40 Person Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
2 of 2 for Kim

May 27th, 2024
Baltimore, Maryland
Off Camera

In less than a week Kimberly Williams knows that she will be in for a war like no other and it all goes down in London, England. For starters, she will be fighting alongside her on again off again enemy turned friend, the SCW United States Champion Deanna Frost in a brutal Underground Match along with the likes of Konrad Raab and his European Fiery Nation partners, and last but certainly not least, the epicenter of the whole rivalry itself; the mysterious and imposing Enigma. The Woman Scorned is certainly not intimidated by The Enigma or his mind games and she loves a good Underground war. Still, the match itself presents many complications. She wants get her own pound of flesh against The Enigma for her own reasons, namely due to his recent attack against her after Taking the Leap. She also does legitimately want to help Deanna, who seems to want Enigma’s head on a platter for what he did to Jessica Winters. But can Kimberly accomplish all of this and win the Underground Match? Her Underground Title may not be on the line but Kim recognizes how important wins and losses are in SCW. A loss here to anyone else in the match would mean her title could be in jeopardy in the future. Another complication of this match is the fact that it takes place at the Taking Hold of the Flame event and The Woman Scorned plans to compete in the battle royal itself. Kimberly, with all of her expertise in death matches, knows that she will be severely weakened and will not go into the battle royal at one hundred percent. Kimberly could hold back during the Underground Match, save her strength for the battle royal, but that would risk losing the Underground war and risk looking weak and vulnerable. Besides, Kimberly has never and will never hold back. She will never give less than one hundred percent. This will be no exception. She will do her best even if it means potentially risking her Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal prospects. Taking Hold of the Flame is very important to Kim. Last year she started the match and went bell to bell, lasting over an hour and nearly winning. It proved to the entire world just how good of a competitor she was. Kim would love to win the whole thing this year and go on to main event Rise To Greatness. She would love to finally achieve the one thing she has never done but the rest of her family has; win a World Championship.

If this night, if Taking Hold of the Flame is so important to the reigning SCW Underground Champion, then why is she sneaking around in Baltimore, Maryland in the middle of the night when she could be out preparing, training, and working out for what will no doubt be one of the biggest challenges of her professional career? Williams certainly prides herself on her wrestling career, but she also values certain people above herself and her own selfish designs. Her family, for one; she would do anything to help her family. It is a principle that was drilled into her. But she is equally as loyal to one of her closest friends, a friend she met while locked up in a mental institution; a man named Larry Dempsey. The Woman Scorned and Larry Dempsey had built a strong friendship, helping one another overcome their own darkness and depression while locked up. When they got released, they vowed to help each other out. Larry has helped Kimberly in one big way; namely helping to watch over Kim’s daughter, Lilith. Yet now, all of a sudden, Larry seems insistent on getting Lilith as far away from him as possible. Kim certainly can find other people to help her watch over her daughter for her while she is on the road wrestling. Her boyfriend, Tommy Wasley, is free and available. She has numerous family willing to help now that they are in on the secret. But Larry was way too eager to get rid of Lilith. In fact, he seemed somewhat desperate to get rid of her. It certainly raised a few red flags for The Woman Scorned. She feels something is wrong and she wants to find out.

In a quiet, middle-class neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland, a one-story home stands under the soft glow of a bright moon high overhead in the night sky as well as streetlights hanging overhead. The house features a brick exterior that reflects the traditional charm of the area. The driveway, to the right of the house, is smooth and clean, leading to a single-car garage. A well-maintained sedan is parked in the driveway, its silhouette barely visible under the streetlight’s faint illumination. The garage door is closed, but a small motion-sensor light above it flickers on as a feminine figure steps out of the shadows. It is none other than Kimberly Williams herself. She is wearing black denim jeans, black boots, and a plain black t-shirt. Her all black attire is meant to disguise herself within the darkness. Williams smirks as she t ip toes up the driveway and to the front door, which is painted a deep, inviting blue and adorned with a simple brass knocker. Flanking the door, two large windows are covered with blinds, drawn shut for privacy. The soft hum of crickets fills the air, mingling with the distant sound of a car passing by occasionally on the main road. She looks once at the doorknob and then shakes her head.

