40 Person Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal
2 of 2 for Marie

May 31st, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Marie Jones has been rattled ever since the incident in Albany, New York when she and her boyfriend, Percy Matthews, were confronted by a middle aged couple, obviously agitated and angry with Percy. They called him out and accused him of murdering their daughter, a cashier at a convenience store Percy and his friends robbed during his life of crime. The Phoenix had always known Percy had a criminal past, because she met him thanks to Melinda Jade, a mutual friend who was also an ex-convict and thought that they would be perfect for each other considering both Marie and Percy needed strong support systems. They could support one another. Their relationship blossomed, they grew close to one another, and Marie has grown to legitimately care for Percy. He has been very charming and polite, a true blue southern gentleman. In fact, he seems to be the polar opposite of what you would expect from an ex-con. He is gentle and caring around Marie. In fact, he almost seems like a nervous puppy whenever he is around Marie. It is almost as if he is nervous about whether or not she will accept him. If true, who can blame him? Most people doubt and question ex-convicts. Even Marie herself had her doubts as to whether or not she wanted to seriously date Percy Matthews, the man who prefers to call himself Death’s Head. She eventually got over those initial doubts and bad feelings. The Phoenix decided to give him a chance and for awhile she was loving life, she felt hope and joy at the prospects of this new budding relationship. But then Albany happened. Then that middle aged couple, Harold and Marcie, accused Percy of murdering their daughter and that startling revelations brought every bad feelings and all of the doubts right back to the surface. The Phoenix told her boyfriend that everything was ok, but it was a lie. Everything was not ok. Marie did not like the fact that he kept this from her and was curious as to what else about his past was he hiding from her. After some extensive research she found out a great deal about her boyfriend’s past and, as it turns out, it was everything she expected it would be; petty theft, some assault, gang activity, and nothing much more than that, but no murders on his record. All of these Marie can look past and accept that he has turned from it, that he is indeed a changed man. Still, the fact that he was so secretive and histent to let her know, the fact that she had to find this out on her own, kept her concerned. Jones knows now what she must do. She must confront him with her own concerns and worries. If they are to be a couple going forward, they must deal with these difficult issues. She just hopes that their relationship can survive this.

Currently The Phoenix sits on the fancy, opulent cream colored living room sofa in her luxurious home in Boston, Massachusetts. She is wearing a soft, pastel blue casual, modest dress. It features a high neckline with a delicate lace trim that adds a touch of vintage charm. The sleeves are three-quarter length, ending just below the elbow, providing both coverage and style. The bodice of the dress fits her form gently, neither too tight nor too loose, and the skirt flares out slightly from the waist, falling to mid-calf. The simplicity of the dress is enhanced by a subtle floral pattern embroidered along the hem and cuffs, adding a touch of whimsy without overwhelming the overall look. A narrow, white belt cinches at her waist, accentuating her figure without drawing too much attention.

The television is tuned into a replay of last week’s SCW Breakdown. Marie feels that while she awaits the arrival of her boyfriend she can watch the replay and take some mental notes. Many, if not all, of these wrestlers will be challenging her in the Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal. Names such as Kirsten Scott, David Striker, Glory Braddock, and yes, her own twin sister Kimberly Williams have already declared for the battle royal. Many others have already declared and they are all seeking the same prize as she is; the opportunity to face the SCW World Champion at Rise To Greatness. Only the winner of Taking Hold of the Flame will receive that prize. Marie will have to be at her very best if she hopes to win that match, that isn’t even to mention the Adrenaline Title Match against Bree Lancaster that she will have earlier in the evening. It is quite the tall task but Marie feels confident, she feels as if she is up for this challenge. And while Marie watches Breakdown to take notes, her son, Sean Connor Jones, sits next to her watching just for the sake of enjoying a good entertaining wrestling show. Her teenage son is wearing a simple attire of jeans, sneakers, a plain white t-shirt, and a black jacket. His eyes are engrossed, staring at the television set. His mother happens to notice.

“You love that stuff, don’t you?”

“Are you kidding? Absolutely!” He exclaims. “I wanna wrestle some day, just like you and Aunt Kim!”

“How about like me and less like your Aunt Kim, huh?” She kisses him on the forehead. “Hardcore may not be your style.”

“It might be fun.” Sean shrugs his shoulders.

“Fun but not exactly what I would picture for your career.” She sighs. “Tell you what, though, instead of me leaving you with your Aunt Jessica or Great Aunt Kayla, how about you come with me to London and watch Taking Hold of the Flame live?”

