Selena Frost vs. Xander Valentine
OOC: Takes place following the previous roleplays (both Deanna and Selena). I strongly recommend reading the last few Breakdown roleplays as the events rely on those.

DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction and not to be confused as complete or accurate representation of any beliefs, religions, etc. Please refer to research/articles by experts for that.

Villain of the Year

”The Passion Projects”

Frost ‘Forever Home’
Manhattan, New York
May 25th, 2024

“Selena! You coming back?!”

The voice, a bright call, snapped Selena’s attention away from her current task, the platinum-blonde jerking her head up and towards the doorway exit of the room she sat in, her pale hands almost fumbling the glass needle between her fingers. It was her natural reflexes that saved things, her hands acting of their own accord to catch the syringe.

“I’ll be right up. Just a few more minutes.” She called out gently, her own voice travelling in response as she carefully placed the glass item back within the wooden, cushioned box next to her before closing the lid and locking it by spinning the tumblers on the latch. With a sigh, the young woman turned her head back towards her laptop and the camera on top of it.

“I protect what’s mine.” She stated firmly, her voice suddenly cold and her sapphire eyes narrowing. “I suggest you do the same. Because, I promise you… either we BOTH will get what is due to us – the main-event of Rise to Greatness…” a cold, promising growl escaped her as she spoke her last words. “Or I’ll make sure NEITHER of us do.”

She gave the message a few seconds of silence to settle before she clicked the ‘stop’ button, effectively ending the recording. A few minutes and keyboard-button pushes later, and she had finished the task and sent it on its way, leaving her suddenly drained, the world champion leaning back with a long sigh to relax against the soft, crushed velvet of the royalty thrown chair. Vaguely, she could hear the sound of movement happening on the upstairs floor above her, but the silence was still enough to allow her time to reflect and her eyes to scan the room, taking everything in as she breathed to calm her racing heart and thoughts – the latter the only thing faster than the former.

She recognized the bookshelves, the carpet, the lights in specific places, and especially the mahogany desk in front of her and the large chair she sat on, her hands instinctively stroking the tops of the armrests comfortably. Her old office space.

“How long has it been?” she whispered to herself, sure that no one could hear her, but not really having an accurate answer for the question. As it was, she could not remember the last time she had been in this room, let alone worked a promo within it. It certainly hadn’t happened since she had left the house and moved to the Eyrie Tower over in New York City. Part of her had been surprised, initially, at how well and clean Deanna had kept it in the Snow Queen’s absence. There was no dust or things out of place… nothing.

And all this while she’s looking after the kids AND being the United States Champion… the guilt came naturally enough, Selena expecting the shot of emotion – the numbness not having a chance to ‘kick in’ yet, as it were - as the thought came to her. Did she regret leaving her wife and children behind late last year when this whole thing began? Of course she did. Part of her still wished she had never left her ‘Forever Home’. How could she not, at least partially, wish that? She had effectively left her private life behind, sending it into shambles in order to embrace her role as ‘The Blue-Eyed Devil’, return to SCW and acquire the World Championship.

It was necessary… the familiar ‘devil-voice’, a mixture of her own voice and that of Malcolm Scythe, resonated in her mind. It’s all for them and the family… she/he reminded Selena further, causing a sigh to escape the woman as she leaned forward, placing her forearms on the desk just a bit away from the keyboard.

She knew all that already. She knew that all of this was necessary. She had never asked to be hated by anyone. She had never wanted to be hated by anyone. She had loved being the ‘hero’ of the SCW Universe. ‘The Face of SCW’ – that’s what they had called her. But because of one choice – was it even a mistake? – she had been hated and vilified. Just because she thought a certain Trios-Cash-in was a disservice to the championships of SCW.

One disagreement.
One thing that she and the SCW Universe didn’t agree upon.

That had been all it had, apparently, taken for the SCW Universe to turn on her and suddenly hate everything she was about: the honor, the integrity, giving everything you had for what you believed in. It had been over a year ago that it had started and the hell that she had been put through over it… she rested her forehead against her hand.

Fuck, she felt so tired... It was never supposed to be like this. She had tried so hard in the months since that incident to fix the relationship between herself and the fans, working her ass off to regain the world championship, headline Rise to Greatness for a third time, and put on top-quality match after top-quality match, asking for nothing else in return for it. And it still hadn’t been enough. The fans were set in their new ‘mindset’. They had wanted her gone, out of SCW, beaten up and left with nothing. As if the last, nearly, ten years of sacrifice, of scars, of injuries, - of missing birthdays and specials moment in her children’s lives - of doing EVERYTHING for SCW hadn’t mattered.

Time you can never get back… the devil-voice whispered darkly. Again, Selena offered no refute against it, simply because it was true. She had not asked for any of this. She had not been the one to choose this role. Everyone else had.

The fans.
The management.
Even Deanna.

They all had wanted her back in some form and fashion. The fans to have someone to hate. The management to have their ‘starpower’ back. Deanna to try and have her wife back. They all had wanted something from Selena still and it hadn’t mattered what Selena had wanted. And while she had obliged, she refused to be so manipulated and powerless had she had been for the past decade. Everything was under her terms. Her design. Her machinations.

It had been strange, after so many years, being the one pulling all the strings and making SCW dance to her tunes, but if SCW was so fixated on hating her, why not embrace the notion – a small smile graced her lips – at least part of her could understand the likes of Xander, Kandis, Kristen Scott, and Polly now.

They all had been villains throughout their time in SCW, trying desperately to control SCW with their own methods… though none had held a candle to her as ‘The Blue-Eyed Devil’. To the level of control she wielded. And after so many years of being the victim to some of their, and many others, methods… to be the one that was now dealing it? Oh yes, Selena understood far better now…

It felt good feeling so untouchable. Of making others obey you and making them the victims instead of her. Of watching them be the ones that struggled and made excuses and… all of it!

Another sigh escaped her. The problem was, like everything else she tried to do in SCW, she had tried to be ‘the best’. And, at least in the current landscape of SCW and its roster, she had done it too well. In as effectively as she had been the most beloved and popular superstar in SCW, she had, in much less time, become the most hated superstar in SCW… and made so many more enemies than anyone else – perhaps with a close second going to The Enigma. So many enemies, in fact, that now? Now she felt trapped.

She was one more title defense away from achieving her mission and getting the chance to undo the BS that had been the Rise to Greatness main-event last year. One more title defense away from fixing everything and making it all right again! Problem was… it wasn’t as simple as that.

