40 Person Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
1 of 2 for Marie

May 28th, 2024
Albany, New York
Off Camera

Taking Hold of the Flame will be a huge night for Marie Jones. The Phoenix returned to Supreme Championship Wrestling earlier in the year and has rapidly risen back to the top, all through her hard work and dedication. Now, with the kickoff to Rise To Greatness season nearly here, Marie Jones has everything to gain and nothing to lose. The Phoenix is pulling double duty at this huge event; first, she challenges Bree Lancaster for the SCW Adrenaline Championship, one of only two titles that she has yet to win in SCW and thus keeping her away from Supreme Championship status, and then later on she will participate in the forty person Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal where the winner will earn a shot at the SCW World Championship in the main event of Rise To Greatness. And the World Championship just so happens to be the other title Marie has yet to win in SCW. The potential consequences of this event are not lost on Marie. She knows that while she may be spreading herself thin, while pulling double duty is quite a difficult, if not impossible, feat for any wrestler, that despite all of this if she does pull this off, she could leave Taking Hold of the Flame not only as the new SCW Adrenaline Champion but also with a guaranteed shot at the SCW World Championship in her back pocket. In one night she could set herself up to achieve a prize she never even planned on aiming for this early into her SCW return: the SCW Supreme Championship. Under normal circumstances one might think that The Phoenix is thinking too far ahead, maybe even taking things way too fast. These are not normal circumstances. Taking Hold of the Flame is the one night where you can drastically change your future, your entire prospects, all in one night. And Marie has positioned herself where in one night she could go from a simple redemption run to potentially being one small step away from being Supreme Champion. The mountain she will have to climb in order to achieve this starts with Bree Lancaster and then concludes with thirty nine other competitors in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal.

It is surprising, in a way, that Marie Jones already finds herself in this position. She expected her redemption story to be rough and difficult, yet she already finds herself positioned for greatness. She also finds herself in a great situation with her personal life. Months ago she was working hard to earn back the trust of her family and then piece back together her broken private life. Now she has her family back, she has her loved ones back, and she even has something that she has not had in a very long time; hope. She is hopeful that finally her life is back on track. In fact, Jones is so very close to achieving something she has wanted for a very long time for herself, something she had nearly given up hope on; she is hopeful that she has found love in the form of her new boyfriend, Percy Matthews. Percy, who prefers the nickname Death’s Head, is an ex-con. He isn’t usually the type Marie would date but she met him through her childhood best friend, Melinda Jade, who herself was an ex-con. Marie trusts Melinda’s judgment and if Melinda was willing to vouch for him, then Marie was willing to give him a chance. And much to her surprise, despite his overall appearance of being an imposing thuggish looking biker and preferring to go by a name like Death’s Head, Percy Matthews has proven himself to be quite the southern gentleman. In fact, he is originally from the south; Charleston, South Carolina, to be precise. This hope for a bright future bleeds over into her professional career. It gives The Phoenix hope that she might actually pull off the impossible at Taking Hold of the Flame, that not only can she compete in two matches but can actually win them both. Jones is ready to march into London, England with all of the confidence and momentum in the entire world. Before Marie makes the trip to London, she has a few personal matters to take care of, one of which is to enjoy the company of her boyfriend at least one more time before leaving for The Flame.

Marie Jones sat at an elegantly set table in a high-end restaurant in Albany, New York. She wore a fitted emerald green dress that hugged her slender frame, the color complementing her fiery locks and fair complexion. Her lips, painted a soft shade of rose, curled into a warm smile. Opposite her sat Percy Matthews, an imposing figure with broad shoulders and a commanding presence. His jet-black hair was neatly styled, contrasting sharply with his dark, piercing eyes that seemed to observe everything around him with a quiet intensity. He wore a tailored black suit that emphasized his muscular build, the crisp white shirt underneath adding a touch of elegance to his formidable appearance. Despite his intimidating exterior, his demeanor softened when he looked at Marie, his expression betraying a deep affection and protectiveness.

Their table was adorned with a selection of gourmet dishes, artfully presented on fine porcelain. There was a platter of fresh oysters, their briny scent mingling with the rich aroma of truffle risotto served alongside a perfectly seared filet of beef. A bottle of vintage champagne, its label displaying an esteemed name, sat in an ice bucket next to their table, half-empty glasses sparkling in the candlelight as they toasted to an unseen celebration. The restaurant buzzed with the low murmur of conversation and the clinking of fine china and crystal glasses. The décor was opulent, with rich velvet drapes, polished marble floors, and an array of exotic flowers arranged in intricate centerpieces. Soft jazz music played in the background, adding to the ambiance of sophistication and luxury.

“This is a great place!” Marie gushed. “Mels certainly knows how to pick a place…”

“Yeah, I kinda wish she had picked somewhere else.” Percy says quietly. Marie chuckles.

“Awww, you’re not comfy in this kind of upscale place?” Marie winks. Percy forces a smile onto his face but shakes his head.

