phone to confirm that they hadn't gotten the text yet, Amelia decided that the mood needed to change.

“Hey,” she suddenly said, getting Luz's attention as she cocked her head. “How's my face look?”

Luz took a moment to carefully examine her partner's face, finding no signs of anything broken or seriously bruised. She even mentally noted that it didn't look like Brittany's bootprint was visible in the red that did mark Amelia's face from the blow, which all seemed to put her at ease.

For Amelia's part, she was fighting to hide the smirk she wanted to wear so badly at how seriously Luz was treating this. She knew her face was fine and she'd be 100% again for Body, Heart & Soul despite Ravyn's plotting, but seeing just how deeply Luz cared for her well-being despite the nature of their chosen career path warmed her heart in a way that she never would have known had it not been for this radiant light that had found a way inside of her formerly cold, dark heart. Little moments like this were a reminder that no matter what happened, they would always have each other and the love and care between them was something truly real, not some dream she would eventually wake up from or fleeting fancy that would end at a moment's notice.

“It's looking fine to me Ames,” Luz finally said once she'd finished her examination. “A little red from the kick, but that should fade overnight I'd like to hope.”

“So... am I still beautiful then?” Amelia replied, a few giggles slipping through as she gave the cheesiest smile she could muster.

Luz swore her heart was doing backflips as she finally caught on.

“Eres tan hermosa,” Luz whispered as she leaned closer, causing Amelia's face to start turning red for an entirely different reason, and it wasn't long before the two of them were lost in a passionate kiss. There was a very clear fire there that they both were tempted to explore so badly, but they kept themselves grounded knowing full well their time was limited. This deep, intimate connection that anchored their souls in this moment, however, was just what the doctor ordered as they turned down the heat on their makeout session in favor of more gentle and tender kisses to remind them that together they could overcome anything, including the machinations of a holier-than-thou screwball.

As much as they wished otherwise, however, the moment couldn't last forever.

They pulled apart at the sound of both of their phones going off, and checking them confirmed that Darius and Avery had texted both of them just to make sure they both knew that it was time. Breakdown was long over now and they had confirmed the arena and parking garage was devoid of any life aside from the workers taking down all the SCW equipment, but they weren't going to be coming across this based on where in the garage they were going to be headed. The couple took a few deep breaths together to help prepare themselves.

“You ready?” Amelia asked.

“Not really,” Luz admitted. “But you know Caleb probably doesn't care.”

“Then let's go get this over with,” Amelia confirmed.

With that, Luz got off her lap and helped her back to her feet before the two of them began making their way out to the parking garage. Amelia had already taken their bags out to their rental car after Luz had showered following her match, but they doubted the agents would mind a small pit stop back to it along the way so they could put their titles away after wanting them present for the moment their next challengers were finally sorted out. After a few minutes, they had left the arena and quickly spotted Evie, who was waiting for them.

“Where are the others?” Luz asked once she and Amelia were close enough.

“They're helping our associates unload Aleister and making sure he understands what's going down,” Evie told them. “They discussed some potential concerns about Aleister somehow knowing more than he's been letting on while in custody and even his arrest was part of some bigger plan they're hoping to pull.”

“Valid, but I'd doubt it,” Amelia admitted as the trio began walking, with Evie taking one look at their title belts and nodding in acknowledgment of the unspoken pit stop. “My father may be the more stoic and emotionless of my parents, but even he has his limits. Push him hard enough and he'll eventually snap.”

“We did get him to crack on a few things while we were interrogating him,” Evie confirmed. “One thing we can definitely keep in mind is that he's frustrated that even if you had gone through with this messed-up arranged marriage ploy your parents and Caleb cooked up, he and Ophelia wouldn't have gotten everything they were hoping to gain out of that deal considering Caleb's intentions for your marriage with Henry. It's clear that Caleb does not make deals unless he's absolutely certain he has the better one.”

“Makes sense, considering my dad especially hates the idea of anyone being better than him at something, even if it's a man he respects,” Amelia clarified.