“No way…going in through the front door is definitely NOT my style…” with that, Williams steps away from the front door and makes her way around the back. There she finds a fenced in yard. The Woman Scorned easily climbs up and over the fence. In the back yard she finds a small patio set, with cushioned chairs and a table that sits quietly on the concrete slab. She makes her way over to a window and peers inside. The room is dimly lit by only one lamp. She also finds by messing with the window for a little bit that this window is not very secure. Kim easily pushes it open and smirks victoriously. “Now this! This is my style!” Williams quickly slithers in through this window as sneakily and stealthily as a serpent. She lands with a soft but not very loud thud on the floor. She remains there for a few moments still, hoping that she didn’t make too much noise or alert anyone who might be here to her presence. Once she is satisfied that she is safe she stands back up and takes appraisal of the situation; she is in what appears to be a guest bedroom.

“Ok, Lawrence of Arabia, let’s see what you are up to…” Kim steps to the shut door and quietly, slowly, opens it. She listens out for signs of anyone. Content that she is still undiscovered she exits the guest bedroom and begins to walk down the hallway. The Woman Scorned finds one door already opened; she peers inside and sees that it is just the bathroom. She walks on down the hall further and notices a room with the door shut but something about this door peaks her interest. The door itself is rigged with a smile wire. It isn’t a trap or a makeshift alarm to warn anyone. It just provides an extra bit of annoying obstacle to entering the room itself. Almost as if locking the door wasn’t enough. They wanted an extra layer of protection for, or from, whatever is behind this door. Kim just shrugs her shoulder and easily takes the wire rig down and then turns the door knob to see if it is unlocked. Not to her surprise she finds that it is indeed locked. If they took the time to rig the door with an extra, albeit not very good, security, they’d certainly lock the door as well. But Kim never found a security system she could not overcome. She takes out a paper clip and puts it in the lock. She easily manages to unlock the door and push it open.

Williams immediately steps into a dimly lit room. The air feels heavy, imbued with a musty scent mixed with faint traces of incense and old wood. The other odd thing she notices about this particular room is that every available surface is crammed with religious artifacts from a multitude of faiths, creating a jarring and chaotic ambiance. Directly in front of her she finds a large, antique crucifix that hangs on the wall, its wooden surface weathered and cracked, with a lifelike depiction of Jesus, his eyes seemingly following her every move. Beneath it, an altar is cluttered with candles in various stages of melting, their flickering flames casting eerie shadows that dance around the room. To the left, a series of shelves house an array of statues and icons. There is a serene Buddha figure, carved from jade, its calm presence contrasting sharply with the unsettling surroundings. Next to it, a sinister-looking figure of Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction, with her fierce expression and necklace of skulls, seems almost ready to step off her pedestal. Interspersed among these are smaller items: a menorah with unlit candles, an Islamic prayer rug hanging from a hook, and a Native American dreamcatcher swaying slightly as if touched by an unseen hand.

The far wall is dominated by a large, intricately framed mirror, its glass tarnished and speckled with age. Around the mirror, an array of talismans and amulets dangle, including an ankh, a pentagram, and several evil eye charms, their glassy surfaces reflecting the candlelight in disconcerting ways. In front of the mirror, an old, weathered Bible lies open on a stand, its pages yellowed and edges frayed, as if it has been left open for centuries. A low table in the center of the room holds a mix of objects from various religious rituals: a smudging bowl with remnants of sage, a small brass bell, a string of Catholic rosary beads, and an ornate incense burner emitting tendrils of sweet, heavy smoke that clings to her clothes. The smell is overpowering, a blend of sandalwood, frankincense, and something else Kim can't quite place—something slightly metallic and unsettling. The only window in the room is covered with thick, dark curtains, allowing just a sliver of moonlight to seep through, casting a pale, ghostly glow over a corner of the room. There, an assortment of sacred texts from different religions are stacked haphazardly: the Torah, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, and others, their spines cracked and well-worn, as if they have been perused by countless hands over the years.

“Well, well, Lawrence of Arabia, you have been a very busy boy! But what have you been busy doing?” Kim asks out loud.

“What are you doing here?!” This loud booming voice is one of anger but not unfamiliar to Kim. It was unexpected and startles Kim a little. She jumps around to see her friend, Larry Dempsey, standing there behind her.

“I’m breaking and entering. What does it look like I’m doing?” Kim says jovially. But Larry is having none of her jokes tonight.

“You are breaking my privacy.”

“Duh! That’s why it is called breaking and entering, cause things are broken.”

