40 Person Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
1 of 2

May 16th, 2024
Los Angeles, California
Off Camera

In Los Angeles, California, Kimberly Williams was determined to put on a wrestling clinic for all of the fans in attendance and remind SCW management and anyone else who would dare to challenge her that The Woman Scorned is more than just a one trick pony. She wanted to prove that she is more than just a Death Match Queen, she can mat wrestle with the best of them. While she definitely put Scott Reed through the ringer, he caught her by surprise and got an upset victory over the SCW Underground Champion. It was a minor setback, but Kimberly is not deterred. She still wants to prove to the SCW fans and the roster that she is capable of more than just ruling the Underground, she is capable of winning any and all of SCW’s brass rings. Why does Kimberly suddenly have an interest in expanding her horizons beyond the Underground? Simple; this is Rise To Greatness season, Taking Hold of the Flame is coming up and this is the one singular opportunity Kimberly has to make a statement. Kimberly Williams also realizes that of her family members, she is the only one not to win a recognized World Championship. Her sister Marie has achieved that feat, their mother, Angelica, has achieved that feat. But none of them have become SCW World Champion. Kimberly recognizes what it would mean to achieve that feat, to win the SCW World Championship. Winning the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal would put her into the main event of Rise To Greatness and it would give her a shot at the World Title. She knows that she can pull it off. Last year she started the battle royal and went until the very end before being eliminated. She was the iron woman that night. This year she needs to take that one final step; she needs to win it all.

The Woman Scorned has not forgotten her other commitment; namely to the Underground division. Kimberly is a five time and reigning SCW Underground Champion and she will be leading the charge at Taking Hold of the Flame in what is being billed as a revenge against The Enigma, an outright Underground war featuring all three members of The European Fiery Nation, The Enigma, and the unlikely addition of the SCW United States Champion Deanna Frost. Kim and Deanna are no strangers to one another. Kim and her sister Marie feuded with The House of Frost years ago. Kim and Deanna headlined the main event of the Rise To Greatness Pre Show for the SCW Underground Title. The following month Kim and Deanna were part of a massive five way war for the Underground Title. In that long drawn out brutal rivalry, Kim grew to respect Deanna Frost and the principles that she fights for; they may disagree on tactics, they may disagree on philosophy, but Kim respects Deanna’s fighting spirit. The fact that Deanna now wants to take the fight to The Enigma on behalf of Jessica Winters, a woman Enigma has corrupted, poisoned, also impresses Kimberly Williams. Deanna did not have to step up to defend Jessica. She could have stayed in her lane, safe, as United States Champion, but instead she wanted to fight for her friend. It is something to be respected and Kim is willing to fight by her side at Taking Hold of the Flame.

Much like the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal itself will be an exercise in chaos, this Underground war against The Enigma will also be ruled the order of chaos. Even though Kim respects Deanna, and despite Kim’s own respect for Konrad Raab, this is being booked as everyone for themselves. And while no championships are on the line, Kimberly also must recognize and prepare for what might be looked at as a potential number one contender’s match. Kim already lost to Scott Reed, albeit in a standard match. This is an Underground Match. Imagine if Konrad or Deanna were to score the pinfall victory to get revenge over The Enigma, or imagine if Enigma were to win; the winner, if that person is not Kimberly, could become the next challenger to her Underground Title. Kimberly, despite her desire to help Deanna, must also think about her own title and her own reign as Underground Queen. Furthermore she must ask herself a very serious question; will there be enough of Kimberly left after the Underground war to even compete in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal? Is Kim stretching herself too thin? Is this event going to be the one that finally breaks The Woman Scorned?

Kimberly doesn’t just have Taking Hold of the Flame weighing heavily on her mind. There is yet another deeply personal issue weighing heavily on her mind and that is the issue of her daughter, Lilith. Lilith has been a secret that Kimberly has shockingly been able to keep for over eighteen years. Kimberly gave birth to the girl when Kim was still blindly obeying the whims of Emma Floreschu like a brainwashed slave. After Kim’s time in the mental institution, she and her friend, Larry Dempsey, found the girl and kept her safe from Emma. As time went on and Kimberly would further her wrestling career, Larry would take on greater and greater responsibility in raising the child. But in recent months Larry has been insistent on Kimberly taking more of the responsibility onto her own shoulders. His argument is a plain and simple one; Kimberly is the mother, she should raise her own child. But Kimberly isn’t sure she is up for being a mother. She isn’t sure she is fit to be a mother. What she knows that she cannot do is keep this a secret any longer. She has to tell her family. Her family has been there for her in the past, they have helped her in the past, so if anyone could give her proper advice on how to proceed, it is her family. But they must know, they must find out about Lilith.