“Are you serious?!” Sean asks. Marie nods her head.

“I’m serious. I mean, now that I am back in SCW’s good graces I am sure I can get you in as a backstage guest. Besides, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to have another supporter in my corner that night. I have quite the challenge ahead of me.”

“You’ll do great!” He exclaims. “Adrenaline Champ! Taking Hold of the Flame winner! My mom!”

“You think so?” Marie asks with a bit of a laugh. “You know that means your Aunt Kim wouldn’t win Taking Hold of the Flame, right?”

“Oh yeah…” Sean pauses and then smirks “...it’s ok! Aunt Kim has the Underground Title! But you, mom, you can win it all!”

“We’ll see.” She says with a warm smile. “I’m going to take it one match a time. First Bree, then my thirty nine other opponents.” Marie stops when she hears her doorbell ringing. She turns to face Sean. “Uh, why don’t you wait here, buddy? I’ll be right back.”

“Is that Percy?”

“Probably.” Marie nods her head. She didn’t tell her son that Percy was coming over but he is quite perceptive. He knew his mother was dressed like this and waiting up for something. He probably felt it was something to do with her boyfriend. Marie stands up and starts to walk off before Sean calls out to her.



“I just want you to know that I really like him.” Sean says. “He’s cool.”

“I agree.” Marie says, nodding her head. She values the opinion of her son especially when it comes to this particularly sensitive subject. If she and Percy are to become close, if they are to become a more permanent fixture, then she wants Sean to accept him too. Marie makes her way out of the living room and to the front door of her home. She opens it and finds none other than Percy Matthews standing there. He is wearing a dirty white t-shirt, loose fitting denim jeans, black biker boots, and a black biker jacket.

“Hi Percy.” Marie greets him as she leans in and kisses him on the cheek. “Thanks for stopping by.”

“I’m just glad you still wanted to see me.” He says, his voice cracking as his nerves are clearly on the forefront. “I was worried that you wouldn’t wanna see me, after what all happened in Albany.”

“Percy, what happened that night was not your fault.” She insists. “What happened at that convenience store, it was a crime, a crime you committed, but you didn’t pull the trigger to kill their daughter, and the crime you did commit, you already paid for it. You served your time. All of the crimes you committed, whatever they were, you have served your time. In the eyes of the law, you are clear. And you are clear in my eyes too, Percy.”

“I’m happy to hear ya say that.” Percy says with a warm smile on his face.

“There is only one problem I have.” She says. “I told you everything about my past. Only three other people in this world outside of my family know the entire sordid graphic details of my life. You are now number four. I shared my life story with you because I just knew we were special, that we had something special, and that you were the man for me. So I trusted you with the details of my past.”

“Do you…” his voice cracks as he gets nervous again “...do you regret telling me?”

“No, I don’t.” She shakes her head. “Because I STILL think you are the man for me and I STILL think we are something special. But while I shared everything with you, you have been secretive and kept much of your life hidden from me.”

“Honestly?” He shrugs his shoulders. “I have been hesitant to talk about my past because I didn’t wanna scare ya…I don’t know if you noticed but I become a nervous wreck around ya, Marie…”

“Yeah, I kinda noticed.” She chuckles.

“I get that way because I love ya…and I don’t wanna lose ya. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be an ex-con? When people find out, it’s like havin’ a scarlet letter stamped on yer head.”

“I do know.” Marie nods her head. “Remember that me and Mels are best friends. She was my best friend before she was your best friend.”

“Right…” he sighs “...but yeah, I was scared of losing ya, that’s all. So I have tried to avoid talking about my past.”

“Don’t be scared.” Marie then laughs. “My own sister went crazy and kidnapped me and held me captive in her basement. But I still get along just fine with her. I think if I can get along fine with my former kidnapper, I can get along with a tough guy biker named Death’s Head.”

“Ya mean it?” Percy asks hopefully. Marie nods her head.

“Every word.” She pulls him close and they begin to passionately kiss. “Do you believe that?” She asks after breaking the kiss. Percy chuckles.

“Yeah…I believe I do!”

“Good. So no more secrets?”

“No more secrets.” Percy responds.

The feeling of hope that she had a few days ago returns. Marie Jones is once again hopeful that she has indeed found the right man. Like Marie he was once a broken, imperfect man but they have both took the long, difficult road of redemption. Along that road of redemption they have found another. Now, perhaps, they can help each other towards the finish line of this road to redemption? Maybe they can fill the void in each other’s hearts?