“This is NOT a joke!” Larry shouts as he approaches Kim menacingly, he attempts to back Kim against the wall but she does not budge. She is not afraid of him, even though he does seem to be enraged right now. “This is MY home! You do NOT break into my home!” He sighs and shakes his head. “I had this discussion with your daughter. I shouldn’t have to have this same discussion with her mother!”

“Oh don’t be mad, Lawrence of Arabia.” Kim winks playfully. “I mean, do you really expect anything less from me? Besides, I tried to do this the ‘normal way’...” she makes the quotation marks with her fingers when she says normal way “...I tried calling you, texting you, and you were even skipping out on our regularly scheduled Waffle House meet-ups. You NEVER miss those, Larry.”

“And that gives you justification to break into my home?!”

“It does when you go radio silent.” Kim states emphatically. “Larry, after we got out of the loony bin, we swore we would look out for each other. We swore that we would watch each other’s back and make sure we stayed honest and that we stayed on the straight and narrow.” She points a finger at Larry. “When Marie and I walked out on SCW years ago, it was YOU who convinced me to go back. You told me what I did was wrong and that I needed to live up to my commitments. You convinced me pay the fine for walking out and then stick with SCW. I am grateful for you watching my back and keeping me honest. Now I am doing the same because I know that something isn’t right. I know that you are hiding something from me.” She shakes her head. “I just don’t know what it is.”

What leads you to that nonsensical conclusion?” Larry demands angrily.

“Well like I said, you went radio silent on me. You have been ignoring all of my attempts to contact you, which is why I had to take THESE drastic measures. But there is also the little fact of my daughter Lilith.” Kim states. “You seemed very eager, if not desperate, to get rid of her and to get rid of her as soon as possible. You seemed desperate to pass her off onto someone else as soon as possible. And that just isn’t like you because I know you adore that girl. You are afraid of something, Larry. I can sense it. And quite frankly, after discovering this particular room,” she looks around at all of the religious items “I am beginning to get a little unnerved myself. I mean, what are you trying to do? Conjure every religion’s devil figure that there is?” She smirks. “I wouldn’t advise it, personally. The last devil I summoned cheated me out of five dollars.”

“The devil is already here.” Larry says with a low, quiet, very serious tone.

“What’s wrong, Larry?” Kim asks again. “C’mon, you can tell me.”

“You cannot help me.” He shakes his head. “Believe me, it is best if you just leave now.”

“Nope.” Kim shakes her head and then folds her arms over her chest. “No can do! I’m staying right here until you tell me what’s wrong and why you have a shrine to every god or goddess known to man in this house!”

“Please, Kimberly. Please just leave. It is for your own good.”

“I wrestle around in barbed wire, thumb tacks, and broken glass for fun. I strapped an explosive to my knee and rammed it into someone’s face just to win a match. Does that really sound like someone who looks out for their own good?” Kim asks playfully. But Larry is serious. He gets down on his knees. He is now literally begging her.

“I plead with you, Kimberly! Please leave!” Seeing Larry beg like this is unnerving even for someone as demented as Kim. The Woman Scorned bends down on her knees, getting eye level with Larry. She also takes on a more serious tone as she realizes just how desperate her friend seems to be.

“What’s wrong, Larry? Why won’t you let me help you?” Kim stares into Larry’s pleading eyes. He still wishes she would leave but it is becoming apparent that she will not. He sighs and shakes his head.

“Ok, you win. I will tell you everything…just not tonight…”

“When?” Kim asks. “You skipped out on our last meeting, you never returned my calls or texts…”

“And I do apologize. I have just been afraid. But I promise you that I will attend our next meeting and I will tell you everything. Just please, for tonight, please leave.”

“Well alright,” Kim stands up “I am going to hold you to that. You better attend our next meeting.”

“Tomorrow.” Larry says. “I will be there tomorrow at our usual spot.”

“The Waffle House?”

“The Waffle House.” Larry confirms with a nod of his head.