“That also totally confirms we need to be extra wary of however Caleb plays this whole thing out,” Luz added as the trio stopped so Luz could load up their titles in the car, allowing the couple to simply head straight back to their hotel to crash for the night after everything.

“Luz! Amelia!”

The couple and Evie all turned to see Ivy and Gage running up to them, the latter having been the one to call their names. They both looked worried and the girls couldn't blame them... they had told everyone within their little found family of what was going on to keep them in the loop after getting clearance to do so from the agents, and to say the alarm bells had been going off ever since was an understatement. There was a lot of fear at what certainly seemed like some kind of clear trap despite the parties involved, but Amelia and Luz had done everything they could to reassure their loved ones that this was going to turn out alright.

“What are you guys doing here?” Luz asked their friends as they finally skidded to a stop, with Gage needing to catch his breath while Ivy recovered fairly quickly.

“We're coming to back you up, of course,” Ivy firmly stated.

“Absolutely not,” Evie immediately shot the idea down, her tone making it clear she wasn't going to argue about this. The look on Ivy's face made it clear she wasn't going to back down either, however. “I'm sorry, you two, but we're already walking a very fine line by allowing Luz and Amelia to be a part of this, and we only acquiesced to appease Caleb so he'd cooperate on finally giving us all the details of what he wanted.”

“But The Empire is definitely going to try something!” Gage exclaimed. “This has 'trap' written all over it and you're just going to walk right into it?”

“Luz and Amelia are our friends,” Ivy growled, looking like she was ready to throw hands. “We're not going to just sit back and risk losing them to this egotistical psychopath-”

“You won't lose us,” Amelia interrupted, her tone low but powerful in her conviction.

“No matter what Caleb tries, we're not going with him, tonight or ever,” Luz stated just as firmly.

“But-” Gage started to argue.

“We'll be fine you guys,” Luz reaffirmed. “But... thank you for the concern. It means more than you think knowing that you're both ready to put yourselves at risk for us, but we'd hate for anything to happen to you if things do get out of hand.”

“Especially you, Ivy,” Amelia told her oldest friend as she put a hand on her shoulder. “If my parents had their way, we wouldn't even be here talking right now, much less you being so willing to watch my back. A year ago, you still hated me and had every right to... you ultimately gave me a second chance I didn't think I deserve, and to see you ready to defy orders and your own safety just for Luz and I... I'm honored to have you as a friend again Ivy, and we swear to you on everything we value that you guys will see us back at the hotel before this night is done.”

Ivy was definitely fighting to keep from tearing up, but it was a losing battle as she pulled Amelia into a bearhug, and Luz didn't hesitate to join in with Gage not that far behind her. Luz could see Evie checking her phone with some concern, but they were allowed to have this moment before time really became an issue.

As the group hug ended and Ivy opened her mouth to say one last thing before they parted ways for now, her phone suddenly pinged. Raising an eyebrow, she took a look at it before lifting her stern gaze to Luz and Amelia.

“I'm going to hold you both to that promise,” she told them. “You'd better come back tonight, or else I'm going to find a way to rescue you from these nutjobs myself just so I can kick your asses for breaking it. That said... I know you guys are tougher than just about anyone I know, but please be careful. And I'm not the only one who wants that.”

Ivy turned her phone around so that the couple, as well as a curious Evie, could see it clearly. To their surprise, Ivy had gotten a text message from Henry, and while the appearance and capitalization was all over the place, the message was clear: Caleb did had something planned for this exchange tonight, but he'd been keeping whatever it was close to the vest, so he advised them to stay sharp.

“Wow... he is really bad at typing out a text message,” Luz noted.

“Thank you for the moment of levity sweetheart,” Amelia said. “And tell Henry 'thank you for the heads up' will you Ivy?”

She nodded before offering a fist bump to both Amelia and Luz before she and Gage watched the two of them be led away by Evie, exchanging looks of concern with one another as they silently prayed for their best friends to come out of this alright, no matter what happened.

