SMP vs. Aisling vs. Marie Jones
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May 2nd, 2024
Saitama, Japan
Off Camera

The Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan played host to Breakdown this evening, the first of an international tour for Supreme Championship Wrestling. The crowd was wild and enthusiastic. Most everyone seemed to enjoy their time in front of the Japanese fans. But not everyone had a good time. There was one individual who was particularly annoyed, frustrated with how her night came to an end; that individual is “The Phoenix” Marie Jones. Marie was set to defend her SCW Television Championship against The Engima. She threw her best offense at the mysterious monster but couldn’t quite keep him down for the three count. Yet she felt that she had him beat. Near the end, despite kicking out of The Vindicator and the Ave Maria, she felt that The Engima was on his last legs. Marie was convinced that, given a little more time, she could have beaten The Enigma straight up, clean, in the center of the ring. Unfortunately The Enigma has some major problems with The European Fiery Nation, specifically Konrad Raab, and those issues led Marie gaining a disqualification victory due to Konrad’s involvement. It was certainly not the clean victory she had hoped to gain and definitely not the kind of victory she wanted to help further her redemption story. But no one said this redemption story would be easy. New and more difficult challenges would come each and every week and this next challenge could prove to be the most difficult for The Phoenix when SCW travels to Sydney, Australia. Next week The Phoenix will defend her SCW Television Championship against not one but two opponents; Sean Michael Prime and Aisling in a triple threat match. Under triple threat rules, Jones does not have to be pinned or made to submit to lose her championship. Neither SMP or Aisling have been able to strike it big in singles competition lately but this match could be their golden opportunity. Neither has to beat Marie Jones to become the new SCW Television Champion. Marie realizes that she is up against the wall next week in Sydney, Australia and that it will take every bit of her wrestling ability and experience to walk away with her championship intact.

Marie has already changed out of her wrestling gear and into a simple attire consisting of denim jeans, sneakers, and a red silk blouse. Her long red hair flows straight and unrestrained to past the shoulders. The Phoenix is pacing next to a packing crate. She is still agitated over what happened this evening and isn’t really clear as to what to do next. She does not like winning this way, thanks to outside interference. She would like nothing more than to set things right but she can’t. She must focus on the task ahead, but that is the curse of the Television Title and thus the curse of her commitment. She must find a way to put what happened this evening out of her mind so that she can focus on defending against SMP and Aisling, a triple threat that will prove to be her greatest threat to date.

“If you keep pacing the floor like that you’ll eventually create a moat.” That voice is very familiar. The Phoenix turns and finds her cousin, Glory Braddock, standing not too far away. The British Bombshell is wearing dress pants, a white silk blouse, a black blazer, and black flats. Her long blonde hair is pulled up in a stylish do in the back. A nice fancy looking fedora rests upon her lovely head. Marie isn’t sure what to make of this; they may be family, they may be cousins, but the Braddock side of the family and the Jones side of the family have been rather distant from one another lately. It could be due to Glory’s new behavior lately. Glory and Marie have certainly taken different approaches to the business in recent weeks. Whereas Glory Braddock has sought to take what she wants, Marie is content to earn it.

“What do you want, Glory?”

“I just thought I could stop by and offer some of my veteran advice. That’s all.” Braddock smirks. “I mean, from the look on your face you certainly didn’t seem too happy with how your match ended. Even if you did leave with the strap.” She points at the Television Title belt that still rests on the packing crate. “Maybe I can help?”

“Maybe not.” Marie shakes her head. “I didn’t win the way I wanted but at least I won, which is more than you can say.”

“Touche.” Glory answers back. “But my mind is clear. Yes, I lost to Veronica, but she beat me fair and square. No shame in losing as long as you put up your best fight. Hell, I’d shake her hand if I didn’t think she’d punch me in the face.” Glory grins as she approaches Marie and then sits on the packing crate.

“I find that hard to believe. You and Brittany have been terrorizing the tag team division.”

“Maybe but that’s because I refused to sit back and just accept things. I was forced into a tag title match with a no rematch clause. I didn’t want that stipulation but it was forced upon me. Did you really think I should accept that? Do YOU, Marie, want to just sit back and accept the fact that Konrad and his pals caused you to win tonight via disqualification or would you like to punch him in the mouth if you got the chance?”

“You make a good point.” Jones answers quietly.

