LITD/Twisted & Sadstic vs. Cowgirls/Dangerous Minds
{The screen static jumps to a shot of the world famous Hunter’s Mark gym, once known as the “War Room Dojo”, in Jamaica, New York. This is the school that trained such wrestlers as the “Mad Dog” Ryo Sakazaki, The “Wild Boys” tag team of Billy and Jimmy Wild, Jocelyn Sky, Noah Krieger, "Hot Stuff" Kain Reyes, The "Bad Pajama Mamma" Cassie Wu, Tiffany Santana, Leonhart, Harmony Avery, Ashlyn Moon, Trafalgar Law of the Phantom Troupe, and its most successful student in the multi-time world champion, "Total Elimination" Jacob Striker, among many others.

Now the school was under the control of the daughter of its late original owner in Serenity Scorpio and her fiance in Jacob Striker, who now helps to train the next generation of wrestlers, but as the camera takes through the hallways of the school, which is closed down due to it being afterhours, we are shown all of the usual rooms and such connected to a wrestling school when eventually we find ourselves in the main training room itself where we find the “Front Man of the Dope Show” himself, David Bam Bam Striker, working out in one of the training rings but who he is training with is equally surprising as his training partner is none other than his older brother Jacob Striker himself.

The two men are going fast and furious, trading wrestling holds and suplexes like there is no tomorrow at such a rapid fire pace that it’s almost startling until finally David is finally able to hit a spinning German suplex on his older brother that sends him flying over the top topes to land on the padding on the outside where Serenity is, serving as the “outside ref” for those thrown over the top ropes}

Serenity: JAKE’S OUT!!

{Jake tosses a mock-glare at his future wife who simply gives him a playful smirk in return as she goes over and helps Jake up while Dave heads to the ropes closest to where they are}

David: You alright?

Jacob: Yeah, just wasn’t expecting that move out of you though.

David: Well what did you expect, you tried to lock in that fucking cravate yet again!

{Jacob couldn’t help but smile at his kid brother before nodding}

Jacob: Well it is one of my bread and butter moves after all.

Serenity: Yeah tell me about it, Stephanie used to go on and on about how your brother could just about hit anything that he needed out of that one simple hold ranging from a suplex to a submission and then just keep going. And that’s how you’re going to be too one day, David.

David: If you say so, I’m not the prodigy that my brother is.

{Jake arches an eyebrow as he walks over to a set of chairs with a cooler on top of them and pulls out a Gatorade as Serenity crosses her arms over her chest as she focuses a similar look on the younger of the Striker brothers}

Serenity: What’s the supposed to mean, David?

David: I’m just facing facts, Serenity. I’m just facing facts, that’s all. I mean look at what I’ve got ahead of me at the next SCW pay per view. I’ve got a massive tag team match *AND* then I’ve got that massive battle royal to crown a contender to the SCW championship, and to be quite honest I don’t know how in the name of *FUCK* that I’m going to FIRST help my team win the tag match and THEN, win the rumble to secure me that contendership…

{David then easily swung himself out of the ring to land right in front of Serenity, ice blue on light blue}

David: *THAT* is what I mean, Serenity.

{The two stared down each other for several seconds before Serenity’s eyebrows furrowed slightly and then she slowly nodded and turned to her boyfriend, gently placing a hand on the shoulder closest to her and whispering something into Jake’s ear before giving him a quick kiss on the lips before she headed off to leave the two brothers alone.}

David: So…what was that about?

Jake: She wanted to give us some alone time, Dave. Especially to give you a chance to blow off some steam and cool down. But we can do that in the ring.

{David nodded absently in agreement and then the two brothers climb back into the ring and then started to go slowly through the paces of the match, exchanging holds and submissions with Jacob noting how his brother had improved and made note of it as they went along}

Jake: So I’ve been watching you and the boys on SCW television, I won’t lie and say that I’m not happy with watching you lose the last couple of title matches.

David: Yeah, yeah…

Jake: But it’s mostly because I want to see you succeed more than anything, David. I mean if anyone understands how hard you’ve worked your ass off to get where you are and be your own man in the industry, it’s me. I mean you’ve thrown it in my face enough times over the past couple of years…and yet when you needed me, I made the time for you, true?