After parting ways with Ivy and Gage, it didn't take long for the trio to meet up with Avery and Darius, who had brought along a rather hefty amount of their respective agents as a precautionary measure. Between Darius and another NCA agent, arms cuffed behind his back and looking like he'd recently been thrown to a pack of wolves, was Aleister, who raised his dark glare to his daughter and future daughter-in-law but didn't say a word as the group began marching to the designated meeting point, Avery reiterating to everyone what the procedure was going to be to ensure that no one went rogue and risked anything.

“You're wasting your time,” Aleister finally spoke after Avery had finished, his tone calm but clearly possessing enough strain to make it clear he was forcing it. “You know that, right?”

“I don't see why you're complaining when we're-” Darius griped at his old friend.

“I wasn't talking to you,” Aleister growled, cutting him off. “I was talking to my daughter and her misguided pet.”

“Watch it,” Amelia warned him, to which Aleister simply scoffed.

“All you have to do to put a stop to any of this is simply accept what Caleb is and how he can help you,” he stated in a low tone. “Your refusal will only make this worse... but you already know that, deep down inside.”

“We're not giving in to the delusions of a man who belongs in a maximum security prison dressed in a straight jacket,” Luz firmly told him.

“And nothing he says, does or offers will convince us to throw away everything that we truly are just so this ancient toddler can have his way,” Amelia added, which ultimately had Aleister shaking his head and muttering under his breath how they'll understand soon enough.

There was no time to grill him on this, however, as the group rounded the corner to the designated area and found themselves staring down a rather sizable crowd of Caleb's followers, all dressed in the white and gold cloaks of The Empire. A few recognizable figures were near the front in the form of Ophelia, who looked infuriated at the state her husband was in, and Henry, who was as still as a statue and they assumed had been ordered to wear his mask so nothing could be gleamed from his facial expressions. Front and center, however, was Caleb himself, smiling as though he'd already won. By his side was Ryan, who had his mouth gagged with a cloth but otherwise looked unbound. He looked a little pale and out of it, but he was upright under his own power and only remained where he stood because of Caleb's hand on his shoulder to ensure all parties adhered to the agreed-upon procedure. The NCA and FBI agents closed the distance until they stopped roughly ten yards away, allowing a fair distance between the two groups. Darius and Avery led Aleister to the front while Evie, Amelia and Luz joined them.

“La Pequeña Luz, Amelia Blythe,” Caleb finally spoke, clearly enjoying everything about this. “It is a pleasure to see you face-to-face once again.”

“Can't say the feeling is mutual,” Amelia fired back.

“There's no need for the attitude,” Caleb calmly replied. “We're simply here to give each other back a very valuable asset to our respective organizations.”

“Then why are you making this feel like something else entirely?” Luz asked him.

“I'm simply giving the two of you a chance to consider what your lives would be like in the new world I plan on creating for all mankind,” Caleb preached, his free hand motioning as though he were about to conduct an orchestra as he did so.

“Enough,” Darius interrupted. “I think it's safe to say the longer we hesitate on this, the more likely someone is going to forget about the terms we agreed upon and get antsy, so let's get this over with.”

“I suppose you're right,” Caleb sighed, taking a moment to stare back at his followers, all of whom understood the silent message being given to them. Once he was certain they got the memo, he turned back to face everyone. “As per our agreement, I have brought Mr. Lumis, unharmed.”

“He doesn't look unharmed,” Avery pointed out.

“I have not violated my word,” Caleb firmly stated. “Mr. Lumis has simply been feeling under the weather today. It happens to the best of us, after all, for what is man without sickness to remind him of his God-given limitations.”

“Then ungag him and let him tell us the truth himself,” Evie ordered.

“But of course, provided you release Aleister Blythe of his unjust shackles as well,” Caleb calmly smirked, knowing full well he was getting under everyone's skin while still playing by the stated rules of this engagement.