May 28th, 2024
Baltimore, Maryland
Off Camera

Kimberly and Larry’s relationship may have formed under unusual circumstances but it has always remained a strong bond. Whenever one of them was in trouble, the other has always been there to help out. On more than one occasion Larry has helped Kimberly and vice versa. And they always meet up at this one particular Waffle House in Baltimore, Maryland to catch up, to discuss what they have been through, what they have going on in their lives, and more importantly if they are in any trouble and if they can help each other. Larry Dempsey has always been the prompt one; he is always on time or early and Kimberly is almost always late. Once again Kimberly Williams is late; however, unlike all previous meetings, Larry was not there. Kim was late and yet still was the first to arrive. In fact, twenty four hours after she broke into Larry’s home and confronted him about what has been going on, what has troubled him lately, twenty four hours after that Kim sits here in this booth at the Waffle House still waiting on Larry to arrive. Kimberly is wearing torn blue jeans, flip flops, and a black Queens of Chaos logo t-shirt. Her long red hair hangs straight and unrestrained to past the shoulders. A cup of coffee, black, sits in front of her. She is beginning to think that Larry is standing her up, that once again he is avoiding her. Maybe he just lied about showing up and that he plans to skip town hoping to avoid ever having to deal with Kimberly again. It wouldn’t be the first time Kim has bothered someone to the point that she ran them off. But Larry is different. They were close. He wouldn’t run away like this. Plus he seems to be in genuine trouble. Kim just wishes he would let her help him. But maybe he is just late? Maybe he will show up? Kimberly just has to give him a chance.

Suddenly The Woman Scorned hears the familiar bell indicating that someone has just opened the door. She looks up and she sees her good friend Larry Dempsey entering the Waffle House. He certainly looks worse for the wear, as if he hasn’t slept in ages. He is wearing jeans, brown boots, a plaid shirt, and a brown leather jacket. He has a glazed over look on his face as he drags himself across the restaurant and over towards Kimberly. He sits down at the booth. Kim smirks and taps her watch.

“You’re late.”

“I know and I apologize, my friend.”

“You don’t get it. You’re not just late. See, I was late too and yet I was still first one here, which means you are REALLY late.” She shakes her head. “What gives, Larry? Something is definitely wrong here and you promised you would tell me.” Just as Kim finishes her statement, the waitress walks by and places a cup of coffee in front of Larry. He nods in thanks as she walks away.

“You ordered my coffee for me?”

“You’re welcome.” Kim winks.

“Thank you, my friend. And you are right, something is wrong. I cannot tell you in any other way except to say that I fear that I am going mad.”

“We’re all a little mad here!” Kim says with a grin that would match the same Cheshire cat that she quotes from Alice in Wonderland.

“Please, Kimberly! I am being serious!”

“So am I! But what kind of mad do ya mean? I mean, in less than a week I’m gonna throw down with this freak in a mask because I’m mad at him. DeeDee is mad at him. Oktoberfest is mad at him. In fact, everyone is mad at a him…”


“Sorry!” Kim says, smiling sheepishly.

“I do not mean mad as in anger. I mean that I believe that I am going crazy. I think I may be losing my mind. Every single step I took forward in curing my mental ailments, it seems that all of that progress is being lost each and every day.”

“Wait a sec,” Kim begins “I thought you had that under control?”

“I did.” He nods his head. “Those voices in my head, they were no longer there. My doctor chalked it up to my medicine but as a…precaution…I had a priest perform a minor rite of exorcism. You could call it a placebo effect. If it tricked my mind into believing it was working, then good.” He sighs. “But unfortunately the Bishop of the diocese has commanded this priest to no longer work with me.”

“Ok, so what?” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “You don’t believe in the supernatural anyway. At least I didn’t think you did. That creepy room I saw last night makes me think otherwise…”

“I didn’t!” He exclaims. “But now I…” his voice trails off “...I just don’t know what to think! My logical mind knows better, but ever since the priest stopped working with me, the voices began to return.”

“Maybe the medicine just isn’t working anymore?” Kim suggests. “Maybe you need to tell your doctor that…”

“No!” He exclaims. “I cannot go to my doctor!”

“Why not?” Kim asks. “Oh wait, I get it…you’re afraid of possibly going back…of being committed again, aren’t you?”

“I cannot risk telling my doctor about my problem.” Larry says quietly. “I do not want to go back. I must find another way to fight this.”

“That’s why you have that creepy room!” It’s as if a lightbulb went off over Kim’s head. “The exorcism shtick with the priest is gone, so you’re trying to find anything and everything possible to take its place. You’re trying to recreate the placebo effect.”

“Precisely.” Larry nods his head.

“Is it working?”

“Not yet.” He shakes his head. “Although I am learning quite a bit about other religions…”

“See, there is a bright side!” Kim smirks. “But seriously, though, Larry, you need to get psychological help. And that’s me talking.”

