40 Person Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
{NEHEMIA: Chapter One}

In the lores of The Bible, Nehemia talks of the days when the Holy City of Jeruselem was in bad shape.  It was a place where people were not seeing the promises of the Prophecy and the goodness that God had told them would come, if they did everything prior.  The city was in ruins.  The people decided that it was time to take things into their own hands and erect a wall, beginning the process of protecting themselves, when those in power could not.

In the world in which I live, I apparently represent all of those who chose to fortify that base, based on what I have seen going on around me professionally and personally.

Professionally, there is a dictator.  There is someone who has led by an authoritarian rule, using every out they could to continue it, and not give two shits about those around them.  In face, she is so callous, she makes sure to only put forth enough effort to do what is necessary to keep her power WHEN IT MATTERS.  Other instances, she simply taps her "lover" to do her work for her, and sits back and relaxes.  Well... Tries to... Lately, I would argue she feels the rebellion building up around her, and the creation of a new fortification of the walls and sanctity of SCW coming around her, and she realizes it prevents her from being the one to say, "only she" controls the outcomes of the future...

Personally, this idea has done the same, for me...

Philosophically, my walls have crumbled as of late.  With Hailey withholding information, with me withholding information from her, with the two of us both looking at the other with a question of trust, the walls around our "city" and "family" have crumbled.  But unlike in the story, I don't see either of us as the "ruler" who believes that they are the only savior.  I believe we are the people having the battles that, I'm sure, they had then, trying to decide how to refortify their city and protect themselves from attack.  I believe we have to find that common ground to work together and rebuild together, namely in trust, rather than in physical fortification.  We've each contributed to the disability of the other, but in times of peril, sometimes a bigger opportunity arises.

This is what I hope for Hailey and I...

I believe we both know we have overstepped bounds in our respective roles as friends and entrusted confidants to one another.  I believe that the meaningless attempta that we have made to try and talk about things have been done with pure emotion leading the way.  It's why I know there needs to be a moment where we both enter the playing field, enter the "fortification zone," as equals, neither looking at one another with disdain or anger from the past.  We have to be willing to set our feelings aside and listen.  Because if we can't, we will, instead of rebuilding the walls, create the very weaknesses that lead to the demise of everything we worked so hard to build in the first place.

With time and time again, our conversations coming to a screeching halt in relation to Hailey's relationship with Ethan, and my relationship with Jake, it was time for things to finally come to a-head, where we did what we could do best when the times were rough...

It was time to clear the air...

So there was a night where we were all were simply in the duplex together and I saw an opportunity.  I saw a chance where I could possibly create a situation where Hailey and I could speak in a situation where we could talk one on one.  Hailey and I finished eating dinner, because Emma being the resident cook of the "family," she was able to load our plates a little more lightly than normal, while loading Ethan's and hers a bit more hefty.

As both Hailey and I finish our meals, we end up dropping our plates in the kitchen simultaneously, and I simply look her in the eye and motion toward the balcony.  I mouth the word, "please" toward her, and she takes a deep breath.  She realizes my seriousness in the situation and realizes nobody else sees my motion, and then sees me walk toward the balcony.

Hailey walks back into the main room and tells everyone she wants to talk to Kirsten, and she's going to go out there and talk with her.  Emma and Ethan both look at one another and nod at each other, before nodding at at Hailey.  Hailey turns and takes a deep breath and begins to walk toward the back door, and onto the back deck, where Kirsten stands, facing out, where she has found a lot of solace as of late.

Hailey Brooks: ... So I gather you want to talk?

Kirsten Scott: I think it't time we actually do so, don't you think?

Hailey Brooks: Can we do it without jumping at one another's throat?

Kirsten Scott: I guess the bigger question to you is, can we?

The door to the deck opens and Emma walks out.  She walks out, with Kirsten and Hailey looking both stressed and angered, with a look of compassion and happiness in her eyes, obviously having opened the door with the last statement being heard by her.  Both look over at her.

Emma Taylor: ... I guess the bigger question is, can the two of you accept that this is something that is creating the beginning of something bigger?

Hailey looks at Emma confused.

Hailey Brooks: What do you mean?

There was a poem, once, written by Robert Frost, entitled "The Road Less Traveled." that immediately crept into my head at this point, and it went, something, like this...