It would have been nerve-wracking enough if she just had to worry about Xander Valentine. Gods, the man was a challenge in and of himself! There hadn’t been a match with him where the Snow Queen hadn’t had to dig deep and push herself to the utmost limits to fight him – to overcome his strength and size advantages to take him down – and sometimes she HADN’T managed to beat him. Alone in the privacy of her home - well… former home. – she could admit that. Her wars with The Executioner were often a coin-flip. The matches could go either way where they were concerned. And it had been a long time since she had tested herself against him, certainly not since she had returned as the devil.

But that wasn’t even the worst part of the whole affair. No…

It seemed fate was playing a fucking joke on her. Because she now had Kristen Scott and… Kandis… she felt her jaw clench at the last name… both women she had beaten, thus removing all doubt in her claim to the world championship and her status as ‘the best in SCW’, had not been able to take their losses with any grace and dignity like Selena had, both taking it upon themselves to interfere and attack the world champion on multiple occasions.

And now? Through promo and segment, both women were promising Selena to be involved in her business again, Kristen Scott the overzealous one and Kandis simply playing her same-old style mind games – Selena scoffed at the thought of them. Utter fools! She thought bitterly. Rather than focus on the royale and getting their shot against her for the world title fairly, oh no!, both Scott and… Kandis… were spending so much of their time swearing to the gods and back that they were going to do all they could to ensure Selena did not leave London, England, with the SCW World Championship!

And Alex Desbourais – CHBK - had done NOTHING about it!

Her hands clenching into fists, the platinum-blonde slammed them into the desk, using all her willpower not to scream out in frustration and, potentially, getting the attention of her family upstairs. Instead, she dug her nails into the skin of her palms as hard as she could and clenched her jaw till her teeth began to hurt. How the hell could the old man be okay with this?! Both women had insisted that they would take action against her during her match in the main-event – HER main-event – against Xander Valentine. Hell, even Polly was playing with the idea somewhat and, while she had no reason to believe Gavin Taylor would be a threat, he had stated something of the like to get some ‘crowd love’ last Breakdown.

The point was, whether it was two or four or the entire roster, people were getting involved in her matches over and over again and Desbourais had done NOTHING to stop it!

Of course not! she mentally hissed. You’ve been forcing him to obey you this whole time. To play by your rules. He wants you out as world champion more than anyone else! the devil-voice added with a growl, causing a quiet growl to escape Selena.

Slowly, inhaling and exhaling, the young woman did her best to calm herself down. “Get all of this out now.” She whispered to herself as she begun to feel the familiar numbness in her chest slowly form and spread – how long had it been since she had felt that? Too long… it felt oddly good. The dulling of pain as she breathed, it offered her clarity. Focus… her devil-voice seemed to like that word, speaking it in a whisper as it came into Selena’s mind.

She would find a way, she told herself. She always did. That’s what she was better at than anyone else! Especially with The Executioner! She was the puppet-master now! Not Kristen, not Polly, not Xander, and sure as hell not CHBK! She would not be cheated and screwed out of her rightful place in the main-event at Rise to Greatness. Not after everything she worked for! Not after everything she had given and endured to get here.

Another calming breath and Selena felt the numbness growing stronger, fueling her, her eyes taking in the computer screen. Steps were already underway. Stacked deck or no against her, she was not going to be stupid enough to simply force her way through the next weekend without a plan. Without everything in place…

But you’ve done all you can for now… whispered the devil-voice, now with a mix of Anastasia DeCarlo’s voice in there, soothing and comforting the wrestler. Now get upstairs before they get suspicious…

With one last calming exhale, Selena pushed herself out of her chair, allowing the numbness to fully fill her, which, in turn, allowed her to slip out of her anger and frustrations as they ebbed and faded into the back of her mind, and adopt the loving smile of ‘Selena Frost. Mother and wife’ that she knew so well. Adjusting her charcoal-gray t-shirt and black pants, the woman quickly made her way out of her office and through the familiar path that she knew like the back of her hand up the stairs, the noise from upstairs growing louder as she drew closer.

She quickly found herself standing in the large kitchen/family room area, immediately seeing how the space was abuzz with activity! She saw Amiliah first, the little redhead, so much like Deanna, was sitting at the dinner table, her small form looking so cute at the end of the large, wooden structure, almost disappearing in comparison to it. Her little hands were working the glue-stick as best as she could, working it like a pencil’s eraser against the paper, trying to get some of the pictures and magazine clippings glued to the current page she was on. Beside her, Selena recognized Gerda patiently snipping words and pictures out of some of the magazines Selena had bought/brought for her ‘fireball’s’ project.

To add some color to it… she had reasoned.

Amiliah had the little white sleeves of her pink-and-white-shirt rolled up so high above her elbows, it was almost comical, while Gerda did not require such percussions with her more controlled movements, the sleeves of her teal long, button-up dress shirt remaining around her withered hands and wrists.

Looking away from them, Selena spotted Oberon next, the white husky half-walking, half-bustling around the room, following anyone who was moving. In this case, it was David, the dog following the boy as he paced around the room, returning to a small table by the balcony where his laptop was resting, as if in thought. He tilted his head this way and that, pacing around and around in an agitated fashion. “I can’t play right now, Obi.” He said to the dog as it continued to move and jump around him, the marshmallow of an animal effectively, and repeatedly, getting in the boy’s way. “I have to get this done.” He added with a half-whine.

Gods…/i] Selena thought, unable to stop the smile from forming on her face. [i]Just like me… she almost laughed aloud at that. The movement was a dead ringer! How many times had she paced just like that while working on her promos? While waiting for email replies? While just thinking and trying to process her next step in life/SCW? She felt the quick stab of joy in her heart before it gently faded into the growing numbness.

Before she could further scan the room with her eyes, however, she spotted the movement coming towards her, taking her attention as the taller redhead in the room was by her side. She said nothing at first, merely pushing herself up on her tiptoes to press a gentle kiss to Selena’s lips, which the platinum-blonde was quick to return. “Hey.” Deanna smiled. “Got everything done?” she asked.

“As much as I can.” Selena nodded in response. “I’m…” she turned her head to make sure no one was really paying attention to her, allowing her to spy Elsianna in the far corner of the room, sitting quietly in a chair with her own laptop in her lap. “I’m sorry.” Selena whispered. “I just…” she tried to explain, moving a little out of the room to give her and her wife a bit more privacy – not much, but still more than she had.

“I’m just nervous…and I’m frustrated about it.” She whispered, thankful her wife simply looked on and nodded her head.

“About losing the title?” Deanna asked.

To answer, Selena quickly caught herself, feeling the complete control that she had given herself in her office earlier. “No.” she measured her answer. “Well, yes, but not what you think. If he just beat me. I mean fair and square…” She gave a shrug. “That would be fine.” She hated lying, especially to Deanna, but – as her devil-voice had pointed out – there was a time and place for everything, including the truth. “But this whole thing with Kristen and Kandis and now, possibly, Polly…” She sighed. “I’m just… I’m so close, you know? To fixing all of this – being done with it…”

She saw emerald-eyes widen at that. “Being done with it?”