“I told you that I do not wish to risk going back to a mental hospital.” He points a finger at Kim. “Would you take that same risk? Would YOU risk being locked up again behind those walls?”

Kim remains quiet. She knows that Larry is right, she, too, fears being locked up again. She herself has used unique, unorthodox means to fight her own craziness. She does believe Larry needs professional help but she also sees the desperation in his eyes. She sees the fear in his eyes. She will not force him to get help. But she will do what she can.

“I will help you, Larry. Whatever you need, I will help.”

“Thank you, my friend.” He says quietly. “Thank you.”

June 1st, 2024
London, England
On Camera

We open outside at night on the streets of London, England. The opening chords of “Werewolves of London” by Warren Zevon begins to play. After a few seconds of this familiar tune playing in the background we see a figure entering the scene from the right. As the figure turns around to face the camera we can see that this is none other than “The Woman Scorned” and Queens of Chaos representative Kimberly Williams wearing a wolf onesie. She has her SCW Underground Championship, HKW Bloodlust Championship, and ZION Hardcore Championship title belts wrapped around her waist and she is carrying her beloved friend, the plushy penguin Wasley, in her right hand. “Werewolves of London” remains playing in the background but the volume lowers significantly, because the SCW Underground Champion is about to speak.

“There is no party like a werewolf party, am I right? The thing about werwolves is the mythology is that they are so fierce and scary; the stories of these fearsome creatures transforming from normal people into ravening monsters ready to tear the flesh off of an unsuspecting victim at a moment’s notice! But what I have found is that, most of the time, these fearsome creatures are nothing but just what I said they were…myths, folklore, stories conjured up to scare children. When you tear away the fur and the fangs all you get is just some lunatic in a werewolf onesie cosplaying as a monster.” She motions to herself. “Except with me, I am cosplaying as a werewolf right now but underneath this onesie, this fur, and these fangs is a real life monster capable of some horrific shit. If you don’t believe me, just ask Oktoberfest. He and I have been to hell and back on more than one occasion. We have shed each other’s blood, enough of it to fill two or three of those blood bank buses, we have shed enough of our own blood to keep a family of four vampires alive for another three centuries. We have brutalized one another so many times and have had a great time while doing it! I don’t think I have had the pleasure to OFFICIALLY make the acquaintance of his new friends, though…” she waves playfully at the camera “...hi Dakon! Hi Ludvig! I look forward to us maiming one another at Taking Hold of the Flame!”

“If you don’t believe The European Fiery Nation when they tell you just how sick and sadistic I am, then just ask Deanna Frost. I respect the hell out of Deanna and you wanna know why? She took the absolute worst I could throw at her and not only did she survive but she beat me at my own game at Rise To Greatness. I am not ashamed to admit it. Hell, I am proud of her and she earned my respect that night. Then at Apocalypse we went through hell together in a multi-person Underground war. If you don’t believe Oktoberfest, just ask Deanna Frost. She will tell you that I am NOT exaggerating when I say that I am the Queen of the Death Match and I will equally stand up and say that Deanna belongs in the Underground anytime she wants. Anytime she wants to enter my Underground, I welcome her with open arms because she has proven her worth, just like Oktoberfest and his European buddies have proven themselves in the Underground.” She pauses and then shakes her head.

“Unfortunately not everyone has proven themselves worthy of the Underground. Not everyone is a legitimate monster like myself or Oktoberfest. There is one particular fellow who is an outlier, a fraud; he is that individual cosplaying as a monster but is really just a cute little magician wearing a mask trying to intimidate people with smoke and mirrors.” She points a finger at the camera. “Yup, I’m talking to you, Enigmatic Enigma. Your smoke and mirrors, your cryptic bullshit talk, your darkness, all of that has been done time and time again in SCW. Red Grove, Ba’al, I could go on and on. The whole monster stuff? I have seen legitimate monsters, I have fought legitimate monsters, and you, my friend, are not a legitimate monster. A real life monster would have no problem facing his enemies. You just use tricks and mind games in hopes of gaining the upper hand. A true monster doesn’t need that but you do. A true monster would face Oktoberfest and knock his damn head off but you don’t even try. In fact, all you’ve managed to do is piss off a lot of people.”