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

... Because it was at this point I truly realized what I had in front of me.  I had the road that I had traveled.  I had paved its way.  I had created everything that it represented.  But then there was Jake Starr, a man who ultimately wanted the same thing for SCW, in an era that things couldn't be done in the same way as it could be now.  Things were different.  The path that I needed to traverse wasn't simply the path that everyone had always taken, but instead been the one that everyone had feared in the past.  This was my chance to walk the path of uncertainty, the path that could be riddled with vermin, the path that would make every person in SCW lore see it as the beginning of the new generation!

Emma looks directly at Hailey.

Emma Taylor: Plain and simple, it means you two are going to each go downstairs and go out into that field and talk this out between the two of you.  And when I can FEEL that the path has been agreed upon, I'll come and continue to talk to you both...

Now... Go...

Kirsten and Hailey look at one another confused, but understanding that Emma is being very direct and very serious, and Kirsten wastes no time to push by the two them, and blast through the duplex and out the door.  As she can be heard walking down the stairs, Hailey sighs, and turns and slowly follows suit.  Emma, in turn, looks over the balcony and sees Kirsten storming out into the pasture that has become one of her safe havens, and a minute or two later, she sees Hailey slowly following the same path.  Hailey pauses, and looks up at the balcony, seeing Emma, and Emma simply nods, and Hailey continues down the same path as Kirsten, to meet her in the pasture.

Kirsten arrives first, obviously, and simply turns around and stares at the path she just walked, knowing Hailey is going to be in tow.  She takes a deep breath as she sees Hailey approaching her with a purpose.

Hailey Brooks: Ok she said we needed to talk, so I guess it's time we just hash this shit out, now?

Kirsten simply nods in agreement.

Hailey Brooks: ... So let's get right to the point of the matter.  Why are you seeking help elsewhere?  Why have you gone to some guy, like Jake Starr, who is from the old times of SCW, to help you?  Does our relationship not matter enough to you to trust in me to not let me be in that roll, or are you willing to throw it all away?

Hailey finally reaches right in front of Kirsten, after talking as she approached, and takes a deep breath, having chased after Kirsten at a bit of a clip she isn't used to.  Kirsten is quick to silence her, and begin rebutting her...

Kirsten Scott: When did I say anything of the sorts?  When did I say our relationship was ANYTHING different?  When, even after the whole thing with Ethan, did I say things were changing?  The fact is, with Jake, I am still unsure of what his involvement is with me.  What he told me is that he saw a vision for US, in the long run, that he wanted to explain down the road.  He explained how there was a bigger picture.  A picture that, I guess, Emma, sees as well.  I don't see it, yet.  I don't understand it, yet.  But he was adamant that this wasn't just about me, but it was about YOU and I, and YOU were an integral part of why he is here...

Hailey freezes, and looks around confused.

Hailey Brooks: Why in the hell would he need me?  Why the hell would he even involve me?

Kirsten Scott: I wish I had some magical answer for you, but the fact is, I don't fucking know.  But after you stormed off, I wanted to chase after you, and he told me not to.  He told me to let you have your anger.  He told me to let your emotions out as raw as they can be.  He says, like Emma did, this is part of a "bigger picture," and this is where you and stand in equality in wondering what the hell that means!

Hailey begins to realize, based on the nature of Kirsten's vocal range in her statement, she is being genuine in what she says.  She takes a moment to regroup, and take a deep breath before responding.

Hailey Brooks: Then what did it all mean?  Why is everything so cryptic?  Why does it feel, even though I believe what you say, I feel like since I was honest about Ethan, you have begun to push me away because I've also sought my own happiness as well?  I mean...

Kirsten finally takes a stand and shuts her down.

Kirsten Scott: OK you can shut the fuck up, right there...

Hailey is surprised at the forcefulness of Kirsten's reply.

Kirsten Scott: ... The fact is, you broke a lot of trust when it came to Ethan.  You broke a lot of trust when you wouldn't be honest with us about what you two had been doing behind everyone's back.  You made that decision.  You opted to be secretive.  You wanted to keep things from the rest of us...


You listening?

I am fucking ELATED that you are finally finding a happy place for you.  Yes.  I am happy about you and Ethan...

Again Hailey is taken aback.

Kirsten Scott: ... No... You need to understand how happy I am for you.  There came a point here I feared you were jealous of me, jealous of what I did, and jealous of what I have become.  And the fact is, I worried you hated me, and you were about to do something to sabotage me...