David: Yeah. So why aren’t you happy when I lose?

Jake: Well like I just said, I know how hard you work your ass off for those matches and then to see you lose, it makes my heart go out to you.

{The two men separate and then clash again, with David quickly locking in a headlock that he quickly transitions into a three/fourths half nelson that he then spins the two of them over and grounding his shorter-older brother and keeping the hold locked in}

David: So you think that I should’ve won those titles?

Jake: It’s not about the titles, baby brother. Yes, I think that you should have won the *matches* because you’re just that good, I mean your first run at Kimberly Williams for the Underground title I think that you should’ve won simply based on how hard you threw yourself into getting ready for that match, the title wasn’t important in my opinion to you earning that victory and proving yourself to yourself.

{This distracts David just long enough for Jake to quickly bend just enough to hook his right leg around David’s neck and yank him backwards so that Jake could then arch his back and lock in a kind of submission on David}

Jake: So…how’s your dating life?

David: OH fuck me! Not you too!

Jake: Yeah, you know mom’s been curious about that lately. I mean if Chris of all people can get a girl…

David: Yeah, but to hear him say it they’re not together and after that most recent promo from Aisling…

{Jake then revs up the torque on the submission hold just a little bit more before he breaks the hold and the two men get back to their feet and circle each other in the middle of the ring, testing out their respective defenses}

Jake: Yeah, Yeah…the point being is that he’s gotten a lot closer to Aisling than you with..what’s her name?

{David lets out a frustrated sigh}

David: Colleen?

Jake: AH *YES*!! *Colleen*! I can see why you’re attracted to her. She’s loyal, fun loving, and acts more like a Jessica Rabbit version of Sammi Belmont.

David: I could kill you sometime..

Jake: Hey, it’s not my fault I found out. I mean you’re the one who decided to trust Devon freaking Neidhart, even though you knew better than to trust him with something like that!

{David let out a low growl before suddenly exploding into a charge at his older brother who simply catches his kid brother’s extended right leg, hooks him, and then sends him flying across the ring hard into the upper left turnbuckle area with a very quick and explosive Exploder suplex}

David:...yep, I deserved that one. But dirty pool, Jake, dirty pool.

Jake: I know I know, but needless to say that I hope that you’ve learned the lesson there.

{David blinks as he slowly extracts himself from the turnbuckle, a slightly confused look on his face that his brother easily reads}

Jake: I’m not worried about you being in that tag team match because you’re a freaking *STRIKER* and our family, just like Chris’, have made our bread and butter primarily in the tag team ranks over the years. Remember, my first title *ANYWHERE* was with Lash as one half of the very first Pro Wrestling Nova World Tag Team champions and we went through over forty other teams in one night to grab those straps for ourselves.

So you leading the charge against this other team at the pay per view and LEADING them to a hard fought and extremely bloody *VICTORY* is one thing that I have an absolute belief in you being able to do, baby brother, but battle royals are a completely different being all together and yes, I’m using the right title for it because when you have more than ten people in a match, especially in a situation like that, it tends to take on it’s own psychological existence and that’s when you get some of the truly nasty and horrible things being thrown around that ring.

{Jake then crouches down low to look David squarely in the eyes before Jake taps himself on the right side of his head}

Jake: You got to stay focused because during a battle royal, you get some of the truly fucked up shit thrown in your direction in terms of trash talk. If I had a dollar for everytime somebody tried to tell me how good a lay Serenity is or anything like that during the course of a battle royal, I could easily take a year or two off from the sport and focus on just playing Final Fantasy Online.

David:...I didn’t know you liked that game…

Jake: Not the point, Davey. The point being is that in a battle royal, you need to remember two things. The first being to always keep your mind focused on the matter at hand, basically don’t overextend yourself during the match and don’t try to do anything fancy. Both Ryo and Kain can tell you horror stories about things that they have done in battle royals…and Uri could write an entire fucking book about his own experiences.

