“Wolfsbane” Adam Brock vs. Deanna Frost
DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction and not to be confused as complete or accurate representation of any beliefs, religions, etc. Please refer to research/articles by experts for that.

The Witches of Alden


The Eyrie Tower
New York City, New York
April 22nd, 2024

Deanna’s senses slowly came to her. It started, surprisingly enough, with her brain; her mind slowly pulling her from her dreams, which she couldn’t remember even now – her thoughts telling her ‘hey, you’re sleeping. This isn’t real’… though she had no idea what wasn’t supposed to be ‘real’ as she drifted closer and closer to full consciousness. The next thing that came was her sense of touch, and she could feel the warmth and silkiness of the sheets against her skin, including her back, her arms, her legs… even her extremities.

That realization was a nice yank towards awakening, the redhead’s eyes fluttering open just as her ears seemed to start to ‘work’ again, taking in the full sound of the rain that pelted the ceiling above her. Looking up, Deanna saw the dark clouds overhead – thanks to the glass ceiling above her. She could see the raindrops falling, the black blanket of clouds beautiful and a little frightening at the same time.

It hadn’t been that way last night. She had remembered seeing the gorgeous stars amidst the cloudless night-sky, the moon so bright and pale, like the skin and hair of the woman that had been underneath her when she had looked up in pure… in pure…

She felt the heat of a blush warm her cheeks as she recalled exactly what she was doing when she had gazed up at that sky… or rather, whom she was doing, feeling her hips tingle from the memory of straddling and grinding… a quick shake of her head dispelled the memory for the moment. There was nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. She had had sex. So what? She had had sex with her wife. Again, so what?

So… what, even, after the fourth or fifth time, did it still feel a little weird? A sigh escaped her. It had all started a few weeks ago, shortly before the “Taking the Leap” Pay-Per-View. Following the idea of their marriage counselor, Dr. Glengow, Deanna and her wife, Selena Frost, had met at their ‘Forever Home’ to take photos of themselves in their wrestling gear and with the championship titles they currently held.

It was a strange concept, but, Deanna admitted, she was sad she hadn’t thought of it sooner. Every time one of them held a singles title, the other would not or would lose it the very next day. When Deanna had won the Underground title nearly two years ago at Rise to Greatness, Selena had barely a day to celebrate them both holding titles before losing the world title to Adam Allocco. Last year at the same event, when Deanna had won the United States Championship, it had happened again, with Selena losing the world title the next day to Kandis. It was the catalyst that had started so much of this: Selena leaving SCW, Deanna (in-between trying to be a good champion for the SCW Universe) trying so hard to get the Snow Queen to come back, Selena eventually returning but on a warpath of some kind and snatching back the world championship…

But the pair of them – Selena as world champion and she as the United States Champion – it had been a thing for almost three months now, with both women successfully retaining their titles time and time again. And yet… there hadn’t been one picture of them together to commemorate it. In all fairness… Deanna thought. Most of that, I was wondering if I even had a marriage…

Still, it had been that event, combined with all the other exercises the wives had tried at the requesting of Nia Glengow, that ‘it’ had started.

A simple kiss on the cheek. That’s all it had taken. Her wife, in hindsight for Deanna, had probably just been ‘playing’ the part, trying to provide good poses with Deanna, even though the platinum-blonde wasn’t the same woman she had been at RTG, anymore than Deanna was. They both had changed, both because of one another and just because of time and events. The redhead highly doubted sex had been the objective behind the kiss, but she hadn’t cared. It was as if, feeling her wife’s lips on hers for the first time in months and months… MONTHS her mind screamed… had opened the floodgates to her heart. In that moment, though she had used the excuse of their alter-egos of Chica and Evelyn, it had never mattered for a single second to Deanna.

She wanted her wife.
She wanted Selena.
She needed her love.

It had been that simple. Simple to shut out the noise of the outside world and the SCW Universe that told her to ‘hate Selena’ and see the problems her wife was making in SCW and just be… just be Deanna again.