Hailey is physically confused.

Kirsten Scott: ... Let's be real, Hailey... You were supposed to be "The One."  You were supposed to assume that role and have me by your side.  That's what we created, together.  I never wanted to be "The One," until I knew what had, assumed at the time, happened to you.  And when I succeeded, and saw you afterward, I figured that there was some hidden animosity toward me.

The fact is, Hailey... I expected, by now, you to take me out, so you could take charge of "our family" simply because it was you felt it was yours to begin with...

Hailey goes to respond, but is completely surprised at what Kirsten had hurled her way, verbally.  She begins to have some feelings, deep inside, that makes her feel awful that Kirsten feels that way about her desire to be "in charge."

Hailey Brooks: Dude... That wasn't ever my desire at all.  Never.  I legit have never been jealous of your success.  Instead, I've taken personal pride in it.  I have taken personal pride in knowing that you learned ANYTHING from me, and becoming something that I never could be.  Because I accept that.  I accept the reality you were better fit than me.

I became someone far simpler than you... I became someone who just wanted to throw punches, here and there, and then go home to a man who loves me.  I don't want to have to believe that it needs to be on my mind 24/7.

The fact is, I was never meant to be "The One."  No matter how much I helped us both train, no matter how much work I put into things, I was never destined for that role.  That was you.  That was ALWAYS you.  And tha is why I took you under my wing, and looking back, I realize that it was always my role to prepare you for what you were DESTINED for.

The fact is... I'm not envious of you...

In fact, like I said, I'm proud!

The fact is, you helped bring a lot to the surface for me, that let me learn who I was and become the REAL ME.  And when I heard you did what you did... I knew it was to avenge me.  I knew it was also to prove who you ARE!  I smiled when I heard the news of the new "The One," and it made me realize I wasn't the one who was "deserving" ot the spot, instead I was wrong.  I was the mentor.  I was the one who setup the true next generation.  I was a person who simply had an influence, and I was never meant to be a final product!

Kirsten Scott: What?

Kirsten is confused.

Hailey Brooks: I realized I never wanted to be you.  Only you could be you... I didn't want to be you.  When we met up in the grocery store, way back when, all I wanted to do was to have my friend back.  I didn't want her success.  I wanted HER!  I wanted to follow HER down the path that nobody would have expected...

Kirsten is rendered speechless.  Both women stand there staring at one another, taking deep breaths, when from the side Emma emerges from the shadows.  She walks toward the middle of the two of them, and looking at each member of this tense situation, she is clear in her desire.

Emma Taylor: ... Now, would you two allow me to talk and actually listen to me?

Kirsten is quick to reply.

Kirsten Scott: Since when do you ever require permission to speak?

Emma smiles.

Emma Taylor: ... Only because if it was not the right time, the right breakthrough wasn't achieved, and still needed...

She again looks at both, and both nod toward Emma.

Emma Taylor: You both have realized that there was a dark aura over our family, and while things may not be perfect, that aura I can feel is lifted.  I can feel that this is our moment, as a family.  This is our chance to grow together.  We have vented our frustrations, our concerns, our fears, our vices, everything, to one another another, and now we can begin our journey toward something BIGGER...

Both Kirsten and Hailey again realize Emma's reference to something "bigger" being referenced again.

Emma Taylor: ... That moment is where it is being hindered, is gone.  We have now accepted we have walked a journey that defines our future.  WE have now begun to define a future together, and that definition will create a bond to define us on the inside as well as the outside.  WE will begin to lead "the march" toward the berth of something bigger, and not just something that has always been as a "boss" and "subordinate."  Now we have an opportunity where have a mentor, a lead, a strategist, someone who knows more than us, whatever you want to define them as, to push us in the right professional direction, and we can deal with the personal issues in-house, as a family.  We don't have to do both, anymore.  But instead we have someone who can guide us on one side, and allow us to be human beings, with feelings, with love, with emotion, in our personal life, we have the dichotomy we need...

Kirsten Scott: Dichotomy?

Emma Taylor: Yes... Personal and professional... Something the two of you need to learn to separate, and also integrate, because I'm going to be there, but I'm also tired as hell of feeling the intermingling of both sides day in and day out...

And at this point... I've spoken my peace...

Kirsten watches, as Emma turns and walks along another path into the shadows, which leads to her slowly turning her head back toward Hailey.