On Camera

2024 kicked off with a bang! And I say that literally and figuratively! I mean, while I did buy a ticket to Body, Heart, & Soul so that I could show moral support to my sister who was challenging for the Underground Title that night against James Evans, I never planned to get involved. It all kinda just happened organically, naturally. I certainly expected that the result of my involvement would be a hefty fine but I did NOT expect to get signed to a new SCW contract. I did not expect to be gifted with the opportunity to redeem myself, to dial back the clock and fix everything I did wrong, repair the bridges I burned, and win back the trust and support of the fans who had supported me from day one. I never planned for any of that, I did not expect any of that, but I was taught from my first day of wrestling academy that you never ever turn away an opportunity.

Did I deserve this opportunity? Did I deserve another chance with Supreme Championship Wrestling? No, not after what I did. I committed the cardinal sin, I walked away. I took my ball and I went home. My career was writhing in the darkness, the abyss of irrelevancy for a very long time because of my walk out. I deserved that…I deserved that punishment and I deserved to be left in the darkness, the abyss of irrelevancy. I certainly did not deserve the opportunity for redemption. But that opportunity was gifted to me…gifts are a choice, you can certainly turn down a gift…you can reject it outright…but like I said, I was taught never to turn down an opportunity and you damn sure never turn down a gift. So I signed on the dotted line. I took my new SCW contract and I took that opportunity to redeem myself, to repair those burned bridges, to repair those relationships, and most importantly to win back my fans.

I knew I would face criticism and doubt. It comes with the territory when you have done some of the things that I have done. I knew people would question my heart, my desire, and my commitment. But from the moment of my return at Body, Heart, & Soul until now, my presence has been felt week in and week out. I took on all comers as Television Champion. I fought anyone and everyone SCW put in front of me. I never rejected a match…even the matches that might have raised a few eyebrows. I mean, why team me and David Striker up to try and become number one contenders for the tag titles at Taking the Leap? It made no sense. But I didn’t complain. I took the match and I gave it everything I had, I gave David Striker everything that I had, I gave the SCW fans everything that I had. I had every right to cry foul about defending my Television Title against two other people whereas most every other Television Champion only defends against one person. But I did not complain, I did not gripe, I just went forward and I gave it my all. I lost both of those matches but did I quit? No, I remained committed. I remained focused on my career and focused on my journey of redemption. And in this time, from Body Heart & Soul until now, I have only been pinned just the one time…by Deanna Frost…

…the United States Champion pinned me, that’s nothing to hang my head about.

Now Taking Hold of the Flame is imminent. I walk in as the number one contender to the SCW Adrenaline Championship. I certainly hope no one is questioning my heart, my determination, or my commitment to this business anymore, because I fought long and hard to get back here, I busted my ass to get back to this spot, I bled and shed many tears to get back here and now I have arrived! I have arrived at a point in my career that I never thought possible. I have everything to gain and nothing to lose. I could leave Taking Hold of the Flame as the Adrenaline Champion and the number one contender to the SCW World Championship…

…or I could leave with neither, just in the same position I am in now. Like I said, I have everything to gain and nothing to lose. And you know what they say? People are at their most dangerous when they have nothing to lose.

Taking Hold of the Flame is always a special night. It is the kickoff to Rise To Greatness, it is the event that will determine the number one contender to the SCW World Championship. This forty person battle royal is the essence of chaos because as much talent and ability as you have, as good as you are, it might mean absolutely nothing, especially if you get drawn at an early spot. Some of the best wrestlers to grace an SCW ring…take Syren for example…started this event and could not win. Others who may otherwise have been overlooked as a nobody could use the chaos of this event to their advantage…take my sister Kim as an example. She thrives upon chaos and last year she started the match and went bell to bell, damn near winning the whole thing. But luck of the draw comes into play all too often. Kandis got the lucky number forty and she won the whole thing.

Sure, you have to have talent and ability, but you also have to be able survive the chaos and have just a little bit of luck on your side if you hope to win Taking Hold of the Flame. So riddle me this, SCW universe, out of everyone on the roster, every declared entrant, who is the one person who has the talent, the ability, can thrive and survive in chaos, and has thus far had a lot of luck on their side?

Polly, Aisling, and Colleen? They have the talent and ability. They can certainly thrive in chaos. But luck? Not so much. Luck has bitten them in the ass lately.