And secondly, you need to remember that in a battle royal to just push past all of the trash talking because all that bullshit is someone trying to force you to lose your cool so that they can get you over that top rope and them onto an ego boost so that they can keep going on to win the match.

{Jake then straightens up before offering his right hand out to David}

Jake: If you can remember those three things, then you’ve got yourself your shot at that Supreme Championship Wrestling title and *fuck* everyone else, David.

{David turns this information around in his head for a few seconds before silently nodding in agreement and then reaching up to allow his older brother to help him up to his feet…when a thought suddenly hit him in the head}

David: Wait…you said if I remember those “three things”, but you only said two. What was the third?

{Jake simply gives David a smile, a truly devilish smile}

Jake: Oh, that one is easy to remember and goes without saying, my brother. Always remember that you’re a Striker, and we just don’t get hungry…we’re always *STARVING*!!

{The screen then static cuts to black as the two men move back to starting positions}

{The screen then static cuts back from black and we find ourselves in the locker room of the Hunter’s Mark gym where we find David peeling the athletic tape with a rather wicked smile on his face}

David: You know sometimes it’s good to get back to basics and touch base with family, You see after I got screwed out of my victory on Breakdown, my soon to be sister in law offered me a chance to come down here and spend some quality time with her and my older brother before I take my flight to London to make family history by headlining an event at blood Wembley Stadium.

On June the first, in front of ninety thousand people and the millions at home watching on international television, will watch as I will not only lead my friend, my tag team partner, and my BLOOD *BROTHER* in Chris Dumont, but also Cara & Veronica Strader, the Cowgirls from Hell, to an oh so honestly bloody and beautifully brutal victory over La Pequena Luz, Amelia Blythe, and those twin twits in Glory Braddock and Brittany Lohan...but the world is also going to witness me tear the witches and dig through the ditches as I will become the final being standing in the Taking of the Flame rumble to become your *NEW* number one contender for the Supreme Championship Wrestling World's Heavyweight title.

And I’m going to do all of this because my brother is right, I have worked too hard and put too much of myself to let such an epic chance slip through my fingers, and I have worked too hard to get myself to this point to just let such an opportunity slip through my fingers like so much water through an open hand and I’ll be *DAMNED* if I let that happen.

And so to the thirty nine other wrestlers involved in the Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal, I want to personally offer up my most humblest of apologies for shattering your dreams by taking what is rightfully mine at Wembley…

{David’s face slowly breaks out into a rather dark smile}

David: Well, I offer up my apologies for *ALMOST* everyone because there are a few right cunts out there that rightfully deserve to have their dreams shattered without mercy nor hesitation.

Glory and Britanni, what you have coming to you at Taking the Flame, you’ve had fucking coming to you all of this time and for all of your self absorbed bragging and egos, you must have known that this was going to be the end result the moment that you laid your hands on one of *MY* people. You two must have understood that the moment that you manhandled one of my closest and dearest friends that the end result was the two of you being shoved through the fucking meat grinder at the cost of your title dreams must have been too much for your oxygen starved little pea brains to comprehend because that’s exactly what’s going to happen at the pay per view the moment that the bell rings, I’m going to latch this hand, Glory…

{David holds up his right hand and stiffly flexes the fingers on that hand}

David: and I’m going to latch these fingers onto your fucking head and I’m going to *squeeze*, Glory, and I’m going to squeeze with such a force and strength that it’s going to send you screaming over the edge into your own abyss that you stay in and wallow your own filth and self pity until *I* decide that you’ve had enough.

Meanwhile Chris is going to break your little tag partner in Bitchy Britt. The last time that I spoke to him he wondered just how many times he could spike Britt with the Code Zero before her bloody head just snaps off like what she’s done probably to her own Barbies when she was a little girl and he is most happy to try it because that’s how angry he is and if there is anything that I’ve learned from spending time with Chris and his family is that a Dumont looking for revenge is not a healthy sight and you Britt, you’ve done and given him a legit reason for wanting to bring your head low before that final execution and you know that it’s coming, no matter what your ego screams at you.

The days of Twisted and Sadistic are slowly coming to an uneventful end..end of story.