Hailey Brooks: ... So...

Kirsten Scott: ... So...

Hailey Brooks: ... We've walked this far, together... Why can't walk this new path then?

Kirsten Scott: I guess my question, for you, is are you truly real in everything what you said?  So that's what I ask of you... Are you not just saying what you feel you are "supposed" to tell me, instead of what you remember me?

Hailey Brooks: I've never once sat back and placated the "new girl," nor did I ever placate "The One."  What makes you think I would placate Kirsten?  More importantly, I've never once, nor will I ever, lie to you.  I may have not told you everything between Ethan and I, but I never lied about it.

Kirsten Scott: Ok... So what do you think?  Reach out?

Hailey looks at Emma, and Emma just smiles.

Hailey Brooks: I guess, what can it hurt, right?  Find out what it's about.  Find out why you... Or I suppose why US, and why now?

Before Kirsten can respond, Hailey interrupts and continues.

Hailey Brooks: ... But before you do anything, the questions are reversed.  Can I trust you?  Because deep down, this pushes EVERY one of my buttons embedded in my soul.  This screams me being phased out.  But Emma, I believe in her vision of everything.

Kirsten Scott: I get that.  I get your worry.  And I won't sit here and bullshit you and act like I know what this is about.  I don't know a thing.  I don't know how to feel.  I don't even trust it, but it seems like there may be something "there there," as they say.  It's just a moment where, we both see eye to eye, in Emma's vision of things.  It's a chance for us to show trust in both Emma and one another.  It's a chance for me to make a big decision and know I'm being trusted.

Hailey Brooks: I'll be blunt and say SCW shouldn't be something we use as a "trust fall test" between us...

Kirsten Scott: Then what would you classify it as?  Will you honestly be OK trusting me in decisions outside of just our little home, and the four of us?  Can we not just forget the feelings that we were both wrong about feeling, and reset TOGETHER?  Because I'm willing to do that, RIGHT NOW... I'm willing to put EVERY emotion I have about you not saying anything about Ethan, behind me, but I will ONLY do if it you can do the same with your assumptions, and stand with me.  Because I never excluded you.  What you walked out on was a first for me too.  So I want to step forward WITH YOU because you are part of what Jake was talking about in this, "bigger picture," thing.  So I'm willing to cross a threshold of this business I never thought would come my way, but I'm not going without my best friend, and the one person I know has my back at ALL times, by my side...

So the final decision is on you, right now...

I'm not doing this alone... I never was going to... And I never will...

So if you don't see me separating our professional and personal lives like we should, so our drama doesn't double down on ALL of us, then you are short-sighted.  I've moved on... It's your turn now...

Hailey simply nods lightly before uttering any words.

Hailey Brooks: Ok...

She then proceeds to walk by both Emma and Kirsten back toward their apartment, with the pair wondering if that was her answer, or she was accepting the terms and leaving to decide on her own.  Kirsten looks at Emma and Emma's head slumps not feeling the cohesiveness she had hoped to help create.  Kirsten lets out a deep sign as her head slowly turns, seeing Hailey walk into the shadows of the night, obviously in the direction of their home, but confused at what will come next.



With Breakdown, on May 10th, concluding with Kandis effectively gifting Selena Frost to someone she admittedly has no desire to interact with, and Kirsten accepting the gift and destroying Selena on her own, there was left a lot of confusion as things move forward.  In Kirsten's mind, she knew what Kandis had said.  She knew Kandis had expressed her lack of desire to have anything nice to say, yet, she didn't intervene, and instead, allowed Kirsten the moment to attack Selena and get it out of her system.

This was something that didn't go unnoticed.  Kirsten definitely saw it, and realized this was not normal.

In recent days after, it has been something that has plagued Kirsten.  Wondering what is going on, and why.  Kandis isn't a friend, isn't an ally, and isn't someone whom she feels any trust for.  Instead, Kandis is someone who has openly said she doesn't give a shit about Kirsten or her desires.  This has led Kirsten to do a lot of thinking, in regard to why?  Why would Kandis do such a thing?  What did it mean?  Or in the end, was it simply something she is reading into more-so than she should?

Regardless, a camera catches up to her on the sidewalks of her neighborhood, as she drags on her vape, hood over her head, and simply walks through the nighttime darkness, knowing there is someone beside her, creating a world that is listening to every word she says.