“With my mission.” Selena explained. “With fixing last year’s Rise to Greatness. But with them… and Aaron… and Xander… and Alex… I’ve…” she sighed. “I’ve never felt the deck so stacked against me as it is now. Like the odds seemingly so impossible, you know?” she looked up, casting a saddened look at her wife.

It was enough to produce a slow inhale and exhale from Deanna, who took her hands out to take Selena’s. “Maybe…” She whispered slowly, hesitant. “Maybe I can talk to Alex. He’s been listening to me and… okay, some things I don’t agree with you on, okay?”

“I know.” Selena nodded. “I’m not… proud… of some of my choices as of late.”

“Then you can admit that smashing Kandis’ and Scott’s heads with the title was wrong?”

“It was…” Hold your pride, fool! growled her devil-voice. You’re so close! “It was meant as the best of intentions but… I chose the wrong execution.”

It was partially true. She knew, in hindsight, that she should of known better than to simply play ‘shot-for-shot’ with Kandis and Scott. The two women were too stupid to understand such a notion and far too egotistical to let things be after a ‘you got me. I got you’ conclusion. Selena should have known that and chosen a different method to deal with Kandis’ consistent interference. Still, did she regret smashing the One into unconsciousness? In making Kandis bleed as she knocked her out with one shot?

Hell no. she thought calmly. It had felt as good as the night she had knocked out Xander Valentine with her ‘Defying Gravity’ kick, watching the tormentor of SCW crumble like a sack of bricks. That feeling of power – the knowledge of what she could do to anyone that continued to mess with her. Still, again, this wasn’t the place for such things to be said.

“Can…” she tried. “Can you really talk to Alex?” She asked. “You have enough to worry about… with Jessica and Enigma…”

To answer, Deanna held up her hand. “You got Jessica to a safer place. I’ll deal with Enigma this weekend.” She repeated her vow from last Breakdown firmly. “Besides, it’s not like it’s anything big. All I’m going to do is pointing out the situation. You and Xander… kind of a big deal right? Like main-event? A lot on the line? I’ll simply point out that I’m hoping to see which of you two is truly ‘the better’ superstar and that the RTG main-event deserves that. I won’t say anything demanding. Just point it out. Maybe he can do something for you then.”

“Like ban everyone from ringside-“ FUCK! Selena mentally cursed herself at the slip of the tongue, a single errant though in her, otherwise, perfect control. “I mean…” she breathed. “Sorry, Deanna. Just wishful thinking.” She tried. “That’s just the nerves talking.” She cast a glance over Deanna’s shoulder, towards the adjoining room where the rest of the family was. “Don’t let me think too much about work in there, okay?”

For a moment, a look of concern had flashed across Deanna’s face at the stray remark, but, slowly, the younger Frost nodded her head. “Don’t worry.” She offered. “I’ll keep us focused.” To settle the matter, she took one of Selena’s pale hands into her own and guided her back into the ‘room of activity’, pulling her fully in so that, this time, the others could see her.

“Hello, dear.” Gerda offered first with a warm smile. “Does my heart good seeing you back in this house with us.”

“Me too, Gerda.” Selena offered, adopting the familiar smile she knew so well, even moving closer to gently wrap her arms around the older woman.
“Would like to see it back to normal.” She heard the barest whisper come from Gerda.
“I’m…” she breathed in response. “I’m working on that. I promise.”
“Good.” It settled the matter for the older woman, Gerda releasing Selena from the hug the platinum-blonde had started.

Of course, once that was out of the way, it was, apparently, Oberon’s turn, the husky bounding up to Selena, jumping up to put his paws on her legs in a seeking act of attention. “Hello, Oberon.” Selena grinned, kneeling down to mussel the furball’s fur across his head and back. “I’m glad to see you, too!”. She spent the next few minutes giving the attention-whore his just needs of affection, the white bundle of energy barking a little and rolling on the floor to expose his belly for Selena and, more importantly, her petting hands. Deanna, meanwhile, had made her way over to Amiliah and was checking on the five-year-old’s work.

Sending Oberon on his way with a few more pats, Selena pushed herself back to her feet, wiping off the strands of dog fur that had accumulated on her black pants. “Remind me to vacuum later.” She remarked to Deanna as she walked the few steps needed to stand beside Deanna on the other side behind Amiliah.

“How’s it going, fireball?” she asked, gazing at the arts-and-crafts project before her eyes. ‘Project day’. That’s what Deanna had called today: The day dedicated to getting the children’s end-of-the-school-year projects complete. Each child had their own project to do, and Deanna was determined that they be done ahead of time.

David’s class had to write a story and then read that story to a younger class - probably Amiliah’s or one of that age-range.
Amiliah had to finish her ‘Map of the Neighbourhood’ for her ‘Arts and Crafts class’.
And Elsianna…

Casting a glance up, Selena spied her eldest daughter still in her chair, typing away with quite fast fingers. Truthfully, the world champion had no idea what her daughter was up to for her project. The young girl had kept to herself, it seemed, merely saying it was a ‘year-long’ project that had ‘several steps’ in it that were marked to keep the students ‘on task’. She had declined any and all help from Selena and, the woman imagined, from Deanna. Now, realistically, Selena could have found out if she really wanted to. A quick call to the teacher for an update, spy on her daughter’s notes, see if David or Ami knew anything… all doable. Still, she had not seen her daughter so passionate about anything since… well… since she had begun training more and more in their built-in gym/pool house.

The thought caused her gaze to, again, fall on the eldest Frost child, this time allowing Selena to take stock of her daughter. The eleven-year-old was growing up so fast. She had, finally, begun her growth spurt – a late bloomer just like Selena had been – and was now nearing Deanna in terms of height, but what stood out more this time around to the observing platinum-blonde was the trim nature of the child. She wasn’t She-Hulk or anything but it was impossible not to see the work the youngster had put in. According to Deanna, Elsa was working out almost every day, running on the treadmill, doing yoga, and even some gymnastics. It didn’t surprise Selena, as the young girl had even asked to train with her during the children’s visits to the Eyrie Tower.

But still… the passion and dedication, so much like her own, it made Selena proud. Mostly because she knew why…

“De...” She whispered low, earning the redhead’s attention with a responding hum. “Still no idea what Elsa’s project is about?”
“Nope.” Deanna shook her head. “And I am done asking about it.” She stated. “All I do is ask ‘how’s it going’ and ‘is it finished?’.”

“And is it?” Selena asked looking at her wife.

“On my fourth revision of the final draft.”