The Woman Scorned is walking the backstage area of the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles, California. She has yet to change out of her ring gear after her match against Scott Reed. Kim was beaten but she isn’t ashamed. She went out there and did what she set out to do; she reminded everyone what she was capable of. Now she is going to continue to do that as she heads into Taking Hold of the Flame in hopes of winning that battle royal and earning that coveted shot at the SCW World Championship. Before she can focus on that, she has personal matters to take care of, that is why is searching for her mother and part time manager, Angelica Jones.

“Mom! Mommy-o?!” Williams asks, waiting on a response. She shrugs her shoulders. “Hmmm, I wonder is he just left me behind?” She picks up her penguin, Wasley, and puts him up close to her face. “Where do you think she is, Wasley? Huh?”

“I’m right here, Kim.” That’s the voice of Angelica Jones. Kim turns around and grins from ear to ear upon seeing her mother standing there. Marie Jones, who isn’t competing tonight, is also there standing to Angelica’s right.

“Sorry about your loss, Kim.” Marie says. Kim just shrugs her shoulders.

“Eh, he beat me. No biggie.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. She walks over and wraps an arm around Marie’s shoulder. “Unlike some people, I’m not gonna throw a tantrum and leave because I got beat.”

“Kim!” Angelica says in a scolding tone. Marie just chuckles and shakes her head.

“It’s ok, mom. I probably had that one coming. But I assure you that I am NOT that person anymore.” Marie pats Kim on the back. “And I’m glad your success hasn’t turned you into that kind of person.”

“What are you still doing here?” Kim asks. Marie smirks.

“Like I said, I’m not that kind of person anymore. I am committed to SCW and I plan to show up each and every night whether I am booked or not.”

“I just hope you’re committed.” Angelica says as she turns her attention to Kim. “You lost to Reed tonight but Taking Hold of the Flame is coming up and you are going to facing The Enigma. And if you survive that…”

“If I survive?” Kim scoffs. “More like if HE survives.” Kim winks.

“Whatever. Point is, after that you have Taking Hold of the Flame itself.” Angelica looks genuinely concerned. “Are you sure you can do double duty?”

“Do I look like someone who is concerned about double duty?” Kim asks with a knowing grin.

“I’m just saying, no one would blame you for skipping out on the battle royal this year.”

“No way, mom.” Kim shakes her head. “I came so damn close last year. This year is my year! I can feel it!”

“It might be my year.” Marie says with a wink.

“Really?” Kim laughs. “Good! I love a good sibling rivalry!”

“I don’t.” Angelica says with a sigh. “Why don’t you two just set any thoughts of the Flame to the side for now? You two might not even see each other in the battle royal.”

“But if we do!” Kim declares excitedly. “May the best twin win!”

“My thoughts exactly.” Marie says with a nod of her head. Kim and Marie share a hug. Angelica smiles proudly from afar.

“That sounds better.” Angelica says. “Now why don’t you go get changed out of your ring gear and join me and your sister? We can go find a nice, comfortable place to watch the rest of Breakdown and…”

“Uh, yeah sounds good, but…” Kim interrupts her mother, she sighs “...and we can do that. But I have a bit of a confession to make.”

“Confession?” Angelica asks with an arched brow. “Is everything ok?”

“Mostly.” Kim says with a sheepish grin. “It’s just that, uh, I haven’t been completely honest with you guys.”

“What did you do?” Angelica asks in a scolding, parental tone. Kim shrugs her shoulders and feigns innocence.

“Nothing you or Marie haven’t done!”

“Be serious.” Marie states. “If you’re in trouble we want to help.”

“Fine.” Kim rolls her eyes. “But I’m not in trouble. It’s just that I…uh…I have been visiting a friend in Baltimore regularly.”

“We already know about your friend.” Marie states. “You told us, remember?”

“I told you about Larry but I didn’t tell you everything about our relationship.” Kim begins. “See, he has been doing me a really big favor over the past sixteen or so years. I mean a massive favor.”

“What kind of favor?” Angelica asks.

“He’s been…” Kim sighs “...he’s been taking care of my daughter.”

“Your…” Angelica blinks her eyes several times, almost as if she doesn’t believe she is awake “...your what?”