... This business... I swear...

One day, you think you know what the HELL is going on, and then along comes Kandis to completely throw me off, again...

I guess it just shows me that, while I may have done my research in SCW's lore, I don't know everything, or understand how to predict what may happen next because what happened at Breakdown is something, I can promise you, I did not predict.  I can promise you I didn't expect.  In fact, I was more ready to start fighting battles from multiple fronts, rather than watch one front look me dead in the eye and effectively say, "she's all yours."

So Kandis, I ask you, directly, are you playing mind-games with me?  Are you fucking with me?  What was that about?

I ask this for a reason, Kandis.  I ask this point blank because I don't do this bullshit, beat around the bush, kind of game... Was that out of respect or was that you TRYING, and if so failing, to play some kind of mental card with me, where I am doing your dirty work for you?  Because if you're trying to use me, if you're trying to PLAY me like a greenhorn fool, I can tell you this, you have another thing coming.

You see, I have not hidden my respect for you.  I have not hidden the fact that both of us are in a similar boat, and I am willing to ride that ship so we can both achieve our ultimate goals.  I also know how much of a selfish cunt you can be, but I respect that because women sometimes have to be that way in order to get what they want, when they want.  But here you are, offering up someone I know you want to demise as much as I do, as a sacrificial lamb to me, and simply backing off as I get my turn at the proverbial "woodshed."

So the question is... Why?

Why did Kandis do this?

Why did she give me this chance to finally finish what I started?

Plain and fucking simple...

Kirsten takes a puff of her vape, and quickly blows it out.

... I don't fucking have a CLUE!

What I know is that Kandis is someone who likes to play mind games and likes to be sure she is a step ahead.  The fact is, if this was part of that plan, she failed beyond a reasonable doubt because I'm not biting.  If she wanted me to let down ny guard, after what she said, and ignore everything she has professed herself to be, then no... It isn't happening.  Because I heard her loud and clear and at this moment, while it's confusing as hell on one hand, the other hand is as blunt as they come, so my question is, is this one of those moments where you hope in one hand, and shit in the other, and see which one is more real?  Or is she really saying, "hey we both were fucked by this bitch, I got my chance, it's your turn," and then after that we can argue over who may or may not be in line for the subsequent opportunity?

I just don't know...

And if anyone wants to say that's a sign of weakness, admitting that I don't know, then fuck you.  I am a realist in this world.  I don't know everything.  So if something confuses me, if something makes me question what is staring me in the face, and if I'm in a "fun house mirror maze," then I'm going to admit it.  I'm not that egotistical to admit when I'm confused...

And Kandis... You have thrown me a curve ball...

Now I figure this is something we will iron out in the ring, behind the scenes, or because we just don't like how one another looks at each other.  But right now, that's not what EITHER of us are focusing on, is it Kandis?  You did what you did that night, but that was in the moment.  Now we are in a whole new sprint, and you're just like me,  We are both hurling ourselves toward a finish line that I have been so close to each of the years I have entered it, and that's one major moment in SCW lore...

It's taking Hold of the Flame...

She takes another puff from her vape.

That's right everyone, the SCW annual clusterfuck of Biblical proportions is upon us, and I, once again, am trotting my ass into that arena with a goal of upsetting the odds makers and shocking the world.

I mean, isn't that the goal for everyone?

But for me in particular this marks my third entry into the melee and, honestly, I've shown out both years beyond anything I was SUPPOSED to do.  I was never supposed to last as long as I did either year.  I was supposed to be a simple footnote in the match.  I was supposed to be one of those "fillers" who helped waste time before they trotted the big guns out.  But instead, I didn't let that happen.  I didn't let myself be just another name on the long list of eliminations.  I did some things nobody expected.  I eliminated people.  I fought until almost the BITTER END, as a NOBODY.  I was a green as a sorority girl on St. Patrick's Day.  But yet, I still turned heads.  I made people realize that, at the time, "The One" wasn't just a moniker, it was a mentality for me.

And it's a mentality I carry to this day...

But three years later I also have the realization that this match isn't something you can make any guarantees on.  Well I take that back... You can make a few.  I made the guarantee I'd put my name on the map during my first entrance into the event, and I did carry that out.  But to guarantee victory, to guarantee you're going to outlast everyone, it's a guarantee that can never be, well, guaranteed.  It's something that you just can't make a tangible, credible, or reasonable argument for.  It's too chaotic.  It's too much insanity and includes too many variables.  The reality of the match is simple... You win... You got lucky...