Cautiously, Darius pulled a key off his belt and unlocked Aleister's handcuffs, letting them clatter noisily to the concrete. Simultaneously, Caleb motioned for Henry to step forward and carefully untie the cloth until Ryan was free to speak again. He opened his mouth to do so, but stopped himself as Aleister started walking forward, clearly not wanting to wait to get back to “his side.” With a tired sigh, Ryan mirrored this, both men walking towards each other while everyone else watched in a tense silence. They finally reached one another and began to pass, only to stop and lock eyes. Luz and Amelia were starting to get nervous about whether or not Ryan or Aleister would break the tense treaty that kept pandemonium from being unleashed right here and now, but a “hmph” and a nod from Aleister was the only result before he began walking back to the rest of The Empire, with Ryan slowly moving to stand with the agents he'd been working with. Once they'd both reached the end of their walks, Ophelia was quick to pull Aleister away from the whole thing while complaining about something that just had Amelia shaking her head at her parents' behavior, and soon enough Caleb motioned for The Empire to move out.

“A pleasure doing business with you all,” he told the agents as he started to turn away.

“Is it me, or did this go too smoothly?” Avery couldn't help but ask once Caleb had started walking away.

“One last thing I almost forgot,” Caleb suddenly said before Avery could be answered, turning to look back at Luz and Amelia specifically as the agents tensed up, some of them preparing themselves just in case. “The two of you are free to come with us.”

“Pass,” the couple spoke in unison.

“You're really devoted to this fear that you'll change for the worse under my hand of salvation, aren't you?” he asked them, a genuine look of curiosity in his eyes. “And you believe that you won't inevitably change somewhere along the line due to forces beyond your control that, perhaps, have nothing to do with me? Humanity has grown weak over the years... I've seen it within that cesspool of a wrestling company you both dare to call home. Once proud and pure competitors, ones who respected you as you in turn respected them, become corrupted shells of their former glory, fueled by a bloodthirsty crowd who will never know what it truly wants because the masses are constantly at war with each other already over what inane opinion is 'correct' when none of them truly are. I ask again... do you wish to be saved and become the best versions of yourselves, the angels who will make SCW their first safe haven for the purity of the sport of wrestling by cleansing its roster full of vile demons? Or do you intend to fall victim to that same corruption just as so many of your own so-called heroes have?”

“Neither,” Luz firmly responded. “We've already had to fight through so many seemingly impossible odds just to realize and embrace who we truly are, to get to where we stand now. SCW, life, you... it doesn't matter what any of them throw at us, we will stand strong and keep true to ourselves come hell or high water, and that's a promise we're both willing to swear on our very souls, Caleb.”

“Whatever you're planning, it's going to fail,” Amelia warned him. “If you think the people who don't agree with your twisted ideology are just going to stand back and let you get away with whatever you're up to, then maybe you need to brush up on the stories of free will God gave to humanity and the incredibly good things we've done with it.”

Both sides stared each other down, the only thing keeping either one from making a move being the barest remaining hints of their deal that had kept this whole process civil. As much as they hated to admit it, the lead FBI and NCA agents present had to admit that Caleb had seemingly kept his word, meaning that any violation on their end ran the risk of public backlash that worked in Caleb's favor. After what felt like an eternity, however, Caleb quietly chuckled to himself.

“You'll come to understand in due time,” he softly spoke. “After all... actions have consequences.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Avery jumped in to ask, but Caleb ignored them as he turned and began following after the rest of his Empire. The agents all kept a tense eye on them until they were well out of sight, and only then did some of them start tending to Ryan as their entire group backed away from this spot.

“Ryan, is everything alright? Did he do anything to you?” Darius asked in a panic.