“I admit that I have certainly handled certain things the wrong way and I am willing to accept the consequences of my actions. But that also doesn’t mean I have to be a walking mat, either.” Glory pats Marie on the back. “See, Marie, I’m not the monster I’m made out to be. And I am still your family and I would like to help if you would let me.”

The Phoenix looks into her cousin’s eyes. She sounds sincere and she appears to be genuine. Marie certainly could use some advice and she has always been told to trust the family. Marie hops up next to Glory on the packing crate. Marie sighs deeply.

“Fine…what do you want to tell me?” She pats her Television Title. “What can you tell me that will help me keep this?”

“First of all, ignore The Enigma.” Glory points out. “Whatever he’s up to, it has nothing to do with you. He is obviously going to be preoccupied with Konrad for the foreseeable future. Let them destroy one another. You have more pressing matters, namely defending that championship against not just one but TWO opponents. Triple threat matches are even more difficult because you can lose the title without even being beaten. Trust me, I know. Britt and I lost the tag titles without being pinned or made to submit.”

“You didn’t take that very well.” Marie says with a knowing smirk.

“Oh quite the contrary, mate, I was fine with it. Those are the rules in a triple threat match. What I did NOT like was losing my automatic rematch without being pinned or made to submit. But you’re right, the rules for a triple threat are clear, and SMP can pin Aisling and become Television Champion. Aisling can pin SMP to become Television Champion.” She pokes a finger into Marie’s chest. “You do not have to be involved in the decision. You need to be on guard at all times. You need to be in the ring at all times. You cannot afford to let SMP and Aisling to be alone together in that match. Worst case scenario they pin you to win the title, but at least you were beaten legitimately. Best case scenario, you are there at all times to be involved in the action to make sure no one but YOU gets a pin or a submission.”

Jones cannot deny that the advice she just received is sound and solid advice. While some competitors might gladly sit back and let Aisling and SMP fight all they want, Marie knows that a strategy such as that might easily backfire. One could pin the other and it would be over. Marie’s title reign would be over. It would prove difficult but perhaps keeping herself involved in the action as much as possible is the best strategy? Besides, Marie has made it clear that she doesn’t want to do things the easy way. She wants to do things the right way. She wants to prove herself. What better way to prove herself than by beating both of them straight up in this triple threat?

“You make some…good points.” Marie nods her head. “I think I’ll take the advice and consider it.”

“You’ll consider it, mate?”

“Yes, I will consider it.” Marie hops down off of the packing crate. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I should go.”

“Why?” Glory hops down off of the packing crate as well.

“I have to leave.” She points out. “Breakdown is over.”

“We can still talk. I may not be done offering advice.”

“What else can you tell me about my match, Glory?” Marie is growing frustrated. “I would think you would be more concerned with your own business than mine?”

“I’m not talking about your match, Marie.” Glory smirks. “I’m talking about that other thing that’s bothering you.”

“What other thing?” Marie arches her brow, curious as to whether or not Glory knows about anything else going on in her life. Instead Glory just shrugs her shoulders.

“I don’t know but I can tell that something is bothering you. Call it a mother’s intuition but you definitely do not look like your mind is all there.” She taps Marie on the forehead. “You didn’t even look like you were all there tonight against The Enigma.”

“His mind games DO tend to distract people.” Marie counters. Glory shakes her head skeptically.

“Not you, especially not you Jones women.” She winks. “Your mom never let anything bother her. And I don’t think I need to bring up your sister Kim. Yet tonight you were definitely distracted out there and it nearly cost you the championship.” Glory states with her hands on her hips expecting Marie to try and counter her argument. Marie shrugs her shoulders.

“So what if I am distracted?” She asks. “It’s nothing you can help with.”

“Maybe I can help?” Glory asks. “If I can help, I do want to help because you got lucky tonight. If you are distracted next week, in a triple threat no less, you will lose that title. So tell me, Marie, what’s bothering you?”

Marie is reluctant to spill her heart and soul to Glory Braddock. It has nothing to do with Glory or her recent behavior as of late. In fact, after talking to Glory this evening, Marie is beginning to think people are reading The British Bombshell wrong. Plus Glory is family. Marie knows she can trust her. But this problem is so personal that she isn’t sure she is ready to tell her. She isn’t sure if she is ready to tell anyone yet. The Phoenix shakes her head.

“I’m not sure, Glory. I’m not sure you would understand.”