And no... I didn't say that by mistake...

You... Got... Lucky...

And it's not an insult either.  Now do I want to win, yes.  Will I do everything I can to give myself the best chance, yes.  But it's still no guarantee.  It's luck because in the end, it's you versus the world.  And those odds don't play in my favor.  Plus you look at the fact I've never really threatened to get myself that "signature win" yet, I would say things don't favor me winning.

She grins.

But I'm stubborn as fuck, and if anyone thinks I'm just going to ALLOW them to take this from me, then guess what, you're wrong.  The fact is, yeah, I don't have the wind at my back.  I don't have momentum going into this match.  But what I do have is a willingness to upset the apple cart and take the "favorites" and make them the footnotes.  I have the desire to really throw monkey wrenches into everyone else's plan.  See SCW has their "picks" behind the scenes, of who they would like to market Rise to Greatness around, and that's not an insult.  They have their marquee names who they know will help them sell tickets and pay-per views, and Kirsten Scott probably isn't the needle mover they would IDEALLY want.

Which is why I came to SCW in the first place...

I came to end the era of the "chosen children" and bring forth an era of freshness...

And while I may not have done EVERYTHING I had WISHED I would have by now, while I couldn't finish the job against Selena, which would have completely disrupted the system and created anarchy, I have done damage.  I did what I did tonight to Selena, and I promise she's going to remember that beating.  She's going to realize it wasn't multiple people beating her ass, it was ME.  And it was ME extracting revenge on her for taking away my chance to be the torch bearer of this place and lead it to the next phase of its existence.

So why not just try and get the chance to do it on a bigger stage?  Why not try to go out there, and instead of just proving I can "hang with the big dogs," I go out there and bite them harder than they bite me?  Why can't I?  Who tells me I CAN'T?  I'm not saying I will, but WHO says it can't be done?  Because I'd look that person in the eye and laugh my ass off in their face.  Because I may not be guaranteeing a win, but I'm promising I'm going out there with the INTENTION to win.  And if people want to stop me, I ask you this...

When have I backed down so far?

When have I not fought back?

When have I been scared of a FIGHT?

The answer is simple.  I haven't.  I haven't backed down from whatever SCW has thrown in my path, and I've fought some of the best.  I may not have won, but I made an impact on them.  I made them realize that, while I may not be at their level, right now, they once were not at the level of SCW's best, and had to climb the ladder and prove themselves.  That didn't happen overnight.  But as I have garnered experience, I've had opponents have to dig deeper and deeper into their bag of tricks and pull out stops they didn't expect in order to beat me.  I made them have to search their soul to see if they truly had what it took to beat me in that moment because I never backed down.  I never stopped moving forward.  I never stopped pushing them and myself to do things bigger and better than I had before.

And who knows... Maybe this year, as the saying goes, third time will be the charm...

So to everyone who is out there looking to secure their spot at Rise to Greatness, realize you're not alone.  And no matter how selfish you think you aare, every one of us thinks the same of ourselves.  We think we want it the most.  We think we deserve it the most.  And for someone like me, what do I have to lose to go out there and just try to fuck with everyone else's plan?  What do I have to lose going out there and trying to do everything to get the only guarantee in this match, and that's an opportunity to main event Rise to Greatness?

The answer is nothing.

I have nothing to lose.

I have everything to gain.

So don't bring any of your "apple cart" wishes into the match thinking that there isn't a person in there willing to upset them, because I promise you, you WILL leave disappointed if you do.  You won't be dining on champagne wishes and caviar dreams, but instead picking your damn produce up, and praying that another day comes along where someone may allow you to actually taste success.

So just remember... I don't bring guarantees... But I will bring what I always do... TRUTHS... Death... Taxes... And "The One" Kirsten Scott!
[Image: W4cpQhO.png]

Overall Record: 26-21-4   |   2024 Record: 7-4-1


SCW Television Champion - 10/13/22 - 12/8/22 (56 Days)
2023 Trios Tournament Champion (w/ Adam Allocco & Kimberly Williams)

SCW Television Champion (2x) - 07/06/23 - 11/02/23 (119 Days)

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RE: 40 Person Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal - by TheOne - 05-30-2024, 12:54 AM

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