“I'm fine, for the most part,” Ryan finally responded, being cut off by a small cough before he continued. “Aside from being bound and gagged to make sure I didn't try to escape or go snooping around, they actually stuck to their word. They even fed me to make sure you couldn't claim starvation as a way of them going back on it... I hate to give you guys nothing, but he wasn't lying when he said I simply wasn't feeling well today. I wouldn't be surprised if I caught a bug or something from being shifted around so much to avoid any possible detection in case you had any plans of trying to get the jump on them to set me free yourselves.”

“Considering he clearly threatened your life, it was a risk we couldn't afford,” Avery told him, earning an understanding nod in return. His gaze finally turned to the two women who had seemingly started all of this solely because they existed, and Luz and Amelia could easily tell how bad he felt looking at them.

“Luz... Amelia... I owe you guys another apology for once again getting you caught up in all of this,” Ryan began before Amelia held up a hand.

“You didn't get us involved in anything,” she told him. “Caleb's been interested in us from practically the moment we were born, though exactly why and what he wants with us is still something we're struggling to figure out.”

“If anything, whatever involvement you've had that simply made us aware we were even on this radar has more than been made up for at this point with all the help you've given both to us and to these fine folks who are trying to close the book on all this Empire absurdity in the first place,” Luz added with a smile, and Ryan felt like he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

“I may have still managed to pick up on a few answers for you about what might be your role in whatever he's planning,” he told them. “Right now though, I feel like I should lay down and get some rest, if that's alright. It's been a long week and whatever bug I caught isn't helping.”

“I think we've all earned some rest tonight after this,” Avery agreed as everyone began to take their leave, with Ryan being taken by the agents to stay with them so they could keep an eye on him, just in case.

Even as they returned to their hotel to rest and reassure their friends that they were alright and Caleb hadn't won, Luz and Amelia both couldn't help but feel that something was still very off about this whole turn of events. Everything they had to go off of indicated that Caleb would have some sort of secret plan or scheme, that he wouldn't have gone through all this trouble just to get one specific member of The Empire back when all signs pointed to everyone but himself and potentially his nephew Henry being expendable in some form or another. There was a key piece of this puzzle that was missing, and the fact that Caleb had given all these ominous warnings about Ryan's fate being in their hands only for nothing to happen aside from him seemingly giving up and leaving more cryptic warnings behind...

Whatever was going on, The Light In The Darkness would figure it out and snuff it out before Caleb tried anything, just like they would fight to rise above anything that both Dark Fantasy and Twisted & Sadistic had to throw at them to stay atop the SCW tag team division and continue to encourage the level of competition that had everyone wanting a piece of them.


As we fade in, we find a bit of an unusual sight considering who we're here to see. Amelia Blythe and La Pequeña Luz are front and center, and what little we can see through the darkness that surrounds them seems to imply that they're seated in the middle of a wrestling ring. There's hints that would imply they may be in the TD Garden while everything is still being set up for Body, Heart & Soul, but it's hard to tell given that the chairs they're sitting in are illuminated by a spotlight while everything else is near-impossible to make out at the moment. They both seem to be decked out in some sort of fantasy-inspired attire that almost feels like a creative mashup of princesses, magical girls and superheroes, the only piece that particular stands out being their respective World Tag Title belts strapped across their chests like bandoliers. Once they notice our presence, Amelia reaches down to her right and grabs what looks like a large leather-bound storybook, opening it up and resting it across both her and Luz's laps as they begin to read.

“Once upon a time, there were two young ladies who loved each other very much. Perhaps just as great as their love for one another, though, was their love for the sport of professional wrestling. Despite being raised by two very different families, they both came up as second generation athletes looking to carve their own path in this treacherous business.”

“It wasn't an easy road at first, though. Both ladies walked very different roads, each influenced both by their respective cultures and upbringings, but only one of them was true to herself while the other was trapped in the image molded for her by those who preceded her. Their paths, however, were destined to intertwine, and from the moment they first met, they would slowly grow to help each other become so much more than they ever were before.”

