Dark Fantasy vs. The Phantom Troupe
{The screen static jumps and we are outside of the Clover Bar across the street from the Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney, Australia and this is where we see the collective members of the Phantom Troupe in SCW-David Striker and Chris Dumont along with Irvine and Kyle Gibson-standing outside of the arena in their street gear. An unusually serious look on David’s face as the “Front Man of the Dope Show” gives the camera a hard look}

David: Well here we are, another edition of Breakdown and the grand debut of the Dope Show itself as I, David “Bam Bam” Striker, and the “Ronin” in Chris Dumont make our long awaited and unexpected tag team debut here for Supreme Championship Wrestling and the truth of the matter is that this is that while we’re not going up against the two people that we’ve been gunning for in the forms of those two useless sacks of rotten meat in Glory Braddock and Brittany Lohan, we still get to showcase the Phantom Troupe’s well earned and proven skills in a tag team match against one of the best here in SCW in the form of Dark Fantasy.

Now Syren and Ravyn, you’re probably asking yourselves, am I at a hundred percent following everything that I went through at Taking the Leap? How could I even be at sixty percent even following every hellish thing that I put myself and Kimberly Williams through in the Long Hard Road out of Hell match?

Truth be told I really don’t care because if I am at a hundred percent or sixty or hell, even ten…I would still be in this match and still fighting for the right to prove that nobody in the Phantom Troupe, hell even the DOPE SHOW ITSELF…is anything to walk over or to be stepped up upon as some kind of psychotic bitch’s concept of a stepping stone and yeah, I know that’s big talk from someone who has been given more than his fair share of title matches since his arrival here in SCW…but if I was just here for the titles, then how could I say that with a total honesty that I’m here for the fans, that I’m here for those in the back whose talent fucking amazed me into joining this promotion?!

I might be a lot of things, ladies, but I ain’t nobody's stepping stone and I must certainly not a greedy little bitch!!

{David suddenly gets a very thoughtful look on his face for a couple of seconds}

David:...unless you count those scant times that I’m able to get my hands on a few things of Faygo or Cheerwine soda, but then again those things are fucking gold in my opinion.

Chris: Kind of like I am with Irn Bru, you know..Scotland’s other national drink?

{David quickly motions over at his tag team partner as Chris bumps fists with Kyle in agreement in the background}

David: You see, my partner gets the point because he *understands* what I’m getting at and while I know that you two have accomplished a lot in your time together, Syren and Ravyn, but my question is can the two of you boast the same thing? Are you in each other’s head so far and so deep that you instantly know what move to hit next in order to further along the punishing of your opponents in any given match?

Are in the same league as Chris and myself, or Hells! Myself and DJ Hunter, the original Phantom Troupe?

I mean yes, I get that the two of you are married and that you’ve been tagging for a long time now, which implies that you’ve gotten to some degree of what I’m walking about, but in the long run have you really gained the ability to instantly know what moves to use next in a tandem just from a fleeting glance or a snap and a point?

Chris and I have that level of understanding and we’ll be more than happy to introduce them to you this week on Breakdown. But understand this, ladies, we’re not here in this match to play any little games or to make the two of you look good. No, we’re here to prepare ourselves for what we’re really going after;

That’s our two pounds of flesh from Twisted and Sadistic.

And I’m not joking when I say that either, ladies. Most people who step into the ring against the two of you would go on and on about how they are the future of this company’s tag team division, right? They’d constantly go on about how they are going to use you both as a stepping stone to the tag team championships.

No, not us.

No, we’re simply going to tear through the two of you…get our hands on Twisted and Sadistic, lock them in a meat freezer, and then slowly take our time getting our pound of flesh from Braddock and Lohan respectfully.

And not just for the attacks that they did on my partner Chris here…but also the pounds of flesh that they owe Polly, Colleen, and Aisling as well as Marie and everyone else that they attacked during the course of their little…”tantrum”...a couple of weeks back.

{Slowly but surely, a small evil little smile crosses David’s lips for the first time this entire promo}

David: Surely, you two ladies can’t fault us for having such an…honest reason, yes?

Chris: You have to forgive my friend here, Syren and Ravyn. I feel the need to explain something and for good reason because you see, my friend here he enjoys being a professional wrestler, just like his older brother and sister. He enjoys the struggle to constantly improve himself and to further the art of the sport that we all take part in and he loves to share that love with everyone else who also loves it.

Hence why he was having so much fun with Kimberly Williams during their series for the Underground championship, he was having an honest fun time while showcasing the utter freedoms of that division from a creative standpoint.

But it seems that nobody in this promotion has ever seen a Jacob Striker or Jessica Lovecraft match, nor have they seen any of David’s previous works with promotions like Pro Wrestling Nova, Gamma Pro Wrestling, or Project Honor…because if anyone who knows *anything* about the Striker family knows that the moment the moment that you cross that line with a Striker, then you just flipped a switch because their integrity has been dissed and all of a sudden all of that energy that's dedicated to David here having nothing but sheer fun in that very ring...that suddenly becomes the one singular thing that you can't escape and that is pure, raw creative fury.

Me on the other hand, as I have said many times before in that I am my father’s child in that tag team wrestling comes as easily to me as breathing. And while yes, my first tag team outing back at Taking the Leap might not have been the most auspicious of beginnings for me here in SCW in that area, I can promise you that come Breakdown that you’ll assume that the person who’s been wrestling Kimberly this whole time has been someone else entirely.

But that’s not me boasting or anything, but the pure honest truth.Because normally, he’s like a bull in a China shop at the moment someone rings the bell, but in this case, with that other place constantly feeding him loss after loss while telling him to “trust in the system” and all that bullshit, because here tonight-he finally gets a chance to show his more serious side and you two have the esteemed honor of being the first two people to witness that first hand and he will not fail to impress.

{The camera then cuts over to where David is standing, his hands covering his face as he has been pacing back and forth for a few seconds while Chris has been talking, but he stops now and slowly lowers his hands to reveal the grim determination on his face}

David: As my partner here has so casually explained is that you must forgive me for my rage, Dark Fantasy, because right now would be more than happy about finally getting a chance to work with one of my closest friends here in a tag team match against two highly qualified people such as yourselves and I’m sorry, I am so incredibly *SORRY* that Braddock and Lohan has gotten me so riled up, so furiously pissed off that it has ruined this match for me after a a fashion that in turn that only serves to piss me off even more as I think about it.

But I promise the two of you that the moment that bell rings, the both of you will have my complete and utter attention and my focus will be nowhere else but upon the two of you and upon nothing else but this match.

And oh what sights we have to show you, Dark Fantasy, do the Phantom Troupe have planned our dear opponents.

So tie the laces of your boots extra tight and that you’ve said all of the prayers that you need to say because at Breakdown, you might be coming in to try and have some fun like you normal but tonight instead tonight, it’s going to be one hell of a wild ride for the both of you wind up being on some of the most crazy ass shit that you’ve ever found yourselves have.

Hells, the two of you might even run into something that the two of you that you’ve seen before or ever seen again and it will be also one of the most intensive and furious struggles to date here in SCW and you might even learn something because like always when the Phantom Troupes are up for a tag team match you,l

So I hope that you’re both hungry for a fight because when the Phantom Troupe is going to come in, and we’re going to come in *HARD*!!

So see you both on Wednesday, girls.

{David then goes walking off, as he starts to whistle a very familiar dark little tune as the screen static jumps to black}

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RE: Dark Fantasy vs. The Phantom Troupe - by PhantomTroupe - 05-08-2024, 11:03 PM

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