While the aftermath had been a little awkward, it had been a start, one that they had continued throughout the weeks, often here, in one of the guest rooms of Selena’s abode in The Eyrie Tower. According to Selena, Deanna sighed at the memory, the platinum-blonde’s room was meant for ‘The Blue-Eyed Devil’ and they were trying not to be wrestlers or anything SCW-related during such intimate moments. It had been one of their rules they had established after that first ‘sexual encounter’.

Rule 1: Like their dates as Chica and Evelyn, no SCW talk during these intimate times. Nothing to do with wrestling whatsoever. They were just to focus on themselves.

Rule 2: No telling anyone except Glengow. The last thing they wanted was more confusion surrounding them.

Rule 3: Fail-safe? They keep their fake names. This was to ensure Rule 1 was strictly followed. So if a slip was happening with one, they would fall into their alter-egos to stop it.

For her side, Deanna didn’t mind the rules. Her marriage, without question, was more important that what was happening in SCW. Not that she could condone everything that was happening, but still… it could be worse. Least we’re both fighting on our own and retaining our titles the right way… right?

Another headshake, this one against the soft satin and silk pillows. She didn’t regret any of it. She had to believe that this new development, the two women resuming their sex-life with one another, was a good thing. Glengow seemed to think so! It was them rediscovering themselves.

And Deanna was realizing things, alright. The most alarming? Was that Selena and The Blue-Eyed Devil weren’t necessary always the same ‘person’. Now, that wasn’t say she believed her wife was suffering from multiple-personality-disorder. Not at all! But ever since their first ‘reunion’ of sorts, she had seen glimpses of the woman she had fallen in love with. How Selena would smile at her again, hold her hand, hold her when they lay in bed… it was all so familiar and wonderful and GODS how the redhead wished for it to always stay.

But then SCW would be brought up or they would have to go to work and that woman, whenever she would show, would quietly disappear, to be replaced by the woman that was known as ‘The Blue-Eyed Devil’ and SCW World Champion. The one at odds with everyone in SCW, including Deanna, herself.

It was confusing to say the least. And she couldn’t even begin to think about finding a way to explain it to the children- THE CHILDREN!

The image of her two daughters and one son leapt into Deanna’s mind, causing the redhead to sit up faster than a bolt of lightning, her eyes wide as they gazed at the clock on the nightstand (though she could have looked at the grandfather-clock sitting in the corner as well) to see it approaching the half-past point for nine…in the morning. Quickly, she threw the covers off her, not caring that she was naked under them, and was moving, her eyes searching the guest room in a wild search for her clothes.

Last night… there had been no date. Selena had just called her – her voice echoed in Deanna’s memories. “Are you free? I really… really need you tonight.”

For a moment, just a moment, Deanna’s movements slowed, her heart skipping a beat. As if she could recall that voice into her ears like a recording. The plea her wife had given. She had been struggling with something regarding work and her match with The One, though she wouldn’t say. But she had hit her limit and wanted to just ‘forget’ about work and SCW for the rest of the night. So, Deanna had called Gerda to look after the kids while she… she…

Again, she refocused her attention on the task at hand. Now was not the time to be fondly recollected last night’s sexcapades. She needed to find her clothes-

As if the room had heard the United States Champion’s voice, her eyes saw the folded clothes on the chair by the vanity, just in front of the little drawers and the large mirror. Moving quickly, Deanna picked up the pile. It did not take much time for the redhead to realize that these were not the clothes she had worn last night. Those clothes had been simple blue jeans and pink sweater. What she held now: gray track pants and a dark-green t-shirt two sizes too big for her… Still, she quickly shrugged into them before grabbing her phone off the nightstand and rushing out of the guest room. She had not been here enough times to know the pathways through the castle just yet, but she knew she was on the top floor of the private suite and the exit was on the first.

Quickly, the young woman found the stairs and took them two at a time, almost falling more than once, to reach the first floor of the suite. She took a right down the hall, sure that that was where the exit was, yet cursed loudly when she found herself in the dining room/sitting area, the massive window overlooking NYC the first thing she noticed.