“Many challenges stood in their way, both from issues within their respective families and those who sought to rip the happy couple apart and prevent them from ever reaching the heights they'd always dreamed of. No matter what they faced, however, the lovers found a way to overcome these odds time and time again, evolving with each new experience to get better and better so they could keep reaching higher... until, at least, their accomplishments had earned them an invite from the most elite wrestling company out there: Supreme Championship Wrestling.”

“The road only got tougher from there, though, and when injuries plagued the lovers despite what they believed was a strong start in the company, they found themselves doubting if they truly belonged with the very best of the wrestling world. Once they recovered, they sought answers by rebuilding themselves in familiar territories, slowly but surely working up the courage to ultimately try again. Soon, they had found themselves back at SCW's door, ready to give it another go.”

“The challenge had only gotten harder, the doubt growing stronger with each failure even in the face of the success they did find, but this time the lovers were determined to make their mark and prove to themselves, to everyone, that they truly belonged here... that they were good enough. For an entire year they scratched and clawed and fought with everything they had, each of them stamping their individual names into SCW's history books with Television Title reigns, but to truly prove to the world everything they wanted, to reach those seemingly unobtainable heights... they needed to keep fighting.”

“Eventually, after facing one setback against champions who respected their fight and determination, the lovers found themselves once again fighting for the right to call themselves the best tag team in all of SCW today. This time, however, the challenge was much greater, as they clashed with a tandem who was widely considered to be the greatest in all of SCW's long and storied history. Plagued by mind games but fueled by a desire to overcome them and show the vile schemer and her legendary partner exactly what they were made of, the lovers fought with all their might, surviving every infamous attack that was thrown their way, until, at last, one beautiful waltz led them to the promised land at long last.”

At that, the two women turn the page once more before flipping the book around, showcasing an art piece that depicts the two of them raising their SCW championships high as well as their respective trophies from being named Tag Team of the Year for 2023. They take a moment to recompose themselves as it looks like they've gotten a little teary-eyed from that little trip down memory lane in storybook form, but once they're ready to go again they close the book before Luz sets it off to the side now, leaning forward to lock eyes with us.

“This past year has truly felt like a fantasy novel in many ways for the two of us. Our respective stints as Television Champion, the fact that we're sitting here now as your World Tag Team Champions, being named Tag Team of the Year... when we first came to SCW years ago, after being scouted because management heard about our accomplishments all over the world and the fact that we were both second generation talents, all we wanted was to prove that we belonged here, that we could make it among the best of the best and earn the right to consider ourselves among those ranks. As our story tells, it wasn't an easy road at any point, and there were moments where it felt like we were in way over our heads and were better off giving up. But what a difference a year makes, huh? Now, we've more than earned the right to be considered one of the best tag teams in SCW today, arguably the best tag team considering we're holding the gold... but, to be honest, I still think we can do better.”

“Mi prometida is right. We may have all the accolades that proclaim us as the best as of right now, but there's always work to do. Sure, we've had a fairly good reign so far and have two successful title defenses to our name, but the challenge that awaits us will be the real test to see if we're worthy of continuing to stand at the top of this mountain or not... if our fairy tale is meant to continue from where we're at right now. We could talk about the threat that awaits us down the road, but we're not going to get ahead of ourselves. Twisted & Sadistic is a real threat, there's no denying that, but we have to overcome the threat that's right in front of us first to even make it there, and it's a challenge we're all too familiar with. I can't blame CHBK for his logic, though... even we can't deny how hard we fought on the night of Under Attack, and the team that pushed us to the point where we finally found the strength to shatter that proverbial glass ceiling together is none other than Dark Fantasy.”

“As I said last time... to be the best, you've got to beat the best, and they don't get any better than Dark Fantasy. One could make the argument that when we met them back in mid-November, they weren't at the same level as the Dark Fantasy of old, the version that reigned for over 600 days together as World Tag Team Champions... you could've fooled me, because Syren and Ravyn gave us everything they had and proved that any rust from not teaming together that had been shown beforehand was long gone. They worked together flawlessly, kept isolating us and piling on the pressure, digging deep into their arsenals to try and retain these championships. And yet... despite the head games Ravyn tried to pull leading up to that night in hopes of fracturing us, despite the absolute onslaught they put us through, we kept fighting. Saying that Dark Fantasy was rusty and that's why they lost on that night is nothing more than an excuse, and an incorrect one at that. The truth of the matter is that we simply wanted it more on that night.”