But it’s not the end of the story for you, Kirsten Scott. OHhhh, no. Not by a long shot.

Do you recall how confident you were, carrying on and on about how you were so sure like death and taxes that you were going to make an example out of me…a STATEMENT out of me on the last edition of Breakdown and that there wasn’t a damned thing that I could do about it because I was going to instantly fold or some bullshit like that?

Did I fold, Kirsten?

Did you walk right over me and make your fucking “statement” like you were so admantly sure was going to happen without fail??

{David’s smile becomes just a little bit more devilish}

David: Things didn’t go exactly to plan for you did it? The person that you were oh so sure was going to fold before the oh so great “ONE” instead put up one hell of a fight and instead turned right around and made *you* into the STATEMENT instead and that STATEMENT was that maybe you should’ve checked your fucking ego at the door before you automatically assumed that I was just going to be a willing victim for your sorry ass.

And yeah, before you even try to bring it up-I know that I didn’t win our match either because of some fucking bullshit that *you* caused pure and simple, but the point of the matter is that I had you dead to rights and there was not a damned thing that you could’ve done to stop me from winning either way, just like at Taking the Flame when you watch me toss your sorry, worthless ass out of my ring on *my* way to victory, Kirsten, and before you start going off about your conspiracy reasons as to why I’m after you and your chance to become the next SCW World Champion, allow me to put all of that bullshit to rest by simply saying this;


I have believed in this company since I was first introduced to it, I have believed in the talent since the very first time that I saw Polly and the rest of the Playgirls throw down here in SCW, I’ve been a fan since the very first time I saw Kimberly Williams and Konrad Raab throw down individually in that very fucking ring.

Most importantly I *BELIEVE* in this company, and that’s why I am fighting to become it’s next world heavyweight champion because I honestly believe that it’s time for someone NEW to step up and take the reigns of Supreme Championship Wrestling-someone who isn’t carrying the baggage of past hatreds, someone who is much more incredibly open minded and more than willing to try new and incredible things AND someone who isn’t afraid to throw down with ANYone and EVERYone in this company-no matter the division!!

Now I believe in this just as passionately as I did when I was having my matches against Kimberly because this is not just some passing fad like some of you fuckers keep shoving in front of yourselves to make you seem larger than life, NO! I was just days separated from having the most hellacious match of my career when I made myself walk into that arena, square my shoulders the fuck back, and declare myself for the rumble because that’s how much I fucking *BELIEVE* in this company and what its true potential is for the future of this industry because SCW doesn’t focus on one very small select group of privileged assholes to run roughshod across its brands like a few other promotions that I could name, promotions that take some of the hottest talent that this industry has ever produced and runs them ragged just so that they can serve as easy wins for the bigger names in the company.

No, SCW doesn’t play that kind of fucking game and instead you see each and every talent on this company’s roster be given a chance to shine in his or her own way and that’s one of the many, MANY different reasons why I believe in this company and want to do what *I* feel is best by stepping up and tearing through the rumble to take the flame for *MYSELF* before I take that world title for myself!!

Now this isn’t arrogance, Ladies and Gentlemen. This isn’t me hyping myself at the expense of everyone else in this match, no.

This is me, David Matthew Striker, purely and simply putting what’s going to happen at Taking the Flame at Wembley and that is I’m going to lead my team to a total and complete brutal victory earlier in the night and *THEN* I’m going to become your NEW Number One Contender for the SCW World Heavyweight Championship because I *am* the new blood that this company needs at the top of its champions pyramid!!

Someone who has the best wishes and hopes for SCW in mind and who won’t treat that ten pounds of gold as nothing more than some fucking piece of bling, but someone who will treat the championship like it should be treated!!

And that somebody is going to be *ME*!!

So this coming weekend in London, show up to the card…strap your boots on good and tight…and grit your fucking *TEETH*, because it’s time to go good and proper fucking *WAR*!!!

{David then walks off, whistling a familiar tune as the screen static jumps to black}


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RE: LITD/Twisted & Sadstic vs. Cowgirls/Dangerous Minds - by PhantomTroupe - 05-29-2024, 04:40 PM

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