“There ought to be a map on the wall or something – like at the mall!” she grumbled before turning to march down the next hallway, not looking before moving… which was the reason she found herself colliding with the woman standing behind her. Pale hands shot out to steady the redhead, keeping her from falling backwards.

“Easy.” Came the light-hearted laugh as Deanna was gently held. Casting her gaze up, she stared into the soft sapphire eyes of her wife – her wife… that’s who she saw in that moment. “Good morning.” Selena smiled warmly, rubbing Deanna’s arms in the process. “You slept in.”

“I…” Deanna shook her head, quickly disengaging herself from her wife’s hold. “I have to go.” She stated simply. “Which way is it to the exit?” she asked, moving around the taller Selena and down the hall she hadn’t gone down.

“Already?” she heard Selena’s teasing voice. “A night of hot sex and passion and you just leave without telling me?” she stopped for a second. “Oh my god… I’m a booty call!”

“Considering you called me?” Deanna shot back as she continued to march down the hall, her nerves a mixture of stress, frustration, shame and fear all coupled together in a ‘oh-so-great’ ball of ‘holy hell!’. “I think that makes me the booty-call.” Not that I would really know…

“Deanna?” Selena’s voice had dropped from its teasing manner to a more concerned one, which only registered in the redhead’s mind as she turned a corner, saw the elevator-exit before she was suddenly, gently, turned around. “What is it?” Selena asked. “You don’t really think that I think that about you, do you?” her eyes were wide, concern laced through the sapphire orbs.

“No!” Deanna sighed, still irritated. “Selena, I have to go! I’m late!” she tried to explain in a rush. “I was supposed to drive the kids to school. Now, I need to get home, get them there, explain to the school why they are so late!” She reached up to rub her temples, her frustrations on clear display. “You couldn’t have a ‘bad day’ on a Saturday?!” She had tried to say it as a joke, but seeing her wife’s dour expression, she wasn’t quite sure her joke had ‘hit the mark’. Rather stumble more so on her own words, Deanna moved closer to the elevator, her hand reaching to press the down-button to summon the contraption, but Selena’s hand caught hers, making the demand/button-pushing an impossibility.

“That’s been taken care of.” Came the calming, reassuring voice of Selena – which had the opposite intended effect on Deanna.

“What do you mean, ‘it’s taken care of”? Deanna asked.
“Exactly what I say.” Selena shrugged her shoulders, Deanna, now, only seeing the black, long yoga pants and match sports bra. Clearly, Selena had been working, which only further the younger women’s frustration.

“What you’re saying doesn’t make sense.” Deanna shook her head. “Are you saying the kids are in school right now?”
“Of course.” Selena shrugged. “Where else would they be.”
“Then who drove them there, Selena? Gerda doesn’t have the means to drive too far and she’s not allowed to-“
“I did.”

The words were simple, but they stole the breath out of Deanna’s lungs at the calm confession, her eyes widening with surprise. “What?” came the question from the taller woman. It was then that Deanna was able to take in the details of her wife’s figure. Her hair was tied up in it’s braid – of course – but, aside from the passionate moments they had shared (which were dimly lit and run on desire and need), this was the first time she had seen so ‘much’ of the Snow Queen.

In SCW, the Blue-Eyed Devil still maintained a rather regal posture and ‘professional’ attire. She wasn’t flashing her midriff or her boobs like so many of the other women, which wasn’t bad to look at for Deanna – ‘window-shopping’ as it were, she had called it (look but not interested in buying) – but had just never been her or Selena’s thing. Selena preferred the subtler ways of ‘dressing’, showing her legs and shoulders and neck in their private life. Not that there was anything wrong with her chest, Deanna could DEFINITELY attest to that, but… Focus! her mind shocked her silently.