Kirsten Scott? I know you want Selena’s head on a platter, and you have proven you have the talent and ability to win this, but chaos has stopped you in the past, and face it, luck has not been on your side lately.

Scott Reed? Interesting, now he MIGHT have all three…I mean he has been unbeaten since returning to the ring, even beating my chaos driven sister Kim, luck is definitely on his side…so he might be a dark horse to look out for…and of course we cannot forget the newcomers, the wild cards who are entering their very first Taking Hold of the Flame. David Striker, Chris Dumont, Eavan Maloney…

Now I could go on and on but I won’t bore you with that. I am going to skip to the main event. See, other than Mr. Reed there is only one person with the proven talent, ability, ability to survive the chaos, and luck on their side who can possibly win this Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal…

…that’s right, ME! “The Phoenix” Marie Annabelle Jones!

Do I have the talent and ability? I am a three time Television Champion, former SCW World Tag Team Champion, and former SCW United States Champion. Since my return only ONE person has managed to pin me or submit me. So what do you think? Do I have the ability to hang in that ring with thirty nine of the best ever? Not only can I hang but I can and will kick each and every one of their damn heads off if I have to. I will spike them on their heads with Ave Maria if I have to.

Can I survive and thrive in the chaos that is Taking Hold of the Flame? I have been in Taking Hold of the Flame, so I have experience with that kind of chaos. And while I haven’t won Taking Hold of the Flame, I can also say honestly that chaos runs in my veins. You think my twin sister Kim, the Queen of Chaos herself, is just an anomaly in our family? Oh no! That kind of chaos is in our blood! She just embraces it and puts it on display a lot more than the rest of us. But at Taking Hold of the Flame I WILL embrace the chaos, I will BECOME the chaos, and I will use it to survive, to thrive, and to win Taking Hold of the Flame.

Now do I really have to explain about my luck? Luck has been at my back since the beginning of this year. I could’ve been banned from ever attending any SCW event again, instead I was offered a new contract. I could have been booed out of the arena but I was received by my fans with open arms. My journey back could have been long and arduous but I overcame the odds, I won the Television Title for a third time and I find myself on the precipice of winning the Adrenaline Title. A lot of that is my skill, but yes, some of that is the luck, maybe even some good karma, riding at my back. And if that luck continues to smile down upon me, then maybe I can win Taking Hold of the Flame.

Do you wanna know the real reason why I truly believe that this year is my year to win it all? Because I am in a unique position where I can achieve something great, something historic even. You see, I am only two championships short of being a Supreme Champion in SCW; one of those is the Adrenaline Title held by Bree Lancaster, the other is the SCW World Title held by Selena Frost. If I defeat Bree and then go on to win Taking Hold of the Flame, I will be Adrenaline Champion and then number one contender to the World Title. Being in the main event of Rise To Greatness with not just the World Title but SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP STATUS on the line? Now that is what I call motivation!

I have the talent…I have the ability… I know how to survive and thrive in the chaos…I am riding a wave of luck and momentum…but most importantly, I am motivated, I am motivated like never before, and so help me God I will pull off the impossible! I will defeat Bree Lancaster…I will become Adrenaline Champion…I will win Taking Hold of the Flame…and yes, I will become SCW World Champion and therefore Supreme Champion in the main event of Rise To Greatness. It is the highest possible peak, the mountaintop in SCW, and This Phoenix is aiming for that peak, I am aiming for that mountaintop, and I will not quit until I have achieved the impossible.
[Image: Fr3dxo2WIAAhCXt?format=jpg&name=large]
SWC Southern Heavyweight Champion 1x
MWA Turmoil Champion 1x
GCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
HKW Bloodlust Champion 3x
2022 SCW Trios Tournament Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
SCW Underground Champion 5x
SCW Television Champion 1x
SCW United States Champion 1x
MWE Chicago Way Champion 1x
5LW Television Champion 1x
Queen of the Death Match

[Image: mariejones.png]

SCW United States Champion 1x
SCW Television Champion 2x
SCW World Tag Team Champion 1x
UWA World Champion 1x
UWA X-Class Champion 1x
UWA World Tag Team Champion 1x
IWC World Tag Team Champion 1x
MCW X-Division Champion 1x
GDW International Champion 1x
GDW World Tag Team Champion 3x


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RE: 40 Person Taking Hold of the Flame Battle Royal - by The Matt - 05-30-2024, 12:49 PM

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