The answer came from the other side of the room, earning both Frost wives’ attention as they looked towards the girl in question, who merely gazed up at them, tilting her head and blonde-white hair to the side, shorter than Selena’s and not quite as white. “I can hear you, you know.” She lifted her eyebrows at them, not impatiently, but knowingly.

“We’re just…” Selena tried, moving away from the other three women – Deanna, Amiliah and Gerda – and into the family room section where Elsianna was sitting. “Just checking up on you as well.” She offered, sitting on the nearby blue-plush, loveseat couch and patting the empty seat beside her, prompting the young girl to put her laptop down, closing it first, before making her way over to sit beside her mother while the rest of the family returned to working on their individual projects.

For Selena, she waited for her daughter to get comfortable on the couch, the child sitting cross-legged on the cushions, showing her ripped jeans (both knees had a ‘style-rip’ in them), which went well with her white dress shirt and black vest. The only thing out of place, as per usual, were Elsianna’s gloves that covered her hands and forearms, hiding the scarred flesh from any onlooker.

With her daughter comfortable, Selena offered a smile to her eldest. “I mean, we need to be good parents, don’t we?” she teased a little, earning a shrug from Elsianna.

“You are.” She said plainly.
“Well…we’re trying.” Selena remarked. “Doing our best, I mean.” She took a moment to pause, trying her best to focus on her daughter. “So… you’re sure everything is okay with the project? You don’t need us to proof-read it? Or offer some insight?”

“No, I’m okay.” Elsianna shook her head. “I really…” she sighed. “I’d like you and mom to hear it on the presentation day, okay?”

“Okay.” Selena shrugged her shoulders. “About four or five days away? I can wait that long.” She added with a nod, effectively knowing when the matter was dropped. Still, she could not deny the change she had seen in her daughter, especially up close like this. “You’re growing up, my little snowflake.” She remarked without thinking. “Soon you’ll be in high-school and then college or university.”

She saw the young girl give a shrug. “Still a ways away.” Elsa replied. “Least six or seven years.”
“Yes, but…” Selena sighed. “You’d be surprised how much even a single year can change things.”

The two could still hear the others working away as they sat in the family room, keeping their conversation to a series of whispers so as not to be eavesdropped on. For Elsianna, Selena saw her bite her lip a little, as if contemplating a question before suddenly jerking her head back to stare at her mother, the student keeping her voice low.

“When are you moving back here to live with us?”

The question caught Selena off-guard with ease, the platinum-blonde having to blink several times in order to properly register the question in her mind, her jaw trembling a little but making no sound at first.

“It’s just… it’s been almost six months, mother.” Elsianna explained a little defensively. “And mom says it’s for work and that you need space but… how much longer?!” For a moment, Elsa allowed her age to finally show, the immaturity of her question a quiet whine of her missing her mommy. It was enough for Selena to regain her composure, her calm and numbness, and offer her daughter a warm/sad smile.

“I know, snowflake.” She sighed. “I…” she tried to explain but it was harder than with an adult. She’s still only eleven. came the voice of her stepmother. Tell her too much and you’ll lose her…

“I’m working on it. I mean… REALLY working on it.” She settled on answering. “And I’m very close to the end of what I have to do.”

“You are?” there was no denying the hope in Elsianna’s eyes – hope that the Snow Queen wished she could keep there forever.

“Yes.” Selena answered.

“Are…” reeling her emotions back in, the child readopted her ‘mature’ persona. “How is work going?”

“Oh…” Selena smiled knowingly, biting her lower lip like her daughter had done before scooting a little closer to confide in the child. “I am one match away from the big show…” she looked left and right playfully, leaning in a little more to further ‘confide’ in her daughter. “The big main-event.”

“Again?” Elsianna’s eyes widened. “Like… again again?”

“I hope so.” Selena smiled. “It’s what I’ve worked so hard for. For you and for your mom and Amiliah and David.” She stated. “Making a place for our family and securing our name.”

“What does that mean?”

“It…it means… well…” Selena tried. “Some bad people were hurting your mother’s reputation, right? Do you understand that?”

“Yes…sorta…” Elsianna shrugged. “But why would they do that?”
“I…” Selena sighed. “I don’t really know. I guess they just wanted me back there so badly and figured this was the best way to do it.”

“You don’t have to understand it, darling.” Selena tried, taking her daughter’s hands into her own. “Especially when I don’t. But the important thing is that I have been working harder than ever before to make things right for work and for the family…” she smiled knowingly. “And for you… when it’s your turn.”

Immediately, upon hearing those words, Elsianna’s hand snapped up, her eyes – not as sapphire as Selena but still a lovely shade of blue – full of shock. “You… you mean…you’ll let me…”

“Yes.” Selena smiled, squeezing her daughter’s hands affectionately. “I’ve seen how hard you work and I want you to keep at it. But!” she held up a finger in front of her daughter’s face. “You need to keep up your grades AND at least graduate high-school. After that, when you turn eighteen… well…” her teasing expression returned. “We’ll talk more then.”

Without a word, Elsianna was suddenly moving, the eleven-year-old throwing her arms around her mother’s neck to hug her tightly. “Thank you!” she whispered fiercely. “I won’t let you down! I’ll work hard! You’ll see!”

“I know, baby.” Selena smiled softly, using one hand to wrap arm Elsianna to complete the hug firmly. “And I’ll be even more proud of you than I am now, which is saying a lot.”

The two stayed that way for a few more seconds, until-

“Help!” came the high-pitched whine from Amiliah, not an urgent cry, which was a relief to Selena as she released her daughter, offering her one more smile before patting Elsa’s knee and then pushing herself off the couch to walk the few feet needed to get back to the dining table where Gerda, Deanna and Amiliah were.

“What’s up?” she asked, leaning on the side of the table closest to the trio in order to gaze at her daughter’s work.

Hearing her wife, Deanna lifted her head, shaking her head with a knowing smile to Selena. “No issue.” She answered. “We just need to print some pictures on my phone.”

“Oh…that it?” Selena asked.
“Yeah.” Ami answered with a nod. “Can I use the computer and printer?”
“No.” Deanna remarked quickly. “You know you’re not allowed to use the printer without mom or mommy there.” She reminded sternly.
“Why not?” came the inevitable question from the child.

“It’s a tone problem.” Selena answered without thinking, giving a shrug of her shoulders and she crossed her arms over her chest. “TonER problem that is.”

No one spoke – you could literally hear crickets as all three women looked at Selena. “What?” she asked in disbelief. “It’s a joke.”
“I don’t get it.” Amiliah answered with childlike confusion.
“No one does.” Deanna answered. “Your mother does not tell good jokes.”
“I. Do. Too!” Selena huffed incredulously, her mouth temporarily agape. “What about the one with the kid in the closest and the man who-“
“Selena!” Deanna shot out. “That is not a good joke!”
“You laughed!”
“I mean it is not a good joke for our FIVE-YEAR-OLD!”