Seeing Selena there, the full light, and just in, what appeared to be, workout clothes, Deanna could see the toned abs and thin arms. Feeling them in the dark was one thing, but to see them in the light of day, it didn’t sent a thrill through her like it had last night. Instead, with her still reeling from the shock of Selena’s words, a wave of concern flooded her. She had never seen her wife look so shredded. Yes, the world champion had always possessed a six-pack, but this was boarder-line concerning. Looking back up, Deanna was suddenly (with her current mindset) able to see the bag under her wife’s eyes, though the platinum-blonde wore a pleasant expression, as if nothing was wrong.

Making the redhead wonder if that was really so…

“What?” Selena repeated her question, tilting her head the other way. “You’re gonna make me disappear or something if you keep staring at me like that.”

Snapping back to reality, Deanna blinked a few times. “Sorry…” she whispered under her breath, pushing her concerns to the back of her mind… for now. “You said you drove the kids to school? How?”

The question seemed to confuse the older woman, Selena shrugging her bare shoulders. “What do you mean ‘how’?” she asked. “I got into my car, drove to our house, picked them up and dropped them off. Gerda was making them breakfast when I got there.”

“You…” why was Deanna having such a hard time understanding this? She wasn’t sure. It seemed simple enough of a task. Their home was no more than half-an-hour (even at the worst traffic) from here. And Selena was as much the children’s mother as she was!

But… part of her mind argued. That’s the Selena I know… Not the Blue-Eyed Devil.
Oh, THAT makes sense, Red!
another part argued. So, which one have you been sleeping with then, genius?

“But today was David’s…” She began to say.
“Book presentation?” Selena nodded. “Yeah. He read it to me on the way. Treasure Island, right?”
“R-right.” Deanna nodded.
“Seemed alright to me.” Selena shrugged. “I did advise him to mention the, seemingly, dual-nature of Long John that many adaptations seem to focus on. Torn between his obsession with the treasure and the growing fatherhood he feels towards Jim Hawkins.”

“Okay, how are you?!”

The words blurted out of her mouth before she could stop them, earning a surprised expression from Selena.

“Okay…” the platinum-blonde remarked, taken aback. “Where did that come from?”

“I…” Deanna sighed. “I don’t know.” She eventually released with a huff. “It’s just… one minute you’re pushing me into a potted plant in a lobby.”
“To be fair-“
“I know!” Deanna shook her head, irritated. “I tried to push you! I get it! Still!”
“Right…” Selena backed off apologetically. “Go on…”

“The next minute your taking me out to dinner. The next minute we’re arguing about what’s the right thing to do in SCW and getting involved in each other’s business. The next minute, we’re tearing each other’s clothes off-“ she saw a hint of a blush cross Selena’s features as the ‘most dominant superstar in SCW today’ looked away. It was almost adorable. “And then that! You’re blushing!”

“No, I’m not!” Selena defended lamely.
“Oh come on!” the redhead shot back. “Since when does ‘The Blue-Eyed Devil’ blush?!”

The question seemed to click the pieces into place within Selena’s brain, the taller woman giving a knowing exhale of breath as she nodded her head. “Deanna…” she chose then to move away, walking  towards the large window overlooking the vast cities of NYC and, further away, Manhattan. “I don’t always have to be…that.” She sighed. “Some days… I don’t even want to be.”

Deanna said nothing, but she followed Selena as the trim woman placed her hand on the glass of the window, keeping her gaze outward. “I won’t lie…” she heard Selena continue. “It’s felt so GOOD being able to do what I do in SCW. To call the shots. To not have to be afraid if someone’s going to drop a crate on my foot, or come after you just to get to me… or whip me with barbed wire-“ Deanna’s eyes dropped to the, nearly, bare back of her wife, where she could see the web of old scars that littered the expanse of pale skin. “But sometimes… I just need to get away from that.”

“That why you called me last night?” Deanna asked, causing Selena to nod her head. Quietly, the shorter redhead stepped closer until she was leaning against the glass her wife was gazing out of, her arms crossed.

“I’m trying.” Selena whispered. “I’m REALLY trying. To separate who I am in SCW and who I am outside it. It’s just… it’s hard.” She admitted. “I want to be a good mother and, eventually, be able to be a good wife to you but… I’m afraid we’ll always fight over our views in SCW… because I can’t change what I’m doing now. I don’t want to.”