“The European Fiery Nation. Deanna Frost. Myself. We all may technically be opponents in thai match at Taking Hold of the Flame, and there can only be one winner…and trust me, as someone who takes to the Underground with a lot of pride, I will do everything in my power to ensure that I am the winner…we may disagree on who that winner will be, but the one thing we can and do agree on is that we want to kick the ever living crap out of you. I do not care how much mind games you have, how big you are, how intimidating you pretend to be, at the end of the day you have to know that your ass is in trouble. You have to know that you have finally went too far in your attacks on Oktoberfest, your attacks on me and my sister, and what you did to Jessica Winters. You have gone too far and have pissed off the wrong people and at Taking Hold of the Flame you are going to not only get exposed for the fraudulent fake magician that you are, but you are going to get an ass whipping that you will not soon forget. The veil will be lifted and they will see not a monster but a child cosplaying as a monster.”

“I should know because I know coplaying. I’ve cosplayed as a unicorn, a penguin, and now as a werewolf.” Kimberly grins from ear to ear. “I also have been cosplaying as a pony. But not just any pony, but a one trick pony. By that I mean that for the longest time I have allowed all of you to think that I am nothing more than the Queen of the Death Match. I have allowed you to believe that the one and only realm I can control is the Underground. But it is time for me to lift my own veil away and reveal the truth of what I really am capable of to the entire world, and there is no better time to do that than right here, right now, at Taking Hold of the Flame.” Kimberly holds up one finger.

“One year ago, SCW got a glimpse of what I am capable of when I started the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal, I went bell to bell, and damn near won the whole thing. Am I capable of winning Taking Hold of the Flame? Damn right I am. Will I win Taking Hold of the Flame this year? Will I pull off what most would consider an impossible feat of competing in the Underground war against The Enigma only to return later in the night and with very little gas left in the tank STILL overcome the odds and win Taking Hold of the Flame?” Williams nods her head emphatically. “You damn right I will! People may look at this and the challenge that I face and think that the odds are too great. But when people doubt me, when people bet against me, that just motivates me to prove their asses wrong. I wasn’t supposed to even be the Underground Champion but I took it. I wasn’t supposed to main event Body, Heart, & Soul in a SCW World and Underground Title vs Title Match but I did! I wasn’t supposed to beat James Evans but I did! Every single time people doubt me, every single time people bet against me, it just proves me wrong. So please! Please bet against me! Because that just means that this year I won’t just come close to winning…it means that I WILL WIN THE WHOLE DAMN THING! It means that yet again I will prove my critics wrong!” Kimberly looks as intense as ever.

“There is another thing that motivates me this year. Everyone in my family has been a World Champion in one promotion or another except for me. But no one expects that from me. They just expect Crazy Kim to be happy and content in the Underground, they expect Crazy Kim to be happy and content with being in the death match environment. I do love the death match environment, I would give up the Underground Title without a fight, but one thing I am NOT content with is this idea, this perception, that I am not capable of being the best wrestler in the world today. I am not and never will be content with the notion that I am incapable of being a World Champion. So this year I will do one thing that no one in my family has ever done and win Taking Hold of the Flame. Then I will main event Rise To Greatness and finally, for the first time ever, win my very first World Championship. I will finally mark my name into the history books as one of the best in the world.” She points a finger at the camera.

“Selena Frost, I kind of hope you’re the champion when it all is said and done. I recognize that I played a part in creating this monster that the SCW fans and roster perceive you to be. Thus I feel obligated to do whatever I can rein your ass back in and kill that monster. If beating you and taking your World Championship is what I have to do then so be it. So if…” she shakes her head “...no, WHEN I win Taking Hold of the Flame, I do hope you are the champion. I want to take the title away from you more than anything else.” She grins knowingly. “But Xander, don’t think I forgot about you! You may be the one to slay the dragon and if that is the case then maybe I will see YOU at Rise To Greatness? If so then make no mistake about it, you cannot and will not break me. You cannot and will not make me give up or quit on my fans or on my dream. When I win Taking Hold of the Flame, if I have to go through you then I will run right through your ass and become the new SCW World Champion.”

“This year is my year, ladies and germs! I will pull off the improbable, the impossible, I will survive the Underground, I will win Taking Hold of the Flame, and yes, I will win the SCW World Championship at Rise To Greatness. Everyone will believe in Kimberly Williams, the Queen of Chaos and the Queen of the Death Match!”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x


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RE: 40 Person Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal - by The Matt - 05-29-2024, 10:39 AM

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