“We walked into that arena determined to make this opportunity count, to fight like only we could and prove a point that for as strong as we are on our own, we are always stronger together. That's why we always support one another in every endeavor we face, why we speak the truth when we say the accomplishments of one add fuel to the fire for the other. At Under Attack, we kept pushing each other to greater and greater heights, all in the name of making this little fantasy of ours a reality. Throughout the year, we fought like hell to get to this point, and that effort has been acknowledged. We've earned all of this... we also acknowledge the rematch that Dark Fantasy is owed as the former champions looking to truly reclaim the crowns we fought tooth and nail to claim from them, but they need to acknowledge that we are ready to fight even harder to keep both our title reign together and our hopes for this division alive. After all, this time there's a familiarity that did not exist before between both sides, meaning that Luz and I are going to have to get a little more creative and fight a little harder this time around, something that we know Syren and Ravyn know all too well.”

“I guess that means it's no surprise that Ravyn's not even bothering to try and play nice this time, knowing full well her mind games didn't work on us.”

At that, Amelia takes a moment to run a hand across her face as Luz puts a comforting hand on her shoulder, letting her gather her thoughts before allowing her to pick up from her point.

“I bet you think you're clever, don't you Ravyn? We weren't shy about how much we respect Syren for everything she's accomplished and the fact that, despite whatever you and Lexy decide to do, she prefers to fight her way back to where she wants to be. We heard her mention that she was more than willing to pass on this rematch so the two of you could truly earn your way back to this point, proving everyone who doubts you wrong in the process for how your last Tag Title reign started while working off any remaining tag team rust that does still exist. It's no surprise that you and Lexy disagree with that idea, just as it's no surprise that you must feel pretty proud of yourself for playing puppet master last Breakdown, don't you? I mean... you attack Glory, knowing that Brittany will react, which gets Syren to react in self-defense. Then, once the stage is set, you know that Syren would prefer a fair rematch with us and didn't want any conflict, so you play along... and wouldn't you know it? Brittany Lohan, someone you know quite well, played right into your hands and all you had to do was duck so I'd take the hit. Brilliant... except... I'd have thought Under Attack would have proven that it's going to take a lot more than just one kick to the face to snuff our our fire.”

“You're not going to have that in your back pocket at Body, Heart & Soul though Ravyn, not when you can only bend the rules so far before you cost not only yourself, but also Syren, everything that you hope to gain out of teaming with her once more. It's funny, really... we still have your number from when you gave it to us all those months ago, and there's been times where we've been tempted to call, if for no other reason than to be courteous from one couple to another if there was any truth at all to what you told us about simply wanting to stand by Syren's side once again and mend the gap that's seemingly formed between you. As the old saying goes, though... you play with fire, and you're bound to be burned. You may be willing to play games and outwit your opponents before the bell's even rung, but how far can you truly go by following those instincts until Syren's finally had enough of it, as she's done once before? I know that's a question that only the two of you can answer, but when you're only focused on the results and not how you achieve them... well, the reason Ames and I were able to weather your storm at Under Attack and keep pushing one another to keep the two of you from snowballing like you've done to so many other teams was because we understand and respect each other, right down to what we want and what makes us tick. We know you're capable of doing that Ravyn, since you've done it to so many others over the years... but why can't you seem to do that when Syren only wants to prove on skill alone why she earned the nickname of the Alpha Female?”