“Yeah, I know.” Deanna sighed. “It’s why I never pressed you to go after the tag-team titles with me again.” She admitted, though there had been times where she had wished for a sort of reunion with The House of Frost.

“You don’t want that.” Selena shook her head. “Would do far more damage than good. Especially with you trying so hard to ‘escape my shadow’.” She teased, a small smile forming on her lips.

“Yeah, I know.” Deanna admitted. “Not to mention Luz and Amelia sort of own the division at this point.” She added with a sense of pride and joy at her friends.

“They are.” Selena nodded, though not quite as enthusiastic (but it was still there). “I wonder what they think of me.” She listed off in thought.

“They’re fine with you, I think.” Deanna shrugged. “They don’t get some of the choices, but you’re ‘doing what you feel you need to do’. Their words.” She added.

“I am.” Selena settled on that answer with a nod of her head, leaving the pair in silence for a moment, allowing them to appreciate the view below them.

“This is…” Deanna admitted. “Something.”

“This…” Selena gestured with an upward tilt of her head. “This is my favorite thing about this place. That I can look over the cities. Just…”

“Above everyone else?” Deanna asked, not meaning to sound anything ill, but it still held a slight sting to it.

“It does feel nice.” Selena remarked, seemingly unfazed. “But no. It’s the fact that, despite everything… nothing has really changed for the city. It’s the same as the day I first arrived here. As the day you moved in with me. As the day we got married. As the day we had our son and daughter. As the day we almost lost everything…” she gazed at the tops of the building. “I like that… a stable constant.”

Deanna gazed out to the many buildings, and even some clouds below, giving a shrug of her shoulders. “But you’re talking about buildings. Things of metal, wood and stone.” She assessed. “What about people?” she asked. “You can’t expect them to remain the same.”

“You did.” Selena countered. “With me…” she turned her head to gaze at her wife.

“You’re…” temporarily caught off-guard, the former ‘Queen’s Guard’ exhaled before nodding her head. “Okay, you got me there.” She tried her best to recall Dr. Glengow’s exercises of patience and listening, rather than the immediate reactions to whatever emotions – like irritation and frustration – came up first. “That… that was wrong of me to do.” She breathed. “I should have talked to you about it more thoroughly, tried to see things more your way.”

The admission seems to surprise Selena into a brief spell of silence, the Snow Queen unable to say a word to shrug her shoulders. “Well, it wasn’t like I was perfect in that.” She settled on saying. “I could have been more open than the ‘out of sight. Out of mind’ method. I shut you out and that… that wasn’t good.”

“No, it wasn’t.” Deanna sighed. “But neither was me trying to kick down the door, or whatever metaphor works here.”

A laugh escaped Selena. “I really don’t know.” She replied. “But I get what you’re saying.”

Content with that, Deanna nodded her head, her eyes being on Selena allowing her to, once again, see the bag under the woman’s sapphire orbs. “So…” she tried. “How long have you been up?”

“I’m fine.” Selena replied knowingly. “You mentioned the kids at school last night, so I set an alarm. When I woke up, you were out like a light, so I drove to pick them up, came back here, and just finished my workout when I heard you running around upstairs.”

“Oh…” Deanna replied. “Why didn’t you wake me up with the alarm?” she asked. “I could have gotten the kids.”

“Truthfully?” Selena asked, turning her head towards her wife. “Because I figured you needed the rest.” She replied. “You’re the one with a match this week.”

“Oh, right…” Deanna sighed, turning away from the window and walking further into the room. “It was just a nagging issue with my knee. I think I tweaked it when I hit that third Burnout on Striker.” She shrugged. “Alex thought it best that I rest up rather than just be thrown into another match so soon.”