“Well, kinda, but that’s not entirely it…”

“Oh calm down, Percy. I know you prefer biker bars and pool halls but this is a special occasion. Our first official date as a serious couple. Besides, I will be leaving in a few days for London, for Taking Hold of the Flame, and I may be overseas for awhile after that. It might be a bit before we see each other again.” She grins lovingly. “I want to enjoy every bit of this moment with you.”

“I do too.” Percy says; he is clearly nervous but Marie, for whatever reason, doesn’t detect it. “And I get it, ya prefer the finer things in life, which isn’t exactly me and all, and this place is nice, it’s just…”

“It’s ok.” Marie says soothingly. “All that matters is us, right?”

“Right.” Percy says smiling warmly at her. “Though maybe in the future can we just go to places in YOUR hometown?”

“Boston? Well, I certainly don’t mind, I do know all of the good places to eat. You would also have plenty of time to spend with my family. But that wouldn’t be fair to you, would it? I mean, you live here in Albany. Shouldn’t I spend just as much time here with you instead of forcing you to come to Boston for me all the time?”

“Trust me, I don’t mind.” Percy insists. “In fact, I’d prefer it.”

“Uh, Percy…” Marie’s voice trails off as she finally detects the nervousness coming from her boyfriend “...is everything ok?”

“Oh yeah, of course.” Percy says through a forced smile. “I’m fine.”

The Phoenix stares into his eyes. The more she stares the more she can sense the nerves and anxiety that comes from him. It is a sharp contrast to his appearance. He appears to be this powerful, imposing figure. Despite being all cleaned up for this appearance at this upscaled restaurant in Albany, he still looks like a dangerous man. Yet his behavior betrays him. He is nervous, maybe even afraid; but afraid of what? Marie wants to reach out and ask him about what’s wrong but before she can even say anything they are approached by a middle aged couple. The man is glaring daggers right through Percy while the woman looks stunned, shocked even, as she points at him.

“That’s him!” She shouts. “I told you, Harold! That’s him!”

“Calm down, Marcie.” Harold remarks as he hugs his wife tightly to his chest. He points a finger at Percy. “You thought you could get away with it!”

“Excuse me, but what are you doing?” Marie states, sounding rather annoyed that these people are bothering them during their meal. Percy attempts to keep the peace.

“It’s ok, Marie.”

“No, it’s not ok!” Marie exclaims. “We’re trying to have a nice meal and these people have come over and are making a scene!”

“You have no idea who or what you are dealing with.” Harold tells Marie. But Marie stands up.

“I do know that you and your wife are interrupting our meal!”

“Did you know that your boyfriend is a murderer?!” The wife, Marcie, shouts before burying her face into her husband’s chest and sobbing loudly.

“What?!” Marie exclaims. “What are you talking about?!”

“That man…if you can call him a man, he is a monster if you ask me…” Harold begins, pointing an accusatory finger at Percy “...her murdered our child, our only daughter! You are dating a murderer. You should be careful because you might be next.”

Harold then takes Marcie and gently walks her out of the restaurant. Marie can only watch, stunned, as they make their exit. Marie then snaps back to reality and turns to sit back down. She looks at Percy and he is noticeably distraught. Is this why he was so nervous this entire time? Did he expect to be confronted like this? Jones knew going in that he had a record, and she had promised to give Percy a chance despite his record, but still, this is something she feels she should know about.


“You want to know what they’re talking about, don’t you?” He asks. Marie just nods her head.


“Some friends of mine wanted to rob a convenience store; it usually is the quickest way to make an easy buck, y’know? I helped them. The convenience store we robbed is not too far from where this restaurant sits. That’s why I really didn’t want to come out here to eat dinner. I was worried I might encounter people who would remember me.”

“But what’s the thing about the murder?” Marie asks.

“I was supposed to just be a quick robbery. Go in with a gun, hold up the cashier, get the cash, get out. Very quick, very easy.” He sighs. “But the best laid plans, as they say. One of my pals shot the cashier.” He starts to get a little angry. “It wasn’t part of the plan. But he shot her…and that cashier was their daughter.”

“So you didn’t kill their daughter?” Marie states. He shakes his head.

“No, I technically didn’t. But I was involved and they blame me. The government agreed to drop the murder charge against me as long as I testified against the trigger man. I only got charged for the robbery.”

Marie is completely silent. Minor crimes are one thing but murder? She had no idea Percy had murder on his record. Well, technically he doesn’t. He wasn’t the trigger man. But still, he was involved in a murder and it does surprise Marie. He reaches out and takes her by the hands and clasps them tightly. He stares lovingly into her eyes, with a hint of pleading. Its as if Percy realizes that Marie is shocked by this news.

“That’s not me, Marie. Not anymore. That was my old life. I have changed.”

“Yes…I know.”

