Team Desire vs. The Seekers
Team Desire | "A Gift"

A mail person drives their mail truck on the streets of Los Angeles making their daily delivery. They pull up to the home of Katie Steward and park their truck outside the gate. Stepping out of the truck and walking around to the back. They dig through packages finding a nice sized one that is addressed to Katie’s residences. The mail person takes the packages and a few envelopes walking through the gate and up to Katie’s front door step. They place the package on the step and then slide the envelopes in the mailbox then finally ring her door ball before leaving.

Inside the backyard, Katie sits on her yoga mat. Her legs crossed and finds herself in a deep meditation. At least she is trying to find her calm. She isn’t really having a good go at it. Not with the changes that are happening to the tag team division and her quest. Team Desire might’ve gotten by the Playgirls and skeeted by the Fiery Nations, but the new champions Twisted and Sadistic are different from the previous title holders, The Light in the Darkness. Though Katie isn’t that bothered by it. If she has proven one thing to herself with her time in SCW, it’s that she can adapt and still get into the minds of her opponents.

Katie’s phone buzzes near her on the ground. It snaps her out of her meditative state. Katie grabs her phone and stands up walking into her home. Walking through the kitchen to grab a bottle of Fiji water from the fridge taking a drink from it. She hears the doorbell ring that gets her attention.

Katie opens the front door and sees the mail person walking away from her house. Getting back into their truck and driving away. Katie collects her mail and grabs the packages off the front step. She moves the box around in her hand trying to figure out what it is, but there is no information other than her address. She walks back inside her home. Putting the mail on a nearby table. Katie continues to check the package, wondering who it is from. It’s not to or from Ace Marshall. Luckily for her, he changed his address to stop having his mail sent to her place and if it was from him, he would let her know. Maybe it’s a package for TJ? No, TJ wouldn’t have it be such a mystery. Neither would something from Gigi.

Suddenly Katie realizes what it is. Who it could be from and it was quite obvious. This is something from Twisted and Sadistic. Katie did have TJ arrange a special bouquet for Brittany Lohan congratulating her on her achievement. Though Katie is a bit surprised by this reaction. She’d expected they thought she was up to something mischievous. How would they know her true intentions? No one in SCW really knows about how much more it means for Katie reaching Supreme Champion status than anyone else. So Katie had TJ send a gift because she was genuinely happy for her and her achievement… Before, well Katie put all other previous holders to shame.

Katie looks at the package and studies it. Wondering what she is going to do. Should she open it? She grabs the packages and carries it with her as she runs up the stairs to her bedroom and closes the door behind her.

Katie walks into A Steward’s Place restaurant. She had changed her clothes, getting out of her yoga attire and into something more casual so she can go out. Carrying the package under her she looks for TJ somewhere in the restaurant. She walks to the end of the bar and puts the package down on it. Katie doesn’t wait too long. TJ walks out from the back of the restaurant.

“TJ!” Katie reaches out and grabs him, getting his attention. Excited for the news that she’s about to break. “TJ, you won’t believe what I got in the mail today.”

TJ joins her at the end of the bar. His eyes looked at the package on the bar. “Katie, is this another gift from one of your fans again? You know you need to be more careful with this stuff. Especially after the last dozen times.”

“I remember and no, it’s not that. This is a thank you gift from Twisted and Sadistic. Remember I had you Brittany a nice bouquet for her title win. Because I am thoughtful. Well they returned the favor and sent me something.” Katie smiles looking very happy. The idea that people can change is reflective in her mind.

“I would assume it’s from a fan.” TJ shakes his head in decline.

“Well you are wrong. Someone actually sent me something nice, so there.”

“But, you haven’t opened it yet? Is it ticking?”

Katie moves her ear close to the package and listens in, but doesn’t hear anything coming from inside the package. “Nope. It’s not a bomb. Also the bottom of the package is saturated with any liquid. So there isn’t some kind of dead animal inside that bleeds out. So you’re wrong and I am right!”

“I wasn’t trying to argue with you, Katie. I just wouldn’t trust them. They are twisted and sadistic for a reason.” TJ tries to explain and reason with Katie.

Katie kind of laughed it off. “Ok, I understand the concern TJ, but I am just a little more hopeful. I’ve grown as a person in the last couple of years and I hope they will too. What do you think they could send to me?” Katie continued to laugh at the thought. She decides to prove TJ wrong.

Katie reaches behind the bar and grabs a knife. TJ watches her wondering what she’s going to do. Katie grabs the knife holding it downward and she stabs the package. The package breathes letting air inside and out of the hold the knife made particle dust flies up into the air.

TJ’s eyes widened with fear. He lifts his shirt over his mouth and steps back. Katie sees it and she just does the same thing. Her eyes sway back and forth.
“What are you doing?”