“Yeah… that’s what I gathered.” Selena nodded. “Figured that’s why I couldn’t find you in New Jersey.” She added before following Deanna back into the room. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Deanna breathed turning around to nod her head. “I was keeping my promise to stay out of your business. And, I sort of wanted time to myself to think after… everything.” She gestured to the air around her. “The recent developments.”

“At work?” Selena asked with a raised eyebrow.
“No.” the shorter woman shook her head. “With us.” Before placing her hands behind her back. “You have to admit, it’s a little strange still.”
“Yes, but…” Selena tried. “It’s better than nothing.”
“Okay, fair.” Deanna nodded. “Much better than nothing. Something is better than nothing.” She added a little nervously.

“And you’re still incredible…” Selena remarked without thinking, her eyes going wide as she realized she had voiced the thought out loud. “I mean… not that I doubted that, but, it’s been awhile and…”

“It’s okay.” Deanna breathed. “Still weird but I get it. You’re amazing too.” She added with a smile, earning a sigh of relief from Selena.

“And clearly you’re okay with your knee.” Selena teased, sticking her tongue out a little at the redhead causing a spurt of breath to escape Deanna.

“Yeah, I suppose so.” She finally replied, wandering around the ‘castle grounds’, still unable to take it all in despite so many visits these last two months. “But I’ll have to keep an eye on it.”

There was a moment of silence between the two wives as Deanna continued to walk, turning a corner and finding herself in the kitchen, the large, white-tiled room fitting for its use. Strangely, the only thing that wasn’t white that should have been was the fridge, but Selena had one of those stainless steel ones, the dark gray contrasting with the black counters and white drawers but not alarmingly so.

“You hungry?” Selena asked.
“No…but a coffee would be nice.” Deanna shrugged, moving out of the way as she felt her wife’s hand on her shoulder, the Snow Queen breezing past the shorter woman, finding her way through the space with ease as she set about making the coffee.

“Triple triple still, right?” Selena asked, earning a nod from Deanna, before continuing the task at hand. The only sound that came out for the next few minutes was the opening of packets, the gears of the coffee maker, and the coffee mug clinking as it touched the counter in front of where Deanna sat, using one of the barstools on the island counter of the kitchen to perch.

“Thank you.” Deanna offered with a smile, earning a nod from Selena, who quickly cleared the items away before pushing herself up to sit on the counter. “You know that knee of yours is going to be a bullseye in Utah, right?”

“That where I’m going?” Deanna asked with a raised eyebrow as she held the hot cup of coffee in her hands gingerly, enjoying the warmth of it in her hands before seeing Selena’s incredulous expression directed at her. “What? I was going to check today.” Deanna reasoned. “And Eric takes care of that now – or again… basically he’s back to doing it for me.”

“Uh-huh.” Selena nodded, a knowing smile gracing her features. “Well, anybody with half a functioning braincell will be able to be two and two together.” She explained, holding up her fingers to count the events as she spoke them. “You had to take Body, Heart and Soul off after your match with Asher – knee injury was explained.” She lifted another finger. “Sharper and Knots discussed you were dealing with a nagging injury which kept you off last weekend. So it’s either your arm-“ she gestured to the scarred arm with her hand, causing Deanna’s eyes to lower to it. “A new injury… or the one that is the most recent that you ‘rushed through’ to get back from so you could defend the United States title.” She shrugged. “Point is… Brock is gonna lock-in on that. So, you know…” she shrugged again. “Be careful-“

A laugh escaped Deanna, just a small one. “What?” Selena asked.

“Brock-Lock.” Deanna replied. “It rhymes.”

A short chuckle of disbelief came from the Snow Queen, allowing Deanna to sip her coffee before speaking.

“I’ll be okay.” She stated. “I learned awhile ago not to underestimate ‘the unknown’.”

She did her best to suppress the nerves she felt shoot through her at the memory. How she had been embarrassed by The Brand years ago when she had been Television Champion, the stable using numbers to screw her out of the title and hand her a loss to a woman with one of the worst win-loss records in the company’s history – Clamydia (or ‘Where’s the Beef?’ as she had been called).