“That said Syren... we don't blame you for what happened on Breakdown, and we know you were concerned and willing to help had Lexy not felt the better move was getting out of there. That speaks volumes to us... you know and respect the kind of match we had at Under Attack and you want to dance like that one more time. You know what we're capable of and you want to push yourself to see if this is the time where you can take that win back from us, to become World Tag Team Champion with Ravyn again and silence everyone who took issue with how you claimed this belt last time. We could've gone that route the last time, taken issue with you 'not earning' your half of this championship... but we didn't. You know why Syren? It's because we knew that if Dark Fantasy deserved to be World Tag Team Champions in the ashes of Rated X because of whatever happened to Ace, then you and Ravyn would prove it on that night against us. If you ask me... even though you lost that match to us, the story we told together in that ring proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you were worthy to hold that title belt and stand beside Ravyn as her fellow champion, regardless of how it came about.”

“We could see it in your eyes on Breakdown Syren... we saw, clear as day, that you acknowledge who we are and what we can do. We saw that fire you feel like you've struggled to keep lit as of late burning bright because you know that, just as Amelia and I push each other every single day, we can push you too. Our last match proved that we can give you the kind of fight where you know you have to be at the top of your game and fighting to go beyond even that to earn that win. That's the greatest thing we could ever want out of this Syren... knowing that, in some fashion, we've inspired you to keep pushing forward and find new heights to rise to even when it seems like you've done it all. To have earned your respect and acknowledgment means as much to us as standing here as your SCW World Tag Team Champions, because that, to us, is a symbol that we're on the right path and we're making the mark we'd hoped to make in this company since day one. If we have to go to war with you and Ravyn again and put on another classic just to get that... then we'll gladly take up that fight and meet you in this very ring every single time.”

“The one constant that we have proven time and time again is that Luz and I are an ever-evolving force, always striving to improve and always looking for the next big challenge that will test how far we've come and how much farther we have to go.”

“Beating Dark Fantasy once was already impressive enough, we'd like to think... beating Dark Fantasy twice in a row, knowing full well they'll be more prepared for us than ever before this time? That is the next step we need to take to keep proving to ourselves that we belong in this position, that we are currently SCW's top tag team, and that we want to inspire the two of you, Twisted & Sadistic, the rest of the division and SCW as a whole to keep pushing yourselves farther.”

“The day will come when The Light In The Darkness will fall and someone new will take our place as World Tag Team Champions... but that team will have earned that honor because we will never make this easy and we will never back down. After all, in every darkness, there is always a light to inspire hope.”

“And we will always fight to be that hope within SCW... a hope that not even Dark Fantasy will be able to snuff out, not so long as we have air in our lungs and fight left to give.”

With that, both ladies slowly stand up, joining hands in the process as they stand proudly before us, the title belts draped over their chests on full display as a symbol of the fight they've put up to get here and the challenge they'll present to stay here. The look in their eyes is clear: regardless of whether or not Ravyn wants to try and play her games again, no matter what kind of fight Syren brings against them this time, La Pequeña Luz and Amelia Blythe are determined to keep fighting and continue to prove that they've earned the right to be at the top of the mountain... that they've earned the right to be here.
[Image: VU13RwA.png]

Tag Team Record: 20-8*
La Pequeña Luz Solo Record: 9-5
Amelia Blythe Solo Record: 5-5-1

*The tag team turmoil on the 9/14/2023 Breakdown is counted in this record as the three separate matches LITD had in the gauntlet up until their elimination.

Breakdown 3/30/2023 - Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In
La Pequeña Luz: 3 Falls
Amelia Blythe: 2 Falls
*Neither one finished high enough to win any championships in this match
*Result listed separately and not counted in records due to lack of clarity on how to count falls

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Television Championship (Amelia Blythe - 29 Days)
SCW Television Championship (La Pequeña Luz - 98 Days)
SCW World Tag Team Championship [2] (1 - 81 Days) (2 - 109 Days)
2023 Tag Team of the Year
2023 Match of the Year (Kim Williams' Trios Cash-In)

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RE: Dark Fantasy vs. The Light in the Darkness - by Wisteria Waltz - 01-21-2024, 12:56 AM

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