“Katie, you just unleashed Anthrax into the restaurant.” TJ scolds her.

“What? No.”

Restaurant patrons overhear their conversation and the word “Anthrax” being said. Panic naturally ensues among them and everyone heads to the door.

“Ah, no…” TJ shakes his head watching everyone leave. “Katie, you just ran all my customers out the door.”

“This isn’t my fault. I was just proving you wrong, so I stabbed the package.” Katie snapping back.

“Which unleashed a deadly disease into the restaurant!” TJ points it out to her. Katie just shakes it off.

Both stand there at the end of the bar. Upset with one another, not talking. Thinking about what the other is going to do. They still have their shirts lifted covering their mouth and nose. Waiting for emergency services to show up knowing someone was bound to have called in it.

Katie gets a whiff of a strange scent in the air. It’s familiar to her and not that of a deadly bacterial disease. “TJ, what is that? That smell. Nature.”

“Is this another test to see if I noticed you’ve changed perfume brands?”

“No.The smell. It’s coming from the package. It’s like someone’s lawn. After the gardeners finish cutting it.” It clicks in Katie’s mind as she realizes what is in the package. It isn’t anthrax. Twisted and Sadistic didn’t send a message to her. “Oh no.”

Katie uses the knife to cut open the package.

“That’s not a good idea, Katie. We should wait for some clean up crews.” TJ warns her.

Katie reaches into the package and picks a handful of freshly shredded bouquet of flowers. The obvious response from someone who considers themselves twisted and sadistic.

“It’s the bouquet, TJ. They figured I was screwing with them. So they returned it.” Katie smells the clippings in her hand. “Did you get the cheaper bouquet to send?”

“What?” TJ looks at her shocked at the allegations.

“This is why they didn’t accept my generous offer. How could you do this to me?”

“I did no such thing. You said to send them a bouquet and that’s what I did.”

Katie shakes her head in disappointment at TJ. She grabs the package and takes it with her out of the restaurant. Dumping it into a nearby trash can outside. So the generous offer went as well as Katie figured it would have. That is ok. She didn’t need them to know how she felt. All that matters in the very near future is that they will have to face off against Team Desire.


“The Seekers. New branding. I like that. It’s very clever. Though as much as I like that. It’s not going to change a lot as to how this situation is going to be tackled. Like I had gotten the point across to the Playgirls and also the Fiery Nation nothing is going to stop me on my quest of winning the tag team championship with Gigi. No matter how many times SCW was to try and distract me by throwing me into a singles match. I mean, my Goddess, it's like they don’t know anything. Gigi has her own ambition, not me. Of course, I wouldn’t put that little mishap past them. Trying to cause drama where there isn’t any. It’s not going to work. Not this time and not ever. Gigi and I are on a new level of understanding each other. We know each other better than everyone in SCW. It doesn’t matter who you throw at us. We’re not going to be defeated. Not until I fulfill my destiny. A destiny that will change the very foundation of SCW because nobody will ever be able to say that they’re better than Katie Steward. While the Seekers will do their best to seek success in their own right. Let’s just not make the mistake that anybody other than Team Desire is going to be your next Tag Team Champions.” -Katie Steward.

“We said what we needed to say. We did what needed to be done. We played the Fiery Nations game and beating them was easy enough. All it took was letting them slip up and screwing themselves and Team Desire proving they are the smarter team. Although come on, that wasn’t never a question. Now we have new tag team champions and a new team to test ourselves against. Now I’m feeling a bit alive again. It's amazing what a chair shot can do to send a jolt of life through you. Makes you hungry. Looking for a fight. I’m ready for Chance and Kelsai. It’s going to be a great match. They aren’t like the Playgirls or the Fiery Nation. We aren’t going to be playing games or brawling. This is going to be a straight up match between two teams that are seeking glory for themselves. We all want the same thing, but only one of us can get it. No offense to The Seekers, but Team Desire needs another shot at Twisted and Sadistic. This time for the big prize on the line. Team Desire is going to finish Katie’s quest and no one is going to stop us. While everything we’ve been through in the last few months. Trying to figure things out. Dealing with people and their way of doing things to get our attention. This is going to be right. The Seekers are going to give us something worth our time. We are going to prove that we are worth theirs.” -Gigi Steward.
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Team Desire vs. The Seekers - by supremecw - 02-25-2024, 12:39 AM
RE: Team Desire vs. The Seekers - by Chance Owens - 03-02-2024, 02:40 AM
RE: Team Desire vs. The Seekers - by Team Desire - 03-04-2024, 07:44 PM
RE: Team Desire vs. The Seekers - by Simple77 - 03-04-2024, 10:59 PM

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