If anything, not knowing was far more dangerous for a champion than knowing and she was sure Selena believed that as well. And with the announcement a few days ago that Adam Brock would be challenging her for the United States Championship next Breakdown in the aforementioned Utah, that belief had only compounded some of her nerves. On one hand, the man had appeared on the RTG undercard but then hadn’t re-emerged till Fatal Fortunes last year. But from then till now, the man had run the gamut: Katie Steward, Luz, Ace Sky, Simon Lyman, Cassie Wolfe and Autumn Valentine – a path very similar to Deanna’s, with the redhead facing many of the same opponents in her time in SCW as well.

The fact that the man, seemingly new, had held his own against Lyman in a ladder match and also BEATEN Autumn Valentine, or whatever she was calling herself under Lexy’s orders, was remarkable, and for her part, had he been around at the time, she was sure she would have wanted him in the chamber match she had requested last year.

Perhaps that was why Selena was choosing to give a warning. Because the man seemed, at least in his history, to be a lot like Deanna, which made him very dangerous and very driven to win a championship, especially with opportunities for the Adrenaline and Television title alluding him. Did that make him more driven than Cassie Wolfe? Did that make him tougher than Polly Pingotti? Smarter than ‘The One’ Kristen Scott? Deanna wasn’t sure. There just wasn’t enough to go off of with the man. But still, it was enough to make Selena weary.

And that made her weary. Because she didn’t want to stop being the United States champion. The fact that she was the longest reigning champion currently in SCW? The fact that her title reign was one of the longest in the belt’s history? The fact that she had held it longer than Selena’s longest reign as world champion? Okay… that was a personal win for Deanna, but still…

“It…” she breathed, choosing her words rather carefully. “It would be nice to be able to do something special and defend the title at Rise to Greatness.” She admitted with a shrug.

“Make it to a year?” Selena smirked knowingly. “There’s making your point and then there’s just beating a dead horse, Deanna.” She teased.

“Easy for you to say.” The redhead laughed. “I’m not reaching that ‘longest reign’ in my division any time soon. I…” she breathed. “I don’t think I even want to. But a year? One calender SCW season?” she shrugged, unable to stop the smile that came to her face. “I think that would say something about me…”

About who I am.
About my grit.
About my place in SCW.

Maybe then I could actually get a nickname or something…
She wasn’t sure what that bothered her so much, but it did. Forsaking the name of ‘The Queen’s Guard’ had been necessary and she didn’t regret. But the fact that it had taken her nearly a year and she still had no name to replace it? But it wasn’t that simple. She didn’t just want a ‘cool’ name. Selena had gotten the name of ‘Face of SCW’ bestowed on her by Shawn Winters and had run with it. It had just… made sense. That hadn’t happened for Deanna yet… and she wanted it to. Something to connect with. Something to draw inspiration from. Something that she could come up with cool sayings and wordplay.

Hell! Adam Brock’s got one! She thought glumly, referring to the man’s ‘Wolfsbane’ nickname, which Deanna wasn’t really sure what that meant, but it DID sound cool. Maybe I can be an animal! The ‘Red Panda’! The Auburn Albatross! The Rouge Renegade! She dismissed each name as quickly as it came into her head, sipping her coffee the entire time.

This wasn’t the time to be thinking of such things. She only had a few days until she had to defend her title and if she was this distracted, she was certain Brock was going to walk all over her. The man had no lack of confidence, that much was clear.

“It would definitely be quite the accomplishment.”
“Hmmm?” Deanna asked, her thoughts breaking from the remark.

“The calendar year thingy.” Selena remarked, regaining the redhead’s attention. “I’ve never done it. With any title.” She shrugged. “If you want to break away from me and say ‘I’m not a Frost’, that would be the best way to do it at this point.”

“It’s not about ‘breaking away from you’.” Deanna sighed. “If I wanted to do that, I’d some thing stupidly fake like call myself an angel or something to counter this whole stupid ‘devil’ thing you’ve got going on.”

“Okay…I’ll let that one slide.” Selena huffed back, crossing her arms over her chest.