“My daughter.” Kim states frankly. “Y’know, like Marie and I are your daughters.”

“I know wha…” Angelica sighs and shakes her head “...how is it that you have a daughter? I don’t understand!”

“Well, you see, when a boy loves a girl, the boy sticks his…”

“Kim!” Angelica exclaims. Kim shakes her head.

“Ok, ok, I’ll be serious!” Kim sighs. “It was back when I was still with Emma. She wanted me to give her a child and, well, that’s how Lilith came to be.”

“Ok, ok, slow down,” Angelica shakes her head “so Emma used you to give her a child? Her name is Lilith. But…why? What purpose did it serve?”

“I still don’t know what she wanted out of it. Did she just want a family? A cult? I have no clue.” Kim sighs. “I never gave her the chance because once I got out of the insane asylum you know what I did to her…” her voice trails off. Angelica sighs and nods her head.

“Yeah, I know.” The words do not need to be said. Angelica knows that Kim is capable of murder. “Where is Lilith now?”

“She’s with Larry. I asked him to take care of her because, honestly,” she shrugs her shoulders “I really did not think I was fit for parenting. Hell, I didn’t want to be pregnant, Emma wanted me to be pregnant. I’m sorry I kept this a secret from you guys for so long. I’ve been living in denial for a long time. I didn’t want to think she existed. I wanted to pretend none of it happened. I had hoped Larry could just take care of her and that would be that.”

“What changed?” Marie asks, chiming in. Kim shakes her head.

“I don’t know. Part of me, really, doesn’t want anything to change. But Larry has been encouraging me, almost forcing me, to take on more of the responsibility of taking care of Lilith and I gotta admit…” Kim smiles “...the more time I spend with her, the more I like it…being a mom, that is.”

“Well this responsibility wasn’t something you asked for, Emma forced it on you. So I don’t blame you for not wanting any part of this,” Angelica begins “but you need to make up your mind. You need to decide what you want to do about this.”

“I know.” Kim says quietly.

“Lilith didn’t ask for this, either.” Angelica points out. “She deserves a good life and good parents. If that is you, then fine. Take the responsibility. If it is someone else…your friend Larry or whoever…then fine. But Lilith deserves a stable life with a good parent.”

May 21st, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

It has been several days since Breakdown, since Kimberly Williams finally spilled the news about her secret daughter to her mother Angelica Jones and twin sister Marie Jones. Kim had some hope that maybe telling them would provide a solution to her problem. Deep down inside she knew it would not be that simple. Lilith is a problem that she has been putting off for a very long time and it will not be a problem easily solved. Then again, Lilith is not a problem. She is a person. Like Angelica said, she deserves to be in a functional, stable, good home. Lilith did not ask to be born just as Kim did not ask to be a mother. Whatever the solution is, it has to be fair to both. All Kimberly knows is that, for whatever reason, Larry does not seem to want to continue to raise her. He does not want the indefinite responsibility of raising Lilith. Kim will have to determine a solution sooner or later. Until then, Kim Williams is happy to spend some quality time with her daughter. Perhaps spending some time with Lilith will help Kim determine of being a mother, raising this girl, is the future that she wants?

The Woman Scorned sits next to her good friend from the mental asylum, Larry Dempsey on a raggedy beat up red sofa. Lilith sits cross legged on the floor playing with Kimberly’s pet hamster, Caligula. The wallpaper peels and fades into a dull, yellowish hue, hanging limply in spots where the glue has long given up. The wooden floorboards creak with every slight movement, a testament to years of neglect and heavy footsteps. The living room itself is a testament to hardship. A single bare bulb dangles from the ceiling, casting a dim, flickering light that does little to chase away the shadows. The furniture is mismatched and marred by time: an old coffee table with chipped edges, the flat screen television is the only somewhat new item in this entire beat up home; and it is set perched precariously on a makeshift stand. There is a bookshelf that leans dangerously to one side, its shelves sparsely populated with dust-covered books and knick-knacks. The windows are covered with threadbare curtains that do little to block the draft, and a cold wind seeps through the gaps, causing the fabric to flutter like ghostly hands.

“I am quite proud of you, Kimberly.” Larry says warmly. Kim just rolls her eyes. She has heard this song and dance before. “The time you are taking to spend with your daughter, finally after all of these years, it is beautiful.”

“Yeah, I know, I’m a real saint.” Kim responds sarcastically.

“It is true.” Larry nods his head. “You are doing what needs to be done for her benefit and for yours.”