“I’ll be six REALLY soon!” Amiliah suddenly exclaimed, bouncing up and down in her chair, even waving her arms up and down in excitement. “I can’t wait for my birthday party!”

Despite herself, Selena pushed that issue to the side for now. Yes, she and Deanna had already talked about it and made some plans and reservations, but the Snow Queen was more concerned about the mood she would be in. Her little fireball’s birthday was only three days after Taking Hold of the Flame, with a party planned the following weekend while SCW took it’s post-PPV-break to set up the ‘Road to Rise to Greatness’. What concerned Selena was attending such a party less than a week after the event if she was no longer the world champion. Doubt I’ll be good company. she thought to herself but quickly reigned in the familiar worry, embracing the numbness in her system.

Plans are being put into play… she reminded herself. You will NOT be giving up the world title so easily…especially to HIM!

Settled in that, Selena offered that smile to the other three. “Focus on your project, Ami.” She gently ordered. “Now, you need your pictures printed?”

“Yeah.” Amiliah nodded, reaching to the side of the table where Deanna’s phone was and picking it up. “Right here.” She held the phone out to her mother.
“Okay.” Selena nodded. “Can I see it?” she asked, her eyes on Deanna.

Quickly, Deanna nodded before taking the phone from Amiliah and unlocking it before handing it over to Selena.

“Okay…” Selena’s fingers moved quickly, the Snow Queen not even having to look up from her task as she moved around the table to stand beside Deanna. “Which pictures?”

“This one…” Deanna pointed. “This one… this one… this one… and these two.”

Selena recognized all the photos she saw. The stone-gargoyles in their backyard, the Cunningham’s house, the Gray’s, the lake that filled the neighbourhood-center, and one of the two of them – her and Deanna, Selena was sure it was one of the pictures she had posted on social media or something. “That it?”

“Yes.” Deanna nodded, earning a nod from Selena, who fished around the screen a bit, opening another app and finishing her task with a hit of the send button.

“I just sent it to my email.” She explained, handing her phone back to Deanna. “My computer in the office can print the photos.”

“I’ll do it.” Deanna smiled, reaching up to pat her wife’s shoulder. “Won’t be more than a minute.” She added a kiss to her wife’s cheek, earning an ‘Ewww…’ from Amiliah that went mostly ignored, before exiting the room the same way Selena had entered.

It was then that she heard the exclamation of “DONE!” and turned her head to see her son standing near the table and doors that lead to the balcony, holding his hands up in success. “Finished!” he affirmed. “Can I go play video games now?” he asked as Selena approached him.

“Not so fast, hotshot.” Selena smirked knowingly. With a sweep, she picked up the boy’s laptop and carried it towards the same exit Deanna had used, casting her gaze towards Gerda. “You okay watching them for a bit?”

“Certainly, dear.” The senior nodded knowingly. “We’ll be fine waiting for your mom, won’t we, dearie?”
She directed the last question at Ami, who nodded eagerly.
“Then we play afterwards?”

“I am sure we will.” Gerda replied to the small redhead, but Selena was already on the move, taking both laptop and son to the room by the main-entrance of the house. There, she placed the laptop on the table. “Stand there.” She ordered gently, having the boy stand on the opposite side of the glass table while she sat on the couch on the other side, facing him. Opening the laptop, she ensured that it was on the proper word document before spinning it around to face David. “Your project is supposed to be you ‘reading to someone’.” She reminded the boy. “So… read your story to me.”

“Awww, mom!” David whined. “Why?”
“Because I want to hear it.” She shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest.

“You’re not going to be allowed to play until you read it to me, David.” She remarked somewhat sternly. “That was the rule. You finish the assignment – in its entirety – and then you can play.”

“Elsianna doesn’t have to present her project!” David retorted.

“Elsianna is eleven and had to do the same thing when she was your age – including reading to me.” Selena challenged back. “When you’re eleven, then I’ll take your word for it.”

“This sucks…” David moaned.

“Why?” Selena tilted her head. “Don’t you want to show off your writing skills? Your story-telling skills?”

To answer her, the boy gave a slight shrug of his shoulders. “I don’t know.”

“David…” Selena sighed. “This is why I want you to read it to me. Because you need practice. You need to feel confident when you read this story. And I want to make sure you’re telling a good story – what if it’s your sister who gets you? You want her to be proud of you?”

“I…” Another shrug from the boy, clearly uncomfortable. “I guess.”

“Great.” Selena smiled, sitting back and throwing one leg over the other. “Go ahead. I won’t judge you, my prince. Cross my heart!”

A huff and a groan came from the second-born, but he slowly lifted the laptop, cradling it in his hands before taking a deep breath.

“David and the Intergalactic Game.” He began. “Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, there lived a boy named David. David loved playing soccer more than anything else in the whole universe. But he didn't just play regular soccer; he played space soccer!”

“Space soccer?” Selena remarked in mock-surprise. “How does that work?”

“In space soccer, players wore shiny, silver spacesuits and zoomed around the field wearing anti-gravity boots and hoverboards!” David explained, still reading. “The soccer ball glowed with neon colors, and the field was set among the stars, with planets and comets swirling around.”

“Wow!” Selena remarked. “Sounds epic!” she added, earning a nod from David, the boy seemingly growing more confident as he fidgeted a little on the balls of his feet.

“One star-filled day, David's team, the Star Strikers, had a big match against their rivals, the Lunar Leapers for the All-Star Intergalactic Cup! The game was tied, and there were only a few minutes left on the clock. David's heart raced with excitement as he dribbled the ball down the field! But…”

“Uh-oh…” Selena encouraged with her participation. “But’s never a good thing!”

“As David dribbled the ball down the field, a shadow fell over him. It was none other than Zorgon the Scourge, determined to stop David from making the winning shot. Zorgon zoomed toward David on his jet-powered hoverboard, his evil laughter echoing through the stadium!”

“BOO! BOO Xander- I mean Zorgon!”

“But David wasn't about to let Zorgon ruin his moment of glory. With lightning-fast reflexes, he dodged Zorgon's laser blasts and continued toward the goal. Just as David was prepared to take the shot, he noticed Zorgon closing in fast. It was then that he remembered the words of his ‘Space-Wizard-Master’, the ancient Jedi, Sel-Een-Ah!”

“I’m a space wizard?!” Selena’s eyes widened. “That’s even better than being a world champion, let me tell you!”

“Remembering her words - ‘the ends justify the means, my prince’ -” David continued proudly, “David faked a drop, making it look like he lost control of the ball. Zorgon took the bait, diving in to steal it. As Zorgon lunged forward, he swiftly regained control of the ball and dashed toward the goal. With Zorgon out of position, David had a clear shot!”

