Dark Fantasy vs. The Phantom Troupe
The screen lightens and we find ourselves inside of the Clover Bar somewhere in Japan before we cut to the inside of the infamous location itself where we find none other than David Striker himself sitting at one of the Texas Hold ‘Em tables, empty save for the “Front Man of the Dope Show” who is simply sitting at the empty table and tossing chips into the dealer’s side without a care in the world.

The group was already near Saitama, Japan as the Pro Wrestling Nova tour of Japan that David and the rest of the Troupe was a part of in Hoshigaya, selling out the Koshigaya Municipal Gymnasium for the tour…and they went into Breakdown on a simple mission;

To kindly “repay” both Twisted and Sadistic and the Enigma for their bullshit a couple of weeks before the last pay per view.

But instead it turned into one long running battle and the Troupe even had a hand in screwing up one of the title matches on the card to which David wouldn’t have cared had it not been for the fact that it was Marie Jones’ title defense…and while they had nothing directly to do with fucking up her match, but that did not change how either David nor Chris felt about the situation.

Chris especially was furious over what happened.

And he was still fuming as he entered the room and sat down slightly across from David, the emotion clearly evident on his face.

“So, have you reached out to her yet?” David mused to his younger friend.

Chris simply shook his head at first before slamming a fist down onto the table, causing the chips to jump about. “Seriously, if those three wanted to play hide and go fuck themselves, then why did they have to force others to play as well, David?”

David simply shrugged as he tossed another couple of chips over into the dealer’s end of the table, his attention focused there for some reason.

Chris noticed his friend’s look and then leaned forward, a look of slight concern crossing his face. “Everything alright?”

“You know what I hate?”

Chris arched an eyebrow at that, “What?”

David held the chip up in his hand and looked at it for a moment. “People who believe that they have an iota of power in any given company which seemingly automatically grants them the ability to do whatever they want in anywhere. Enigma thinks that he’s some kind of all powerful spook with powers from the next realm…like *THAT* gimmick hasn’t been done to death over the last three decades…and the next thing you know he’s interrupting shit that he has no right interrupting and throwing people around like he’s freaking Darkseid from DC Comics.” David said in a low, dark tone as he continued to regard the chip in his hand. “Then you got Twisted and Sadistic, going around believing that just because they didn’t lose the tag team titles the way that *THEY* believed that they should’ve lost them, they believed that they could force the issue and just attack people…get them good and pissed off so that they could take advantage of the situation at the pay per view.”

David’s hand then quickly snaps into a fist, crunching the chip in his grasp as he does so.

“But the moment…the *moment*...that someone calls them to task for their shit, they go into hiding or act as if they are the innocent party..like it’s all some kind of sick joke and it’s one that I’ve been running into way too much as of late.” David continued, his dark eyes narrowing a little.

Chris nodded as he leaned forward on the table, “I know man. But it’s just something that you’ve got to get used to in this industry. I mean look at my old man, the moment that he’s forced to retire due to all of that constant bullshit that he was forced to put his body through in Wrestleworld, he’s forgotten the very next show. But my dad doesn’t care about it, he’s too busy enjoying his retirement with my stepmother and my half-brother…besides, like he always said when I asked him how he was able to handle it when I was younger, he’d just shrug and ask where his Sprite was.”

Now this drew an odd look from David, “His…Sprite was?”

“Yeah, my dad really enjoys the whole lemon lime drink thing, constantly orders it no matter where we went to eat when I was younger and through today even. Once and only once he tried that lime cucumber flavor that Gatorade has and it nearly made him choke, it was funny because he took one sip and then he as like all gechk…arghe…” Chris went on to explain, before finally breaking down into weird noises as he acted like he was being choked horribly by something.

Now this was just enough to finally get David to crack from his seriousness as he started to chuckle and then finally break down laughing as Kyle walked into the room, stopping at he watched David fall out of his chair laughing like a madman. “Whelp, that’s an improvement to say the least.” the bearded man said as he walked over with a piece of paper in his hand before also sitting at the same table as the other two men.

“So whatcha got there, Kyle?” Chris asked as he indicated the paper.

Kyle held up the paper with a bemused look on his bearded face, “Well since neither you nor Davey had your phones on you, the SCW front office called me up and I’m to let you know that on the next edition of Breakdown, the two of you have a match against Syren and Ravyn Taylor, Dark Fantasy."

Now this drew an end to David’s laughing as he reached up to pull himself up off of the floor, his face red with wet with tears from how much he’d been laughing. “Oh really?”

Kyle nodded as he presented the paper to David, “Really. I wrote down the particulars for the show and what not, just to make sure that all of the bases are covered.”

“Alright, thanks brother.” David said as he took the paper from Kyle and started to read it while Kyle turned his attention over to Chris.

“So how’s that training with Aisling going?” Kyle mused.

Chris got a little bit of a sheepish look on his face, “It’s going…”

Kyle made a clicking sound with his tongue and teeth, “Come on now, Chris, out with it.”

Chris’ sheepish look suddenly turned slightly more sheepish as he ran a hand through his short hair, “I was teaching her how to do a faster leg sweep in a match. You know the kind of move that Jason teaches us at the Academy that we can then quickly turn into a scissors kick?” He asked at which point the other two men in the room agreed as they both knew the move that Jason Wrath (the longtime and suffering tag team partner/best friend/”Guy Friday”/Business Partner/etc of Vergil Urahara) would teach everyone in his advanced class.

“Well, what about it?” David asked, now more interested in the conversation.

Chris looked at the two men and let out a sigh of frustration, “Look, maybe I shouldn’t be talking about this..” he started to say but then Kyle did a mock cough while saying something under his breath. “Ex-squeeze me, what did you just say?”

Kyle smiled a great big smile, “Coward.”

Chris rolled his eyes and let out another sigh of frustration, “Alright, it’s just the more that I taught her the move, the more I found myself admiring her…attributes.” he finally said in an embarrassed tone.

Kyle only smiled and reached out to ruffle Chris’ hair before leaning back in his seat, “See, you are human after all. And she is a very lovely creature too, so I can see why you’ve got googly eyes for her, Chris.”

Chris, at this point in time, tried to sink down further into his chair. “I hate you most of all, Kyle Roman Gibson.”

As Kyle started to laugh long and hard at the statement, David pushed everything else out of his head as he resumed looking at the notes that Kyle had written down about Chris and his forthcoming match against one of the more experienced teams on the SCW roster…then slowly and surely a truly wicked idea started to form…the kind of wicked idea that matched the slowly growing wicked smile on the Front Man of the Dope Show’s face.

{The screen then static jumps to black}

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RE: Dark Fantasy vs. The Phantom Troupe - by PhantomTroupe - 05-07-2024, 04:45 PM

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