“I get how this is for HER benefit,” Kim says, motioning to Lilith who strokes the hamster across the room “but how is this for MY benefit?”

“You do not have a guilty conscience.”

“I have murdered three people and I kidnapped my sister.” Kim points out. “Do not accuse me of worrying about a guilty conscience.”

“If you did not worry yourself about your conscience then why would you be spending time with your daughter?”

“Because it is the right thing to do.” Kim points out. “I may be a psychopath but I do know right from wrong and, believe it or not, I am trying to do what’s right.” Kim sighs. “Hell, I should be preparing for Taking Hold of the Flame. I am double booked for that night but instead I’m here with…” she looks at Lilith who smiles and waves at Kim, this immediately disarms Kim’s anger and Kim waves back “...with my little girl.”

“See?” Larry points out. “You enjoy this.”

“This is difficult, Larry. Trying to transition from being a crazy barely stable lunatic to being a mother isn’t easy.” She sighs and nods her head. “But I cannot deny it. I do enjoy being with her.”

“And she seems to enjoy spending time with you.” Larry says.

“Yeah, maybe.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “We watched television, played video games, and she seems to enjoy Caligula’s company.”

“You do not give yourself enough credit, my friend.” Larry says. “Lilith here is proof positive that you are a good mother. Perhaps you should consider having her move on with you on a more permanent basis?”

“Permanent?” Kim furrows her brow. “Uh, I dunno about that, Lawrence of Arabia. I mean, we suddenly jump from visits every month or so to suddenly she lives with me full time? Plus you gotta consider my wrestling schedule. Hell, just SCW alone I’m traveling the world. We were in Australia and Japan recently, Canada this week, and we’ll be in Europe for Taking Hold of the Flame. I would either have to drag her along or find someone else to watch her so I’d STILL be absent.”

“But Kimberly…”

“I’m not saying no.” Kim says. “I’m just saying maybe we should take it slowly, huh? Maybe take a more gradual approach to her moving in with me permanently. I thought about this for a long time after I told my mom about her…”

“You told your mother?” Larry asks. “How did she take it?”

“Surprisingly well. But she brought up a valid point. Lilith didn’t ask for this, neither did I, but we need to be fair to Lilith and having her move in with me when I’m constantly on the move isn’t fair to her. Someone else should be able to be there for her when I am not around.” Kim points at Larry. “So I was thinking you could fill that role on the days I’m on the road.”

“Honestly, my dear, that isn’t a good idea.”

“Why not?” Kim asks curiously. “It isn’t like it would be any different from what we’re currently doing. Y’know?”

“I know it seems good but…” he sighs and shakes his head “...just trust me, it is not a good idea.”

Larry does not sound normal. This does not seem like the Larry Dempsey Kim knows. He seems very suspicious, very fishy. Kim studies him carefully.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong, Kimberly. I just do not believe I can take care of the girl anymore.”

“So you want to pawn her back off onto me because you don’t think you can do it anymore?” Kim asks. “I think I deserve to know why?”

“I would rather not talk about it right now.” Larry insists. “Let’s just focus on the well being of the girl, shall we? We can agree that her well being is paramount.”

Kimberly knows that Larry is giving her the runaround. She knows he is trying desperately to dodge the real issue at hand. But perhaps now is not the time to confront him, at least not yet. Kim sighs and nods her head.

“Fair enough. If you won’t watch her, and I CANNOT watch her, I think I know someone who can.”


“My boyfriend.” Kim points out. “Tommy.”

“Tommy?” Larry asks suspiciously. “The one you never introduced me to?”

“The one and the same. He is trustworthy and responsible.” She winks. “Believe me.”

“I wish I could…”

“You’re not jealous, are you?” Kim asks with a jovial smirk on her face. Larry shakes his head emphatically.

“No! Of course not!” He insists. “Our relationship is one based on friendship, you know this!”

“I know. You just seem a little…” Kim pats him on the back “...off. Are you sure there isn’t anything you aren’t telling me?”

“No, absolutely not. I just want what’s best for the girl. That’s all. And I have not met this…Tommy…”

“Well it’s either him or you.” Kim fires back. Larry sighs and nods his head, relenting.

“Very well. I suppose your boyfriend Tommy can watch the girl for now.”