“Go David!” Selena cheered on, hearing her son’s voice growing more and more excited.

“With a swift kick, David sent the ball flying toward the goal. It soared past the opposing team's goalie and headed straight for the net. The crowd held their breath as the ball sailed through the air. Suddenly, with a loud whoosh, the ball burst into a shower of glittering stardust as it crossed the goal line. The referee blew the whistle, and cheers erupted throughout the stadium!”

“WOO!” Selena clapped her hands. “Go Star Strikers!”

“David’s teammates rushed onto the field, hoisting him onto their shoulders as they celebrated their victory and collected the massive Intergalactic Cup! David's smile beamed brighter than the stars! And he realized that dreams, even in the vastness of space, can come true! From that day on, David's winning goal was talked about across the galaxy, inspiring young space soccer players everywhere to reach for the stars and never give up on their dreams. And David? Well, he continued to play space soccer, scoring goals and making memories that would last a lifetime.”

A long pause stood between mother and son as David slowly lowered the laptop, his eyes nervously shifting in their gaze at and away from his mother. “The end.” He simply added.

For a moment, Selena said nothing, merely letting her son’s story sit with her. Slowly, she let her proud grin grow until it filled her face. “Very good.” She smiled, pushing herself up to her feet and moving over to her son to wrap her arms around him. “I am very proud of you.”

“R-really…” David asked, smiling up at his taller mother.

“I am.” Selena grinned. “That was so good! You could easily be a writer!”

Quickly, the boy shook his head. “I want to be a soccer player.” He stressed.

“In space?” Selena asked knowingly.
“One day!”

“Well…” the platinum-blonde shook her head lovingly. “Long as you keep trying and reaching for the stars, my prince.” She offered him a wink. “And set aside a ticket for me for your games… you can do it.”

“Thanks, mom.” David beamed – brighter than the stars… Selena noticed. He’ll need the best trainers and schools to be good enough to play professionally… her thoughts reminded her. Something a ‘celebrity’ could definitely set up with the right fame and money…

“Hmmm? Selena refocused herself on her still embraced son.
“Can I go play now?”

A laugh escaped her from the question, the platinum-blonde playfully shoving him away. “Go on, get out of here, little star striker.” She grinned. “Have fun, but don’t be too loud or disturb your sisters.”

“I won’t!” David replied in utter joy as he bolted out of the sitting room, running towards the stairs to the basement and passing-

At last, Selena noticed her wife standing by the stairs, watching the two of them from her vantage point.

“Did you hear him?” Selena asked with a grin. “Hell of a storyteller.”

Deanna said nothing right away, merely gazing back at her son as she watched him heading down the stairs – no doubt to his video games.

“Deanna?” Selena asked, still not getting her attention. “Deanna!”

The second time worked as the redhead jerked her head around to stare at her wife. “Oh…uh…I’m sorry. I…” she gestured towards the direction David had run. “Did he write that story?”

“He did.” Selena nodded proudly. “Zero help from me. Did you help him?”
“He didn’t have anything this morning before you got here.”
“Well… I mean.” Selena shrugged. “He did have that great game last week. Easy to see the references.”
“Yeah…” again, Deanna’s gaze became distant. “I guess.”

Still, Selena was too proud to give it much thought. “I… I gotta tell ya.” She smiled, moving the few steps needed to stand beside her wife. “We’ve got some pretty amazing kids.”

“We…” a sigh slowly came from Deanna before she nodded her head. “The best.”

“Elsianna and David are growing up so fast and Ami is well on her way.” Selena explained. “Elsa is… she’ll be a teenager before I know it. And David wants to be a soccer player…”

“Of course he does.” Deanna laughed. “And then, in a few months, he’ll want to be a hockey player.”

“Still, I…” Selena breathed, turning to pace around the room. “I’m missing some of these things. Elsianna growing up like she has. David’s games. Ami’s learning more and more each day.”

“You’re trying.” Deanna spoke slowly.

“That’s just it. I AM trying.” Selena nodded, turning her gaze at Deanna. “I am trying my best for this family and to give them more than I ever had! I don’t want anything that I do to deter them or make their lives harder! I want to make their lives better, you know?”

“I… I do.”

“And I want you to be safe. I want you to succeed too, you know! Free from the monsters and demons I had to deal with. Does that make sense?”

“So far…” Deanna slowly spoke. “But I’m not seeing the point here.”

“I know…” Selena sighed. “I’m just… I’m nervous, okay? I’m not good at asking this.”

“Asking what?”

Slowly, the Snow Queen took a deep breath, letting the silence fill her almost as strongly as the numbness empowering her. Play it! her devil-voice commanded. The next step of the plan…

“I’ve just been thinking…” Selena slowly spoke. “That maybe… once this whole thing is over. And IF I secure my place to Rise to Greatness’ main-event… secure the legacy, the name, fix SCW like I planned… maybe I just… whatever happens in July… I fix us entirely.”

“Fix us?” Deanna raised an eyebrow, trying her best to stop the hitch in her throat. “What do you mean?”

“I mean… if you’ll agree…” Selena breathed, adopting a nervous glance to her stunned wife. “I’d like to move back in… with you and the kids.”


The Royal Letter

The camera opens sharply to the interior of a familiar office, though it has been some time since this particular office has been used, with its bookshelves in the background taking up the back wall and the familiar crushed-velvet throne-chair. Sitting in said chair, however, is the woman who’s presence is always in such letters. It is perhaps due to the privacy of this particular Royal Letter, however, that her look is far more casual: charcoal-gray shirt and black pants. A few minutes pass as she sits at her chair, her chin resting against the palm and knuckles of her left hand, eyes looking away from the camera.

Aaron… despite her deep-in-thought expression, her calling of the senior official of SCW is downright direct and cold.

As a professional courtesy, I’ve given you some time to think about what your behaviour lately and what’s happened since your little outburst in Los Angelas at me…

She takes a deep breath, as steadying herself, her sapphire eyes moving up to glare at the camera.

But weeks later, and after everything: I would have thought you’d be the one contacting me first with an apology. An apology for the disrespect you showed me.

Adjusting herself, the Snow Queen leans a little forward, her expression deadly.

Let me ask you something, Aaron. Who brought you into this? Who’s made sure from the early start of this year that you’ve been officiating practically EVERY main-event on pay-per-view? On most events on Breakdown? Who was it that’s been making sure you’re the ‘guy’ that is the ‘Face of Officials’ here in SCW?

You think I couldn’t have picked anyone else? You think I couldn’t have picked Hollinsworth? Or Cassidy? Or just brought in my own and penned them in on my demands?
he speech slows down, stressing each word. I run this company. Everything I want? I get. I demand respect. I demand integrity. I demand that consequences be given. And it all stops, starts, and falls on MY shoulders, Aaron!