“Me? I wouldn’t understand?” Glory scoffs. “I am a mother of three daughters. I have been through just about any and every heartbreak imaginable, including the death of both of my parents. Believe me when I say that there isn’t much of anything you can tell me that would surprise me.”

The Phoenix looks again into Glory’s eyes. Once again she sees the sincerity, the seemingly genuine eyes that indicates that The British Bombshell does want to help. Against her better judgment, Marie decides to take a chance. What could it hurt? They are family, after all. Jones nods her head.

“Alright, I’ll tell you all about it.” Marie turns and sits back down on the packing crate. Glory joins her on the packing crate.

“Ok, Marie. Spill it.”

“It has to do with…” she sighs “...a guy.”

“Your problem is a guy?” Glory smirks. “I told you that I’m a mother of three girls. You thought I wouldn’t understand?”

“Quit joking or I’ll leave.”

“Fair enough!” Glory chuckles. “I’m sorry!”

“Thank you.” Marie shakes her head. “But yeah, it has to do with a guy. His name is Percy.”

“Sounds like a nice enough guy.”

“You would think so but I, uh…” Jones shrugs her shoulders “...I have my doubts.”

“Oh?” Glory arches her brow out of curiosity. “Was he rude, abrasive…abusive?”

“None of that. In fact, he was very polite, very warm and caring, he was every bit the gentleman. If I were to design the perfect boyfriend, it would definitely be Percy.”

“Then what seems to be the problem?”

“Appearances can be deceiving.” Marie says. “He has a record, Glory. He went to prison.”

“Wow…” Glory’s eyes grow wide. Marie can tell that her cousin was not expecting that news. There is a bit of a pause before Braddock continues. “...what did he do to get into prison?”

“I don’t know.” Marie shrugs her shoulders. “I literally don’t know his record, I just know he has a record.”

There is a long, tense pause as both women, the two cousins, look deep into each other’s eyes. After several seconds Glory Braddock finally speaks up. She places a hand on Marie’s shoulder. “Well you should look into that, Marie. Especially if you think that you might want to have a future with this guy. Is that where this is going? You going to date him?”

“I don’t know.” Marie shrugs her shoulders again. “I literally don’t know what to do. Percy is a great guy, but there are so many red flags. And I am also so afraid of being hurt again.” Tears form in Marie’s eyes. She had been fighting back this emotion for quite some time now but can no longer hold in the tears. “First there was Damian but he abused me. Then Arthur, and he…” she cannot even speak the words but she doesn’t have to, Glory already knows and pats her comfortingly on her back “...and then there was Julianne, and she lied to me, used me, and manipulated me. I have failed so many times that I am afraid of finding love only to lose it again.”

“But do you still want to find love?” Glory asks. “As long as I’ve known you, you have always wanted to find that right person to be with forever? Are you prepared to ditch that dream out of fear?”

“Yes.” Marie then shakes her head. “I mean, no! I mean…I just don’t know…”

“It may come off as cheesy or corny, so I apologize in advance.” Glory hugs Marie tightly. “Don’t give up on love, ok? Is this Percy guy the right person? Who knows? But do not give up on love.”

“Thanks, Glory.” Marie smiles warmly. “I guess I did need some advice after all.”

“Anytime, mate. Anytime you need something, I’ll be there for you. Just remember what I said, do not give up on love. Everyone deserves it, especially you.”

Marie watches as Glory hops off of the packing crate and walks away. The Phoenix considers her words. She does want to find that perfect someone to be with, she wants to find love. But is Percy the answer? He has a shady past, one that he claims is over and done with. Can she trust him? Maybe Marie should dig into his past first before making a judgment call? Or perhaps she should just throw caution to the wind and trust her heart? Her heart tells her to give Percy a chance.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x

Messages In This Thread
SMP vs. Aisling vs. Marie Jones - by Konrad Raab - 05-05-2024, 07:05 AM
RE: SMP vs. Aisling vs. Marie Jones* - by The Matt - 05-06-2024, 12:42 PM
RE: SMP vs. Aisling vs. Marie Jones - by Jay Gold - 05-07-2024, 11:51 PM
RE: SMP vs. Aisling vs. Marie Jones - by The Matt - 05-08-2024, 05:11 AM
RE: SMP vs. Aisling vs. Marie Jones - by Jay Gold - 05-08-2024, 11:46 PM

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