One problem has been solved, at least temporarily. Kim can hopefully get her boyfriend, Tommy Wasley, to look after her daughter on the days that she is on the road. Lilith will be well taken care of. Yet even with this problem taken care of, there is now a new problem rising. Something is clearly wrong with Larry Dempsey. He has been awful quick to get Lilith away from him. He wasn’t willing to take her back at all. Kim senses that something is wrong. She just cannot put her finger on it.

May 23rd, 2024
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Off Camera

Backstage at Breakdown, near the ready area, Kimberly Williams finds herself excited. A big, ear to ear grin is on her face. She just watched the “main event” of Breakdown. Despite what Selena Frost may say, the main event was Marie Jones against Gavin Taylor and Kim’s twin sister, Gavin, just defeated The All Star to earn herself a shot at the SCW Adrenaline Championship. What this means is that both members of Twin Magic now will be pulling double duty at Taking Hold of the Flame. Marie has her title match, Kimberly has her Underground Match, and both will be in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal. Things have just gotten a lot more interesting for these twin sisters. Marie Jones returned after a lengthy absence to rejoin Kim. Twin Magic has been reunited and they are on the verge of what could be a historic night for the pair. The Woman Scorned, for her part, is excited about what Taking Hold of the Flame might bring. As soon as Marie Jones steps back through the curtain she is embraced in a tight hug by her twin sister Kimberly.

“You did it! Go Phoenix Go! Wooooo!”

“Oww, please don’t put so much pressure on sweetie.” Marie says. Immediately Kim lets go. “Sorry, but I just got finished fighting Gavin. I’m still a little sore.”

“Sorry! I don’t know my own strength!” Kim smirks. “But isn’t this great? Twin Magic back together and taking SCW by storm! We’re gonna be all over Taking Hold of the Flame! Me and DeeDee are going to war in the Underground against The Enigmatic Enigma and the European Firing Squad! You now have a shot at the Adrenaline Title! And maybe ONE OF US will win the battle royal and get that World Title shot!”

“Yeah, maybe.” Marie shrugs her shoulders. She follows Kim off to the side where they find a packing crate to sit down on. Marie points a finger at Kim. “But what about you? Are you ready for Taking Hold of the Flame?”

“Me? Of course!” Kim snickers. “Underground is MY world and Enigma is gonna learn that first hand! And maybe I’ll remind Oktoberfest in the process…”


“...and yeah, I’m pulling double duty, but so what? Surviving an Underground Match AND winning Taking Hold of the Flame? All in one night? Not THAT would be impressive! And I plan to pull it off!”

“Kim!” Marie raises her voice to get her sister’s attention.

“What? You don’t think I can do it?”

“No, it’s not that.” Marie shakes her head. “I mean, are you ready up here.” She taps Kim on the head.

“Am I ever ready up there?” Kim snickers. Marie sighs.

“That’s still not what I mean.” Marie frowns. “What about Lilith?”

“Oh…” Kim’s voice trails off, she sighs and shrugs her shoulders “...oh, Lilith is fine. Ultimately I came to the conclusion that with me being on the road so often, it just wouldn’t work for me to take care of Lilith full time. But Tommy is no longer wrestling. He can watch after her while I’m on the road and when I’m NOT on the road I can stay with her and Tommy and that just makes more sense to me.”

“That sounds good. It sounds like you have that part of your life figured out.”

“Yeah, maybe, but I still have on thing that bothers me.”

“What is it?” Marie asks. “Is Lilith not on board with this plan?”

“Oh Lilith is fine.” Kim states. “The problem is Larry. He seemed a little too eager to dump Lilith. And that made absolutely no sense to me because he adores Lilith. He always wanted what was best for her. Hell, it should have been more of a red flag…”


“The fact that he kept badgering me and bugging me to take over as Lilith’s primary caregiver. Seriously, I may be her biological mother but you know as well as I do, and Larry knows it even better, that I am NOT the best person to raise a child on her own. And he also knows that I am on the road frequently. If he wanted the best for Lilith, giving her entirely over to me with no one else to watch over her, no one else to help, it just makes no sense.”

“You know, I am not normally one to buy into conspiracy theories, so I really would like to think that there is a logical reason behind this…” Marie begins.

“I know. The logical reason is that he is secretly a lizard person.” Kim states. Marie rolls her eyes.

“I’m being serious. I hope there is a logical reason because, well,” she sighs “you make some valid points.”

“I do?!” Kim smirks. “I mean, of course I do!”

“So what do you think is wrong with Larry?”

“I have no clue.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “But I intend to find out.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x


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RE: 40 Person Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal - by The Matt - 05-27-2024, 02:15 PM

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