“What I am saying…” Deanna explained. “Is that I’m not trying to ‘break away from you’ or say I’m not a Frost. You know that.” She pressed the last part. “You know why I’ve been doing that.”

“I know. It’s just…” Selena sighed. “You siding with ‘The One’ really did a number on me, okay?”
“I remember.” Deanna nodded her head glumly. “And that wasn’t what I meant to do either. I was-“

“I know.” It was Selena’s turn to say it. “But it still hurts sometimes. When you say stuff like you’re doing all you can to not be associated with me.”

“No.” Deanna sighed, more so in frustration. “It’s not about association, Selena. It’s about being seen as more than just ‘your wife’. I’ve never shied from that. I’ve embraced it. Loved it. I wrestler under your – OUR – last name. Our tag-team was that name. But I’m not just your wife, okay? I’m more than that. I’m my own person. And if this wasn’t an issue, then why would every person keep bringing you up when they face me? It’s their go-to line, assuming they’re paying attention. The fact that I’m linked to you. That you’re involved. That we’re married. Never mind me.”

Selena’s jaw clenched shut, not out of frustration, but because she guessed correctly that her wife was not finished speaking.

“I want to be someone people want to fight. Not so they can ‘get to you’ or ‘move up to get the world champion’, okay? I want to have my name associated with accolades or feats or records or just… impressive things, you know? Not because you did them and I watched from the sidelines, but because I’m that good. I’m that…” she struggled for a moment to find the right word before settling on “worthwhile?”.

“You are worthwhile.” Selena tried, causing Deanna to laugh and shake her head a little.

“Sweet of you, but a little bias considering last night.” She chose to steal a meaningful glance toward the Snow Queen. “But…” she shrugged. “It’s just something I have to do. Like this thing you have with the world title. I don’t agree with all of it, but…” she chose to repeat the words she had heard from Amelia and Luz months ago. “You’re doing what you have to do. I have to do the same.”

She sighed, focusing on her coffee. She was nervous, actually nervous. She hadn’t been nervous when she fought Polly. She hadn’t been nervous when she fought Bree. She hadn’t even been this nervous when Kristen Scott had announced the glorified handicap match in the chamber last year.

But this new guy? When she was just one more pay-per-view away from ‘making it’? She envied her wife’s calmness. Envied the confidence Selena exuded on Breakdown and within SCW now. Not that she wanted to be like Selena was now, but… if she could just get through this match with Brock and maybe Taking Hold of the Flame…

“Deanna?” again, Selena’s voice broke through her thoughts, causing the redhead to refocus on her wife and… Selena seemed nervous too. It was strange but there was no mistaking it. The way her sapphire eyes looked here and there.

“You okay?”

“Yeah…” Selena nodded. “It’s just… well, do you have to be anywhere today?”

“Today?” Deanna asked. “Not really. I mean, aside from picking the kids up, but that’s at 3. Why?’
“I just…” the Snow Queen gestured to herself. “I’m just going to take a shower and…” her eyes found Deanna’s again. “I was wondering if you wanted to join me.”

It took a few blinking of the eyes before Deanna suddenly felt the rush of the laughter escape her, the meaning behind her wife’s words finally clear. “Oh my gods…” she laughed. “You’re so cute.” She laughed at how adorable her wife – her Selena, yes, this was HER Selena right now – looked in that moment. Settling on one last breath to calm herself, Deanna pushed herself away from the counter and off the barstool to stand.

“Yes.” She answered. “I can definitely join you.” She decided, moving around to stand beside her wife, taking her pale hand in with hers. Adam Brock could wait another day or so. Clearing her mind was needed before she could fully focus on the new challenger.

“Just…one thing.” She settled on saying as Selena guided her out of the kitchen.
“What’s that?” the Snow Queen asked as Deanna’s emerald eyes scanned the castle interior.

“Which way is the damn shower?”
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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RE: “Wolfsbane” Adam Brock vs. Deanna Frost - by SnowQueenSCW - 04-24-2024, 11:32 PM

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