She sits back, taking a slow breath. And I honestly thought that you understood that. I thought that you – of all people, of all officials – understood what I was trying to do here. The pressure I was under, the stress that I take on and why I take it on. I thought you got it because, like me, you never asked to have your reputation and integrity slandered and dragged through the mud. You were unfairly treated by them. Just like I was. We never asked for that! We never deserved it! But THEY took it away. THEY made me out to be hated and vilified when I did NOTHING wrong – just like they are turning on you and hating you when you’ve done NOTHING wrong!

And that night… I came to you to offer my support. To give you my encouragement. To show my appreciation as the World Champion. For your courage, your heart, and, what I thought, was your integrity…

And what did you do? What did you do?!

She scoffs. You got in my face! You told me that I was ‘wrong’?! You… she winces a little, irritated. You blamed ME for the disrespect that THEY have shown you?! For THEM questioning your integrity when all I have asked of you is call the matches down the middle, devoid of controversy and filled with integrity. And then you tell me – the world champion. The one who runs this place – to leave your changeroom. Like you’re the one calling the shots around here. Like you’re the one that all of this falls on. Like you’re the one that – if this fails – it crashes and burns you…

Slowly reaching up, Selena rubs her hands for a few seconds before returning her gaze to the camera. That what you want, Aaron? You want to be me? You want to be the world champion and be the one making the decisions for this company? You want to be the one making the calls to fix what they did to US? You want to be the one that handles CHBK and puts that deluded, old fool in his place and keeps him there?

Because you saw what he did! You saw how he undermined us! You saw how he disrespected us at Taking the Leap! How he put a fricking loser like Simon and a hypocrite like Bree as the main-event – ahead of US - because Simon’s a psycho and Kristen Scott failed to measure up to MY level, draw, and star-power. You think he’d care if it was you or someone else officiating my matches? No. He took away OUR main-event – YOUR main-event, just like he did last year – because he thought he could and I had to fight him – fight the BOSS – for US. To make sure it NEVER happened again.

You want to be the one to do that now? You want to be the one facing THAT down? Risking your job and place here by angering the ‘boss’?

She shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders. Great! Because then, maybe I can focus on doing what I am supposed to be doing and be the dominant world champion that I’ve still managed to be. Maybe then, I could just focus on just Xander Valentine and not every other person that’s seemed to ‘slip past you’ for the past few weeks to get to me! I wouldn’t have to worry about anyone except the man that wants to ‘DESTROY’ me!

Because you’re the one calling the shots, right? You’re the one fighting for our fair treatment and for this title to be elevated to its proper place in the main-event right, instead of the cesspool of controversy it was in while I was gone? You’re the one taking on management and never backing down, right? Advocating for what we deserve, right? What is best and what is RIGHT for this company?!

A second of silence passes before Selena slowly smiles, shaking her head knowingly – her voice a cold, dead calm. It’s okay, Aaron. I know you don’t want that. I know you don’t want that burden in your life. So, let me make this clear here and now, Aaron. Something you need to get in your head. I am the world champion. I make the decisions I know you don’t or can’t make. I make the calls that you’re too afraid too. I make the choices that make people watch these shows, watch this company, so you even HAVE a job! You…

You’re the one that raises my arm and puts the title around MY waist! That’s your place in this epic tale. You’re here because of ME. Not the other way around. Your stock is rising because of ME. Your paycheck – those bonuses you clearly love so much? Are because of me!

So… the next time I walk into your changeroom, the only thing I want to see is gratitude. The only thing I want to hear from you is understanding. Do you understand?

Because we are ONE win away!
In a burst of sudden anger from her cold whispered tone, Selena slams her fist onto the black, mahogany desk in front of her, the ringing of the slam echoing in the office space for a brief moment before settling into silence. The Snow Queen takes a few moments to breath, trying to calm herself.

But maybe… maybe I’m a little too harsh. Maybe I’m being a little too harsh on you. That what you’re thinking now, Aaron? I mean, here’s Selena Frost, sending a private Royal Letter to you, again, and calling you out privately – rather than embarrass you like you did to me in LA… her tone shifts from slightly calm to dead serious before going back to calm. But maybe this whole thing is just… is just one big misunderstanding.

Slowly, Selena pushes herself out of the chair, still in the camera show as she moves around her chair to the bookshelf, her head turning back towards the camera every few words.

I’m willing to accept that from you. I’m willing to understand that. It’s the pressure. It’s the first time you’ve had to deal with this, right? You’ve always been the ‘company-man’ just like I was ‘The Face of SCW’ and its ‘yes-woman’ for about ten years. I get it. I get it, Aaron. I never questioned authority either, I always did what was asked of me – often more. I defended SCW – hell, there wouldn’t even be an SCW if it wasn’t for me taking down groups like The Wonderland, The Brand, Katya’s Infamous, and New Eden, just to name a few.

But did you really think fighting for what was right – what was owed to us – would be easy? That you’d just have to sit back and things would be smooth sailing with me leading you?
she scoffs at that. Aaron, what do you tell your kids? Huh? Do you tell them that ‘doing the right thing is always easy’? That they never have to ‘fight for what they believe in’? Or do you tell them that anything in this world worth having has to be fought for?!

Turning her hand, Selena pulls out a black book before turning it sideways and opening it, revealing it to be wooden and hollow. Carefully, she removes a black, plastic vial from it before putting the book back and making her way back to her throne to sit.

I have fought for all of this and sacrificed more than ANYONE else for it! I’ve taken on all the hate. I’ve bent my morals. she winces a little at that again as her hands begin to open the vial, where she begins to remove several small, clear capsules, putting them on the desk in front of her. I’ve let them call me a hypocrite, interfered in matches, struck people with the world title – things I’ve never done more than a few times because of my integrity. I’ve compromised myself in more ways than I can say and my private life… my marriage…

Again, the Snow Queen looks away distantly for a moment before shaking her head. I’ve done it because I know, in my heart, that we are doing the right thing here and that is worth everything! That is worth it all! That is worth fighting for! And you got scared. I see that. You got scared that it was spilling onto you – that ‘guilty by association’ that lowlifes and desperate fools like Kandis and Scott want to use to justify their actions. But how long did you get without me? How long did it take for them to come after you, Aaron?

She shakes her head. That is why I am hoping that this whole thing is one big misunderstanding. Because you had your little temper tantrum and, right after, you saw the reality of how things were. You saw just how right we are in what we do! Kandis? Scott? Polly? They’re talking about me, the world championship, us… they’re attacking us with cheap shots and sneak attacks because they are scared of us, Aaron! They know only one of them, at best, is getting to Rise to Greatness. Only one of them, at best, will be able to face us for the world championship and they are scared! They’re scared because they can’t measure up to what we have done! The level of skill and integrity that we can create!