May 30th, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Two days have passed since the startling revelation about Percy Matthews’s past came to the attention of Marie Jones. She knew he had a record, she knew he had spent time in prison, she just didn’t know what the crimes were and she never really thought to look into it because she trusted the judgment of her friend Melinda Jade, the woman who set them up. But now she learned that part of his record includes a murder. He wasn’t charged with the murder but he was involved. The Phoenix loves Percy, she cares for him, but this revelation has brought doubts back into her mind. It has forced her to want to some digging into his background, she wants to see if there is anything else about his past that he is hiding, anything he has not told her. This is what brings The Phoenix to the public library in Boston, Massachusetts. The library is a spacious, quiet haven filled with tall bookshelves that stretch toward the high, arched ceilings. The soft hum of the central heating system mingles with the occasional rustle of pages and muted footsteps on the carpeted floor. Large windows line one wall, allowing the afternoon sunlight to stream in, casting a warm glow over the rows of books and study tables.

Marie is engrossed in the computer screen before her; she is wearing a silk red blouse, a knee length black floral print skirt, and black high heeled pumps. Her long red hair is left to hang straight and unrestrained to past the shoulders and down her back. Her fingers dance across the keyboard with a practiced ease, occasionally pausing as she furrows her brow in concentration. A steaming cup of herbal tea sits next to the computer, the delicate scent of chamomile and mint faintly noticeable. Scattered around her on the desk are several open books, their spines cracked from use, filled with handwritten notes and colorful bookmarks. A well-worn leather satchel rests at her feet, slightly open to reveal a glimpse of more books and a neatly organized pencil case. Marie's posture is relaxed yet attentive, her body leaning slightly forward, indicating her deep focus on the task at hand. The focus and concentration of The Phoenix is easily broken when her identical twin sister, Kimberly Williams, jumps into view.


“Wha…?!” Marie turns to see her sister standing there wearing torn denim jeans, flip flops, and a black Queens of Chaos logo t-shirt. Kimberly grins from ear to ear. Marie just rolls her eyes.

“Did I scare you?”

“No.” Marie says as Kim sits down next to her. Marie turns to look at Kim. “What did you find out?”

“I found out that Rob is totally into Pam but Pam is not into Rob…in fact, Pam is into other women and is really cheating on her husband Tom with this dominatrix chick named Kathy…”


“...and I learned that the NFL is entirely scripted and this year’s Super Bowl winner will be the San Francisco 49ers…”


“...and I learned that before making her big break into professional wrestling, Selena Frost was The Purple Teletubby.”

“Kim!” Marie exclaims. Kim playfully holds a finger over her mouth.

“Hush! We’re in a library!”

“Be serious, please?”

“I’m always serious!”

“Then tell me what you learned about Percy.” Marie states. “You know? My boyfriend?”

“Oh, him.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “I got nothing. I got busy with the other stuff I told you about.”

“Well I learned quite a bit.” She motions to the computer screen. “I got on the New York State corrections website and it told me a lot about his criminal past. He started with petty theft and grew into assault. He joined a gang and that gang practice is ultimately led to the botched robbery and murder.”

“That’s interesting I suppose.” Kim shrugs her shoulders. “But does that change your opinion about him?”

“I don’t know…” Marie sighs “...I mean, this record looks pretty much like what I thought it would. Petty theft, some assault, that’s it really. And the murder he didn’t really commit so…” her voice trails off.

“Are you having doubts about dating him?”

“Honestly, Kim, I don’t know.” She sighs. “I just wish he had been up front with me about all of this, y’know? It makes me wonder what else he isn’t telling me.”

“Well there is one sure fire way to find out if he’s a decent guy.” Kim grins knowingly. “I could pretend to be you, go out on a date with him, and if he turns all psycho killer on me, I’ll just slit his throat before he can slit mine!”


“Oh don’t worry! I know great places to dump bodies where no one will find him!”

“I don’t want you killing anyone!” Marie insists.

“Alright, I’m gonna get real with you for a second.” Kim pats Marie on the back. “If your problem is this, his record, then honestly you should just give the guy a chance.”

“You think so?” Marie asks. Kim nods her head.

“I know so, sis! I mean, I have a record FAR worse than ol’ Percy’s record but you trust me, right? Shit, you left your son with me for weeks on end and my record is worse than Percy’s!”

“I suppose you’re right.” Marie says quietly. “It’s just that this record…especially the assault charges…it reminds me of Damian.”

“Oh, the bastard who abused you.” Kim states coldly. Marie just nods her head. “Well, does Percy treat you like Damian?”

“No…he treats me nice. He has always been a gentleman. He has always been classy and loving.” Marie smiles. “He has always been the opposite of Damian.”

“Then there you go.” Kim points to the computer screen with Percy’s record pulled up. “Then don’t let this crap get in the way of your relationship with him.”
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x


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RE: 40 Person Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal - by The Matt - 05-30-2024, 09:26 AM

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