LITD/Twisted & Sadstic vs. Cowgirls/Dangerous Minds
{The screen static jumps to a shot of the backstage area of the Bell Center where we find none other than the "Ronin" Chris Dumont already in his street gear outside of the Phantom Troupe's locker room. When he notices the camera, Chris angrily shoves back his blonde hair as he looks hard at the camera}

Chris: You think that you’re really fucking clever don’t you, Brittani? You either are of the erroneous belief that by taking me out ahead of the match at the pay per view this weekend that it will mean that your team will have a supposedly easier time of beating my team or you are actually high enough off of your own fucking supply that you belief that just because you were once a somebody in this promotion that you can just walk all over anyone here without paying the consequences.

To me, it really doesn’t matter because the moment that you tagged me with that kick of yours tonight is the moment that you signed your own fucking execution warrant at the pay per view and I know full well that when you see this, that you’re just going to wave your hand dismissively at it and not think anything more of it….up until you’re in that ring at the pay per view and you feel a pair of arms wrap around your scrawny, pencil fucking neck and then you start to struggle in a dead panic, fighting to get out of the most perfect submission hold in the history of submissions and then slowly, surely…without question your struggling will slowly start to come to a halt until finally you’ll start to feel yourself slipping loose of your earthly bonds…right before I spike your fucking head through the nearest turnbuckles.


{Chris closes his eyes and takes a few breaths to try and focus himself for a couple of moments before he opens his eyes once more and keeps his hard look locked onto the camera, but his tone-while still field by rage-is lower, more focused than it was a moment ago}

Chris: People like you, Britanni, seem to be of a certain self-destructive belief that the world revolves around them, that they cannot do anything wrong because they have had an inkling of success in one place or just because they have someone that hangs with them that has the most minute inkling of power to them. You have this belief and for the past few weeks, you’ve been trying to make everyone understand that you and Glory run this promotion when you attacked me…attacked the friends of the Troupe…and you just kept doing more and more of your bullshit just because you and Glory just had to throw some little tantrum because you lost the SCW World Tag Team championships to a team that was better than you in every sense of the word.

And now then, you get called on your bullshit by so many people, you are shown the very consequences of your tantrum and all that you can believe in that little rotten puss bucket of yours that you call a brain is that not a single one of us knows where our place is because of whatever fucking reason you want to imagine up.

Tonight, no matter whatever you want to come up with for an excuse, you attacked me while I was checking on a woman who is five *MILLION* times the woman that you could NEVER be in Aisling, thinking that you were free and clear of any kind of punishment.

{Chris lets out a dry, dark chuckle which causes his lips to quirk into an almost smirk before he shakes his head}

Chris: You know, if all of you are going to go around this promotion are going to go running around like masquerading as overgrown children cosplaying as adults, then you’re going to have to pay the toll like everyone else and you, Brittani, most especially is going to have to pay this toll and it is steep.

But if you think that you and Glory have some kind of grand plan that will win the day at Taking the Flame, then you’d better think again because the Troupe is already five steps ahead of you because David’s a thinker, he never stops planning and preparing, which makes your little wild card antics nothing more than a pebble in the shoe of a runner, a minor annoyance than anything….but that won’t stop me from choking you out and putting you on the injured list like you tried to do to me here at Breakdown tonight and for that, I cannot forgive nor forget…and that is why at the pay per view you will pay the toll and you will pay it in *full*.

Now, let us move onto our newly crowned television champion.

Now I’m going to be upfront with you kid and say that this isn’t because you didn’t help me when I got jumped by a short-sighted little pedantic twat tonight nor am I targeting you because you are the newly minted Television champion right off the bat….because that will come later.

No, right now I’m addressing you because in the run up to your match against Aisling tonight, I saw your words and I know the intent that you spoke of and that was to turn somebody that I quite fond of and care about into some kind of great “example” for whatever egotistical reason that you claim that you don’t have, Waylon. You see, as I have mentioned before in that I grew up in this business and I’ve been backstage of a great many wrestling promotions and heard a great many of people speak to their rhymes and reasons that they do certain things, but while you try to stand there and claim that you are better than those who have laid claims before because you understand some kind of greater truth, I challenge you by laying down that you aren’t fighting for some supposed “greater truth” but in fact you’re just using that as an excuse for your reason to be a silent self righteous asshole and for that and that alone, you sir have to pay the tollman as well.

You see Waylon, you made your true intentions plain and pure and clear as crystal when you said that "I'm going to bring my resolve and a left hand oh so patiently waiting to clasp itself around your throat."

You came into Breakdown not with any intent other than claiming the SCW Television title at the expense of using Aisling as your stepping stone, you heaped words of glory and beauty upon her in some dark twisted attempt to supposedly soften the blow but instead all you did was reveal is that you are the same kind of liar just like Kevin Hunter, John Blade, and so many others like before him;

You say that people need to be held accountable because they, according to your babbling, need to know of a fictional fine line between desire and truth and that hope, according to you, is a lie or some bumpkiss like that.

The point that I wish to make is that you took something that Aisling worked her ass off to obtain, she fought for the right to become the SCW Television championship and you stole that from her, and no Waylon, there is not a damned thing that you can say to make me believe otherwise because you and I both know the truth and in the very near future, you're going to see me take these supposed chains that oppress the masses that you spoke of and I'm going to use them to choke you into submission with.

I'm going to leave you senseless and unable to move, just like you did to her and then you're going to understand your true place in this promotion, just like everyone else is going to learn and that is when the time comes, you need to tuck your chin because it'll be time to pay the toll.

{Chris then closes his eyes again and he takes a couple more cleasning breaths before he opens his eyes once more-the hard look is still there, but now it is much more focused...dedicated and directed even}

Chris: To all of my opponents at Taking of the Flame, this situation that we find ourselves in is because of two overgrown children who believed that by throwing a temper tantrum that they would get their way and that nobody would be willing to step up and make them pay for their poor choices.

Well Twisted and Sadistic, the time for you to pay for your piss poor life choices is fast coming up and very shortly, live in front of over ninety thousand *STRONG* at Wembley, you're going to come to understand the true meaning behind a phrase that my father once used against two of his own opponents back in two thousand and two when he first stepped into a wrestling ring at Wembley;

Glory Braddock and Britanni Lohan...Sorry, about your damn luck!

So Britanni, get ready to be the reason why you lose the match of a lifetime all because your ego keeps trying to cash checks that the Bank of Reality refuses to accept.

See you all at Wembley.

{Chris then walks off as the screen static jumps to black}

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RE: LITD/Twisted & Sadstic vs. Cowgirls/Dangerous Minds - by PhantomTroupe - 05-31-2024, 12:39 AM

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