Hell, we’ve got Xander Valentine scared!

A grin spreads across Selena’s pale features. Xander Valentine – the ‘untouchable’ is intimidated by us! To the point where he RAN away from Breakdown to go and train in his private facilities or whatever! To the point where, when he came back, he needed to make this out to be his ‘possibly last run with the world title, EVAH!’ to try and garner some sympathy from the SCW Universe. To try and put himself in a mindset that ‘empowers’ him! We did that, Adam! We’ve got all of SCW terrified of us to they point where they NEED to cheap-shot me. They need to manhandle you. They need to threaten us! Because they can’t beat US! And you think I need any more proof that we are doing the right thing for this company? For this world championship?

You think Xander is going to give a damn about this? About you? About SCW? Xander only cares about one person: Xander. How many times, Aaron, has he pulled this ‘last chance ever’ crap? How many times as he headed for the hills, only to come back with his tail between his legs, acting like he was still ‘the baddest man in the land’? Didn’t he put his career on the line just last RTG against Syren? How many times have you seen that from him? Or officiated that? And do you think he’s going to look out for you if he’s the world champion? You think he’s going to ‘protect’ you when CHBK screws you over again, choosing Joe Schmoe over you because of ‘ratings’? You think he’s going to fight for you like I have?

We’re talking about the same man that attacked officials, attacked management – attacked FANS – just because he felt like it! Just because he wanted to. Just because he couldn’t accept that I was better! A man that, last time he was world champion, declared himself ‘Judge, Jury, and Executioner’ and declared who was ‘worthy’ to face him and who wasn’t. I’ve done nothing but bring those kind of people UP to my level – he kept them out! Remember that?

Letting her words sink in, Selena reaches over for a wooden box, opening it to reveal a glass syringe. Carefully, as she speaks, she works the needle into the clear pills, drawing out the insides into the tube. But WE can stop that, Aaron. WE can safeguard SCW from having to go through that again. WE can keep the world title, the company, from going back to that idea of exclusion for the world championship.

A few more pills are drained until the syringe is quite full with a clear liquid. Holding it in her hands, Selena turns her gaze back to the camera.

But not if you’re getting cold feet. Her sapphire eyes narrow. Because we are so close, Aaron. We are one win away from having EVERYTHING made right. One win away from headlining Rise to Greatness 21 – the way it SHOULD have been last year. Me, the world champion, you – the paragon of integrity – officiating! As WE set the standard for what SCW and the world title is meant to be about! One more win, Aaron, and all of that is ours! One more win and all of that is made right! You being screwed out of it by O. and CHBK and me being screwed out of MY fair match by them all for ‘ticket sales’. It gets made right – no! – it gets FORGOTTEN! Forgotten and replaced by the rightful image of Aaron Demitra, the leader of the referees. The rightful man to officiate the biggest matches in SCW history!

It isn’t about pride. This isn’t about ‘keeping a title’. This isn’t even about ‘making history’ or whatever, Aaron! Those are just buzzwords we use to push a match! This is about our legacy! This is about what we are leaving behind for our families! This is about how we are remembered! This is about doing what’s right! For us, for our families, our children, for this business!

Taking a deep breath, Selena calms herself further. Taking a look at one of the remaining pills, she picks it up, her eyes studying it for a moment before popping it into her mouth, swallowing it with little difficulty. Taking a small breath, she returns her gaze back to the camera. I need you, Aaron. I’m not too proud to admit that. The world champion needs you. I need you to be strong. I need you to be brave. I need you to be the man that I’ve always believed you were! Not the snivelling, crying fool you’ve been lately. I need Aaron Demitra back! I need the only man deserving and worthy to officiate the matches of ‘The Blue-Eyed Devil’ and the greatest world champion of all time back! I need him back to make sure things don’t spiral out of control. I need him back to BE the control – cause we both know what Scott and Kandis are planning! We both know they aren’t going to win the royale! We both know how petty they are! They proved that in LA, didn’t they? They’re coming for us. They’re coming to take this from us. The world title and, more importantly, our main-event. What we have earned. What we – what I – have given EVERYTHING for! Simply because we are better than them.

So, I need you to be brave… I need you to be what I need to keep being and that’s ‘us’! I need us to be us! To be the best at what we do! Because that’s our ticket! That’s how we overcome Xander Valentine! That’s how we overcome the controversy and chaos that Kandis and Scott are bringing into our business! That’s how we surpass it – the odds, the controversy, the promised interference - and get things on track to our rightful place in the main-event of Rise to Greatness! That’s how we make all of this right!

Selena! You coming back?!

The bright voice, off camera, suddenly steals Selena’s attention away, shocking her enough to jerk her head and, almost, fumble the glass needle between her fingers. Managing to catch the syringe gingerly, she breathes a quiet sigh of relief before gazing off camera.

I’ll be right up. Just a few more minutes.

She is silent for a few seconds before placing the needle back within the wooden, cushioned box, closing it and locking it via the tumblers. With a sigh, the young woman turns her head back towards the camera.

I protect what’s mine. She states firmly, her voice suddenly cold and her sapphire eyes narrowing once more. I suggest you do the same. Because, I promise you… either we BOTH will get what is due to us – the main-event of Rise to Greatness… her voice becomes a cold growl. Or I’ll make sure NEITHER of us do.

She remains silent, staring into the camera for the shot suddenly goes to black.
[Image: hffOaUZ.png]
SCW Supreme Champion
6x SCW World Champion
4x SCW World Tag-Team Champion
2x SCW United States Champion
3x SCW Adrenaline Champion
SCW Television Champion
Longest Reigning SCW World Champion (234 days)
Winner of Shot of Adrenaline Tournament (2016)
Winner of Best of the Best Tournament (2016)
Winner of Trios Tournament (2018)
Winner of U.S. Championship Tournament (2020)
Winner of World Championship Tournament (2023)
Winner of Tactical Warfare (2014, 2019)
Winner of Elimination Chamber (2015)
Winner of Roofed Cage Match (2019)
Winner of Last Person Standing Match (2019)
The Unbelievable Main Event (2021-2023)
Winner of Double Jeopardy Match (2022)
Winner of EOTY Invitational (2023)
Female Wrestler of the Year (2016, 2021, 2022)
Tag-Team of the Year (2020 - w/ Regan Street)
Match of the Year (2018, 2019, 2021, 2023)
Feud of the Year (2014, 2019)

[Image: 34zetxl.png]

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Selena Frost vs. Xander Valentine - by supremecw - 05-12-2024, 11:05 PM
RE: Selena Frost vs. Xander Valentine - by SnowQueenSCW - 05-31-2024, 04:46 PM

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